Professor profile for Michael Krische

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Student reviews of Michael Krische

Review from a student who took CH 610A
Krische falls under my list of "Bad Professors in UT." He has bad personality skills and dont really care about you if you understand the material or not. His lectures are super fast and it's easy to fall behind. I hated organic when i took it with Krische but i'm starting to actually understand and like organic now that i'm taking Iverson.
Review from a student who took ch610a
He's a good prof and a very nice guy. Lectures are a little boring, but I guess that's just because of the subject matter. Tests aren't too bad, plus he gives a pretty good sized curve.
Review from a student who took CH610A
He is an interesting lecturer and makes the content seem relevant. have to work hard for an A in the class. Do all the reading, homework, optional homework, and practice tests and you'll make an A. It is fast paced and extremely intensive. Tests are pretty difficult, although he curves well. He's a jerk in real life and won't write recommendation letters for his students unless you are a undergraduate reserach assistant.
Review from a student who took 618a
Krische sets the grading policy on the first day of class and sticks to it. It it difficult to make an A in this class unless you go to most of the lectures, do the optional homework, and work the old tests and online test handouts. The online test handouts tell you what material will be tested and which subjects will be emphasized. The final in this class will definently make or break you. He curved the first and second tests to make an 80 the average grade with a standard deviation of 10 and the third test to make a 74 the average with a standard deviation of 10 so as you can tell it was extremly difficult to make an A on the third test.
Review from a student who took CH 610A
Krische's tests are hard, but he helps prepare you for 610B. If you can't get Iverson (i.e. an easy teacher) take him. He's hard, but you'll learn a lot. He knows how to teach, but has mood swings. He will get irritated everyonce in awhile when someone asks a perfectly valid question, but at the same time he wants people to participate... Overall, he's a pretty good teacher. Do the homework because some of the problems end up on his exams.
Review from a student who took CH 618A
He's an excellent professor and makes his lectures very awsome curves......u can even drop one of the exams so you have to make sure you do well in the first two tests because they cover the easiest material. The final wasn't all that easy but then again he curved really well on that....i really recommend him.
Review from a student who took CH 618A
This class was really well organized. Dr. Krische gives online handouts telling you exactly what you need to know for his tests. He is a very fair professor. To be successful in his class, you need to attend lecture, read his online handouts, do his practice problems, do the optional homework, and do his exams from the previous years. Usually the tests are very similar or exactly the same as problems worked in class or in the optional homework.He does not round up so every point defintely counts. He curves a bunch.
Review from a student who took CH610A
Although the lectures were intially entertaining, as soon as the first exam was taken it became apparent how hard his class really was. In my experience, his exams are harder and more comprehensive than other classes. He's a nice enough professor, but lectures very quickly and places a ton of emphasis on synthesis. A hard, hard class with a really heavy workload. It is bar-none the most comprehensive class I've ever taken. Once you fall behind, you may never catch up because the pace is very fast. The exams are intentionally very difficult so that he can curve them, but the curve is not very generous. Its incredibly difficult to make in A in this class, remember who you are competing against- premeds.
Review from a student who took CH 328M
Prof. Krische definitely knows the topic like the back of his hand. He definitely made the lectures interesting for us with his "chemical history" powerpoints and helps pre-health students relate with the subject so much more. He goes beyond what's expected of the course (just a little) and teaches some units that other profs didn't, which in the end prepares you for CH 328N so incredibly well. His office hours are a must-go because he teaches pure ochem for another 2 hours which really helped me retain the information. Lecture summaries are posted online, though they are very vague and relying on them will definitely not let you pass the exams. Attendance is strongly recommended, since he doesn't post any of his powerpoints online and office hours usually cover next week's content. He lets his TA's help him write the test, so the difficulty of the course also depends on the TA. My TA in particular went crazy on some exams, but Prof. Krische ended up giving us hints because he knows how much students care about their grades. Grading distribution is mostly A's and B's; he looks purely at the letter grades you get rather than the actual score you received when he calculates final grades. I feel like an A with Krische is much more obtainable than an A with other professors, since he doesn't have a set grading procedure and gives fair curves on tests where students struggled. In summation: great professor, strict but fair, covers a lot of content, and possibly the easiest to get an A in compared to other profs (but keep in mind it's still NOT easy to get an A... this is ochem we're talking about)
Review from a student who took CH 318N
Prof. Krische, as much as it kills me to admit it, is a pretty good lecturer and I did walk away from this class learning a good deal of organic chemistry without having to resort to memorization. His tests can be tricky, but if you do the recommended book problems and go to his weekly office hours, they're all right. I highly recommend attending his and his TA's office hours on Saturdays. You will review the information you learned in class that week and he will also give you a preview of the next week's information so that you're already ahead of the game. What I really disliked was his personality. He was not the most approachable of human beings and if you got on his bad side, watch out. If you get on his good side, life will be easy for you.

Grades given in courses taught by Michael Krische

When teaching CH 204

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 17% 43% 17% 9% 4% 9%

  All professors who have taught CH 204

When teaching CH 118K

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 39% 42% 11% 4% 0% 5%

  All professors who have taught CH 118K

When teaching CH 618B

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 29% 43% 14% 10% 5% 0%

  All professors who have taught CH 618B

When teaching CH 610B

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 24% 31% 27% 9% 3% 6%

  All professors who have taught CH 610B

When teaching CH 118L

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 38% 50% 6% 0% 0% 6%

  All professors who have taught CH 118L

When teaching CH 210C

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 38% 45% 4% 2% 4% 7%

  All professors who have taught CH 210C

When teaching CH 386K

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 40% 50% 10% 0% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught CH 386K