Professor profile for Charles Radin

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Student reviews of Charles Radin

Review from a student who took M 427L
I pity all you guys who will be taking his class. I wish it hadn't come to this for you. If I were u I would wait until some one else teaches this class (any one!)..I never hated another fellow human more than I hate is surprising why UT's still keepin him. I am giving all 1's for radin as a review because I have to. does not let me leave it black...other wise I would have. or given him ZERO.
Review from a student who took M 427L
OMG, this guy is the DEVIL. He does not care one bit how you do in this class. He doesn't have office hours because he said making students understand is the TA's job. According to him, his job is just to lecture. He is also one of the rudest professor I have ever taken. On top of all these his lectures are the boring and most confusing lectures in the world. He confuse you on something you already know how to do. My friend who took Vector Calculus the previous semester decided to take it again with me this semester. He came out understanding less then when he went in. His grading is also extremely unfair. We had two tests and a final. He made the first test too easy so the second was killer. The class average hangs at about 30s. He proceeded to do some weird curve so everyone is packed into the C and D range just so the class average would look good. Let's give an example, say you made a 19 and I made a 75, after the curve our grades would differ by 14 points. I would have a 74 and you would have a 60. WTF!!! This caused the final to count for about 75% for most of the people. He tried to trick people on the final with tricky questions. And he gives 0 points if you get the answer wrong, and takes off a huge amount of points if you got the answer right but you did it a bit differently. If you can AVOID HIM AT ALL COST. If you think you have the luck of the Irish and want to tough him out, maybe this will dissuade you. I went in with a GPA of 4.0 (I'm a classified Senior), but I certainly don't have my 4.0 anymore.
Review from a student who took M 408D
This guy will kill your GPA and you will not learn a thing. Even his TA was as evil as he was.
Review from a student who took M 427L
Okay, I think the review that said Radin is an okay professor is either written by the man himself or one of his progenies. Because you have to be out of your friggin' mind to think he is even okay. I do not think anyone made an A on the second test before the curve; the highest grade that I know was a 75. Maybe he confused the first test with the second test. Radin is hated by all and loved by none. If Radin was fired by UT, UT would be a better school. No one would miss him if he dies. In fact, I think his student will be happy if he just drop dead during the middle of a lecture.<br> <b><blink>WORST PROF EVER</blink></b>
Review from a student who took M 427L
Believe it or not, I had nightmares about this guy. I got A's in all math classes i took so far. He gave me a D. He is the biggest mother #$@^$% I have ever seen on campus. He is rude as well. If he was the last guy teaching math on this planet, I would still not take him. If that were the last class I need to graduate, I would wait for next sem to take some one else. Horrible experience!!!!
Review from a student who took M340L
He is terrible, thats the bottom line. You will regret having not learned anything for an entire semester. Tests are really easy but if you make even the slightest error, 2+2=3. He will give you zero or very little credit. His teaching style is by far the worst ive ever seen on campus. Take Linear algebra with anyone else, but him.
Review from a student who took 427L
This guy wears the same black jeans and that hippie belt and a pink shirt every time. comming to his lectures, he tries to do an excellent job but ends up confusing every one. When you go ask him a question, he always hesitates to give u the answer and instead tells u that he expects u to know that already. He grades very tough. Takes lots of points for simple mistakes. Over all this guy is hell. Take him if u want to see ur GPA fall down.
Review from a student who took M 427K
Lecture is hard to follow and sometimes incoherent. He is not very good at explaining things and the textbook sucks. But the worst problem is that he is a very unfair grader, the whole problem is wrong on the test if you just miss one negative sign or accidently write t as a variable instead of x. Since the tests usually have 5-7 problems you can either get 0, 20, 40, 60, 80 or 100. Also if you go back to him and try to argue that you are right he takes off points too. Difficult to make an A, because it depends how good you are at finding your careless mistakes. You can easily end up with a C in that class. It's better to take this class with someone else.
Review from a student who took m427l
