Professor profile for Jose Panero

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Student reviews of Jose Panero

Review from a student who took BIO301M
Panero is a good professor. I made a B, but I didn't work too hard. If you want an A, you really need to work for it (ie, lots of reading, go to class, etc.). His tests are pretty hard, but if you pay attention, it's not so bad. I'd recommend this course.
Review from a student who took BIO 301M
Dr. Panero is a very interesting guy, and he obviously knows what he's talking about, but he's very hard to understand and his tests and quizzes are soooo detailed. I probably learned more in my TA discussions then the actual class. If you go to his reviews for the exams you should do ok, and he really tries to help out the class w/ curves, but it's a really hard class if you dont have a strong Biology background.
Review from a student who took 301 M
I had Panero for 301M my first semester at UT - his class is difficult. It's hard to stay awake during the lectures sometimes and when he talks it's hard to catch everything he says. You have to keep up with the reading, or you get screwed. The pop quizzes are purely bonus points so it's cool, but the class is hard if you don't already know your bio. He's a nice guy, just don't expect to coast through his class.
Review from a student who took 301M
Panero is pretty entertaining guy during lecture and he has alot of experience to relate to the class material. His tests were some what difficult, but the quizzes count for extra credit, so as long as you keep up with the reading that should help you out. I ended up dropping this class, because i missed a test and i wouldn't have done well and now that i'm taking it again with a new professor i realized that Panero went into way more detail than this new guy. So if you just want an easy overview of the subject, dont take this guy's class. But he's still a pretty good professor, and guy.
Review from a student who took BIO 301M
Dr. Panero's lectures are very interesting and he is a very nice man. This class is hard but he is willing to help you. He also gives a lot of bonus points from the quizes. It was one of my favorite classes.
Review from a student who took bio 301m
This guy seems really hard at first, but hes really a nice man who genuinely wants you to do well. It IS a hard class but I made an A no problem. You have to work, but you learn a lot. He gives pop quizzes which are PURE bonus points added to your test grade, one time i got 25 added to one test. A lot depends on the TA though. My calss had a good one and our average was about 10 points higher than the other class.
Review from a student who took ByfwJSlYMNEiBiAKs
AwGhzO Very nice post. I definitely appreciate this website. Keep it up!

Grades given in courses taught by Jose Panero

When teaching BIO 301M

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 20% 30% 25% 9% 5% 12%

  All professors who have taught BIO 301M

When teaching BIO 287F

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught BIO 287F

When teaching BIO 287T

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught BIO 287T