Professor profile for Yvon Delville

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Student reviews of Yvon Delville

Review from a student who took PSY 341k
Dr. Delville emphasizes real work skills and breaking things down to their basics in order to understand them...translation = he's super laid back! If you have to write a grant paper for him just keep it simple and you'll get an A...He's not teaching as many writing components b/c of budget cuts, but his regular classes will be very easy to manage and excell in. Plus it's great to hear a Belgian cursing every once in a while! :)
Review from a student who took 301
Without question, this is the worst class I have ever taken at UT. Dr. Delville is a stupid Belgian man more concerned with gaining the class's admiration than actually teaching. He cracks horrible jokes and mumbles his little digressions, expecting laughs, but getting none from me at least. His lectures are insanely boring. If you have any common sense whatsoever, prepare to have it repeated to you. "People do this because..." "People like sex because..." If you want the easy A, go fot it. You have to subject to five hours of painfully tedious psychological experimentation or write an essay, neither of which give you a grade. You have six pop quizzes, but he practically tells you when they are. He's just a disgrace to academia. Don't take his class, or any psychology class if you have to.
Review from a student who took Psy 301
Awesome, awesome, AWESOME class. Delville is a funny European man who loves to talk about sex. He uses funny examples to teach his material, and he does his best to keep the lecture moving. There are 4 exams and a final, and you get to drop the lowest exam grade OR not take the final if you choose. You have to do 5 hours of psychological experiments to get credit for this class, as you do for most psychology courses. They're not that bad though, so it's not a big deal, plus it helps the department so why not? I would definitely take Delville for this class if it's offered, even if you don't need to take it.

Grades given in courses taught by Yvon Delville

When teaching PSY 301

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 42% 39% 12% 3% 2% 1%

  All professors who have taught PSY 301

When teaching PSY 341K

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 92% 8% 0% 0% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught PSY 341K

When teaching PSY 332C

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 19% 49% 22% 4% 2% 4%

  All professors who have taught PSY 332C

Rating Summary:

Personality: 4.00
Grading Fairness: 4.67
Lecture Quality: 3.00
Overall: 3.33

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