Professor profile for Gerald Lipovski

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Student reviews of Gerald Lipovski

Review from a student who took EE 319K
Lipovski's class kind of sucks. I took it in 2002. It's a fair to large amount of work. Lectures are mildly informative, probably most useful if you've done prior reading. His HW never makes any sense. The problems are either so vague they are impossible to do, or they're simply incomprehensible. His book isn't very good either. The tests are really, really long. Try to do as much as possible to maximize your score. This class is important and has good material, it's a shame he does such a mediocre job.
Review from a student who took EE 319K
Lipovski isn't THAT bad. People make a big deal about this class, but you have to follow a few simple rules to do well in it. 1. Do the homework and don't cheat, because it will you help you learn this stuff, and you'll get 8, 9, or usually 10 our of 10 points for each one. 2. Study the homework problems and previous tests for the tests. You could literally memorize homeworks and make at least a 'B' on Lipovski's exams. 3. When you take exams, which is the most important factor for your final grade (homeworks/labs don't matter to the curve, b/c everyone does well), take the exam AS FAST AS YOU CAN. TOUCH EVERY PROBLEM ON THE EXAM. He puts way too many problems on his exams. Two words......PARTIAL CREDIT. Finally, if you get stuck with Lipovski, don't pout and try to stay awake during his lectures. His corny jokes are all right.
Review from a student who took EE 319K
He is the worst professor I've had in the EE department. His lectures make no sense. Lipovski fails 20-25% of his students, whereas Valvano fails hardly any students and gives 55% A's. Do yourself a favor if you care about your GPA and take this class in the fall with Valvano. Valvano also wrote his own textbook and is just as knowledgable as Lipovski. If you get stuck with Lipovski in the spring, make sure you memorize the homeworks and get copies of the old exams, because these questions will reappear on the exams. Also, homeworks are a completion grade, so make sure you at least attempt each problem. Homeworks can take several hours to complete, so start early.
Review from a student who took EE 319K
I found his lecture very boring and I easily lost my attention when he speaks. The text he uses, which is written by Lipovski himself, is a terrible book though it is cheap. One thing I learn is that I could download his powerpoint slides from the H:/ drive on the LRC computers when I took his class in Spring 2003. Lipovski did not mention anything about the slides and few students know the slides could be downloaded. They capture the gist of his lectures and I found it very helpful since the textbook makes the materials hard to understand. This class is tough, but be sure to do all the lab assigments before due date to get bonus points. Overall, poor teacher, tough course, be prepared to learn most of the stuff yourself, and take Valvano if possible.
Review from a student who took ee 345l
stupid class, you dont learn much and the class does not provide information regarding the labs. so if you want to learn something with less of a headache, take valvano. p.s. plan ahead for valvano or you will get stuck with lipovski like i did. they switch off on semesters.
Review from a student who took EE 319K
Lipovski is a very straight-forward teacher who knows everything about microcontrollers. His lectures, though, are almost pointless because he does not follow the book (which he wrote) and makes no effort to slow down. Think of his lectures more as "discussions" regarding certain topics. They are not valuable to the course, but are rather interesting if you enjoy microcontrollers (specifically the Motorola 6812). The workload is only homework assignments given once a week (with a lab component). The homework may be kind of long, but this only lasts for up until the first exam. After he has weeded out the slackers, the homework gets much easier. The lab part is easy as well and should cause no difficulty - the TA's will pretty much do it for you if you have trouble. Also, almost every homework you turn in will earn a 100. Lipovski's grades are the only odd thing though. I got a 76 on the first exam, which was an A, but got a 79 on the second, which was a B. Study homework problems and the exams shouldn't be that tough. He also tells jokes in class, which is one of the only reasons I go. Overall, I'd say that if you want to learn a whole lot about microcontrollers, take Lipovski. If you don't care, then I heard Lawerence is easier.
Review from a student who took EE 319K
bit bang yer electric driver accross this plopper's face as his voice squeals for you. this professor is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo great. take him if you love microcontrollers and self learning.
Review from a student who took CRboFpDzizJqs
That's a subtle way of thniinkg about it.
Review from a student who took I wish to forget
The class is stupid and the content is outdated. I can't believe how bad and worthless are his exams. He knows nothing about practical engineering, but talks smoothly about lot of extraneous material available all over the internet. The book is worst among all the books I had to read in UT. Overall he sucks!!
Review from a student who took UyZLkqXgjwvqeTMdN
That's a smart way of loniokg at the world.

Grades given in courses taught by Gerald Lipovski

When teaching EE 319K

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 23% 27% 23% 9% 10% 8%

  All professors who have taught EE 319K

When teaching EE 345L

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 28% 21% 28% 14% 6% 3%

  All professors who have taught EE 345L

When teaching EE 380L

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 73% 23% 0% 0% 0% 3%

  All professors who have taught EE 380L

When teaching EE 397K

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 50% 40% 10% 0% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught EE 397K

When teaching EE 316

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 24% 21% 12% 0% 18% 24%

  All professors who have taught EE 316

When teaching EE 382N

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 60% 30% 10% 0% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught EE 382N