Professor profile for Benny Freeman

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Student reviews of Benny Freeman

Review from a student who took CHE 317
He is a great and caring professor. I like him a lot, but the grading policy is harsh. I find this course super hard, but
Review from a student who took ChE 317
Dr. Freeman is the best teacher I have had so far. He really knows is his subject. He is a really caring person too, but gives a lot of homework and is a little harsh with makeup tests and quizzes. Should take him if you can!
Review from a student who took CHE 317
Great professor, and we were lucky to have an awesome TA.. try to get a hold of old exams to study off of, those will help. but the material is hard and the course is tailored so that everyone gets Cs, its THE Chem E weedout class.. so if you get a C, be grateful!!

Grades given in courses taught by Benny Freeman

When teaching CHE 387M

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 71% 29% 0% 0% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught CHE 387M

When teaching CHE 317

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 10% 13% 31% 16% 17% 13%

  All professors who have taught CHE 317