never take a class with radin. he gives no partial credit so if you mess up adding 2 + 2 = 5, you'll get it completely wrong, even though he messes up on his lectures all the time. hes so bad he doesn't even give out course evaluations b/c he knows he'll get terrible ratings. look at his website, it doesn't have links for students or anything, its all about himself and for people to use him for research!!! he doesn't even give office hours in the syllabus, he gives the TA's office hours. when you go to his office, you aren't supposed to discuss anything related to the course, it is strictly for administration purposes only. talk about a dick that doesn't give a damn about his students. i hope you read this radin. you are an incompetent professor that clearly cares about himself and not teaching. i hope you get fired.
Review from a student who took M 427L
This guy really sux.. NEVER NEVER TAKE HIM... i think he should be fired...
Review from a student who took M 427L
Bar none the worst professor I have ever had here at UT. Stay away! Your gpa will suffer, and you will leave the class knowing less vector cal than you did entering.
Review from a student who took M 427L
I am sure one of the students went up to him on the final, handed over her test and said HE WAS THE WORST PROFESSOR(atleast thats what he calls himself). He went pale and said ok. Really...none worse than him or there will be one in future. I dont know how UT hired him. His notes dosent make sense to himself. Just keeps babbling in the class. Some times I wondered if what he was saying was even related to the class. So I went to his office. I got the Same impression....NEVER TAKE HIM EVEN FOR ELEMENTARY MATHAMATICS
Review from a student who took M 427K
DONT TAKE THIS PROFESSOR! DELAY YOUR GRADUATION THREE YEARS HENCE!! I can tell you with a lot of experience i came in with a 100 in 408D and am headed for a LOW C and this f$#@*^r will ruin your gpa and ruin your life. His test grading is ADSURB no partial credit and he seems to find a TA who is as evil as him and scrwes you over in homework grading and all. My suggestion? DONT TAKE him, if you do .. remember to say =c, and other goddam details no one else cares about.
Review from a student who took M 427K
This is the worst experiece in any class, with any professor, that I have had in college so far. I went to talk to him about one of my tests once and he indirectly called me an idiot to my face. I just got done with the final-the problems he gives are combinations of several things (i.e. extreme eigenvalue, series, heat equation, and basic math all in one problem).
Review from a student who took M 427L
Real HELL this guy is. Such a mean personality. Makes u feel u r so dumb and u are not college material. Better avaoid him.
Review from a student who took M408c
Radin's an okay professor. He's not the most exciting person to listen to but he DOES teach you everything you'll need to know for the exams (and more). You just have to go over the sections before class to make sense of it. There are two exams and a final, all comprehensive; and no, not everybody fails. People make A's before the curve even. The grade on your final can replace either one of your midterm grades or the hw grade, whichever helps your final grade out most. There are better professors, but he's definitely not one of the worst.
Review from a student who took M427L
this guy sucks he's very unfair in grading, and can't teach at all. his lectures are boring and he can't answer questions well. stay awayyy
Review from a student who took M408D
Radin doesn't care about his students and their progress, his lectures don't teach making the tests difficult. Everyone fails the tests and he just curves up to make the grades look good. The material is worth learning so I suggest taking a professor who will teach it. The course was made up of many homeworks worth very little and then 3 tests and a final that are the bulk of the grade.
Review from a student who took M 427L
i'm surprised this guy can keep a job being a professor. he has no partial credit on his exams which is absurd for an upper divison math course. he'll screw you over! don't think you can get through it. he'll screw you!
Review from a student who took M 361
Really sucks as a prof. Usually spent most of his time trying to figure out his own notes. Don't bother asking for solutions to homework, even he doesnt know how to do them. Two exams and a final. HW was only worth 5% so basically everything was exams. Hard exams so he curves way up just to make things look good. Try another prof.
Review from a student who took M 427K
Terrible, Terrible, Terrible. Can't teach, grades unfairly, and in general doesn't seem to give a shit about the students' success.
Review from a student who took
Review from a student who took
Review from a student who took
Review from a student who took
Review from a student who took
Review from a student who took M372K
If you're used to upper division math courses you should have no problem. This page suffers from the problem that people are more likely to write a negative review than a positive one because they are unhappy with their performance/grade in whatever course they took with him. Overall, he is a clear lecturer and in the case that the class doesn't do too well on an exam he curves appropriately.
