Professor profile for Keith Johnston

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Student reviews of Keith Johnston

Review from a student who took CHE 363
Avoid Johnston at all costs. Grading is totally random and if you think your smart and can get a good grade think again...
Review from a student who took che363
Avoid like the black death. Arbitrary grading, bizzare lectures, overheads written in Sanskrit. Grade distr does no justice to the misery...
Review from a student who took Che 322 & Che 363
I know of students who hate the way Dr. Johnston teaches. He projects his handwritten notes on the board and they can be incredibly messy. It makes it difficult for you to follow along with his lecture sometimes. However, he does care about how his students are doing and he is enthusiastic. His tests are decent except for his final exam. I don't have a problem with Dr. Johnston's teaching style and I wouldn't mind take him again, but that may be because I've gotten used to him the second time around.
Review from a student who took Che 322
It is a disgrace that UT Chemical Engineering assigns this instructor to two of the curriculum's most fundamental courses (Che 322 & Che 363). Dr. Johnston treats the material superficially, arbitrarily assigns non-didactic homework, and regularly schedules meetings over his office hours. Lecture consists of Dr. Johnston gesticulating over his illegible lecture notes. Rarely does he grade student work. While he maintains a caring veneer, his actions show a complete disregard for the University's teaching mission. Although I've made A's in his courses, my learning gains are negligible.
Review from a student who took Che 322 & Che 363
Very unstructured and easily distracted. Random thinking process and very confusing. Avoid at all cost as previous reviews stated.
Review from a student who took Che322 che363
He does not understand what he is talking about. It is embarrassing for UT. Random grading because he is not able to solve his own tests. Avoid!
Review from a student who took Lab
Few of my friends asked me about how it is like working in Dr. Johnston group so I am posting this review for everyone. I worked at his lab as an undergrad for over six months. He insults the grad students working in his lab infront of everyone. He doesn’t seem to have a good grasp of the research topic and neither does he know how to talk or deal with people. Thus many of his students leaves momentarily after joining the research group. I switched to another group after one long semester.

Grades given in courses taught by Keith Johnston

When teaching CHE 363

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 36% 40% 19% 2% 1% 2%

  All professors who have taught CHE 363

When teaching CHE 322

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 26% 31% 31% 5% 3% 4%

  All professors who have taught CHE 322

When teaching CHE 387K

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 61% 39% 0% 0% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught CHE 387K