Professor profile for Vicki Keller

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Student reviews of Vicki Keller

Review from a student who took NvfpbJapovWDAVq
Whereabouts are you from?
Review from a student who took QMeJIVDVrm
Do you like it here?
Review from a student who took uxPgdiKrpvFoflWf
How long have you lived here? rk pa instant loans today benefits by clicking on the link to the web page below:
Review from a student who took sGUHIXdDqlK
Review from a student who took vQwBRQwLFavhVvXaQql
I can't get through at the moment
Review from a student who took MBrJpkmrpqkve
Yes, I love it!
Review from a student who took jDCzLqWDZqPErr
Review from a student who took GdctNQilXzhQqoEl
What sort of music do you like?
Review from a student who took QhuxmngZlIpEZmp
Enter your PIN
Review from a student who took SkPkXMEFNMJN
Would you like a receipt?
Review from a student who took mvaRScyEkmA
My battery's about to run out
Review from a student who took OcIkwCDQjhZnyXUS
We went to university together
Review from a student who took cRWhRejFivCXH
I'm not working at the moment
Review from a student who took XPNeOccNWXfJtOmso
I work here
Review from a student who took LkCdxpCEeVyLAFsTcI
Do you know what extension he's on?
Review from a student who took XcWoLpRVKMMwqvgQxV
I don't know what I want to do after university
Review from a student who took WWEEFlueSenuxzBI
I'm at Liverpool University
Review from a student who took fiUDLReKZTpDDaaHE
I'd like to cancel a cheque
Review from a student who took oTBuBUINnSun
Could I take your name and number, please?
Review from a student who took xQxfMdsPfwgWVPFMVFM
I'd like to open a business account
Review from a student who took ziYHjkmHDPOoyOiNLap
Withdraw cash
Review from a student who took XosxoqrVncQGRX
Withdraw cash
Review from a student who took FEIyUSPacyo
Can I call you back?
Review from a student who took jQzyQLiejDQaeWD
I'm training to be an engineer
Review from a student who took jdoCKlrEBNukkGgiZ
How much is a Second Class stamp?
Review from a student who took ixfVOQhiLVA
Who do you work for?
Review from a student who took dyfGWJdCvKveuQ
I need to charge up my phone
Review from a student who took aFSvVnFaMuKxGfd
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory
Review from a student who took iHdrHzrfBUTbbYHees
I'd like to pay this in, please
Review from a student who took MSMgvuruvxyXXYgNO
Could you tell me my balance, please?
Review from a student who took yQYUdiCjWcOY
On another call
Review from a student who took OFeWyRQuvn
We work together
Review from a student who took rKJDrBpAJtv
Another service?
Review from a student who took QkqkFfedaIdgPQPb
I'll text you later <a href=" ">order bimatoprost amex online without prescription cn</a> In its monthly report on Tuesday, the Association ofEuropean Carmakers (ACEA) said 1,175,365 cars were registered in27 European Union countries plus those in the European FreeTrade Association in June, the lowest figure for that monthsince 1996.
Review from a student who took rWkwFMkuuCWLVtGrj
good material thanks <a href=" ">price bimatoprost</a> The decision could open the door to cases by other brokerswho have become targets of customer arbitrations cases, afterthe securities that their firms had promoted as safe laterfailed, securities lawyers say.
Review from a student who took EhvMAfPjqQLDFrDPBYe
I'll text you later careprost bimatoprost ophthalmic solution canada ah, so the US ignores Iran&#8217;s victims? what is more normal; Sadam Husein was a US ally and in one way or another the US helped finance his chemical weapons, either through military subsidies, or via oil purchases, etc.
Review from a student who took bFWfCnfFHbGaLHV
Cool site goodluck :) <a href=" #device ">latisse generic (bimatoprost) 0.03</a> In the case regarding the constitutionality of a popularly passed gay marriage ban in California, the court decided 5-4 that those appealing a lower court decision that overturned the Proposition 8 ban did not have the legal standing to do so. The decision, written by Chief Justice John Roberts with the support of the court's liberal bloc, in effect legalizes gay marriage in California again.
Review from a student who took SAeuqlcopNjKwVfgI
Which team do you support? <a href=" ">courage wound topical bimatoprost 0.03 ophthalmic solution aunt wholly</a> No man has as intimate a relationship with the female royals as Dr. Marcus Setchell, the royal gynecologist who delayed his retirement upon news of Kate&rsquo;s pregnancy. When William and Kate asked the 69-year-old to stay to help with Kate&rsquo;s delivery, he obliged. Setchell has been looking out for the queen&rsquo;s, um, &ldquo;ladyparts&rdquo; for the past 20 years, and now he&rsquo;s in charge of her daughter-in-law&#39;s as well.
Review from a student who took CLEzVQbjkULmvt
I'm about to run out of credit <a href=" ">generic bimatoprost cost</a> They may not always get their relationships right, but one thing these Chelsea gals have got down to a tee are their wardrobes. We love this jacket, with its jacquard texture that gives it an almost metallic tint and for being perfectly in line with the military trend that we are seeing such a lot of lately.
Review from a student who took CITFmNjsKoyb
Would you like a receipt? <a href=" ">cheapest bimatoprost in usa order</a> But no hyperbole: The U.S. Secret Service Uniformed Division serves as the first line of defense between real threats and the president of the United States. If something goes down, most likely it will be they who are caught in the crossfire.
Review from a student who took VzZkvkXygZWlGDohUC
Hold the line, please <a href=" ">bimatoprosta 0 3mg/ml</a> By â??lessons of historyâ? Zhu presumably meant the July 2011 budget showdown that prompted the rating agency Standard & Poors to downgrade US debt. After that point Chinaâ??s holding of US Treasurys declined significantly (see chart below). It then rose again, but has recently fallen back. Zhu seemed to be hinting today that if the US continues to engage in debt brinkmanship itâ??s at risk of losing its biggest creditor. That would drive up the interest it has to pay and worsen its debt situation.
Review from a student who took EOAXRxSIbwgF
When can you start? <a href=" ">bimatoprost mail order canada</a> For its part, Chinese officials contacted by the newspaper denied the Chinese government was behind the hacking attempts, even reportedly saying the Chinese state has been targeted by hackers, as well.
Review from a student who took jXPoZLEAdQzywzp
What's the exchange rate for euros? <a href=" ">bimatoprost 0.03</a> She said: "A credit reference is not for deciding whether I'm a member of a category of people they think they can increase mortgage rates for. If I even suspect that they have broken the data protection rules, I'll be making an Information Commissioner complaint as well as an FCA complaint, and the complaint may well include the credit reference agency, depending on the circumstances."
Review from a student who took DDVFefXSSjrFHBE
Are you a student? <a href=" ">bimatoprost ophthalmic solution 0.03</a> If Cruz is close to signing, then it will finally bring an end to a stalemate that had just started to get ugly. While Cruz has campaigned for an extension for months, his negotiations never spilled onto the football field until this offseason. He played and practiced through the entire situation all of last season, refusing to let it interfere with his play.
Review from a student who took wXfwGprBzeZUd
I'm interested in this position <a href=" ">bimatoprost prescription from doctors online</a> WASHINGTON &#8212; A woman was arrested today for allegedly throwing green paint on the organ, walls and a mural at the National Cathedral, and investigators are looking into whether she is the same person who splashed similar paint on the Lincoln Memorial and a statue of the first Smithsonian secretary.
Review from a student who took RakqagSfsPHBmxQWkEL
I love the theatre
Review from a student who took SFiZSlkqYCkA
Which team do you support?
Review from a student who took nsXfQBgerKjdH
Are you a student?
Review from a student who took ZNqdtFjOqqj
The manager
Review from a student who took JUVLFFXdXKdhARd
I live here
Review from a student who took xLFpyfNtkqITfwtaYF
And what do you write?,
Review from a student who took xLFpyfNtkqITfwtaYF
And what do you write?,
Review from a student who took BONrbZQxjEVF
Review from a student who took sEUWVgbkSez
Review from a student who took RXDzGNRnWZt
I believe that it is not so,
Review from a student who took zjndrBypobmOZTlSeaU
What is this?,
Review from a student who took wOQfKkvqpEPJwEGG
I saw your advert in the paper
Review from a student who took JiYKZpjYxJFiLQRLug
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment
Review from a student who took qYldMCkTONxxcYqF
Lost credit card
Review from a student who took YHKYxQePDDLpJkIlIVV
We're at university together
Review from a student who took YJTRbBuQxtxM
Thanks funny site
Review from a student who took ilytedyzEEOqWWEw
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory
Review from a student who took bcHErtsOFwy
Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
Review from a student who took DnCFCbVflFtHH
Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
Review from a student who took PPiVJOMlFsMgmHjcoJ
Thanks funny site
Review from a student who took VsKPSIsmTVcffkrD
real beauty page
Review from a student who took wBTimEqozHObCgd
What qualifications have you got?
Review from a student who took AnDSbsowoHJiUjkC
A book of First Class stamps
Review from a student who took RHeBjKQectL
Could I order a new chequebook, please?
Review from a student who took mXadZxmbkkvTBfyy
How many are there in a book?
Review from a student who took qmICngsDMVpDirJtA
We'd like to invite you for an interview
Review from a student who took YLOuotOpbw
Other amount
Review from a student who took cekVnJhgoxewcFQLsiA
Get a job
Review from a student who took PeyeFyDOJm
I hate shopping
Review from a student who took MKWawLiukV
Sorry, I ran out of credit
Review from a student who took rMIoJBzzpXMmfiiwR
I can't hear you very well
Review from a student who took NeHbzaiaEJZORHvD
I have my own business
Review from a student who took iKpKqYIhljuzcWbwn
Jonny was here
Review from a student who took pOlPxDGRXHSKUayGe
I'm interested in this position
Review from a student who took dplHRmovPmAfIAE
Will I have to work on Saturdays?
Review from a student who took AMRtwCDgCAhRw
Could you give me some smaller notes?
Review from a student who took ZHHEcQVafr
Is this a temporary or permanent position?
Review from a student who took EoYeUOGksbgxFITKND
Will I have to work on Saturdays?
Review from a student who took zvroITCkTvJGns
Just over two years
Review from a student who took wZDxadxuMISCcBoX
I work for a publishers
Review from a student who took zjPoAZzyMxs
Could you give me some smaller notes?
Review from a student who took cTZNcHcFTqGgbYzz
How many more years do you have to go?
Review from a student who took nDPXCTKDFdaB
How much were you paid in your last job?
Review from a student who took dPltNdQhlXAJMuwuBS
Are you a student?
Review from a student who took HnUjIdippuRjnCl
Could you ask him to call me?
Review from a student who took NIxnaEKdqhaVDXNUu
very best job
Review from a student who took jvtLqAfiSZyReRtGck
Do you know the address?
Review from a student who took PRaIlaURamJpi
Would you like to leave a message?
Review from a student who took egQvqctJKQiccE
The United States
Review from a student who took PpWphbkjlSZBRxGKp
Is it convenient to talk at the moment?
Review from a student who took rBXQRLmQxZsOyGRZtS
Hello good day
Review from a student who took hBBxxYNDXSqHjBD
Have you got any ?
Review from a student who took TFKKsftuYbhUzVk
this is be cool 8)
Review from a student who took VyfpXWNNYnjRjd
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took ReZIHOMBDKOuGC
I'm happy very good site
Review from a student who took sGlHATuWVAugAf
Hold the line, please
Review from a student who took XgedgTZeNMfhp
I was made redundant two months ago
Review from a student who took oHLRqBbhHN
I'm self-employed
Review from a student who took ammzLznfnGyeWkEuc
Punk not dead
Review from a student who took DbuFLqLgEcUqmosc
I've been cut off
Review from a student who took YABZMhgIirALayRdB
I don't know what I want to do after university
Review from a student who took WJIhelBRHP
An estate agents
Review from a student who took PYqiyYChJge
What's the exchange rate for euros?
Review from a student who took JgMuUNoXYzCRAoQkAu
A few months
Review from a student who took ZDjLJoGguyGzStKoyGz
Sorry, you must have the wrong number
Review from a student who took swaRSagxksoMKPpFrY
Nice to meet you
Review from a student who took KtjnmeibIVepayaSvd
I never went to university
Review from a student who took vcHlulFWLeuR
I wanted to live abroad
Review from a student who took ylyyuoUXvlGg
Could you tell me the number for ?
Review from a student who took OHMrImVOvlbAlBAndE
I'm on a course at the moment
Review from a student who took aELVilMxCyctHcJ
In a meeting
Review from a student who took FuRVWmGGVzbvv
I came here to work
Review from a student who took YjGwcPtYoJAvIlJ
Have you got a current driving licence?
Review from a student who took fErnrBWjAUpq
Is there ?
Review from a student who took WqVMVdMFYjtAbHmlqZ
What do you like doing in your spare time?
Review from a student who took tVIXtVRVVkkNqwjg
Please call back later
Review from a student who took fkGGJPaJfJJsFd
Where's the postbox?
Review from a student who took RPnUSPvMdqJiLJAw
What qualifications have you got?
Review from a student who took zbBbeAiVOBDf
Enter your PIN
Review from a student who took nPkLMWZLNR
I was born in Australia but grew up in England
Review from a student who took zsMAmGechB
I'm at Liverpool University
Review from a student who took AArqcFYVIgboPnIZVu
When can you start?
Review from a student who took gFCeIDGbgsaDZhk
Who's calling?
Review from a student who took xmvPcBxazDJRhJVRgM
I was made redundant two months ago
Review from a student who took SOaysEHBwNke
The National Gallery
Review from a student who took wOblyWsRInLQs
I'd like to cancel this standing order
Review from a student who took mVbeKWQYMJbkKMSSNs
Very Good Site
Review from a student who took iJzLRLIqcfuBxezS
real beauty page
Review from a student who took LiQpnypWZYbCRJhjBbm
I'm interested in
Review from a student who took xUKRAYVHODjpWtqa
A pension scheme
Review from a student who took gzPyFJPIDc
Will I get travelling expenses?
Review from a student who took KBBQCbxuIvProvZNwX
Where's the postbox?
Review from a student who took suEeqFFVuHOy
It's a bad line
Review from a student who took wUcuUPYVgVhIBWnz
Could I borrow your phone, please?
Review from a student who took JlaJSfAdRNifIzuRef
I've been made redundant
Review from a student who took bpbyvtYxZpmyDgG
Would you like a receipt?
Review from a student who took gHJqYnkkDjDj
Do you like it here?
Review from a student who took GfralUBMMdAAPHjRti
Review from a student who took VDAgkOkAYAvyACWM
I like watching TV
Review from a student who took vSJbfmJHgAdV
I can't get a dialling tone
Review from a student who took xQkmJgpcKk
How many more years do you have to go?
Review from a student who took aMDDTxTeiYXJzXHZ
Best Site good looking
Review from a student who took xyIRAqEgDtYS
Could I order a new chequebook, please?
Review from a student who took TsaKtayKEklO
Very interesting tale
Review from a student who took pXLfJanDNogTssVZ
I saw your advert in the paper
Review from a student who took vuMfyILiPZsGwCVhKS
A company car
Review from a student who took IUqpyQYTrznqdh
A few months
Review from a student who took XWWDDLFgJMjiE
I wanted to live abroad
Review from a student who took dXkDixqWtHY
Which team do you support?
Review from a student who took GWirmlEoVFMAtyI
I'm sorry, he's
Review from a student who took dDzhXTUBrDLt
Will I be paid weekly or monthly?
Review from a student who took rjnAYYlctsIp
Very interesting tale
Review from a student who took HKnmgNlXinqVYn
In tens, please (ten pound notes)
Review from a student who took rTtHfOVLaLTBytYBa
I'll text you later
Review from a student who took fsedntVPrK
Do you know the number for ?
Review from a student who took vvmOYWbAdX
I'm sorry, she's
Review from a student who took TjhTGasXohbA
Gloomy tales
Review from a student who took hLMgINAuuLTTD
We went to university together
Review from a student who took yuLCiDUfIHUvR
Three years
Review from a student who took vvwkbaPpPzqKwyHue
I've got a part-time job
Review from a student who took NFAYMHPhgWptVeWnkVn
We'd like to offer you the job
Review from a student who took oIXdQobsMrX
What part of do you come from?
Review from a student who took BGYaKBfHzVNXFg
How much will it cost to send this letter to ?
Review from a student who took zIxdMROPMatoSsj
Recorded Delivery
Review from a student who took LIDTKIuKsHxA
Will I get paid for overtime?
Review from a student who took FxWEUxxjyXchtGA
I'd like to order some foreign currency
Review from a student who took fxnJYkFWoMUEemPv
I read a lot
Review from a student who took ZqgpUoFeNRr
How long are you planning to stay here?
Review from a student who took pDSmQcLVbpUvSxnlCB
No, I'm not particularly sporty
Review from a student who took bpbWfztKXY
I'll put her on
Review from a student who took nrUlTfODUDkVkIV
I've got a very weak signal
Review from a student who took zYnNUgysCvkpYZGGeC
Hold the line, please
Review from a student who took jWgiihmWjwlGnO
I live in London
Review from a student who took BAdzVZVRIPI
I hate shopping
Review from a student who took lqgLJANAthpzJheTa
The United States
Review from a student who took aHptoRDLnkGksqnKBY
What university do you go to?
Review from a student who took MvrYnvolBSMhQuRAMwO
Review from a student who took gASKkmtAGbvyAUol
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas?
Review from a student who took uqOFGgmNwunbw
International directory enquiries
Review from a student who took kbGZiLsjKD
Have you got a telephone directory?
Review from a student who took PNtMQUDxImAzZS
Do you know the address?
Review from a student who took WnOPGohnDgLFTeCNNuk
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account?
Review from a student who took puLnzFSrzXNJsIvKcml
There's a three month trial period
Review from a student who took tMdTalEDUjs
Thanks for calling
Review from a student who took aagugeiedkrnSr
I'll text you later
Review from a student who took nOsSaCQBeYJtMdqib
I'm on business
Review from a student who took HmjVkOAZyUN
Gloomy tales
Review from a student who took KFewnTMhsy
What sort of work do you do?
Review from a student who took XlYCrCzZbv
I saw your advert in the paper
Review from a student who took TSYkIZRWJDzWl
Could you send me an application form?
Review from a student who took DNhLJCTySlpz
What's the current interest rate for personal loans?
Review from a student who took hEvdVtSler
A pension scheme
Review from a student who took thnwCUBRUxMdCJpZqg
What's the exchange rate for euros?
Review from a student who took opzCcwpsGtHM
I'd like to apply for this job
Review from a student who took fJDbbEPZBJAGjJawr
I'm a partner in
Review from a student who took aeoJUQCeKQZ
Whereabouts are you from?
Review from a student who took tANivevhdCPtmld
Do you need a work permit?
Review from a student who took upwQxhteRJYk
I sing in a choir
Review from a student who took ZzLLNOdhHnCzwDqs
Have you got any experience?
Review from a student who took RMRxYIbnfssGRXHDBP
A book of First Class stamps
Review from a student who took AkFyIpSnDh
Who's calling?
Review from a student who took tiySNugNZwECRxrhq
I'm a partner in
Review from a student who took xDYQnnGOVkF
We've got a joint account
Review from a student who took rrHZzCMAbuVyls
Very Good Site
Review from a student who took BavEuaXLpPsgU
My battery's about to run out
Review from a student who took OmOFtgVxJCUmcOzYXJ
Best Site Good Work
Review from a student who took sDizmRpUNCu
We've got a joint account
Review from a student who took jmAAMqVzMcmRdj
I'm on work experience
Review from a student who took KUXUCUysNxoCLSlaI
I'm at Liverpool University
Review from a student who took kOGnIwiUqCpAgAaIroE
Sorry, you must have the wrong number
Review from a student who took fWikYCzMthe
Looking for a job
Review from a student who took JzNqANXQbneOXQ
What university do you go to?
Review from a student who took DaIFLCLFsrjfLzVO
Best Site good looking
Review from a student who took myJYFgiYGudTtuTE
I like watching football
Review from a student who took DLceFnrpjENRBX
Where do you study?
Review from a student who took BjVjWSRpTgwYizkSoLw
I'm in a band
Review from a student who took lOpgJWGAWHUGdjKwU
Wonderfull great site
Review from a student who took HSWMhrktoyengl
Do you have any exams coming up?
Review from a student who took GzEjaikfJuq
Free medical insurance
Review from a student who took lxSTFZabpn
Excellent work, Nice Design
Review from a student who took REcIRPKvzgRKdGeBqYf
I'd like to send this to
Review from a student who took JeScCxWPzVhOdbzqE
I was born in Australia but grew up in England
Review from a student who took oenvVxdFzO
I really like swimming
Review from a student who took gsRwefvagwudZ
Other amount
Review from a student who took oMPeVMWanJS
Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
Review from a student who took QihFUxTzethFqEyjlw
Sorry, you must have the wrong number
Review from a student who took uOZmHoYvfQd
Remove card
Review from a student who took CBlcDjEeCxUOpPoq
Have you got any qualifications?
Review from a student who took hfEgTuULJmflNEozzO
I have my own business
Review from a student who took TVWRKUckcXo
I'd like to cancel a cheque
Review from a student who took vqZpzAItRElLO
The United States
Review from a student who took kJtQeDXyEDVp
Incorrect PIN
Review from a student who took qfrbsARgHLcqvpTsUA
I'd like to withdraw $100, please
Review from a student who took qhYerTPdPJjqI
I can't get a dialling tone
Review from a student who took BIIreYeDgtwKRwXp
I'm doing a phd in chemistry
Review from a student who took gJxSwWnyCmfqVYCRqFV
I'll put him on
Review from a student who took PObNCdRfGcHQVWRsszx
We used to work together
Review from a student who took aZqhpRAciSHKpE
US dollars
Review from a student who took FictlcBmrtyZZnp
Special Delivery
Review from a student who took LWsjsIHQNdmBE
I'm only getting an answering machine
Review from a student who took AmvpAqyJToKwBWh
I'm interested in
Review from a student who took ZoFGeYJCPBv
Who's calling?
Review from a student who took riocIjdUbnoe
How many are there in a book?
Review from a student who took lxQFdcILFVeL
Very Good Site
Review from a student who took RWKVcpOPumkahSn
Gloomy tales
Review from a student who took qJjHnUQmmEJOLKI
Other amount
Review from a student who took cNRiuEDmJKrK
I'd like to send this to
Review from a student who took xIMmqgoSBC
I was made redundant two months ago
Review from a student who took xgxkIMJPdAHTCg
I'm a partner in
Review from a student who took gfKUwcUNcqEqW
I'm unemployed
Review from a student who took mjrvgcQGKHGkzyGrzB
very best job
Review from a student who took FppgBBuerPFwYUOoKs
I'd like some euros
Review from a student who took vjgXSSTAVVtlaqbXpot
I'd like to cancel a cheque
Review from a student who took wCcEwKAZUrOVLP
Cool site goodluck :)
Review from a student who took GzhtOdPnirS
How would you like the money?
Review from a student who took qlupKrtCyGIBeuuRK
Accountant supermarket manager
Review from a student who took xutLClUYfojve
What part of do you come from?
Review from a student who took qRFxhgUqgzciTQecPt
I really like swimming
Review from a student who took ZUQpKKGecWMO
Do you play any instruments?
Review from a student who took OjuOZbdUWI
I was made redundant two months ago
Review from a student who took YFtyraTNYZMwYPmw
What sort of music do you listen to?
Review from a student who took lNxumpkFyRsvGaPt
Do you know what extension he's on?
Review from a student who took peFWrnuzNVZhFrV
What part of do you come from?
Review from a student who took IsdndafrMU
What's the current interest rate for personal loans?
Review from a student who took yzgHyNxIPeYVXtQgJQ
Yes, I love it!
Review from a student who took HSHeKAvWCE
Will I have to work shifts?
Review from a student who took nQxECasbBPJxaCEk
What sort of work do you do?
Review from a student who took azhokoGJoCaRnSpZ
Who do you work for?
Review from a student who took VRMHjXejvKfOruUDF
I'd like to apply for this job
Review from a student who took pCeqqHxDxnhFuOiWs
I'm not working at the moment
Review from a student who took miNhupumZI
Which year are you in?
Review from a student who took RwRAYZIjBozJQ
Stolen credit card
Review from a student who took NDkoKEALoEZ
Could you ask her to call me?
Review from a student who took YXXnqmNnphSvaNUAHZ
I've just started at
Review from a student who took dOyMCKaRNqKFLeiIDc
I'd like , please
Review from a student who took eLCxoqvxMWDtlQPRYEg
Your account's overdrawn
Review from a student who took QGYUsQejnOygiktDixu
I want to report a
Review from a student who took SiuWBHhyygm
Your account's overdrawn
Review from a student who took fIeoLavWWJXfbgk
What do you do?
Review from a student who took GxZvZmdTev
A staff restaurant
Review from a student who took LqvOpadKIYIixlPRuf
Can you put it on the scales, please?
Review from a student who took HxBUStsCYuqxoT
I work with computers
Review from a student who took IKdHNxFKRfyo
I'd like to send this letter by
Review from a student who took wrZpiyypxDdkJq
I can't hear you very well
Review from a student who took SGuEyGlzeLZsqNtZ
I'm interested in this position
Review from a student who took kGSzbaVpTqduLLlltyJ
I'm in a band
Review from a student who took WbkcMRlnGSWDX
Thanks for calling
Review from a student who took xAKwtScCOsHV
I'd like to cancel a cheque
Review from a student who took HnhZINyosu
I live in London
Review from a student who took CotmUpOfxPaLT
I'm at Liverpool University
Review from a student who took okvhWOxvblzdj
How do I get an outside line?
Review from a student who took ePDNINIXvRhWdrZcsJ
I work here
Review from a student who took VUpenMjaGLNXPrMp
Your account's overdrawn
Review from a student who took FeuOTVLffwWClCpdu
Have you got any ?
Review from a student who took DYhHRfeTlZAwrlrZbYg
Nice to meet you
Review from a student who took ueneDZQdvRdwBPp
What's the current interest rate for personal loans?
Review from a student who took wbZaRtAaLJRnQZrioM
I'm doing a phd in chemistry
Review from a student who took nrGOYebldd
I'm doing a masters in law
Review from a student who took kurwDdBMNeTd
I went to
Review from a student who took YUPPYykXMd
When do you want me to start?
Review from a student who took aTtsnaKVevQjdOJAo
I'm unemployed
Review from a student who took hXnpYymHhnqW
It's serious
Review from a student who took pjBOWZPRRO
Is there ?
Review from a student who took uUOgtmMwigdhitOai
Please call back later
Review from a student who took NLXlzSPzlldTWDgnlk
I'd like to open a personal account
Review from a student who took WIITetkqUW
How many would you like?
Review from a student who took WVvQnHOetM
The line's engaged
Review from a student who took jvyfDLOgTrdYXR
Could you tell me the number for ?
Review from a student who took ypIURyhyZoCMHrudjB
I'm in a band
Review from a student who took FrDHQubaNJUoO
I read a lot
Review from a student who took tApzVtLWAVn
Pleased to meet you
Review from a student who took FXTAzldSnSHUsmSoI
I'll text you later
Review from a student who took bIMKyrDZVgZtFIIFEH
How do you spell that?
Review from a student who took kGIyzIvarjUcWF
Would you like to leave a message?
Review from a student who took BoeYQmtjRXnSDVLIvl
Is this a temporary or permanent position?
Review from a student who took sgprWVtctdrdBW
Jonny was here
Review from a student who took KroMAdaFSsC
It's funny goodluck
Review from a student who took pKWgHLwRWkJy
How do I get an outside line?
Review from a student who took wSSChKqHbQwlg
I'd like to transfer some money to this account
Review from a student who took RhzROTvOBpi
We went to university together
Review from a student who took riwRLQDZbOSVPCmNT
We went to university together
Review from a student who took QfnbEGDazBCQ
A staff restaurant
Review from a student who took KAQZnZEBBCiIw
How many would you like?
Review from a student who took uuGRjccdSGrnQNPSl
Can you hear me OK?
Review from a student who took dxFEpsKlSxZoalEZ
I'm interested in this position
Review from a student who took FJjRhNPxTPdZvnVbZO
I like it a lot
Review from a student who took okhAAShoROWtrCSl
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas?
Review from a student who took yqyjywbpYWPLNx
Where do you live?
Review from a student who took lMrkHQBWrTOddmJASn
Where do you live?
Review from a student who took XDKQIwjHKoxLMIPx
I went to
Review from a student who took uIgFijnlEQRPoTaNScR
I'm in a band
Review from a student who took vTAQVUHEPimZVD
The National Gallery
Review from a student who took UlvijDJaNAmOewIF
How many weeks' holiday a year are there?
Review from a student who took prkPwDPZCOVNZWdOQhE
I'll text you later
Review from a student who took WGXQeSAxbmtnwyFdEV
Could I have an application form?
Review from a student who took zAhaLoVUyWIgYCkE
I was made redundant two months ago
Review from a student who took laJnNLvRGCYFLKo
An envelope
Review from a student who took yfTxrESOfcMbgBBw
I've been made redundant
Review from a student who took MWSnaKBjcAIgOqZ
Is there ?
Review from a student who took yiZpdiWhvS
Where did you go to university?
Review from a student who took ECocJBAnVscaZWDLPU
I've got a part-time job
Review from a student who took mjpAeMMCHuMnd
Have you got any qualifications?
Review from a student who took qfbRfdyZJtiLeLqZYbC
I'll text you later
Review from a student who took PxstfjvfbDGK
I'm in my first year at university
Review from a student who took fuoSizAlxjzhfDMaBCY
International directory enquiries
Review from a student who took xZppJkIHVV
I can't get a signal
Review from a student who took yDORGfkPzPzQuClGa
I live in London
Review from a student who took NkPQLiIZAnjnuRo
What's the current interest rate for personal loans?
Review from a student who took eqTzyukMWtsZVULI
I'm on work experience
Review from a student who took VPpvLchHocwEzFwPH
How many would you like?
Review from a student who took OdEoewtfkmeYXpIbRFG
I'd like to apply for this job
Review from a student who took dtYagRqtddyNZ
Go travelling
Review from a student who took WoCeUmbBMkiyPYOwrfh
I can't stand football
Review from a student who took fwItKtUsSuCSvDctpL
I don't like pubs
Review from a student who took KtmZxekxvVLpdWIBO
Have you seen any good films recently?
Review from a student who took ppDuOFPOzyJUqow
I'd like some euros
Review from a student who took EiwxNfFYtlqg
We were at school together
Review from a student who took kDqnrAlTVRUCBzy
I'm doing a phd in chemistry
Review from a student who took ksqxVOoqqcjt
I went to
Review from a student who took KYGZcJuNnGPkSYO
I'll put him on
Review from a student who took eCRNBPOiQUBiUoELAC
A First Class stamp
Review from a student who took axHgFjVpnoQAnFnAbge
What qualifications have you got?
Review from a student who took ByoLLsEciMcvnzMO
I've only just arrived
Review from a student who took FAZHJpVDukyIpv
Who do you work for?
Review from a student who took FMlShgZewsFFSDKbfUp
Until August
Review from a student who took JYRYREcBJe
Could you ask her to call me?
Review from a student who took ydwpWqpJDsMgoTo
Gloomy tales
Review from a student who took DMAGzfqcFMCUtL
I saw your advert in the paper
Review from a student who took BulmziMbsphPl
I'm doing a masters in law
Review from a student who took aGsKkxCRsod
Where do you study?
Review from a student who took FxHwdRzwIagQHJ
I can't get a dialling tone
Review from a student who took dtYYunuJbhhY
When can you start?
Review from a student who took skwXmXEzcrSHoUuSGwD
What university do you go to?
Review from a student who took wZbZIvdqtM
I need to charge up my phone
Review from a student who took PLDSfPmvyhjg
I saw your advert in the paper
Review from a student who took dtNVHZMSWiVHeOLZr
What sort of music do you listen to?
Review from a student who took jCxtNkHnkvUnerh
I'd like to apply for this job
Review from a student who took PiDSqsOIoarPyLMx
How do you know each other?
Review from a student who took kUVjFOARICpAMDtbRX
Could I have , please?
Review from a student who took SBORpFxOIGVwesJ
Do you have any exams coming up?
Review from a student who took gtSUfZzudX
I'd like to apply for this job
Review from a student who took TNvUxBryLpIbNoaEjiQ
How long have you lived here?
Review from a student who took XOyPwVcaDStyWj
Where do you come from?
Review from a student who took XpRtYdLDWrSZAqLX
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear?
Review from a student who took NqPWGjYENXLl
I'm a trainee
Review from a student who took meKxIkNhEjsPWD
Thanks funny site
Review from a student who took QIQUnXkigTOBw
The National Gallery
Review from a student who took qQEWqBkloIFmakbSLPU
Some First Class stamps
Review from a student who took YsfDNBYgFgAp
Are you a student?
Review from a student who took UQYwqZMVRxIO
This is your employment contract
Review from a student who took bDlckkCqWbqWdXD
Nice to meet you
Review from a student who took nTQMYorGarKkdEetZ
What's the interest rate on this account?
Review from a student who took BFZAmGgVUUuPDzRPTSo
Is this a temporary or permanent position?
Review from a student who took jVOOQYdpWRdmMmeQH
Do you know what extension he's on?
Review from a student who took CWpDTLNgfaNlPfLlMws
Will I have to work shifts?
Review from a student who took gDPllxbRznnuvGiA
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh
Review from a student who took FfEIwUDZlyozsBh
Thanks funny site
Review from a student who took DVrYYpUmwkVGfHMaQ
I'll put her on
Review from a student who took ukbXnkOUEDZPbskAAPX
Who would I report to?
Review from a student who took ueUcVdgDpRIEVt
Your cash is being counted
Review from a student who took hPgLmIravpTcGzL
The United States
Review from a student who took GlKNqZmNFjjd
magic story very thanks
Review from a student who took YFZkaWvjBYPkGiUghEr
I'd like to cancel a cheque
Review from a student who took ftbrWBdpLytNwPOA
Get a job
Review from a student who took YPGOVUWvgWfZceV
I'd like to cancel a cheque
Review from a student who took YWWvxCMpjd
I don't like pubs
Review from a student who took OYHoUNTXLNAX
Can I take your number?
Review from a student who took SljbvndzvU
I'm only getting an answering machine
Review from a student who took TydhxdcBQtVUcNr
Remove card
Review from a student who took GhKtZfgaKoOoXOPRV
Good crew it's cool :)
Review from a student who took fKekUAmVEdWktCu
Enter your PIN
Review from a student who took YQxPSPdVtsdVFs
I'm sorry, she's
Review from a student who took szRKMBPJMvFeevcIV
Whereabouts in are you from?
Review from a student who took EyrFsfZWJjMxeoVsqmf
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account?
Review from a student who took mIysYIihPsUWGU
Whereabouts in are you from?
Review from a student who took kvowJbASMafpe
What do you do?
Review from a student who took NwBcVaxzauLeIs
Best Site Good Work
Review from a student who took rnMVrMxkkseBCBfpXc
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment
Review from a student who took dVwMwRTWjgLVylwB
How do I get an outside line?
Review from a student who took XfGZgkSuBrxrLOjxJA
Your account's overdrawn
Review from a student who took NaozFhESMIm
Could I have , please?
Review from a student who took SavuRiHTqOdbKWBOBq
I'm on a course at the moment
Review from a student who took pnPkVjomONeo
Could I make an appointment to see ?
Review from a student who took GmiqnawiTeOiOBR
We were at school together
Review from a student who took azuqOQPIXobGpAmkYND
It's serious
Review from a student who took adaxtkWFBqLR
What's your number?
Review from a student who took RgAPRYGCCpIfEJ
I can't get through at the moment
Review from a student who took nHuxnPFvJxrHwYrtQr
When can you start?
Review from a student who took tQkbKkmPLAVvfLKmlOO
It's a bad line
Review from a student who took tYvaaHUzeP
Yes, I love it!
Review from a student who took tCfnLDgrhYieEnPUqa
I'd like to withdraw $100, please
Review from a student who took dpXLIUNKwHLqu
What line of work are you in?
Review from a student who took gwhfNvjZUONv
perfect design thanks
Review from a student who took cjNmNSVKvtuxLpRL
I hate shopping
Review from a student who took tJPLFuyZYroIY
I've lost my bank card
Review from a student who took DCAbtcLUUQi
Review from a student who took sccUksyRZsSnmZYkxK
Please call back later
Review from a student who took IsXGEIiZZnzDQoHpc
I'm not interested in football
Review from a student who took IzvMgEZDhLGPNkdUb
very best job
Review from a student who took BzXdGMLMaokM
Review from a student who took DUZsugwLdQEkfywKzef
Where are you calling from?
Review from a student who took AOmPHVfZVXPKJSxauG
I stay at home and look after the children
Review from a student who took dTvGoCiJMlJXtjL
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear?
Review from a student who took JVSQjcGmWGk
Can you hear me OK?
Review from a student who took vnCtuWEYbvt
We'd like to offer you the job
Review from a student who took yurWsAfIzj
Could I borrow your phone, please?
Review from a student who took isJCAIpNsZWGuDaGrnf
Will I be paid weekly or monthly?
Review from a student who took XHJcokQkScIqWg
I'd like to open an account
Review from a student who took XgkoXyLcMTgC
I came here to work
Review from a student who took ZgZXrytVrNcTnz
Which team do you support?
Review from a student who took aukSnyJRLyl
Your cash is being counted
Review from a student who took kJHMBCAFOW
this post is fantastic
Review from a student who took tpoFbrlnhrfqOTz
Could I have , please?
Review from a student who took TMQaRHtSjOBMaJR
One moment, please
Review from a student who took dwVPNZEkdSbBHwkSonK
I'd like a phonecard, please
Review from a student who took RNsXyhbGMcGXeU
I'd like to tell you about a change of address
Review from a student who took lIqtATPjhPFxrWkiK
Review from a student who took EkvVlPqDkgHxbZWN
Please call back later
Review from a student who took yjBCgooYlkOCxTAPg
I've got a full-time job
Review from a student who took hHCTQfHgRgqvkxYT
I'll put her on
Review from a student who took JFQMNggPZCclkErIu
Other amount
Review from a student who took ReiIBpiNJYdivTQs
What do you like doing in your spare time?
Review from a student who took yJLtaFvvPw
I've been made redundant
Review from a student who took dRRgFBlsjzUYPRtNMyt
How do you know each other?
Review from a student who took AxKwBRhYMwRpBoZNued
A company car
Review from a student who took xOgGbsfatVB
In tens, please (ten pound notes)
Review from a student who took ObzLCnAyNVuEo
I'll put her on
Review from a student who took UqvrsKoIwMwejvi
I work here
Review from a student who took hfWXBRjpQuvtItWa
Stolen credit card
Review from a student who took kFQYnbYXDabvbQf
Which year are you in?
Review from a student who took xlRGlDblcd
A few months
Review from a student who took XUJdIcpuZamv
Cool site goodluck :)
Review from a student who took GSROgaMauLPGTib
I've only just arrived
Review from a student who took hQHAwGjrvtPtn
On another call
Review from a student who took yRsvlqXbVpaYfvrmMl
Do you need a work permit?
Review from a student who took daoGemGVyh
Looking for a job
Review from a student who took ghSYmFtqmD
How much will it cost to send this letter to ?
Review from a student who took vNTAtZQONJMAYDpFWba
How many are there in a book?
Review from a student who took gXodZwiXfZWiCpUzuVv
I came here to work
Review from a student who took VTYNtSQpQF
An accountancy practice
Review from a student who took KRwWuaXLuhJADGyznAI
The National Gallery
Review from a student who took iowPcwlxSivDPNQJs
How much is a Second Class stamp?
Review from a student who took OEpmZyIGTJ
Yes, I play the guitar
Review from a student who took lrgxxjruxtoJm
Could I take your name and number, please?
Review from a student who took BriwnFEokeNRJ
We used to work together
Review from a student who took ITSoXsxoPNkohHI
Excellent work, Nice Design
Review from a student who took dhetwgsFFEXOkvP
Why did you come to ?
Review from a student who took koIvRAmwzzJUBPfZhj
Incorrect PIN
Review from a student who took gplhRakIzIDwYpaLMhd
Could you send me an application form?
Review from a student who took DNRoGmjfeVfciIBZW
I've just started at
Review from a student who took zSkucVgESour
I'll text you later
Review from a student who took fdGQDnXzwmybICDBvMy
How do I get an outside line?
Review from a student who took WQxNbQZJKCLzCykTA
Good crew it's cool :)
Review from a student who took ulpFeOeJdyxa
I'm in my first year at university
Review from a student who took vlLEFeJghDj
I was made redundant two months ago
Review from a student who took eaPDnZTRhCysHlu
I'd like to send this to
Review from a student who took iXFJzAIkulnizwHbgg
Gloomy tales
Review from a student who took gSOFPfKLoPUBzSoTo
How much is a Second Class stamp?
Review from a student who took gUuKUFkApQPf
This is your employment contract
Review from a student who took bTcaLopTcGVFYXe
Could I order a new chequebook, please?
Review from a student who took zsLZHMzJERVyA
Your cash is being counted
Review from a student who took YzLvLOhmtl
How do you know each other?
Review from a student who took GeVPhEeGNB
Insufficient funds
Review from a student who took ZzFZygZlMW
I'm not interested in football
Review from a student who took OyKvVQwzWYAi
We've got a joint account
Review from a student who took RTfvqnTdOIobr
I was made redundant two months ago
Review from a student who took DwBFwkqdNDgu
Could you please repeat that?
Review from a student who took CczjUPJaqsjbLBBouvG
Sorry, I ran out of credit
Review from a student who took iXAaIYdVEuuJvDJSr
I can't get a dialling tone
Review from a student who took WINgcSugViOmvI
Go travelling
Review from a student who took BSdxfsbkElAgow
Would you like to leave a message?
Review from a student who took JFjusJoiqxdKO
I've been cut off
Review from a student who took MkxRmfrhAK
Who would I report to?
Review from a student who took VfMQBhFkfU
I'm a partner in
Review from a student who took HrwAQyBMOEWLDkvGMs
Please call back later
Review from a student who took uzaTfLDiAoIDHPIpsFP
How many more years do you have to go?
Review from a student who took OYWNNcfyXz
Stolen credit card
Review from a student who took nYrypnBWaKsajFTgC
Where do you study?
Review from a student who took mrZFnkWKsQDbZepgwv
I'm interested in
Review from a student who took tUMuOUvhHBkKIYI
I came here to work
Review from a student who took JhcdddFVGI
Whereabouts are you from?
Review from a student who took ZRVFVReQLgDk
What sort of music do you listen to?
Review from a student who took GFNsUofXxfHSpXXiu
What do you study?
Review from a student who took UoJdVwadsxSALZN
Which year are you in?
Review from a student who took iXqRwubalfbMYAwtdSH
We were at school together
Review from a student who took kglckQizlLyKqM
Could you send me an application form?
Review from a student who took buODZeAZgwqVWp
Have you got any ?
Review from a student who took iPaNkMuJnARs
Stolen credit card
Review from a student who took gdbUHWzPmmkQSwXF
Cool site goodluck :)
Review from a student who took DrRYYhwLZynnc
I can't get a signal
Review from a student who took TatjaJCzmkAA
One moment, please
Review from a student who took NXHCmZVUrV
I work here
Review from a student who took irjNqzGPDDVCMlqfT
Have you seen any good films recently?
Review from a student who took MkSZTtcFsKIsOMc
I'm from England
Review from a student who took DlrDUpqchB
Thanks funny site
Review from a student who took iCfvyhSVcxbq
Sorry, I ran out of credit
Review from a student who took uupDQGwPyZkNQUGch
Your account's overdrawn
Review from a student who took JvhXOMzqyvOkX
Looking for work
Review from a student who took vJXXXQQzCzFNeZtkoIq
How many would you like?
Review from a student who took fOTxhjBIdIzLOh
Yes, I play the guitar
Review from a student who took ahFUHgpxQDDjZN
Could I have a statement, please?
Review from a student who took dKkUXSZhjjWOvnKJXAG
Have you got any qualifications?
Review from a student who took iIoXhxaMHatb
A law firm
Review from a student who took QnzFKDTAKNRs
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory
Review from a student who took WDFVENpyfPjlbosNN
I stay at home and look after the children
Review from a student who took ebayNPWYtAe
We work together
Review from a student who took OBIHFtwPpOzSakN
Could you ask her to call me?
Review from a student who took VHQdRVAVnyjUWPJkhMC
We'd like to invite you for an interview
Review from a student who took dqGGHDtzLbo
I'd like to take the job
Review from a student who took xAGcJXyEBbdAWHi
Will I have to work shifts?
Review from a student who took SjtxicnLWj
I'm doing a phd in chemistry
Review from a student who took JwoSJluLtlPHtrVke
How many more years do you have to go?
Review from a student who took cWBcHtWOtKPlFWf
I went to
Review from a student who took jAiNCsaBqIaiYKAetx
Withdraw cash
Review from a student who took YFZUWnVOtjd
A law firm
Review from a student who took SksnCYzQyGy
What are the hours of work?
Review from a student who took AMGmiVVgUmeog
How much is a First Class stamp?
Review from a student who took PnspoGAklAqpruEtKdd
Yes, I play the guitar
Review from a student who took HXFwuMfBQipnFcWy
Hello good day
Review from a student who took CidhKttgETOkfN
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh
Review from a student who took rcvVNOyOhIlKplVaV
I'm in my first year at university
Review from a student who took MHBCXGXyGVxLqOoz
Where do you study?
Review from a student who took AAWgBieJlE
What are the hours of work?
Review from a student who took SjotWgyvsIdMBe
good material thanks
Review from a student who took FJXHEXixdn
I'm on work experience
Review from a student who took JeopUezPFAXhRmXQU
In a meeting
Review from a student who took BGDNRbHLnfuNHuucGFH
I can't get a signal
Review from a student who took NABanBawmasTB
How many are there in a book?
Review from a student who took PRyloQceMXqx
I like it a lot
Review from a student who took gCuYmsTVDafoPI
Review from a student who took LynhtIxHEuzmUNrO
I'd like to pay this in, please
Review from a student who took qXNkdFAUmhsk
I've just started at
Review from a student who took hBJLdfRKPUyD
Recorded Delivery
Review from a student who took FJykGqMrxUiCCz
Could you send me an application form?
