Professor profile for Mario Gonzalez

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Student reviews of Mario Gonzalez

Review from a student who took ee 306
Get out of this class.. you are in for a long ride. but test is super hard. he underplays the test making it seem easier but its not. HE is a jerk and an unfair teacher overall. dun be tricked in thinking he is a nice guy. After the first test and the homeworks, you will see. His hw are super long and takes hours to do it. There are like 10 pages of homework a week. goodluck with this guy. be glade to make a C!!!!! worst teacher preparation in my life!
Review from a student who took EE 372N
Gonzalez is an okay teacher. His lectures are mediocre and his slides (which he did not prepare) are vague. It's really easy to fall behind, especially if you miss class even once. WARNING: He gives no partial credit and this can really kill your grade. He may be fair in respect to the way he grades you in comparison to all the other students. However, he does NOT give credit where it is due. I would not take any other classes with Gonzalez!
Review from a student who took EE 372N
This class had a lot of potential for being interesting, but he somehow managed to make it boring. The best part of the class was when he had George Chamales show the class how what we were supposed to be learning could be applied in real life.
Review from a student who took EE 306
I already have EE 312 and EE 316 before I took EE 306. I failed in my EE 319K and so I decided to take EE 306 to make up my GPA and have a better understanding of assembly language and computer hardware. I'm glad I did because Gonzalez's class really did help me understand a lot and I got an easy A. I think EE 306 is the first real EE course that most freshmen can use as a measuring guage on how well they fit as an EE major (EE 302 is simply another physics class with emphasis on circuit laws and could be misleading into making students think they are good at EE). If you struggle in EE 306, it means your programming background is weak and latter couses which deal with real processor chips like EE 319K will kill you in a breeze. I suggest you drop out immediately if you got anything lower than C since Gonzalez is really an easy teacher when compared to someone like Lipovski.
Review from a student who took EE 306
I didn't know how to program at the start of the course and ended up with a high A. He lets you use your notes and book on the tests. The final is very easy; pretty much 25 points on your average. Do not skip any program assignments and you should get an A.
Review from a student who took EE 306
Professor Gonzalez is a very good professor from start to finish. Many students dislike the way professor Gonzalez teaches because the course covers lot of stuff. But that is why it is called "Introduction to programming" (with an emphasis on Introduction). As long as you keep up with his lectures and make an effort to learn the stuff he is teaching, you will be alright. Professor Gonzalez is a very effective and consistent teacher that always has his door open if anything seems vague. He continually stresses making sure everything he is presenting is clear to everyone. Professor Gonzalez also makes the class fun and tells alot of stories that take your mind off subject for a while. If anyone ever tells you that Professor Gonzalez is a bad teacher, don?t believe it, it is purely a myth. If you ever get the opportunity to take Professor Gonzalez, don?t let the opportunity pass. He is an excellent teacher that truly cares about his students. The TA's are excellent too. I am truly grateful that I had the opportunity to be a part of Professor Gonzalez's Spring EE306 class. A world of gratitude and appreciation goes out to Professor Gonzalez. "Abre los ojos"
Review from a student who took EE 306
I like him but some people doesn't like his method of teaching.... He uses powerpoint slides to teach. If you have some knowledge about programming then you will like him but if you don't have any then I am not sure if you will like him or not... His tests are easy and his class is pretty interesting... He gives you outside information besides the book, which is nice.... There are usually few questions that he asks in the Mid Term tests but he is worth a lot of points so you better know all the materials and know LC2 programming.
Review from a student who took EE 306
He's a great teacher who epitomizes fairness and quality. In fact, the only thing bad that I could possibly say is that he is almost too fair. Some engineers may get too comfortable with his personality and teaching style and then fail when they have to take classes from more difficult teachers. He prepares very well for his lectures, and provides his notes (power point slides) online for review. If you can't get an A or B in his class, I suggest you consider dropping out of engineering and majoring in Game Boy or Underwater Basketweaving...
Review from a student who took ee306
If you're looking for an easy class, then take Gonzalez. Don't make the mistake, though, of attending his lectures. Everything in his powerpoint slides is straight from the Patt/Patel book. He speaks in a condescending tone, and manages to make his lectures boring as all hell. His homework is pretty easy, but he throws in stuff that has nothing to do with programming .. like current event questions that require a bit of googling; it's not too hard, just time consuming. His tests are a joke. They're open book/open notes .. there's no reason for anyone to not get an A.

Grades given in courses taught by Mario Gonzalez

When teaching EE 379K

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 25% 50% 20% 2% 1% 3%

  All professors who have taught EE 379K

When teaching EE 316

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 56% 6% 18% 6% 6% 9%

  All professors who have taught EE 316

When teaching EE 306

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 44% 24% 17% 5% 7% 4%

  All professors who have taught EE 306

Rating Summary:

Personality: 3.67
Grading Fairness: 4.11
Lecture Quality: 3.22
Overall: 3.33

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