Professor profile for Alfred Norman

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Student reviews of Alfred Norman

Review from a student who took ECO361N
Norman is an eccentric professor but a really good professor. He gives you a lot of opportunities to make an A in the class, as you can tell from the grade histories. The class style gives you multiple chances to do well, so that if you don't do as well on an exam, you can try to make up for it in the video contest. I think that a lot of freshmen have trouble with him in the 304 classes because they're not used to having an off-the-wall professor. I took him for 361 and it was a great experience. I highly recommend him because you actually learn in his class.
Review from a student who took ECO 304L
Calling this professor "eccentric" is an understatement, to say the least. He's an old kook, to put it nicely. Loud, pompous, unfocused... His lectures are terrible and his class is structured in a way that you must teach yourself almost everything. I thought his "unique" style as expounded in the reviews here would make this a great class, but I was wrong. I dropped early on--I couldn't stand him as a professor. Also, Dr. Norman requires students to purchase an $8 calculator/class CD (containing the syllabus) from him. This is mandatory or you can't take the tests. A conservative estimate in how much he takes in from this is $1000. Keep in mind that he literally pockets this cash in front of the entire class before he offers any indication about where the monies will go. This is just a hint at the type of instructor he is. I should note however that his class is structured differently than most--he awards cash prizes for excellent performance. And he states that he actually loses a "couple hundred dollars" by the end of class, but thinks it's worth the expense because we're learning from it. I, for one, wouldn't be able to learn from a person I couldn't stomach.
Review from a student who took ECO 304L
The countless opportunities to get an A outway anything that you may not like about him and his teaching. I had I C before the final, but finished with an A. Focus on the essays for the test and you'll do great also manage time well during test and pace yourself.
Review from a student who took ECO 361N
Get into a good group. Study your ass off for the first exam. if you have to do the video, get ready to kiss some ass. The class is like a contest
Review from a student who took ECO 304L
DO NOT TAKE NORMAN! I GOT AN "A" AND I'M STILL SAYING "DO NOT TAKE NORMAN!" This class was a total waste of time. I learned absolutely nothing. I took him Fall 2002. Norman rambles on about politics and crap and then goes around asking students if they know the answers to his little trivia questions. The tests were based on reports that other students wrote! I think we had 2 exams and six quizzes- the quizzes were all math, and we never learned how they were related to the economy! If you do take this class, don't even bother buying the book because you never use it. I can't stress how retarded this class was. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Review from a student who took ECO 361N
He is a complete nut. But I learned so much from him. He is a great guy. He doesn't take any bullsh!t. If your group's test average is best in class, your project is ranked first, or the web page is best in class, you get an automatic A.
Review from a student who took ECO 304K
Norman is a crazy old mofo, but he's awesome. Class is fun, easy enough... Norman knows his stuff without being boring.
Review from a student who took ECO 304K
People that have taken Norman either love him or they hate him. I personally found him annoying. All he talks about in class is politics, but you can't understand a word he says because he's breathing into the microphone extremely hard. The stuff that you read out of the book aren't even covered on the test. If you're good at algebra, you'll do fine in the class. Alll the quizzes (all easy) were based on math, which to this day I have no idea how it related to macroeconomics. The tests (VERY HARD) are mainly math and current events (which you can just look up on the internet). You do some reports that add bonus points onto your final average, but are a lot of work. The video project is so much work, but if your group places, then you get mad bonus points. Once you secure a 100 average in the class, you're out of there, you never have to come back to class. Take Norman if you want to get an easy A, but be prepared to hear him yap about HIS view of politics the whole time.
Review from a student who took Eco 304L
Norman's Eco 304L is an experience. From the beginning, you should try to do everything in your power to do well in the class, and you will get that back. Norman's 304L is one of the few Economics classes where you feel the effects of your effort. You should pick your group well, but there's not much you can do except plan in advance days before class starts. I got lucky. On the first day, I decided to be adventurous and declare myself a group leader. I picked a group of people that mostly were clearly dedicated to going for the A. I think I almost failed the first test. The tests are a LOT of information, and you'd be doing best to simply memorize the math and all of the issues. I did well for the next test. Norman really does give you every chance to excell in his class, and he will mention what you need to do a few times. There's little excuse for finishing with anything less than an A if you care and you have a group capable of reaching the video project competition. The projects are the greatest source of extra credit I've encountered in college. Be forewarned that it's a lot of work, and quality matters, since students vote on the winners, but they aren't the only input. You compete against the other groups in the class. The winner gets an insane amount of points towards their average. If you place in the lower ranks, you get almost nothing, but every last point matters up until the end. Norman himself is a crazy old man. He definately wants to give you lots of oppertunities, and he will go over class material with you if you ask him to. Lectures have a lot to do with politcs, and thanks to him, I have a much broader view of what goes into the economy. Just cut him some slack, and you'll enjoy his lectures a lot more. He's a little odd to talk to one to one, but do it. He's got a lot of valid opinions that you might not have previously thought of, and he gives them without forcing them on you. Do the practice math, go to class, do well in the video project, beat the tests. Norman's class is a lot of fun and an incredible amount of effort. Each of the other reviews here before me have some truth in them, so read them before deciding to take this class. Happy Economics!

Grades given in courses taught by Alfred Norman

When teaching ECO 304L

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 51% 30% 13% 2% 2% 3%

  All professors who have taught ECO 304L

When teaching ECO 361N

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 49% 44% 5% 0% 0% 2%

  All professors who have taught ECO 361N

When teaching ECO 304K

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 56% 31% 8% 2% 2% 2%

  All professors who have taught ECO 304K