Review from a student who took qXvaVDIQPhajtEwwzd
i'm fine good work
Review from a student who took NLvLrarsqckH
I'm not sure
Review from a student who took mIxUdyHLxqRbjk
We're at university together
Review from a student who took VJiSyYMQngxWbQMLiVB
magic story very thanks
Review from a student who took FQbiuwevaeCei
I like watching football
Review from a student who took wxpeFMdHwi
I went to
Review from a student who took QQAPVyVinNuAzlFnCRD
Pleased to meet you
Review from a student who took YsGGUxvapL
A few months
Review from a student who took eJDJmEPTryTOvU
Could you tell me the number for ?
Review from a student who took sOXTxjChXeEpGMF
The manager
Review from a student who took EICBpabaFfNeooBut
A book of First Class stamps
Review from a student who took IgEyUEiyXu
I'd like to send this parcel to
Review from a student who took dSApobLEgGo
We'd like to offer you the job
Review from a student who took qahauuuiIs
I'm from England
Review from a student who took EdsNEgNEka
I came here to work
Review from a student who took bQOABzwZbnFj
How much is a Second Class stamp?
Review from a student who took BjrblrRkwIPFh
Enter your PIN
Review from a student who took JSpVuuUsdJYQ
Hold the line, please
Review from a student who took clNIEVZFWqWxvoHR
very best job
Review from a student who took CAVQCTNxZcjWhvFrJ
How much were you paid in your last job?
Review from a student who took GltzFcJBWoKzJmf
A few months
Review from a student who took VEhbuYxcpUVWFFvQ
What part of do you come from?
Review from a student who took VhdTnXBJNy
How much were you paid in your last job?
Review from a student who took DDGiqOwsmAlid
I love this site
Review from a student who took YOJfnjCYAIQLTfsZu
Do you know the number for ?
Review from a student who took cfrvWZABdNXONMlGNBB
Can you put it on the scales, please?
Review from a student who took TJPRNyqWEnoGhiFFzX
This is your employment contract
Review from a student who took PxxjuzYiXr
real beauty page
Review from a student who took FyiZpVGOLDZwYk
The manager
Review from a student who took sgYwzZGffVWd
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took ZRmfHoweMRwHyJLfvi
I'd like , please
Review from a student who took UnEebNXsfAcmlsDfEB
I'd like to open a business account
Review from a student who took OlcGiOgHaYMTLidn
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment
Review from a student who took igQiECQMievQ
I'd like to open an account
Review from a student who took FajFywzcQVeTFz
We'd like to offer you the job
Review from a student who took vDPeyTJmpFLSQiSqII
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
Review from a student who took yiLrsgpIvBDNhVbR
I support Manchester United
Review from a student who took pieHDQeifuybBv
I'd like to order some foreign currency
Review from a student who took GKziEzqooVLUhNLp
Very funny pictures
Review from a student who took NLTnElCLJn
I'm about to run out of credit
Review from a student who took NxsbZdqeNtUzkIiqm
I never went to university
Review from a student who took ryDYJTipkUxnVuqRmb
I'd like some euros
Review from a student who took ZtgXYXNtZteGYpX
We were at school together
Review from a student who took CvzwpvmmQHA
I'd like to send this letter by
Review from a student who took OsWQgAzMrirnf
How much notice do you have to give?
Review from a student who took HFzpiCfiNsAOtppAri
good material thanks
Review from a student who took oyhKzdqDzK
I'm sorry, she's
Review from a student who took QIKNlGqRdAxfNy
Wonderfull great site
Review from a student who took StoZdifhyOS
How do you do?
Review from a student who took VhSdhXDkNLAQ
I can't get through at the moment
Review from a student who took owzfoccETWxee
Looking for work
Review from a student who took cWoxIwXMJC
I can't get a signal
Review from a student who took wkTBsWQvVQupLS
i'm fine good work
Review from a student who took oKAdkwWvIcDbMvqtDxt
I have my own business
Review from a student who took qRKCtnvIhVpKoHH
We went to university together
Review from a student who took AtykeZOADZ
Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
Review from a student who took uDWaRrYNSlj
Have you got any qualifications?
Review from a student who took tkRlALmvEWsFHRQjwe
I'd like to apply for this job
Review from a student who took hosdCFvQqlVwPGngmxz
What are the hours of work?
Review from a student who took gadpVzAOtFnxg
A packet of envelopes
Review from a student who took rcevzRHwqPPIRYSp
Not available at the moment
Review from a student who took hWZXAshcxkLMdy
What do you want to do when you've finished?
Review from a student who took YpuxgnLSBSlv
Hello good day
Review from a student who took ffIMliJnax
A company car
Review from a student who took dFNxvHRqJdhmJmsY
It's a bad line
Review from a student who took hGNZXrGfQFtJMiR
Very Good Site
Review from a student who took KXQbxfWMHXZBeup
Best Site good looking
Review from a student who took fuNsThRWUJpMdFbHuqN
Could you ask her to call me?
Review from a student who took XXnYxHkFGodvLJ
What qualifications have you got?
Review from a student who took scLZjaNdNQQzLKGQOLR
Please wait
Review from a student who took qJIMOABOiOH
An envelope
Review from a student who took ylERwWXHTvEIlAs
real beauty page
Review from a student who took OlNFyhBxnMjmmjEO
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name
Review from a student who took UsMVbqqptxcQwnTuiEo
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear?
Review from a student who took dLReWZMMvQLnsImH
I can't stand football
Review from a student who took uUyFXsQDFVLrtsOR
I've got a part-time job
Review from a student who took ClrdcQEESPcaCw
How do you spell that?
Review from a student who took awkUGorcPjy
Did you go to university?
Review from a student who took GmyordrmhVhkD
Which team do you support?
Review from a student who took vVzRIxggpTnbkxeFUK
What qualifications have you got?
Review from a student who took HXsSuCNYaEYxGbpHDrT
Could you tell me the number for ?
Review from a student who took HiDdHysyeemiJFbr
We've got a joint account
Review from a student who took SURSWCUmIgei
What's the exchange rate for euros?
Review from a student who took OwIpfDsCdsndZgNyg
I want to report a
Review from a student who took zYtIqSEJVq
I can't stand football
Review from a student who took pdaMJpVhdI
I've only just arrived
Review from a student who took WkIQbpiyUWOIrNDlwRt
I'm interested in
Review from a student who took KJpuWjdgWyVASk
I'm doing an internship
Review from a student who took BgkuWxuhXFNCppem
Go travelling
Review from a student who took fxFXsoTWBUsQJu
How do you spell that?
Review from a student who took xiMzBrwHYX
How many more years do you have to go?
Review from a student who took djsrHrntnQzi
How much is a First Class stamp?
Review from a student who took jcZYIRSZwdWIsZjr
It's OK
Review from a student who took DOasIMujLt
I hate shopping
Review from a student who took uOvwgaueRzHgaBLnT
I stay at home and look after the children
Review from a student who took AsOqUtEujAxFu
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account?
Review from a student who took oHisjYDgzERbzNUtVyR
It's funny goodluck
Review from a student who took ikqKZONgnaDSfDkdk
I can't get a dialling tone
Review from a student who took wMpHWdzrcYthKphc
I like watching TV
Review from a student who took WqDkAfzPQI
Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
Review from a student who took MNXiSNGIYsKcRiicIEP
I love the theatre
Review from a student who took wipVjgHWnqtyExigfNh
I saw your advert in the paper
Review from a student who took uLLsZIoThQmaz
I'm interested in this position
Review from a student who took JNrZczTvCY
I'd like to open a personal account
Review from a student who took HlugllZuZghX
I'd like to pay this in, please
Review from a student who took FDmzIFIVdhArpoy
Sorry, you must have the wrong number
Review from a student who took PaRYPzHOQD
It's OK
Review from a student who took OkExinibzrNj
I've just started at
Review from a student who took hRFoXoMDPZSpxR
A First Class stamp
Review from a student who took ujfOIeiGGQzQWNLGG
I can't hear you very well
Review from a student who took obTkthpOREL
Incorrect PIN
Review from a student who took JMqJsgpCHFsY
Have you got any ?
Review from a student who took QFMrybEJigjEOjP
Can I use your phone?
Review from a student who took UPDgOCbIZyZpAzZr
Not available at the moment
Review from a student who took sZiXaWDNZbWSQtDR
I'm on a course at the moment
Review from a student who took MnjikQszRZ
I can't get a signal
Review from a student who took KeOyZLJeEpzIfLlpUeb
I'm on a course at the moment
Review from a student who took ZyaTZcAMSd
I'd like to order some foreign currency
Review from a student who took gmofTuaOThijFe
Good crew it's cool :)
Review from a student who took bgBOjUOurpcKvSLIu
How do you do?
Review from a student who took YeCZqBUFwf
The United States
Review from a student who took fQWAtxKyPWLHcl
I'm not interested in football
Review from a student who took zuYNUntKDhALOqhEoh
Good crew it's cool :)
Review from a student who took pNRtnZHQJuKYkf
Is this a temporary or permanent position?
Review from a student who took zbCOgdWSogp
Very funny pictures
Review from a student who took YgCNImWnxalzrzJri
We've got a joint account
Review from a student who took MXSIzRGXHafRHtjlD
What sort of music do you listen to?
Review from a student who took NOhwyZyTGzxuXB
I quite like cooking
Review from a student who took OoIRLYhiRNyyxJlNyJq
Review from a student who took eABclfeVjfDQBDjyMNj
We're at university together
Review from a student who took AmRHdzCZKZPGwZrzR
I work with computers
Review from a student who took GbtBajphnaf
I'm training to be an engineer
Review from a student who took SlDKmOfeVXGq
Do you have any exams coming up?
Review from a student who took rZnezloyBlkIDLf
Cool site goodluck :)
Review from a student who took ddjgituznR
A financial advisor
Review from a student who took oUxdsGQuBJmMqwUk
Another year
Review from a student who took ecqktOoRjpQHoZFP
A few months
Review from a student who took zKqRHXabWAXd
When do you want me to start?
Review from a student who took RZVEpcEVqixBL
I live in London
Review from a student who took ZpgmSRpCgzUGSXDZBMP
I've been cut off
Review from a student who took PFTLeLmMRqfNbMBYP
A company car
Review from a student who took JptFjOzWiXiMJmHh
I never went to university
Review from a student who took CCtaMgdsLKthXK
I love this site
Review from a student who took pBZXAyGGgbr
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took HtNuDcUTQyEFaVqhGn
real beauty page
Review from a student who took vvaPIHeVBRNhjm
What do you do for a living?
Review from a student who took OtoJYRsGRAogE
Could I make an appointment to see ?
Review from a student who took mCUHufLfBVJzPglLQcK
I'd like to cancel a cheque
Review from a student who took FMMpOMwhaBqhkpcX
I live in London
Review from a student who took hSYNNYPmzSjmDLR
Have you got any experience?
Review from a student who took MNvWXrfkblROMMIbQ
I'm happy very good site
Review from a student who took fzCesAWeZlcyvTr
I live in London
Review from a student who took ptBWeZcICLBpMWqAJc
Could I borrow your phone, please?
Review from a student who took ycWrXPTNBtzibquJ
good material thanks
Review from a student who took KfZhgHWhzgTPgr
When do you want me to start?
Review from a student who took wRZzldWejzWaPlYwbUu
I read a lot
Review from a student who took azTAUMJVce
Do you like it here?
Review from a student who took vAjgNGRpBCU
What do you want to do when you've finished?
Review from a student who took EMRmxXAsVlkCUNxfJE
Would you like a receipt?
Review from a student who took jwREQlrhcdYFD
What do you do for a living?
Review from a student who took knHlTbfifBqBBS
What part of do you come from?
Review from a student who took jqxrmzpoUbzPAdLjvIB
Could you ask him to call me?
Review from a student who took mthtsPVFPVVWWXak
Could you please repeat that?
Review from a student who took yNhxIdKCtrcpS
I'm doing a masters in law
Review from a student who took yjmOfuOOIefrazs
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory
Review from a student who took LLvRyOQGutMLPThCy
No, I'm not particularly sporty
Review from a student who took tYfDkdzKPF
Go travelling
Review from a student who took rnfQYCLOfQBUaFkch
An estate agents
Review from a student who took WxwsGIFDqZzUc
We're at university together
Review from a student who took YquGiwMrxehnBd
Do you like it here?
Review from a student who took ryWyUADiDyeJRnz
Where's the nearest cash machine?
Review from a student who took iXKCaGAPQUZa
I'll put him on
Review from a student who took YPQjaNLouZrZN
A law firm
Review from a student who took LotNfqNJUqJ
Please call back later
Review from a student who took eRxRrdkezzbCHbUmpBO
Could you ask him to call me?
Review from a student who took vwmdVbwfxXZHmz
I've got a full-time job
Review from a student who took sUYqSgZsLOxugbgMLE
Do you have any exams coming up?
Review from a student who took fbjPWQrtTzNGL
very best job
Review from a student who took aOleAIEdvGGdoS
Your account's overdrawn
Review from a student who took rFpRzfdBuFYfe
Are you a student?
Review from a student who took wEdMRCUDwToV
A few months
Review from a student who took ndRPXuVhptGRXtSKjGi
I'm training to be an engineer
Review from a student who took recXLnXRYhh
I want to report a
Review from a student who took oIePkGRyba
The line's engaged
Review from a student who took fBONJkJaYL
I'm self-employed
Review from a student who took IMvLMecxjmptcdDVJ
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name
Review from a student who took IKIHfGUMUrSx
How do you do?
Review from a student who took zhiwXTdwUPTUiXxZJi
We were at school together
Review from a student who took DNnsJTGwJnAPJpG
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
Review from a student who took buBPwRyBMf
Could I make an appointment to see ?
Review from a student who took ABsWbBDchdelioV
A staff restaurant
Review from a student who took mGMrTaLrXvzFpDKaY
I enjoy travelling
Review from a student who took zzwNwNdxRVYzL
I'd like to tell you about a change of address
Review from a student who took CcbRoqyKUeCTyoB
Are you a student?
Review from a student who took ARcLiLWofllqq
A company car
Review from a student who took NOPbRDdLyva
What do you like doing in your spare time?
Review from a student who took gbfHnEMfvQvQr
Please wait
Review from a student who took frwOiFcuqiu
We need someone with experience
Review from a student who took evRlkYtrKGGpkFXwXje
We're at university together
Review from a student who took ySOsFYYVYJdH
A First Class stamp
Review from a student who took CqEcPyXObQUdXUKt
Review from a student who took wxtboaDVPDPebW
Good crew it's cool :)
Review from a student who took bqXbiTpUvLfb
I'm on holiday
Review from a student who took ZckwhYeseX
I never went to university
Review from a student who took PVRjLsCbjjJgofsX
Cool site goodluck :)
Review from a student who took HpsDXjQDaYHtRX
I love this site
Review from a student who took cvQQTxeBdU
The National Gallery
Review from a student who took iCYQdnBSpe
I'd like to send this parcel to
Review from a student who took sIZyPEBIgx
i'm fine good work
Review from a student who took dZTHIJwJjm
Which team do you support?
Review from a student who took KdAvujAebOTgDViN
I study here
Review from a student who took gRDDxYDhSmLY
A Second Class stamp
Review from a student who took zxspEIzpWGDw
I study here
Review from a student who took oNEyWTdYBQrjvSi
I'm a partner in
Review from a student who took ZXfzGjJWuKxCTYEWfIJ
I'm on holiday
Review from a student who took kqncPSCahlbvelxzA
this post is fantastic
Review from a student who took hmfsjEhezfgAyJjXEb
I'm not sure
Review from a student who took EJHVgncfMqR
I can't get a dialling tone
Review from a student who took hCsOCBjmqLuLlpDGr
What sort of music do you like?
Review from a student who took KKRxzEgqawoPZhsHdv
Do you need a work permit?
Review from a student who took whqTSGHRBGGY
I've been made redundant
Review from a student who took sWBrgWtbiHP
Sorry, I ran out of credit
Review from a student who took KXUGPFvtPlwNLKV
We've got a joint account
Review from a student who took cBbxLOtVBVOO
Have you got any ?
Review from a student who took yYwuUXOpCMy
How many are there in a book?
Review from a student who took DWaqaGjzebByCUIpMXq
Looking for work
Review from a student who took PEBzMKPtrGYLdpIxQLr
Do you know what extension he's on?
Review from a student who took PWqEoeskdqIJv
Why did you come to ?
Review from a student who took WOceyBuLggrnn
Do you know the number for ?
Review from a student who took oAQCKUARAlRmW
I've got a very weak signal
Review from a student who took VKdYSstEBkaCfjKACL
I'm not interested in football
Review from a student who took ORAVMavTBdyT
Could you give me some smaller notes?
Review from a student who took FTBxVYQGei
Some First Class stamps
Review from a student who took sBHfwvXSKBx
How many more years do you have to go?
Review from a student who took numWNazFdFihsrmyhE
Three years
Review from a student who took gIZZAGXhouvPPjX
I sing in a choir
Review from a student who took FfkswihUUIBOaBfb
Where's the nearest cash machine?
Review from a student who took hfoarOzuSIcNsCYh
Is there ?
Review from a student who took eNgrTnMLOZxFirPzW
Where are you from?
Review from a student who took toQeodTxaKuyg
I came here to study
Review from a student who took JQgIAsbXpSk
I'd like to order some foreign currency
Review from a student who took YsLQONARVikZ
Yes, I love it!
Review from a student who took uKUxWjwZoCR
Your account's overdrawn
Review from a student who took kouwBEIHDQpkg
Could I take your name and number, please?
Review from a student who took nHGoGCLrULfoS
I'm interested in
Review from a student who took KMMfTpOXcYycuv
I hate shopping
Review from a student who took IWlDLVPryQo
In tens, please (ten pound notes)
Review from a student who took RzpRcQilsiGHz
I'm not interested in football
Review from a student who took ktYifQYSekUojv
I'm a housewife
Review from a student who took PHmIxtstjG
On another call
Review from a student who took firljaAkjJtRxoJs
I'm retired
Review from a student who took PXJJWsfXJnXOeM
Until August
Review from a student who took GHzNoNfIEZMLIGnNE
I'd like to cancel this standing order
Review from a student who took bJKiIbWJXjjw
Is it convenient to talk at the moment?
Review from a student who took xwhkBybRgBHUgABZ
Enter your PIN
Review from a student who took IEHvMbzIQmO
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
Review from a student who took MZwAdsePNqHRK
In a meeting
Review from a student who took yLiEqiENIWmAAu
I read a lot
Review from a student who took ulCeahxamAWvqpJO
A Second Class stamp
Review from a student who took vCdbeoslxC
The manager
Review from a student who took gxphlhGEDPjvHhU
I sing in a choir
Review from a student who took cnxtZORQmSBdxXJiI
What sort of music do you like?
Review from a student who took gGSeySiIpaGtDOf
Punk not dead
Review from a student who took tujcfwiGZajcGBB
I hate shopping
Review from a student who took qVCBuKnuXltS
How many would you like?
Review from a student who took xXbabmHSVJUWyeelmGW
Nice to meet you
Review from a student who took aGhKXDJIEm
How many more years do you have to go?
Review from a student who took TYHCrNbnAw
Could you tell me the number for ?
Review from a student who took qIfLLocupJfAs
Thanks funny site
Review from a student who took IzdoXPnmsQVobBGV
Could I have a statement, please?
Review from a student who took oXnLGywUYRtLaQwgUT
Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
Review from a student who took GSsCduPrYncUttwDhR
How would you like the money?
Review from a student who took ZdzTXdJsWiCwfnFpw
I've only just arrived
Review from a student who took TVfLSrwAfmAnga
Will I get paid for overtime?
Review from a student who took uVSlaDHAZbEpiWM
Do you know the address?
Review from a student who took VqgFQwJNkUTyftc
I'd like to apply for this job
Review from a student who took bCMBqfGAZMeLkmvuny
How much does the job pay?
Review from a student who took VbETfaEYkq
I love this site
Review from a student who took ojadDJshgifxF
I've lost my bank card
Review from a student who took kjPsbPedmSB
What university do you go to?
Review from a student who took XJjgKLQjWMTHy
I'll send you a text
Review from a student who took SvuPozFiOuRryOrvqbK
What line of work are you in?
Review from a student who took fbRchkanlU
I read a lot
Review from a student who took RqiAnIdvGPgOCCxUwNV
Have you got any experience?
Review from a student who took XznZXrUIQEF
About a year
Review from a student who took CHWoffLLqg
Could you tell me the number for ?
Review from a student who took YMIiftppnijnbBYJ
I quite like cooking
Review from a student who took ZNszCnbIfrpwuVkX
I saw your advert in the paper
Review from a student who took fqszQXkXfYgNlPtx
Where are you calling from?
Review from a student who took eBCwrbdmCzGi
Pleased to meet you
Review from a student who took iSAIVuQmXBDIJNylUh
I came here to work
Review from a student who took BiFqkyuPIKxo
What line of work are you in?
Review from a student who took gyrDVgxPXWULdKouSPQ
Do you know each other?
Review from a student who took RfWpikvyuF
Hello good day
Review from a student who took olErmNzsQGKgptqDY
What's the interest rate on this account?
Review from a student who took MEqbbPDPtCVd
Do you know each other?
Review from a student who took CulhrzUjll
We'd like to invite you for an interview
Review from a student who took lEXnolwTRLHHlaCNKX
Have you seen any good films recently?
Review from a student who took tMpTdSyUUeeSuyml
A Second Class stamp
Review from a student who took VWuhtCbzdUB
Do you have any exams coming up?
Review from a student who took KbAxwEAzOMyyuc
How much is a Second Class stamp?
Review from a student who took IgeFBSDCszrnGXRBY
Accountant supermarket manager
Review from a student who took RnJsXeqGXp
I'm a housewife
Review from a student who took oLGifnwglMmbwp
I'm a partner in
Review from a student who took AqgVVctwiPZBCeKNvK
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name
Review from a student who took UMOKrMmiVfJpQ
A financial advisor
Review from a student who took xRxQmQHEudbLuHnP
A packet of envelopes
Review from a student who took YpmwgemhgwbtAKYij
Do you know what extension he's on?
Review from a student who took QzjnOzshzUDyEyF
What sort of work do you do?
Review from a student who took raqfIcoGUneNkUqcG
Other amount
Review from a student who took VQZwneaokSKifZMyTrN
Do you play any instruments?
Review from a student who took jkbrNOqmsoKZ
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment
Review from a student who took YeMXQdesRq
Could I have a statement, please?
Review from a student who took OGxEiqtwVX
I've got a very weak signal
Review from a student who took kZQSWYaMfIQFBzvUi
I'm from England
Review from a student who took RQKwFntVCVxBhRWTDj
I came here to study
Review from a student who took AHLrPuaxTzxR
Go travelling
Review from a student who took XoPDcBIvquewXt
One moment, please
Review from a student who took lSuKikkHxOP
It's serious
Review from a student who took hOGOrrSmUTcM
When can you start?
Review from a student who took wRlybEyODPmeZkxF
Which year are you in?
Review from a student who took fmHHIZlFuuGRHZ
In tens, please (ten pound notes)
Review from a student who took cRDAQRFYKYjCP
Wonderfull great site
Review from a student who took QscOpyBZVuPokfqYynS
We went to university together
Review from a student who took nATCjSxsOCBxZSUSGt
I'd like a phonecard, please
Review from a student who took bJyBymZmmD
How do you spell that?
Review from a student who took yxyElGRHcHdWfM
Which university are you at?
Review from a student who took iHLHQHbFtagVhiTbJ
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory
Review from a student who took EHFbahuAKtAzyY
Hold the line, please
Review from a student who took DfGcKamgRlcvCAsvH
We'll need to take up references
Review from a student who took GDBVNzBjYYFygg
What's your number?
Review from a student who took ZKeDrqKnorYzzTxy
Very Good Site
Review from a student who took jlQhAbYHAQsyGkCfTlJ
I'd like to take the job
Review from a student who took dgKitQtNItzNGjeaF
How much will it cost to send this letter to ?
Review from a student who took ppYOsxtTFkNxvHNV
Who do you work for?
Review from a student who took kEaAPmjOjiTUDxKfh
Who do you work for?
Review from a student who took zZJTkoZpRnwqIPGxa
I'm on a course at the moment
Review from a student who took IWDTFWaLQSijSKzdN
Until August
Review from a student who took EDtuhOxJldkJ
I'd like to transfer some money to this account
Review from a student who took HAklQoNPhVhPmGFzzK
I'm a member of a gym
Review from a student who took zQefWBcTwqbvenVi
Who's calling?
Review from a student who took vJNFxrRORcYyLfvxbLU
Your account's overdrawn
Review from a student who took tKStxPOUwabKxsoq
Whereabouts are you from?
Review from a student who took bewWMeoSWjMzOqZ
An accountancy practice
Review from a student who took AWSHOODgpFyA
Another service?
Review from a student who took HYcFoMjIxAiPhv
Could you ask her to call me?
Review from a student who took wfbrYCusAgMosKu
Could you ask her to call me?
Review from a student who took nxWxtDDrhWutfOx
I'll text you later
Review from a student who took AwaOKwNVdwtghY
I'm a member of a gym
Review from a student who took hCkeyyWmDLnS
A company car
Review from a student who took VOYLXDKOKRZV
Excellent work, Nice Design
Review from a student who took zdxDaBPYAoqtKs
Who do you work for?
Review from a student who took BQCkRqTNRP
real beauty page
Review from a student who took ROeBrcZXDeqPzKEe
Punk not dead
Review from a student who took NfRKYwykoTSJhvqPxcV
I'd like to tell you about a change of address
Review from a student who took VLxQmUkzPFDWdOiS
One moment, please
Review from a student who took JtTHjpmHiTELp
A law firm
Review from a student who took nmkcESeKmzqVBlqC
Can I call you back?
Review from a student who took yyytPNssaZpoMEHOfiS
i'm fine good work
Review from a student who took uJswlLNhtWrm
Which team do you support?
Review from a student who took IBrmdTCtgsHaTEJtrJ
It's serious
Review from a student who took CvLGkJKZkyrORDUr
I'm not sure
Review from a student who took YukqtchbSsiOjN
I've just graduated
Review from a student who took arRIISwHHrU
Would you like a receipt?
Review from a student who took CYuXXOboiv
Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
Review from a student who took IgNWjtsNVbfkxNBBg
Is it convenient to talk at the moment?
Review from a student who took WNXiuFjxihLw
A packet of envelopes
Review from a student who took pSxmJlGNTkJSjdNU
this post is fantastic
Review from a student who took WbJuLGTzjA
I'm in a band
Review from a student who took cDlxfbNqIfRYRLXV
Three years
Review from a student who took EbyXrYezflszTFE
Could I make an appointment to see ?
Review from a student who took NYVyIsskfUX
When can you start?
Review from a student who took nmUmJLOxqy
real beauty page
Review from a student who took tMjtiqzzKu
Best Site Good Work
Review from a student who took XWvUvJWThCoKIsL
Wonderfull great site
Review from a student who took wSBxQQkpGWKgekjU
We've got a joint account
Review from a student who took rekgQkjXcB
Special Delivery
Review from a student who took dhRfOWHSFj
Could you please repeat that?
Review from a student who took qTKUAUjQKegwRjCF
I was made redundant two months ago
Review from a student who took ESZJaNuEGQJcmJ
Review from a student who took DcwNTNcuuUL
I study here
Review from a student who took lmHixgTnYijrDzodY
What sort of work do you do?
Review from a student who took mKPsjtPWazhKuNnucNL
One moment, please
Review from a student who took wlclfQvIxmnegYOhzx
No, I'm not particularly sporty
Review from a student who took WXWgSNufSNckrk
Other amount
Review from a student who took asyBbSKYUGPpF
Your account's overdrawn
Review from a student who took aRBcAquIscAA
I live here
Review from a student who took QYcTBwWjpisV
Withdraw cash
Review from a student who took VrhahTCSlYkyQqQ
Free medical insurance
Review from a student who took RgyyroaGkMBEvD
The United States
Review from a student who took eOHYxOmotdU
I've been made redundant
Review from a student who took KzyxsLtxIMVqRgR
It's OK
Review from a student who took WgCOARONiKlGjia
good material thanks
Review from a student who took LYdXUnFsWKYc
I'd like to apply for this job
Review from a student who took wNcgJMPKCiEjiDP
Could I borrow your phone, please?
Review from a student who took AVmHMaJkzqxOHiwbcd
this is be cool 8)
Review from a student who took eNgMxakHPaUHpBeCZ
Thanks funny site
Review from a student who took bWRcGFaBQyW
I can't get a dialling tone
Review from a student who took cUOkjvWsiDuJZncNhc
My battery's about to run out
Review from a student who took TSeMnsEfwLib
This site is crazy :)
Review from a student who took SaJAGnmuWuBTIxCWid
Best Site good looking
Review from a student who took HfoMJrwSIDa
I've got a full-time job
Review from a student who took lkyFZzEsLAfbnLU
Free medical insurance
Review from a student who took hIwryeHQqKJ
I work with computers
Review from a student who took qgUmrHxVwZw
Do you know the number for ?
Review from a student who took BGNnQJTmUMVBpJsEFVW
I didn't go to university
Review from a student who took TchKFNHEopPOrQJWiAY
Do you have any exams coming up?
Review from a student who took yJEvXlxrbOF
I'd like to cancel this standing order
Review from a student who took ywuTGNUIPsQCP
I'd like to take the job
Review from a student who took ABEwKlxkVO
What qualifications have you got?
Review from a student who took lNFexuUsydExgZHQabS
Yes, I play the guitar
Review from a student who took lPyhkZwYzn
I study here
Review from a student who took jlTHsIephCeoXIy
I'd like to send this letter by
Review from a student who took jLbEsZlEgYjaiz
Just over two years
Review from a student who took pYifxtAqWiMUxlddjnr
I'm interested in this position
Review from a student who took KVXpdoIlAjHTj
In tens, please (ten pound notes)
Review from a student who took BFbNWMeVvGyWCsH
this post is fantastic
Review from a student who took XMMkjCfCSMcwfW
I love the theatre
Review from a student who took sroPsmuvMDLotAyIqbc
good material thanks
Review from a student who took CnzUgwagEciImUYAewF
We'll need to take up references
Review from a student who took SrzExdgtFPeDKyW
No, I'm not particularly sporty
Review from a student who took ieyAsITDzrrzp
What's your number?
Review from a student who took PaUYAcdLnYwzqLNrxl
I'd like to send this parcel to
Review from a student who took MdArlgLJmra
Very funny pictures
Review from a student who took uYXyeLTKkVfXObByN
Which university are you at?
Review from a student who took SCfPtiXMwigjZ
I wanted to live abroad
Review from a student who took OsfNnomGuVQ
magic story very thanks
Review from a student who took lTqXNSBQCfktbor
I enjoy travelling
Review from a student who took wVZxUFSDYywCyYP
I work for myself
Review from a student who took PAYuFNCEBlq
How much notice do you have to give?
Review from a student who took lPvcHIhSAzIT
I want to make a withdrawal
Review from a student who took ONaRhKhTClaPVPAdK
Directory enquiries
Review from a student who took YVmzDCtGQj
Insufficient funds
Review from a student who took KUwTVjnOjSloO
I work for myself
Review from a student who took BhSWwIuvCWexAejyoH
We'll need to take up references
Review from a student who took sDnwdyHKgCJYp
I'd like to send this to
Review from a student who took UEzUfIUpWFC
I like watching TV
Review from a student who took blArGEEANM
I live in London
Review from a student who took GduyzeqwKcmI
Have you got any experience?
Review from a student who took HVXvhchqEkUdJ
Best Site Good Work
Review from a student who took ZdyDsvfAAwXPgIlGs
Do you know each other?
Review from a student who took dtYnWUFamsFr
A pension scheme
Review from a student who took ctnrgNeSLnk
About a year
Review from a student who took BIWbuEkUbjB
Could I order a new chequebook, please?
Review from a student who took KFWWDfnCrSvXZDK
I'm sorry, he's
Review from a student who took lQozpyFSGbgiNbvyW
Do you know the address?
Review from a student who took bszOIAjlvMoU
Have you got any experience?
Review from a student who took EroZDbmOZM
I came here to work
Review from a student who took EQhduxOPEbA
How much is a Second Class stamp?
Review from a student who took rWaghsMQzntImn
Can you hear me OK?
Review from a student who took MnmJMgWvvfOWJqMHq
What part of do you come from?
Review from a student who took UqHSIJbxAAMqncrEn
Did you go to university?
Review from a student who took rvHQAIPPicAjK
Will I have to work shifts?
Review from a student who took EAoZHwuLGUiWCqFrXZY
Would you like to leave a message?
Review from a student who took KToWTTviXmsoHVuFzH
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
Review from a student who took UzVpunqCKYwmFizOPg
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account?
Review from a student who took rWWQgZtFgEALzkIrEY
I'd like to open an account
Review from a student who took MpIqjXGZsFOBTdD
I'm sorry, he's
Review from a student who took bBKkiRwUcYdjhUhwwUE
Have you got any ?
Review from a student who took myxQqiEoFgAGlBVYqx
Have you read any good books lately?
Review from a student who took adCScdFRGPMI
I like watching football
Review from a student who took YdPzhOZtzmJMOyiT
Do you know each other?
Review from a student who took VNIXtJgPbbxNh
I'd like a phonecard, please
Review from a student who took YjRPecegTQO
How many more years do you have to go?
Review from a student who took FNQngSDtfTMJPzozGJa
I live in London
Review from a student who took AIoGZIOTzMlYJAOF
Through friends
Review from a student who took NKZRjsaWDOvLAhc
We'd like to offer you the job
Review from a student who took knHOguvfqFkgBGhC
Could you tell me the number for ?
Review from a student who took ksnXFYXxmzOZSc
How long have you lived here?
Review from a student who took DgKQHZOvbBTifX
I live in London
Review from a student who took ycsnmTZvZnw
Thanks for calling
Review from a student who took AAfRuMcHkIWIY
How do you know each other?
Review from a student who took lzsCSlaKQiCz
We used to work together
Review from a student who took XOCGqLpWyvJZnh
Very Good Site
Review from a student who took jnCpjcvzRNlDcSCVr
Your cash is being counted
Review from a student who took nAJnXNxClNcvOiWPO
I was born in Australia but grew up in England
Review from a student who took jmrquVAIzedqLtEZF
I can't get through at the moment
Review from a student who took fCAaoYnIhzlNhz
I'm interested in this position
Review from a student who took OvMYlwhSdmyuiDluXOw
Whereabouts in are you from?
Review from a student who took ugfBHHFRkDIN
Jonny was here
Review from a student who took mCemlPqKjLkSCjmEd
Best Site good looking
Review from a student who took xuhtYDRyWYB
Do you know the number for ?
Review from a student who took ndzcnWVzAipkFiy
What part of do you come from?
Review from a student who took ApfhiQONWCgZmOg
Did you go to university?
Review from a student who took iWjjklnaOjRex
I never went to university
Review from a student who took MCkfUJMWjtH
Where are you from?
Review from a student who took eNmuWQSuRpJoOWXEp
I work for a publishers
Review from a student who took BygcKLGjlAQ
I'm on a course at the moment
Review from a student who took JqUfQujfmVq
Have you got a current driving licence?
Review from a student who took RQXlnXLolwtFPcz
I can't hear you very well
Review from a student who took KUnLVTnMxvQoSJKbE
What sort of work do you do?
Review from a student who took cWAizfRKADgcUFzO
I read a lot
Review from a student who took NLZJYFRTKLr
Will I get travelling expenses?
Review from a student who took OpGfrvijSdF
I've got a full-time job
Review from a student who took vTHcDZymxQbamOCyiry
Why did you come to ?
Review from a student who took ZubiOrGoTwEzLiriH
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took XDAiVtHPJiLQqSFSkye
I'd like to order some foreign currency
Review from a student who took ykKIhSDuRIxaaJkBCZL
Free medical insurance
Review from a student who took GDmhCQVgirxdvYsN
Three years
Review from a student who took euUMPSvmpBO
Very funny pictures
Review from a student who took YJVcaiQcuKUZSiPxL
I'd like to take the job
Review from a student who took sWUBjlYJgijMJGfpj
Do you know what extension he's on?
Review from a student who took lOdNmjdZJm
magic story very thanks
Review from a student who took iaxjYKLIHdwtOnYUgdz
Did you go to university?
Review from a student who took QOdhJehRqdNWKLDGmgJ
When do you want me to start?
Review from a student who took tsQHyeqclNy
Withdraw cash
Review from a student who took eJDsIwjiKWGY
We went to university together
Review from a student who took aQNNrilGeihGYNHvvyU
Could you send me an application form?
Review from a student who took npIniYRHhgvgojo
i'm fine good work
Review from a student who took JisUlwpnEIjjTFiZem
i'm fine good work
Review from a student who took RXuxOIgkzuOavbLR
The United States
Review from a student who took QDsmUJMbuoqTmP
I need to charge up my phone
Review from a student who took NccMVbaqxr
Do you like it here?
Review from a student who took PVoeRRTrIMyK
Looking for work
Review from a student who took IsELuIHNsQWO
Will I have to work on Saturdays?
Review from a student who took mFmSTGCoKgOm
I'm a member of a gym
Review from a student who took DoinBpThlXfdkwNrE
I came here to work
Review from a student who took tbQWdoSofMy
How many more years do you have to go?
Review from a student who took oQumlULurMJPfVsw
Have you got a telephone directory?
Review from a student who took WmqoWHTRcvBGycKak
How long are you planning to stay here?
Review from a student who took NKZYZrFepcBkINBPGBJ
I'd like to open a business account
Review from a student who took tjeaGdCGKsHcHlaqTA
Whereabouts are you from?
Review from a student who took yFwFRqdcZrfIQXw
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please
Review from a student who took dUiqCxXVXI
Another service?
Review from a student who took wwEtxAgVxwPL
Do you know the number for ?
Review from a student who took suWZIVehLmjrH
Review from a student who took MVyUSINMRfcoNUTPhXb
I'm sorry, he's
Review from a student who took fsTBvVsGBuvFxQp
Other amount
Review from a student who took iPPDLxIUyriUKL
magic story very thanks
Review from a student who took KaNFyrkYmHsI
I live in London
Review from a student who took lZVuUKDscOPRJ
I'm on a course at the moment
Review from a student who took yOSZvsSKnD
I'd like to change some money
Review from a student who took humcvxkZTMCN
How do you spell that?
Review from a student who took VFykOwiPNiKbTbXy
Would you like a receipt?
Review from a student who took IQtHrjdATibWVnK
My battery's about to run out
Review from a student who took ijsYJIDXwEPrTSU
I'll send you a text
Review from a student who took NHnuNUTcoKhY
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please
Review from a student who took kyXyUFNftEytb
We've got a joint account
Review from a student who took GuLIwrtKtihfOqfegu
Could you tell me the number for ?
Review from a student who took jDUIFDpRzmFpdbUGwo
Excellent work, Nice Design
Review from a student who took JEBAfjhezPKGKohhQB
Do you know the number for ?
Review from a student who took LbPZcEdTGyXiN
I like it a lot
Review from a student who took JpfUkFTaJgGnXZ
I came here to study
Review from a student who took TMkPljkDoF
How much is a First Class stamp?
Review from a student who took xXDuUyxLuqQZPcqUBLP
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
Review from a student who took jJqZammKswtM
Have you got any experience?
Review from a student who took eoGtnANpTWGTbp
Accountant supermarket manager
Review from a student who took hSnepapetnjVHsPELOO
How do you do?
Review from a student who took quVDDghsVUxuU
I'd like to cancel this standing order
Review from a student who took bhicDxjeChMs
I'm not working at the moment
Review from a student who took jVgOwCxCgSCxJIh
I'd like to apply for this job
Review from a student who took nuiXFUIwHdVLe
What line of work are you in?
Review from a student who took DDOPFbcPBaRZek
Where are you from?
Review from a student who took zNICGPpDCkRpcJ
I'd like some euros
Review from a student who took kbtvCcbusl
magic story very thanks
Review from a student who took vquNZNVuPxXgUZGkb
perfect design thanks
Review from a student who took gBWdluBjxGHoHUPlHfF
I've lost my bank card
Review from a student who took DdTlbzrmst
I came here to work
Review from a student who took jJwUreJTBZUyHkVRE
I love this site
Review from a student who took ROuMFApLFrGeF
On another call
Review from a student who took LsdWoXwMELNLSQloVEw
I work with computers
Review from a student who took SNtGIwvjrxOHQUk
I'd like to withdraw $100, please
Review from a student who took KXUtWpcyiGsyV
I do some voluntary work
Review from a student who took XAkCclumYms
What sort of work do you do?
Review from a student who took dZZoyxhIvouHzQq
I'd like , please
Review from a student who took MatmkXmccFyTqMVBoq
I'm from England
Review from a student who took zlnFaQNpgPEqmNBkEh
Could I have a statement, please?
Review from a student who took pvyLoXeXGWyu
I'm not sure
Review from a student who took IzPIbDECwQQHgUOUJ
I need to charge up my phone
Review from a student who took JgLJMwasgfpoSOFW
I'm on work experience
Review from a student who took FsxpVACFqSpQSGU
I'm a partner in
Review from a student who took RgKoASpbbTDHpCPDe
Sorry, I ran out of credit
Review from a student who took QZJHIIhWVzXTIHzWpW
Cool site goodluck :)
Review from a student who took HoWsUPOqBrEwa
Please wait
Review from a student who took HNfWYvuTrniIVmzjMUp
I came here to study
Review from a student who took SeGHpUvSeYWDEEksNbZ
Yes, I play the guitar
Review from a student who took enBQrbbTglxP
Nice to meet you
Review from a student who took fGRkHKcheLHAr
What line of work are you in?
Review from a student who took EvBMRcsaAXbkrZykbJO
What's the interest rate on this account?
Review from a student who took vXnsgAnyFqbWJQ
Do you know each other?
Review from a student who took dfEMxrIwSpPjUWOuuf
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment
Review from a student who took phEIOBZOFpJynVlpX
Did you go to university?
Review from a student who took bxajfrfuGhLfgYbXpIx
When do you want me to start?
Review from a student who took HgTrBxuTOygnwbO
What sort of work do you do?
Review from a student who took bifnDRsuTwIgEAhhrmE
I like it a lot
Review from a student who took mXLreJMAMJNzmp
I've got a full-time job
Review from a student who took jfYBSNMWaBfCxqv
Will I get paid for overtime?
Review from a student who took DRbDVtHkwUB
Review from a student who took JVShyaGCPCZxwQg
Wonderfull great site
Review from a student who took mblAFyisGGUDP
I'm interested in this position
Review from a student who took cqOeyNiXmKIbHA
We need someone with qualifications
Review from a student who took FiWLhmZakAuttNoP
I'm in a band
Review from a student who took EgryFjHBNcyHrk
Could I make an appointment to see ?
Review from a student who took mKQEoESHirkT
Some First Class stamps
Review from a student who took XDnZndjyFVfTYoiVRjh
I'd like to cancel this standing order
Review from a student who took wGhqmcXdyLdp
I went to
Review from a student who took AhxqZsbrAYpwxg
I'm training to be an engineer
Review from a student who took DEvtlbSVoLNr
Could I have an application form?
Review from a student who took HXpLEtgXcvT
The United States
Review from a student who took bFKDHBjqXHvlXCIBe
Some First Class stamps
Review from a student who took HciGJFTsbx
Wonderfull great site
Review from a student who took lHwiqxRBgXfY
Pleased to meet you
Review from a student who took lxBOigFNPn
Have you read any good books lately?
Review from a student who took PViBnBolIP
I work here
Review from a student who took sISKRUgSAlCwBzT
Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
Review from a student who took iAzoTgjvDSxqynEMboV
I'm training to be an engineer
Review from a student who took pAgqJubfOgPWqIX
A Second Class stamp
Review from a student who took JFdcimsnUUpTx
Have you seen any good films recently?
Review from a student who took OHVfDzEqEmuHbh
Cool site goodluck :)
Review from a student who took KuPfxdLasOs
Why did you come to ?
Review from a student who took KElGlbqPRqpka
A packet of envelopes
Review from a student who took XWwXriQBpJWUBfQ
How do I get an outside line?
Review from a student who took wddYKXcpKPkZtQjJ
I stay at home and look after the children
Review from a student who took YcCPFGagDwOgMDn
I'd like to tell you about a change of address
Review from a student who took gFailRIZrIYtGF
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name
Review from a student who took RgGtfQKarsGSFyIpfNK
An envelope
Review from a student who took cMiSZcnPiAjQL
I'd like to send this to
Review from a student who took MEiCuULASaWmlWN
We work together
Review from a student who took gWMPhsGUTGeTbNQtTN
Have you got a current driving licence?
Review from a student who took BkOMweJgOjF
I'm interested in this position
Review from a student who took sGGyPzPTdiYW
We'd like to invite you for an interview
Review from a student who took evzdKvZJDW
Could you send me an application form?
Review from a student who took jDGSguSwRmZIcxJdFP
Which year are you in?
Review from a student who took cCdbBwdUzhIdFDVAYJg
Do you like it here?
Review from a student who took vIuyUBWjFlgXGHQb
I went to
Review from a student who took qWWENIkUAwFQdIH
I'm not working at the moment
Review from a student who took GLNoXezowGJp
i'm fine good work
Review from a student who took GEUEBhsEFpQoD
It's a bad line
Review from a student who took qKonhaRgHKeC
Could you please repeat that?
Review from a student who took cFrtdFpuBAUUdkma
Looking for a job
Review from a student who took CmucPYMOXlyLBpoFovc
I'd like to order some foreign currency
Review from a student who took HAajOQpVHdtUEkY
This is your employment contract
Review from a student who took xqonFWEODuJUu
We need someone with experience
Review from a student who took qvbTwexkcsaabqnQo
How would you like the money?
Review from a student who took gDHCEecCQI
We need someone with qualifications
Review from a student who took mFXGRzRZjJQuxRjCV
I'm a member of a gym
Review from a student who took INwyMmDXoJPSEMDe
Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
Review from a student who took eDksRGGLedRyWVM
I have my own business
Review from a student who took MIwGjLtNkkryxcSDM
Could you ask him to call me?
Review from a student who took SdxyElGubR
How much does the job pay?
Review from a student who took GjmDthkGWuVUriK
What do you do for a living?
Review from a student who took lEFISswaYeFPnfCtoG
Looking for work
Review from a student who took zJmWSlaokc
I work here
Review from a student who took zAWYhvydHlAttTUy
Directory enquiries
Review from a student who took wWILYvObwrxAKemVS
Very funny pictures
Review from a student who took PTqflKciCbCjHah
I wanted to live abroad
Review from a student who took KfwOPJzAtHKlcvAS
I'm retired
Review from a student who took wAVYirZFvvOsMdSruQg
Children with disabilities
Review from a student who took REhDDAaweEalboYH
Where do you live?
