Professor profile for John Batterton

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Student reviews of John Batterton

Review from a student who took BIO 211
This class wasn't too bad, but don't let me give you the wrong impression. I made a B. I started off with a 97 on the first test, a 102 on the second test, and then the third test...Well, let's just say it was completely different from the other two. It was considerably harder and had abosolutely no similarities to the former two tests in respect to the difficulty of the questions. So, I thought, okay I'll drop that one. As it turns out, his final was just as hard as the third test, even in the sections pertaining to subject matter from the first two tests, so I didn't get the A I was hoping for. I guess i didn't even get a B on that test. My semester average ended up being a B total, and I had a 65% quiz grade. Ohh by the way, the TA I had had some of the most difficult quizes in the world if you hadn't read the book because they were taken straight out of it. He was a fairly monotone guy, but every now and then he had some jokes that were fairly entertaining. I just wish he had prepared us for how difficult the third test was going to be. I WAS IN HIS 211 CLASS THE FIRST SEMESTER HE WAS TEACHING 211, so maybe he was getting harder and all future tests will reflect the difficulty of the later two.
Review from a student who took BIO 211
Batterton's lectures are NOT very interesting or thorough- you have to read the book very well and study on your own to do well in the class. He teaches the class with elementary introductions which are not necessary. To me he mumbles a lot and speaks kind of monotone. His test are pretty fair, and he offers bonuses and extra credit opportunities even though he says he wouldn't. He drops your lowest test grade and the final is optional. Overall he's alright- you should be able to manage an A if you study.
Review from a student who took Bio 301L
Really good teacher and good guy as well
Review from a student who took BIO 211
Professor Batterton is an interesting guy. His lectures are extremely basic. Sometimes he refers to pictures in the book but generally gives you the idea that reading the book isn't necessary and that his tests will reflect his notes. That however is not the case. His tests are, with the exception of the first test and depending on who you ask, the final, extremely difficult and often more in depth than even the book. They are also around 1.5 hours long, which makes them longer than other tests you're used to. There are usually extra credit questions at the end of the test. Just think carefully through each test and you should be able to manage a B, and possibly an A. (These tests count for 30% each of the final grade and the final exam will replace the lowest grade.) Don't skip on discussion sessions either. The quizzes amount to 10% of the grade and depending on how many in-class CPS remote quizzes he does and how many discussion session quizzes there are, he'll drop a few of your lowest grades. These discussion quizzes also are good review. Also remember to go to each class. There are no notes online (he did put up a few notes for the first few chapters and a list of what you should know but nothing else really). Remember to especially go to the class before tests. Those are a really good review of what the test is about. Anyways, that's it. Good luck with this class, you'll need it. However, don't feel bad if you think Bio 211 is hard. With the exception of Satasivan, every other Bio 211 teacher seems bad. Thus if you get Satasivan, don't change to Batterton unless you can't otherwise.
Review from a student who took BIO 311C
He is really quiet so its hard to hear when his microphone breaks. He likes to make people go up in class and do demonstrations. I thin its funny how he waits for a reply from the class and we just stare at him. Have some homework that you have to check online cause he doesn't really tell you when he posted unless you count blackboard. Its a pretty easy class nonetheless.
Review from a student who took BIO 301L
Batterton is a great. He actually wants you to understand the material, and his tests aren't too difficult. You should definitely take him.
Review from a student who took BIO 301L
Batterton is such a great professor. His lecture notes are always online. He grades fairly, and everything on his exams are straightforward.
Review from a student who took BIO 2134
Batterton is a nice guy, not too bad at all. His tests are straightforward from the lecture so go to lectures. Power points are online so print them out and start studying. Tests are all essay and straight from lecture...then again, lecture notes are online (powerpoints). He's an interactive teacher, asks the class questions to answer, volunteers for demos, ask your neighbor and determine which answer it is or why. No homework and discussions are mandatory, 10% of grade. There are also writing assignments, four of them, but they're not hard at all and quite easy and quick. Only content, not too much of spelling or grammar taken into account.

Grades given in courses taught by John Batterton

When teaching BIO 301L

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 17% 34% 29% 11% 5% 4%

  All professors who have taught BIO 301L

When teaching BIO 311C

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 12% 27% 26% 13% 9% 12%

  All professors who have taught BIO 311C

When teaching BIO 213

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 43% 40% 11% 2% 2% 3%

  All professors who have taught BIO 213

When teaching BIO 311D

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 14% 34% 30% 9% 3% 10%

  All professors who have taught BIO 311D