Professor profile for Benjamin Gregg

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Student reviews of Benjamin Gregg

Review from a student who took GOV 335M
I've reviewed a number of profs on this site, and this is the first 5 Overall I've given. His course, Modern American Social Theory, was the most worthwhile class I've taken in three years at UT. The class started out with about 35 students, a total which quickly plummetted down to about 21, as a number scampered off, frightened by the 'density' of the initial readings. And the readings are dense, but so is social theory; as the course progresses, everyone generally adapted to the authors' writing styles (including Dr. Gregg's), and our collective abilities to read and analyze dense social theory improved dramatically as the course went along. Once you get past the stage where you have to struggle with the readings, the course subject engulfs you as you reconsider closely held notions of how the social world around you operates. Dr. Gregg's book, for its part, raises some very interesting questions, which he addresses in a highly intelligent, groundbreaking manner. The grading is based on: three essays (each of which compares two of the three principle authors), attendance (more than three absences fails you), and weekly Blackboard submissions which constitute the week's discussion "agenda," which is student written and student led. Dedicating half of the weekly three hour session's time to student led discussion forces the students to deal with the implications of each author's theories in their own terms, and to decide how relevant and accurate those theories are. It also builds class cohesion, as it forces you to interact with your classmates and learn how (and how well) they think. My class was pretty tight knit by the end of the course. As you can tell, I would highly recommend this course to anyone who is interested next time Dr. Gregg teaches it. If I can, I plan to take Modern European Social Theory with him if the opportunity presents itself.
Review from a student who took gov 335m
One of the few professors I have truely been inspired by. He is knowledgable in matters far beyond the material he teaches, and takes the greatest of interest in his students. The material we had to read was difficult, but he took every possible step to help us along the way. Prof. Gregg is flexible and very approachable. I highly recommend taking his classes.
Review from a student who took GOV312L
Professor Gregg is by far one of the better government professors here at the University of Texas at Austin. Although his briefing style teaching is a bit discomforting and difficult to learn from (we learn from other students who brief cases one by one), his enthusiasm makes up for the student teaching by applying the instructional material into down-to-earth every-day implications. His grading style is fair, the tests are open-book, open-notes (so definitely a plus), and the test is based more on argumentation than regurtitation, making this class a fun one in my opinion because there is no wrong answer to the test. Great class, great professor, if you can stand being taught by students half the time, then take it!
Review from a student who took GOV 312
I really enjoyed this class. The only downside was that it was at 8 am. Dr. Gregg is an enthusiastic lecturer who will even try to learn all of his students names, which is a rarity at a school as big as UT. Dr. Gregg is a really intelligent man, and student participation is something he encourages. The workload is kind of hefty at times; you pretty much have daily readings in a big fat tome of a textbook. You MUST do the readings to be successful in this class. I found some of them to be fairly interesting, but they may be difficult to understand at times. Lecture helps clear all that up though. Attendance isn't really required, except on test days and days you brief, but I would HIGHLY recommend it, because Dr. Gregg's lectures and the subject matter are really interesting, and it will help so much on your tests (you will have a better idea of what to expect). Lecture helps so much in explaining the readings. GOV 312 involved students presenting various Supreme Court cases and then Dr. Gregg leading discussion on them. Grades are based on these presentations (briefs) and 4 essay tests. The tests are graded by the TA, and to be honest, I never quite understood what they were looking for. I ended up with an A, but I'm not quite sure how. This isn't a blow-off class, do your readings and know the cases well and you should be okay. The TA I had, Andrei Lubomudrov was very knowledgeable and helpful. He held reviews before each test. Overall, I thought this was an interesting class taught by a wonderful teacher, and it's one where you can even apply what you learn to current events. I would recommend it. If only it hadn't been at 8 am...
Review from a student who took iwnrzfkbIiQjGSaW
RSxOkZ Very good blog article.Thanks Again. Will read on

Grades given in courses taught by Benjamin Gregg

When teaching GOV 335M

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 35% 43% 10% 1% 1% 10%

  All professors who have taught GOV 335M

When teaching GOV 382M

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 43% 57% 0% 0% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught GOV 382M

When teaching GOV 384N

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 70% 25% 0% 0% 0% 5%

  All professors who have taught GOV 384N

When teaching GOV 312L

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 26% 49% 16% 3% 2% 4%

  All professors who have taught GOV 312L

When teaching SS 301

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 69% 12% 4% 0% 4% 12%

  All professors who have taught SS 301