Professor profile for John Sisson

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Student reviews of John Sisson

Review from a student who took Bio 320
The most horrible class I've taken at UT in 3.5 years. Mr. Sisson focuses on some of the most obscure cellular mechanisms, sometimes completely avoiding the big picture. His lectures lack fluidity and cohesion. He is rarely able to answer student questions with something other than "Gee, I don't know," or "I'll have to see about that." He doesn't prepare students for his exams and asks questions that are nearly impossible to answer (i.e. on one of our exams he asked a chicken and egg type question, but instead of expecting one of the answer choices he gave us, he expected us to argue the merits of the question and identify it as a chicken and egg type question). In five exams the class average never got higher than a 68. I do NOT recommend taking this or any other class with John Sisson.
Review from a student who took BIO 320
I understand why a lot of people didn't like his Cell Biology class - he's fairly new, and so he's not exactly sure how to reach out to students. He tries really hard to make the class more interactive by asking questinos and holding Q&A sessions before the test (study beforehand), and if you participate, he'll remember you for it (he recognized me on campus today, a full year later even though I only went to office hours two times). He is extremely nice during his office hours and tends to make them small group discussions based on the questions people ask. However, he clearly states on the first day that anything in the assigned reading is fair game, and from my experience, he doesn't lecture on anything that isn't in the book. We had to read a research paper for the class, but he makes it sound so much harder than it really is - but our TA really helped out with that. My point is that he's not the greatest professor, but if you're really into cell bio (I was enraptured), then he's not really all that bad. There's no point yelling at him if you're not doing well, but he takes well to suggestions and is working on his teaching. I really came out thinking that he was a nice guy, even if he doesn't give away A's.
Review from a student who took BIO 320
I do not recommend taking Dr. Sisson. His lectures are worthless, since his tests are almost solely from the book. The class averages were very low and his grading of tests seemed almost arbitrary. You will not really learn anything in this class except how to frantically study on your own for tests that are almost impossible.

Grades given in courses taught by John Sisson

When teaching BIO 320

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 21% 32% 23% 15% 7% 3%

  All professors who have taught BIO 320

Rating Summary:

Personality: 3.33
Grading Fairness: 2.33
Lecture Quality: 2.00
Overall: 2.33

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