Professor profile for Herbert Miller

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Student reviews of Herbert Miller

Review from a student who took mkt 337
he is a motivator but not a lecturer. i can see him as a good friend but can't see him as a intellectual stimulant. his exams are way out of the course scope/topic. take him if you like to read dull, dry, and boring mkt text. you'll be sorry if you take him.
Review from a student who took mkt 337
overall, the class wasnt bad His lectures were boring, but they are big, about 400 people so you can always read the paper. I stopped taking notes after the first test. All you need from his lectures/going over powerpoint slides is in the book. He shows some videos which isnt half bad and has a few speakers come in which is very cool. The lectures suck, speakers are good, tests are easy so it balances out. Not a bad class and easy to make an A if you can read or have common sense.
Review from a student who took MKT370
They decided to increase the amount of work required for this last marketing class. Now there is one b*tch of a homework assignment (it's supposed to be easy accounting but it's tricky), two tests, 2 individual case briefs, one individual case analysis, 2 group case analyses, and 1 group presentation along with a paper. Professor Miller is a pretty nice guy but like the other reviewer said, he's a motivator not a lecturer. Plus he had surgery recently so his mean TA does everything. I've had 3 classes with Miller and this is the first time that I've absolutely positively hated being in his class. Plus, the class is small so you can't really escape his attention. Be forewarned!
Review from a student who took MKT 363
Normally, I don't write reviews unless they're excellent or the very opposite. This class, unfortunately falls at the end of the really, really bad spectrum. To sum up, I learned absolutely nothing. I was very disappointed because I was hoping to learn selling. Instead I found midway that I signed up to give 45 minutes out of my Tuesdays and Thursdays to listen to one of the most egotistical, arrogant, greedy person I have ever had to meet. His class is based off of a marketing sales textbook which he copies into his slides. In between those slides, he brags about his money, "important" people he knows, and how "amazing" he is. Every class I attended, I felt queasy just knowing that if I chose to pursue marketing as my career path, I would have to work alongside people like Herb Miller. He should not even be allowed to speak in front of college students in an intellectual setting because he has no valuable knowledge to give students in the first place! Oh wait, did I mention he repeats the same garb stories and talks about his very generic brochure upon which he claims his legitimacy as an educator? This class is good if you don't mind wasting your (or your parent's) money and time. Also, the exams are a joke and the upside was there was no final. This class lead me to firmly believe Marketing as a course of study is a big joke (aka common sense on steroids). You're better off learning how to sell by watching YouTube videos and getting a part time selling job like I did. I'm switching to Accounting where at least I know my thousands of dollars of debt is an investment.
Review from a student who took
363 The course was excellant and Prof Miller was most inspiring. I learned many selling technigues which have contributed to my overall success in Real Estate.
Review from a student who took MKT 320F
My biggest mistake was taking MKT 320F with Miller. I didn't listen to my friend when he told me to avoid Miller like the plague. This professor likes to brag above anything else. He likes to brag about his past students, his frat, his jobs, his friends. Literally 75% of lectures are his stories, 5% is him yelling at us, and 20% is actual material. And even when he teaches actual material, you could just read it from the textbook, which you have to read from anyway to pass the test. The way he makes you come to class is to post the powerpoints online, but leave some of the vocab blank and have pop quizzes, but everyone is zoning out regardless. You might hear him say that he takes care of his students, but that wasn't the case. There was no curve, and he relied solely on "I'm offering you guys extra credit," but it only went to about 5 points for your lowest test grade (there are 4 tests). And believe me, you're going to do poorly on at least one. He might be an interesting person, but as a professor, I would suggest you look elsewhere.
Review from a student who took gVqpmVkOKzgfbyoRX
onE263 Thanks again for the post.Thanks Again. Will read on

Grades given in courses taught by Herbert Miller

When teaching MKT 320F

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 21% 47% 25% 3% 2% 2%

  All professors who have taught MKT 320F

When teaching MKT 337

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 37% 48% 12% 2% 0% 1%

  All professors who have taught MKT 337

When teaching MKT 363

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 42% 53% 4% 0% 0% 1%

  All professors who have taught MKT 363

When teaching MKT 370

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 47% 47% 3% 1% 1% 1%

  All professors who have taught MKT 370

When teaching MKT 338

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 59% 37% 2% 2% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught MKT 338