Professor profile for Charles Chiu

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Student reviews of Charles Chiu

Review from a student who took PHY 303L
I think he's a really good prof. He is hard to understand sometimes, but he's willing to help with any questions you have. Physics here sucks as a whole and I think he does as best as he can. He is always full of energy and has a lot of excitement for physics. Good prof to take for physics.
Review from a student who took PHY 303L
Chiu himself is not a bad professor. I hate physics, but he makes it somewhat bearable. He does care about his students though.
Review from a student who took PHY 303L
Great guy. Funniest little old asian guy youll ever met. Hes got an accent, but hes easy to understand. Grading is 5% classwork (questions answered using rf remotes. if you get at least one right per day you keep the 100 for the day, if you dont get any right but answer all of them you get an 80, you dont show you get 0. very easy to give to friend and have them answer for you if you want. he drops about 7) 15% homework (~24 questions due each week, USE PHYSUCKS.COM if you want help, or to get it done in 5 minutes, or to post and help others. very important website. he drops 2) 7% tasession (if you can go to laura's ta session (she makes them more intresting if you know what i mean....) again, easy for you to sign in your friends or sign in and leave, but they are useful to learn some tricks for tests.) 48% tests (4 of them, once of which is dropped. tought shit, go over the review problems the ta gives you online. class average is usually about a 60-70. his curves are a lifesaver. he has this formula that basically works out to if your above the avg by the std deviation, you get an A. below that but above avg is a B. below avg but not by the std dev is a C, below that d and so on. For instance, I made a 61 on the first test and that was about an 82 on his scaled system.) 25% final (pretty much just like the tests. same grading system.) also, his cutoffs are 90 for a, 75 for b, 55 for c. after that it doesnt really matter cuase your taking it again
Review from a student who took PHY 303L
A great physics professor who has an insatiable love for physics! He is extremely enthusiastic and makes himself available several days a week. Dr. Chiu is probably the best physics professor at UT. I didn't really like the class, because it was filled with EE majors and they get all wet when Dr. Chiu talks about circuits.
Review from a student who took PHY 303L
He's a nice guy, he makes himself available if you can't get enough physics during the week(since the lab takes 3 hrs a week+1 hr lecture, plus the 3 hrs of lectures=7 hrs a week of physics, not including hw). There is a huge curve, which is nice, because you'll think you're failing horribly, until you find out you're right on par with everyone else. The homework is solved completely by others online on an online forum, so I had a 95% hw average. The tests are incredibly hard since the subject matter is hard, so dont expect this class to be a breeze. His lectures are horrible in my opinion, I can't understand what he says, and his examples are kind of confusing and useless. You should study the IQ questions most. Oh yea, we didn't get any cheat sheets or makeup exams whereas the other two classes got a cheat sheet(Shih) and Paban got a makeup exam. We still end up having a higher average though... So its up to you, this class is a pain to take in my opinion so I say good luck, take your pick, and it probably wont matter because the subject is very hard.
Review from a student who took PHY 303L
The course itself might be difficult depending on your physics background and, for most majors other than EE, it might seem pointless. However, when it comes to Dr. Chiu, he is probably one of the best professors I've had to date. He seems to really care about the progress of his students and makes himself available after class, during office hours, and even sets up additional optional lectures to help with the homework and prepare for tests.
Review from a student who took amirDuDoYkAqEQgwkB
l2YYRM That is a very good tip particularly to those fresh to the blogosphere. Brief but very accurate information Many thanks for sharing this one. A must read article!

Grades given in courses taught by Charles Chiu

When teaching PHY 303K

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 29% 28% 23% 5% 5% 9%

  All professors who have taught PHY 303K

When teaching PHY 303L

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 31% 31% 26% 4% 4% 3%

  All professors who have taught PHY 303L

When teaching PHY 103N

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 32% 37% 20% 3% 3% 5%

  All professors who have taught PHY 103N

When teaching PHY 103M

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 21% 42% 12% 6% 9% 10%

  All professors who have taught PHY 103M

When teaching PHY 396J

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 80% 20% 0% 0% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught PHY 396J