Professor profile for Marc Lewis

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Student reviews of Marc Lewis

Review from a student who took PSY 301
Professor Lewis is a great lecturer and offers a great class. He makes psychology interesting and makes you want to attend class. I never missed a day in there because everything he said was useful information. Take his class if you want a good professor but do not take it if you really need an "A". His tests are somewhat challenging but if you study, go to lecture and are interested in it, then you could get and "A". He also gives you the "Secrets of Life."
Review from a student who took PSY 301
This guy is great. He is very interesting. Sometimes it is difficult to understand him, but if you ask him, he will clear everything up for you. He gives no homework. His tests are known to be a little tricky. Instead of just learning vocabulary and stuff, you actually have to learn how to apply the concepts. He also has a "3-A" rule (take the class to find out). I am actually considering minoring in psychology now. He uses a lot of examples and demonstrations. I learned a lot from him and I suggest him to anyone who wants to dip their feet into the world of psychology.
Review from a student who took PSY 301
professor lewis is the absolute best. going to lecture is more like going to a stand-up show... ok, maybe not, but it's as close as a professor can come, i think. he's a great prof, at any rate. he really knows what he's talking about and presents the information in a way that you can understand and internalize without having to study your ass of. he's great. also- it's not hard to make an 'a'. take his class.
Review from a student who took psy 301
Prof Lewis rocks! His class isn't very hard and he tries to make it enjoying. His lecture's are pretty good and not hard to understand. If you have any questions he makes you feel comfortable to ask him. His exams aren't really hard, but you should study his review sheet and truely understand it, not just memorizing the stuff on there. You need to undersatnd the concepts. And the 3 A rule is very good, I used it to get my A.
Review from a student who took PSY 301
Lewis rocks! He is funny and he likes to joke around. He likes to involve the students for examples, but you should volunteer because you get extra credit! the tests are multiple choice and you can see your grade as you leave the test because the answers are posted outside. There are tons of video clips and demonstrations and examples. The class was one of my favorites and it is totally worth taking and going to! Plus- Lewis is great!!! :)
Review from a student who took PSY301
I think his class was interesting but some of his stories were too long and boring. His test made you think and really apply the material that you have learned instead of just memorizing stuff. He talks really fast too which was kinda hard to take notes at time. He is also a really nice and understanding guy.

Grades given in courses taught by Marc Lewis

When teaching PSY 301

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 20% 35% 29% 9% 4% 2%

  All professors who have taught PSY 301

When teaching PSY 384M

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 67% 30% 1% 0% 0% 1%

  All professors who have taught PSY 384M

When teaching PSY 341K

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 92% 6% 0% 0% 2% 0%

  All professors who have taught PSY 341K

Rating Summary:

Personality: 5.00
Grading Fairness: 4.83
Lecture Quality: 4.50
Overall: 4.83

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