Professor profile for Vincent Mariani

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Student reviews of Vincent Mariani

Review from a student who took Oil Painting
Lovely, lovely man. Terrible teacher for oil painting. I learned absolutely nothing.
Review from a student who took ART 311
He made me question everything — my painting, art, lifestyle. I now strive to do better and push the envelope. I really enjoyed his class.
Review from a student who took painting
How odd to read a negative review about his painting course. I studied with him from 1968 until 1971 and learned so much. I'm a successful painter and all I know came from that man. Back then our study was very technical; none of that splash and dab crap that we see nowadays. Vince's ability as a painter is unmatched. He passed that same ability on to us if we were serious about learning. Look up Roi James if you want to see a result of Vince's abilities as a painting teacher. If you didn't learn then you were not a serious student.
Review from a student who took art design...?
This wasn't a studio course..I hold this man...and, Vince, high esteem...I was a close friend with his oldest son, Vince,Jr and, with him, we taught ourselves to play drums...I remember Vince,Sr. drawing pencil sketches on the dining table that were on the level of Michelangelo's Grotesque Heads. When Vince, Jr., would weasel out of being grounded, his dad would say, You be back here at...some time...or "..there's gonna be a revolution !" Flo, wife and mom, had a heart of gold and taught me some rudimentary classical guitar..I, sadly, lost track of them when I went overseas in '69 yr, in Austin, I went to visit my sister at Brack...she was d.c'd but Flo was in her room !! She said simply that they were running some tests...Some time later, I heard from her youngest son, Mark, that she passed away...If ever anyone deserved to live a long life it was her....I miss her and her family and regret not keeping in touch ! David F. Montgomery RN
Review from a student who took multiple
Mariani encouraged me to grow as an individual artist. He didn't push one way of painting, one way of seeing an art form, technique, etc.. He gave the tools, created an inspiring environment and encouraged each of us to find our passion, the thing guiding (driving?) us to create. He was one of my most inspiring mentors. There were other instructors who believed in teaching mass production, one style of painting or drawing technique. A manner of producing art that would create a successful work of art in a traditional sense, similar the work of other aspiring artists in the studio. These lifeless classes killed my spirit for years after graduation and left me hollow. Though good enough for the individual without much skill who wishes to be able to recreate what already exists. Having the honor of working under Mariani taught me the difference between the pretentious and the true masters. 15 years later.. I still feel grateful and humbled to have the privilege of receiving his training. Still seeking that which cannot be captured in words, pushing myself artistically to be worthy of his praise. A Wilson.
Review from a student who took Life Drawing
Bar none, the best teacher I ever studied with, and I have worked with some great ones.
Review from a student who took
I did not take a course from Vince Mariani senior, as I was only about 8 years old when I knew him as a Wonderful, kindly, and caring neighbor. We were neighbor for several years in the Terrytown area of Austin, Texas when we moved to then boonies Westlake Hills. A year or so later, the Marianis built their house on a lot next to ours.
Review from a student who took Life Drawing
I started in the UT architecture department in 1958, and was told that a life drawing course could be an effective antidote to mechanical drafting. So, in the early 1960’s, I signed up for a life drawing class that happened to be taught by Vincent Mariani. Mr. Mariani’s class style was 180 degrees different from my architecture experience. Our projects were presented to a jury of several architecture teachers who thought it best to let each of us know what was wrong with our design as submitted. In contrast to that, Mr. Mariani came by my easel more than once each class to explain what aspects of my work would contribute to the successful completion of my drawing. That turned out to be very helpful. He often imposed specific constraints on a class period, such as drawing a certain pose in 30 minutes, then the same pose in 10 minutes, then in 3 minutes, then in 10 seconds. With his help, I learned to use different drawing materials appropriate to each constraint; that would result in outcomes suitable to the assignment. He sometimes asked that we use only lines to indicate body contours and volumes, then only shading, and to imply what was unseen on the other side of the figure. I have run my architecture practice in New York City since 1973 and the disciplines I learned from Mr. Mariani still serve me well. I hope someone will thank him for me in person. ……………………………………. Ralph Gillis, AIA, NCARB Gillis Architects, PC
Review from a student who took
I have known Vincent Mariani my entire life. I grew up visiting him since I was born every summer until I was an adult. He knew that I was an inspiring artist and so he would take time each night to give me a lesson in drawing- drawing form, weight and line. As I continued to hone my skill, I decided that I wanted to dedicate my life to following in his foots steps. Every show, every scholarship, every application had to reach the level of aspiration that I could hear in Vincent's stories of his life. I am now teaching in Portland at University level, and I think of his lessons and passion every day. I use many of his techniques of using drawing as an investigation of life's mysteries and as artistic research within one's mind and try to share this with my students. I was devastated to learn of his passing in June 2021 and will miss our conversations and his mentorship for the rest of my life.

Grades given in courses taught by Vincent Mariani

When teaching ART 302K

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 64% 30% 4% 1% 0% 1%

  All professors who have taught ART 302K

When teaching ART 301K

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 56% 35% 3% 0% 0% 6%

  All professors who have taught ART 301K

When teaching ART 311K

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 79% 21% 0% 0% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught ART 311K

When teaching ART 315K

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 67% 22% 11% 0% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught ART 315K

When teaching ART 301L

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 71% 21% 6% 0% 0% 3%

  All professors who have taught ART 301L

When teaching ART 321K

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 65% 35% 0% 0% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught ART 321K

When teaching ART 303K

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 76% 18% 0% 0% 0% 6%

  All professors who have taught ART 303K

When teaching ART 304K

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 88% 12% 0% 0% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught ART 304K