Professor profile for Tandy Warnow

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Student reviews of Tandy Warnow

Review from a student who took CS 336
She is really mean! She will belittle you in front of the class, and if you try to ask a question, she'll talk down to you like you are completely stupid. There is no textbook, so you have to rely on her, which sucks because she doesn't explain the material very well. She acts like she is God's gift to CS.
Review from a student who took cs 313h
warnow is fucking hot!!
Review from a student who took CS 336
Dr. Warnow is by far the meanest and most unfair professor I have ever had. I have never felt so little and so stupid as I have in her class. She doesn't care about her students and I feel that we were always a waste of time to her. DO NOT EVER TAKE HER!!!
Review from a student who took CS 336
Warnow is a very angry person. She is angry that she has to teach undergraduates rather than doing research. She makes this very obvious to her students. Her grading is as follows: 3 exams: 15% each. HW: 15%. Final: 40%. This leaves no room for error and your grade will suffer. Additionally if you dare come to her office hours she will belittle you and show no interest whatsoever in your learning the material. I had a perfect 4.0 CS GPA until taking a class with this horrendous professor -- don't let her ruin your GPA like she did mine.

Grades given in courses taught by Tandy Warnow

When teaching CS 395T

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 81% 15% 0% 0% 0% 4%

  All professors who have taught CS 395T

When teaching CS 336

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 14% 20% 17% 17% 11% 21%

  All professors who have taught CS 336