Professor profile for Aggarwal

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Student reviews of Aggarwal

Review from a student who took EE 313
Avoid Aggarwal like the plague! If there are only two choices for EE313 and one is Aggarwal and the other is Adolf Hitler... take Hitler, or just wait a semester and see if anyone else teaches the class. Trust me, you'll regret it if you sign up for this turtle-like man. His grading is by far the worst part. Homework is given twice a week and consists of problems that usually have nothing to do with his lectures. They are graded with a gratuitous use of the letter X with absolutely no explanation of why you got a problem wrong - not even a correct answer is given. Exams are the same way, but even worse. If you miss part B of a certain question, but you need that answer for part C of the same question, just kiss your grade goodbye. He stutters like some sort of walking-seizure during lecture. In the whole hour, he might only say three words. None of these would be relevant to anything, of course. Sometimes, he acted as confused as the class. Often, a student would have to explain where he went wrong in trying to solve an example on the board. I've heard that every other teacher for 313 is awesome, so if you were thinking of taking Aggarwal then just stop thinking! Check yourself into Bellvue and say hello to your friend, Mr. Straightjacket...
Review from a student who took ee 313
At first glance the material in this class is pretty hard, but Aggarwal really made sure that we knew what was going on. I don't think I'll ever forget some of the stuff (convolution) I learned in this class which is good since it has some major real world applications. The speed of the class was fairly slow so no one really could have been left behind. Test are fairly simple if you go over the reviews he gives you which show all of the concepts that will be covered. Overall this is a good class and is better when you know that Aggarwal will go over something as many times as it takes until he knows that you understand the material.
Review from a student who took EE 313
Dr. Aggarwal is one of the best professors that I have had at UT. The material that is covered in EE 313 can be a little confusing at times, but he is more than happy to help you if you go see him. The material covered in this class is very important because you will see it in at least two more EE classes that you will take and you will be expected to really understand the material. The homework load is about average for any UT EE class. Dr. Aggarwal has a great personality and would occasionally lighten up the class by talking about something off topic for a few minutes then getting back to the class material. I would definitely recommend this professor for EE 313. Based on what other students have told me about their EE 313 class, Dr. Aggarwal?s class is more enjoyable and you come out knowing the material better than in some other sections.
Review from a student who took EE313
I highly recommend taking EE313 with Aggarwal. His lecture slides did a really good job of presenting the material (I still refer back to them for other classes), and his homework and tests were fairly easy if you read over the notes. He gave an average amount of homework, about the same as any other EE class. I really recommend you do the homeworks because they're a great way to practice for the test. The thing I liked most about this class was that it was very straightforward, he never tried to trick you or put anything you haven't seen before on the test. Overall, Aggarwal did a great job of explaining 313 material and really hammering it in...he's also a pretty funny guy. Don't hesitate to go to office hours if you get confused, he'd be glad to help you.
Review from a student who took ee313
Dr. Aggarwal is a really great professor. His lecture slides are really good and useful for the homework as well as future classes. When I read the review from the guy saying "avoid aggarwal like the plague," I don't think it was fair to aggarwal or his class for him to say those kind of things, which are both completely exaggerated and hurtful. That's why i decided to strip down that guy's review and show how overboard he went. "His grading is by far the worst part. Homework is given twice a week and consists of problems that usually have nothing to do with his lectures." First of all, the homework is a lot to do with the lectures and most of the homework is exactly like the problems on his slides. If that guy had paid a little more attention and looked at the slides after class, or even showed up to class, he would have known. "They are graded with a gratuitous use of the letter X with absolutely no explanation of why you got a problem wrong - not even a correct answer is given. Exams are the same way, but even worse. If you miss part B of a certain question, but you need that answer for part C of the same question, just kiss your grade goodbye." This guy obviously didn't ask about the problems he got wrong because although there are x's and no explanation, if you talk to dr. aggarwal about the problem, he will answer why. One of my problems was graded incorrectly and not only did i get my grade changed, the grader sent me an email apologizing for the misgrade. Also, the test is graded within parts, but he does try to give you partial credit instead of marking the whole thing wrong. if you miss part a, at least you get some of part b instead of missing the whole thing. sometimes you might feel a little cheated, but you do get some points for correct method. "He stutters like some sort of walking-seizure during lecture. In the whole hour, he might only say three words. None of these would be relevant to anything, of course. Sometimes, he acted as confused as the class. Often, a student would have to explain where he went wrong in trying to solve an example on the board." Everyone has their faults, but dr. aggarwal is defintely NOT a "walking-seizure." He goes through his lecture slides slowly, and really tries to bang into your head the major concepts. His slides are relevant to one of the most important parts of the class: the homework. The guy probably went to 3 classes the whole semester because all he's doing is whining about the homework and bashing dr. aggarwal saying that the lectures had nothing to do with the homework. "I've heard that every other teacher for 313 is awesome, so if you were thinking of taking Aggarwal then just stop thinking! Check yourself into Bellvue and say hello to your friend, Mr. Straightjacket..." This is FALSE. A lot of my friends who've taken a lot of the other 313 professors looked at my slides and they complimented them. they hated 313 because they basically had to teach themselves and they said the professors were hard or they didn't teach. Not all the professors are this way, but no professor is perfect, and no professor deserves this kind of bashing. Dr. Aggarwal is a good professor and he's a good person. If you see him in office hours, he will help you. He will answer your questions. The only people I would not recommend taking his class would be people who don't go to class and who don't do homework. Otherwise, take his class. You might actually learn something.
Review from a student who took ee 313
Not the fairest professor

Grades given in courses taught by Aggarwal

When teaching EE 380L

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 79% 18% 1% 0% 0% 3%

  All professors who have taught EE 380L

When teaching EE 316

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 41% 21% 12% 0% 14% 12%

  All professors who have taught EE 316

When teaching EE 313

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 26% 28% 32% 3% 5% 6%

  All professors who have taught EE 313