Professor profile for Inder Saxena

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Student reviews of Inder Saxena

Review from a student who took BIO 325
I was expecting to go into a Genetics class that would be interesting, fair, and with reasonable tests. WRONG. Saxena's lectures were extremely boring, in fact, he put me to sleep every time I went. I woke up and class was still not over. He was organized, so organized in fact, that if you open the testbook its like he memorized the entire thing!. Wow talk about orginality. Sometimes he did problems if we were lucky. There was pointless homework due every week and the TA didn't teach anything at all. In fact, we did nothing in the TA sessions. Genetics is boring and Saxena found a way to make it even more boring. The tests were hard, sure I had his old tests, i did bookwork, and i went to his preceptor session. (preceptors are his helpers, some were pretty good, you can do your hoemwork with them). Still, it seemed hopeless for me to do well. Next test, i poured in hours of work. Nothing. And the third test lets not go there. I never do this bad in class, but i did. Genetics was pointless and I'm glad its over. Maybe if he tried to make it interesting, or made the tests a little more reasonable. He tried curving grades at the end, but I didn't get anything out of it. There are quizzes too, you think they're pointless but they can destroy your grade. So study everyday and somehow get through this horrible course.
Review from a student who took Bio 325
I didn't think he was as bad as the other reveiws have made him out to be. I took him over the summer and got an A. The tests can be tricky, but basically everything is covered in class. I could find every question in my notes. If you just take good notes, write down everything he says, regardless of whether you understand it right then or not, go to every class, and keep up with discussion section material, there is not too much outside of class studying required to get an A. He does seem to teach mostly from the text, but that only help when studying for tests, and I felt like I learned a lot as well. As a person, he is very approachable, and encourages you to ask questions and go to his office hours. Overall, I was very satisfied with this class.
Review from a student who took bio 325
i have heard bad things about genetics, and the professors that teach it, and with saxena at least, it was all true. class was boring, reading was mandatory, sometimes reading the chapters twice was necessary, and i think he picks out the practice exam to be the exact opposite format of what he plans to give as the actual exam.(our prac. test was all problems, the actual exams were about 1/2 concept, 1/2 problems) i studdied like crazy and still did badly, and just when you think it won't get any worse, it does. i took it over the summer because i thought it would be short and sweet. instead it seemed long and horrible. good luck. pray often.
Review from a student who took BIO 325
Dr. Saxena is pretty laidback during lectures. He covers the material in a straightforward, easy-to-understand manner, but it seems like we consistently fall behind schedule. By the end of the semester, we hadn't covered 1-2 chapters that were on the syllabus -- not that I minded much. The first class that I had with him, I couldn't understand him 100% because of a slight accent, but this was no longer a problem after 1 or 2 days. A lot of the exam questions come from discussion worksheets and the homework, so be sure that you understand the hardest problems from the homework. I didn't take the effort to look in the solution manual much of the time and the problems I didn't understand ended up being on the exam. The quizzes are really easy, and the exams are average to slightly hard. Don't be afraid of this class.
Review from a student who took bio 325
If you get the old tests, this class is pretty easy. 17 of the 20 questions on my first test were identical to the semester before. He's not the greatest prof at lecturing though.
Review from a student who took BIO325
He was an okay professor. I'm very ambivalent about him, because even tho I got an A in his class, I can't say that I really liked him as a person. His lectures come straight out of the book, but it's still important to go to class. I think he might be the better of all the genetic professors, but eh...he didn't impress me.
Review from a student who took bio 325
Straight forward and fair. Old exams help and he gives them to you.
Review from a student who took BIO 325
Tests are not hard to study for since he goes pretty much straight from the book, and he doesn't take attendence. No final! Atleast there wasn't in my class. Very cool professor, I would recommend him; you could learn a lot from him at his office hours. Tries to make the course more of a discussion rather than a lecture. Has discussion sheets that help to prepare for the test, but downside is that there are quizzes which are sometimes announced and sometimes pop. Fair grader, very approachable.
Review from a student who took BIO 325
I found Saxena's tests tricky. Plus he only has twenty questions, so a minor mistake counts off 5pts. out of 100. His lectures made fall asleep and I've never slept in any of my classes. Overall his class made me hate genetics.
