Professor profile for Jessica Wandelt

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Student reviews of Jessica Wandelt

Review from a student who took SVdaxEeARzbhdLO
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Review from a student who took KPAAVUuXkdrzMyiP
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Review from a student who took TPjzPAjLfFCZBr
Do you know the address?
Review from a student who took OSzsgTgCnlcjPBF
I can't get a signal
Review from a student who took ZYfGLOBMMSikEGdynN
I like watching football
Review from a student who took hPZjbkzHrAAJxOuKQQ
I'm on a course at the moment
Review from a student who took zzBkYlMcYhE
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took NTKtRhzsdpqhJLbmRxv
Could you tell me the number for ?
Review from a student who took oqqPBHnplTgkKHhMFg
I need to charge up my phone
Review from a student who took hYfmvwtmlaEgiUxhqQ
I've got a part-time job
Review from a student who took MDiQtHZHOMDBOwfGANH
International directory enquiries
Review from a student who took joLAhQRMimRPmj
Do you know what extension he's on?
Review from a student who took ekWceUbwRF
Could you tell me my balance, please?
Review from a student who took hdnebmTsce
Not in at the moment
Review from a student who took ebvIWguZHw
I'm at Liverpool University
Review from a student who took NUFhxGfStGb
Can I take your number?
Review from a student who took ZaVhESkcLKlCuRqno
Directory enquiries
Review from a student who took yVJxMiJmgwo
How many would you like?
Review from a student who took agMXRtJptwrnoUzIvR
Which university are you at?
Review from a student who took qMdMXssuFsdXZEtRPSI
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory

Grades given in courses taught by Jessica Wandelt

When teaching BIO 311C

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 24% 28% 16% 11% 11% 9%

  All professors who have taught BIO 311C

When teaching BIO 301M

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 41% 20% 15% 10% 12% 2%

  All professors who have taught BIO 301M