Professor profile for Alton Martin

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Student reviews of Alton Martin

Review from a student who took che 353m
I had Alton Martin in 2001 for ChemE 353M. On the first stats test, he told us to bring any book we wanted. The test was a bait and switch. It was an engineering test and did not touch on statistics. I got a B in his class. I had my roommate go by Painter Hall where and when we were taking our final and yell out, "Alton Martin is gay!" I was taking the final and the auditorium was completely quiet until my roommate yelled that out in the hallway. We all busted into a laugh. Priceless.

Grades given in courses taught by Alton Martin

When teaching CHE 353M

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 39% 44% 10% 2% 1% 4%

  All professors who have taught CHE 353M

Rating Summary:

Personality: 2.00
Grading Fairness: 2.00
Lecture Quality: 1.00
Overall: 2.00

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