Professor profile for Margaret Myers

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Student reviews of Margaret Myers

Review from a student who took CS 336
She is an awesome professor who cares a lot about her students. She explains the material very well, even the complicated proofs, in a way that enables the students to be able to solve such problems by themselves. Class workload is pretty light. The exams are not hard at all if you do the homework. Also, there's a regrade policy, you can get half of the points back by fixing the mistakes on the exam. You should definitely take her for a good understanding of the material.
Review from a student who took cs 336
Lectures can be difficult to follw just because it's a tricky subject, so ASK QUESTIONS. If you do that, you'll learn the material with no trouble at all. The class was interesting and useful, and she did a great job with counting (combinatorics etc), although I wish we'd gotten to more graph theory. Oh, and doing the homework is a major pain, but it helps a lot, especially with the proofs early in the semester. I recommend a study group.

Grades given in courses taught by Margaret Myers

When teaching CS 336

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 25% 35% 26% 6% 5% 3%

  All professors who have taught CS 336