Review from a student who took M 427J
He is not bad. I'm expecting to receive a B in this class, but that is purely because I did not work hard on the homeworks enough, didn't go to the classes, didn't take notes, etc. He gets annoyed at some questions during lectures, which is definitely not a good aspect from a professor. Overall, not good, not bad, just okay. Slack off, and you will get a terrible grade. He grades hard. The homeworks are very hard. Be careful, don't start them before the day that is due. I did just that and now my homework grade is disastrous
Review from a student who took M380C
This is a review I would have posted in the early 1980s but for the lack of computers and internet. Charlie Radin PHD is a professor that you will tell your kids about. You will never forget him or his contempt for students which is almost equal to his hatred of teaching. Why he is a professor or how he kept his job all these years have got to be two of the biggest wonders of the world. Nuclear Fusion would be easier to understand than how or why this cockroach has survived. He did not give partial credit. You must show your work the exact way he wants although he will not fill you in on what he expects. Get the right answer, show most of the work, you will get a zero. While I would give him an A+ in character building, he will take a piece of your soul that will leave you mortally wounded. After nearly 35 years, I will never forget the demeaning way that he talked to me when I dared go to his office hours. Don't take his class, don't darken his door. Life is good, just find away around this steaming pile of humanity. While it is possible that he was just having a rough year during the time I spent receiving my wounds under him, the rest of the reviews on this site make that a very slight probability.
Review from a student who took M361
Hands down the worst professor I’ve ever had. I would rather lose a foot than spend one more minute in his presence. He is rude, confusing, and seems to relish in ruining student’s confidence. I’m a mostly A, occasional B student. I’ve never made less than an A in a math class, and I’m currently failing his course. His policy is no homework help, you’re on your own. This is a huge bummer because there is no TA for his class, only a grader. We wanted our homework back to study for his exams, but he wouldn’t return them to us - unless we promised to not contest any grades, even if it was wrong! Any review that says this dude is alright is almost certainly written by a guy. In class he favors the boys, and gives them preferential treatment. Here’s a perfect example: both myself and a dude (who never makes it to class except to turn in the homework) asked him what homework had been assigned that day. I was late that day, and he walked in at the last minute to turn his homework in. I asked him first. He looked me full in the face, completely ignored me, and turned to the guy. Then he asked him what homework was due, and he told him. That’s just one example of many. I’ve watched him scoff at women for asking the same question that a boy just asked because she needed a better explanation. I’ve watched him praise boys for making a leap that turned out to be incorrect. I’ve never seen him praise any of the women. If you want to learn the material, don’t take his class. If you’re a woman, definitely don’t take his class. If you want to continue to enjoy math or physics, don’t take his class. Just don’t take his class period. Stall your graduation. I’m dead serious. It is better to wait and graduate a full six months later, than to put yourself through the hell that is Charles Radin’s class. I’m sure the only reason he hasn’t been fired is because he has tenure, and he publishes. Hopefully he retires soon before another generation of students has to suffer this old foolish man.

Grades given in courses taught by Charles Radin

When teaching M 408C

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 12% 22% 28% 9% 17% 11%

  All professors who have taught M 408C

When teaching M 361

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 13% 29% 21% 17% 8% 13%

  All professors who have taught M 361

When teaching M 391C

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught M 391C

When teaching M 427K

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 15% 21% 27% 11% 19% 8%

  All professors who have taught M 427K

When teaching M 393C

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught M 393C

When teaching M 408D

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 13% 19% 19% 12% 23% 15%

  All professors who have taught M 408D

When teaching M 362K

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 9% 32% 21% 6% 18% 15%

  All professors who have taught M 362K

When teaching M 340L

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 19% 28% 20% 13% 15% 5%

  All professors who have taught M 340L