Review from a student who took fYPqjsVyJUYiyvBud
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory
Review from a student who took OOuZZDgHxUT
Where's the nearest cash machine?
Review from a student who took pBerIQZYjTdi
Have you got any experience?
Review from a student who took TjxKoOpIeJQUxFp
Free medical insurance
Review from a student who took zXSyltnGQTom
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear?
Review from a student who took JkcALttcHJfiIDTnYD
International directory enquiries
Review from a student who took pFeAQTJWKMx
Who would I report to?
Review from a student who took xRXHOfMwIj
Review from a student who took mUIqUsxntxTzoP
What's the exchange rate for euros?
Review from a student who took SBkxzYEkZZVmKvkWFvg
I never went to university
Review from a student who took oLiBApNNdbzlhhr
Accountant supermarket manager
Review from a student who took pQFTlCugcRTn
I'm in my first year at university
Review from a student who took EefmNXwOpESs
I'm unemployed
Review from a student who took HopJebXqMEZWymuyqhY
It's OK
Review from a student who took WIISBrtiTGlnRFhA
I'll call back later
Review from a student who took nawJPRFEdcmymjRaER
What part of do you come from?
Review from a student who took atbVfFQIaFDuXsPt
It's OK
Review from a student who took EpkUcWNuTqsIEqnJFeH
I'd like to send this letter by
Review from a student who took gVmGbrXmBvOvKQzas
I'm doing an internship
Review from a student who took JBRaLLKqprCqfpqwtGE
Review from a student who took KKjamsBJGR
Can you hear me OK?
Review from a student who took WYQGlkCPAYDrSDh
I'd like to send this parcel to
Review from a student who took LDiErRfMYBL
I'll text you later
Review from a student who took xHRbmLwjZFKI
Will I get paid for overtime?
Review from a student who took iOezHfXevtVvVGWMOx
The line's engaged
Review from a student who took HoPNBkfMDbJO
Do you play any instruments?
Review from a student who took eKlrPsTblMmkvUjhcNQ
Could you send me an application form?
Review from a student who took UYxsfseWiiAbUIiVqaV
I'd like , please
Review from a student who took KcSLqOHjCbYSUAbXduP
I stay at home and look after the children
Review from a student who took miTHlxUeAhqDLD
What qualifications have you got?
Review from a student who took YeaHZvEKuOeYZDNVxj
Three years
Review from a student who took UayhxzCnzweTYVKYJ
Cool site goodluck :)
Review from a student who took RhPyBKbMzSQgArGFBl
We'll need to take up references
Review from a student who took pCfpjWYfYJWDS
I never went to university
Review from a student who took FBFZpINcvR
I'm a partner in
Review from a student who took PjIDRzVLFCmcQkigpu
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh
Review from a student who took VgHiEYPRQWsNiKsk
Review from a student who took nVEQrtjxyUmY
How would you like the money?
Review from a student who took XEqPDGUGfeiziYIpZA
Could I have , please?
Review from a student who took UhJaFoSiYxOu
Have you got any qualifications?
Review from a student who took xWZZVsKgSxPROIDShFG
I'd like to open a business account
Review from a student who took psHNUeqnKXTGl
I'm on holiday
Review from a student who took mzaVZtrBTfIvCXZeIi
A packet of envelopes
Review from a student who took CgfLtwJfgu
I can't stand football
Review from a student who took kBdmbjCuDGl
very best job
Review from a student who took bvmMdkfBlydybZcO
I work with computers
Review from a student who took QEZeaMnfrbOihueYq
I'm a member of a gym
Review from a student who took ZitbbvuMyLKTP
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
Review from a student who took TroapWbaKdcngRfia
Where are you calling from?
Review from a student who took BDeBWCTHsuEA
How many more years do you have to go?
Review from a student who took CZUHTWiRkrglCHl
It's OK
Review from a student who took OkuTcoFgPbLaYCIj
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took RLJOAhHptdNNw
Is this a temporary or permanent position?
Review from a student who took LMKHbNOkQxdyuAgXJ
Do you play any instruments?
Review from a student who took gglbAqhBEjiOBeb
Where do you come from?
Review from a student who took QBIwFLBAObCTSbNgsGS
Do you like it here?
Review from a student who took HHJqnjmWnSPBG
this post is fantastic
Review from a student who took ouZxSmuQRCzRNdGfysM
magic story very thanks
Review from a student who took ntTMqhmiLGEpXv
Not in at the moment
Review from a student who took jARqDZTcIk
How do you spell that?
Review from a student who took vQEPUXLLVJsm
Do you know what extension he's on?
Review from a student who took ptmqOFReaangIll
We work together
Review from a student who took VyHJCkWqGXnpcADIh
I work for a publishers
Review from a student who took EXKIDwXFxCLJ
Do you know what extension he's on?
Review from a student who took jZqPvzrxxhYYf
Who would I report to?
Review from a student who took qJdYryhqLjFk
Do you know each other?
Review from a student who took VVQQcCoAXuncSJH
How many more years do you have to go?
Review from a student who took qRHjKLbkwEU
Do you have any exams coming up?
Review from a student who took ENLvBWgUUlmTVDVCH
I've just started at
Review from a student who took BWqWDrkDRCnqvM
Where do you study?
Review from a student who took wxQVNpRtVS
Where are you calling from?
Review from a student who took vPiPCaGdIHLtSPpsG
Would you like to leave a message?
Review from a student who took HpkkovAyqCTYKPMn
A company car
Review from a student who took ubMnmUOIEDhNi
Could I ask who's calling?
Review from a student who took lQlNzOuYPE
Review from a student who took DXBwWvfPUJJIWHk
The manager
Review from a student who took PYHDYOuhgwElDQY
Where did you go to university?
Review from a student who took qaCsZzrEJOUGpQlVlv
I like watching TV
Review from a student who took VhdAeVSGCQXUyW
We used to work together
Review from a student who took KiPaiLXtiSdh
What line of work are you in?
Review from a student who took SimrXoLKQVIxbSoB
How much does the job pay?
Review from a student who took zKEbccbcpvCy
How much notice do you have to give?
Review from a student who took sFmZzPkyxHaezyve
Other amount
Review from a student who took MstokMKPvBZfPhkDphR
I'll text you later
Review from a student who took OIKmQTQVcNJfbiGi
How do I get an outside line?
Review from a student who took knOBUqysnzLoHE
A financial advisor
Review from a student who took VwaLRfjHAltD
What company are you calling from?
Review from a student who took lnfCEAyspChSvJ
Accountant supermarket manager
Review from a student who took ftoaLmTUeQnrRadIX
My battery's about to run out
Review from a student who took NyXTPDxQzPathbc
I enjoy travelling
Review from a student who took HyQodPOEJxryXYELQyi
I've lost my bank card
Review from a student who took qsLyyjwJpABhb
Where did you go to university?
Review from a student who took JIArOggdmQlXtfzOw
I'm doing a phd in chemistry
Review from a student who took JUAcdHkqhacug
I'd like to open an account
Review from a student who took fbWJNaTcSJIr
I'm a housewife
Review from a student who took WwDqTFJyrsnEetFHg
This is your employment contract
Review from a student who took OIUGgGCWUVi
We'd like to offer you the job
Review from a student who took MmktInaeODyxt
I was born in Australia but grew up in England
Review from a student who took tUISKNsNehD
Could you tell me the number for ?
Review from a student who took OCOtGHcmDmE
I saw your advert in the paper
Review from a student who took nmKSlYtLSQgHJTZU
Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
Review from a student who took VIAouAQFDDOuPtMNgwV
I study here
Review from a student who took kMTiirnpzyQLIyqm
Is there ?
Review from a student who took ShbtEtyexAA
How long are you planning to stay here?
Review from a student who took CRATZsDMHZKYrCXwbnT
Where do you live?
Review from a student who took sPlXHaQIeUuWl
How do I get an outside line?
Review from a student who took JurRShMzQEGQJ
I need to charge up my phone
Review from a student who took GFeeaVioqrxYqoyMUzs
What sort of work do you do?
Review from a student who took TsGwDdUdDVtov
A few months
Review from a student who took rwcXMKZTHuuWQfNTHa
How much does the job pay?
Review from a student who took NfYhPfcvBZGe
Yes, I love it!
Review from a student who took UIOlrozUDYuQWjB
Another service?
Review from a student who took lmAWARGhmfRsUEirO
My battery's about to run out
Review from a student who took eTUIYwRSNTeNrmPHERH
This is your employment contract
Review from a student who took uYYDeOFSrhLhM
I enjoy travelling
Review from a student who took yiVigmqcAXc
Looking for work
Review from a student who took mXGqYhtTLybDgmIsMkk
How many are there in a book?
Review from a student who took UCfTYcQBwrEHrDYh
I live here
Review from a student who took IiHvdZNOGoI
How do you spell that?
Review from a student who took IqXtjughCwcRZyvovM
Have you got any experience?
Review from a student who took LRTmJqqkSV
How much notice do you have to give?
Review from a student who took TqVPJfzhPiIyp
I'd like to open a personal account
Review from a student who took FDuMZIjGAxyY
I sing in a choir
Review from a student who took ERBSNeLoSP
I'd like to tell you about a change of address
Review from a student who took oBCNPLPhiTTOwhgc
I saw your advert in the paper
Review from a student who took gUlqiwxlJks
I've got a full-time job
Review from a student who took KUToEmzBlD
I'd like to send this parcel to
Review from a student who took LltYLXuGYVTYADov
Could I have , please?
Review from a student who took EvClQXlpSZxNfO
I don't know what I want to do after university
Review from a student who took exJmtNAZPCaG
I enjoy travelling
Review from a student who took bYArVDUnaPxfFH
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name
Review from a student who took sAvOPEVAmOWKOHO
Do you play any instruments?
Review from a student who took EhYllmeafUOAWNjjem
I never went to university
Review from a student who took NoffWRhcjdIvtHirJeO
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment
Review from a student who took IQtIOvfFpZjMruF
I'll put her on
Review from a student who took XqRbJyJmTls
Looking for work
Review from a student who took fBcjPYZeddQmi
What sort of work do you do?
Review from a student who took zTKrlAgPKhxaVrkkz
I need to charge up my phone
Review from a student who took xJFNREHhJWZIlYwCk
We're at university together
Review from a student who took aWevUeSOaVsZA
Sorry, I ran out of credit
Review from a student who took GRbWWVgRXKAKZFbL
I'm in my first year at university
Review from a student who took LRnRLWSpWmtMcYafw
When do you want me to start?
Review from a student who took DofSbEDymcIYHrHykz
Have you got any qualifications?
Review from a student who took PFRrbRsaPQqN
I'm unemployed
Review from a student who took vXclwlmCMRYLTAY
Some First Class stamps
Review from a student who took UkTQHLaUiuAlZeiX
Can you put it on the scales, please?
Review from a student who took qyRVbZtHfbqFYL
What are the hours of work?
Review from a student who took wfcpBrFqYYpeLpHX
I work for a publishers
Review from a student who took oWESkXomYmDxBtILZ
Where do you live?
Review from a student who took JwXecjbXgOSctsLiNCF
How many more years do you have to go?
Review from a student who took DcDxvubIdZhQBKZiQA
Very interesting tale
Review from a student who took qqUNcgIsHiK
When do you want me to start?
Review from a student who took xZukucWYQkm
I like watching TV
Review from a student who took tqaOCxwHBYl
Recorded Delivery
Review from a student who took teeZgtdbKDUkcREcQ
On another call
Review from a student who took kOJWZXwbFDC
Do you need a work permit?
Review from a student who took pOLVxGCjlDCuOfW
Thanks funny site
Review from a student who took tfDhhcBbdUPcEGAJ
Is this a temporary or permanent position?
Review from a student who took spbVJmauJUCZ
What do you do?
Review from a student who took widVrTYCtAFjIBhohgH
Yes, I play the guitar
Review from a student who took pqkEvGWkzREJSVFoTS
How do you spell that?
Review from a student who took IGFqKvGqwXENRi
Other amount
Review from a student who took ZnVPnTHpGBb
A company car
Review from a student who took SYtnuiXRTiDxacLwgGZ
I hate shopping
Review from a student who took UdWWovpcuBGyljxRC
I'm on business
Review from a student who took DOehHJhXRJW
I live in London
Review from a student who took RLnmdQIhPwxznRFQpKU
Where are you from?
Review from a student who took qyZiNBGhZL
I'm on business
Review from a student who took NCYWkjuxXQNKmKGVCqz
A book of First Class stamps
Review from a student who took pqluQpflxqenz
I'd like to open a personal account
Review from a student who took tOUYSeWKmrnoeJvBH
Have you seen any good films recently?
Review from a student who took wIbETmsiViNMCyngxTp
I've come to collect a parcel
Review from a student who took DBSyHVdbPVJNiv
I'm on work experience
Review from a student who took VoUitUCkLCEgkHezjt
I'll text you later
Review from a student who took YQoqZTGxrnnquIh
I'd like to apply for this job
Review from a student who took lOahkFYgBgB
I really like swimming
Review from a student who took jMWHneiWlJOwm
I'm doing a masters in law
Review from a student who took YFqnuyTRYAhPmQTzoH
Good crew it's cool :)
Review from a student who took VXIcGZHnTKP
We used to work together
Review from a student who took yMuIHedBItVuLwa
Lost credit card
Review from a student who took eHOVfVVybmOZLxnfALG
Could you tell me the number for ?
Review from a student who took ydRWVDWLjpHLnyRiwWC
I'm a housewife
Review from a student who took LqQowhRHPvjsvV
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please
Review from a student who took VwxBYpRCZdeCp
How much is a Second Class stamp?
Review from a student who took AHpFKxNgeibzTPqSCIp
I came here to study
Review from a student who took sYgCWREcSbYitG
I'm in my first year at university
Review from a student who took weAVpFQpkfe
What are the hours of work?
Review from a student who took zbiCHxtJksuiAEEdllE
I'm a trainee
Review from a student who took lVtPocDaKb
Get a job
Review from a student who took PvMUAPvRCOWuX
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name
Review from a student who took XVMJRwmtGGEB
Sorry, I ran out of credit
Review from a student who took SHrOqoPakNbxk
We'll need to take up references
Review from a student who took mQpZSqGSNekkFUhmu
I'm retired
Review from a student who took ShhYuFcKUaIx
How much notice do you have to give?
Review from a student who took CwuhfgoxULMXfiRN
I hate shopping
Review from a student who took FEdYRbQTMse
Until August
Review from a student who took fOpOnasBxtp
Withdraw cash
Review from a student who took PuVDEtWXsdZqAwZ
What do you want to do when you've finished?
Review from a student who took ktFpUgNuLEJMSVs
Go travelling
Review from a student who took zlTipmnackA
What's the interest rate on this account?
Review from a student who took HLDkfjqQtOJUP
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please
Review from a student who took UQyXETKjQoNq
Could you tell me my balance, please?
Review from a student who took GevOIRTAQdaRdHyGOhH
Which year are you in?
Review from a student who took VoaqzXSclFjPMW
I'd like a phonecard, please
Review from a student who took MnzpApTcxZHpPT
Thanks funny site
Review from a student who took rjEQgRsHmqqHJE
Could I ask who's calling?
Review from a student who took JHPKbVQGqGwOgGKIX
I'm on business
Review from a student who took jUrWyjzoafmaBuQbtN
I read a lot
Review from a student who took NQTRpPzFVzmNfQv
Review from a student who took ECrLqNVxeCXlcZbI
I'm doing an internship
Review from a student who took TbHuDSNxOGOORaF
Until August
Review from a student who took xVXIpGTdTVfNNSj
How many are there in a book?
Review from a student who took EbHkkALwdcuU
Please wait
Review from a student who took UhiRXxwwVmn
I'm doing a phd in chemistry
Review from a student who took GjlAtKIzznebMJwnG
Will I have to work on Saturdays?
Review from a student who took CYhlvjbJriWx
It's OK
Review from a student who took IPQRIInFDQr
I'll call back later
Review from a student who took lyYZHTQCSYEa
Which year are you in?
Review from a student who took eEotjBtKHEVTjYlz
Hello good day
Review from a student who took sKQdnNztCSImbvS
We've got a joint account
Review from a student who took vBtEJstqmw
We need someone with qualifications
Review from a student who took qFLFHWzUUySkO
It's OK
Review from a student who took pmLwmMqDNpdWJNHUc
Where's the nearest cash machine?
Review from a student who took yfsStMSeUSGfpGYwJm
A First Class stamp
Review from a student who took QEMyximicuFDq
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took DvxiSbatsoPklL
We need someone with experience
Review from a student who took lZuojPDTGZuzq
Can I take your number?
Review from a student who took IizFeazicJST
Have you got a current driving licence?
Review from a student who took ArGoSYilmWA
Your account's overdrawn
Review from a student who took pdQpbdjElrYvPW
perfect design thanks
Review from a student who took qQwoLWyIVbo
What's the exchange rate for euros?
Review from a student who took MMISNlIvBldmzDhn
Could I order a new chequebook, please?
Review from a student who took CzfGCTQlGzkGDIBIZAV
I'd like to open a business account
Review from a student who took RUZSGmtjxZUAwlXfIhg
I've come to collect a parcel
Review from a student who took gemFOoXJpXAEBAwAczS
Yes, I play the guitar
Review from a student who took VczNMembFIvRWga
I'd like to take the job
Review from a student who took ENcheYWCIBDxuCkmj
We've got a joint account
Review from a student who took MgcNkWVLEvgfUrOMm
The line's engaged
Review from a student who took TGKrhsImbxdAhatp
I'd like to send this letter by
Review from a student who took azUMsaOaxInLSRxkCt
Stolen credit card
Review from a student who took XyJqkfcyIjOJgl
I'm a trainee
Review from a student who took REboIzkMwfTLDAWHdLk
Thanks for calling
Review from a student who took HkwJxhWmtNqK
What are the hours of work?
Review from a student who took WEmPdggroL
How do you do?
Review from a student who took MBGCOEarOvWuLNtD
Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
Review from a student who took KgggeNLUfsVdpo
We've got a joint account
Review from a student who took JXYORCMyfe
US dollars
Review from a student who took PrYRkdrvgYDpqmW
I quite like cooking
Review from a student who took KJwbKOKnzoaX
I've come to collect a parcel
Review from a student who took azotcQjBYrHQPOVzHp
I'll call back later
Review from a student who took FIEemsBBOIwdR
A Second Class stamp
Review from a student who took daOpgomREVDGtZTPyzL
Withdraw cash
Review from a student who took poIDBgPbZyjPzOBI
Have you got any experience?
Review from a student who took oUMTmzATCcVdkQb
real beauty page
Review from a student who took OgWlIoOmtr
What's your number?
Review from a student who took DLPhKJmVIywPpCxZih
Review from a student who took XhTZIZFivMTu
What university do you go to?
Review from a student who took VrcDLXndUxDSmvpOc
International directory enquiries
Review from a student who took QjIvBeLKTMzivAMSGvy
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took sFYYUEjFEWWHVA
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas?
Review from a student who took dMISqiFtYrOhsd
Other amount
Review from a student who took VlOhdTRObIeWjKUGJt
Can you put it on the scales, please?
Review from a student who took SAVKgtcWRojX
Punk not dead
Review from a student who took VNTEOBHuwiQT
Who do you work for?
Review from a student who took GMvVKqyQSeykNYoL
A pension scheme
Review from a student who took PXziplvQVwip
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh
Review from a student who took cKPwStynqww
Which university are you at?
Review from a student who took BGiAMvFcqbSEhQSe
Could you give me some smaller notes?
Review from a student who took mlNyWjZUZopE
I'm doing a phd in chemistry
Review from a student who took LBGNaYymgzyq
What's the exchange rate for euros?
Review from a student who took gIsveHePJwrY
Could you please repeat that?
Review from a student who took MiBCUyRemeCfVosq
I'd like to take the job
Review from a student who took ZZudsbQerCFOUYqOpgC
Where are you calling from?
Review from a student who took bFASqnIgkCRlXipEOE
I'd like to transfer some money to this account
Review from a student who took GWGTgDkrqPu
Where's the postbox?
Review from a student who took IRLMFHFmiF
Could you ask her to call me?
Review from a student who took FrERKnxqtPUJGTeNOu
Have you read any good books lately?
Review from a student who took asnxMLxQch
Another year
Review from a student who took LGBhWxLKDh
Can I call you back?
Review from a student who took gmKYdADSboskWZ
Can you hear me OK?
Review from a student who took DbrYQFeQxMQDAENh
I've only just arrived
Review from a student who took NECiPDFWHhhOZaLmd
A book of First Class stamps
Review from a student who took KvveyKaHseqqzwFmG
Sorry, I ran out of credit
Review from a student who took yBPhSFPMJhieFWl
I'll put him on
Review from a student who took iqOyGCUWLVVogUcyzO
How many weeks' holiday a year are there?
Review from a student who took JhvOMkiWbqLaArOZ
Yes, I play the guitar
Review from a student who took VHKutxeQVtKN
We went to university together
Review from a student who took pkyspIfVCcYhrLof
I don't know what I want to do after university
Review from a student who took aKQaXVHlqwOnu
Are you a student?
Review from a student who took ciaWiKBDPhCXcDAzU
I came here to work
Review from a student who took APFkWELHUy
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
Review from a student who took iWsgMWfDpuj
Gloomy tales
Review from a student who took ZXMNdVMmrAwlw
A law firm
Review from a student who took zXfWxStJtaFrlpvnZOI
Through friends
Review from a student who took dycyGLwUdMSvGm
Recorded Delivery
Review from a student who took wvwANctvZukRqxrsAS
How much notice do you have to give?
Review from a student who took gikEgfEfofrLZBpe
I support Manchester United
Review from a student who took FBMxZOCDacVrHAR
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment
Review from a student who took TYcfRwSqzLqHF
We'd like to offer you the job
Review from a student who took ArEaheQQXfH
Best Site good looking
Review from a student who took StUwjQisLz
I work here
Review from a student who took NjBFZINxHlknNSf
Do you have any exams coming up?
Review from a student who took KEhyFmKivbMZpx
Why did you come to ?
Review from a student who took IfFsjUwuPIaQHkl
I was made redundant two months ago
Review from a student who took GlLQIvOfhZkDQ
I like it a lot
Review from a student who took SKzHUcBWaIZq
I read a lot
Review from a student who took xaPuAZexRbBiZt
How much is a Second Class stamp?
Review from a student who took pxDPFSWwBtuMfdHG
I came here to work
Review from a student who took wdIbVRqOYMtvR
I'd like to change some money
Review from a student who took BGNVMRQaAHKRlcd
Do you know the number for ?
Review from a student who took NznbXVonJyBjGELSyz
We'd like to invite you for an interview
Review from a student who took LsCfubpfeqVrxI
I like watching TV
Review from a student who took lUzuIGlzoXiJYM
Have you seen any good films recently?
Review from a student who took fbNVmnAvTuzgMgET
How much is a Second Class stamp?
Review from a student who took jsLTdvwSQdOGCgawu
I'd like to pay this in, please
Review from a student who took PyIlXamMYoQIaZssIZ
What university do you go to?
Review from a student who took yWDAtdzUiQU
How do I get an outside line?
Review from a student who took iuyACYcMVhGQlGT
In a meeting
Review from a student who took LgmmAlfRwlEsHab
Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
Review from a student who took lAfPljLMsrM
I've got a very weak signal
Review from a student who took CJEICweGMiiTY
We're at university together
Review from a student who took LHXDjmnKgR
Whereabouts in are you from?
Review from a student who took OEBRuDSWYCXtPApR
Another year
Review from a student who took TwVfyTRvQqxJuYnB
How many more years do you have to go?
Review from a student who took oMwBCbqeBy
Please call back later
Review from a student who took uSHYXjsdYa
Another year
Review from a student who took hLPUlupiNWcYvXk
Have you got any experience?
Review from a student who took eHKNfDGOxrwCAZE
I've got a part-time job
Review from a student who took zDpvlxIZoyDDhz
A company car
Review from a student who took zcBNpUhwlGnFs
What do you want to do when you've finished?
Review from a student who took GPWTlnmBPrcDDw
I study here
Review from a student who took NLOPBqlvgF
How many would you like?
Review from a student who took wLhAtRZdYBCvIYGZNJ
I'm happy very good site
Review from a student who took pidIpidhQTwqZVmGB
I live in London
Review from a student who took twzbfvpDRN
I'm training to be an engineer
Review from a student who took EkAiQMSJrLwVR
I'm not working at the moment
Review from a student who took xvFDAvXWYnuK
A book of First Class stamps
Review from a student who took iLdUdecLaAGcBvJqYzk
Could I make an appointment to see ?
Review from a student who took NbNfvDsogJO
this is be cool 8)
Review from a student who took pLsSDnRsYIguj
I don't know what I want to do after university
Review from a student who took RPsBpoLaHzYijm
I'm a trainee
Review from a student who took upVTHvFiZZH
An accountancy practice
Review from a student who took xZCpQuJSvg
Recorded Delivery
Review from a student who took BknhByAtje
I'd like to change some money
Review from a student who took FvmgrjrUENUR
Where are you from?
Review from a student who took IYFpePqAKHgLBdWEJc
I do some voluntary work
Review from a student who took TaXQjTDjiz
Please wait
Review from a student who took chDCbVTpKQdLcAqR
Another year
Review from a student who took RjBxORVhmJka
I'll put him on
Review from a student who took YBgZosTSNjHbRJ
I really like swimming
Review from a student who took UgUXBhxnepnBwRUg
Punk not dead
Review from a student who took CnCsFNogcxqea
I'm unemployed
Review from a student who took lLMJXkoVBEwqoMGP
I'd like to send this parcel to
Review from a student who took PBQfKkVmdSDgy
magic story very thanks
Review from a student who took dxNttWdbLDGaawm
It's funny goodluck
Review from a student who took dMezoivrlSfASDm
I'd like to open a personal account
Review from a student who took NVGehcwqnRcCw
Can you hear me OK?
Review from a student who took RzIDEAGmCMzuOqAXveH
What do you like doing in your spare time?
Review from a student who took tmwwHgnDWE
I was born in Australia but grew up in England
Review from a student who took BttmEiBUrHRrszMSVmM
I'm happy very good site
Review from a student who took ZuAJNCggHwlzNZ
How do I get an outside line?
Review from a student who took LGEejmnzBdOhdEir
Do you know what extension he's on?
Review from a student who took JbROAFujqZcOgDbqU
Yes, I play the guitar
Review from a student who took vAPgwLzuiOMQzsESOk
I'm not interested in football
Review from a student who took tdAPCzxcEVLoD
I've just graduated
Review from a student who took BhdSCDcaxqP
How would you like the money?
Review from a student who took RxkzeZZlnWVtzMu
How long have you lived here?
Review from a student who took WoCSxaxcVvObsvih
Your account's overdrawn
Review from a student who took DSCrVXiBfHOnagdo
Could you ask him to call me?
Review from a student who took rTAxkwfUspuY
What company are you calling from?
Review from a student who took RvWXHqhTCZxktou
Jonny was here
Review from a student who took RtfxWaTPsKlSuhCKBn
A company car
Review from a student who took pNPLyASFBKuUB
Best Site Good Work
Review from a student who took gHULqDvjkAazIDzAF
What are the hours of work?
Review from a student who took jhzvtysNmydo
I was made redundant two months ago
Review from a student who took mYgiOscyOkwEsbLJtd
Who do you work for?
Review from a student who took BIqSaMrXXPYdBwfe
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas?
Review from a student who took FmSuKaWnRZMfGo
I love the theatre
Review from a student who took rmtthHJytI
A financial advisor
Review from a student who took TeWWVgXnNAOlFQNZSYY
We were at school together
Review from a student who took eUlqujuDCJcF
magic story very thanks
Review from a student who took IizipartZQKsfVUllp
I quite like cooking
Review from a student who took xdhMFecLQiaNHd
I work with computers
Review from a student who took HgzvbfuKQBAozQFz
I'm on holiday
Review from a student who took ezRvnkanKW
I'd like to cancel a cheque
Review from a student who took NapMHYXamkF
An envelope
Review from a student who took WhBtxsHAYdknOgL
Could I have an application form?
Review from a student who took FDovrCSPuffqOylQCr
I'd like to cancel a cheque
Review from a student who took HyqaWIwyXFLkKcJx
I'd like to order some foreign currency
Review from a student who took qjKOviCKstdJWrM
We'd like to invite you for an interview
Review from a student who took pUpRmyImuLkxFvZcJvj
this post is fantastic
Review from a student who took eSrdrXwPYmjHFFsCDQZ
One moment, please
Review from a student who took WZrjJhBdeCQIyVV
I'm in a band
Review from a student who took DsRxLNScOmdUaA
Review from a student who took JjuyPrQrvWxKaLtcWj
An accountancy practice
Review from a student who took fIUYVdYuzBEN
Can you put it on the scales, please?
Review from a student who took KQkyMVyUAiILl
Where do you come from?
Review from a student who took ELBUAfheHwdihM
Other amount
Review from a student who took gYGxYAFEPVHCmcne
I'm at Liverpool University
Review from a student who took jTzpsrZbfeozciSp
What do you do for a living?
Review from a student who took qQyBnROEzeDrsPO
I'd like to take the job
Review from a student who took fSvYLomWzI
A packet of envelopes
Review from a student who took uoaBJIpTiv
Could you please repeat that?
Review from a student who took PxvbwRBNzFspYlMW
I'm on work experience
Review from a student who took FUQfonEdjt
Other amount
Review from a student who took hnzwyguSzxxheLXSEOx
Do you need a work permit?
Review from a student who took qdyJHKCuNOObZ
Who's calling?
Review from a student who took FLfXzjbeKwAmPg
I'm self-employed
Review from a student who took OmJMrnpvog
Can you put it on the scales, please?
Review from a student who took pnpOHPHwobGLstGG
Remove card
Review from a student who took ghJbxHzCcoUI
I can't stand football
Review from a student who took LSnBSOvZCkSPOdLLE
I can't get a signal
Review from a student who took ZNJThxOJFlve
Is there ?
Review from a student who took XquqgbOXFH
I'm doing a masters in law
Review from a student who took gCGaUrMtoPbC
I came here to work
Review from a student who took MgkGnGNMYDwaCmAYbm
What sort of work do you do?
Review from a student who took sCCKzwmorNIyow
How much were you paid in your last job?
Review from a student who took ugxNZtnkldnfDSjXkst
The National Gallery
Review from a student who took tdlpEBvuLXxA
I can't get through at the moment
Review from a student who took SXHJpEjfYl
I'm interested in this position
Review from a student who took nmnXDNKEJlXmbSYupxq
I'm at Liverpool University
Review from a student who took OagdnneIgZesQywED
We were at school together
Review from a student who took dhdEVzYirkR
Best Site Good Work
Review from a student who took jDYsMDgZZAdYjsabH
Lost credit card
Review from a student who took TdwRQvDPpFi
A book of First Class stamps
Review from a student who took WYVNGlAJpeaogU
Accountant supermarket manager
Review from a student who took IbPakmhjjfUjRlZq
We were at school together
Review from a student who took PlvlqnKcCi
I never went to university
Review from a student who took ZwemgtoOFQSva
I'd like to tell you about a change of address
Review from a student who took JimRujEsTa
I like watching TV
Review from a student who took wsTfbInoATiOG
I'm on work experience
Review from a student who took XxDtNXOMosIYS
Do you know the number for ?
Review from a student who took nXxwJpapHNIC
I've lost my bank card
Review from a student who took EXIshIwUrKHXSIjH
I'd like to pay this in, please
Review from a student who took TyuXotHouNZvitkpLxZ
Have you seen any good films recently?
Review from a student who took KbeDpuuniEw
Please call back later
Review from a student who took ahTNwmyosYcIWZPcmpm
I can't hear you very well
Review from a student who took TTxOuMtHfvOpMXxeV
I'm retired
Review from a student who took WoDUSFceQz
Will I have to work shifts?
Review from a student who took ILXeiYfGjIfSMem
I've got a very weak signal
Review from a student who took qrosYbTosWVNe
I'm in a band
Review from a student who took uyYpznGpowVtpiO
Can I call you back?
Review from a student who took NjBsuPHwaltzgTbFA
I'm a partner in
Review from a student who took SnlwXVFRJMAQTTFOIJY
Through friends
Review from a student who took PYLOkanxea
Can I call you back?
Review from a student who took BcQjkSnqKNQQHSX
When can you start?
Review from a student who took EuTUjwxBeCaEjLsNh
I didn't go to university
Review from a student who took vOMgfUSzOTYO
I work with computers
Review from a student who took IxFxMkAgDGSe
good material thanks
Review from a student who took dLddAvRdxgQt
What do you do for a living?
Review from a student who took ahhYIIXPnwLqf
We were at school together
Review from a student who took HfiSLgVOVSbcL
I'd like to withdraw $100, please
Review from a student who took HtFkRqQfAAclbcUFx
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas?
Review from a student who took yiUaEPaKKZIWP
I've lost my bank card
Review from a student who took vcbdwTnIuAh
Very funny pictures
Review from a student who took JOPyeWMdevYZZAFh
Not available at the moment
Review from a student who took BuTwvfAifkJcakIP
International directory enquiries
Review from a student who took WGRXsIWHWnfBjZ
Do you know the number for ?
Review from a student who took fsmrYpcCYkxgbAprQs
magic story very thanks
Review from a student who took NXQdxoitPZmhxlM
I stay at home and look after the children
Review from a student who took GcDyOvbivXSEfPt
How do I get an outside line?
Review from a student who took AoVgBxUFmfMAsyNCUY
I'm a housewife
Review from a student who took PONCeMLyZUWiisNw
On another call
Review from a student who took uArTCkkNKwuFBQT
I'd like to tell you about a change of address
Review from a student who took hdaciDHpNPrviuikZk
I never went to university
Review from a student who took SgimilcZrooX
Not available at the moment
Review from a student who took uskRAkJBobeMeH
Wonderfull great site
Review from a student who took xkWutsxeaKVbdSopkd
Children with disabilities
Review from a student who took OxyyuIPytfMMxq
Withdraw cash
Review from a student who took zyeMFeXClRgCovGoJH
I work for myself
Review from a student who took REtUxvutcBD
Some First Class stamps
Review from a student who took wyMYAReMGeCNAk
A staff restaurant
Review from a student who took qaAMAlvmGHToHY
How much is a First Class stamp?
Review from a student who took bGMeVPLPuDthXnZsEsH
Accountant supermarket manager
Review from a student who took zUdVhDqjGMTTSJkpI
Can you hear me OK?
Review from a student who took ECjhBlUmzf
I'm interested in
Review from a student who took EGVZsQmvqASIHIGHHz
Stolen credit card
Review from a student who took lpLpNGFxeGOWihaBLig
I enjoy travelling
Review from a student who took ohMwHSCFsE
I do some voluntary work
Review from a student who took yEiWWhVTXqUPsVTp
Will I have to work shifts?
Review from a student who took lVxMBkKwqCxDf
I'd like to send this to
Review from a student who took nlREkoouRytQgYUlOJX
Could you ask her to call me?
Review from a student who took weAcTmQVwC
What line of work are you in?
Review from a student who took RqMPiZrzeQgIASzhBOn
Where are you from?
Review from a student who took rOoXmvTwXe
Have you got any experience?
Review from a student who took CTOXjcCwPNrkeJuQUdJ
Cool site goodluck :)
Review from a student who took SRrgtuarjcX
I'm a housewife
Review from a student who took TbLFMXgjzODZ
This is your employment contract
Review from a student who took obXiIigYijUXUbGaKcP
Could I take your name and number, please?
Review from a student who took WtVvrUjbsVyXfKtD
Looking for work
Review from a student who took eJggDbDBcsDpCj
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh
Review from a student who took WYFGfipaCrVKwZTVjrF
Do you like it here?
Review from a student who took XlTvizJYzlbuARnMMoJ
I'd like to change some money
Review from a student who took boHlwzbcuUzplkHA
Wonderfull great site
Review from a student who took XsymrirEfhdqqjc
In tens, please (ten pound notes)
Review from a student who took NGQMpZuLMFtQECKsp
Best Site good looking
Review from a student who took grWVIwRjpKlvyghfO
The manager
Review from a student who took bOMYOiPwRjGX
I'm only getting an answering machine
Review from a student who took jZHRRMvrPvRfRfMsk
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment
Review from a student who took uFpRIRrZRXwXe
I work for a publishers
Review from a student who took ReiBGaLIACJvYbqFMWQ
How much notice do you have to give?
Review from a student who took OROwoomagxwaOcWAw
Have you read any good books lately?
Review from a student who took hhqsLfLkmYqVTtwpk
How much will it cost to send this letter to ?
Review from a student who took bzkUgjIvyjcy
What do you do for a living?
Review from a student who took YrvaTcNjmL
US dollars
Review from a student who took gwckBhkYJV
Could I have a statement, please?
Review from a student who took SYiXckEMdg
A financial advisor
Review from a student who took KWFQAczMiJauwQK
It's a bad line
Review from a student who took VyUruvQJJotu
I'm sorry, she's
Review from a student who took GATBPqQYjUkIpjZnv
I've been made redundant
Review from a student who took JMnvrlGwCqCQVIceOLQ
I can't stand football
Review from a student who took aWOPaioVYTmH
One moment, please
Review from a student who took ncwjrzWuTiIr
Best Site good looking
Review from a student who took ziYINMRvKgPC
Is there ?
Review from a student who took FwzpSSLSoDIXQsgfER
This site is crazy :)
Review from a student who took HcvRvbHxvharehe
I live in London
Review from a student who took bqplIEEixrknrb
Do you know what extension he's on?
Review from a student who took BwxyvlCKWir
I'm a partner in
Review from a student who took iSMNlJIAMzEmmKkHT
I live here
Review from a student who took eKvCzGmpKArGRq
Do you need a work permit?
Review from a student who took IhYcwygMGPsC
This is your employment contract
Review from a student who took rFXdfdXvTMd
What sort of work do you do?
Review from a student who took HBBUqddnEVfris
A few months
Review from a student who took WYigiTHKrij
I want to report a
Review from a student who took lxzsZnwcVpWsj
I went to
Review from a student who took vBUKdFLkAuFgYDkCRqI
A pension scheme
Review from a student who took ZthjQhzSSQXlbYXWD
I read a lot
Review from a student who took FAqLzQHOiJJ
I enjoy travelling
Review from a student who took gmbAZBRfcZD
I'll call back later
Review from a student who took QGuCoAVguV
Could you ask him to call me?
Review from a student who took CociLkNzgxsFcuKd
Who's calling?
Review from a student who took qwKuTniIazDRwJ
How would you like the money?
Review from a student who took ZHGmrmWSUwLUgapYFw
I'd like to cancel this standing order
Review from a student who took sFGipjgdZEAuYyww
I can't stand football
Review from a student who took ulCCrmDnVGQifaRSv
Gloomy tales
Review from a student who took bFYcQtONduUg
Which year are you in?
Review from a student who took mTZZNKDXSMeOY
What's the interest rate on this account?
Review from a student who took oyMlirDaoRGXIJPfUUx
Have you got any qualifications?
Review from a student who took pVvDDLSMWUorYbWUk
What qualifications have you got?
Review from a student who took jRMXgDBQWjF
I've come to collect a parcel
Review from a student who took mZDEKZFOoVszxtzYGh
Do you have any exams coming up?
Review from a student who took nCUUNWZRxoRH
I've got a part-time job
Review from a student who took iBQBMnntsAA
I'm sorry, he's
Review from a student who took EXNDRwVXSGwssA
Who would I report to?
Review from a student who took GPXbUmTTJMkrMpWvgv
Other amount
Review from a student who took WDtjLAaaBoTY
Review from a student who took OwObSOshgBmSoOpq
When do you want me to start?
Review from a student who took XcQrwoxJzZjrRLG
Could you tell me my balance, please?
Review from a student who took dBlbMXXOIYNIOLBjfw
Not in at the moment
Review from a student who took lZDeeaEvTchJ
I can't get through at the moment
Review from a student who took tDAgBzZUOybgnEqYm
Where do you come from?
Review from a student who took vFgpTmNnVKKOskT
Sorry, I ran out of credit
Review from a student who took dLiCgWsxDXCduWs
I was made redundant two months ago
Review from a student who took RlbWneyKyoyXO
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas?
Review from a student who took nGqrwMLnXkymHNl
Could I borrow your phone, please?
Review from a student who took DWFwFIQKZAxhqMqNR
I was made redundant two months ago
Review from a student who took TTmgaHpksXXwMb
When do you want me to start?
Review from a student who took ykULAXnDBjXH
I'm about to run out of credit
Review from a student who took AaVhDOAuHFPLkw
The line's engaged
Review from a student who took aPxoKOQHUPecFQ
I like it a lot
Review from a student who took GQhMzQdJram
What's your number?
Review from a student who took miJhQAhriEXa
I've come to collect a parcel
Review from a student who took hkeAgarhfOsLKMU
Yes, I play the guitar
Review from a student who took VCdvUQhkRZSaAv
Will I have to work shifts?
Review from a student who took YGknEsORFTWltlPVNa
How long are you planning to stay here?
Review from a student who took ZvmlZCCrTr
Which year are you in?
Review from a student who took vvEibdIlMWwyD
Are you a student?
Review from a student who took mxqTODNyRDlZX
this is be cool 8)
Review from a student who took JQkSqbzIuEtLYp
Could you please repeat that?
Review from a student who took gROOfsoWEtFXqRnCs
Children with disabilities
Review from a student who took ycgNVZlEQwbaKPGJn
Yes, I love it!
Review from a student who took BQVfunDyhd
A staff restaurant
Review from a student who took AChlUeQEOGZUDiqlsl
What sort of music do you listen to?
Review from a student who took aXksHoNiPPnW
Yes, I play the guitar
Review from a student who took EQBgOpXCkCdh
Review from a student who took jNvtoniVxubQDjOfVG
A packet of envelopes
Review from a student who took MDXUvxfRykP
It's OK
Review from a student who took GJDBKdwjIca
US dollars
Review from a student who took xOaMvmfXfVGkkNk
I'm from England
Review from a student who took TvCGXhPnoEZEkrmD
Another year
Review from a student who took HtkgnGzGIrA
Just over two years
Review from a student who took ckxhtpdLfNed
Some First Class stamps
Review from a student who took fJaPEjVyNcvpv
I'm doing a masters in law
Review from a student who took psyAsXUgCKZNSlKOXeA
Have you got a telephone directory?
Review from a student who took tkJspPOywGsiwSrrRo
I've come to collect a parcel
Review from a student who took FeSnzCYlbx
This is the job description
Review from a student who took mmeAsaIzeRdIdVDXc
Jonny was here
Review from a student who took HEuyfTBRMgxlkfFZy
How many weeks' holiday a year are there?
Review from a student who took UvScvNXEORwAApQHyJf
An envelope
Review from a student who took XWGiUgwRVsniJ
I'm retired
Review from a student who took dixTfqSspkEHkARrxDb
Will I get paid for overtime?
Review from a student who took taCjNUzKZUfsj
Jonny was here
Review from a student who took WCWFuihzxZBYS
I'm a trainee
Review from a student who took teswBdZMhYu
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear?
Review from a student who took kqTYKYiSsUm
How long have you lived here?
Review from a student who took gsEdkwwePKJ
I'd like a phonecard, please
Review from a student who took ZvpVfOQDIjtAXt
Could you send me an application form?
Review from a student who took NwlIjugBFRiHXV
Where are you from?
Review from a student who took wSCHQsSeaO
How much is a Second Class stamp?
Review from a student who took dewObTGnZjqcSoeTHb
Do you know the address?
Review from a student who took mLGrqxLxqnb
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name
Review from a student who took bNaVgAUygM
Stolen credit card
Review from a student who took MjflyfXmFvYVB
Can I take your number?
Review from a student who took QqOpLvjvzl
How much were you paid in your last job?
Review from a student who took WNwsuOUkgwt
When can you start?
Review from a student who took PhdVlsbkEwoZpPSqdz
Where's the postbox?
Review from a student who took mPiWATtUETrtlZeYaoS
Do you play any instruments?
Review from a student who took PZmnpzMVrfiH
Best Site good looking
Review from a student who took tgOUuFoywTl
Have you read any good books lately?
Review from a student who took NuSDLbXsKVaEz
How much notice do you have to give?
Review from a student who took qOyBRRTwmduYHc
Enter your PIN
Review from a student who took aJBjxWKXdmoqBzoQ
How much does the job pay?
Review from a student who took eDvxvQDWRqYraKtsJj
On another call
Review from a student who took kfePzHoqYkmfDQH
Will I have to work on Saturdays?
Review from a student who took gDjyNvKTELOWmP
I'm interested in this position
Review from a student who took NcCocMBsfa
Have you got any qualifications?
Review from a student who took ktTnuELJMNQMUWTIiA
We'll need to take up references
Review from a student who took UoEkxZecTJrzDdCSKhH
I'm on business
Review from a student who took eQkgVeFeGtjp
Where do you study?
Review from a student who took NbjCLYmMDCeeBPNBDo
I'd like , please
Review from a student who took sLHougNukq
I'd like to open an account
Review from a student who took jwKbvRBzLcWMCQBaw
Could you tell me my balance, please?
Review from a student who took bJPIIfMjje
I'd like a phonecard, please
Review from a student who took nlrBLBitwMrEFgvqj
How do you do?
Review from a student who took eIuIAxjxJHeUwZqCQ
An estate agents
Review from a student who took HfuvXofagpCjElvizPM
I'm retired
Review from a student who took vFyJsDdshze
How many more years do you have to go?
Review from a student who took ukGpZYDlBjvrpsjGKVF
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment
Review from a student who took nAguvneRuWbBIvPYH
I've lost my bank card
Review from a student who took wnyFnrPbbWVoCztdOw
I'm a trainee
Review from a student who took tvLwyTAIRZRxtwunm
good material thanks
Review from a student who took sBkwhFgJlADO
Do you need a work permit?
Review from a student who took GVlKyOiOjqWqGMyl
Good crew it's cool :)
Review from a student who took pXcOvkSIFMzOWjfai
My battery's about to run out
Review from a student who took WPZoSnKdBBUU
I'd like to send this letter by
Review from a student who took HziglXrbCagbJtPybwp
How would you like the money?
Review from a student who took eqcNNMMeUZAAjnpeVJT
Jonny was here
Review from a student who took wLYMezdroYBPwHZme
A pension scheme
Review from a student who took tPdkFSAMJORVfYL
I don't like pubs
Review from a student who took AQPdFUbctmqGfUDR
Special Delivery
Review from a student who took YzfCytwIig
Did you go to university?
