Professor profile for Jonathan Koehler

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Student reviews of Jonathan Koehler

Review from a student who took 309H
He's tough and his quirk is he really likes showing off his "fame." Nice guy though and really loves what he teaches.
Review from a student who took STA 309H
Koehler is an interesting little man. He expects a lot of work from you (weekly problems, ungraded homeworks, article readings, and class examples) but in return is willing to answer all your questions and works hard to be available to his students at all times of the day. On top of the already mentioned work you will also have a group project and three tests. The final is a killer! He does a good job of breaking difficult concepts into easy to understand examples. Don't blow off the ungraded homework because it will look alot like your exams. This is a tough class to make an A in but a B is very attainable.
Review from a student who took Sta309h
This professor can suck my left nut.

Grades given in courses taught by Jonathan Koehler

When teaching STA 309H

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 42% 55% 2% 0% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught STA 309H

When teaching MSC 380

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 43% 57% 0% 0% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught MSC 380

Rating Summary:

Personality: 4.33
Grading Fairness: 4.00
Lecture Quality: 4.67
Overall: 4.67

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