Professor profile for Daron Shaw

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Student reviews of Daron Shaw

Review from a student who took GOV 310L
Advice for Shaw's classes: 1. Go to lecture; he takes attendance randomly for a grade (worth a huge part of final grade...something like 25%!). 2. Read the book; I did not but still got a 'B', so should be an easy 'B' regardless but probably 'A' with book reading. Shaw exhibits no bias in lecture (good for you uptight conservatives) and interacts with the class well. Take this fool.
Review from a student who took GOV 310L
Dr. Shaw is a really good and interesting lecturer; he tries hard to tie what you're learning to current events. Sometimes, he has the tendency to go off on tangents doing this though. Grades are from multiple choice exams (lecture, some book material), which aren't extremely difficult if you're paying attention and keeping up with the reading. Lecture attendance is also taken by participation quizzes. I liked his class.
Review from a student who took GOV 310L
Shaw is awsome. He's an enthusiastic young guy who always has interesting lectures. He loves to discuss current political issues with the class and as a result can sometimes get sidetracked, but it's always really interesting. He gives 3 multiple choice tests which can be pretty tricky, but if you go to class everday and take good notes, his class is pretty easy. He claims his tests are 50% reading and 50% lecture, but take it from me, they're almost 100% lecture. Great proffesor, great class.
Review from a student who took GOV 327L
I would have to agree with the others that Professor Shaw is indeed an very good lecturer and his classes are never boring. He's very energetic and has a great personality. However, the only thing I would like to point out is that the reading load is indeed quite heavy. His tests are multiple choice with short answer and they are indeed quite challenging. Also you have a 15 page paper due at the end of the semester and the top 5 papers get an automatic A. Getting an A in class is quite challenging due to the heavy reading load, but as I would like to reiterate, he is an awesome professor and you will enjoy going to his class everyday.
Review from a student who took gov 310L
This guy is awesome. Make sure you show up to lectures, but dont bother taking notes. His Multiple Choice tests are the best. I also think he is hot in a feminine sort of way.
Review from a student who took GOV 327L
The class I took with Shaw, Public Opinion and American Politics, was a worthwhile, if a bit disappointing, experience. Worthwhile: The class is well-organized, the readings are interesting, and the lectures engaging. The reading load is heavy; if you find this intimidating, consider taking Sides' version of the course. Disappointing: Shaw tends to gloss over statistical considerations more than I'd like. I realize this isn't a stats class, but that doesn't mean that we're dumb. On the plus side, though, if you're afraid to take this class because you fear that it may be overly technical, lay your concerns to rest and take the class. The grade in this course is based upon two (moderately easy) tests and a full-length research proposal. The tests shouldn't be too overwhelming if you've attended lecture faithfully and done the readings. The research proposal is fairly involved, but doable. Just don't wait until the last minute (but if you do, you'll likely find a number of your classmates in the UGL lab the night before, plugging away right beside you). Dr. Shaw is young, straightforward, and very approachable. Besides that, he is a total political junkie, and loves to discuss current events and such unrelated to the subject material of the class. Worthwhile for those interested in a an introduction to political surveys, both theory and methodology.
Review from a student who took GOV 370L
this is a hard class to get an A in. Shaw is a very good speaker -- he's very conversational and knows how to convey his ideas. The problem is, he is rarely there to lecture. He's always off in some other state doing work or research or whatnot. He has one large group project in the last half of the semester that is worth 50% of your grade. 20% is a collective presentation grade for your group and 30% is a 10 page paper you have to write on your individual area of the presentation. The tests are really difficult. He a has multiple choice portion which is much easier than the short answer question. You learn quite a bit about election campaigns and the whole presentation group work wasnt a half bad experience. Take his class if you have a little time on your hands and want a challenge.
Review from a student who took GOV 310L
Awesome professor! His tests are mostly from lecture notes, so be sure to take good class notes (or befriend someone who does!). He has a great personality and actually made class interesting. I'm an engineer and don't like most classes that don't use math, but I actually enjoyed Shaw's class. Plus, it helps that the tests are mostly multiple choice with a few short answer. Take him - he's worth it!
Review from a student who took 310L
I've actually made it to all his lectures, and that's because they aren't so dull and dragging on. He does take randomn attendance "quizzes" which are basically just easy ways to raise your grade and get more points. I started off reading the boring book but then realized after the first test that it is mostly off his lecture and to just go back in the book and skim the points he emphasized in class. Plus a 80+ is an A, 70+ a B....
Review from a student who took GOV 310L
I think that shaw is a great professor and he is very personable. He lectures well. And he gives 3 multichoice question exams... most gov classes have essay exams. So either you go to lecture and take notes and read the book... you will do well; if you slack -- you grade will suck! He takes attendence randomly. Test are over book and lecture notes, so go to class. Plus, he is kinda hot for a professor.
Review from a student who took okmAHKYqOUTFXOJxsa
Susan -- Sounds like me at that age and then as I approached 40 I was seineg how right my parents had been most of the time. Teenagers change a lot about the way parents feel.Em -- Bring it on! If I can't answer I'm sure we'll have a reader who can.Nancy -- I like the idea of themes. Keeps me on track, provides ideas, and gives variety to the readers. There are a lot of advantages to keeping within a parameter of themes.Yeamie -- I guess your question about writing a novel depends on the writer and the novel. I've heard of authors having spent 40 years trying to finish a novel, while many do it in a month or less (look at the annual NaNo event). You have to make the time for everything involved. I'm a sorry example for finishing a book. I know what I need to do, but doing it is a whole other story.Larry -- Probably more than I get from Google Adsense.Robin -- I'd go with letting them know if you really want them to see it. I've almost missed things on other blogs and have probably totally missed things. I try to visit as many sites as I can, but sometimes I just don't make it. My situation is probably one shared by others. Tell us so we'll know to visit.Patricia -- I think I'd rather get the wacky queries more than the really serious ones that might tax my credibility. I've always wanted to do an advice column. Go ahead and use it--the idea's not original with me.Lee

Grades given in courses taught by Daron Shaw

When teaching GOV 310L

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 21% 43% 20% 6% 4% 6%

  All professors who have taught GOV 310L

When teaching GOV 381L

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 81% 7% 0% 0% 0% 11%

  All professors who have taught GOV 381L

When teaching GOV 312L

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 16% 44% 26% 6% 4% 4%

  All professors who have taught GOV 312L

When teaching GOV 325

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 14% 43% 33% 3% 2% 6%

  All professors who have taught GOV 325

When teaching GOV 381R

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 82% 12% 0% 0% 0% 6%

  All professors who have taught GOV 381R

When teaching GOV 362L

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 24% 64% 4% 0% 8% 0%

  All professors who have taught GOV 362L

When teaching GOV 370L

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 25% 45% 16% 5% 5% 4%

  All professors who have taught GOV 370L

When teaching GOV 355M

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 32% 52% 3% 0% 13% 0%

  All professors who have taught GOV 355M

When teaching GOV 327L

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 28% 28% 18% 8% 7% 10%

  All professors who have taught GOV 327L