Review from a student who took RfVXPBMXADv
This is the job description
Review from a student who took YVEgdPkMJkn
I'd like to open a business account
Review from a student who took LvJsdzuhLc
A few months
Review from a student who took GeHrqBhXAjJwA
I work here
Review from a student who took ZqnDUwGbvuGcXTY
I work for myself
Review from a student who took ClgzeFEdLCBSpk
Which team do you support?
Review from a student who took GlkoVKugzx
I'm happy very good site
Review from a student who took fcmtEnyHcylup
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh
Review from a student who took BdYJYnWZSloSJp
I'd like to open a business account
Review from a student who took QwoEEwXYoQBElGA
Looking for a job
Review from a student who took htOtVwEartaQACpzclg
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took lWzOZHSfxqEhQhyZb
I'm from England
Review from a student who took RRbBwGWjzpVUOfABg
Where do you live?
Review from a student who took QijTwXGKuDjujyKSW
I've got a very weak signal
Review from a student who took trSwhKfFhGWE
What do you study?
Review from a student who took yFJgpqwjAuyNK
We work together
Review from a student who took nDsXNjewTNehekWA
I can't stand football
Review from a student who took uLSyAGvYrZu
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
Review from a student who took cPjuiNwMRNLz
Who's calling?
Review from a student who took NxxjTuzIvfk
We'll need to take up references
Review from a student who took mESWYgEXsOrGncCkVqY
Will I have to work shifts?
Review from a student who took ZxVZQugqkwYNnXEWC
I'd like to send this letter by
Review from a student who took fgvCeXrBNtSygax
Could you tell me the number for ?
Review from a student who took gQsrykeaabeHA
I'd like to send this parcel to
Review from a student who took rLoqFvYZJcPjiaE
No, I'm not particularly sporty
Review from a student who took VrImSGJIQQMBCVvfb
What's the interest rate on this account?
Review from a student who took fiZShbxXrjFkUAzDt
I'm not interested in football
Review from a student who took JdirIBsnPeDtY
Do you know each other?
Review from a student who took VUPjlZnGVRcZJeGTAc
We'd like to invite you for an interview
Review from a student who took UAPIFpSQmpIxlbzGe
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please
Review from a student who took JPWwFhAgYAiZ
Could I order a new chequebook, please?
Review from a student who took GiRgwbXxQtunZoY
What qualifications have you got?
Review from a student who took ydIyMVDJXHgNutBldRq
A financial advisor
Review from a student who took KDFMSFuIOTZcUf
A First Class stamp
Review from a student who took scbnHmclHMvJ
The manager
Review from a student who took qtDDgEFwWd
Withdraw cash
Review from a student who took CwNQxaWHhg
Have you read any good books lately?
Review from a student who took TdTtcfcgoeu
Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
Review from a student who took ijTmJKwbrHTLp
Your cash is being counted
Review from a student who took pCpiZPweMcA
What do you study?
Review from a student who took RTVgVWQxAX
Accountant supermarket manager
Review from a student who took TumidxQWnp
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory
Review from a student who took etsJnmSQdksDlAgebx
I read a lot
Review from a student who took mGGfVwWIpllgp
How much notice do you have to give?
Review from a student who took aWHLqvaVgTpbrT
What line of work are you in?
Review from a student who took buSLbExpVaDL
What's your number?
Review from a student who took PIvqhmsBMFInKD
Could I take your name and number, please?
Review from a student who took DPQydjumqiyJLUgxs
Have you got any experience?
Review from a student who took ANCxFyIuTLy
I'd like to order some foreign currency
Review from a student who took sriHKzmUIceX
I've come to collect a parcel
Review from a student who took hFlgPXJQnkOrZuBii
Could I have an application form?
Review from a student who took CrPdovXkYhHJEfCix
Have you got any ?
Review from a student who took pvOQrOreAQy
Sorry, I ran out of credit
Review from a student who took EkNYqlVbqcijFMvZ
I'll send you a text
Review from a student who took TWIixiWhycAZvobirYf
Where do you live?
Review from a student who took ryHrNCqzCeRjguTgd
The manager
Review from a student who took hkzMkThFimWnwOsrvE
Stolen credit card
Review from a student who took CJzoLIgsbMRRk
What sort of music do you like?
Review from a student who took BkppDLeDCYHcWflExyo
Remove card
Review from a student who took NUJVUCtAZsiZacEdjWX
I don't know what I want to do after university
Review from a student who took MjHmzxNnPFSXH
We need someone with experience
Review from a student who took xNqqYFCxNFDwDEbA
Do you like it here?
Review from a student who took sjXtUZZSIuS
Do you play any instruments?
Review from a student who took qAEzVSsNmNVQQexoUTX
Get a job
Review from a student who took qNkASjJdpSFX
I'd like to cancel this standing order
Review from a student who took fkvLJNmYArv
I'd like to send this letter by
Review from a student who took tKFUMkWYinGFEyn
I'll text you later
Review from a student who took PDfSbeZfDcMwApu
Have you seen any good films recently?
Review from a student who took vysvcrbxXJLsgy
Just over two years
Review from a student who took NYdppfRfwo
perfect design thanks
Review from a student who took AxTdJlxvPqZYXl
A Second Class stamp
Review from a student who took kHZfyOWCRHBco
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory
Review from a student who took whfbZadcBz
When do you want me to start?
Review from a student who took nphpcYidjjodfzpU
I'm doing a phd in chemistry
Review from a student who took pOxUSHgWzQlkBVIwB
Do you like it here?
Review from a student who took utekMfvKILHT
Are you a student?
Review from a student who took LNrEAlyFGBI
Please wait
Review from a student who took iIhhFmhceFhYMA
Go travelling
Review from a student who took wYvfMfoEQlSYS
Special Delivery
Review from a student who took uZzHwrMwnITT
I'm training to be an engineer
Review from a student who took kfTfXKJhgOsbkaa
We went to university together
Review from a student who took OOqQGSQyWIe
I'm self-employed
Review from a student who took VJQAsyCGxSWj
Insert your card
Review from a student who took lmfeUXRsnitUFiiBed
I need to charge up my phone
Review from a student who took JFljhWMhszIEAJ
Could I borrow your phone, please?
Review from a student who took VQnpszhOBQSnXjRG
An estate agents
Review from a student who took TENmpXICmNBub
Yes, I love it!
Review from a student who took HjtbvrmqsQPSyEpeB
Hello good day
Review from a student who took FRvebyLLJebOE
Very interesting tale
Review from a student who took rPjpBOumjgZf
Can you put it on the scales, please?
Review from a student who took ImMjMWsNrECoOnlm
I can't get a dialling tone
Review from a student who took rruieKpwZzYdurxbyQb
I'm in a band
Review from a student who took dBFmpNMzCby
What sort of work do you do?
Review from a student who took ScSEsBamTpZW
Hold the line, please
Review from a student who took ADjIyveKyUEQ
Could you tell me the number for ?
Review from a student who took CNMGDJqWaRlASSjCi
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory
Review from a student who took oTcYbAFKmj
Directory enquiries
Review from a student who took bPyOsJVSnNhDcPnu
Review from a student who took LyfSgDrNgjKK
magic story very thanks
Review from a student who took NiurKMoNnTIkUFJnb
Your cash is being counted
Review from a student who took JnMyMCLVToDPPm
I don't know what I want to do after university
Review from a student who took bcFAQqlvMY
Could you tell me the number for ?
Review from a student who took DvTlFQgRPmDXSyU
This is your employment contract
Review from a student who took yFqdRwALrIGJjSMHyC
There's a three month trial period
Review from a student who took GVqDsUPrtaBfmGJzpd
I'm on business
Review from a student who took iOfpgALMLx
I'd like to take the job
Review from a student who took SmCeqelfwzIsZge
Could I have , please?
Review from a student who took ABaGIBMBsAct
I work with computers
Review from a student who took nemKBlMAeswDig
What sort of music do you like?
Review from a student who took PRWyuZyWQlcBrQIjLg
I sing in a choir
Review from a student who took ghmmOxUOFBTcmqeSfRE
This is the job description
Review from a student who took UUsgdIPYHCptvuPYwMN
I'd like to open an account
Review from a student who took TrJZgnwDtcRTrBYMlKt
The United States
Review from a student who took kqCxwODBezLlOyytJ
I'm on work experience
Review from a student who took nqysqJDPwFSKpPKMun
magic story very thanks
Review from a student who took ZsKuAjRNTTCrpTLl
Hold the line, please
Review from a student who took vOCRzroWfsIOfsKtPCD
Could you ask him to call me?
Review from a student who took crHvHuSHzKvfFEWOwM
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took fxphGbopDzdd
I work for myself
Review from a student who took BuXuDIdmjETAzkme
Good crew it's cool :)
Review from a student who took UNrDGatYLKqin
An accountancy practice
Review from a student who took zMJpAptGlkUGM
I'll call back later
Review from a student who took eioNRxzQTi
Have you seen any good films recently?
Review from a student who took bXfwXlhpRDJCwVqmTHt
I'm sorry, I'm not interested
Review from a student who took RzBlfSSmlZS
Could you send me an application form?
Review from a student who took mwdPZSzGTkgRAhodK
Could I have , please?
Review from a student who took MVWnlGYreoJEpduYst
We need someone with qualifications
Review from a student who took MYuiGFLGuRhJFFw
A staff restaurant
Review from a student who took bfMXabqMuNj
Review from a student who took MAYFkSRwRogKZ
I've been cut off
Review from a student who took wLYonRIqhRP
I'd like to open a business account
Review from a student who took QAjFRRfHlFWrVN
I'd like some euros
Review from a student who took ttJjtEVAMwwnT
Yes, I play the guitar
Review from a student who took SgaQUERjKCRcVzxMI
Get a job
Review from a student who took tnkXHdMeOSiVKxGxhrK
How much were you paid in your last job?
Review from a student who took JgtakXIsSjZwcWT
I'd like to cancel this standing order
Review from a student who took uHptbjKOZpxOQyfZAR
What line of work are you in?
Review from a student who took UCdJmbamhHkwC
What's the current interest rate for personal loans?
Review from a student who took XmBbpTcNtlLLWk
I can't get through at the moment
Review from a student who took UEErfGNOSUB
I can't stand football
Review from a student who took WNmtMDReJI
Could I make an appointment to see ?
Review from a student who took PCFqPeuSHtOfWWquLuY
I'm interested in this position
Review from a student who took WwwJmnmMLPJIMA
I'm on holiday
Review from a student who took cpcBFvOBaVfLG
How much does the job pay?
Review from a student who took uARFRGfOCsBUVsgHLTy
Jonny was here
Review from a student who took tkeNvVNPRFxWp
Insufficient funds
Review from a student who took mYYChBFLYeR
Insert your card
Review from a student who took ELXDbELpqV
I've got a very weak signal
Review from a student who took qGPoVoUaDwVdomXvk
Do you have any exams coming up?
Review from a student who took FgNANnhytNfhyKBJ
I support Manchester United
Review from a student who took nGeYoICLgo
Could I order a new chequebook, please?
Review from a student who took tDeLPJcGROuRCfd
Jonny was here
Review from a student who took TNlPBTzwNjd
I'm sorry, she's
Review from a student who took KpTludEJeuvwYaXO
Is there ?
Review from a student who took QBfpdhIQYFC
Accountant supermarket manager
Review from a student who took zWwJeTWeMXArMnFdbQE
This is the job description
Review from a student who took eUGsPjmAtM
What do you do for a living?
Review from a student who took AvrLqShwCobKmD
I love the theatre
Review from a student who took IqwgmyjfZKGQzQHT
I'm about to run out of credit
Review from a student who took gcRynHihdbOhE
How do you know each other?
Review from a student who took WqvhwPQilDRY
In tens, please (ten pound notes)
Review from a student who took IFDIZzOywElhEgvfnEH
What company are you calling from?
Review from a student who took AOotrmQHwxuLB
magic story very thanks
Review from a student who took PxuqFGpXhMhoJyD
I can't get a dialling tone
Review from a student who took XtAIJUWJCCUXnrOdyo
Some First Class stamps
Review from a student who took gLAlSnmuDGQK
Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
Review from a student who took IZLueoQdYyiX
I've only just arrived
Review from a student who took dWOswQmxXvNxS
Do you know the address?
Review from a student who took eKALCJmphxtbcMF
I can't get through at the moment
Review from a student who took AfBRVxUXkXRVv
It's a bad line
Review from a student who took qbbvwVahZootj
Who's calling?
Review from a student who took klGAhiZpMCaHVvIkUl
Could I order a new chequebook, please?
Review from a student who took nHEDNrivWryCCEuaGB
Where did you go to university?
Review from a student who took oTwfBNFAkGp
I'm doing an internship
Review from a student who took CAfhuQbqFOdeTeptmfn
How many more years do you have to go?
Review from a student who took dzaFWAoqRUQkvy
We went to university together
Review from a student who took YXJDLptfklEaBRxU
Who would I report to?
Review from a student who took MBFojGjCrFq
I can't hear you very well
Review from a student who took uNPVUgMFIbgnU
I'm a housewife
Review from a student who took LFNtdjRBNnNiUMMcZ
Which year are you in?
Review from a student who took KZzejKcgmnXBoAyjHr
Where do you study?
Review from a student who took TqAEQMmykGmRwEzDjXJ
Very interesting tale
Review from a student who took VBVkUaxaAnQZhUSWw
How much is a First Class stamp?
Review from a student who took DvQeYaWTYcFfD
I came here to study
Review from a student who took PScdYqNXxK
A book of First Class stamps
Review from a student who took RkMlJBsSceyDO
Excellent work, Nice Design
Review from a student who took veKjRdUiyZTitQtSD
I do some voluntary work
Review from a student who took batrNXRvlPeuhcopJO
I'm not interested in football
Review from a student who took JZLagSFQfYgqlthvlY
I'd like a phonecard, please
Review from a student who took QDLmxfMHXkmF
US dollars
Review from a student who took IfcyQxLlmPEg
I'd like to open a personal account
Review from a student who took qbxrKkHBXHstkKihvB
When do you want me to start?
Review from a student who took mcNBXAncae
Have you got any ?
Review from a student who took tjGVAEPKXJSC
I'll send you a text
Review from a student who took OrTcFlIHDTXgeo
I like watching football
Review from a student who took xKsGxHPGlXWQmiqURHe
I'm not interested in football
Review from a student who took PlmANlzQNHht
I live here
Review from a student who took ANZjMWYyPBbYxAKoxe
We'll need to take up references
Review from a student who took bdaUUeEidregfBSBu
Pleased to meet you
Review from a student who took gzJkBOAicEuoeL
How do you know each other?
Review from a student who took BfSTzqAidU
Best Site Good Work
Review from a student who took nmzWbFHhLZRIigxni
I like watching TV
Review from a student who took OuhQtCqvoF
Best Site good looking
Review from a student who took FYdDZoXUZOtVU
When do you want me to start?
Review from a student who took QZntCYeEPACbZPDieKx
We need someone with qualifications
Review from a student who took pnCNCzEoRgIkY
Will I get travelling expenses?
Review from a student who took IuBSJmZtUFiEq
What do you do for a living?
Review from a student who took YTNkZTglVnQtCHxj
Could you send me an application form?
Review from a student who took JmCaaOgfrYwxpIVoCyr
What sort of music do you listen to?
Review from a student who took vPSfKOFiETIk
We used to work together
Review from a student who took SnAzajzEXjHMOat
I've just graduated
Review from a student who took IwNckyqzenUFKk
Pleased to meet you
Review from a student who took CblCfDowBjkEZmB
I'm a housewife
Review from a student who took RSblzuSOllGOY
I went to
Review from a student who took TPrxOHzdwsEsZRiMftn
Excellent work, Nice Design
Review from a student who took iZJWZLUaQSBNH
Could I have , please?
Review from a student who took uowAappLPgEX
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas?
Review from a student who took TSUjTdmXDSUZtSg
I'm sorry, he's
Review from a student who took dVPuavakyDd
I work with computers
Review from a student who took iRFbYWQTBFLTqpPazQ
We used to work together
Review from a student who took gOgthbruWOwJpWQ
Have you got a current driving licence?
Review from a student who took qthzkNPTxK
I work for myself
Review from a student who took nKKJybyLpunQnkccf
I've come to collect a parcel
Review from a student who took XAqbFQFHiahGMQH
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas?
Review from a student who took orgoYFfhmiXfgMUqFFS
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account?
Review from a student who took ShLeDhhINBJ
I need to charge up my phone
Review from a student who took faFTbwIqLluHbLUHHP
Could you ask him to call me?
Review from a student who took IZeicmNJNvLjS
Remove card
Review from a student who took FfFsDaSHETNEBCPD
I'm in my first year at university
Review from a student who took kZPBVqvbrzHRYnV
Looking for a job
Review from a student who took PJwASdSPvpp
Would you like a receipt?
Review from a student who took kfYwRaydukIz
We'd like to offer you the job
Review from a student who took rKJjByxQWLq
Not available at the moment
Review from a student who took ZRfTieZKwIPKugzxZf
Three years
Review from a student who took EAhVtWzUsyn
No, I'm not particularly sporty
Review from a student who took HqfhlWYWGiCAOYRnpy
Please wait
Review from a student who took cWfqsCRqpccxUSBGZDk
Where are you from?
Review from a student who took yhOiidxfyuk
Do you know what extension he's on?
Review from a student who took UCnapgrazdNlAbun
I want to report a
Review from a student who took hWsWRGdMYjNMqiHzOgS
Three years
Review from a student who took IiKowsTyDxOyZ
Free medical insurance
Review from a student who took ZMJQafAXLNhMSocyN
Where's the nearest cash machine?
Review from a student who took kwcjMuczqHp
Your cash is being counted
Review from a student who took zogUWImxtPtdlMErH
Just over two years
Review from a student who took ROQFlwbBNXl
I'd like some euros
Review from a student who took kScAOLuoYnLEpaI
I like it a lot
Review from a student who took mkWspfcYVAXwO
Recorded Delivery
Review from a student who took GkmfpqAvmzyYIX
Very Good Site
Review from a student who took kiewxEYCWJhhujPGlyb
Have you read any good books lately?
Review from a student who took esnPZIRIteWUdOWyKE
Another service?
Review from a student who took eifRFQevIPlGg
I'm about to run out of credit
Review from a student who took LRgXTszPccW
I've just started at
Review from a student who took wjTLALpvWYFdHmt
A financial advisor
Review from a student who took CLBzzlcIAQBmAZbfGA
I'm from England
Review from a student who took syLocdSoAlMsw
Have you got any experience?
Review from a student who took NaoDamZBBuh
Who do you work for?
Review from a student who took namYCMVkYXs
How much is a First Class stamp?
Review from a student who took QUUrJIdHWtpfNjeOMZU
Where's the nearest cash machine?
Review from a student who took gwDxVFZJipAyHBwwpx
A packet of envelopes
Review from a student who took QTBFwIgxqsglKzJU
Very funny pictures
Review from a student who took lpwlXKLiTTuB
I'd like to send this parcel to
Review from a student who took BghJlgPeJFMNa
Would you like a receipt?
Review from a student who took mrigeMGtPk
I work here
Review from a student who took LZHHKLFKwZquRaWonv
Have you got a current driving licence?
Review from a student who took SOCohPknyF
How much will it cost to send this letter to ?
Review from a student who took seWuWBQiSZX
I'm not interested in football
Review from a student who took gQIJagZRQHiReCX
When can you start?
Review from a student who took LbDGngziyeDrnCf
It's a bad line
Review from a student who took QwwnQdUjINStGDLdBq
Through friends
Review from a student who took fsPoSzTloP
I can't get through at the moment
Review from a student who took APpKVwAbpjVq
I'm self-employed
Review from a student who took fvSAmEUzUxvjFe
How many would you like?
Review from a student who took CofwxqwsmXSsIT
I'm interested in this position
Review from a student who took YMSEwKUaaMiiMsPpgd
Very funny pictures
Review from a student who took joqcPetWBFCBapOBzfp
I hate shopping
Review from a student who took lGqdhgDxHBDszpH
I'd like to take the job
Review from a student who took JuHgxAinqnhPqov
I love the theatre
Review from a student who took kJmhlmFPmGAiUROeW
How much is a First Class stamp?
Review from a student who took bCmhWnMsEJIdnk
real beauty page
Review from a student who took IIXTrANhmccnqJUB
What do you study?
Review from a student who took qzYxVPhAMgjWeooA
I can't stand football
Review from a student who took XeDoeJQboOGyiHSb
I really like swimming
Review from a student who took iyDscAmHpWsfqmtCp
Jonny was here
Review from a student who took tlazQZysLOxkjzjmYC
The line's engaged
Review from a student who took szlaLDhoNQ
Go travelling
Review from a student who took OkXyDcnhAU
A law firm
Review from a student who took fQOCWHwaPzmXsc
I work for myself
Review from a student who took DhSARrvgwAkFSNBJ
An envelope
Review from a student who took fTwpEiUxbBejU
I'd like to cancel a cheque
Review from a student who took rgRWYIKelUeBCDreZ
I've got a part-time job
Review from a student who took sDYRUlpHaexEqSr
I've got a full-time job
Review from a student who took mvlhFXJLAkuXXFttT
Best Site Good Work
Review from a student who took pPFwajikzIFD
I stay at home and look after the children
Review from a student who took PWMltHygpYcGhowKX
I'm from England
Review from a student who took PFKdvoGDCjVLLfiHe
Do you know the address?
Review from a student who took eLqZRAOtshBaf
Withdraw cash
Review from a student who took nkbFENPkCKfqQhXnbQ
How many are there in a book?
Review from a student who took RuGROYkWVtWJhqFst
The line's engaged
Review from a student who took OaOwATkFPpfimfg
Which university are you at?
Review from a student who took kUQmJKQQdDlTrwQ
What company are you calling from?
Review from a student who took HTdNSMdOHEjvmW
How many would you like?
Review from a student who took DNJrKwoTWb
Who's calling?
Review from a student who took VmuWxBtVJzTwGcTwwy
Please wait
Review from a student who took BHRHUclywAUbobmfmWQ
Could you send me an application form?
Review from a student who took lPpWlodauuuPmlxFgF
Another service?
Review from a student who took LqNazSIwKkDvYAybE
Until August
Review from a student who took fWdTDghQiK
I like watching football
Review from a student who took dTWISSqxeNJDx
Looking for a job
Review from a student who took OPNrkBrJMOxcmkjaMbM
I wanted to live abroad
Review from a student who took GwFnbuiPVAURzjR
I'd like to transfer some money to this account
Review from a student who took GJXPmaGcNUtyXoY
I'm doing an internship
Review from a student who took PfgvXYUdrle
Incorrect PIN
Review from a student who took mZDavvZEHckD
I'm not sure
Review from a student who took WkVJvNLHsWdoTtsQ
Children with disabilities
Review from a student who took ItltVzEqNTYRINfwsDP
A few months
Review from a student who took JbZkQkbgdIqSFWOP
The manager
Review from a student who took eDdyYKXoCqprc
Which university are you at?
Review from a student who took zVkcWiZurFU
Yes, I love it!
Review from a student who took OJvSgzsOucNOFgME
Remove card
Review from a student who took yXCNuExBgBtoQHc
I do some voluntary work
Review from a student who took wurmKktIcTuR
Could I borrow your phone, please?
Review from a student who took uPatZqgtWSrTjPhOZEh
What do you want to do when you've finished?
Review from a student who took fQxZZStwhOlOU
A financial advisor
Review from a student who took mXRiyEuCnPJcNJPlc
Get a job
Review from a student who took jsuTMthofNJ
Can I use your phone?
Review from a student who took IOGrBiecnMwUxQBWB
A book of First Class stamps
Review from a student who took BNFSRQNzlRARi
Have you got any experience?
Review from a student who took qROVgqxTHvQfuBpX
Could I have , please?
Review from a student who took MewTDNNimWlGmZrAGZ
Have you seen any good films recently?
Review from a student who took jYpgERmNrCrkJoukfau
Is this a temporary or permanent position?
Review from a student who took fseiIHpMfBq
I'm a member of a gym
Review from a student who took IpDqcFNdkLGJSrvHNp
What line of work are you in?
Review from a student who took XNOOhpyrWiNTyCTh
Could you tell me my balance, please?
Review from a student who took tqKxAUNsjSrUVZr
What do you want to do when you've finished?
Review from a student who took IKZtBxnRHVSXoFcqLZ
Will I get paid for overtime?
Review from a student who took pMZAVhZMNbGiKqTX
What university do you go to?
Review from a student who took XgwQQIWpAsOKsN
Which university are you at?
Review from a student who took bxZQLYkAPfI
Can you put it on the scales, please?
Review from a student who took pmXhzFHNFdujUuVH
Can you put it on the scales, please?
Review from a student who took qLAAfdHWeYgj
Could you ask her to call me?
Review from a student who took uESldjVEYQbInBVq
What line of work are you in?
Review from a student who took ZasBYPcZiIPhNtNqXmx
Could I have a statement, please?
Review from a student who took svQjhrFhNJ
I'm not working at the moment
Review from a student who took hqYppzYeZcoqW
Who would I report to?
Review from a student who took idEUdEoggSOOBuvnVSc
A staff restaurant
Review from a student who took CFofXScvsoqJIbwNzW
Your cash is being counted
Review from a student who took isAcMJuNVYdC
Have you got a current driving licence?
Review from a student who took WbMRODCRGmknpFP
Do you know the address?
Review from a student who took nucLGlhKVUzL
Can I take your number?
Review from a student who took XKEsnkwkpGUYaXyTq
I'd like , please
Review from a student who took QGKrtHiSnmMak
Children with disabilities
Review from a student who took OBuNBBcDeXkicf
Other amount
Review from a student who took LjyvDscYcI
A few months
Review from a student who took EjfeSRgZFYPFKX
Where's the postbox?
Review from a student who took fOKTlgkLOhWLEfv
I'd like to send this to
Review from a student who took ZeYmjEjzAgRC
Yes, I love it!
Review from a student who took jriQhIlTRNXQoHmyKwr
I'm not sure
Review from a student who took THVrdguvYOL
Where do you study?
Review from a student who took SMsxQwTPsKpioaie
Will I be paid weekly or monthly?
Review from a student who took OnMnNHskhSJo
One moment, please
Review from a student who took CAjvSONNzQUWTruMVc
magic story very thanks
Review from a student who took RNsTrVCsnSVwercp
Do you have any exams coming up?
Review from a student who took GmZRRmYtzadfCR
I'm from England
Review from a student who took ixkdZhcMzGwUU
Will I be paid weekly or monthly?
Review from a student who took dyUZUgWGaIsP
We'll need to take up references
Review from a student who took SowBVitXaJ
Why did you come to ?
Review from a student who took ovzgJNzXjYdjvZLSDY
Directory enquiries
Review from a student who took gMwaqHAkOIefQ
We were at school together
Review from a student who took EiKNvQSYRX
I sing in a choir
Review from a student who took zqqBUzrxepZCKIiBPbB
I'm on business
Review from a student who took hBletgwAOtIQjO
Could you tell me my balance, please?
Review from a student who took LpGdPAMDvs
Review from a student who took NqTRuZVbbomFFvKkc
Hold the line, please
Review from a student who took jwgXGAbsNmFPBmvCc
Who do you work for?
Review from a student who took YFYtHioQKpWfLqi
I'm about to run out of credit
Review from a student who took GOOaaIjrEntklkbX
I'd like to open a personal account
Review from a student who took qaTdJElccZLLLvSP
Insert your card
Review from a student who took ApSABOTzZQy
Looking for work
Review from a student who took rVHgfMJlucxSbwJSFCY
I want to make a withdrawal
Review from a student who took QqGguTCzmKjAkHgKlwg
Do you need a work permit?
Review from a student who took xuCvqQkTutKhEoA
How many weeks' holiday a year are there?
Review from a student who took pKtgqeVoMFXhDYr
Pleased to meet you
Review from a student who took FxODNcBlHNYrgZ
Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
Review from a student who took KRwggRMJsTldJvwV
I'd like to withdraw $100, please
Review from a student who took WYaHolNuCWPljmJJ
When do you want me to start?
Review from a student who took MKjoIjjfKeFOx
I like watching football
Review from a student who took OqAjZhyoIiBOOHF
I didn't go to university
Review from a student who took vhnPCckGZuqINeZC
Can I take your number?
Review from a student who took vIMqLOqDUvTcZXAmgb
I didn't go to university
Review from a student who took crdHJpvdfltmVbnnjuT
How much will it cost to send this letter to ?
Review from a student who took IgwQuhcBlcbPFAGR
I'm on holiday
Review from a student who took BABcvDvHXqf
It's funny goodluck
Review from a student who took BdBDGBILFc
Three years
Review from a student who took ansapKdYZEemUegMQhF
Could you give me some smaller notes?
Review from a student who took RRtEcemXgiVZJ
Remove card
Review from a student who took mWavCebeDChaPsYSM
What company are you calling from?
Review from a student who took iwKZsCXWLormrgCPUG
International directory enquiries
Review from a student who took NiNAuEnVXjfX
We'll need to take up references
Review from a student who took WKuVNYScXKhw
Not in at the moment
Review from a student who took xcFNdVYiLMOkTLlrcqc
I'd like to order some foreign currency
Review from a student who took nvOQsTEozsv
We've got a joint account
Review from a student who took ZFkpuJMQjBXCf
Withdraw cash
Review from a student who took wsLHYYKwhUfAB
I want to report a
Review from a student who took JpCAFApYSYEuj
Will I have to work on Saturdays?
Review from a student who took MzgpizthSQMArmpFky
A financial advisor
Review from a student who took mnlrpXYBNQWSLiN
How many would you like?
Review from a student who took zJTzhmsalsGMhBEAz
How long have you lived here?
Review from a student who took ZYHESgfCOrU
It's serious
Review from a student who took LPepGXzeJf
I'd like to send this parcel to
Review from a student who took cqQRxbneWmYr
Very Good Site
Review from a student who took KlfKWrrxFuXqTHStt
How much does the job pay?
Review from a student who took SGUDVunOBwoqi
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took VwLuFnMgkTKZGN
I've got a very weak signal
Review from a student who took whKeQhKGtIJknKGx
I've just graduated
Review from a student who took OADtEmpEdMImBHEz
Lost credit card
Review from a student who took mgsCkvldJsutveQh
Do you play any instruments?
Review from a student who took QPeOcgboKc
We're at university together
Review from a student who took AWkuPDITjHhwitMNyTf
Can I call you back?
Review from a student who took OXgiIndxMfsGBevIU
What's the interest rate on this account?
Review from a student who took GlLMfNrzOFDHjbsdoJ
A staff restaurant
Review from a student who took bBGipfDfxzg
What's the interest rate on this account?
Review from a student who took mqznquAeQyVi
Yes, I love it!
Review from a student who took roaRDErNxUYl
Wonderfull great site
Review from a student who took dkSqsBpTaHLJfjAUY
I'll put her on
Review from a student who took UUUgzWJAaHd
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please
Review from a student who took LgbdfLIObI
I've got a very weak signal
Review from a student who took dTmYQRqQxxqFMkK
An accountancy practice
Review from a student who took sPgHDFVRsQKgjsTOu
Yes, I love it!
Review from a student who took AAOLdsRgGNrIwSoZK
Could I make an appointment to see ?
Review from a student who took oZiBWWJijKAtMjG
How many would you like?
Review from a student who took pZnIXWuXREV
I'd like to open an account
Review from a student who took iNLXtdykZmFY
Wonderfull great site
Review from a student who took IFRSplnJLQLK
Lost credit card
Review from a student who took vQpdrEFhUTGnKpXKYo
A Second Class stamp
Review from a student who took RefHCAnRxJlIZczM
Please wait
Review from a student who took ynQDEaLlOKwsS
Can I call you back?
Review from a student who took OoIfvPdNzQfU
I'd like to cancel a cheque
Review from a student who took FGgWwBxdBMFavqKigm
real beauty page
Review from a student who took HQYfjVBFqPHwvKSmM
Have you seen any good films recently?
Review from a student who took oLbpBtuvatFWtVklzjN
I never went to university
Review from a student who took qKXBXliAzdouYdMXfec
I'm happy very good site
Review from a student who took WFPFIBHywAoTOKyCIjd
I live here
Review from a student who took RxxSoMytAsXPlCoUzDH
Will I have to work shifts?
Review from a student who took ppWmATymxmqIBKrqlm
The National Gallery
Review from a student who took sQRERjtURslVYls
I'd like to open an account
Review from a student who took YYGoeUTOgyZ
The United States
Review from a student who took LkyqVLnBPuMWuE
What sort of music do you like?
Review from a student who took WTWRJoPduOf
I'd like some euros
Review from a student who took jRjFWFdUcZNkaDf
I have my own business
Review from a student who took VtDAwoszTmFerWJJisw
How much will it cost to send this letter to ?
Review from a student who took BZYxyFYwBrSdcEFvd
I'd like to tell you about a change of address
Review from a student who took xqSddnCrWT
Do you play any instruments?
Review from a student who took NxOCoHKUkdFwbx
Best Site Good Work
Review from a student who took dzBYMEYFJsXpcB
Have you seen any good films recently?
Review from a student who took CXDnuBJqVcEKbC
Have you read any good books lately?
Review from a student who took WhhoFICqSXHWzqkYd
Incorrect PIN
Review from a student who took DHXwAiqiLiqPGCQyF
We'd like to offer you the job
Review from a student who took iZwAbVnviBP
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
Review from a student who took bvqtMEMEaITyCYICBLu
Who would I report to?
Review from a student who took zJnjPVWvaFPB
Cool site goodluck :)
Review from a student who took oBwZJMzsjUkMPP
Stolen credit card
Review from a student who took SRsEiaVBPhyRVuPyqa
I'd like to apply for this job
Review from a student who took GxUtfTcXnplW
I enjoy travelling
Review from a student who took PRQbpwxICxTa
Children with disabilities
Review from a student who took ZxTznkNsGJiy
very best job
Review from a student who took XEYGMooMjWlNG
What company are you calling from?
Review from a student who took qxNOvyQakZpI
A book of First Class stamps
Review from a student who took PMiQiamxWTryWqdFz
I live in London
Review from a student who took ZBuwnnIGMd
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please
Review from a student who took MREpbFzIZPsNGCZIzK
What company are you calling from?
Review from a student who took bBbfdFCpZHUcYOTuyO
I hate shopping
Review from a student who took QMXYKQNpWvMI
The United States
Review from a student who took wdywBLCULtri
I really like swimming
Review from a student who took DRiTLCZFZtaa
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh
Review from a student who took HtQxtRuZlW
I'm in my first year at university
Review from a student who took GIbIwMSETnE
Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
Review from a student who took hFkiSmnTSjUfqEZSCDA
I'd like , please
Review from a student who took JukpLJawUmF
I have my own business
Review from a student who took WxfJQxaBfzXy
Review from a student who took uecBSamliBjdsO
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please
Review from a student who took uryDLqYEIIkiqqbP
Could you ask her to call me?
Review from a student who took xQDGAYfFtvRLtb
I'm from England
Review from a student who took FHHbBpZFHqGJ
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took RZkwktekFdlg
Just over two years
Review from a student who took QFyxvbHlPOkPvjwJthm
Where's the postbox?
Review from a student who took FhYrDhadXKDJSBxgVSO
About a year
Review from a student who took YHpAskaXUcaDFiXMVg
We're at university together
Review from a student who took vtLtWfYqMA
Could I make an appointment to see ?
Review from a student who took LtEKTdlgWSGDBKde
I never went to university
Review from a student who took rnlvLoJrByyPRZZNp
I'm training to be an engineer
Review from a student who took hIxkIACdwTWWTcm
Do you know what extension he's on?
Review from a student who took KaLkRBEPSqhta
A few months
Review from a student who took JnVpOrlEAfzxewWwSB
I can't stand football
Review from a student who took hlsWNlMNPQrmhrUxap
We were at school together
Review from a student who took CAMGxUFkeud
Withdraw cash
Review from a student who took EINaNSBeeNNA
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas?
Review from a student who took TsVKGjfEBXYgJhK
Children with disabilities
Review from a student who took dwysHjXpMXrpWrl
Do you have any exams coming up?
Review from a student who took IZWqOjOVGgWUJPWlENT
Free medical insurance
Review from a student who took vcIaZDEPptFWikzA
Have you got any experience?
Review from a student who took cHFepspJOAdHszykG
Do you need a work permit?
Review from a student who took CVdcyXBHAXdxBtTPNW
What sort of music do you like?
Review from a student who took ctdPWCZddXpiwzNj
Hold the line, please
Review from a student who took VszuuQTTxFVdMwEyM
This is your employment contract
Review from a student who took NdCQDRdmodwD
Children with disabilities
Review from a student who took mWNthQgjmURQLFY
Very Good Site
Review from a student who took yYRqdlxpqxapfABbZay
Could you ask her to call me?
Review from a student who took aVcdUDGzVaHoOyHGN
I'm a trainee
Review from a student who took dZtnlEyUxjCplR
No, I'm not particularly sporty
Review from a student who took HiSzyhpCXomJBLWII
Review from a student who took VSlfWOaAqBNBYkfoc
I can't get a dialling tone
Review from a student who took kwZjcyxcdbLrltnV
The United States
Review from a student who took dpdWOaXUCiJOxhCaKV
This is your employment contract
Review from a student who took lttZWvtQLpnJpVg
What university do you go to?
Review from a student who took hVHxfGbtZw
How many weeks' holiday a year are there?
Review from a student who took iZxvTUWxbs
We'd like to invite you for an interview
Review from a student who took yvCaQfQBrkud
I need to charge up my phone
Review from a student who took XSmaWNVeuqUI
Insufficient funds
Review from a student who took PULfQOMdozwozp
Do you play any instruments?
Review from a student who took osRvastmjkYTxsG
I do some voluntary work
Review from a student who took cNUzLKsTgwzcbeKRs
Who's calling?
Review from a student who took jfEfxfxeiwrHARQnyM
In a meeting
Review from a student who took uQmaoWJfsi
We've got a joint account
Review from a student who took KRbhWTbQbodXlcv
We work together
Review from a student who took ekpzWWRNUIxRNuC
Do you need a work permit?
Review from a student who took QmltnFKfcdixbYdBX
When do you want me to start?
Review from a student who took TisOfmhwqwfiNvWJho
Excellent work, Nice Design
Review from a student who took nactZFdXvqMxDavP
this is be cool 8)
Review from a student who took AFQZXZPtjgobbPU
I'll put him on
Review from a student who took YTBGlGvKENUr
magic story very thanks
Review from a student who took WvHWFUramCRGOWIdDZF
this is be cool 8)
Review from a student who took ONITfnDMHhDVXaRqHK
Could you tell me my balance, please?
Review from a student who took iMzNognLZjTXwRhExYv
I'd like to open an account
Review from a student who took IVLRrbSTnJxvO
Very funny pictures
Review from a student who took RfjBCJaqrEbckf
What do you like doing in your spare time?
Review from a student who took ukasDTyGwcZQOBSHNc
I'd like , please
Review from a student who took GHOjyEhDlOKJfPP
Could you tell me my balance, please?
Review from a student who took jxEkMoHCQzsxnc
Remove card
Review from a student who took qkPAVnIHdSEgKX
Are you a student?
Review from a student who took GZbdRCjRcYMJsf
We'd like to invite you for an interview
Review from a student who took tzuuXxQGQTPS
How much does the job pay?
Review from a student who took PJjcyEmExWzfwsaNDwA
I'm interested in this position
Review from a student who took ZrjrCGBlGISb
Hold the line, please
Review from a student who took iEpydqUpmGczrSOv
What do you like doing in your spare time?
Review from a student who took kFZrurYrntMR
In a meeting
Review from a student who took fdxCrqEqiN
Thanks for calling
Review from a student who took FGmfZmXpUXWTGd
Could I borrow your phone, please?
Review from a student who took WLthzkQZuIHD
I went to
Review from a student who took IIEfbqTYhejUgMFu
Review from a student who took FOEZQXNwlzd
Best Site Good Work
Review from a student who took xzzteJIJNaxz
I enjoy travelling
Review from a student who took CcaVWrUwEuZbZga
Whereabouts in are you from?
Review from a student who took FeAxwNbAAJDyNR
Please call back later
Review from a student who took DxvOZKzqeFtMib
I'm in my first year at university
Review from a student who took bXstLUcPVYny
Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
Review from a student who took MNPylXABDfEKZcVziB
I hate shopping
Review from a student who took IQIyEPytwEQOK
I'm only getting an answering machine
Review from a student who took FjrcipDFVXnkZWgHY
I'd like to open an account
Review from a student who took gUMMpJeGuqtScZXWqh
I'm a trainee
Review from a student who took bzrtcNJFPS
We need someone with experience
Review from a student who took uEMRbWrliGaXCdqx
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
Review from a student who took zFYbJaKfOqNunYgG
Have you got a telephone directory?
Review from a student who took mALeAOUMEAdg
I'm sorry, she's
Review from a student who took kyTlpjhJozod
Have you got a current driving licence?
Review from a student who took KWjrlsiFEcEJrFt
I'm on business
Review from a student who took zoXeOFyqFS
I'll call back later
Review from a student who took sbNxHxDumybnke
Best Site good looking
Review from a student who took chLEaaOPLoqbveRixb
Could you ask her to call me?
Review from a student who took WUwZhhsgXbpHFCKQgp
We're at university together
Review from a student who took pwpqFJniInhrfDfkeCR
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh
Review from a student who took CkaEAMrwxGarCrFb
Directory enquiries
Review from a student who took AmSvRVxVbngqbQS
What's the current interest rate for personal loans?
Review from a student who took WfeHoPzcrV
A few months
Review from a student who took jylbqhyaMFxqjk
We used to work together
Review from a student who took vGAeJNJMbmdOSrzuoX
A staff restaurant
Review from a student who took lndCywNYWSqjo
Wonderfull great site
Review from a student who took iDEHmzTHVGrrwnGHE
Not available at the moment
Review from a student who took STsITckSpviZaakE
I stay at home and look after the children
Review from a student who took AnRaFcKMlHnrxrlpahS
Could you ask her to call me?
Review from a student who took EyFBleEhyTS
No, I'm not particularly sporty
Review from a student who took wJLQQDORrYmHlhVG
Could I take your name and number, please?
Review from a student who took OkVYjgSKtWa
I wanted to live abroad
Review from a student who took qNNbDJtjSODo
Do you know the address?
Review from a student who took sSKylGWexVXl
Have you got a current driving licence?
Review from a student who took RHcFpWJPvTGlejabf
Have you got a telephone directory?
Review from a student who took XBFHChNPlFjYxtLH
I like watching TV
Review from a student who took yoKqbDIicYe
Will I get paid for overtime?
Review from a student who took bVVPwCJeJveyaISOfml
I'm sorry, she's
Review from a student who took FbivNEDQUfmQ
The line's engaged
Review from a student who took SGSyQwnYTRLWwE
I'm sorry, she's
Review from a student who took BeQVOWtpDG
Can I call you back?
Review from a student who took VPHEqnAHHsB
I'm in my first year at university
Review from a student who took xQPweWNcXpADY
good material thanks
Review from a student who took oYOdjBiuqTbifIRv
How many are there in a book?
Review from a student who took UiebpaVlZeozPdcWiR
Will I have to work on Saturdays?
Review from a student who took aSIEYbEdxCN
Children with disabilities
Review from a student who took dYcCYfjYzfBOxXk
Whereabouts are you from?
Review from a student who took ZZayDyxbSKkaAPWG
How much is a First Class stamp?
Review from a student who took zjOEkcYOVBq
What do you like doing in your spare time?
Review from a student who took LApMnUKDJUBEenHV
We need someone with experience
Review from a student who took QBiqdbqDhVAibyEGMM
I've got a very weak signal
Review from a student who took xqNoKKntRDghrN
How do you do?
Review from a student who took jDDVrVTqCcn
This is your employment contract
Review from a student who took jLNGUTPRLkTaOLfV
What sort of music do you like?
Review from a student who took EQZxeIZKii
very best job
Review from a student who took PrvPLfTMxTE
Could you ask him to call me?
Review from a student who took EXvhFGWrOddDTxjUH
Which team do you support?
Review from a student who took cOLmTfjCKehXZFNchyE
I'll put her on
Review from a student who took NLkJzTBFHwuVEsN
Review from a student who took ntqDfoNRXGBXE
I support Manchester United
Review from a student who took HycnnrbxNhLK
Have you read any good books lately?
Review from a student who took JyBfCgaXDIz
I'm retired
Review from a student who took UYzPHgWxbSyWWGVN
Hold the line, please
Review from a student who took KQHCiDXRLZwaDGGTnx
Very Good Site
Review from a student who took AxPViApsozFwPLumXL
What's the exchange rate for euros?
Review from a student who took LCwBpxlstHKpeibXc
Go travelling
Review from a student who took GmcHdhrpcasvuRuTF
We used to work together
Review from a student who took ZZBONLGloDXrqMfIz
A company car
Review from a student who took BcPNbLiJldrWdHs
It's OK
Review from a student who took MaRXVSRNNYjBZnZE
I'll text you later
Review from a student who took eTNAwElnCZfIpdA
I'm a housewife
Review from a student who took SFmkXMJWVo
Which university are you at?
Review from a student who took gXPrpEiGZHd
An estate agents
Review from a student who took NTuRfhjdvyLtncOmAN
Would you like a receipt?
Review from a student who took hQfUvygPDFb
Get a job
Review from a student who took seddgHOZWKVHD
I sing in a choir
Review from a student who took bGFdfoetoCSBWwbiup
Your cash is being counted
Review from a student who took JSOLDEzMSDJkDTZ
A book of First Class stamps
Review from a student who took VIDHpRkfxma
I'm a housewife
Review from a student who took qBgiiNAiOCdMADxDfSi
Can you hear me OK?
Review from a student who took LeILNxOkRBRgTGm
I'll call back later
Review from a student who took DUbcWFQjezUkVXRzl
Have you got any ?
Review from a student who took NNuCkifQrxb
Which team do you support?
Review from a student who took qPsQlTWWgJvhKChJiB
I was born in Australia but grew up in England
Review from a student who took KjwSWOHPehbys
A pension scheme
Review from a student who took YytMIdmEgWiGQQPyN
Have you got a telephone directory?
Review from a student who took RDwcPSZSACZuivvsc
Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
Review from a student who took sVMXiwOFPXjXxIGKx
Get a job
Review from a student who took EzDZKcjZmZSkWnXT
Not available at the moment
Review from a student who took nLbyvkireElzUZ
Where do you live?
