Professor profile for Robert Mccann

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Student reviews of Robert Mccann

Review from a student who took ee 366
McCann's a good guy to take 366 with, he really knows the material. No one else has mentioned how a lot of what he covers goes beyond the true content of the book and into stuff you can use in your personal life. For example, he puts up slides that tell you how to compute whether or not a lease deal on a car is a good idea and how to tell the difference between different mutual funds and what to look out for. That kind of stuff is important because it's not really covered in any other engineering class but you're just supposed to know it - what makes McCann's class cool is that the material doesn't lose usefulness at the end of the course like so many other required classes do (339, 325, 362k, and to a lesser extent 438). It's also an easier class than most of the other required ones, so load balance wisely.
Review from a student who took EE 302
Mccann is a wonderful teacher and a very caring person. He makes sure that every student gets the material. He will very happily help you as long as you ask for help. He posts all the notes on the website. I suggest that you print them out before you go to the class. This will make things a lot easier for you. Just try not to take this class early in the morning because the material is somewhat boring.
Review from a student who took EE 331k
Take McCann's classes whenever possible! The workload is light to average (I only say average because the homeworks always seemed to require outside help from McCann or tutors, but this was indeed because the book asks weird problems). Lectures are OK. Once you've got the homework down though, you can ace the tests if you really understand why you're doing the homework the way you are. Test problems are essentially homework problems with the numbers changed. Just quit reading this and take the class. DO IT!
Review from a student who took EE 366
Very easy-going professor. Very helpful and friendly. The workload was fairly light. Lectures were done off of powerpoint, and were adequate. He prepares you for his tests. HW was sometimes a bit awkward/difficult - but this is primarily a product of the book. McCann was excellent.
Review from a student who took ee 302
Not a bad professor. He's a nice guy and provides plenty of online resources (practice tests and powerpoint lectures). His lectures can get a little stale, but then again, it's engineering. Tests and homework aren't too bad. I'd recommend him.
Review from a student who took ee302
BAD ASS PROF..... his grading policy is really lenient and his lectures teach you everything you need to know about the class, SO STAY AWAKE!!!!
Review from a student who took EE 302
McCann was by far the best teacher of all of the EE302 professors. The course is basic and all of the professors teach the same material and have the same TA's, but each professor makes his own tests. The class consists of lab (which you will have a major robotics project), three tests, participation, homework and the final. Fall 2002 is the first semester that he adopted the policy that if you have a B or an A in the class going into the final, you do not have to take it. Homework was not overwhelming at all and was due each week. If you got an 80% average on your homeworks, then he gave you full points for the homework part of the grade. The Lab portion of the class was an absolute joke! You turn nothing in to the TA's and they just glance over your work to make sure you did everything. The project although did take effort. It is a group project where you build a robot. The class did take some effort, but overall was not that difficult. The material will be difficult no matter which professor you have, yet McCann is by far the best. I got an A in the class and I'm extremely glad that I took McCann.
Review from a student who took EE 302
A very good teacher to have as a first year student. Although I disliked the course material, he was a good professor and in retrospect I wish more professors were like him.
Review from a student who took EE 302
I would suggest this guy for EE302. He goes slow enough for no one to get left behind (which annoyed the crap outa me becuase he was going REALLY slow for my class, but meh). He didn't assign to much homework, and the tests follow the HW pretty closely. He also provides the powerpoint lectures online as well as other things such as previous tests. Only complaint is that he takes roll, but its fairly random (not everyday) and missing a couple times wont hurt to much. But yeah, I would suggest him. He seemed easier than some of the other Prof's sounded.

Grades given in courses taught by Robert Mccann

When teaching EE 302

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 43% 35% 10% 4% 3% 5%

  All professors who have taught EE 302

When teaching EE 331K

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 39% 38% 16% 3% 1% 4%

  All professors who have taught EE 331K

When teaching EE 366

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 49% 28% 14% 3% 3% 3%

  All professors who have taught EE 366

When teaching EE 331

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 46% 24% 18% 0% 1% 11%

  All professors who have taught EE 331