Professor profile for Samuel Gosling

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Student reviews of Samuel Gosling

Review from a student who took PSY 301
Dr. Gosling is awesome..he's really funny! 5's dropped..the tests were reallyyyy difficult for me though!!! I read all the chapters and went to every lecture and still struggled. Tricky tests >(
Review from a student who took PSY 341k
Dr. Gosling was a fun prof. He's changed his grading format since the last review - Fall 2004 we had 1 group paper (10 pages total), 2 individual papers (10 pages each), 1 mid-term exam, and weekly "homeworks" (like personality inventories you fill out about yourself - fun and took no time at all). The last paper was a compilation of all the self-reported personality inventories you take throughout the semester and a critique of yourself as seen through the reports. Very cool and an awesome keepsake for later in life. Some people in my class complained that the grading was too harsh but I felt it was pretty fair if not lenient - I banged them out one or two nights before they were due and got all A's. Another one of the papers was a report on the effectiveness of interviewing a friend (or family or a stranger) about his or her life. The interviews take 2-3 hours and can be pretty intimate at times but are an enjoyable way to learn new things about people you think you know. Keeping up with the readings isn't a must but Dr. Gosling gets irritated when you don't (most of our class didn't). You'll need to read for the mid-term and the papers though - and cite stuff in your papers! The mid-term covered fairly broad topics (especially statisical stuff like reliability and validity). Class was nearly always enjoyable with plenty of demonstrations and class activities. I recommend this class as a fun and easy writing component.
Review from a student who took psy 301
Gosling was really cool and extremely funny. His lectures were really interesting to go to and he always had some type of demonstration prepared. The class consists of 5 multiple choice, non-cumulative tests (that are based 50% lecture, 50% reading) throughout the semester, one of which he drops. There is no homework and no final, but there is a fair amount of reading involved. His tests were pretty easy, but could be tricky. It's not all about memorizing facts, it's being able to apply that knowledge to other situations. I liked him and I enjoyed the class. An A is possible to make, but be sure to read everything out of the book and study the lecture notes.
Review from a student who took sArzCBroUtmktf
9mIgEI Major thanks for the blog.Really thank you! Keep writing.
Review from a student who took 301
Don’t take him! You’ll thank me later. Gosling is just full of his ego when he’s just teaching an elemtary psych course! Haha

Grades given in courses taught by Samuel Gosling

When teaching PSY 341K

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 47% 42% 6% 3% 1% 1%

  All professors who have taught PSY 341K

When teaching PSY 394V

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught PSY 394V

When teaching PSY 301

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 15% 41% 27% 9% 4% 3%

  All professors who have taught PSY 301

Rating Summary:

Personality: 3.80
Grading Fairness: 3.40
Lecture Quality: 3.80
Overall: 3.60

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