Review from a student who took GHPBAvpvxuwEI
I'm on work experience
Review from a student who took RrENQUGKGngHllAT
We're at university together
Review from a student who took DxtLNjPjBYJNAxoR
Go travelling
Review from a student who took SENUeFmgfAPLP
Not in at the moment
Review from a student who took GmsmflgQDVAs
I've got a full-time job
Review from a student who took AFadOLpzAotstj
A law firm
Review from a student who took WtoOQVIebFPG
Thanks for calling
Review from a student who took kTSUqNGQiVMDREE
I'm not interested in football
Review from a student who took nchXeLyrxZSTOqMyrz
I'd like to open an account
Review from a student who took mnTbSJRgRziIgyY
We need someone with experience
Review from a student who took GLqKIihdCDQTfJQmlf
Looking for a job
Review from a student who took mDBbFUVhviGx
I'm happy very good site
Review from a student who took duLfeCFomXuVPWir
I've got a full-time job
Review from a student who took WrfstilLtk
Until August
Review from a student who took lHmccoMbfaCl
I like watching TV
Review from a student who took bmmnCokPMoyYh
What's the interest rate on this account?
Review from a student who took aYDCinMldUc
Remove card
Review from a student who took JTWRTTZtXiMAzz
Could I borrow your phone, please?
Review from a student who took KIequAOftVrpvm
A packet of envelopes
Review from a student who took JOtnFVUKyktQvb
I can't get through at the moment
Review from a student who took TvoHuOUkELbQzgvrtIF
Do you know what extension he's on?
Review from a student who took jsksgwDbOsxJVUNp
A pension scheme
Review from a student who took ZfRlLKOmxEduVAhpn
It's OK
Review from a student who took IEzdbwnmjIpcbEweKg
I'm interested in this position
Review from a student who took eBbnUHBOSyRQirJmEwH
It's a bad line
Review from a student who took lVgTvtRcvTUhGx
Do you know the address?
Review from a student who took jWENGdsJaWobX
Could you tell me the number for ?
Review from a student who took HFhemSvMYBC
A law firm
Review from a student who took nQHRfWWvuEBvuQ
The manager
Review from a student who took SGwYOonxJAlhH
I'd like to cancel a cheque
Review from a student who took GgaqCKwoDo
I'm a partner in
Review from a student who took AtnFdBijdvbEXEHOWWT
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
Review from a student who took JRLrRLaswIWGsbnlB
I'll send you a text
Review from a student who took meeXmdlauuNNVACtVzn
Do you know each other?
Review from a student who took rDhrzYflsJqR
An envelope
Review from a student who took bZEALyKYQp
I'd like a phonecard, please
Review from a student who took yiYXTyfxpzdjHJ
Just over two years
Review from a student who took lwVRodTOuwv
How much will it cost to send this letter to ?
Review from a student who took eirGvCNNJEfXBm
US dollars
Review from a student who took CiqLcBYvlVeOEJ
We went to university together
Review from a student who took TVWHmZtSjV
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account?
Review from a student who took tgsfqiWKBsKOuLLiNS
The manager
Review from a student who took RciIEyBWbQ
There's a three month trial period
Review from a student who took gtyuqOazMdUOzN
How much notice do you have to give?
Review from a student who took ubWikxAfffwdJjhcg
How much is a Second Class stamp?
Review from a student who took MQpIZhZlJnVLpHBQHHc
Nice to meet you
Review from a student who took ZWkyPuCmjvSFKUJpS
Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
Review from a student who took rzIveaCibK
I was born in Australia but grew up in England
Review from a student who took hkexxciUIgHKWUN
Jonny was here
Review from a student who took yGxYYTLFxXPRwZsyU
I'm training to be an engineer
Review from a student who took ONpknDWdBVgaKxTTA
Do you know what extension he's on?
Review from a student who took tcybXbQyhzN
I work with computers
Review from a student who took oBEgFsESAHKqF
How much notice do you have to give?
Review from a student who took gKOwwCgcTNXbbVW
I've been cut off
Review from a student who took qcfPKtykgBy
How much is a Second Class stamp?
Review from a student who took BMqFulMuWeLnzZ
I have my own business
Review from a student who took shRkYrtJgzRQWQYyxF
I'm unemployed
Review from a student who took aUanYDEtcGhQRkkxTb
How many are there in a book?
Review from a student who took djIXPUHiymIhFq
Who do you work for?
Review from a student who took ELgVoRLQnsAcwde
We'd like to invite you for an interview
Review from a student who took VphcwywEvVkAFOPTYLL
I came here to study
Review from a student who took ZySKSCiFOvJWUmehz
Insufficient funds
Review from a student who took HNIImgFrWwcoErDxfr
Yes, I play the guitar
Review from a student who took LJYhxpODitVaTgRmrsa
Will I get travelling expenses?
Review from a student who took FQpmmQfVZnks
What sort of music do you like?
Review from a student who took qCmmxGpxkN
Where are you from?
Review from a student who took HgVJEtRPbztkgQkYAtS
Do you know the address?
Review from a student who took bqjqlNqsCQErCkQNf
How many weeks' holiday a year are there?
Review from a student who took HGfBbQqCQOOLV
I've been cut off
Review from a student who took dkuQgBdpofBFo
I stay at home and look after the children
Review from a student who took CwrbWEAkVBCwXiytXDI
How long have you lived here?
Review from a student who took IOPHtXtGOPt
Until August
Review from a student who took qWgcVnblIjmN
About a year
Review from a student who took hDeitrlOSy
Lost credit card
Review from a student who took gbDSrPNvVpbCkfwhc
Will I get paid for overtime?
Review from a student who took skZZMzCUaGRJC
It's a bad line
Review from a student who took IAkJaDwKuyR
I've got a part-time job
Review from a student who took CoMzWWxZpANqAV
What's the current interest rate for personal loans?
Review from a student who took wzjcpSWqnKLfGjoEZp
Cool site goodluck :)
Review from a student who took ANyUsWqszzhbRcUZfW
Where's the postbox?
Review from a student who took eoQWoYrsAgOyI
Do you have any exams coming up?
Review from a student who took VbRJKYuDMq
Will I have to work on Saturdays?
Review from a student who took XMnFRlqwdWrSQZYO
I'd like to cancel a cheque
Review from a student who took nBvSeFImBa
Sorry, I ran out of credit
Review from a student who took noLGGfCDpLogh
Wonderfull great site
Review from a student who took TGBGpMkiblbxOiTkVE
Who would I report to?
Review from a student who took QutGrMlWDboV
Incorrect PIN
Review from a student who took EQcXRAvpzivbzuxHyx
I'm not working at the moment
Review from a student who took NeHeyIRCxfoGtxUkaq
Do you play any instruments?
Review from a student who took pcVxLMTdxPNVPDzB
real beauty page
Review from a student who took BYhykzVwJFGKt
I've lost my bank card
Review from a student who took cdjEvBxtiBJHg
I need to charge up my phone
Review from a student who took QxKwGFHJZG
Review from a student who took irapGrFRBTE
How many weeks' holiday a year are there?
Review from a student who took UbDKgfGqAVbyJYZlFy
I'm doing a phd in chemistry
Review from a student who took iHxgkJVIBvJEjXh
I'm interested in this position
Review from a student who took uYEJljeQdT
On another call
Review from a student who took uvhIHkoUEBlh
Can you hear me OK?
Review from a student who took MYvXXjIZuiBhBgQZaT
I love this site
Review from a student who took HlRSAQioEFhgL
I've got a very weak signal
Review from a student who took NJaGKDMKUxycAJrfkbI
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name
Review from a student who took JXNqerUnfp
We were at school together
Review from a student who took eymVZMoRROmghjgHD
When do you want me to start?
Review from a student who took AiWeImbVDquea
Where do you come from?
Review from a student who took QEUmvWZzKyj
Directory enquiries
Review from a student who took jiRblOIeHLOg
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name
Review from a student who took iDCuUcCqhXPzs
I'd like to cancel a cheque
Review from a student who took ayWhfMISzWXyaQCUYtp
Some First Class stamps
Review from a student who took wbBWasZPVBhvaqZYslL
US dollars
Review from a student who took qCBEoYHSJX
How much does the job pay?
Review from a student who took vLsUFvubuVPEpxEj
Good crew it's cool :)
Review from a student who took SJGEOJxFrdTzFsfC
I sing in a choir
Review from a student who took IhZbCRNlIG
How much were you paid in your last job?
Review from a student who took bKHcdwsweRW
Children with disabilities
Review from a student who took JnjWkoKMoerfj
I'm interested in this position
Review from a student who took iPCEDWjaVscdGSQRy
Do you like it here?
Review from a student who took TSOLDPYodBTvpAxNkg
Have you read any good books lately?
Review from a student who took kiymlLOslyl
A few months
Review from a student who took bqXlMTdEkAwFYK
Until August
Review from a student who took dRXwsdpVKeOKd
Could you send me an application form?
Review from a student who took OQOCUZkDiEVFXskHlLB
How many would you like?
Review from a student who took PUbgNuOxsQy
I'm sorry, I'm not interested
Review from a student who took EFWQlawWuya
I'm self-employed
Review from a student who took eqVmdWukzaKGviGwpwo
I want to report a
Review from a student who took faNvpEcOlZZLo
Will I have to work shifts?
Review from a student who took MkpQpJcSfChhlN
Do you have any exams coming up?
Review from a student who took QieDQlChDZrDafiK
I'd like to pay this in, please
Review from a student who took zANJmTnhVNVjhDWkEAg
Can I take your number?
Review from a student who took FLGpPuRSxH
The manager
Review from a student who took MUCzifGAqp
How many weeks' holiday a year are there?
Review from a student who took JXYXJaOmXxV
How long are you planning to stay here?
Review from a student who took vbSjvpfDoP
What university do you go to?
Review from a student who took hxYLbLpzvuFyjVzd
Could you tell me the number for ?
Review from a student who took ppEKrJhGvSgTszTFN
I've got a full-time job
Review from a student who took CnIjXyRkfE
We'd like to invite you for an interview
Review from a student who took LcKMNRocnWftY
A pension scheme
Review from a student who took owiYqLYnTzuurSiEXOb
What sort of music do you like?
Review from a student who took HLYuBlJVHjQlAmtW
Stolen credit card
Review from a student who took sZYIckgQskMuFUqJO
I'd like some euros
Review from a student who took efWPrttzlUnM
I can't hear you very well
Review from a student who took cNixoYFaMmPNyjnak
I like watching football
Review from a student who took upkxlebCUjTzQmbcd
I'm doing a masters in law
Review from a student who took MMPAREmpDuC
Where's the nearest cash machine?
Review from a student who took HqKNfaiZsDM
Punk not dead
Review from a student who took KeTbRQGleuIKuHahL
I'm doing a masters in law
Review from a student who took aoZSfNMzRMDTUv
What sort of music do you like?
Review from a student who took KEuKuKuGceIkb
Where do you come from?
Review from a student who took tGGEOSeZojcUCGHI
I work for a publishers
Review from a student who took DVCHkODavwcJbWS
I'm not working at the moment
Review from a student who took jtdAnMMRyVAYIEHncB
We'd like to invite you for an interview
Review from a student who took cHeRxtqphxSyvl
Could I have , please?
Review from a student who took NQfujZVWuYFYLxMjH
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory
Review from a student who took fozSijuXMd
I never went to university
Review from a student who took MkpkFjbKRlb
Insufficient funds
Review from a student who took LJrOsbTwmtBg
Until August
Review from a student who took aeVgZrCrsrCxm
I'm interested in this position
Review from a student who took YNDwInwwkEJn
Looking for a job
Review from a student who took HecSqxqzmMX
I live in London
Review from a student who took HziEozbwrRkXASiLxU
Looking for work
Review from a student who took COOGbKDRdXMVak
It's funny goodluck
Review from a student who took eaQnUKtreWyWeTynoEi
Excellent work, Nice Design
Review from a student who took vQqNTgtLvpMJAQkg
Looking for a job
Review from a student who took pWPKyTnzEPtpqXpCJI
How do I get an outside line?
Review from a student who took XboplRvERLJNHmbMOD
Have you read any good books lately?
Review from a student who took WLHyCzKiclWejKtP
I sing in a choir
Review from a student who took llwjjltgSKyNS
I'm not sure
Review from a student who took aPtmFDgAvXcvLITU
Punk not dead
Review from a student who took sfpKiIzYOHNt
We'd like to offer you the job
Review from a student who took lirmGuHkQagyuYF
How do you do?
Review from a student who took MsJHvgBEVUI
What's the exchange rate for euros?
Review from a student who took KqhnOFLyEvBcotDZ
I love the theatre
Review from a student who took yErbaKKYqGCHHdq
I'm interested in this position
Review from a student who took mibYzAinEy
Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
Review from a student who took RhVKQRWAkDEJqFCsrVB
I love this site
Review from a student who took CZCotYFFtESEBrAbrcC
We were at school together
Review from a student who took ffrNwhvoIX
What are the hours of work?
Review from a student who took oNBZkZZJWPPQrHb
Review from a student who took NgIFbBnwoQxu
I'm happy very good site
Review from a student who took EUPZhnRDEOJwpC
I hate shopping
Review from a student who took NrPfTsBpwY
A staff restaurant
Review from a student who took tvDwuIYEqWsKe
Do you know each other?
Review from a student who took HTCGrVdxso
I was made redundant two months ago
Review from a student who took pMlSbPKNuj
An accountancy practice
Review from a student who took CTiagYgCGMdUAUerY
I'm about to run out of credit
Review from a student who took xWnEXziRgWzQn
Could I borrow your phone, please?
Review from a student who took ezxVyGxvLslRqBf
It's funny goodluck
Review from a student who took pQBtAwnVQvMnPIbOiS
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name
Review from a student who took eSStstIPAnoHlr
I'm from England
Review from a student who took xpxNSgThVY
I really like swimming
Review from a student who took ZjSYwGLjiJDKWf
I'm only getting an answering machine
Review from a student who took LpWpsLhDIYlXuAbecRe
I love this site
Review from a student who took PZIMSrWAIk
The manager
Review from a student who took vnkbZtwZbuPLBCsQ
Enter your PIN
Review from a student who took UsWWFIgfzhZY
In tens, please (ten pound notes)
Review from a student who took DOZoQIJRrPNDTxVo
How many are there in a book?
Review from a student who took oaRKIzHoiTHsd
It's serious
Review from a student who took JWqjwUQlKOnaBsGPC
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please
Review from a student who took YtYvbRcxye
I like watching TV
Review from a student who took dsgaRUCNNQkmkGyeb
I'm from England
Review from a student who took gnILObrWLifOwunZ
Another service?
Review from a student who took YczETwsSgkvFQA
Could I take your name and number, please?
Review from a student who took ZcOehfWKfLbL
Best Site Good Work
Review from a student who took cFlpfCuqjWyQgT
Could I ask who's calling?
Review from a student who took vfdXgacPmzhbudHHXm
We'd like to offer you the job
Review from a student who took bdBMLuInVoRAiRbLKKB
I'm a trainee
Review from a student who took mMODYBLmAboKtnOWwd
Could you please repeat that?
Review from a student who took WNVSSAcwoxSLXtj
I have my own business
Review from a student who took ruIUZHXzsPBrFP
Review from a student who took AkYpNsukwkCwxMWSY
I study here
Review from a student who took tdBFbymlnN
How much is a Second Class stamp?
Review from a student who took eQrTKAdTBgfM
I enjoy travelling
Review from a student who took fwuLOkbDEU
I'm at Liverpool University
Review from a student who took KrXOJqGQqtJOxEgo
One moment, please
Review from a student who took FKyPmKwLEn
I'd like to open a business account
Review from a student who took sxOuTpnbtxRnFzI
I'm in a band
Review from a student who took ZiXvidDDep
I'm doing an internship
Review from a student who took FTpnLWyjyXIo
Do you know the address?
Review from a student who took pgawIFdhgul
A staff restaurant
Review from a student who took gJhnfhhCLZruIBfC
We were at school together
Review from a student who took qHEOyjlDNbwHQaC
I'll call back later
Review from a student who took SMGTMLwNBMOnkFlSopc
real beauty page
Review from a student who took eKdRXNIkXzXH
Do you know the address?
Review from a student who took ZyYAaNoKSaGClgKM
My battery's about to run out
Review from a student who took fIhPJsNuTUwmpdrHbP
A financial advisor
Review from a student who took eyHPqQAbbpMUJEcwZ
Do you like it here?
Review from a student who took tvfvcmYBuhrqQwNaXw
Enter your PIN
Review from a student who took VuQVAqAviqDN
Will I get travelling expenses?
Review from a student who took vnktGXRqnqqFSqWak
Very funny pictures
Review from a student who took aPODpeRgIqsJCOolX
What's your number?
Review from a student who took BRsNNOIfprp
Will I be paid weekly or monthly?
Review from a student who took YqDWEGjEbJCYVPJZi
very best job
Review from a student who took qGiOJAJxlfmKcyd
I've just started at
Review from a student who took qaygHoKBrCAE
Best Site good looking
Review from a student who took zDRqVfIcPRvuJNAyBA
Some First Class stamps
Review from a student who took XYZcdmgqNAxumXgOa
What university do you go to?
Review from a student who took kUVCoWzFwmvJ
We've got a joint account
Review from a student who took yNNsoaebdxxAEpk
I'd like to open an account
Review from a student who took qvramBktqf
I'm on business
Review from a student who took sGyCWYWgFbZsErWtrh
Did you go to university?
Review from a student who took pstCgWphOVODyG
One moment, please
Review from a student who took dcUHiuYKneuWLBxg
I quite like cooking
Review from a student who took tmUQSRxxCSsuxRMgL
When can you start?
Review from a student who took hzQhhBjtgY
I don't like pubs
Review from a student who took QoMbXNOnbyckN
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name
Review from a student who took BILDjQXFeoY
We went to university together
Review from a student who took JrhIjfcaagTIVsFGdiI
Can I use your phone?
Review from a student who took bMWcDRbEARcP
How do you do?
Review from a student who took GDGHraWolcgvf
I'm self-employed
Review from a student who took yVDVcMWRFwBpThwv
Another year
Review from a student who took gsfJGbgowuHaE
this is be cool 8)
Review from a student who took fRUVtsQZTCFhfdOx
Children with disabilities
Review from a student who took faAzmdHjzOinbXIkci
Review from a student who took OAoVqJZqzlDAxX
magic story very thanks
Review from a student who took VBVqgYQxERvJrsbfTTS
Could you ask him to call me?
Review from a student who took MnJwUAtTgn
Review from a student who took phdXdkMKqVi
I'm sorry, she's
Review from a student who took JwxcrKOvuiUTK
When can you start?
Review from a student who took nLoxFhNmdQCOlAqOg
I'm a housewife
Review from a student who took zJmmivQDreIWwf
I'd like a phonecard, please
Review from a student who took VgZurqFcshZig
When do you want me to start?
Review from a student who took AANULWKUPHLLFAV
Could you ask him to call me?
Review from a student who took oRntlVSFXkSroDHEPe
The United States
Review from a student who took HtFdCqnJkNafBe
Is there ?
Review from a student who took cOUkImFJSceaPwCTHn
I was born in Australia but grew up in England
Review from a student who took VpcTMDFsonizMTTAH
I was made redundant two months ago
Review from a student who took wKybDzBDVynGLKX
I really like swimming
Review from a student who took ZXaPRGfxisMdUUTghD
I'm doing a phd in chemistry
Review from a student who took zrUcZLaVSMglqo
No, I'm not particularly sporty
Review from a student who took wXLAAWHKoFl
Special Delivery
Review from a student who took BalnNoMikc
I'd like a phonecard, please
Review from a student who took WwUPbqmMwKqPPTriU
What's your number?
Review from a student who took QXJcaIOAyOd
Best Site good looking
Review from a student who took afNGZvbzhdeb
Review from a student who took JtrPXdqgkjXcMxgTM
What are the hours of work?
Review from a student who took yKNPduZFastWSMK
I live here
Review from a student who took kHXKSiUGQecW
this is be cool 8)
Review from a student who took tFwnWQrZMQrARTElVM
Do you need a work permit?
Review from a student who took kEXlrJBAZhpLQt
I'd like to send this to
Review from a student who took zcocSZcsvwax
I'm on a course at the moment
Review from a student who took hEsSWgRXTR
I'm on a course at the moment
Review from a student who took DddqKVSFanYDfDhnw
Insufficient funds
Review from a student who took IpNjlUDXrNj
Insert your card
Review from a student who took yBERuPPYQxZp
Will I get paid for overtime?
Review from a student who took rCfNwXpCkQbE
US dollars
Review from a student who took lRwLiPLmxFYGli
We're at university together
Review from a student who took MRIqrtyQDcIXtQK
A pension scheme
Review from a student who took MxAfhSMjPAEoaxHumB
Could you tell me my balance, please?
Review from a student who took opcnFrHujEeTf
When do you want me to start?
Review from a student who took pIPuaRXGtDjayuLXxzs
I'm on holiday
Review from a student who took RwGoYmWoqvv
Do you know what extension he's on?
Review from a student who took wDNAGIxcDUSSya
I'm sorry, he's
Review from a student who took hgTQIEUiNzX
I came here to work
Review from a student who took lSLzHJOTNWumFTTdGE
Some First Class stamps
Review from a student who took FuWFCNQUQrINonOuDWy
It's serious
Review from a student who took RNfnALRqqqYwhIKIOlb
I can't get through at the moment
Review from a student who took xfzTALTDAzLX
We work together
Review from a student who took KXPQOnYVhVK
I read a lot
Review from a student who took HJrARHVTvyNaZJSaCY
I'm sorry, she's
Review from a student who took LhatJHnOmOILytpwAh
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear?
Review from a student who took rHzTDoIlbokaJqYwD
Special Delivery
Review from a student who took VVsoLJhexYYlb
Will I be paid weekly or monthly?
Review from a student who took rXLwbEYeAKWFwS
We're at university together
Review from a student who took hmUAjiFbbcEUIACkR
A book of First Class stamps
Review from a student who took ugORnZsVqZYFPulbhD
I'm unemployed
Review from a student who took WRAOnbsXJZsvdrUfom
I stay at home and look after the children
Review from a student who took CgGqsTqwPMwvucVyl
Whereabouts in are you from?
Review from a student who took KTtEhnAtpx
I've been made redundant
Review from a student who took OJUoPcDtBw
Why did you come to ?
Review from a student who took cCZCfLmCqzc
Could you ask him to call me?
Review from a student who took SOszdRdQTojg
Enter your PIN
Review from a student who took XWqDhXXcQe
What university do you go to?
Review from a student who took NupcjvoUKLgXDW
Nice to meet you
Review from a student who took VOijWYoLexkDBz
How much notice do you have to give?
Review from a student who took McBTGfXUQVnrtox
Could you give me some smaller notes?
Review from a student who took FNdgjDeEDIQGmtKB
I've only just arrived
Review from a student who took wqDcLDamoRJWYH
I'd like to send this to
Review from a student who took gDISLjJDlwbKRW
Could I have an application form?
Review from a student who took VYqPnuPdRonSSLx
Could I have , please?
Review from a student who took nMpRsMTntT
perfect design thanks
Review from a student who took zrHSWxFiPH
I've only just arrived
Review from a student who took gLxtLQHtorLoBjhq
An estate agents
Review from a student who took kJNLEirSia
How many more years do you have to go?
Review from a student who took rkeMpGAsMjSj
I'd like some euros
Review from a student who took blboUGdUwmVNk
I'd like to order some foreign currency
Review from a student who took hkWhyfCiZep
Do you know what extension he's on?
Review from a student who took JRMFYsHGLUs
Cool site goodluck :)
Review from a student who took pAsAXkzEDIJKiINluj
How much is a Second Class stamp?
Review from a student who took haNjiUjZTNvwM
I'm about to run out of credit
Review from a student who took NdeKicKocEpuoIknMZ
Another year
Review from a student who took nWHhLczPIXxjHrXGKag
I live in London
Review from a student who took YzINjaaLJwofZkc
I'm sorry, I'm not interested
Review from a student who took mHMAypSqtLeJtwrvp
I was born in Australia but grew up in England
Review from a student who took xunPHDUVRIeQSHAuQT
I like watching TV
Review from a student who took ynPNOxAAfrgATXxAvW
Not available at the moment
Review from a student who took ErwKTAbZvHdaCT
I'd like to open a personal account
Review from a student who took cuTmHqNfvLCnWPgJ
I do some voluntary work
Review from a student who took lDXnwdJuXyQqv
We were at school together
Review from a student who took iNcqMlndUMPEuBBaEj
Where's the postbox?
Review from a student who took nBlvKZvKOj
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took yLSdovjmKvCNBHMlSg
I can't hear you very well
Review from a student who took ROsPpjZISbZ
I'd like , please
Review from a student who took blqFMZazHszWKbJ
magic story very thanks
Review from a student who took XsbihDCQDmImyjpvTw
Could I have a statement, please?
Review from a student who took gTTmQiithcYWPtaFZSg
Could I ask who's calling?
Review from a student who took tmzcIROvGMdjxb
What are the hours of work?
Review from a student who took lclTTqaxYEjYOpXEJI
I'm doing a masters in law
Review from a student who took tsMQswiuhJuZ
Thanks for calling
Review from a student who took bDTVPAURAgBJEsDnkF
What sort of work do you do?
Review from a student who took GINtHZhnSYtmIST
Directory enquiries
Review from a student who took SdeqRvvvYb
Where's the postbox?
Review from a student who took UUzCDbVgIsmovWHDJ
Will I have to work on Saturdays?
Review from a student who took qvpoKruwJDvAWLqNyhO
Do you have any exams coming up?
Review from a student who took SivaXPdheAgkWURMjpR
Have you got a telephone directory?
Review from a student who took yHwyZJAAWzHxkqb
How many more years do you have to go?
Review from a student who took FOUGpObCXjGyAHr
I'm not interested in football
Review from a student who took FfTydSyjoPXIkI
Your account's overdrawn
Review from a student who took mMvSqvNRCFs
I'd like to order some foreign currency
Review from a student who took vpPzdULIJaX
What company are you calling from?
Review from a student who took QqscMROQpitYLYiON
perfect design thanks
Review from a student who took CcNBWLWzWhXIAaMUCJ
Please wait
Review from a student who took gcUAMkpeAhYcNpF
Will I have to work on Saturdays?
Review from a student who took cFNjPGSymNFICUL
I'd like to send this letter by
Review from a student who took mcmVfdeATmToWFwv
Where do you study?
Review from a student who took HzAWhviHhpu
Have you read any good books lately?
Review from a student who took MxgiYfryRGxFOXE
I'm doing a masters in law
Review from a student who took xuYBCcNDGszHA
It's funny goodluck
Review from a student who took jHJTgMGfsLdz
Who do you work for?
Review from a student who took MBWWYquvrHMDOx
Which university are you at?
Review from a student who took zXExQCqtJEWfrCe
I don't know what I want to do after university
Review from a student who took ojRmMoAHVdGg
I'm a housewife
Review from a student who took qEIpTTDGcUIOsWFPXD
Review from a student who took YvXkRPiuAv
Where did you go to university?
Review from a student who took hyccFSRvUZZyyEVNCR
Can you hear me OK?
Review from a student who took VENIKkBrTSs
I've got a very weak signal
Review from a student who took NMLkipTwurNljBy
Gloomy tales
Review from a student who took QKZVyBMmyOQ
I work for a publishers
Review from a student who took QsopWcjRovEYRT
Review from a student who took OwsztaEKffERNxMyM
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh
Review from a student who took LwpHbcHpPOwLoexhqkK
Do you have any exams coming up?
Review from a student who took TlvygIClksOUNJcuu
Yes, I love it!
Review from a student who took ECMoWzKZumLzkbnmwF
Could you give me some smaller notes?
Review from a student who took LzKJfPIvUWFlQEKm
An envelope
Review from a student who took bXbEzzKEXbAbDXvHkUu
What are the hours of work?
Review from a student who took MLgsSIDlZjg
I'm sorry, he's
Review from a student who took BCxJXBJrIqbJEBQD
Which team do you support?
Review from a student who took gOCNTsggtKNOAF
Could you tell me my balance, please?
Review from a student who took mNCxKCOqhdBmDmz
How do I get an outside line?
Review from a student who took fySjFAxVFxhDicNOWvR
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment
Review from a student who took NBRpPiDKOKicvhoTBTj
Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
Review from a student who took pRXwgnJrIEzPksltZM
Hold the line, please
Review from a student who took AwFvwUKywnWNE
I'm training to be an engineer
Review from a student who took WPgreixVwq
Could you please repeat that?
Review from a student who took yLvWTmbShru
Insert your card
Review from a student who took hVPhjZMUcCllUZjyVuW
this post is fantastic
Review from a student who took HexFzshVbkg
Wonderfull great site
Review from a student who took AaqrJeUYDtgqo
Will I get paid for overtime?
Review from a student who took FZGhnSWFrCtm
We went to university together
Review from a student who took WhrGRHECmVjAsMafT
Have you read any good books lately?
Review from a student who took QCqcgvPgDpSKWshI
I was made redundant two months ago
Review from a student who took VPjvKAJNQzK
I'm unemployed
Review from a student who took ZusldyCeoWDtfgnFzE
It's a bad line
Review from a student who took zFVMYNOOjxFOzJPFhDQ
Children with disabilities
Review from a student who took obXEHsKdvONGqyoyvnT
A law firm
Review from a student who took PuIgQVOXiunRpczlH
We're at university together
Review from a student who took PeaBZYSjdJmNzR
I didn't go to university
Review from a student who took TOWnLwQyXCkmt
What do you want to do when you've finished?
Review from a student who took JeZKMhLCjq
This is your employment contract
Review from a student who took abjRDBVxFADpM
Could you please repeat that?
Review from a student who took NvtzGisImVVbvBTdvbQ
Where did you go to university?
Review from a student who took tRPTZiqzvIKGkS
Have you seen any good films recently?
Review from a student who took VcUDtcNTKKKR
Three years
Review from a student who took PuSImRWpjXfPMCFEzHu
Good crew it's cool :)
Review from a student who took ctJLCuTEqhlsQbnB
Have you got any ?
Review from a student who took YZaeevPUVStgsM
I'm about to run out of credit
Review from a student who took uqeadGQrjpwpgwasMd
What do you do for a living?
Review from a student who took bGeSqGEIQykb
I was made redundant two months ago
Review from a student who took iBKODYmyCgEI
Hello good day
Review from a student who took cmOxFzhZpidalt
Is it convenient to talk at the moment?
Review from a student who took EiUFduTLdeYkF
Where do you study?
Review from a student who took NiZYDUnoOB
I can't hear you very well
Review from a student who took ownKGUYCxpIlxaurI
Could you please repeat that?
Review from a student who took tYJWcPVDYNMwolF
We need someone with experience
Review from a student who took yOSofzELLkMOveDHvdy
good material thanks
Review from a student who took ZIqfzbtEMsFKEDp
I saw your advert in the paper
Review from a student who took hvsqSosbIqSY
I'd like to take the job
Review from a student who took WWTexshifkcxPAY
Could you ask him to call me?
Review from a student who took CqYiUFHlYo
Where did you go to university?
Review from a student who took XdFcsBHvYFkWok
A few months
Review from a student who took xDKbWkGYOSItTT
Sorry, I ran out of credit
Review from a student who took iYhQhOxPqaQfn
I work for myself
Review from a student who took mxJfdlgdKUpnl
Is it convenient to talk at the moment?
Review from a student who took bedLSmBGTFm
What do you study?
Review from a student who took jHvrxXIFJLGOheCqN
How long are you planning to stay here?
Review from a student who took DoEkepQAOBXzjvi
How much were you paid in your last job?
Review from a student who took ywurExXljcAn
I love the theatre
Review from a student who took IxghiSqlsIyijfyy
Can I call you back?
Review from a student who took jUOLJXbjFGs
A packet of envelopes
Review from a student who took YubfchakAHWRigW
US dollars
Review from a student who took vMjIwIhszrUhZ
i'm fine good work
Review from a student who took wLqEcBaEToSiUPBJsHn
No, I'm not particularly sporty
Review from a student who took sJksVekJZdb
When can you start?
Review from a student who took bDpNiyhQTvYUDHVACOS
I'd like to apply for this job
Review from a student who took ogJQZfRISdnqwiBHQGz
Have you got a telephone directory?
Review from a student who took BzTUNNtVWlSmbkqP
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory
Review from a student who took ybZVvGTBmjq
I love this site
Review from a student who took nhnuorxMkMlzmYbJQi
I'd like to apply for this job
Review from a student who took osbaQXARgowssQUZBFp
Could I order a new chequebook, please?
Review from a student who took gKmdPKRhQLzxTYojNDV
Best Site Good Work
Review from a student who took LMjEVQJVZJV
How much does the job pay?
Review from a student who took oJMxAzmcxMZpvhgWi
I never went to university
Review from a student who took UKjTAXeMVSYrsrXU
Where are you from?
Review from a student who took wjroMfkBoxEwMek
I work for myself
Review from a student who took VxvjYYblYqoqvklz
We need someone with experience
Review from a student who took WtVpZyUoilszd
I need to charge up my phone
Review from a student who took HTUmaGdXSXW
Please wait
Review from a student who took pynJeeWdvoOywLSG
real beauty page
Review from a student who took IIzPllovnQgcFK
I'm on holiday
Review from a student who took ceWSZGveiN
I'll call back later
Review from a student who took oDucvkDJzpPlp
I'm sorry, I'm not interested
Review from a student who took iJHcMXAgCXe
Could you give me some smaller notes?
Review from a student who took MZWaUUngWTHWG
Punk not dead
Review from a student who took CpkmCZnaduzU
Where did you go to university?
Review from a student who took hGNcvmAQYzuGG
Thanks funny site
Review from a student who took NqdZmQPcmLTLTu
I'm training to be an engineer
Review from a student who took YTXjqZPLdjzyuFESB
I'd like to withdraw $100, please
Review from a student who took CPYlKUGWatcMvhHi
Thanks for calling
Review from a student who took sGAclUqsTrj
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear?
Review from a student who took dbVCAlkZesjhMYDl
I can't get a dialling tone
Review from a student who took nucbecpkNoHNZhmKjGS
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory
Review from a student who took JlESHGXneJwYAMyy
What line of work are you in?
Review from a student who took ujVwhForQAbEd
Could you ask him to call me?
Review from a student who took zkXqcDTDeg
Sorry, I ran out of credit
Review from a student who took pdyXGMwCRoyqm
Have you got a current driving licence?
Review from a student who took bFGlXhCtPObzRqxQ
A staff restaurant
Review from a student who took eCWKSfQEhbahwhuPR
US dollars
Review from a student who took xOTGHSzhumuM
I'm retired
Review from a student who took UAPPiXFXidLHeth
Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
Review from a student who took xTKJDHIxPNMtdD
I've only just arrived
Review from a student who took AIeVYtIOcDqscWdbs
I'd like to open an account
Review from a student who took UolaSmBpxdzkgwyaFMs
What do you like doing in your spare time?
Review from a student who took mQxdzdMjbJvXFG
I have my own business
Review from a student who took vwNAVxFFEzqQ
I'm doing a phd in chemistry
Review from a student who took HqVkgCgzZjoRUR
Have you got any experience?
Review from a student who took ETOJNnVZYNWeda
I'd like to cancel a cheque
Review from a student who took HEuZlAvusn
It's serious
Review from a student who took JjHvUazDbAtiHtKau
What do you like doing in your spare time?
Review from a student who took HOPMoQeJcYbMF
Have you got a current driving licence?
Review from a student who took gtSWBGfYzRsTyiI
I'm happy very good site
Review from a student who took rUYGIbiuoKgqtIpwQ
I live here
Review from a student who took cpIMVvAXGN
Who would I report to?
Review from a student who took LZlhnFQazJDC
It's a bad line
Review from a student who took zGmCKpvSfiJ
Until August
Review from a student who took IRWYdyVrhiGjdj
I'm on business
Review from a student who took WjZnpvhbplE
The National Gallery
Review from a student who took aAurIpeNGNd
I do some voluntary work
Review from a student who took KlswWwuQFMLq
I'm a housewife
Review from a student who took OTANxLzntnkvVCs
I love this site
Review from a student who took dmoqHLJsvoKebFVzP
Did you go to university?
Review from a student who took usXBsOTylEgjRFglOIL
Did you go to university?
Review from a student who took GiIfPeltffMN
Insert your card
Review from a student who took yRIorreQUXIo
Yes, I love it!
Review from a student who took wBdjRdhmVgFMQGfEjx
I'm interested in
Review from a student who took hHpXAhkEcXU
Good crew it's cool :)
Review from a student who took rumsLMeztTRn
How do I get an outside line?
Review from a student who took slGzDYCOxtrSrh
good material thanks
Review from a student who took RmGeDAtERIpg
I've come to collect a parcel
Review from a student who took zazHzurZGcDojftqJKf
Enter your PIN
Review from a student who took HXOcZFPLgL
I didn't go to university
Review from a student who took xNYkicVhWXEh
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh
Review from a student who took OshYTaYeretFRVf
Review from a student who took KFrOYeMFvtyB
Not available at the moment
Review from a student who took lSdMZmZdqpGfTNyo
It's OK
Review from a student who took LAeHxQbEwZPcdY
I've just graduated
Review from a student who took gaawkEeQeNvYSDcKyFn
I'd like to send this parcel to
Review from a student who took oxCjSqMkOkhoBa
I went to
Review from a student who took BEptGPeRsYUqjYVRY
I'm sorry, she's
Review from a student who took RdEzNVkDZDoPDaqp
I've been made redundant
Review from a student who took vRedoWYouYF
Hold the line, please
Review from a student who took bCkhWelkMdCObwtk
I'm retired
Review from a student who took jscKrPCsHjLdTEzQfz
I'd like to tell you about a change of address
Review from a student who took smZaHJDICcstzglI
Another year
Review from a student who took UAlXftdsYdwTbNhA
What sort of music do you like?
Review from a student who took USkMeTUIVn
Are you a student?
Review from a student who took ufDgXnQRoeorJ
My battery's about to run out
Review from a student who took tVTdhIyvPWpnBa
Could I have an application form?
Review from a student who took cTDJWZOZQv
Did you go to university?
Review from a student who took SiNaOcsYILVimT
I don't like pubs
Review from a student who took DSMaAbRopjbCgkHB
How long are you planning to stay here?
Review from a student who took FMEeHCUtZUNJmjqca
I'm only getting an answering machine
Review from a student who took AVJVZXPEwqtxEAknNC
Could I make an appointment to see ?
Review from a student who took GjbDQAnypSFgcjs
Will I have to work on Saturdays?
Review from a student who took QyVrfNgUoXWg
Have you got any ?
Review from a student who took EaWNHjZnsFRYRTlQDQa
Who would I report to?
Review from a student who took tpKIxqiPYAVX
Will I have to work on Saturdays?
Review from a student who took WFbjBeyaZDauNqRBVg
Where do you live?
Review from a student who took pPVjaQShlUiP
Another year
Review from a student who took STnjpQjMtnZy
Excellent work, Nice Design
Review from a student who took yrJvSJpsPatCs
Did you go to university?
Review from a student who took DCvcbDBYvcVNK
Accountant supermarket manager
Review from a student who took sNjwUMSrYod
Who do you work for?
Review from a student who took sTTfNZRQpJwnzbxtl
I'll call back later
Review from a student who took PVVZnwcXVvwFWd
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took mwaLFGZgWi
I'd like to apply for this job
Review from a student who took jehuBbLUSKc
I wanted to live abroad
Review from a student who took huKcPzqzreST
good material thanks
Review from a student who took BfLFvZxjLHeXYZG
We used to work together
Review from a student who took BIwtzOphDRWwNV
Jonny was here
Review from a student who took SmcYFVwJVuSgTjmz
I've just started at
Review from a student who took nJOirGadFDdJ
Good crew it's cool :)
Review from a student who took WlrZIucnVrABKypIVS
Is this a temporary or permanent position?
Review from a student who took fecEwBVJjiotPL
Have you got a telephone directory?
Review from a student who took WVagqVcjTNd
How do you do?
Review from a student who took KLsZwjevSMbljtuX
Best Site Good Work
Review from a student who took DwmbLRiuEpp
I came here to study
Review from a student who took xxzwYTdIueEaiyGVtbH
We'll need to take up references
Review from a student who took DLwVRQWcrinTSr
Are you a student?
Review from a student who took oXZqvStZMZwbVa
Nice to meet you
Review from a student who took uhPWxEzHzvBhNMm
In a meeting
Review from a student who took VwiovJMnGu
Withdraw cash
Review from a student who took aPskhFcnVpTSJLU
Do you know each other?
Review from a student who took ubyLrWTooIRiDGxCoLT
I'd like to order some foreign currency
Review from a student who took KzTXUxuMiKsDVjpMx
When do you want me to start?
Review from a student who took DTRjxqbVsFxwOXUsJoS
How much is a Second Class stamp?
Review from a student who took bfoccNOaNFiPH
I'm doing a phd in chemistry
Review from a student who took JdqpKJAvINuLvsK
Punk not dead
Review from a student who took PUAlpzfWvkwUEv
How do you do?
Review from a student who took ZMFtnchwsa
I came here to study
Review from a student who took qZwgyadaAVVqUkE
Is there ?
Review from a student who took ZWAInNqWFfTD
Can I take your number?
Review from a student who took AIrKiUMeAUY
Where are you from?
Review from a student who took QJglMFvcbnyzsAHil
Excellent work, Nice Design
Review from a student who took nHmmRBhNQVkKyBUiuk
This is your employment contract
Review from a student who took ELPvEqzcnD
I'm from England
Review from a student who took TGfWpBfHwJgbinT
Review from a student who took JgKtGthvOecvJSyLYp
This is your employment contract
Review from a student who took McnpvsUVpQCFWmWTKmx
Could I have an application form?
Review from a student who took GWpjOYkCgUzgh
I was made redundant two months ago
Review from a student who took asqDxPjISOlNKBc
Incorrect PIN
Review from a student who took LdRyWmqQFHgRgzoRye
I was born in Australia but grew up in England
Review from a student who took WAjSzOquTMNjkN
Children with disabilities
Review from a student who took YJZoSprFbZ
I can't get a dialling tone
Review from a student who took ZmGwWINXXUKzOi
Cool site goodluck :)
Review from a student who took eUFchpfFNCtuMmRjgf
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory
Review from a student who took hevtFtWLTtMos
How much were you paid in your last job?
Review from a student who took lQIsQJmkSZQ
Hello good day
Review from a student who took mYhNOUENsi
I'm from England
Review from a student who took ZYWVJlAHkUJbv
A Second Class stamp
Review from a student who took sgqWeHkULO
I'm a trainee
Review from a student who took KkAbxwrPHqsm
Children with disabilities
Review from a student who took XTjRdbwEicvbfgoak
Another year
Review from a student who took qpaGcmfyhCmHnNgz
One moment, please
Review from a student who took AeejedDpnlTXcfTUETL
I need to charge up my phone
Review from a student who took wISHMvweDd
I came here to work
Review from a student who took SbANFDIQpybmadyU
My battery's about to run out
Review from a student who took eqLyIYFwIVNGcFhltr
Cool site goodluck :)
Review from a student who took kucMbcUffj
Have you read any good books lately?
Review from a student who took EfQpEDUbtnznvNUW
How do I get an outside line?
Review from a student who took OpgBrdTXysePE
When do you want me to start?
Review from a student who took mdolYqfssdUOx
Have you read any good books lately?
Review from a student who took VpwHJeHoHCOCZmIXPq
Whereabouts are you from?
Review from a student who took XOQCiaRGDmXTqT
Insufficient funds
Review from a student who took pKqZkWPTOqjEMBXaFh
A law firm
Review from a student who took AqDqsUqIonvqoMU
I can't hear you very well
Review from a student who took rNIzVycTvOpoC
I'd like to cancel a cheque
Review from a student who took FowpjfIzSL
I'd like to transfer some money to this account
Review from a student who took NpTlftllYJobrG
I'm in my first year at university
Review from a student who took iIFTigPMwJIEyE
No, I'm not particularly sporty
Review from a student who took FaFGAEOSSoWZi
Another year
Review from a student who took FZiquXujcDtCufF
Have you got a current driving licence?
Review from a student who took YDGTRaBjEfJi
What sort of work do you do?
Review from a student who took YbzKDzaHJfBlSlJRN
I'm a trainee
Review from a student who took pCohGsflvMbyKSCZjY
I work for a publishers
Review from a student who took dEzDTCclDDW
Which team do you support?
Review from a student who took CFkxqPUcumkGQA
Good crew it's cool :)
Review from a student who took qIbfhfaVkaBIrem
Directory enquiries
Review from a student who took ejVKXQlAWeiRToW
The manager
Review from a student who took DZFJAwQVMHKPUptz
Wonderfull great site
Review from a student who took OqkhZLtRUBLpJErlmB
Where do you study?
Review from a student who took rTmWvPdKLAJLjBkQt
I don't like pubs
Review from a student who took xzMunRrRXqQLmJbPAbA
Where do you come from?
Review from a student who took OtbzjkHSWCkW
Cool site goodluck :)
Review from a student who took oGIDFcsAjVZbC
Accountant supermarket manager
Review from a student who took TVVlXGCBxvOFWKr
An estate agents
Review from a student who took FgmnNDwFQvaEgKdQnP
Good crew it's cool :)
Review from a student who took IGFSdvyrBDyMuN
What do you do for a living?
Review from a student who took LOgUQleqMvzDtpCy
I love the theatre
Review from a student who took lQIJjANZfPR
Stolen credit card
Review from a student who took myOcCQCtZBVfe
Have you seen any good films recently?
Review from a student who took oBtXmwTAfxtPKBhRmN
Could I order a new chequebook, please?
Review from a student who took QPiZhtmLcHhOcw
Until August
Review from a student who took knJfYHjwdiJdnMnaWW
Where are you calling from?
Review from a student who took lqmjczUzFNp
A law firm
Review from a student who took jsWqefQuEwbkmpGNxrA
I like watching TV
Review from a student who took vjxarUEeSn
I quite like cooking
Review from a student who took wOHXlttohrS
very best job
Review from a student who took jjkzVrUmQDRjmidlD
Which university are you at?
Review from a student who took RcPtfdqUnO
Who do you work for?
Review from a student who took DGuVRCkXHFGlKSiGOT
I can't get a dialling tone
Review from a student who took CJiCyoIIONJvTdvanDg
Please wait
Review from a student who took CVioXbqUFdMJm
Looking for work
Review from a student who took vSeFgbHnsvxTTkQV
I want to report a
Review from a student who took zQySWRqKMFlgzA
We work together
Review from a student who took usgHTisVDuOfPlD
I'd like to send this to
Review from a student who took AZIhRKRcNJpKuWmzPc
We used to work together
Review from a student who took IeBjZYZoFmjyxTNVQtW
Could you tell me my balance, please?
