Professor profile for Stacy Converse Sparks

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Student reviews of Stacy Converse Sparks

Review from a student who took ch 301
Honestly shes not that great. I would take another teacher before her. The only thing good about her class is the extra credit. Defn know how to do every problem on the hmwk cause there are some exactly like it on test. Her test are somewhat difficult...only because they are about 30 questions and you only have about 45-50 min to finish them. It gets tough when you have problems to work out. I would NOT recommend this teacher!
Review from a student who took CH 301
This class is alright. If you think you can work hard and pay attention in this class, you should well in there. Her class is kind of boring and she always turns the light off which only makes it easier to sleep. It's not too bad though in some ways in that all quizzes taken in class and all the HW is extra credit so it helps you get a better grade. However, as a result of this extra credit, she doesn't curve at all unless you're really borderline. Her tests are pretty much like the tests but at many times, it gets frusterating because there are like 8 choices for each question, which makes you wonder why bother making it multiple choice to begin with. This also means that if you make careless mistakes, you're screwed. Her TAs are pretty helpful and will help you with the material. This class is basically 1st year Chemistry in high school and if you did well in that, you should be OK taking Sparks but note that she isn't the best teacher for CH 301.
Review from a student who took CH 301
This class is alright. If you think you can work hard and pay attention in this class, you should well in there. Her class is kind of boring and she always turns the light off which only makes it easier to sleep. It's not too bad though in some ways in that all quizzes taken in class and all the HW is extra credit so it helps you get a better grade. However, as a result of this extra credit, she doesn't curve at all unless you're really borderline. Her tests are pretty much like the tests but at many times, it gets frusterating because there are like 8 choices for each question, which makes you wonder why bother making it multiple choice to begin with. This also means that if you make careless mistakes, you're screwed. Her TAs are pretty helpful and will help you with the material. This class is basically 1st year Chemistry in high school and if you did well in that, you should be OK taking Sparks but note that she isn't the best teacher for CH 301.
Review from a student who took CH 301
Her tests are difficult, but she gives you chances to raise your grade through homework and inclass quizzes, which are all extra credit and optional. The class requires quiet a decent amount of time, especially if you plan on doing all the homework, which I STRONGLY recommend as it will help out your grade A LOT. Attending lectures is a must, since most of the processes for calculations are shown there, and book learning is minimal. She performs many experiments toward the end of class, which is nice since you can see a real life application of the stuff she talks about. Overall a pretty good professor.
Review from a student who took CH 301
She's tried really hard to work on the "telling people to be quiet" thing. She grades really fairly. Although there's no attendance, if you go to lecture and listen and take notes, you will only rarely need to read the book, which saves a lot of time. She does a pretty good job of explaining. The workload is reasonable; homework is bonus, but you pretty much MUST do them to understand how to work the problems, and homework pretty much shows you how the test will be. Tests are multiple choice, they come quite frequently (5 a semester, and a final). If you study a reasonable amount, I think this class gets easy and you shouldn't have to put too much effort in to get a good grade. Overall, I think Dr. Sparks is a good teacher, the class is fair and you learn a lot.
Review from a student who took CH 302
This was the first year she taught ch 302. It was bad b/c there was like a book of notes you could buy. Instead she'll post them on blackboard a night or two before class. I'm thinking after this year she might hand a binded book of notes. The class is cool, you can exempt the final with an A or B not C. Their's large amounts for extra credit either usually homework turn in through HW server or just Quizzes at the end of class. Lectures are alright.
Review from a student who took CH 305
Easy A if you put a little effort in it. Not that great of a lecturer, spends a lot of time telling people to be quiet, but fair and easy if you need to take chemistry.
Review from a student who took CH304 & CH305
I liked Dr. Sparks. I agree with the fact that she told people to be quiet alot, but if they would act like adults and pay attention, she wouldn't have to shut them up. It is rude and disruptive for them to talk so much, so in a sense, I agreed with her. I got an 'B' in CH304K, but I didn't work hard enough. This semester I got an 'A' in CH305 without the final "make-up" test. So, I definitely recommend you take her for either course. She's easy and she really loves the material. Her demos are cool too. Easy 'A' if you go to class and study for tests some what. Oh, by the way, most of the time you don't need the book, but it would be good if you had access to one, like if a friend has one.
