Professor profile for Thomas Edgar

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Student reviews of Thomas Edgar

Review from a student who took CHE 359/384
This course is called Energy Technology and Policy. One of my favorite courses in chemE at UT. There are guest lectures that come to discuss various issues in energy, technology, and policy. Edgar requires two papers, a policy and technology paper, worth 20% each. He has homework worth 10% and an oral presentation of your technology paper worth 10%. There is one midterm with 20% and a required final worth 20%. This class is very relaxed and is probably one of the easiest courses I took in the chemE department. This is coming from an average chemE student. The class was so relaxed that decided not to go to class after a month into course. However, I do not recommend doing this or at least have a friend that goes to class and takes notes. If I had taken notes in this class, in addition to going to class, I probably would not have had to cram for the midterm and the final. His exams are primarily short answer with a few multiple choice questions. If you attend the lectures and guest lectures and take notes then you will breeze through his exams. However, if you don't go to class or get notes from someone then it will a little difficult. I ended up doing very well in the class so it is not impossible if you are stuck in this situation. This class is usually shared with gradate students (CHE 384), but highly recommend taking this course. It is a relaxed course, interesting, and structured very well. If Edgar is teaching this course then it should be a breeze. It is also entertaining to watch him fall asleep during class as well as oral presentations. Don't be hard on him if that does happen...he is a nice guy and just a consequence of his old age.

Grades given in courses taught by Thomas Edgar

When teaching CHE 360

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 40% 45% 12% 3% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught CHE 360

When teaching CHE 384

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 87% 13% 0% 0% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught CHE 384

When teaching CHE 379

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 59% 41% 0% 0% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught CHE 379