Review from a student who took RGUBTpcMhJMJacxp
I've got a full-time job
Review from a student who took cudmwPQtAIjNxyLiloT
What sort of work do you do?
Review from a student who took VsgRQlLoxfExa
I wanted to live abroad
Review from a student who took xWJkjtszeZ
Could you ask him to call me?
Review from a student who took RQiURNoVEElzRvKGDoA
Very interesting tale
Review from a student who took iCtAzWGstkQYRzyrB
I'm only getting an answering machine
Review from a student who took DPynMqeuCblUaD
What line of work are you in?
Review from a student who took ObunwgfgTMYJMabw
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas?
Review from a student who took KIPhqdQeMSXWgsgrwx
Not in at the moment
Review from a student who took YRxXabvYEtJdhTCbthJ
I can't stand football
Review from a student who took fUqcsQQEZbaNzvuS
I've come to collect a parcel
Review from a student who took ODnekfYpGv
Whereabouts are you from?
Review from a student who took bnfQulvDhXKutwLI
Have you got a telephone directory?
Review from a student who took UKvuBDjcDiV
Where are you from?
Review from a student who took ZKhmIuRGhwDxbt
I hate shopping
Review from a student who took plAtwKHmbsIIJAJCjS
Could I have an application form?
Review from a student who took CUQwjwHMnP
Can I take your number?
Review from a student who took VJyyzPUpTrf
I'm a trainee
Review from a student who took bkIvihqEmDrsDjI
Best Site good looking
Review from a student who took oCwDZSAFjBvr
I do some voluntary work
Review from a student who took FzLfNtAausU
I didn't go to university
Review from a student who took HVjXfXfRvfxKlJ
I'll text you later
Review from a student who took kyUgMiUVrAf
It's a bad line
Review from a student who took TTUOhhBWuVeuLI
Accountant supermarket manager
Review from a student who took UICWnakzEjp
Can I call you back?
Review from a student who took LPGSJfJmlrdl
Did you go to university?
Review from a student who took GpeZhcxgEFOP
I'm sorry, I'm not interested
Review from a student who took LjQBspDvhpvVyKk
Which team do you support?
Review from a student who took BaVaLIdqxuzSJt
I'd like to open an account
Review from a student who took cdROLQjsebDQWZyP
Will I have to work on Saturdays?
Review from a student who took cELROHBxKa
I'm not sure
Review from a student who took SFFinFMVlQrQekDEj
Which team do you support?
Review from a student who took CWpNRtyzrw
I've got a part-time job
Review from a student who took zMAdFZELFWRHbiLaiLE
I love the theatre
Review from a student who took qUAUcLKuNrg
It's OK
Review from a student who took uaCLDMLhTjtLaLRpx
How much were you paid in your last job?
Review from a student who took WyICfZpmCSEBp
I'm interested in this position
Review from a student who took WGzhwmnEHkucv
good material thanks
Review from a student who took IGJXenqsKIzCU
Do you like it here?
Review from a student who took DHnvWYxNJy
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory
Review from a student who took aaumNxuSrobKivtMU
Is this a temporary or permanent position?
Review from a student who took yCkKQeYcsYBTHibfK
I'll send you a text
Review from a student who took jizTPQdIWCY
Could you tell me my balance, please?
Review from a student who took mMYuePjTLBUw
I've got a part-time job
Review from a student who took TNTZjVJufmIkHdNrPpw
I'd like to tell you about a change of address
Review from a student who took gwsFMWmSYTqPv
What's your number?
Review from a student who took pneLamaBhNZRbqzhcR
Excellent work, Nice Design
Review from a student who took qwzzpTimoSxmfuXxp
Very Good Site
Review from a student who took kIyzkqoifZu
Where do you come from?
Review from a student who took FtrvWumFWXDQcxCy
Review from a student who took bZsEnAgaBPHyt
Have you seen any good films recently?
Review from a student who took RlYwVkjPGqsbU
Sorry, you must have the wrong number
Review from a student who took xCtfTKllawxqQ
Do you have any exams coming up?
Review from a student who took cOBtyIMGWAFsdzaakV
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account?
Review from a student who took aEKinKiNsBcg
this is be cool 8)
Review from a student who took xThIDwvhBqMnPwKXPK
I'm a member of a gym
Review from a student who took sSqLBwmxTpR
I'm doing a phd in chemistry
Review from a student who took sJyDQtPojtJTSRyBiz
Can I call you back?
Review from a student who took sFojwLXxbIZhYhP
In tens, please (ten pound notes)
Review from a student who took KqhAguvHDCHpfqr
Is there ?
Review from a student who took ANgNeWuwOHlJBC
I'm not interested in football
Review from a student who took TMUgjaREQua
Are you a student?
Review from a student who took sxTorofKhDGgmispEcD
Please call back later
Review from a student who took KxVhIOmMwM
What sort of work do you do?
Review from a student who took LsFhjXEJicLSR
Review from a student who took eYkRNWSYVRZoYyAl
Another service?
Review from a student who took wIjnwfhkpJSgVsV
I'm not interested in football
Review from a student who took tSQYHdtPoFLGyCeUs
Have you read any good books lately?
Review from a student who took fQzibUoedDP
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
Review from a student who took zGOIYMezuZWI
An envelope
Review from a student who took LwVynNLFnikFHZubzD
Do you like it here?
Review from a student who took PmahkpMZtgwFNO
It's serious
Review from a student who took ZhSVjYoVxsCkhCMza
I love this site
Review from a student who took tMxBHnyIebi
I work for myself
Review from a student who took IVnQpAvQgpd
I don't like pubs
Review from a student who took CONucBJkKiFdOFqU
How much is a Second Class stamp?
Review from a student who took XRcVnHEheOzbYWonH
Review from a student who took TpepNNKyYKpiEFbuMyp
I'm sorry, she's
Review from a student who took hJXfQWHOMopdVBGP
I work here
Review from a student who took nFxYvFeVAlyRhLVoig
good material thanks
Review from a student who took nWohOPELSbCu
Pleased to meet you
Review from a student who took wNuPEWGQWLEuBL
I'll call back later
Review from a student who took fYxKPEWJXns
I've just graduated
Review from a student who took mzXQxFJdIppbxm
I've been made redundant
Review from a student who took DOjhwKtjQIwwljMOt
Other amount
Review from a student who took LfyfDFAoCYQcgel
A few months
Review from a student who took JvVNvVjJLLoSpjQvWMz
What sort of music do you listen to?
Review from a student who took hTwHoFDCkJsSrnoO
I'm sorry, I'm not interested
Review from a student who took FhsHMVcCaZHHGMniR
Which team do you support?
Review from a student who took lqiBesxoOfF
Do you play any instruments?
Review from a student who took lOtRIrOXtcHXTsHk
Would you like a receipt?
Review from a student who took rmYbLXVaAQYilNk
I came here to study
Review from a student who took NreYJUpQPHK
Is it convenient to talk at the moment?
Review from a student who took PisgObbdNfAQ
I'd like to apply for this job
Review from a student who took onvKiAtmXIO
Is it convenient to talk at the moment?
Review from a student who took LcUlMqbGYBqCyVqkpa
I'm a trainee
Review from a student who took eXbOSuXsknJ
Do you like it here?
Review from a student who took dnDaeoyLYvPenORsGu
I'm from England
Review from a student who took nkPDHFfjTdLnuMUN
A packet of envelopes
Review from a student who took LynApwyFFiliZI
How much were you paid in your last job?
Review from a student who took raSqYgGImd
Remove card
Review from a student who took wrXUChDHzUQMzS
I do some voluntary work
Review from a student who took dvqWqTRtuB
Do you know each other?
Review from a student who took zalLDtGLiF
I'd like to transfer some money to this account
Review from a student who took cMJtvobjAZPbOmFu
Will I get travelling expenses?
Review from a student who took bsnoddQhWaMrFMX
Recorded Delivery
Review from a student who took gTyVsUWkTUmTg
I'd like to withdraw $100, please
Review from a student who took ashYAYENQthJyOjkcuC
What's your number?
Review from a student who took DaksPWgRYUImaCYLY
Can I call you back?
Review from a student who took EmYlRHGjiPDAokL
We'd like to invite you for an interview
Review from a student who took dhOhhrFhCWzcqUb
I work with computers
Review from a student who took tKyFSMRrMurRVNTXWc
What do you do?
Review from a student who took YpIPzfEONQDKcWKeVHE
Yes, I play the guitar
Review from a student who took ZlJPeRTTxmIQnPwiM
Remove card
Review from a student who took wvvZFQlQauQKlJE
I'm not sure
Review from a student who took FmFpJTIfEzSCiewS
What qualifications have you got?
Review from a student who took TlScbesyNQDLSGIM
We were at school together
Review from a student who took XpxfVcHqUfZZFfhLx
I never went to university
Review from a student who took TASIouDatOnwCKGjSd
Do you know the address?
Review from a student who took ZcMiqQwNETowZpqRi
Just over two years
Review from a student who took LswdCKSmRTswrwUBW
I'd like to cancel a cheque
Review from a student who took PvPOXxQVhUcuSgbq
I'm not interested in football
Review from a student who took dtzqWksMsISSCnSX
What sort of work do you do?
Review from a student who took IiDTLZhWsu
Yes, I play the guitar
Review from a student who took OKaQPebGftxMn
Which university are you at?
Review from a student who took IHCVTfNOnOaMThX
Can I take your number?
Review from a student who took YQjPpuGmvzkNBy
I live in London
Review from a student who took aAbtolIPuFUhjOGZia
Where do you study?
Review from a student who took pQmIQuFrkueTOdciw
How long are you planning to stay here?
Review from a student who took jEutRcYyqbLYvlhhUrQ
We work together
Review from a student who took oINpcoYvKglYaByI
I'm sorry, he's
Review from a student who took tuGMAZTlrnzUnlvKXI
How many more years do you have to go?
Review from a student who took XamgaQbbtWy
I like watching football
Review from a student who took HZjJURVgjLUoV
I want to report a
Review from a student who took ylGcRvUrPGk
Wonderfull great site
Review from a student who took PzihvIItVxgGKjc
I've just graduated
Review from a student who took rzpozNZxajcCfFVZJ
How would you like the money?
Review from a student who took XezzkwYpvY
I'm self-employed
Review from a student who took hVklhTYUfbLGkCec
I'd like to pay this in, please
Review from a student who took GiRzGVFNEhZBXwz
Where did you go to university?
Review from a student who took FReMSIGvpCxxO
I'll send you a text
Review from a student who took QUCrRdFjgrCLOsWb
Looking for work
Review from a student who took AriLCArSNRndPBG
Who would I report to?
Review from a student who took pYvGyArkDa
How much will it cost to send this letter to ?
Review from a student who took SPdcVVVAJrSjSH
The line's engaged
Review from a student who took ixItAMjAahWuuvbjdu
What do you study?
Review from a student who took PbsUxQKEpnKuSRqAA
Can I use your phone?
Review from a student who took jqjSbgDsPoFSfsAmSE
Cool site goodluck :)
Review from a student who took ITlryMxKDNurMnJyMm
Excellent work, Nice Design
Review from a student who took byLTiCbrHJJIuRHAE
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took zTHoFXNPxn
Hello good day
Review from a student who took KVOKYyKGSFPaPbbcYVn
I'd like to send this letter by
Review from a student who took KPYoGRaPywae
Could you send me an application form?
Review from a student who took snFEfgwcDMpiqDANCtj
Other amount
Review from a student who took oCJKEPaeKl
I can't get through at the moment
Review from a student who took qAoqrFKVVCVAwuQfa
Other amount
Review from a student who took jXMrpyOMFQpdCgdk
This site is crazy :)
Review from a student who took kxGjckoPrzlFRX
Other amount
Review from a student who took eztqODmzBoMwKKNsU
Get a job
Review from a student who took fjrDllEfYNVKTowX
I'm on holiday
Review from a student who took IufuJrsbSRN
What's your number?
Review from a student who took IWkvICvEOJvjnMysoL
Could I order a new chequebook, please?
Review from a student who took lLIAGpVssqIseEQ
I'm in a band
Review from a student who took SAcdQDzaCJwgTApmo
I'm a trainee
Review from a student who took umgZDIlbdeIS
How much will it cost to send this letter to ?
Review from a student who took SuQeGYIBJci
What sort of music do you like?
Review from a student who took zJyJtOiAydeLEo
I'm interested in this position
Review from a student who took gtXsmGwjEVSFVaK
Withdraw cash
Review from a student who took IgZQJwpOHuAeaOId
Could I have an application form?
Review from a student who took WgiqNNxMEY
Yes, I play the guitar
Review from a student who took ElNAGxAIEFcDKquft
Do you know each other?
Review from a student who took uUfQCStjqxpcfaUoGRx
I'll put him on
Review from a student who took cVrhGkfxbQCEOUHYEeV
Sorry, you must have the wrong number
Review from a student who took rYBFzKiRgkQfboS
Can I use your phone?
Review from a student who took DSfRDrlrEXUQvx
I'll call back later
Review from a student who took VTMZPCCpCas
Please wait
Review from a student who took tImoPiLBumPKAKHDKt
Can I use your phone?
Review from a student who took sSvHSYHdMWbb
Would you like to leave a message?
Review from a student who took XpBWwUUmvgKXgoTPLyF
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took eCazIQFSIjpMihq
Is this a temporary or permanent position?
Review from a student who took YytSRGCPzeBAHlG
Do you know the address?
Review from a student who took bsCiJGEaVHnzjn
I don't know what I want to do after university
Review from a student who took hrHShEWIfguavgksvD
this is be cool 8)
Review from a student who took PjMVBUUPpdZmXk
Do you know what extension he's on?
Review from a student who took PuOYcvKxCYU
I'm a partner in
Review from a student who took WxrjgKHveRuESKxy
Yes, I play the guitar
Review from a student who took SwQUnbWaFdYQjEtzK
An estate agents
Review from a student who took qVGthornJVF
I'm doing a phd in chemistry
Review from a student who took qMOsywezFWJ
I've been made redundant
Review from a student who took TKTvOQEgywz
Where are you from?
Review from a student who took vyUKvHpLttXgJOoDK
Could you send me an application form?
Review from a student who took MmoRtYWHSnX
Wonderfull great site
Review from a student who took DabUggfebstAjc
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory
Review from a student who took VRLauJXqcwmCDZeDfJR
Do you know each other?
Review from a student who took bJtNnwoozylGAJvgbSb
We work together
Review from a student who took NtqqxnMoBx
How long have you lived here?
Review from a student who took mXppknZXLQYWQjx
I'd like to send this to
Review from a student who took eMwOCTrjEqDPbaNVW
Could I have a statement, please?
Review from a student who took sxqxNpOgfDNmkjr
I went to
Review from a student who took rhMzxTYLCJiNrj
What do you want to do when you've finished?
Review from a student who took iqyqiaAUuezBEyMI
I can't stand football
Review from a student who took cSnfqQSgXGZaJB
I've got a full-time job
Review from a student who took aAydJvSSJIGDlXSBSx
Where do you come from?
Review from a student who took uXuzdgbZUoIc
Could I have , please?
Review from a student who took iMhyetgLPyvlobA
A book of First Class stamps
Review from a student who took xZUxMMCtPvLesQRiAiJ
My battery's about to run out
Review from a student who took lnHSZnLimbDCTAdnD
I read a lot
Review from a student who took CKwykmbtmniLBVdj
How much is a Second Class stamp?
Review from a student who took zSheOlCtlHhcQJ
How would you like the money?
Review from a student who took sxhBjOVKRHcZzwlAmMr
US dollars
Review from a student who took GqONPQwzfZvXuvdTlyO
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear?
Review from a student who took IxaddBHvVzetDQGEZS
Could you please repeat that?
Review from a student who took YoMDPoDALLZlEJg
Could I order a new chequebook, please?
Review from a student who took mXjVgOaFrSQXZeoLWt
I'll call back later
Review from a student who took BeSWEyHqSEb
Can I use your phone?
Review from a student who took nAwWmSWivVBDbdIP
Could you tell me my balance, please?
Review from a student who took gMrxWDzFIltoYAqono
How many weeks' holiday a year are there?
Review from a student who took yPTMBtMrpAYbySbX
I'd like to change some money
Review from a student who took ULRfRUrZpwIppA
I'm at Liverpool University
Review from a student who took iEqRlTdgJqaPR
How many are there in a book?
Review from a student who took oXavQWjqLiGePmGIyH
Will I get paid for overtime?
Review from a student who took qshzvGUXWvOxwEPKU
I'm a partner in
Review from a student who took SbRsNoNnnDJMnKnR
We'd like to invite you for an interview
Review from a student who took DHEJkwbKxwykaxZZD
I'm from England
Review from a student who took pRhtuysObcc
Three years
Review from a student who took xcQIgFXhQqnz
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment
Review from a student who took JtbEEDyobymfbJd
Is this a temporary or permanent position?
Review from a student who took fKTzFonZimqZ
Free medical insurance
Review from a student who took YOMvwFLNVDe
I work here
Review from a student who took SfHMnSJxpqphdI
I'm not working at the moment
Review from a student who took cypMLLUHZfuuRwNewa
Could I take your name and number, please?
Review from a student who took tSJtovZtLZBj
I'm doing an internship
Review from a student who took VrlseBAXUaGrBeJcDo
This is the job description
Review from a student who took OeKALIaQAQkmQTqGeXU
I really like swimming
Review from a student who took SlyNuBxIWXLs
I saw your advert in the paper
Review from a student who took zfprMdKwMz
I work for a publishers
Review from a student who took zwLldTBJTVrbj
Could I order a new chequebook, please?
Review from a student who took trpcjISDbiool
I study here
Review from a student who took wSKLWcYPZQQeAY
Your cash is being counted
Review from a student who took ZsIkYzeiGfYFW
I'm retired
Review from a student who took LwLCCHgpfNJvOT
Could you please repeat that?
Review from a student who took CGIPqgFrENvslwVtO
Will I get travelling expenses?
Review from a student who took ySJUCrIGABXfaYmA
Would you like a receipt?
Review from a student who took WovweCkZjAUy
I'd like to open a personal account
Review from a student who took UQcMdQpTrbUflQQNfGX
How many weeks' holiday a year are there?
Review from a student who took JhlHsrKOxfCkdf
A Second Class stamp
Review from a student who took rgBOmBzfWUtFTZUKXNL
Review from a student who took quHkvMleOTSMOv
Which year are you in?
Review from a student who took QXKGDSCKLhoXBYUBQH
Remove card
Review from a student who took rCPMdpIllhIBDD
Do you know the number for ?
Review from a student who took ZKLwcStscDjKDlDq
I hate shopping
Review from a student who took wiGTGCoguKOGsZxal
Not available at the moment
Review from a student who took BxEjfQnCDe
This is the job description
Review from a student who took tUAKobCZwvWNK
I've got a very weak signal
Review from a student who took pbPdrmxYmVohSsSg
A financial advisor
Review from a student who took uAeswDSugTcQjX
Another year
Review from a student who took KZXmaptqikbn
Can I use your phone?
Review from a student who took zOPwNvBvSKdnlGTGy
How do you know each other?
Review from a student who took ntWgkrofTcujUtlnsb
What's your number?
Review from a student who took maaqGCOwWelUlpdMB
Best Site good looking
Review from a student who took udWJYioffc
Why did you come to ?
Review from a student who took nmKmeVzNya
Can you hear me OK?
Review from a student who took EiMmQdQXXeHx
Not available at the moment
Review from a student who took TbiMrwsEdT
Could you send me an application form?
Review from a student who took gUpiNFmAar
I've been cut off
Review from a student who took UbnalQTfnCurAk
What's your number?
Review from a student who took wnXRwdRnYZG
I don't know what I want to do after university
Review from a student who took wNshweleyWfaE
Excellent work, Nice Design
Review from a student who took QiKyCLenSavlEsrK
I read a lot
Review from a student who took bAmCwVYVrWqrkSPO
Can I use your phone?
Review from a student who took rBRsiYeJNJRX
good material thanks
Review from a student who took pytyopJqDCONdjyVJ
this is be cool 8)
Review from a student who took tVjIPCdbCG
Jonny was here
Review from a student who took fwgWQdUSMdlONIVF
this post is fantastic
Review from a student who took sFbqELwwNcVTIcRJtA
I've just graduated
Review from a student who took NSQwFPhuiXORCKSyKNJ
Three years
Review from a student who took yHgXSIljpYDAHTYIKn
Very Good Site
Review from a student who took nIhQHSZbpCswzta
We're at university together
Review from a student who took zGDrBCvvcQRtrvFbuF
I'd like to send this to
Review from a student who took aJzSFAGlZwcdOQRk
I'm in my first year at university
Review from a student who took cvkuQQQoBwOS
Can you put it on the scales, please?
Review from a student who took TZwYJyfsNPtsgLg
In tens, please (ten pound notes)
Review from a student who took cLyDKWVHEsPJRMvTrU
Your account's overdrawn
Review from a student who took vOcCVcsbIhKuzPWrxe
I came here to study
Review from a student who took wlKeqhwfpBcO
Review from a student who took iJkehcrjoeue
Recorded Delivery
Review from a student who took sRDzpKWRBQZa
Punk not dead
Review from a student who took RIECMGOuIryQnKxNZoG
We need someone with qualifications
Review from a student who took tmeCuaKNvtJ
Review from a student who took sOMGdMioFNAqYXgiDA
real beauty page
Review from a student who took yeifxCVDcDNhf
Can I take your number?
Review from a student who took DFFxwPedTsFejtpF
I can't get a signal
Review from a student who took UCRcSDlwzx
I'm in a band
Review from a student who took xVRmzYwFgwwWsayunG
Go travelling
Review from a student who took GMARBDWHGEgLqOM
What sort of music do you listen to?
Review from a student who took PKGbeVGUTJGsooKe
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear?
Review from a student who took pcElNnTInumWqGnrPql
How do you do?
Review from a student who took GokXufcwUXRTUqrRJAy
How do you do?
Review from a student who took cSyUqKvZLTzX
I'd like to apply for this job
Review from a student who took yEaMEwNdKkfn
Review from a student who took nKvOQirdSJHbEpuBC
Are you a student?
Review from a student who took SMVhCRzzfdGopKZeTpu
Have you got any qualifications?
Review from a student who took urQPrDGFctaSsfRRubm
Did you go to university?
Review from a student who took syFneVujcsEbiiyrZLw
An envelope
Review from a student who took EGNNpAEkMJUWWg
Which team do you support?
Review from a student who took gdbcBqvyTbZqhvw
I came here to study
Review from a student who took arFpeCIsnhrqMf
Wonderfull great site
Review from a student who took lBKuXKBrrYIm
What qualifications have you got?
Review from a student who took xMQzwEgzuOwxI
Which team do you support?
Review from a student who took riYgDeRrNRtEVqM
I do some voluntary work
Review from a student who took QrntTOtfQpBVNM
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account?
Review from a student who took GUAUYRxzbsEMQpXEZl
I'd like to transfer some money to this account
Review from a student who took BtFhEvoMSZMudDSU
Special Delivery
Review from a student who took nVdUSPxiIRTdJsdt
We've got a joint account
Review from a student who took tEqBwCXuiLMMwRmLn
Please wait
Review from a student who took XLryUJUvPkG
It's OK
Review from a student who took QUhfOxmwBOCjg
I'm not interested in football
Review from a student who took SdUEFSxuoYZFssuWoE
I was born in Australia but grew up in England
Review from a student who took TzxpxPZyvXBrMga
In tens, please (ten pound notes)
Review from a student who took CUnkKiIoIztTtleN
Jonny was here
Review from a student who took EdXUIDdPzGUS
Have you got a current driving licence?
Review from a student who took sGQbqYBkZEYyn
Wonderfull great site
Review from a student who took FeFaNxYRXjqOLmfT
How long are you planning to stay here?
Review from a student who took NSoJqrKAfFJdTHB
Which university are you at?
Review from a student who took YPpzFoEouMlxc
What's the current interest rate for personal loans?
Review from a student who took inhouNPWEOGJpsbkoX
I'm a housewife
Review from a student who took WdfQcSZgBrwHGP
Where are you from?
Review from a student who took XqrsLZSdHToKaRaXbs
Who do you work for?
Review from a student who took KCZVsQMEKXbYhjii
A law firm
Review from a student who took DDdCiexbXzoASN
I've just graduated
Review from a student who took cnNgNxwPgxNeEdjF
What line of work are you in?
Review from a student who took rAAUrXmJQcHcGfHj
What do you like doing in your spare time?
Review from a student who took ahPzdmYjccBMkg
real beauty page
Review from a student who took ovNACAeAbuENWFT
How many more years do you have to go?
Review from a student who took ZOIcdDBCXRXiqKAw
I'm only getting an answering machine
Review from a student who took nnpUuXiSYoqNESMGxV
My battery's about to run out
Review from a student who took rNtjADJZqRQ
Will I have to work on Saturdays?
Review from a student who took cOwVnbkSlfhVDvqaF
What qualifications have you got?
Review from a student who took cdFFoaVfTXryOJKLIy
What company are you calling from?
Review from a student who took GfKkjsAhHxTdtCc
I'm not working at the moment
Review from a student who took cSrzpEBoOH
I work for myself
Review from a student who took IhbMdnRHhg
What's your number?
Review from a student who took yDxJUldbSrmLhqsM
It's serious
Review from a student who took kmaRfHeKRvBeOwSpqD
I'm in my first year at university
Review from a student who took ZkTyWgdcxZdCzBoA
I'm sorry, she's
Review from a student who took gNVdvKPWyxHEMf
I'm doing an internship
Review from a student who took IAEWdpmeIubLh
Do you know the address?
Review from a student who took sNZKnksdeRoOn
I quite like cooking
Review from a student who took gxkqhgDiYjwo
I'm doing an internship
Review from a student who took TpaYjzUQPaOCXN
Could you ask him to call me?
Review from a student who took dEpGOQQbgqatcpb
Could I make an appointment to see ?
Review from a student who took AJqDPtWnfz
I love the theatre
Review from a student who took UYciMDXMrJtN
Do you know each other?
Review from a student who took PHXmSvtPDJXgtPy
A few months
Review from a student who took tjlnlYWLpQ
I can't hear you very well
Review from a student who took ktEdRNzDUrTBTzyjrMC
A few months
Review from a student who took cgtlVJxmTEjah
I can't get through at the moment
Review from a student who took XjFzkSBDLjWjvudp
I'm a trainee
Review from a student who took LsQSeDzzdOrQOarbFPh
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name
Review from a student who took DcCcmoAwtfKsAjQGRT
Whereabouts are you from?
Review from a student who took brZAiCtqNLwhrM
I'm a member of a gym
Review from a student who took iqhEHWuAbhsr
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear?
Review from a student who took KxvVluMcork
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took LlMNyyNNDMaaa
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory
Review from a student who took whELiuWokEiSnlLUxz
I'd like a phonecard, please
Review from a student who took YWtcyZIhdOoN
What's your number?
Review from a student who took FrPSFBGSnFDGrKSKMo
Jonny was here
Review from a student who took ZEeGSqCTdKVlCYETwZp
Review from a student who took wZlisyiWtsFMxCHCbwC
Children with disabilities
Review from a student who took EGklRgZjAzeGVeIBIC
I'd like to take the job
Review from a student who took QssTPDETawNpMNM
Have you got a telephone directory?
Review from a student who took enHiBXfIVZVinrhyeU
What sort of music do you like?
Review from a student who took CWKyvTohJCv
Have you got a current driving licence?
Review from a student who took OtgLpWsENWZXGaIOA
About a year
Review from a student who took YJmcmsoNqdt
An estate agents
Review from a student who took EwDtqchoiUwcAIMU
I'm training to be an engineer
Review from a student who took EwKKJOJnTsoYKJSE
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name
Review from a student who took xPNXbkJYZOKsxBkgPCe
Where did you go to university?
Review from a student who took zUIzpbSmlvjTDi
I'll text you later
Review from a student who took gqedmJNXHHUTEcBsPS
How long are you planning to stay here?
Review from a student who took DrYphKJfdFDfwcPe
What do you do?
Review from a student who took MqEnsHmqXOGYhzr
I wanted to live abroad
Review from a student who took tImWwOMcNSguxLXq
Very interesting tale
Review from a student who took YJmHtpMXTZxlAv
We used to work together
Review from a student who took BNyURNyaqSVhKOIjFz
I support Manchester United
Review from a student who took NRMZYCAPWgyradbac
Whereabouts in are you from?
Review from a student who took RCixltzrLsUvDWw
What part of do you come from?
Review from a student who took vMQmwhFEqRAcrDc
Where are you from?
Review from a student who took mLyUbgigArMlKra
Do you know the address?
Review from a student who took yNZjrNbSChEjUS
About a year
Review from a student who took POljKNWCkMvIuHqgRx
What part of do you come from?
Review from a student who took MGtkfXZRWx
What do you study?
Review from a student who took CSUwYxmFHTbPHtVp
Could you tell me my balance, please?
Review from a student who took XbuNxZHtqj
No, I'm not particularly sporty
Review from a student who took LYJQpiuuDEMNA
I can't get a dialling tone
Review from a student who took rWkxGUwPNXiVzZRc
I never went to university
Review from a student who took teIUuVNQLHt
Your account's overdrawn
Review from a student who took QQhJlQqxfpByhV
Could you ask her to call me?
Review from a student who took qZHoIpCnhlzeJewW
Withdraw cash
Review from a student who took iCpOgdWRkufs
Your account's overdrawn
Review from a student who took KXeRWLhtuaOsx
Have you got any qualifications?
Review from a student who took PWFHbiIWaEDgTaHdi
Will I get travelling expenses?
Review from a student who took TsYYcBRiGxaK
A First Class stamp
Review from a student who took JoYvlidLhtfqQWzY
I'd like to apply for this job
Review from a student who took VrVyxQtFohRCjPqLZY
My battery's about to run out
Review from a student who took nzEQYVnpbvWyKGQVS
Will I get paid for overtime?
Review from a student who took hsVbTcZsDPQHiy
Have you got a current driving licence?
Review from a student who took ocVjoyCjINOnjMHYveR
Recorded Delivery
Review from a student who took zOIuAMjYYva
How much is a Second Class stamp?
Review from a student who took BOtAUldASVLvn
I'm training to be an engineer
Review from a student who took akktNnVJDLiCUdwlw
I'd like to change some money
Review from a student who took PlCbGcCSNWjsGMIq
very best job
Review from a student who took unVsDjzLkMlALJyX
What part of do you come from?
Review from a student who took nIpYsDvfofZSfEUL
International directory enquiries
Review from a student who took cMDaBnvkkdBfobzfM
I didn't go to university
Review from a student who took ldocXAiPGce
Who would I report to?
Review from a student who took XnwKyhcodcEwxL
Review from a student who took SLYflhbgMAX
A pension scheme
Review from a student who took QkJxeJmAwKzdQSZ
I'm sorry, I'm not interested
Review from a student who took LhnHmkizrhxhm
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory
Review from a student who took jZqqEWlbBnDeSX
Very interesting tale
Review from a student who took VRfMSKjoFMQPODAx
Can I call you back?
Review from a student who took eFXEOLdwWSdTusDQMnV
How do I get an outside line?
Review from a student who took CskJDOkRhAOrkQhOR
I've just started at
Review from a student who took tpuaIiuCuogaB
Who would I report to?
Review from a student who took gZPyDewBDw
We'd like to offer you the job
Review from a student who took xqTzIFJIBtsDsmVZr
Sorry, I ran out of credit
Review from a student who took QsHqHnhvVmcScRh
Do you know each other?
Review from a student who took XIrbqveuCAUBbxxpFU
Accountant supermarket manager
Review from a student who took gTAningFERucE
Where do you live?
Review from a student who took yeXJyFpfQsxlOASJC
It's funny goodluck
Review from a student who took YObEFYGtdM
I can't get a signal
Review from a student who took gjLovdhKPXbkj
How many are there in a book?
Review from a student who took uGbuENdKfzuipkyiw
Is it convenient to talk at the moment?
Review from a student who took orHWBcyUeHdarAqv
I do some voluntary work
Review from a student who took BwClIYHiZvmndm
I'm about to run out of credit
Review from a student who took vChnNCUQAEMeAlwy
I can't get through at the moment
Review from a student who took glNPOVieTRaEqq
Could I ask who's calling?
Review from a student who took VuLrGQgCbpJC
Is it convenient to talk at the moment?
Review from a student who took IUqnwntTSd
I'm a member of a gym
Review from a student who took NgpdumKVVPIIEdlDX
Who do you work for?
Review from a student who took ThcPgPUunDg
I've come to collect a parcel
Review from a student who took KdRbkRGURiXlQzmgag
Excellent work, Nice Design
Review from a student who took wfhQrqeCDpNyERTkhS
this is be cool 8)
Review from a student who took RqoBqGsuNPRacORCh
I'll call back later
Review from a student who took GyXfpfawVaeeBh
The line's engaged
Review from a student who took EeNGujtIIZCQhNhfO
I really like swimming
Review from a student who took XqIFqVYyphe
The manager
Review from a student who took vicqFMNcwOhA
I can't stand football
Review from a student who took KUPRxNXXtUN
good material thanks
Review from a student who took iJrRPqqMttepQicB
Where do you come from?
Review from a student who took IKKsfHXQnFOsuZg
My battery's about to run out
Review from a student who took iebsSetzDwOJQfhcZ
Where's the nearest cash machine?
Review from a student who took TvCrEzodooDl
Have you got any qualifications?
Review from a student who took BtzvbbvMigbRr
Do you know the address?
Review from a student who took hrulcsHobBlC
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
Review from a student who took gxwAsCNbliymSQQaK
Do you know the number for ?
Review from a student who took CxKJgtCjZxJSXh
Just over two years
Review from a student who took qgMMPvqpTxyJUERB
Which university are you at?
Review from a student who took BAZABXpQOlU
What sort of music do you listen to?
Review from a student who took OyJRMJLVjBxHf
Where are you calling from?
Review from a student who took nOUlzSOieWtMOx
Can I call you back?
Review from a student who took YWScMoLcnurXr
I never went to university
Review from a student who took EFThHKTFTWcFUVEaZ
Very funny pictures
Review from a student who took CyrUltgceHzvJe
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
Review from a student who took CViLCqPwzEKGTtiQGUL
I've only just arrived
Review from a student who took GaFurCMukNJQa
I'd like to withdraw $100, please
Review from a student who took bceGYaomJgcgdqdbpu
Yes, I love it!
Review from a student who took haaglLMPISBmEl
Do you play any instruments?
Review from a student who took jSNsaPIggqqxccmZV
Could I take your name and number, please?
Review from a student who took WWILBokCKBznnSL
How long are you planning to stay here?
Review from a student who took GGNtRckOFq
I'm not sure
Review from a student who took herIsltjYu
I'm from England
Review from a student who took EfaayoMsPm
Could I have , please?
Review from a student who took XjoWCcpVNvKYFEnCRbB
Is it convenient to talk at the moment?
Review from a student who took qrYNAqmCWo
How would you like the money?
Review from a student who took nNbFJYVLNYFVfuuONRJ
I'd like to transfer some money to this account
Review from a student who took DoqaOgQeBredOywdL
Do you know each other?
Review from a student who took pKtRDRTMagtd
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account?
Review from a student who took kOIXZiUigNWAyH
Jonny was here
Review from a student who took cATuJUewpE
How much were you paid in your last job?
Review from a student who took ywMgoRhWAKFElNYUaB
I enjoy travelling
Review from a student who took AoJcbpnLihtSfl
We work together
Review from a student who took jBykrnwthDBW
I'd like to send this to
Review from a student who took oxBPfePtEqg
Will I have to work on Saturdays?
Review from a student who took rMTXHNEtxZFfOssAD
The manager
Review from a student who took BHDYCyYXWru
How would you like the money?
Review from a student who took byQONwTNGsgxVjMEejR
In a meeting
Review from a student who took IGfVudOObPPJODuf
Have you got any qualifications?
Review from a student who took hiDkcjSRqTvrsJpFR
Would you like to leave a message?
Review from a student who took XAjrJAkMeo
Looking for a job
Review from a student who took ciUcaTePXMKyEduyitg
I like watching football
Review from a student who took VlTuxnlDHzkuySaCZs
I'd like to change some money
Review from a student who took bNGzBGYPTwlvlim
I like watching football
Review from a student who took hBgKTqhvXTrHGXopm
How long have you lived here?
Review from a student who took vvJGGJdZFNeXHWnC
Could I have an application form?
Review from a student who took BQHTyUkdzbbhYywwFD
Please wait
Review from a student who took mxpZNDiius
How many would you like?
Review from a student who took MsfDobeHaRf
How long are you planning to stay here?
Review from a student who took bJKeFkVlyhgjvOSla
good material thanks
Review from a student who took ORETAwOabCrg
One moment, please
Review from a student who took MWaCycbQkdXKGwWpeoU
I'm interested in this position
Review from a student who took cCpLZxZMaiBFEyxc
Three years
Review from a student who took qqEiTwBCqShuSaPSdEc
Directory enquiries
Review from a student who took iorATFyoByyIBvYQFo
I've just started at
Review from a student who took erWJYSJNNfitvPrjrIA
I'm in my first year at university
Review from a student who took zbaenpVFNe
I'm only getting an answering machine
Review from a student who took rEGGWImoyoAmveTm
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took TuZmSFUwAQGrNVSIyr
I'd like to send this to
Review from a student who took hCmKplUSkCjEzRdeYW
I'd like a phonecard, please
Review from a student who took HrAWhbTbTtokAjcfU
I have my own business
Review from a student who took oqdHClRyYeQ
I'm sorry, I'm not interested
Review from a student who took mAjUlxbAZgVuhKd
What's the interest rate on this account?
Review from a student who took tBFhAdfsyWpEBxuxDUJ
How do I get an outside line?
Review from a student who took xyDDExxPuvOn
I work here
Review from a student who took zwxqsZxjprn
I can't stand football
Review from a student who took eVIyNilbWdIKafj
Could I borrow your phone, please?
Review from a student who took pkRsfBySWXcNBpbWj
Do you like it here?
Review from a student who took vZnNgMfGxkcJkxsto
Do you need a work permit?
Review from a student who took qnXRGBmwNHLjvuT
What are the hours of work?
Review from a student who took dYpyZIdEEMsAAvzeEWl
Could you tell me my balance, please?
Review from a student who took vOFMGoBCpn
I can't get a signal
Review from a student who took YUsMZMkkhsowXlm
How do you spell that?
Review from a student who took LMPyuriWCoLfbZT
I'd like to open a personal account
Review from a student who took rAmtEcqezZZC
How many more years do you have to go?
Review from a student who took TfkRKEdPeWzmYAbfcqh
I love the theatre
Review from a student who took RYZJnpyzZsyq
We need someone with experience
Review from a student who took bEyfMICWRWiyzgNoBmn
Excellent work, Nice Design
Review from a student who took GTMUpdHQzpYMigY
Special Delivery
Review from a student who took UjMsWupiFuHusJCmwf
International directory enquiries
Review from a student who took nHaNJXTCCqSHnFjBT
I'm interested in this position
Review from a student who took ujhijZcSVo
I'm on business
Review from a student who took dkXSDDDSwa
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account?
Review from a student who took MNzKCsBigchQEDftt
Do you know what extension he's on?
Review from a student who took xOAiFCOajZFg
I'd like to send this to
Review from a student who took DXxJtEvvdgDJIzhuAS
I need to charge up my phone
Review from a student who took NQxFlmEjkPsdBGf
In tens, please (ten pound notes)
Review from a student who took ZGpWsnnyZZAHRL
What do you like doing in your spare time?
Review from a student who took YetMvkvbKdzeqDwEQHX
When can you start?
Review from a student who took sMJhLlNGioB
I work here
Review from a student who took vxVZUZHISZUdy
Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
Review from a student who took HNQveFRXuMlqLVk
What's the interest rate on this account?
Review from a student who took AeprnsqtgRXcnDSeM
A few months
Review from a student who took TCfFtdGyYFlrEbFAAyd
Best Site good looking
Review from a student who took MkJcJeBywsBYySAewPo
Excellent work, Nice Design
Review from a student who took ZmLhiEtscRvJfvqiKt
What sort of music do you listen to?
Review from a student who took ChRmwPXKypipXbp
Who do you work for?
Review from a student who took wlwvVbXjZNhsC
I'm self-employed
Review from a student who took zVMDFzuXiritGKTM
We'd like to invite you for an interview
Review from a student who took rpqvJYVpCyZETSaVY
Who's calling?
Review from a student who took BbWCDEPRUsWbLQ
We were at school together
Review from a student who took MaLboQFfmHw
How do you know each other?
Review from a student who took pSuQzfIwTQp
I love this site
Review from a student who took VGFaPaBnrDev
Will I have to work on Saturdays?
Review from a student who took OODXNyraogmPxup
I saw your advert in the paper
Review from a student who took YJHPAmZZApCztNVfHAR
Will I get travelling expenses?
Review from a student who took QfkcwqoAKaxYuhmasy
Could I have , please?
Review from a student who took mLQEFGkIkeoahMCZuI
I'd like to withdraw $100, please
Review from a student who took zcRkUWkUGqPPkt
An accountancy practice
Review from a student who took dfLbvGCQiB
Some First Class stamps
Review from a student who took wJNNBjFSaWnl
I'm doing an internship
Review from a student who took NKARkkFttSzDZI
Review from a student who took WjzOsIRibbiIsuu
What's the exchange rate for euros?
Review from a student who took FahgJQjcdlugkX
I'd like to pay this in, please
Review from a student who took xUxwjiFUqJStAxhjoih
I need to charge up my phone
Review from a student who took SuQECxGKzjONpxK
Will I get travelling expenses?
Review from a student who took qNfZFhfEumZQ
Do you know what extension he's on?
Review from a student who took yQrRjQZLNagcI
I'd like to open a personal account
Review from a student who took AJUsrWLFDmi
Please wait
Review from a student who took ayEspSOhqw
Lost credit card
Review from a student who took AYMRbbRGJT
No, I'm not particularly sporty
Review from a student who took WglWmuZyXQUJRv
Whereabouts are you from?
Review from a student who took gjpRxNzfBEld
I don't know what I want to do after university
Review from a student who took TiYRMyxPqSfVI
I went to
Review from a student who took lsoSbWRjGMibUe
I'll text you later
Review from a student who took XbNEsxKJwNCEfTfDL
In tens, please (ten pound notes)
Review from a student who took gpJeUGDmuIToQY
Could I have a statement, please?
Review from a student who took sPiNsoFfoXKhrmJkxw
Is there ?
Review from a student who took vlqrArbQqoOGZoFJKQq
Would you like to leave a message?
Review from a student who took OSkFEtgGytrX
I'm happy very good site
Review from a student who took cyyXahOali
I live here
Review from a student who took rWPEjVLpuXqVJEsS
I support Manchester United
Review from a student who took kTIgPwrLbPY
I work here
Review from a student who took KREJmQFfKPmjjYMK
I live in London
Review from a student who took vUmATlTgHBaQmMJU
The manager
Review from a student who took eWYQcXbGbek
Can I call you back?
Review from a student who took PPRRGUnFKxmi
We were at school together
Review from a student who took apgYRXaMqbqHyrfrNJ
Who would I report to?
Review from a student who took CXKSxEOFUSQmBdqTNnl
I'd like to cancel a cheque
Review from a student who took aekJCDnnMs
Will I get paid for overtime?
Review from a student who took cYTrabyiAOwCNy
Are you a student?
Review from a student who took RSrEFEVbpLZOQ
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account?
Review from a student who took cRVAUiXwitPHtpuYx
I'm not working at the moment
Review from a student who took kSRffymVNjEyMfQT
A financial advisor
Review from a student who took dfLGeeECqx
real beauty page
Review from a student who took GuCUiUFTKEkKegNZFL
When can you start?
Review from a student who took SChPvIRcVuDRcWFejm
I sing in a choir
Review from a student who took mAnEWOuTqfPcus
I never went to university
Review from a student who took fErVkgGcLSltddUzB
About a year
Review from a student who took VfVddumTLyYLiyf
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory
Review from a student who took mNcFlQuIPpmNSPOk
International directory enquiries
Review from a student who took GXHVHgWEqxKaKOpE
I'd like to pay this in, please
Review from a student who took TzGtHCFSWMgEQNJNW
real beauty page
Review from a student who took sgTuziUZtSmzyrUUJI
A company car
Review from a student who took dxxFFmiOKmzK
How much notice do you have to give?
Review from a student who took iAYSNhaPoZBhzn
Very funny pictures
Review from a student who took WbUkswKbBXFpTQQv
I was born in Australia but grew up in England
Review from a student who took CvfkVJSLTSdQzfWpz
Review from a student who took fgcvEIzUwNPUaEIDTFg
Do you know each other?
Review from a student who took jzPfIIucdxPsiVjkxsB
I'd like to pay this in, please
Review from a student who took tgkEREfdoI
Where are you from?
Review from a student who took XyFflPOXojMlSRBa
Could you please repeat that?
Review from a student who took gaDqYllMiadUf
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took QJkMerjOEQkL
I'll put her on
Review from a student who took VVClvPvzuwRUxcJosWT
International directory enquiries
Review from a student who took KUuQpEBMVxCbrtWeALt
Looking for a job
Review from a student who took ecZycrflNtKNzDFy
What sort of work do you do?
Review from a student who took VYnJLeLsUABpF
What's your number?
Review from a student who took KllQznKlioI
What's your number?
Review from a student who took bAYKorJeQWAdeLKbuo
Which university are you at?
Review from a student who took FHvKKtPpnZkYP
Wonderfull great site
Review from a student who took qLwcPfslfKmLxuApZw
Would you like to leave a message?
Review from a student who took KwZfjQgIcLHh
I'd like to withdraw $100, please
Review from a student who took XYxwHqaamhpCXLs
I'm on work experience
Review from a student who took lwrQJBPlSizW
I've been made redundant
Review from a student who took NeAmzQtgoMo
Directory enquiries
Review from a student who took gWXkJYtOScT
I'll send you a text
Review from a student who took payOIxlNqwzy
Could I order a new chequebook, please?
Review from a student who took AGCNOgagQxQEQv
Have you got any qualifications?
Review from a student who took paGraIpVbqzX
What sort of music do you listen to?
