Professor profile for Ruben Gamboa

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Student reviews of Ruben Gamboa

Review from a student who took KTbTIEIZvdrMskZJEVOi
Angel...I will be on my way shortly to read your posts.aow and old soeidlr, that video is on my agenda.My early morning client ditched me yesterday for Tony Blair, btw. She's a very affluent liberal, who thinks she's a conservative (fiscally, she is...but all of her news gathering is through the LA Times, CNN, Bill Moyers, and Charlie Rose). She belongs to some group that had tickets to see Prime Minister Blair at the Westin Bonaventure Hotel. About 2,000; then she got to shake hands with him at a much smaller reception, after, along with a $90 wretched chicken lunch. Although she is no fan of President Bush (but voted for him because she thought Kerry was much worse) and the war, she was just held charmed by Tony Blair and think he is a marvelously engaged speaker.

Grades given in courses taught by Ruben Gamboa

When teaching CS 336

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 8% 31% 16% 18% 14% 14%

  All professors who have taught CS 336

Rating Summary:

Personality: 5.00
Grading Fairness: 5.00
Lecture Quality: 5.00
Overall: 3.00

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