Review from a student who took BIO 325
His tests are in no way based on his lectures. He likes to put lots of questions on the exams that he barely lectured on in class, therefore you have to memorize the material because you never know what he's going to ask. He's also very strict on curving. Your grade in the class depends on your connections to his old exams rather than your knowledge of the material. Dr. Saxena is not the worst professor to take, but he's definately not the best either.
Review from a student who took BIO 325
I was expecting to go into a Genetics class that would be interesting, fair, and with reasonable tests. WRONG. Saxena's lectures were extremely boring, in fact, he put me to sleep every time I went. I woke up and class was still not over. He was organized, so organized in fact, that if you open the testbook its like he memorized the entire thing!. Wow talk about orginality. Sometimes he did problems if we were lucky. There was pointless homework due every week and the TA didn't teach anything at all. In fact, we did nothing in the TA sessions. Genetics is boring and Saxena found a way to make it even more boring. The tests were hard, sure I had his old tests, i did bookwork, and i went to his preceptor session. (preceptors are his helpers, some were pretty good, you can do your hoemwork with them). Still, it seemed hopeless for me to do well. Next test, i poured in hours of work. Nothing. And the third test lets not go there. I never do this bad in class, but i did. Genetics was pointless and I'm glad its over. Maybe if he tried to make it interesting, or made the tests a little more reasonable. He tried curving grades at the end, but I didn't get anything out of it. There are quizzes too, you think they're pointless but they can destroy your grade. So study everyday and somehow get through this horrible course.
Review from a student who took BIO 325
I thought the lectures were all right. They could get a little messy but I learned from them and they made it easier to understand the book and decipher what is important from what is not. Grading was supposed to be if you get 360 out of 400 points you get an A, but judging by my section's dismal test grades (my section was not too sharp) I am sure he relaxed that some. The tests got progressively harder and involved more writing and memorization instead of calculations/logic, but that was due to the material and not really the prof. Sometimes it does feel like studying is futile, and I have heard old exams help a lot. Homework contributes to your grade and helps. 6 pop quizzes (easy--no studying needed, just keep up with the class and don't skip a lot+do hw) and one is dropped; they were given every other Wednesday, so no surprises. He was always available in office hours and helpful enough. Personality is pretty bland but not mean. Has Indian accent but I did not find it troublesome. Overall good prof and easy A, genetics is a great subject and I'm glad I took him for it. I am taking cell biology with him next semester and hoping for more of the same. P.S. NO FINAL just 3 exams
Review from a student who took Bio 320
Saxena loves the Cell Biology book. however, he expects you to be able to memorize that book, so study hard. He's usually does a final curve in the class, and assigns extra credit when it is needed. Fair professor and takes a great deal of interest in his students.
Review from a student who took BIO 325
His old tests dont really help that much, because he asks very different questions and throw you off with complicated questions that only need a simple answer. His lectures are ok, and the hw we do dont help that much either.
Review from a student who took BIO211/BIO 325
I had Dr. Saxena for both bio 211 and bio 325. He's a nice prof and pretty laid back man. Test questions are straight forward, yet there are always 3 to 4 tricky questions on each test. He doesn't give curves after individual test, but you can do extra credit presentatoin to earn 10 extra points. And at the end of the semester, he would lower the standard for each letter grade. Overall, he's a pretty good professor.
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Grades given in courses taught by Inder Saxena

When teaching BIO 325

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 23% 30% 24% 7% 7% 9%

  All professors who have taught BIO 325

When teaching BOT 323K

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 33% 30% 26% 2% 4% 5%

  All professors who have taught BOT 323K

When teaching BIO 211

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 30% 36% 21% 6% 5% 2%

  All professors who have taught BIO 211

When teaching BIO 302

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 43% 28% 15% 4% 4% 6%

  All professors who have taught BIO 302

When teaching BIO 303

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 35% 37% 24% 3% 1% 0%

  All professors who have taught BIO 303

When teaching BIO 320

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 18% 29% 30% 6% 7% 10%

  All professors who have taught BIO 320

Rating Summary:

Personality: 3.35
Grading Fairness: 3.71
Lecture Quality: 3.06
Overall: 3.35

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