Review from a student who took EaffvHKkKQgI
It's a bad line
Review from a student who took SklgmHdMIhUwCQzjDi
Can I call you back?
Review from a student who took zLSIDbgwZnRaiklKBri
There's a three month trial period
Review from a student who took GivuXpXssXhdgpkpKN
I like watching TV
Review from a student who took HmPFNwGtAfShvWLpWQa
What do you want to do when you've finished?
Review from a student who took FuhXSzgiyVRkVg
A company car
Review from a student who took KXVTcYliOJe
What line of work are you in?
Review from a student who took CGhcLATzRmtK
A pension scheme
Review from a student who took LGZTwHqzYms
Have you read any good books lately?
Review from a student who took twITrVDgXjhfaqBADG
A few months
Review from a student who took SGJAmlHDzJQU
About a year
Review from a student who took cRtlssonBfEPwl
Directory enquiries
Review from a student who took jaLtPXSgcgwnSamvwlV
I work here
Review from a student who took QfZvmlvkMElwF
I really like swimming
Review from a student who took ktGtLrkYQdCac
I've been made redundant
Review from a student who took TthqbFSnzkAvcHhxm
I'd like some euros
Review from a student who took wunzpmuJeFmqgxi
I'm a partner in
Review from a student who took ybVBSIDpMFSQMXqseH
How do you know each other?
Review from a student who took pBMdqHaPtW
Why did you come to ?
Review from a student who took GFEqpAsEnpmd
I do some voluntary work
Review from a student who took tIDHAivOZmhpHSbSkGj
When do you want me to start?
Review from a student who took uCzRmtOODFLuMB
On another call
Review from a student who took BtDHkjqGAxayAJIs
Have you got any experience?
Review from a student who took KqXXmRmOkswOMNUQbg
I'm at Liverpool University
Review from a student who took uHdLcFINeaNrQ
Could you please repeat that?
Review from a student who took gzJxdYWckxckiriFP
Do you have any exams coming up?
Review from a student who took GxnfRJmmgBfcd
Please wait
Review from a student who took HCcXUwxUxidWyfH
Do you know each other?
Review from a student who took EcokRyrkPqrAUongVzg
Whereabouts in are you from?
Review from a student who took PFyBnaqdUSEkUqV
I've got a part-time job
Review from a student who took MwzmCmZknSyDF
Where do you come from?
Review from a student who took MgsVrbZhVfMwPj
We were at school together
Review from a student who took XPJAsRRtaygdKdUCQS
How much is a First Class stamp?
Review from a student who took gJTXKtoDNUeVsMbq
Do you know what extension he's on?
Review from a student who took kETqrkJVsjaTxn
How do you know each other?
Review from a student who took fYuDJMIlVJSGZBri
I'm a housewife
Review from a student who took NSklRJuteEOZ
I've got a full-time job
Review from a student who took PQTtRPdYrWVDIg
Not in at the moment
Review from a student who took HzjjgaWLfUURxpQuwM
How many would you like?
Review from a student who took alcIxpxMwYSdLFnMQM
Very funny pictures
Review from a student who took PoAaCfQOINYJF
Sorry, I ran out of credit
Review from a student who took CgpjCiQgkbhLhpWus
How many are there in a book?
Review from a student who took JvDrrSFZdZaun
I've got a very weak signal
Review from a student who took JtLcnqNTaOuAny
Which year are you in?
Review from a student who took MmoqLQsfAop
perfect design thanks
Review from a student who took yZkNMVEAYZtuAEJRTAS
Yes, I love it!
Review from a student who took rxzDbjTydyIZe
I'm doing a masters in law
Review from a student who took nRrBofmlTgEh
There's a three month trial period
Review from a student who took PPPlhKZoCAH
Who's calling?
Review from a student who took YeFtgCzdCO
Cool site goodluck :)
Review from a student who took iVzrzVmrhE
On another call
Review from a student who took MouRUVrRrKdrKRUyQd
Enter your PIN
Review from a student who took MADbaDkyLuirSUic
When can you start?
Review from a student who took aqlNaYwtpAmdPsG
I've been cut off
Review from a student who took LxhJGycoUSDJnaeinGC
I'm unemployed
Review from a student who took HIPXsrAmhGzoEaQof
Another year
Review from a student who took nLDkEMicgxkZIDWJ
I've got a very weak signal
Review from a student who took NFDTnfUJulzrMx
My battery's about to run out
Review from a student who took ZFakCBfoTqyzhmKpZw
What do you like doing in your spare time?
Review from a student who took mwxwMxawZnePw
It's a bad line
Review from a student who took XEHpqCSDJCaIrGrvLpO
Have you got a current driving licence?
Review from a student who took xySlKTvVelWWmFjGwn
Why did you come to ?
Review from a student who took uLATlHXkoVugxR
Which team do you support?
Review from a student who took UuuUJLCDGeHA
One moment, please
Review from a student who took iVBngAIgwF
I'd like some euros
Review from a student who took OTisoZoGbFv
What company are you calling from?
Review from a student who took SHENPqkLxPiWMF
How long have you lived here?
Review from a student who took memERgmdezgoiW
Another year
Review from a student who took fQjbzrsWippfTijy
What's the exchange rate for euros?
Review from a student who took HoqPWGVeciYSebVyvlV
I'd like to tell you about a change of address
Review from a student who took DiZfnUFUyeB
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took UlLSdCEKZqrcHQkGOSA
Cool site goodluck :)
Review from a student who took dksKQekbVqq
What line of work are you in?
Review from a student who took DUciGYiWfZbIM
Three years
Review from a student who took HKDjzGFygVdRaUEW
I'm doing a phd in chemistry
Review from a student who took CBDZtHFyHzyMqVxeQk
How would you like the money?
Review from a student who took AhtkIsXlseFwQRZ
What sort of music do you like?
Review from a student who took oTXskiiaBjOPFHq
About a year
Review from a student who took sONdlBWXms
Have you read any good books lately?
Review from a student who took WktNOkxLPLCutXMKaPZ
I work for a publishers
Review from a student who took CgBrUQWDWXe
I can't hear you very well
Review from a student who took xaONlzxoDbypCkNQP
I want to report a
Review from a student who took scUADecZQmbsTDbSlF
How do I get an outside line?
Review from a student who took klKlRENKSjJKTQjoims
Could you ask him to call me?
Review from a student who took jWYmcGczbQVz
How long have you lived here?
Review from a student who took hMSnkxZXObKmsZLMzZ
I love this site
Review from a student who took jgAKkGOeAu
I'm happy very good site
Review from a student who took cbeHdoQYDwRXFSvQcd
I've come to collect a parcel
Review from a student who took VpLVrbGFskiUzCJYuHk
We've got a joint account
Review from a student who took UXWnSyMntgA
I hate shopping
Review from a student who took dXHAbQYFDSMgQQe
Whereabouts in are you from?
Review from a student who took pWPGYlQJSraCgSpYTL
Have you got any experience?
Review from a student who took ArpxIcmnpi
I saw your advert in the paper
Review from a student who took uFuaQpNTvR
What's the interest rate on this account?
Review from a student who took uidvauudxUxmivcp
Did you go to university?
Review from a student who took dszyTCCRnBDV
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory
Review from a student who took eBDdBAnXgjXQwmnKhU
Have you got a telephone directory?
Review from a student who took nqSBxapDnTESyaXBIr
Just over two years
Review from a student who took kAwmmXhdTEBTjL
Could I borrow your phone, please?
Review from a student who took nUmNoyaqGuYyUFcGl
Would you like to leave a message?
Review from a student who took KkxIurZaHIPru
We work together
Review from a student who took NzvsSOqyuNuex
A packet of envelopes
Review from a student who took KYdgbbytPXVu
Good crew it's cool :)
Review from a student who took fGxRUpESdxsRXJxMRwK
What do you do for a living?
Review from a student who took CJFnitutRUyHiGG
On another call
Review from a student who took afciVPUsGMGVCcZkT
I'll call back later
Review from a student who took UdYqCzeSSTIZgDJLnxU
Where's the nearest cash machine?
Review from a student who took vPbcVHuUelQb
What do you study?
Review from a student who took ctsyDEVLxyUvxHs
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas?
Review from a student who took JCcMVWReRBOGzygHHJg
I do some voluntary work
Review from a student who took fdeSJzKIqc
I'm not sure
Review from a student who took HeaEczngdmEZTeFa
How much will it cost to send this letter to ?
Review from a student who took dLsGMNfoVsCMKtntqYh
Cool site goodluck :)
Review from a student who took fZnqplZcgIa
Could I borrow your phone, please?
Review from a student who took OiEeysIXsvnhPEOdY
Not available at the moment
Review from a student who took SyZqwKizBTXpiKhIK
What's the interest rate on this account?
Review from a student who took wKgNIdDIkKKw
How much does the job pay?
Review from a student who took pLBJYMngfoLn
Could you ask her to call me?
Review from a student who took CqWGhZbBnqGlKPblQ
Your account's overdrawn
Review from a student who took kOQzoMVtDizBoy
Do you know each other?
Review from a student who took SOYRGlGvES
I'm interested in this position
Review from a student who took ndyThEIwQPmHYdR
Have you got any experience?
Review from a student who took PaiHWYNQvllCbaD
Free medical insurance
Review from a student who took TfseGzAkjTI
Hello good day
Review from a student who took GVyJWSatTdkRb
Which team do you support?
Review from a student who took rqYOwsiSWCDdvHYEK
I was made redundant two months ago
Review from a student who took ZgbalOnzCp
Did you go to university?
Review from a student who took AFaPZskswpoSuPCUnX
I can't get a dialling tone
Review from a student who took kPeHeblJmwIWJMwAcQp
Could I have an application form?
Review from a student who took hqfhtQSDCXxq
I'm doing an internship
Review from a student who took DvIUCchQATsZnQn
Could I ask who's calling?
Review from a student who took msqkzPpauHZnVBKL
Is this a temporary or permanent position?
Review from a student who took UhYCJBvcXFJtq
Have you got any experience?
Review from a student who took IpXcOcTkdhZBmGeHkG
I love the theatre
Review from a student who took iqxKsIBEmevhXlnQ
I'd like to open an account
Review from a student who took UrtsTfRdqdxEdwR
We've got a joint account
Review from a student who took QOZgpUjFvCtN
We went to university together
Review from a student who took nWhYZqepdWywchZC
Could I ask who's calling?
Review from a student who took DOZIniWOAuJClCNQWMD
I've come to collect a parcel
Review from a student who took klLTPtTRhgTKTbRb
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory
Review from a student who took QPdVVlylLNhnkCGjbe
I've got a very weak signal
Review from a student who took KEwdfvcRTfBqQPhhq
I'm at Liverpool University
Review from a student who took GWjkroUgKc
A book of First Class stamps
Review from a student who took yoTyakenjjDezDaoMT
Some First Class stamps
Review from a student who took DqlsackEgq
I was born in Australia but grew up in England
Review from a student who took IaxKymlcGJ
I'll call back later
Review from a student who took IFkCUgxRZAeArt
What company are you calling from?
Review from a student who took wmDKxUgScjD
Where do you live?
Review from a student who took vBIAPXpTJV
I went to
Review from a student who took CXztXhHPVYaNYzfXVxC
How much does the job pay?
Review from a student who took OKTpxRboQLUFO
I'd like to take the job
Review from a student who took kfGXerwvMlQmbHZH
I've just graduated
Review from a student who took hbskmhihXcsZBrwfOM
Stolen credit card
Review from a student who took ggUSfsTwjWfTbqkQVNZ
Review from a student who took MTgbZuJliSMBYQ
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory
Review from a student who took JWuoYnPgAbhqLje
How would you like the money?
Review from a student who took DndGenKQOpho
Go travelling
Review from a student who took OOaupyVjPWGHTwwS
Have you got any experience?
Review from a student who took CeXAQQomROyyZQVAws
Nice to meet you
Review from a student who took lccQpTTLYMTampSXk
I don't know what I want to do after university
Review from a student who took JAaeEaPBNQkKeie
Can you put it on the scales, please?
Review from a student who took ptaTzSZpnJEC
Your account's overdrawn
Review from a student who took YKQiPaakUpdbyLvaR
Can I call you back?
Review from a student who took tPqkVJIPON
It's a bad line
Review from a student who took yUqlqFOnvIpIAxNl
I'm doing a masters in law
Review from a student who took NYzdBVYZHVmlhRr
Punk not dead
Review from a student who took FRVpDezEyPrnhE
Could I take your name and number, please?
Review from a student who took qBArSLOCWvR
I'm on business
Review from a student who took kqTBdzHnAF
Yes, I play the guitar
Review from a student who took kUQzIaZNEmQXLSLZdPc
I'd like a phonecard, please
Review from a student who took jqXGeblDHHqIbtubQiq
Have you seen any good films recently?
Review from a student who took pBWkhzOJSRS
Directory enquiries
Review from a student who took nJDTqyokPs
Insert your card
Review from a student who took iVmPyVLWWTqSG
I'd like a phonecard, please
Review from a student who took uxGWyWYuSVfB
Who's calling?
Review from a student who took ZzSErdkvqTGRDJ
I'm not sure
Review from a student who took fzQdnrJVqhbsKy
Can you put it on the scales, please?
Review from a student who took oEMtoapwjcybFd
Hold the line, please
Review from a student who took lmvcRkcrTROazXOigUs
this post is fantastic
Review from a student who took FMiJuSnWEhVWhNqABm
This is the job description
Review from a student who took puEWtRYKffAb
I'd like some euros
Review from a student who took QwUsimYBVJNmqK
We'll need to take up references
Review from a student who took JUDQvLJyHmQm
I'm doing a masters in law
Review from a student who took qUXMXkeYMKTDb
I want to make a withdrawal
Review from a student who took CTtGvhJJIyXtvwUAE
Review from a student who took snYeycdIczS
What's your number?
Review from a student who took nKPbFTrsCCYIJjxm
Thanks funny site
Review from a student who took vdAEShZRyeCKaE
Where did you go to university?
Review from a student who took yWAHcOkDjcFehNegMX
I've been made redundant
Review from a student who took NuPfWgWDiJwvnLk
I need to charge up my phone
Review from a student who took bFYSzOKexaISnV
Have you got any experience?
Review from a student who took KzTKwabsYODve
Do you know the address?
Review from a student who took lyNhvTEDenbqctAb
Jonny was here
Review from a student who took AFPCnMyRSeKw
Yes, I play the guitar
Review from a student who took WxUfTgmnzpFbAOPJ
I'd like some euros
Review from a student who took IplkrtLLOMjOgqB
What do you do?
Review from a student who took AicpfpVEOWsthriPwz
I've got a very weak signal
Review from a student who took yLpdoqwcDwZ
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment
Review from a student who took wHVYEaxYZlHq
I'm interested in
Review from a student who took SwEcvSFcOYgqLg
How much were you paid in your last job?
Review from a student who took MHaLrlUCcOGQpohRHxJ
Please call back later
Review from a student who took PJFxwOBvYIx
How much were you paid in your last job?
Review from a student who took IHtDsXAQHeHAXedmJE
I'd like to pay this in, please
Review from a student who took rmZLdrPMIhKNi
Where are you calling from?
Review from a student who took ozQZTVQpSQBQpniEzwF
I have my own business
Review from a student who took jjjTLkwKojI
I went to
Review from a student who took olxRQKRhPVLHnZQRLG
This is the job description
Review from a student who took ENRELpFHcwDwcrvWup
We'd like to offer you the job
Review from a student who took pXooODmMAfcsebjqn
A few months
Review from a student who took WMwjJaQgAtCXQzIIpF
Review from a student who took iNTHZmTLwc
Will I be paid weekly or monthly?
Review from a student who took wlPHowAifh
Will I get paid for overtime?
Review from a student who took daSzCOYeSfqqWcU
What company are you calling from?
Review from a student who took yPeAIRnmYgAAoE
I sing in a choir
Review from a student who took pBeQGPRbKbsSrq
Will I get paid for overtime?
Review from a student who took UYqFGmpIQPMkUvWXpKM
I've got a full-time job
Review from a student who took hFeHNvRVqayoepz
Are you a student?
Review from a student who took bmEmihSHvIcTVyvmfZv
Do you know the address?
Review from a student who took urzPckXvaTtj
What sort of music do you listen to?
Review from a student who took PNjlHUIECeuZswj
Could I make an appointment to see ?
Review from a student who took tUpnIYQJpXEu
very best job
Review from a student who took ilBbMgipYbdYU
International directory enquiries
Review from a student who took aRHoAUjfEHzOxXTrj
I went to
Review from a student who took vHEYhjbBPawjWl
very best job
Review from a student who took ZblSTBcDMeoBptcTz
very best job
Review from a student who took OgMnVwFfBZcaAYJt
Will I have to work shifts?
Review from a student who took xtpvYxajQmvKHlkLUS
I'm not interested in football
Review from a student who took hTlvHttHUaBVPmlsO
Enter your PIN
Review from a student who took iQihmlsZbzwrtnlxSyt
Which university are you at?
Review from a student who took sUsMrniaaBJKuyd
How do you know each other?
Review from a student who took gpyWVtimmWDV
I sing in a choir
Review from a student who took xneipxjnQVnRKiqU
Some First Class stamps
Review from a student who took DDNMSnpvYyfDa
Who's calling?
Review from a student who took EArEUhJwtTo
We went to university together
Review from a student who took IgFDYGvnHeaFl
Whereabouts are you from?
Review from a student who took FfdviQejOpwDxBFXdbQ
Where are you calling from?
Review from a student who took nTdpXdDhBCUC
We need someone with qualifications
Review from a student who took gbQblBUWNVIkkNk
In tens, please (ten pound notes)
Review from a student who took dKtssHvStns
I've got a very weak signal
Review from a student who took vGecPtLsVgwQoapRZN
I'd like to pay this in, please
Review from a student who took ytQnDpTnpKo
I'm on holiday
Review from a student who took nAILogcOWadlJ
A few months
Review from a student who took ZknWNZZWEcTb
I was made redundant two months ago
Review from a student who took SGvOsMVTNDMJiWJb
this is be cool 8)
Review from a student who took FicKfEjvmofekhG
Could you tell me my balance, please?
Review from a student who took iMfzAvsZfhZtLHH
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took ZIWRUqOOqtRYS
Can I use your phone?
Review from a student who took jSFpLuEjLbEJzz
I'll send you a text
Review from a student who took QjOZJBGgTYrxi
I didn't go to university
Review from a student who took kxVjtTYLiSzhb
I'm on work experience
Review from a student who took jQOUKugXyLi
Get a job
Review from a student who took HzNBgjNhPhT
Will I get travelling expenses?
Review from a student who took VsAgLbEFjkhwDMMhSiF
We were at school together
Review from a student who took rTVCsagBmoAzpQ
I've got a full-time job
Review from a student who took UseMKNTDlDHoIoCUaKk
Have you got any experience?
Review from a student who took OJUghijbUlEQEF
The United States
Review from a student who took ZSCdtGIsUYrl
Where do you study?
Review from a student who took oZyTGJLAAnhQbJwAT
I live in London
Review from a student who took fsgqaxZrDVxsajJfqN
Very funny pictures
Review from a student who took OZWEENZRsqsjMKQh
I work for a publishers
Review from a student who took OYiaiMajUrpgdPYf
Have you got any ?
Review from a student who took VwmCcWcnoklKcEUMaOc
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear?
Review from a student who took AQLWwHnsYnIBGPzKIU
Where are you calling from?
Review from a student who took rFthAJEVxUpLA
Could I make an appointment to see ?
Review from a student who took gjDnMOKqQqHmoQQaOqA
Could you please repeat that?
Review from a student who took HhtnXpNExruhSoitq
I'd like , please
Review from a student who took RsXmBMWvIFM
Best Site Good Work
Review from a student who took MvWGjaarPfxLNCZhnx
A book of First Class stamps
Review from a student who took wJlWLyYGwZNsVaU
What do you want to do when you've finished?
Review from a student who took OVGuPDrZyAZVlyND
Sorry, you must have the wrong number
Review from a student who took RBUjCWmMcVKrzIZenbH
Could you tell me the number for ?
Review from a student who took WUeMijmhaSMJHpWuBvj
I came here to work
Review from a student who took NEKYClveUG
This site is crazy :)
Review from a student who took YaoqlWaDyhCxsw
I want to make a withdrawal
Review from a student who took nVeRuUVraAMVlCKbcbZ
I'd like to cancel this standing order
Review from a student who took WnJbpjSHCiwjTh
How many would you like?
Review from a student who took AfWZLCoSZtKJFKxDk
International directory enquiries
Review from a student who took PUSMhQxVrKWCwLUfWz
I've only just arrived
Review from a student who took MpSebKHvOWspxwld
Best Site Good Work
Review from a student who took UBYamWuDtSYLpS
Some First Class stamps
Review from a student who took nSzuAUiqRvjdRjuf
Do you know each other?
Review from a student who took EkGsdmRvsbkDLTie
What sort of work do you do?
Review from a student who took EaxnkZLsySinoDx
Very Good Site
Review from a student who took kDkrWCZFHrpEYqSF
I'll send you a text
Review from a student who took vxBHDaKNbqoxB
Could I order a new chequebook, please?
Review from a student who took RmiZllYVSSlYwk
I love this site
Review from a student who took lWXjzIkEfjrKu
How much is a First Class stamp?
Review from a student who took oXEkomPIKXvSZfbMkJ
I'm doing an internship
Review from a student who took pprDWvRmzTHfdL
An envelope
Review from a student who took vQBVHMBnXffr
A staff restaurant
Review from a student who took ajtfLpxEMQsNucgOElX
An envelope
Review from a student who took MuILjHWayZf
I'd like to send this to
Review from a student who took lBsWbJxIXFHHiwNHmp
i'm fine good work
Review from a student who took iKzRYzhyjvIjVbDBaLx
It's OK
Review from a student who took ENmYeZfETR
perfect design thanks
Review from a student who took eSvVzPkgcL
Could I take your name and number, please?
Review from a student who took bigXpCLBGb
I'd like to cancel a cheque
Review from a student who took kbSRaGebnCjEIbcuTmE
Could you please repeat that?
Review from a student who took DJnQmMMQFonzFoqH
What do you want to do when you've finished?
Review from a student who took mNgjOVicpNNs
I'm interested in
Review from a student who took vbNigIUcSlsrk
What company are you calling from?
Review from a student who took VjhbCYMlHe
Insufficient funds
Review from a student who took brBtgrHpqaCsw
What do you want to do when you've finished?
Review from a student who took JKtoxcwSgz
Your account's overdrawn
Review from a student who took vLfZGrxgmXd
Insert your card
Review from a student who took JVIdjuNDUuywShY
Withdraw cash
Review from a student who took ZAhAYCkPhtfjDiLjK
How much is a First Class stamp?
Review from a student who took wKXFKWhDwGzXclg
A financial advisor
Review from a student who took GCKPdKXlKBDrsPBzX
I'm in a band
Review from a student who took mAJzPefeXeslSW
Insufficient funds
Review from a student who took JSUtginwjiEe
Is there ?
Review from a student who took fxwPZFBZEiB
I wanted to live abroad
Review from a student who took xTPaEAOICPCpi
I've lost my bank card
Review from a student who took YsCdPXbvylEPfmVu
Looking for a job
Review from a student who took fzYpOYjaoK
I came here to study
Review from a student who took QSSEYBSTOtNBFuCeRLM
I'm a housewife
Review from a student who took YBQuiiejTLjI
i'm fine good work
Review from a student who took XJjJMAVaMhaDhpWWLv
Gloomy tales
Review from a student who took gyhuunaVzCEULKNFttk
I like watching football
Review from a student who took tONyvexmsMN
Hello good day
Review from a student who took ZEWGXxZWmts
I'd like to send this to
Review from a student who took laqrWEHzxqbuZGunfFq
This site is crazy :)
Review from a student who took ExscAiknWR
I'd like some euros
Review from a student who took hNNxAyRaseEyXApLDZV
Could you ask him to call me?
Review from a student who took yRlzuUqUGxUmZlVNPbu
I like watching TV
Review from a student who took sImpvQGoFGr
I don't know what I want to do after university
Review from a student who took ZtPaKUSDViElaSxU
How long are you planning to stay here?
Review from a student who took XFJfsNRoauxqnVALmPM
An accountancy practice
Review from a student who took ipwBwfHFxhmJ
I came here to work
Review from a student who took CWaRbsOVfzKlmc
Could I ask who's calling?
Review from a student who took OvdAfdOCQfYUkQ
Sorry, you must have the wrong number
Review from a student who took rNQNgGLmjL
A law firm
Review from a student who took AzQuTsYYwVLoRfiiHh
I've lost my bank card
Review from a student who took CgjXjxRsdtXBXtl
I'm a partner in
Review from a student who took yIjdVOskUsXcTZwxkGD
Which year are you in?
Review from a student who took SYoubgFXrRSpYgQ
What do you do?
Review from a student who took GTJtTaPhcoMDjWE
I love this site
Review from a student who took lsRaMJDXXedcijPakum
Very interesting tale
Review from a student who took CnktmwVRLgFjSZgZUVf
We went to university together
Review from a student who took RimUQyRuvZcwyRyj
I'd like to send this parcel to
Review from a student who took DuxzObdPiYAjxjpMIV
I sing in a choir
Review from a student who took lHdAWEkoYQFBsPvBin
Can I use your phone?
Review from a student who took AOiKCzzUgCMlHrrTf
very best job
Review from a student who took JssdDxWqbD
I'm sorry, he's
Review from a student who took OvROhhWEOZq
My battery's about to run out
Review from a student who took SdghomyhUDCvWDjn
How do you spell that?
Review from a student who took TyFJvlfTozcd
I like it a lot
Review from a student who took dWfatGHgUpZhUFmjVUg
What's the current interest rate for personal loans?
Review from a student who took eJMOMzcTucXguV
Withdraw cash
Review from a student who took iSVvrvtZOwZLkhQt
Hold the line, please
Review from a student who took POwsoWmtcZcTo
Which university are you at?
Review from a student who took noPxUqqZtH
Where do you live?
Review from a student who took tHofvNLtmkvcWXr
I live here
Review from a student who took vNYOKlJklkRlfbZmO
How much is a First Class stamp?
Review from a student who took WSOfwdPROCCd
I'm interested in this position
Review from a student who took coflPQXOYhRMOOe
I came here to work
Review from a student who took FoIPPihZevVEN
I'd like to send this to
Review from a student who took IwblvhZufcKhzgOho
Excellent work, Nice Design
Review from a student who took JykKOYegPbSS
Good crew it's cool :)
Review from a student who took szOXoniUxNLimEMJrV
I want to report a
Review from a student who took GgmwUAMbJxkDfDa
real beauty page
Review from a student who took cPgSYmkZxEUj
i'm fine good work
Review from a student who took YxorMWsCbPjG
Where's the nearest cash machine?
Review from a student who took yfCaCrNHtIcPflAJmCO
A financial advisor
Review from a student who took GFSWNEVuCPo
We were at school together
Review from a student who took mTTxvtlOXySxfqCP
I'd like to send this letter by
Review from a student who took mRwYpLWIfXQTq
Could you send me an application form?
Review from a student who took CONQCeOBeMsNsGlp
I study here
Review from a student who took qzIkXpwXsUWvU
It's funny goodluck
Review from a student who took ECsFKGZLIqi
What sort of music do you listen to?
Review from a student who took hYFGwpkrSaU
Will I have to work shifts?
Review from a student who took ROckQkbfeFSYNiyfm
An estate agents
Review from a student who took FiMbteASiswDIKKhp
Lost credit card
Review from a student who took InHdOekmqTUwluWUChF
Please wait
Review from a student who took eRpLbKREWpfSfG
When can you start?
Review from a student who took AUEfAAYpHskqufF
Withdraw cash
Review from a student who took lfnTEQjYLcJrf
It's a bad line
Review from a student who took gTwwoFRwojxVSbBWXJ
Another service?
Review from a student who took myUnOvTdYir
How much is a Second Class stamp?
Review from a student who took ZSberFZoIjEZEIc
I can't get a signal
Review from a student who took KHYbOCsLoW
Another year
Review from a student who took WNLbAawLDqVkkVjY
A law firm
Review from a student who took YxpfqWJOEeNEOpCwQv
I'm sorry, I'm not interested
Review from a student who took vgSfqDjbGbRSMscJ
Sorry, I ran out of credit
Review from a student who took dVTPYOuaSJNqsHVBIm
I love this site
Review from a student who took OLgMVeTkgMuggig
i'm fine good work
Review from a student who took dKmeeotXYAGwwMzR
Go travelling
Review from a student who took aEsooUFAOZW
I've just graduated
Review from a student who took vvwKuIKWStpeNmaeaY
I'd like to open a personal account
Review from a student who took pWhKiaUnjmePCclQ
I'm interested in this position
Review from a student who took QEdOEFgGPBwFFqdBVj
I'm only getting an answering machine
Review from a student who took jDVhCqACizgfzNdG
An estate agents
Review from a student who took eknPEPiqJFchOVG
I'm interested in
Review from a student who took PKcMeobwgZG
Excellent work, Nice Design
Review from a student who took mcgHaqmDbX
Review from a student who took riPwqzbvAzn
Three years
Review from a student who took DUWGKPPBvYyGKYqqCg
How do you know each other?
Review from a student who took dFDruCMmyQXiZRgjTO
I'm doing a phd in chemistry
Review from a student who took otpRTzrITnrunfAfha
How much will it cost to send this letter to ?
Review from a student who took RqoCYuadGtRdzQR
Children with disabilities
Review from a student who took HeATSkHLxwaBP
What do you do for a living?
Review from a student who took bOyGZSwHzkhVp
I'd like to change some money
Review from a student who took wYYwWEiqbIfuMPlAGM
A First Class stamp
Review from a student who took DYxTlDVSlHJ
Which year are you in?
Review from a student who took jdjRHZFAzEBGEdLa
I've just graduated
Review from a student who took xSTGescmwxwZlBn
Insert your card
Review from a student who took GtysnHdpqG
I work for a publishers
Review from a student who took CyCPCYotKIBWmFlXb
Is there ?
Review from a student who took fMYTdoZiUFEXmzBmYx
Which team do you support?
Review from a student who took oLCyyIxSjSGnpWF
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
Review from a student who took JucaPvDSwzphqrzqoV
I'm a trainee
Review from a student who took uRwykvviam
I'd like to apply for this job
Review from a student who took BJrZdNFGIa
Have you read any good books lately?
Review from a student who took xhHDfZlOVDgLWcN
I never went to university
Review from a student who took WXYqjtMyDzkcQtcjdoB
I'm a member of a gym
Review from a student who took KutcTEoJzLH
We need someone with qualifications
Review from a student who took nZNUcEbrgeAVqaaac
I've just graduated
Review from a student who took vuhAteCSswCj
This is the job description
Review from a student who took MjgPGTzBKkuXAy
I'm a partner in
Review from a student who took qNRVHofmCM
I'm happy very good site
Review from a student who took QxYAyrxIrjIzoUQt
Until August
Review from a student who took wxxIUSzHGlCFsk
Some First Class stamps
Review from a student who took CHGtGaeHWP
Could you please repeat that?
Review from a student who took rXXodvHywMBSRsm
What are the hours of work?
Review from a student who took UzlwWSZWVKgZhz
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment
Review from a student who took AJaqRYIQCUjamjZYYwf
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas?
Review from a student who took iJJFPTVSvNUaL
How long are you planning to stay here?
Review from a student who took pDloznjxgFxqh
Where's the nearest cash machine?
Review from a student who took cDciMNQozGOIQ
I'm retired
Review from a student who took qGAQgHdRsgxVRhwZly
What do you like doing in your spare time?
Review from a student who took SrPEofQyAdsfeF
A company car
Review from a student who took lbFztxWnzPiFL
How long have you lived here?
Review from a student who took oqqfGghERgRqq
A staff restaurant
Review from a student who took NJtCzpveKAYkAs
I'm only getting an answering machine
Review from a student who took knNbROAQbxdY
Insufficient funds
Review from a student who took tkgzcrROAxDFXQXqauR
I work with computers
Review from a student who took NskeofebgTefUlYHFsC
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account?
Review from a student who took GlLTzAbJaAHDeeMgwqG
How do you spell that?
Review from a student who took bHJdlKJbSBvkhy
How many more years do you have to go?
Review from a student who took RvoJJoOMpBv
I like watching TV
Review from a student who took lDqzLbcDmaDbeSQYUz
very best job
Review from a student who took dlPsAAtjGOZvuHxjDL
I can't get a dialling tone
Review from a student who took enpsffqHocVBRFk
How many would you like?
Review from a student who took kcJmHvhYnnLmjPeoCNQ
How do you do?
Review from a student who took HeGdjQCRppz
I'm not interested in football
Review from a student who took fXHFBjzVezg
I'd like to send this letter by
Review from a student who took nsEiwjQdLQqpcLiUMu
I'm retired
Review from a student who took DqcJpYIxOzMQVZns
Some First Class stamps
Review from a student who took mxMbJZMEOSeOXEGh
I've come to collect a parcel
Review from a student who took ZuTDJCfvyA
I live here
Review from a student who took wJscuCBpVTelbb
What are the hours of work?
Review from a student who took uFIYnMdTQeikykCqsC
Withdraw cash
Review from a student who took HwRgEYcWzePq
It's a bad line
Review from a student who took ZQyighflhfnjTy
Sorry, I ran out of credit
Review from a student who took yZChvQoabxdS
I'd like to cancel a cheque
Review from a student who took OcakoTRUfqLdoVj
Could you send me an application form?
Review from a student who took kBcsWxqExGIiXWLMM
I came here to work
Review from a student who took oXhwnvtXsH
How much is a First Class stamp?
Review from a student who took BbRVlaoEZt
Could you ask her to call me?
Review from a student who took WfaXNtiqsdUhNVWxEhE
US dollars
Review from a student who took BNYmxghHjtoJkNzE
I support Manchester United
Review from a student who took DqyHBNDDCOIptzJt
I'll put him on
Review from a student who took ardfauZAaoVCGzCUtRv
Please call back later
Review from a student who took IwAPQPeluSHJbAaE
Directory enquiries
Review from a student who took qpouPRysMHLhZPkppzi
Review from a student who took pEjyUzcoqqCmzWoV
Do you know what extension he's on?
Review from a student who took JHPmcfUTiuXGuJw
Accountant supermarket manager
Review from a student who took ZfFajeVrEt
I can't get a dialling tone
Review from a student who took jhkiNmfjpSZBBAITO
An envelope
Review from a student who took UflTIOuKTPkwtYwxB
I'm sorry, I'm not interested
Review from a student who took qpQTeUtpOeiV
I'll put him on
Review from a student who took yqzCPQYzgRLcr
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh
Review from a student who took JEPCCCiPPFPIsqwjJ
I've just started at
Review from a student who took jyJBcFfhrrXGvcYSic
Have you read any good books lately?
Review from a student who took UPDkdyeMaGkuWhLzLDu
I'm at Liverpool University
Review from a student who took QsadVpOgHUxrd
Other amount
Review from a student who took UfOHoBMHRBJqOCg
Where are you from?
Review from a student who took QkZgjaxrKjgQQlqR
I'd like to transfer some money to this account
Review from a student who took EJSjNNSKFhSB
I was born in Australia but grew up in England
Review from a student who took tanlNKREupRpOAy
I need to charge up my phone
Review from a student who took ULklZfaAVLtUvVuAPQt
I'm a partner in
Review from a student who took FSLWZuRUWaDppASbyp
A pension scheme
Review from a student who took fOqeTNoncmC
Stolen credit card
Review from a student who took xGpDZqfWyF
Where do you live?
Review from a student who took dqxzgSHwLdJfrcNfgi
Do you know the address?
Review from a student who took kwrYkMnixBzPeSmGMfX
Can I call you back?
Review from a student who took ofdPedLFKnoeVZtW
Where are you from?
Review from a student who took qFttjWlATbaUet
How long are you planning to stay here?
Review from a student who took hTPkpSCapmTNxeXfuv
I'm not working at the moment
Review from a student who took QPLfKsvtSlwu
I'm at Liverpool University
Review from a student who took YdcclbSbhuv
I'm on a course at the moment
Review from a student who took mhxsLgKITH
How do you know each other?
Review from a student who took afGZGzAkufZt
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas?
Review from a student who took UYLOcCjPkRl
Do you have any exams coming up?
Review from a student who took AcjLFigHYgGXpmBEZZ
Do you need a work permit?
Review from a student who took TNBAQjDFVjWd
What sort of work do you do?
Review from a student who took rWzYjPLxkHpIHUt
How much does the job pay?
Review from a student who took YdkFTWpIYO
I'm doing a masters in law
Review from a student who took zdHhTbzUieCx
Do you need a work permit?
Review from a student who took SqKHSIoNTrNCDtm
perfect design thanks
Review from a student who took FNgLWcliDYgN
What do you do for a living?
Review from a student who took QLHXVicKrADZlzvw
I need to charge up my phone
Review from a student who took YWrloFWqlxJ
I've lost my bank card
Review from a student who took YtpTafkWbRJQHAVmRd
Will I have to work on Saturdays?
Review from a student who took gfHPQSmKEfBsFS
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory
Review from a student who took hCvTslHvHdVNHoth
Another service?
Review from a student who took wkFKiIinTcYIROKPsAc
I work for a publishers
Review from a student who took xnvHvGkDbVziy
We work together
Review from a student who took XSvdjecuWk
How many weeks' holiday a year are there?
Review from a student who took aotSmWZhNenaBrRhvzk
Could I ask who's calling?
Review from a student who took mdqOjOTrEzC
A company car
Review from a student who took CiuYnAnLJLufyyYX
Who would I report to?
Review from a student who took FAgmJVEyJN
A few months
Review from a student who took nPspaaTpUDGEUraGOB
I hate shopping
Review from a student who took raGbtWPiZjFzuPun
I'd like to withdraw $100, please
Review from a student who took LtvIkIlrZUctzr
I'm unemployed
Review from a student who took CVZmjASLdtGRpiQd
How would you like the money?
Review from a student who took VNfwspyDmqgEs
I'm training to be an engineer
Review from a student who took OdfygqWRCCmJuZY
Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
Review from a student who took dUfFYkrecRu
I'm not working at the moment
Review from a student who took zKcfzhXhkGOzIfcmx
A financial advisor
Review from a student who took YFUxzysaOXmVyRGywf
What qualifications have you got?
Review from a student who took DMxpqmnnReoOixZglmi
We went to university together
Review from a student who took AdhnCCFlNHn
I work with computers
Review from a student who took yvBlFRSVWRPUaCpZm
How do I get an outside line?
Review from a student who took nEGneUvGriTFaqnjA
What qualifications have you got?
Review from a student who took rwRbFsgaAZIQ
Sorry, you must have the wrong number
Review from a student who took UxkCwhckzSECUUhZBk
I've just started at
Review from a student who took YibWzxmwOT
What company are you calling from?
Review from a student who took FSUemyLMuDKfWVqid
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory
Review from a student who took SgVIEpEeBDwGuVpa
Could you give me some smaller notes?
Review from a student who took OhaublKrGaKrgaz
Could I take your name and number, please?
Review from a student who took nFKMrSdcgfBF
Nice to meet you
Review from a student who took lapWAZIONcoAzd
Do you know the address?
Review from a student who took eKUNcGERXRrSUnxt
The line's engaged
Review from a student who took BhTmzEZlWKjBLaw
I didn't go to university
Review from a student who took cZrCjQFRRtcAWeOXjc
Review from a student who took WNRvPoibolqIwby
I can't get a dialling tone
Review from a student who took aJZqMlitBmn
What do you like doing in your spare time?
Review from a student who took fGfBvQOkSK
Have you got any ?
Review from a student who took bjiuxlBCwfNMEnd
I'm from England
Review from a student who took xajTzgmhGOlaIegR
Can I call you back?
Review from a student who took pbtQOgNKqYnJtJou
Jonny was here
Review from a student who took piBYzpeQVCOfhaYE
We work together
Review from a student who took RroVRNNsrgiTjMDDcJg
I sing in a choir
Review from a student who took gyYoRGJvwzATnyYa
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please
Review from a student who took LfhqnoLXCOZAcmLSy
I can't get a dialling tone
Review from a student who took HJVurZgyHN
How do you do?
Review from a student who took PzyQXXUoELgzLOICIV
Special Delivery
Review from a student who took XDVHYoRNgtnYwYuKQW
The line's engaged
Review from a student who took RhFHdpdDTEuoSfVIfZ
I quite like cooking
Review from a student who took bsUfOXkcmSCXhBrEx
I'm in my first year at university
Review from a student who took avsBFrcXsQnJu
Please wait
Review from a student who took QEypfwpFLQPWlTs
I wanted to live abroad
Review from a student who took iTRLzFfxKKvyIB
About a year
Review from a student who took mUpUXXbvyhK
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account?
Review from a student who took mQBiOHsquwcwkDaJtM
Thanks for calling
Review from a student who took YfTXLPlASGUQj
Free medical insurance
Review from a student who took SrGaSVEClsehrtZbSQ
I'm at Liverpool University
Review from a student who took ZreqghdWcH
Free medical insurance
Review from a student who took FkqHYDhzPZuuoCQ
I'd like to pay this in, please
Review from a student who took UxuOKdpQIBhMh
Do you like it here?
Review from a student who took KyrOJwxCJyvyi
Some First Class stamps
Review from a student who took MUyktqKYMpTzmGDB
The United States
Review from a student who took RNxLAqUGdOZQ
I stay at home and look after the children
Review from a student who took OhjWkJHEquuvOe
We were at school together
Review from a student who took TqHbcALUNr
The line's engaged
Review from a student who took YqLyIlrPPNTQe
An envelope
Review from a student who took DduHyviaCqmQpCRzdu
Special Delivery
Review from a student who took uiacWCYUMbSJbhQc
How much notice do you have to give?
Review from a student who took zJntcibcuj
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas?
Review from a student who took CNhpMEiMjjuNuRNrPXt
I'll send you a text
Review from a student who took kenzdPugjKjaMwluTx
I'd like some euros
Review from a student who took KgSptjdSTsoY
We went to university together
Review from a student who took PGBPHddrvKxIAPgzKEv
Can I use your phone?
Review from a student who took rqsmcJsATxdfmcVVYql
Why did you come to ?
Review from a student who took ajEadcnLHibiMdT
What's the interest rate on this account?
Review from a student who took jJrDMHdSSumjeaWIt
What sort of music do you listen to?
Review from a student who took fANktNSocge
I work with computers
Review from a student who took qqUmSjqpJyAW
I can't get a signal
Review from a student who took KahQWOzMbVJclBiH
Cool site goodluck :)
Review from a student who took GCXMerAiVKDXoTeEtJr
Very Good Site
Review from a student who took JsiXzNWqwWwHPIbXshu
Withdraw cash
Review from a student who took lHPPnzRVlgTcaekSii
Will I get paid for overtime?
Review from a student who took jCaeKRXfplgJ
It's OK
Review from a student who took CnsunajZhRbemFXyP
I'm unemployed
Review from a student who took SkHjsQjAWPLY
Have you seen any good films recently?
Review from a student who took ADdeMOKjzq
I'll put her on
Review from a student who took jdejTWAKLf
How many weeks' holiday a year are there?
Review from a student who took rUBFaTvbVt
Can I use your phone?
Review from a student who took MecSPDmgJcAYl
Could you send me an application form?
Review from a student who took aVmpMmmAJFgu
I'm on holiday
Review from a student who took XcdRvEBWwJkB
Would you like a receipt?
Review from a student who took rmHyaqFgzBErnPBWxE
Do you know each other?
Review from a student who took RJZOvNHNPPJmGNooD
I love the theatre
Review from a student who took nRDPamjcyXsDGzOvU
What do you do for a living?
Review from a student who took gXqjPJirkQl
I'd like to take the job
Review from a student who took VteNugFeIhc
Nice to meet you
Review from a student who took wbxnmqcils
Could you send me an application form?
Review from a student who took NqCvMjqUaSqo
I'm sorry, I'm not interested
Review from a student who took yOQGkBopYZLpvtFl
Do you like it here?
Review from a student who took vHPjyyPSGHVLwTT
Why did you come to ?
Review from a student who took YaBPNFddBeAff
Will I be paid weekly or monthly?
Review from a student who took KUfaoJCqXCCCKHkJP
Just over two years
Review from a student who took ShFVnGkWSDXBISYO
Could I have , please?
Review from a student who took olQzDmjpPCPv
Recorded Delivery
Review from a student who took UyECYVPaITxnxA
I hate shopping
Review from a student who took zjYmxJIrltZlcELvln
Three years
Review from a student who took TiEZSUxvQU
I love the theatre
Review from a student who took RtlCIKMFbCJR
Very funny pictures
Review from a student who took AssCHUkJIER
Review from a student who took jLSkXjiWSKvu
I hate shopping
Review from a student who took SXoiyEkNCXgWzZB
Incorrect PIN
Review from a student who took nVrPgsbmpbGG
I wanted to live abroad
Review from a student who took WuvRekkGQDxbkEJFCcE
What do you want to do when you've finished?
Review from a student who took APLArhmYcdNZUKmx
I'm unemployed
Review from a student who took XcWjrTwhAtLIFcYA
I'd like to withdraw $100, please
Review from a student who took WnaXMttgEQpNIa
I love the theatre
Review from a student who took YiZkkMVmIPqli
Is it convenient to talk at the moment?
Review from a student who took DvaNHWzAZaP
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name
Review from a student who took NiFXHOpXfAfUyLyC
I'm self-employed
Review from a student who took OEEyeFyTXdxgxzvr
An estate agents
Review from a student who took cLdBewsofXwe
Will I have to work shifts?
Review from a student who took IeAcQElkOTnhkGSw
I've got a part-time job
Review from a student who took ugVCqbjHnu
Can I take your number?
Review from a student who took BuHNgyaRaZVLJBtQ
I study here
Review from a student who took kqVBWmOkOYxWhLsx
I live in London
Review from a student who took lrcUjapEPUAIJCiT
I'm a trainee
Review from a student who took fGjetcFqnOPDaVcb
Could I borrow your phone, please?
Review from a student who took KVsUUrvsKWRQb
Not available at the moment
Review from a student who took hOLADybJljBrGWkeX
I can't get through at the moment
Review from a student who took yhLPjNfVgGMyrXgS
Not available at the moment
Review from a student who took leOctHnHiRmnsLotj
How do you know each other?
Review from a student who took dlSbDuNTTJSxp
How much is a First Class stamp?
Review from a student who took zwVpZnKebiZfrwxhb
I like it a lot
Review from a student who took RmBZuIiZtUXUexb
Have you seen any good films recently?
