Professor profile for Mia Markey

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Student reviews of Mia Markey

Review from a student who took BME 335
I hate her but I tried to be honest with the numbers. Lectures are okay, all powerpoints which are posted online. Practice problems during lecture which help you understand and obviously get practice. Time to bash: WORST GRADER EVER. 3 exams which were not very hard and nearly identical to practice exams given, but your grade will absolutely NOT reflect your knowledge or mastery of the material. Annoying voice and crap personality too, jokes were stupid and she will just bug the hell out of you probably. Always whining about ethics and this and that, who cares. Stay away at all costs, even being a stat and probability ace like me doesn't guarantee you an A with her backwards grading. To clarify the grading problem--if your work or way of solving a problem is not exactly how she wants it, you will get little to no credit, even if you arrive at the same answer. Stifles creativity like nothing else. TAKE SOMEONE ELSE.
Review from a student who took BME 335
This class was absolutely worthless. Lectures were taught on powerpoint, which would usually be ok, but not in a math class. In class examples were done in groups but when discussing the correct solution as a class she would have a student come up and explain which was often not very clear at all. Her tests are really long and you have barely enough time to finish. She grades very much to what she wants to see and not on how you may have approached the problem. In office hours, she's not very helpful because she pulls out the same powerpoint slides that she already went over in lecture. All in all, not a good professor...if you can avoid taking her do so!!
Review from a student who took BME 335
I hate her but I tried to be honest with the numbers. Lectures are okay, all powerpoints which are posted online. Practice problems during lecture which help you understand and obviously get practice. Time to bash: WORST GRADER EVER. 3 exams which were not very hard and nearly identical to practice exams given, but your grade will absolutely NOT reflect your knowledge or mastery of the material. Annoying voice and crap personality too, jokes were stupid and she will just bug the hell out of you probably. Always whining about ethics and this and that, who cares. Stay away at all costs, even being a stat and probability ace like me doesn't guarantee you an A with her backwards grading. To clarify the grading problem--if your work or way of solving a problem is not exactly how she wants it, you will get little to no credit, even if you arrive at the same answer. Stifles creativity like nothing else. TAKE SOMEONE ELSE.

Grades given in courses taught by Mia Markey

When teaching BME 335

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 20% 48% 25% 1% 0% 6%

  All professors who have taught BME 335

When teaching BME 380J

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 66% 34% 0% 0% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught BME 380J

Rating Summary:

Personality: 2.00
Grading Fairness: 1.33
Lecture Quality: 3.33
Overall: 1.33

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