Professor profile for David Beer

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Student reviews of David Beer

Review from a student who took EE 333T
If you want to learn anything from 333T, take Dr. Beer. He gives you a LOT of tips and tricks to make everything you write better. Getting a good group is hard to do since it's random anyway. Take the initiative, and don't disappoint your teammates is all I have to say. After 333T, as long as you don't "misbehave" (tardiness, sleeping, etc.) he's pretty much your best friend when it comes to reports and resumes. He has 3 resumes of his own, and he's seen a million others. I got an A, and I still get help from him with my resume.
Review from a student who took EE 333T
Beer was difficult. His class was easy enough and if you look at the grade distributions - he's easy. However, he held my grade over my head b/c I slept in his class. He loves to hear the sound of his own voice and he makes odd references to everything... including sex. Very disturbing at times. Fairly even workload, some of the papers suck. Lecture was boring - he loves to drone on. Tests.... there was one? Not too difficult. No real HW except for a few papers. You must have a good group for the second half of the course. A large portion of the grade comes from group work at the end of the semester.
Review from a student who took EE 333T
This is a class that most EE's dread taking, but since it's required, Dr. Beer is definitely the one to take. There is a lot of writing and work in general involved, but Dr. Beer is knowledgeable about his subject area (he wrote the book all of the EE 333T classes use), and is an entertaining lecturer and a good guy. He's also a great guy to have review your resume and job/grad school application materials once you get to know him. He's not tolerant of people sleeping or being late to his class, but I don't fault him for that. I've heard nothing but bad things about the other 333T professors.

Grades given in courses taught by David Beer

When teaching EE 333T

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 64% 34% 1% 0% 0% 1%

  All professors who have taught EE 333T

When teaching EE 464K

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 46% 29% 22% 1% 0% 1%

  All professors who have taught EE 464K

Rating Summary:

Personality: 4.33
Grading Fairness: 4.67
Lecture Quality: 4.33
Overall: 4.33

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