Professor profile for Raul Longoria

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Student reviews of Raul Longoria

Review from a student who took ME 383Q
Tecahing style is completely unorganized. However he is very helpful and open to discussions. You will benefit a lot from the course, if you do his assignments sincerely.
Review from a student who took ME 244L
Dr. Longoria is a good teacher, but he is hard pressed to give you all the information he has to in just the hour lecture that you have every week. Whats more, the TA has most of the control over your grade and you can't choose which one of those that you get.
Review from a student who took ME383Q
He is a charismatic individual, possesses a lot of knowledge but is not endowed with skills enough to get this knowledge across to his students. All in all, the course is very helpful provided you are prepared to go the extra mile to learn most of the content yourself.
Review from a student who took ME 344
Prof Longoria almost never had enough class time to complete his class. His class is unorganized and reading material comes from a wide variety of sources. Unfortunately I didn't do well because I had a hard time understanding the material. Moresoever he never seem to have enough time in his office hours. He may have a charming personality, but what good is it when students can't score in his class ?
Review from a student who took ME 383Q
Lectures are very disorganized. The class is mostly bond graphs and simulations. Bond graphs are not common enough in industry to warrant this obsession with them, but the simulation work you will do can be useful as well as the work in understanding how to model systems. Lastly, the work is moderately hard and time consuming.
Review from a student who took ME38Q
Disorganized course with several pages of unrelated reading. Part of stuff is outdated, and inapplicable. This is stuff I never apply to solve real world problem. Mostly he teaches theoretical stuff that is totally unnecessary. Just a departmental requirement, else course served no purpose. Course is all about unnecessary computer simulations.
Review from a student who took ME 144L
He's a nice guy -- a little underprepared, but always smart and helpful. He did a great job redesigning the DSC Lab for online instruction during quarantine.
Review from a student who took ME 344
On a personal level, hes a great dude, very kind. No issues at all. The class though? Utterly useless. Unorganized. This class creates an artificial barrier of inflated difficulty to get to your final semester. There isn't anything remotely useful about this class and I have gained absolutely nothing from it. It's the most academic theoretical waste of my time, and I am no more competitive of a candidate on the job market as an engineer compared to the point before I took the class. He recognizes that nobody is interpreting what hes saying, and continues to push on. He is scrambled and scattered with his methodology in teaching, and it doesn't help the whole time you have this deep understanding that everything the guys saying is going to get dumped the second you leave the class. What's the point of it then? We made it this far, why are we still putting in artifical difficulty weedout classes? The only way to survive this is to form a collaborative group to attempt to understand it as a think tank collective.

Grades given in courses taught by Raul Longoria

When teaching ME 244L

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 50% 43% 6% 0% 0% 1%

  All professors who have taught ME 244L

When teaching ME 383Q

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 58% 36% 3% 0% 0% 3%

  All professors who have taught ME 383Q

When teaching ME 344

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 32% 45% 5% 8% 11% 0%

  All professors who have taught ME 344

When teaching ME 397

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 70% 26% 0% 0% 0% 4%

  All professors who have taught ME 397

Rating Summary:

Personality: 4.38
Grading Fairness: 3.25
Lecture Quality: 2.38
Overall: 3.00

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