Professor profile for John Markert

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Student reviews of John Markert

Review from a student who took PHY 303l
This guy is the best!!! I hardly worked at all for this course.. homework was easily copied from I got an OVERALL % of 69.0 and I got an A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!no joke!!! cant get better than this!!!! later
Review from a student who took PHY 303L
This course has a very simple breakdown with 4 two-hour Major Quizzes (taking the best three grades for 15% each, 45% total) and 1 three-hour Final Exam (worth 25%). There is three homeworks due every week (Sunday night, Tuesday night, and Thursday night) submitted electronically. Total there is 36 homeworks and the homework average is worth 15%. Class lecture attendance is monitored by a CPS remote in which you answer questions that he puts up on the projectors during his lectures. It doesn't matter whether you get the question right or not, as long as you answer one question per class you get credit for being there. That attendance is worth 8%. Attending the TA sessions is worth 7%. In all, this class took a large amount of work in order to earn an A. He waits to curve until the very end of the semester (which ends up being quite generous). The lectures are for the most part worth going to. It must be understood that you must also teach yourself much of the material from the book because he cannot go over every concept in lecture. Personally, I really enjoyed this professor. He held reviews before every quizze and was there to answer questions. Almost every class, he had some type of physical demonstration of a concept that we were covering. He allows you to bring in one 8.5x11 inch sheet of paper into each quizze filled with equations, problems, derivations etc. He collects this sheet at the end of every quizze. You also get a single sheet of paper for the final exam (prepare to write VERY small). Be prepared to put in the hours for this class (as with any other Physics II class). His lectures were written on the chalkboard straight from his notes. The quizzes were multiple choice and about 30 questions and the final exam was 40 questions. He likes to have questions straight off of the lectures and homeworks (good to study these). Remember that there is a guessing penalty on homeworks, quizzes, and the final exam (as for all physics classes). Homework difficulty can range quite greatly depending on the particular unit. Overall, I am glad I took this professor. He even brought us doughnuts on the last class day. Can't beat that.
Review from a student who took PHY 303L
He is one of the coolest professors I've had and one of the few that I really like. I took his Honors class, so it was very small, and in it, he was very good during lecture. He explains things well and goes through some proofs, but not all, on how formulas are derived. Even in Honors, he curved to the regulars. During class, you will notice his sublte, but very funny, sense of humor. He's no comedian when it comes to how he's mostly what he says and does. His great knowledge of Physics lets him know what is safe and what isn't to do...and he will usually go to the most extreme of what he can do. My favorite act was when he just dunked his hand into a cup of dry ice; he knew it wouldn't do anything but it really freaked the rest of us out. Also during a demo for electricity, he once said, "Well...there's no marking for the voltage so I guess I'll set it to max." in a very normal tone, which to the rest of us was hilarious. If you run into him outside of class, he is very playful and funny...he once raced me to class. He seems like an average person at first, but his personality, sense of humor, great span of knowledge, and love for physics will soon make him seem like one of the best professors you'll ever have. He's a good standard for what a professor should be, and he's a sign of consistency he tends to always get his black pants covered in chalk.
Review from a student who took HNMXEtmaWXZLjOK
I'm sorry but I have to disagree with you on one point here. Carlo, the rules for the event were potsed on the website you registered for the event on, potsed during qualifiers, and given to you on a sheet of paper when you checked into isolation for finals. If you didn't understand these rules you had ample opportunity to ask questions about them. Saying that you were unaware of these changes to the rules is nonsense. It is your responsibility, as an athlete, to read and know the rules of the competition you are competing in.On your other points I believe you are correct. I have seen, and been subject to, incorrect scoring by judges and incorrect reporting of the results in the past. It is hard to believe that this happens as frequently as it does and worse that it takes an error like this before the athletes take a stand on the issue. It surprises me that even at nationals where they have video of every climber on each route that USA Climbing do not use this evidence to back up the judges score unless an appeal is made. It would slow down the time it takes to get the final results for an event, but it would be well worth the effort to give accurate results to the athletes and the public.
Review from a student who took JpJZkAgjSspmJpuzgP
xkt9gE Thanks again for the blog post.Much thanks again.
Review from a student who took PHY 303L
Dr. Markert is awesome! Go to his lectures and do the homework, he is a great professor! Absolutely the best professor I ever had. He also provides a lot of additional help session you can attend since physics is not an easy subject.

Grades given in courses taught by John Markert

When teaching PHY 303L

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 45% 19% 27% 2% 4% 3%

  All professors who have taught PHY 303L

When teaching PHY 103N

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 33% 44% 16% 1% 2% 4%

  All professors who have taught PHY 103N

When teaching PHY 338K

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 43% 38% 10% 0% 0% 10%

  All professors who have taught PHY 338K

When teaching PHY 316

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 20% 32% 30% 10% 3% 5%

  All professors who have taught PHY 316

When teaching PHY 386K

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 67% 33% 0% 0% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught PHY 386K

When teaching PHY 355

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 19% 32% 32% 0% 4% 13%

  All professors who have taught PHY 355

When teaching PHY 301

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 18% 29% 31% 4% 3% 15%

  All professors who have taught PHY 301

When teaching PHY 392T

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught PHY 392T