Professor profile for Jonathan Sessler

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Student reviews of Jonathan Sessler

Review from a student who took CH 310M
This guy is pretty strange. You'll come to class thinking you're gonna learn organic but at the end you don't know anymore that you did yesterday. He has a great powerpoint to go with every class but does not really go over it. Instead he confuses you with his weird jokes, and strange stories. So sometimes its still interesting to go to class. He gives you access to his old tests, which is very helpful. There is no homework, but I suggest you find a way to keep up with him. BUY THE BOOK and SOLUTIONS MANUAL, and do every problem. Yes its a lot of work, but the tests come out to be quite easy if you do this. Of course, don't attempt this a few nights before. His tests aren't actually that hard if you do the book work. He never tells you about this until right before the test. By then its too late. So keeping up is key. He curves generously. I almost made an A in this course. The final has a lot of questions from old tests word for word. In fact, he tells you which test he took it from. Going to office hours does help and he is a nice guy. Class may seem pointless, and it kinda is. but go cause he's entertaining. Whatever you "learned" in class, try going over it and read the same section in the book along the way. I wish I did this from the beginning and I would have had that A. Yes o. chem is hard, yes sessler makes no sense, but the book is well written, and it isnt impossible to make an A provided you put in the time.
Review from a student who took 310M
Sessler is my favorite prof. i've had at UT. I was really dreading taking o-chem but he makes class funny everyday. O-chem is something you really have to sit down and learn through memorization after you understand the concepts and Sessler really hits on the major concepts so studying is a lot easier. I really like the way that he relates real world chemistry to what we're doing in class; it kind of gives a purpose to being in such a hard class.
Review from a student who took ch 610A
He's the absent minded perfeser. In class, he talks about O. Chem, but he goes on so many non chem realated tangents it's hard to pay attention in class. Luckly the book is really healpful and he bases his tests off of old tests, which he gives you, and questions in the book. So if you read the book and do the tests you can make a high B low A. Plus, he drops a test wich is always a plus, and has a thing called a T-score Curve. so in if you do better than the average of the class, you get a good curve, but it depends on how far from the mean you are if you get an A, B.....ect. Take this class if you have a problem with falling asleep in class, and like teachers with a sence of humer. Over all he's pritty good. hell I'm taking him for O. Chem 2
Review from a student who took 310M, 310N
Dr. Sessler is great! He cracks jokes in class (mainly Aggie ones) and will find a way to get the entire class laughing (whether it's telling perverted jokes or... yeah, perverted jokes). So how do you get an A/B? Take some time to do the problems he recommends. Spend at least 2 weeks in advance on them. After that, study them. Memorize them. Don't depend on the solution manual too much (as in look at the problems and copy down the answers). If the book gives just a simple answer, figure out its mechanism. Go to TA office hours because they know what's on the test. Go to Dr. Sessler's office hours because he's the one who will write you your recommendation letter if you get an A. As for the final, review all the homework problems, memorize the old tests, and work on the new stuff. Lots of work, but when you see that A/B, you'll be satisfied. Oh yes, I hate to say it, but the T-Score is your friend. Also, go to all the classes because he takes attendence randomly (like once or twice a semester) and gives out extra credit at least once. It'll help you if you are borderline at the end.
Review from a student who took KSgTvqhuZBnxvJylew
I'd like to order some foreign currency
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Thanks for calling
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Have you got a current driving licence?
Review from a student who took EKpxRXnzpZNPwmM
US dollars
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Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
Review from a student who took fTkVlKUrQA
Will I have to work shifts?
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I quite like cooking
Review from a student who took ocpVGlkQLFytqakJ
Have you got any ?
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I'd like to pay this in, please
Review from a student who took OqfhIrODoPVkMUMI
I like watching football
Review from a student who took EbIdQttrRpoFAGpvKmH
I'd like to withdraw $100, please
Review from a student who took bZKgVFrQdRsjMNQYz
The line's engaged
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Where do you live?
Review from a student who took aJdaAIwqOxeGlUGY
Why did you come to ?
Review from a student who took KgoUBRrvFnojPkA
Can I call you back?
Review from a student who took XuPoJdEhbLJNnCCspS
Lost credit card
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Recorded Delivery
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I'd like to send this to
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A jiffy bag
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i'm fine good work
Review from a student who took LqJnlzKgJjkS
The line's engaged
Review from a student who took rymiyYeucUfvd
Iu29pV It as nearly impossible to find educated people in this particular topic, but you sound like you know what you are talking about! Thanks

Grades given in courses taught by Jonathan Sessler

When teaching CH 610A

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 13% 32% 37% 9% 3% 6%

  All professors who have taught CH 610A

When teaching CH 618A

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 24% 39% 20% 5% 6% 7%

  All professors who have taught CH 618A

When teaching CH 391

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 37% 58% 4% 0% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught CH 391

When teaching CH 368

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 82% 18% 0% 0% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught CH 368

When teaching CH 610B

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 21% 31% 31% 6% 3% 9%

  All professors who have taught CH 610B

When teaching CH 310N

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 25% 35% 25% 7% 3% 5%

  All professors who have taught CH 310N

When teaching CH 318M

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 46% 24% 15% 7% 3% 5%

  All professors who have taught CH 318M