Professor profile for Richard Neptune

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Student reviews of Richard Neptune

Review from a student who took ME 324
He is very methodical and tries to develop problem solving intuition in all of his students. Makes lots of small talk with everyone and tries to learn the names of all students. Very approachable and kind.
Review from a student who took ME 324
This class is hard no matter who you take. Professor Neptune is very organized and presents the material very well. He basically outlines the book for you. He is very friendly and willing to help you anytime. The TA's are very helpful for help on homework. Exams are difficult but lots of partial credit if you understand the concepts.
Review from a student who took ME 324
Dr. Neptune is the best professor I've had so far. Unfortunately, this class is very hard.
Review from a student who took ME 324
Nice prof pretty hard class.. he is very organised take him if you can.
Review from a student who took ME 324
Richard teaches the class in old school way. The mathematics and physics is from two centuries ago. In the world of quantum mechanics, his mechanics of dynamics is horrifyingly deterministic and out-of-context. As a student, I was fooled to think that everything big or small is deterministic. It is not. He never explains quantum mechanics. The exams are super hard to discourage students away from university. He is not helpful outside of class. Infact you will have a hard time convincing him to be kind to you. He never agreed advise me for thesis because I came from outside of was not my fault.
Review from a student who took as a Thesis advisor
It was difficult to convince Richard of any new idea. He turned out not to be a good choice for a dissertation adviser.
Review from a student who took ME324 + ME383Q Engg Dynamic
Richard travels through the book at supersonic speed - I felt dizzy half-way through the course. I practiced lots of question for the mid-term - still I could get to only B+. The course is mathematical and extremely hard. Yeah, he does not show any hardware or software in the class - the class is old-school and bad ass. I had to take the course to graduate else I would have skipped - I will have lost nothing by not crediting this course. I had to take notes on my own - minimal course notes are posted on Blackboard. The course is a necessary evil - atleast Richard tries to keep the evil part low. He is kind to women students, but not to minority students. He loves students from Texas - flip side: he hates students outside of Texas.
Review from a student who took ME 384
Specificity is not creativity. Not the best course. Course is difficult because there are several routes to loose points, and not many to gain points. It is ok, but not new course. Concepts are antiquated. Have fun while you can, but don't take grades to your heart. Grades don't represent nothing. I never used these concepts again for rest of my career.
Review from a student who took ME 324
Ric cooks up arguments to disapprove methods, procedures, ideas, and students based on singular unrelated facts. Never helped throughout project work, and was more of control freak. Be cautious of his advice, and more importantly take advice from a better professor.
Review from a student who took Thesis
Hard to convince, go getter, reductionist. Talks about math only, and he is good in it. Not a kind person.
Review from a student who took ME 383
Class is hard with futile theories. Extremely old worn-out lectures, needed for exam, but have no relevance elsewhere. Neither he or the course will make you a smart person. Just don't know why so much reduction-ism is needed to analyze a ball or pendulum. I rather credit CS classes. He couldn't remember my name in tailgate party. Depressing!
Review from a student who took Thesis advisor, co-author
OK kinda course, as advisor, and co-author, he manipulates people around and misuses professional ethics to humiliate his own students.
Review from a student who took ME38
I needed help, and he told me "I don't care".
Review from a student who took ME324
moronic lectures
Review from a student who took Thesis
Provides outdated theories. Doesn't go along well to do research. Complains a lot that nobody writes papers.
Review from a student who took ME324
Most futile class. Adds no skill to your resume.
Review from a student who took ME383
Absolutely impossible to worth with or get him to come around on anything. So old school. Not easy to get along with. Zero empathy or understanding for students. Do not recommend taking his classes.
Review from a student who took ThesisAdvisor
Difficult to get along on any topic. Reduces a big problem and looses big picture. Promises a lot and doesn't fulfill most of them. Not the best project member because he has a tendency to differentiate team. Loner who likes to be alone all the time.
Review from a student who took thesis
Ric was always forgetting my name.....Didn't get any help from him in my research. Rolls out rules to block progress or put blame.
Review from a student who took ME324
Mathematical perfectionism is exactly the issue with Ric. Math teaches humility whilst Ric isn't. Relation with engineering is completely absent and I agree with the reviews coz we did spent four months on balls and pendulums alone.

Grades given in courses taught by Richard Neptune

When teaching ME 383Q

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 71% 29% 0% 0% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught ME 383Q

When teaching ME 324

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 28% 28% 29% 5% 7% 4%

  All professors who have taught ME 324

When teaching ME 354M

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 45% 36% 15% 0% 0% 3%

  All professors who have taught ME 354M

When teaching ME 385J

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught ME 385J