Professor profile for Elena Mcdonald-buller

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Student reviews of Elena Mcdonald-buller

Review from a student who took CE 311K
if you've ever taken a programming course, it's pretty easy. if not, still pretty easy. you do a couple of worksheets and problems from the book now and then, but i rarely turned those in. you take two exams and a final, of which any two can count with the third one dropped. i didn't bother taking the final after skipping the last several weeks of class, which is the only part that was difficult. the prof isn't very exciting and i dislike her, but not too hard and tries to be nice. if you're reading this, you probably have to take it anyway. all in all, she's alright and it's an alright class.

Grades given in courses taught by Elena Mcdonald-buller

When teaching CE 311K

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 21% 35% 19% 11% 8% 8%

  All professors who have taught CE 311K