Professor profile for Gale Greenleaf

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Student reviews of Gale Greenleaf

Review from a student who took EE 333T
You already know this, but you should take Beer instead.
Review from a student who took CHE 333T
She doesn' t know what she is doing. When it comes to grading she is terribly stingy. Avoid her if you can!
Review from a student who took PGE33T
I have no idea why she's teaching these technical communication classes. She's unprofessional, very arbitrary with grading, and really has no reason for half the things she does. We're required as petroleum engineering students to follow SPE paper specs. She didn't even follow them and apparently didn't even bother to read through the book she assigned for the class. She gets her lecture material from the internet and it's commonly full of errors, since she also doesn't bother to check through that before coming to class. She also hired a TA who knew NOTHING about tech comm. He was completely useless and his usual response was 'go ask the professor.' Don't argue with her either. Even if you're right (which you usually will be) she'll get extremely defensive and I'm pretty sure it'll affect your grade. Also on the day of teacher evaluations she gave us a 10 minute lecture about why we shouldn't use the evals as a 'slam table' since they would be disregarded. The professor is not supposed to say ANYTHING about the evals before the class takes them. And she brought cookies. Needless to say the entire class was insulted by this obvious last ditch attempt to win favor and evaluated her even harder. Bottom line: AVOID AT ALL COSTS.

Grades given in courses taught by Gale Greenleaf

When teaching EE 333T

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 29% 61% 5% 0% 1% 3%

  All professors who have taught EE 333T

When teaching PGE 333T

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 24% 64% 9% 0% 0% 2%

  All professors who have taught PGE 333T

When teaching ASE 333T

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 34% 50% 7% 2% 5% 2%

  All professors who have taught ASE 333T

Rating Summary:

Personality: 2.33
Grading Fairness: 1.33
Lecture Quality: 1.67
Overall: 1.67

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