Professor profile for Alan Bovik

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Student reviews of Alan Bovik

Review from a student who took EE 371R
371R is a very cool class that covers a lot of material that people generally find interesting (JPEG and other image compression, digital video, linear and nonlinear filtering, etc.) but the class is still pretty hard. The lectures don't make it feel much like a DSP class (lots and lots of material with very little depth, not very common for highly mathematical classes), but the tests generally pull something that was hardly covered and is worth 25%. The problem I have with this class is there s a very large disconnect between the homework and the tests. The homeworks are very MATLAB heavy but will only cover two or three topics out of a dozen or so covered every 'Module' and the tests are not matlab, but about half math/proof based and half 'match the blob with the blob' type questions. It makes the tests very hard to study for and certain concepts are never even given a single example in class (i.e, DFTs) although you are expected to somehow figure this out and pull it out of your ass on tests. By the way, the notes are entirely pulled out of the book - don't bother buying the book because the material is essetially copy and paste.
Review from a student who took frlKlXUhUw
e1T8Ti Very good blog.Really looking forward to read more.
Review from a student who took ICGmjvHuZzHkIbVmA
OhcIhF in a while that isn at the same outdated rehashed material.

Grades given in courses taught by Alan Bovik

When teaching EE 371R

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 38% 51% 7% 1% 1% 3%

  All professors who have taught EE 371R

When teaching EE 381K

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 48% 39% 7% 1% 1% 3%

  All professors who have taught EE 381K