Review from a student who took CH 305
This woman is bound to get on your nerves. She spends a good portion of valuable class time walking to the back of the room to tell people to be quiet. On an academic note, go to class because she does not put the notes online. Copy the notes and you will be fine. Oh, and homework is optional extra credit, but it helps!!
Review from a student who took CH 302
THIS LADY IS THE GREATEST! You can exempt the final with a certain amount of points earned (at A level or B). There is homework (extra credit) throughout the semester that will help you if you are borderline. There are 3 tests and a final. She was awesome this semester because I was very borderline to exempt the final with an A, but a few days before the final, she lowered the minimum exemption points to exactly where I was!
Review from a student who took CH 302
This class is worthy to get into. Her lectures and the material are very lucid; everything except the test is bonus. The tests alternate between simple and difficult, make sure you do the hw and try to study at least a few nights before. She holds pretty helpful review sessions in addition.
Review from a student who took CH 301
Dr. Sparks is a great teacher. She explains concepts clearly and concisely. The homework is submitted over the web and the tests look just like the homework. Also the homework is considered bonus points, so make sure you do it and understand it. Even though the class is large, she makes it easy to ask questions. Towards the end of the year it seemed she had to speak up more and more about people talking, but it was disruptive to other students so its understandable. She makes chemistry comprehendable and easy and I definitely reccomend her.
Review from a student who took CH 301
The course workload was really optional- nothing but the tests are required, all else is bonus points. But the HW is assigned weekly and is lengthy and you will be in deep trouble if you don't keep up with it. You HAVE to go to class. There is even extra "prepare" HW for those who have the time/drive. Random quizes given in class, also bonus points. Tests are hard! Time was a major issue on the tests at first, but she seemed to accomodate for that and it got better. Good lectures, and as for the other reviews: she treats you like a high schooler if you act like one.
Review from a student who took CH 304K and 305
Wow, this lady could not suck any harder. I took CH 304K and 305 with Sparks and you will end up totally annoyed with her by the end of the semester. She treats you like you are in high school, telling the class to be quiet every 5 minutes. The good thing about this class that's pretty much foolproof--as long as you go to class. It's an EASY A if you go to class, take notes, study for the test, and do the bonus homework. If you don't go to class, you can get a C or B easy. I would definately recommend chemistry for a science credit for non-science majors though. It's all memorization.
Review from a student who took CH 301
Easy course if you attend class. Minimal reading required. She explains the concepts very well and there are many examples. Easy A if you keep up with homework.
Review from a student who took 304K
Fairly simple course, but the tests are sufficiently specific that you have to know your stuff and won't always be able to guess the multiple choice answer. If you go to class and do the homework (which counts for bonus points), you should do well. Also, go to the test review sessions. The TA will basically review every topic on the test.
Review from a student who took ch 301
odd lady, looks to be 12 years old. ok class, not too tough, tests are kind of rough as they have lots of questions.
Review from a student who took CH 301
Good lecturer, and fair online homework system--not too challenging, but make sure to read along with more difficult sections. Test questions to the point, based on homework.
Review from a student who took CH 302
She really has tried to refrain from telling people to be quiet, but sometimes it's impossible, because people DO talk. But she doesn't do it enough to disturb the flow of lecture, I think. She's a fair professor grading-wise. Lectures are pretty cut and dry, but take notes and you will learn what you need to know. I would recommend her class. She teaches well and covers material thoroughly. And every now and then, there's an interesting demo with exploding chemicals or liquid nitrogen.
Review from a student who took 315
Sparks spent half of the semester telling me to be quiet and the other half teaching us stuff that wasnt on the test. I managed an A after her "make up" test because theres no curve. Not a hard class to make a B in though

Grades given in courses taught by Stacy Converse Sparks

When teaching CH 304K

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 27% 26% 22% 11% 12% 3%

  All professors who have taught CH 304K

When teaching CH 305

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 47% 27% 16% 5% 4% 1%

  All professors who have taught CH 305

When teaching CH 301

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 24% 22% 24% 12% 15% 3%

  All professors who have taught CH 301

When teaching CH 154K

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 36% 43% 7% 14% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught CH 154K