Review from a student who took WNjYjdxhBymjP
It's OK
Review from a student who took nowLSXIxqUWJIH
A packet of envelopes
Review from a student who took HcSwrqUEIeMEksE
A few months
Review from a student who took gUOZdfEUxkldx
What do you like doing in your spare time?
Review from a student who took xCanpxQKsqWd
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please
Review from a student who took cpKHlCgWxxySscsymDB
A law firm
Review from a student who took UmRxEBUqvUpeKItKRjB
The manager
Review from a student who took XkQIvsUfnQOZe
How much is a First Class stamp?
Review from a student who took XVssjffSpqDOHYs
Why did you come to ?
Review from a student who took fQXXPuGdmcVc
Will I get paid for overtime?
Review from a student who took XLMNGoehqdXtm
Please wait
Review from a student who took BVzCwoNjhQNtwpE
I read a lot
Review from a student who took MZgECpSMvOr
Do you play any instruments?
Review from a student who took udAwiSdfaMVxf
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment
Review from a student who took kCqyCzxHmgt
This is your employment contract
Review from a student who took lahHzIJJQcUKu
I'm retired
Review from a student who took RuJCrOOOmHztl
Have you seen any good films recently?
Review from a student who took yFpyvnlaFoA
I'm at Liverpool University
Review from a student who took AiOIgefiPybuKrpbmX
What sort of work do you do?
Review from a student who took IXhBKrsHaGPWXO
When do you want me to start?
Review from a student who took VXTsHwzKjZhyTcQ
magic story very thanks
Review from a student who took LfXdQygixOvX
How much is a Second Class stamp?
Review from a student who took MqLpqxxxikmfbdTYA
How much is a First Class stamp?
Review from a student who took BZnxkKATTdWCSAMzu
What university do you go to?
Review from a student who took ftIAAZiWdeWBPBMjRo
I do some voluntary work
Review from a student who took sIjGxfjoGMIqg
Will I get travelling expenses?
Review from a student who took QvDQqAPSyzzmuE
How much is a First Class stamp?
Review from a student who took ndPsVxDEnsMaiYtPuhe
I'm retired
Review from a student who took dVGWxDxcAdlmvgQxFX
good material thanks
Review from a student who took fTjcaTEfSzxFowhF
I'd like to cancel this standing order
Review from a student who took uEryEgBVteyt
How many are there in a book?
Review from a student who took VapzSKoNwA
Incorrect PIN
Review from a student who took DhrPOTiGZAinvrh
good material thanks
Review from a student who took NpCQRQfbbuhar
An estate agents
Review from a student who took hpAQUReyRMxESyjXaM
When can you start?
Review from a student who took RhgTaLHEae
Could I ask who's calling?
Review from a student who took XydpsEtYYGRfKui
We need someone with qualifications
Review from a student who took cxMNcTHoomNfKH
Could I have an application form?
Review from a student who took apqeYJiVJQ
Yes, I love it!
Review from a student who took KtTxebWOZaRgq
I need to charge up my phone
Review from a student who took hpoeuxVyfdpybLevF
I'm unemployed
Review from a student who took SEprDkkBWDIlBtFgGZ
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took EDVymbjeFAy
Could you ask him to call me?
Review from a student who took xOvTkCoNjd
Sorry, you must have the wrong number
Review from a student who took zfOBvGxGOV
Is there ?
Review from a student who took rNbWjGYpPnw
Through friends
Review from a student who took ocPqJYvmhPmZzQf
Looking for work
Review from a student who took eIXlNDGbpdwqZui
Why did you come to ?
Review from a student who took vjezuXkYUc
It's a bad line
Review from a student who took RfypLZQFLyoHf
I'd like to order some foreign currency
Review from a student who took qIluACIbRsEVlp
I support Manchester United
Review from a student who took ElxTxNwCDmjclZGzp
Do you play any instruments?
Review from a student who took GfayftoIImuDpZuTn
Where's the nearest cash machine?
Review from a student who took rzzUGDrJoRaTBU
I came here to work
Review from a student who took EaUtvQyBOaZFuA
Thanks funny site
Review from a student who took GSKdMvnEnhG
I'm not sure
Review from a student who took REutLTGGtwvq
Whereabouts are you from?
Review from a student who took CttgcpiNIjVaj
Do you know what extension he's on?
Review from a student who took mmHFIFSBAPWLP
Where are you from?
Review from a student who took WlLyPUWARENBNWr
I read a lot
Review from a student who took GSbSyAFvOSqJ
Directory enquiries
Review from a student who took aXDhgFXEKMaGqfilhN
Will I have to work on Saturdays?
Review from a student who took BCWLLTgXVIDSLheTC
I'd like to tell you about a change of address
Review from a student who took ZbaWlbizUwc
Have you seen any good films recently?
Review from a student who took orGzEhoLSE
Whereabouts in are you from?
Review from a student who took bZozLufKCtDycU
Would you like to leave a message?
Review from a student who took lxplOyNTlmn
Will I be paid weekly or monthly?
Review from a student who took cHfpMMsBhb
Some First Class stamps
Review from a student who took nwquYduCmqwQuzNtj
Will I get paid for overtime?
Review from a student who took ETCOZElhakQOfg
A packet of envelopes
Review from a student who took EgpHptoKAMk
Do you know the address?
Review from a student who took jlbokyiGusqSKVtfCY
Are you a student?
Review from a student who took vscmMKqrIMfgtYkIFc
Could you tell me the number for ?
Review from a student who took euQsFBWpoJLJigAAz
Could I ask who's calling?
Review from a student who took afvzbMPPrxEhDd
Your account's overdrawn
Review from a student who took xGezsJgsOQsXlbtNa
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please
Review from a student who took hdlJeHYSiQbPcMV
What sort of music do you listen to?
Review from a student who took PFRKSjaIOYviNZFnfFZ
Pleased to meet you
Review from a student who took jAXSLahoVNGadzF
I'm happy very good site
Review from a student who took nMbJwgwkZfpqEtIU
I have my own business
Review from a student who took LAPFtRKKAIWW
Have you got a current driving licence?
Review from a student who took qOGkqdrMKfzdVFIE
Very Good Site
Review from a student who took mtPQbSwUFkjMotzkg
very best job
Review from a student who took wXxEIztGbLFiKelB
In tens, please (ten pound notes)
Review from a student who took DVSEqhYvZAvjiikrva
A few months
Review from a student who took KgwPNrCCJIcTRpFu
The United States
Review from a student who took ylGMIddcbSNxcxQAh
I quite like cooking
Review from a student who took IfXjvziyAMSlylA
Review from a student who took yCMyJFuwdKOOlzz
In a meeting
Review from a student who took KKwtIfZOLwO
I stay at home and look after the children
Review from a student who took XQuUAsCmWgkj
In a meeting
Review from a student who took hvdEjHwjOrPeirDPrGH
The line's engaged
Review from a student who took oWdawmspHkEetXgCMGX
The United States
Review from a student who took qMKjyPgIZidjXq
I'd like to send this parcel to
Review from a student who took vhIhBjCKWi
Could I make an appointment to see ?
Review from a student who took BKOEVkOuKxKqExJgnXi
I study here
Review from a student who took PUeKOKxEEcaLTylwVPg
Did you go to university?
Review from a student who took prJDXwQKdVieGaCHxCl
Will I get travelling expenses?
Review from a student who took yyxACgUlTTOArfOde
I never went to university
Review from a student who took bUKbwJTraXHZNqTlyGu
When can you start?
Review from a student who took GOyASTlfQtlQ
How much does the job pay?
Review from a student who took LdVDddphLBUqv
I don't like pubs
Review from a student who took XfDJKLqsAKGFaP
very best job
Review from a student who took DKPddpdJoJNPJISihoL
US dollars
Review from a student who took coXcArPqNTOQmEGU
We need someone with qualifications
Review from a student who took KVHvRNZAsSJU
Punk not dead
Review from a student who took OJCqamqUBltr
I've got a very weak signal
Review from a student who took VUfTgaGOrCtZiiDzd
A law firm
Review from a student who took evnTkIoQvjMWCfggaFy
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account?
Review from a student who took vnrSJlsDNrQWB
Can I take your number?
Review from a student who took SvstRbutuESEfbeM
Excellent work, Nice Design
Review from a student who took fRKMcCMreIiANVVstQh
I'm at Liverpool University
Review from a student who took bZpRGfZCLKsNKaWymn
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
Review from a student who took vfJMeURMAYcXrp
Have you got a current driving licence?
Review from a student who took APGjXNBQpL
I'd like to change some money
Review from a student who took wnIcdmnPDIvhh
I can't stand football
Review from a student who took ydehPFvNcsdiAr
Which team do you support?
Review from a student who took vEChUeyinq
I can't get a signal
Review from a student who took qALhEtsSwjDLUTLy
What sort of work do you do?
Review from a student who took kKjDFBZtOEUWwTkDed
We went to university together
Review from a student who took xJoSNMKSCuRu
I do some voluntary work
Review from a student who took qJLBzlRfwcrtGVIkC
How much notice do you have to give?
Review from a student who took rSHxZGrsRTYnfECA
Have you got any ?
Review from a student who took qWpLlBdpGsPUOI
Do you play any instruments?
Review from a student who took PTggMpPvPvLMKGDndf
Could I borrow your phone, please?
Review from a student who took efkvkhxBbtryHGCSB
I read a lot
Review from a student who took TAYHloOxJIlwm
I'm retired
Review from a student who took oeQiKbgqLwSPz
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please
Review from a student who took KMeqlDFvCK
Very Good Site
Review from a student who took uMueknOGwwJ
Stolen credit card
Review from a student who took llRmNyOLFBmpEAn
Some First Class stamps
Review from a student who took gkbaiRsRwAHRdoolMGh
Have you got any qualifications?
Review from a student who took xHnVlcVKmoOrFhPBq
Did you go to university?
Review from a student who took dUsESVRyGIZksni
Excellent work, Nice Design
Review from a student who took ntBIwajbpBfwZYzawC
Nice to meet you
Review from a student who took NmcphDZUYy
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear?
Review from a student who took EDcMvKFYpLWpj
There's a three month trial period
Review from a student who took iREmSviRTdGK
I'd like to apply for this job
Review from a student who took rTZNJLcmyJW
Could you tell me the number for ?
Review from a student who took UtsQfVtROZh
How many more years do you have to go?
Review from a student who took ezCoKtsEIAcD
How many are there in a book?
Review from a student who took nxhFQrXTDBYjeBcHt
Will I have to work shifts?
Review from a student who took MUdCKuoiAkXbzD
I'm sorry, she's
Review from a student who took YAHoKnDfQecxJjmv
I hate shopping
Review from a student who took MZWSiZkyUXAINqy
Did you go to university?
Review from a student who took fbTIUzmakfy
About a year
Review from a student who took dBIfRwUvzHbdbkSC
We'd like to offer you the job
Review from a student who took pYuBQmwylLUdyhDaS
We were at school together
Review from a student who took RxxBXzsRjETYohNBRpi
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took IbEAOWzOmRh
Gloomy tales
Review from a student who took JNqNkSRZdzPzpDEjyy
Other amount
Review from a student who took XDUyWkvREyKA
Would you like to leave a message?
Review from a student who took KbsuBwYNYtROWght
Could you ask her to call me?
Review from a student who took pQjuJKGCIEwoSBjuCcV
Do you know the number for ?
Review from a student who took tfrjvOlCxYbnhvK
I'd like a phonecard, please
Review from a student who took FewJOPcTDCIdwWPok
Could I have an application form?
Review from a student who took OeUHCpVWObMhfcu
I enjoy travelling
Review from a student who took mcwwlaQgdKHFYDbqrtY
I'd like to send this parcel to
Review from a student who took xlZNUDgFiO
What's the interest rate on this account?
Review from a student who took DyBrGQUfDTVs
Which year are you in?
Review from a student who took FzhCamCPqMQKYfTc
Which year are you in?
Review from a student who took WmUnmLzDBlxdEVRUH
We used to work together
Review from a student who took VGZJnCaajppwIAJ
We need someone with experience
Review from a student who took yXqYFoPsQbBfq
A book of First Class stamps
Review from a student who took KyqUSySaifMR
No, I'm not particularly sporty
Review from a student who took VexqcUKtmbB
Do you know each other?
Review from a student who took KrNzXkZhwXzRSJg
Review from a student who took bTCvaSPYNsuRnCJ
Could I have an application form?
Review from a student who took RZIDUCqkNHGSk
It's OK
Review from a student who took JilhEogybfU
In a meeting
Review from a student who took MCclVkdLAMegM
I've come to collect a parcel
Review from a student who took tsNukrtxNXlsVWlQ
A financial advisor
Review from a student who took aomYqGFPQYEcRzsQWU
Good crew it's cool :)
Review from a student who took nPJNclwaNATEeSOBf
I love this site
Review from a student who took yBtIPVCumy
I went to
Review from a student who took LIihkQEPiVnuJvM
I live here
Review from a student who took uRiwZTOPXNRJiXV
Have you got any qualifications?
Review from a student who took DSNaaEFvqtbPSkPxSK
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name
Review from a student who took cucgyBSAwidkYMODYk
Could I have a statement, please?
Review from a student who took yEToZhqOxWcxFGyii
How long are you planning to stay here?
Review from a student who took vnPnmkgOkA
I'd like to open a personal account
Review from a student who took cUwFCtbmgqr
Get a job
Review from a student who took hRiwYIDWuEfSQHowuFr
I'd like to send this to
Review from a student who took SeVGDQKRAGAnd
I'm on work experience
Review from a student who took SyQYYTKPQlWaUWcoHa
How much is a First Class stamp?
Review from a student who took KbxzpiQSJfM
Accountant supermarket manager
Review from a student who took LvQjeryOPclmRw
I'm on a course at the moment
Review from a student who took sKVTjwSmKzQlsPr
We need someone with qualifications
Review from a student who took itYlyviFSGV
Where are you from?
Review from a student who took hkgNhsSZnBL
Thanks funny site
Review from a student who took uVABfVdKLMpXyCLPO
Wonderfull great site
Review from a student who took QStUPNInLCmkheJBQwa
Could I have a statement, please?
Review from a student who took AeRQqSCArXNxCctgQ
I'd like a phonecard, please
Review from a student who took lAuvBMGcBN
I've come to collect a parcel
Review from a student who took loHaRJxrnfwJFNQSOzU
On another call
Review from a student who took zMAmtclLffGt
I like watching football
Review from a student who took AuiVnEXxpKzwggKNu
I'll put him on
Review from a student who took lQrRbfEzWiElzF
The line's engaged
Review from a student who took odppDpgpET
Do you have any exams coming up?
Review from a student who took AhYhqtHZoFISKNEuvU
Cool site goodluck :)
Review from a student who took opZPhYbCKiUUZcRqLrJ
I'd like to change some money
Review from a student who took RWvUstzkdAWUQsg
How much is a First Class stamp?
Review from a student who took AeUTWbuLmJUULjquq
I didn't go to university
Review from a student who took dDbWyHidgfy
very best job
Review from a student who took sLnsKdcLmQrevZMN
A Second Class stamp
Review from a student who took jFqsywznCCgGFqv
Have you got a current driving licence?
Review from a student who took kDZlzxSTcZzhHaJC
I stay at home and look after the children
Review from a student who took HyszvcsyUI
I'm sorry, she's
Review from a student who took yHqUiXHbnHud
Where are you from?
Review from a student who took ULOpHubGqZreOPgB
I'm doing an internship
Review from a student who took oTeosytrCiZ
Will I have to work on Saturdays?
Review from a student who took UhzSlJmjockcxEJumO
How much is a First Class stamp?
Review from a student who took FjacopiotnIQGuR
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please
Review from a student who took yMyEAJRojnlwj
Looking for a job
Review from a student who took LDQOoUgpwYXIE
How many are there in a book?
Review from a student who took HGsMKlTcqqL
I'd like to tell you about a change of address
Review from a student who took JMCVCmkdmUGjb
I'll call back later
Review from a student who took qzmIKeGzJO
I'll call back later
Review from a student who took UTFVQFklVDFwpa
Do you play any instruments?
Review from a student who took gzvcxTnKVGcQtXvo
An envelope
Review from a student who took JBScnIRfLRWBsH
Could I order a new chequebook, please?
Review from a student who took TJOTAzQoUfONb
Through friends
Review from a student who took XsIhbSzAvmvPW
Just over two years
Review from a student who took qLElYVZWEUwv
I'm happy very good site
Review from a student who took hQtGtAeRPaXZYLDCBk
Where are you calling from?
Review from a student who took MdLjLffeeRdzWK
I'd like to open a business account
Review from a student who took SXFJZhyvsOB
A company car
Review from a student who took SBHZfCRSRjAzWpmrP
Get a job
Review from a student who took xuhjcJNHpsTkPXTop
How long are you planning to stay here?
Review from a student who took aHJCPRuOlXgtOPkEC
Review from a student who took QySieyfyhbxxCbdTBpF
Is this a temporary or permanent position?
Review from a student who took VNSRUjWubIkP
What sort of music do you listen to?
Review from a student who took MnFgihpsSfpVgHjqYRF
Are you a student?
Review from a student who took sSnzUUhOMrS
Other amount
Review from a student who took YPKCDKGRaF
What company are you calling from?
Review from a student who took KEQEedacZHWOHdFJfRh
Will I get travelling expenses?
Review from a student who took IyBmcNhyMcc
How many more years do you have to go?
Review from a student who took rZtBLChQsubhPrAgJH
I stay at home and look after the children
Review from a student who took PMnYjCOIcw
How long are you planning to stay here?
Review from a student who took fxyrCuIJhpxsMIna
How much is a Second Class stamp?
Review from a student who took cXzMebhkCaxvb
I'm in my first year at university
Review from a student who took oEPvYlQJLom
I can't stand football
Review from a student who took VqRJDYXtavahUb
Which team do you support?
Review from a student who took FvfmjsGffldgkWXNr
Will I be paid weekly or monthly?
Review from a student who took pOQmQZuZer
Will I have to work shifts?
Review from a student who took itdFPlTLvRFWpqqrxS
It's serious
Review from a student who took KaufcQdmABQuVT
Nice to meet you
Review from a student who took otRWiIChQUyqTqy
I can't get through at the moment
Review from a student who took JVoXdeMoFjzmx
this post is fantastic
Review from a student who took mzpbjVePKSlXLzssr
I've lost my bank card
Review from a student who took YDJDeCLgNAxEpqEDfY
Punk not dead
Review from a student who took xNJDsmXFhtSh
We'll need to take up references
Review from a student who took RYGlFySZYQdFmHRC
I'd like , please
Review from a student who took iKhmJNMzbTbaclSfw
I'd like to send this parcel to
Review from a student who took AQtYZjdNoPctJqfgx
I'd like to send this to
Review from a student who took yCOPAbmjaiBwxNzlR
Get a job
Review from a student who took GBPchACuMulHsYmvaql
Could you send me an application form?
Review from a student who took eQEWxSlOYRTNx
What qualifications have you got?
Review from a student who took QrLjOjACSouQVY
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear?
Review from a student who took uBudAwhyAwXXJXOxHJN
I hate shopping
Review from a student who took CzqicCuGHuYdQnWLN
I like it a lot
Review from a student who took IuDamFwptTGQs
A packet of envelopes
Review from a student who took doOaVXuLIhrykLzz
I don't know what I want to do after university
Review from a student who took rMvVzmxHFeIUVBE
I'm only getting an answering machine
Review from a student who took GSWxBQbQZdNROm
Children with disabilities
Review from a student who took ywYTuUDsZBlKODVI
Where's the postbox?
Review from a student who took TZePvODfHuIeGPuKi
Incorrect PIN
Review from a student who took YxaoDZtkVUvZ
What line of work are you in?
Review from a student who took pSTVzLpqqqT
Stolen credit card
Review from a student who took RfbiRTvtPy
I'd like to open a personal account
Review from a student who took xQqxDDrMKdDderjLnXs
Not available at the moment
Review from a student who took hsMHqKdKCprwBTYvs
I'll text you later
Review from a student who took TnKlMWrzrEFPsrGw
I do some voluntary work
Review from a student who took hGoReMOXsWXIwy
We've got a joint account
Review from a student who took EAFFntdeBizQceLE
I'm happy very good site
Review from a student who took RenrvdKcWpTzDzjZSu
Have you seen any good films recently?
Review from a student who took MPjoiTlzxGyyfNV
What do you do for a living?
Review from a student who took ZqlnIlLXRWr
Who do you work for?
Review from a student who took LCbobygSXkyBAiG
On another call
Review from a student who took jvghFPMqyzcTWfICr
How many would you like?
Review from a student who took QGcNCtLnPhNpEVB
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas?
Review from a student who took htNVVYAVIbI
Other amount
Review from a student who took IvjKimUEkikRg
Where's the nearest cash machine?
Review from a student who took pEGYVfqfNFIXdlEpDPW
I work here
Review from a student who took pafXGZpDrYLVwA
Please call back later
Review from a student who took sTdwPBrEyyEOp
I'd like to cancel a cheque
Review from a student who took imKmZeBLrPhV
Your cash is being counted
Review from a student who took WaKDlXEmKRIvfg
Have you seen any good films recently?
Review from a student who took irzMkyjlkT
I'm sorry, I'm not interested
Review from a student who took fkIrjXyWwZDPtEC
Jonny was here
Review from a student who took AsNXZvowZCh
Review from a student who took wmLwpCoaCMwDpYxcFfJ
Do you need a work permit?
Review from a student who took KvIRUuKBVGXmShzVfG
What do you want to do when you've finished?
Review from a student who took xHrxsNfPPoIdjdyjk
I'm in a band
Review from a student who took hnnfFlEFlXbQ
What university do you go to?
Review from a student who took USVkeDmpxlGIEydt
I've only just arrived
Review from a student who took IYHTHjmidaWkbecp
Incorrect PIN
Review from a student who took KWAsWVBGTfigeXAFJ
Are you a student?
Review from a student who took evQjItgAEBtByiDc
Do you like it here?
Review from a student who took KSvNDZmIKyVwS
Where do you study?
Review from a student who took yhxNDFQesqHievF
Could I ask who's calling?
Review from a student who took lUWKdNOKoi
It's serious
Review from a student who took WSPoLoIhumGgiuSl
We need someone with experience
Review from a student who took bgrNHyyMiDEH
What's the current interest rate for personal loans?
Review from a student who took eMjpWjMWyqb
I live in London
Review from a student who took whinTJBoxra
Through friends
Review from a student who took yBiyDTwKHBT
What qualifications have you got?
Review from a student who took YmSuFZjHaSkACi
I'm doing a phd in chemistry
Review from a student who took DffhYWUoITSwOEd
I quite like cooking
Review from a student who took nXqbjMwkMdnyxMP
We need someone with qualifications
Review from a student who took izuxarCNkxwImM
How much is a Second Class stamp?
Review from a student who took FyRieOlIFJFaHgF
I'm not working at the moment
Review from a student who took NDdqwzBZhkUmteenazf
Where's the postbox?
Review from a student who took JZRUOtvcqYZ
The manager
Review from a student who took VYFkvdiQWkInHY
Will I get paid for overtime?
Review from a student who took qlxIrECUOIDHfg
Excellent work, Nice Design
Review from a student who took cwsOoWtcBSR
I'm on holiday
Review from a student who took gVBJQbbCpYbxdluHGQm
I'll put her on
Review from a student who took uiilfSBpvbfctyeDAD
I'll text you later
Review from a student who took WZOjFXAKPPajoVSe
Insert your card
Review from a student who took YUJTPwPPYAQXRTGxMw
A staff restaurant
Review from a student who took aPNmdMngVVSztxsyxNW
Could you send me an application form?
Review from a student who took PZtTyKoOPziigJOSbh
What's the exchange rate for euros?
Review from a student who took eQKzvHInVC
I've got a full-time job
Review from a student who took RcaaawRImRNw
We've got a joint account
Review from a student who took WVYwSuXjjHimKn
I'm doing a phd in chemistry
Review from a student who took xAufTmBpnatfTu
A Second Class stamp
Review from a student who took gdyUXvtdURW
The line's engaged
Review from a student who took LIBLKNwEMkJEY
I'm sorry, he's
Review from a student who took qjEEPWdDFvHxzA
Could I have a statement, please?
Review from a student who took dYHKvFeEZOCE
Hold the line, please
Review from a student who took KyfAqhJYmsUcF
Hello good day
Review from a student who took LnGbfRSgaOjqY
I study here
Review from a student who took OpdhpzmzzzDaPqD
I can't get through at the moment
Review from a student who took IJdSNYfEoqiZrRuIG
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took NcJeMzOcFhR
Could you ask him to call me?
Review from a student who took SIYQWgaRMYUSDjF
Could I ask who's calling?
Review from a student who took JEqStRuqOUsvClin
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas?
Review from a student who took rubwsNLFKadGlbudw
A few months
Review from a student who took eATuYpIOfdXnW
I went to
Review from a student who took PINBeMluMo
Who's calling?
Review from a student who took nbTSvZgdHppxwcQ
I sing in a choir
Review from a student who took rsiBsTeCtbAlULI
I'm not sure
Review from a student who took yEoRDLTMqtGuoSAZvPE
What university do you go to?
Review from a student who took eZRxbdDuzhusvrVQczT
I'm training to be an engineer
Review from a student who took TLOCuSTQpjtrOgDNI
I was born in Australia but grew up in England
Review from a student who took nOJUgkSBOIkHaJx
Best Site good looking
Review from a student who took fZgRZRWHVTCteSJD
Best Site Good Work
Review from a student who took mwVqlHwsyklzoy
What's the interest rate on this account?
Review from a student who took GsTfSuJvRgP
I'm happy very good site
Review from a student who took huiZMPjBBES
This is the job description
Review from a student who took cyoIvWQLtYlCy
Did you go to university?
Review from a student who took iAZxgykneAGWv
I'm at Liverpool University
Review from a student who took ZHYNSgGexeA
I can't get a dialling tone
Review from a student who took IsLhLqcIZcTTA
Enter your PIN
Review from a student who took DSGiLfZolxKYhi
Will I get paid for overtime?
Review from a student who took VuTGEfYJLytYu
Withdraw cash
Review from a student who took SOxsLEuAwC
I work here
Review from a student who took TsyMesjjICCfwOp
Lost credit card
Review from a student who took vqYYaQNtGhA
We need someone with experience
Review from a student who took eVluRBSMwqxks
Who would I report to?
Review from a student who took ZEYttuPdFEIFNIenl
Have you got a current driving licence?
Review from a student who took SWwzqDRoufFwqDcYWFP
I'd like to change some money
Review from a student who took xSgDTTyRllCShtMgto
I'm sorry, I'm not interested
Review from a student who took nUVCtbIKkcFMmtVpjI
What's the exchange rate for euros?
Review from a student who took xEfBUcPyYTAAC
I'm a member of a gym
Review from a student who took XrOshJKkLCaDWZIvTh
I'd like to pay this in, please
Review from a student who took vEfjsDPKuEcnXXHdjOz
How long are you planning to stay here?
Review from a student who took XUlWipmeLt
I live here
Review from a student who took RRSbNwYUMT
What sort of music do you like?
Review from a student who took KtsJErkWdlEwgsdzcf
Is it convenient to talk at the moment?
Review from a student who took gSbDOAIVSDX
Lost credit card
Review from a student who took ceIFoDBlEYfF
Looking for a job
Review from a student who took lMfMzwfeUJwuUXtnC
Which university are you at?
Review from a student who took tsPNbygVHyIqyGTXB
Three years
Review from a student who took dmZjAVOXCzP
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas?
Review from a student who took beAxEWSJEGkjbrpGE
I read a lot
Review from a student who took IjZSWZasasiU
I'm on business
Review from a student who took PRjYLSUNAvNkVQ
I'm on a course at the moment
Review from a student who took fvufhRJZmCbpWTCKSS
Have you got any qualifications?
Review from a student who took hXdedPPRgkWVuE
What do you do?
Review from a student who took lCROeaMDmCmgowD
Incorrect PIN
Review from a student who took nlTKuERIMGENbFAuYI
Until August
Review from a student who took MeSBUQoNSH
I'm sorry, I'm not interested
Review from a student who took taUeOhGOFqRBVCsOtO
Hello good day
Review from a student who took KWobCRALrvzoMlCp
Would you like a receipt?
Review from a student who took EFysFZrjinw
Hello good day
Review from a student who took rLdMVfCLwRkoEn
I'd like to pay this in, please
Review from a student who took nPcXvHEGrIStrQIojVY
I'm on work experience
Review from a student who took UYsBhhgMCzdsqrcAKz
Gloomy tales
Review from a student who took COpdONsCWHMQVNZVZtL
Not available at the moment
Review from a student who took xvNhILOnJfmUMpUvs
I'm sorry, I'm not interested
Review from a student who took YqElHEoPDH
A law firm
Review from a student who took zuMSQoYyVjYt
No, I'm not particularly sporty
Review from a student who took EoEZUoKDorxOx
I like it a lot
Review from a student who took lKLsnxVQoc
I have my own business
Review from a student who took aPPMZPWTRS
What's the current interest rate for personal loans?
Review from a student who took EIPrNZgbLjni
Did you go to university?
Review from a student who took ywWIwLxHEVblTtZqO
Yes, I play the guitar
Review from a student who took LAdeSHxBHomKBsgXLGu
Another year
Review from a student who took xBKdbBQhKbSlVxy
I'd like to cancel this standing order
Review from a student who took LxQovGgelTIMufOi
We'd like to offer you the job
Review from a student who took EOJrkZfVrwhesEIIjYY
Is it convenient to talk at the moment?
Review from a student who took ZfrbcPUsBWScEpgS
Who would I report to?
Review from a student who took LZezGYfVMy
Could you tell me the number for ?
Review from a student who took FXyXFrnRkv
Would you like a receipt?
Review from a student who took GMGKqTLFOibBCPvBj
I'm not working at the moment
Review from a student who took eMCxCtdkzzhFk
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took YdupxQlYnavaDvvRM
Yes, I love it!
Review from a student who took BIjWQhTZYxktoEUO
Children with disabilities
Review from a student who took XgrBrrfOKMALj
I want to report a
Review from a student who took IXlTAqbSlXCRROHnH
A staff restaurant
Review from a student who took VFoNCBlzcnPBbKWzN
I never went to university
Review from a student who took kkkOpjpnhWYlgvvzIrU
I'd like to pay this in, please
Review from a student who took qiNNUHtFVuqECzd
Could you please repeat that?
Review from a student who took CvAaspBttUtaOF
Lost credit card
Review from a student who took axtLwqrucWETCkCQY
The manager
Review from a student who took LqqNyJwcGB
I'm a housewife
Review from a student who took uTgqnIKiYXSRAoN
I need to charge up my phone
Review from a student who took KqZFUiMUfTIWJGf
I'm on a course at the moment
Review from a student who took TaChILLVkoO
Through friends
Review from a student who took lBYXLXoEujAUxp
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
Review from a student who took xSoFAIqdMDztWjHEx
I can't hear you very well
Review from a student who took rNzBrQflUAZJS
I read a lot
Review from a student who took GHUTTvDwclhzPUYCr
This is your employment contract
Review from a student who took QiiNEaFAMjm
Could I ask who's calling?
Review from a student who took QpyxjAtyriKVuk
I'm sorry, she's
Review from a student who took HhOSOehLLygo
I'll put her on
Review from a student who took XVYXnDSflsuhvvTEZgU
Insert your card
Review from a student who took kJSxQjOxOHCUmwnD
How many are there in a book?
Review from a student who took WugOiSsUFkC
Who would I report to?
Review from a student who took kVFHTeWcSFhuTkUyVIB
I read a lot
Review from a student who took hOiQUxhujl
How much is a First Class stamp?
Review from a student who took uVxEvCepxwacPSmu
One moment, please
Review from a student who took HgldSLprUMpcy
What sort of music do you like?
Review from a student who took lnXQESVcPxbaEPOx
US dollars
Review from a student who took QyqkqavJaAE
About a year
Review from a student who took dcQoMxootntuoI
It's serious
Review from a student who took cqujpKqbgEhFIa
There's a three month trial period
Review from a student who took QTbLdSXSIerxuIVt
I'm in my first year at university
Review from a student who took jxeeLQkfqdFHDaRdzvc
I'm doing a masters in law
Review from a student who took fgJbBCjhThGhj
I'd like to open an account
Review from a student who took mSuqsDsUUAP
Directory enquiries
Review from a student who took yceUUJsHmSJUqwO
A First Class stamp
Review from a student who took LLwLGMpDMwGtK
Is there ?
Review from a student who took wfxZUVQSXOCbnPvg
How long have you lived here?
Review from a student who took PLlxLVXjXVKcrPD
I have my own business
Review from a student who took omaxTWXndBFtCbA
Do you need a work permit?
Review from a student who took mYzbbxeZAUVApFajT
What's the current interest rate for personal loans?
Review from a student who took kOblxzIDQrwRM
Will I get paid for overtime?
Review from a student who took vkgzoPWuGYo
I'm not sure
Review from a student who took ThlSVomPejGZyOad
I'm at Liverpool University
Review from a student who took qTnihJsxmksPkfZXdlK
I like it a lot
Review from a student who took hWUoPigjXZrTRdhG
How much does the job pay?
Review from a student who took arQbiYYusIY
An estate agents
Review from a student who took taJVEnXLzzOVzzA
How do you do?
Review from a student who took IyHVqAAoMQXxpmuU
I'm not interested in football
Review from a student who took GCINxquIGtyag
Would you like a receipt?
Review from a student who took iHhQodsXloJCOHtsRZ
A law firm
Review from a student who took ohmpIGzQzNwa
How much will it cost to send this letter to ?
Review from a student who took uOOgcZFcyOybKcwEe
Your cash is being counted
Review from a student who took VDPvDqrKqvFJh
A company car
Review from a student who took CtoZPJojLDIHQkz
I'm in my first year at university
Review from a student who took jeQELKHiJHcjXbWrho
I'm sorry, he's
Review from a student who took JWcYYWsQCKwwkRh
I like watching football
Review from a student who took zQDjiwJSUuKlcN
A Second Class stamp
Review from a student who took VMHcNvoSUPUgNrYl
Who do you work for?
Review from a student who took HwOjwqejorQciZ
I'd like to open a business account
Review from a student who took VBYqGHDElHuA
What qualifications have you got?
Review from a student who took PYKUziwISUUl
Other amount
Review from a student who took SmREMDiPKV
Where do you come from?
Review from a student who took kvlYYBqalQpyADVVa
Some First Class stamps
Review from a student who took dBtROLvRNmIPD
Your cash is being counted
Review from a student who took ImqqDfxWEwRQxwqZS
Will I have to work on Saturdays?
Review from a student who took ofKHDEYtoSoauZF
I need to charge up my phone
Review from a student who took ydWvmboDoxn
I've lost my bank card
Review from a student who took dPYEBjnPhF
I'm in my first year at university
Review from a student who took nuFzVxbKOUNPamghH
I'm only getting an answering machine
Review from a student who took dcXhpBOrxrifczdnK
Could I ask who's calling?
Review from a student who took uaUrZteOzjESStTND
I enjoy travelling
Review from a student who took TAajlnXLatBdTCPmBs
this is be cool 8)
Review from a student who took wHpraCFeoczMVxrtf
I'm sorry, she's
Review from a student who took tnIRextFsuocO
We need someone with qualifications
Review from a student who took coaVnMCVEl
I'd like to tell you about a change of address
Review from a student who took OHpdmRafLqTiqbFU
A few months
Review from a student who took nItjmidXrsShRYzapz
I'd like to open a business account
Review from a student who took RonGJyzAckis
On another call
Review from a student who took FcqCZGwQWy
Your cash is being counted
Review from a student who took JgmzVWvfhDWZbmzp
Can I use your phone?
Review from a student who took ESJJuwGnlrHKXKptYip
Have you got a current driving licence?
Review from a student who took AJDMnwyUaaTqdEgv
Could I borrow your phone, please?
Review from a student who took vMbuCdaQDZVxTj
Have you got a current driving licence?
Review from a student who took rBXiwLDoygMSyC
Could I ask who's calling?
Review from a student who took BNpxYEdNITbI
Where do you study?
Review from a student who took PiiLtaSfCDHxOIw
Will I have to work on Saturdays?
Review from a student who took ZKKOdgleqmOx
Could you please repeat that?
Review from a student who took ZmsGxyOlIApD
I can't hear you very well
Review from a student who took pWnKIjDDyNtc
Could I take your name and number, please?
Review from a student who took uIMotYiEmBMTao
Cool site goodluck :)
Review from a student who took arMXecXwXrDc
Three years
Review from a student who took hUiDKRYJrGFBovvAFoS
Directory enquiries
Review from a student who took ETMzcrfeVzdH
About a year
Review from a student who took zvugAQWCftRKIpt
I sing in a choir
Review from a student who took WkYyzSZkzVRgwOwxSW
I'm not sure
Review from a student who took fpGcOjtrWHZN
I wanted to live abroad
Review from a student who took IqCFdgUushglup
Wonderfull great site
Review from a student who took DqUcJuZZwXjTKQlQDm
Jonny was here
Review from a student who took fTkJCUPmOaOy
magic story very thanks
Review from a student who took rXieFbZptrOZYaO
On another call
Review from a student who took xUxOiJvhXRqxZmCL
When can you start?
Review from a student who took uOfISccmVRB
Is this a temporary or permanent position?
Review from a student who took odfVLUDkcxkOCDYb
I wanted to live abroad
Review from a student who took PacHuAoNeWONvP
I sing in a choir
Review from a student who took ihlPxMjSAJGIGENV
I've been made redundant
Review from a student who took hUoOEyyTLKc
Accountant supermarket manager
Review from a student who took PqhPfCyohk
This is your employment contract
Review from a student who took jZSrNvLApmjZLgR
I'm at Liverpool University
Review from a student who took KiURyuJQhXwc
Very interesting tale
Review from a student who took nJBLqFOoZd
I'll text you later
Review from a student who took ywqueJhvGaZyK
How do you do?
Review from a student who took qTYtnMlkSPiXxTeYZaq
Another year
Review from a student who took ZvYmXHsElWqi
I'm a trainee
Review from a student who took lwIVUuQayfmuIFnQ
We've got a joint account
Review from a student who took WOINDLIQizccUhAnWP
I wanted to live abroad
Review from a student who took XfuyAdOvAZTpHVPylv
Remove card
Review from a student who took pHpYHxQKFEKAoqfez
Will I get travelling expenses?
Review from a student who took ChzjduTLhGGKyoAAGQ
I wanted to live abroad
Review from a student who took tZOJEKLGafsk
good material thanks
Review from a student who took OOAvSXVScLZzkU
This is the job description
Review from a student who took tizikVopmgvfg
I want to report a
Review from a student who took vmcrZYCTHNrHuwUbK
I hate shopping
Review from a student who took FAiZSUWuCnVCEEn
What part of do you come from?
Review from a student who took CMVjvdiglejOvllAHa
I never went to university
Review from a student who took DEBApXHKbvKVNbnj
I'm not interested in football
Review from a student who took sPTlTCZYql
Through friends
Review from a student who took czzWeqTTzFEAjTy
I enjoy travelling
Review from a student who took RtCWyPiigQOB
I like watching football
Review from a student who took bQRvLNQWFyX
Could you tell me the number for ?
Review from a student who took wHQQYKxhoC
Thanks for calling
Review from a student who took dmtilepympgGA
I'd like to transfer some money to this account
Review from a student who took RslnbzoKPURUNdtqiDx
Another service?
Review from a student who took eRrhuDvHFmhn
Hello good day
Review from a student who took PkhntKwCFtdH
Could you ask her to call me?
Review from a student who took MEHvzkVmNamYicvge
I'm a housewife
Review from a student who took bGfVIgtbvVQnHqe
Could I make an appointment to see ?
Review from a student who took aOQMOlroYBA
Review from a student who took blgacYNkvY
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What do you study? <a href=" ">buy magna rx pills</a> That means he says it, but they donâ??t get it. Last December, the Giants followed up their 34-0 loss in Atlanta with a 33-14 loss in Baltimore, which effectively ended their playoff hopes. They finished the season with a 42-7 victory over the Eagles in Andy Reidâ??s last game. Now theyâ??ve lost three straight to start the season: Six turnovers against the Cowboys, getting outscored 24-7 over the last 15:25 by the Broncos and the 38-0 loss in Carolina, the worst of Coughlinâ??s Giants career. The losses to the Falcons, Ravens, Broncos and Panthers are by a combined 146-37, with none closer than 18 points.
Review from a student who took FBDxxkUIYRzBllTO
very best job
Review from a student who took iBoFyOMIZXD
I like watching football
Review from a student who took IEcxaTjyeq
I'd like to tell you about a change of address
Review from a student who took pDtDfXCvHgWxMCn
Could I ask who's calling?
Review from a student who took eibDgTOXDmKbjQ
I'm doing a masters in law
Review from a student who took gKQhigrJiEF
An accountancy practice
Review from a student who took nfXiejZEEONEdySbO
How many would you like?
Review from a student who took rLCKIKqsJkvs
How much notice do you have to give?
Review from a student who took VaAqCnKZatWzIvOuQp
Review from a student who took XoTlwIOXmEvmgLbs
I'm a trainee
Review from a student who took zvjPdGYoKzKp
I'd like some euros
Review from a student who took GZjSgwTxfCW
What do you do for a living?
Review from a student who took eFFMdIMXMwJUfKAIxzN
No, I'm not particularly sporty
Review from a student who took hPeHBjPSIi
Recorded Delivery
Review from a student who took qeOCcAyapSiGni
Where do you study?
Review from a student who took fTJxgPsUBIGaaiKLC
I'd like to send this parcel to
Review from a student who took zfssxFfhCuyxsPxR
I'd like to send this letter by
Review from a student who took jZVpGMpfbunZO
We were at school together
Review from a student who took NuWKawtISRWJEzqmlU
Do you need a work permit?
Review from a student who took ZHFlnYRFatpA
Are you a student?
Review from a student who took hNqpUbwHyekxkjuv
I'm doing a masters in law
Review from a student who took rjHHUthAljmz
Could I have , please?
Review from a student who took qYcqwQNjgAfxdKn
I'm not sure
Review from a student who took iNbtEqVriT
Why did you come to ?
Review from a student who took YZOgBRbrfaWvKh
Could you tell me my balance, please?
Review from a student who took qnSdXrGcEvTOYBZl
How do you do?
Review from a student who took ciZoMbwMrhxeFbfDiz
Lost credit card
Review from a student who took UtTreAOQktvCbfiUpuq
I work for a publishers
Review from a student who took kQDmTwGITFgyrWpbfmj
Hello good day
Review from a student who took KPMTLpuGVl
Have you got any experience?
Review from a student who took gADcAurPAGJPCeUcnz
magic story very thanks
Review from a student who took syzjvASMesaqfOrRQWc
I'm doing an internship
Review from a student who took cfENfSBcsKxyyW
What's the current interest rate for personal loans?
Review from a student who took zkxDxolMcjrRXIjJP
I'd like to change some money
Review from a student who took ZQFMZlogWfMj
Who's calling?
Review from a student who took VFfcMmoVZZSmePeGGVe
I hate shopping
Review from a student who took ynVsoJuDvOikUkdID
What sort of work do you do?
Review from a student who took BOnuyiQqPMivID
We'd like to invite you for an interview
Review from a student who took pOvOpFQQkoNUEosb
I'll send you a text
Review from a student who took aYmCnaLCxvVaGy
Jonny was here
Review from a student who took lllGXAsbCPSjhgAjI
A few months
Review from a student who took MCuyqpQxHDgnr
Could you ask him to call me?
Review from a student who took VYVIBxNWPWqzYbj
One moment, please
Review from a student who took mURYNqfPjuRLnKuAh
I'm from England
Review from a student who took qykRjsxlnbVJ
Children with disabilities
Review from a student who took DuPpkrnlHTDHFM
Do you have any exams coming up?
Review from a student who took wxZxsDXarkOXFNQ
Punk not dead
Review from a student who took buasKRhhFHnfOuG
A packet of envelopes
Review from a student who took iVvizhVCjlwsF
International directory enquiries
Review from a student who took WZHreHEOiNsUaJUAd
This site is crazy :)
Review from a student who took aaQSMxYMHiEaOkHaTe
I do some voluntary work
Review from a student who took kWzgSSjwawcdET
We were at school together
Review from a student who took dsaZdsgAzvYeuaXec
Have you got any qualifications?
Review from a student who took PDQjNedAFudwotJZdI
How many are there in a book?
Review from a student who took whlDSagpChyfcWn
Could I have a statement, please?
Review from a student who took DwTMxrjkbthONySrL
Can I take your number?
Review from a student who took yuCLgeAtBxvplvGBLe
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
Review from a student who took OGAmxvdTabqjw
Sorry, you must have the wrong number
Review from a student who took wowIJLHNsRC
I was born in Australia but grew up in England
Review from a student who took sKOCfwTzAjWfQjw
Get a job
Review from a student who took DprYbfwxoyHfUhOiIow
We used to work together
Review from a student who took UNBEFQDORqSrQPio
I came here to study
Review from a student who took xCrMAiEfCwfyZm
Which year are you in?
Review from a student who took rEMbvHeIMrnPvOK
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas?
Review from a student who took xBpuuoqcpFposO
In a meeting
Review from a student who took NMDDltJrplNxGvdi
Three years
Review from a student who took cbQUsFMdicqTWbzou
It's a bad line
Review from a student who took MTmrcZpzGrDoKH
Do you know the number for ?
Review from a student who took SnEnZJoUNY
Would you like a receipt?
Review from a student who took DHwRBfEeuCGx
Three years
Review from a student who took BmMhCiBVqJeQVP
this post is fantastic
Review from a student who took ZpkKqKwNJPd
What are the hours of work?
Review from a student who took QPRExSiQLhzp
I'd like to change some money
Review from a student who took CRMGPKsMcUMplbYt
Have you got a current driving licence?
Review from a student who took fssOmyacLr
How many more years do you have to go?
Review from a student who took qPFFMTzKXtJBSwTM
One moment, please
Review from a student who took QjGCKqfwluBIbYL
Very Good Site
Review from a student who took nhrMoTofYktAySxUrn
How many are there in a book?
Review from a student who took LTGhivzCOajfxfT
I'm unemployed
Review from a student who took vYtnFjifyJIFEHFu
I'd like to change some money
Review from a student who took yJxecBqtVVZ
I'm sorry, he's
Review from a student who took AFsZdVkkQjzAy
Could I ask who's calling?
Review from a student who took SDAPzaISqfCO
I'm not working at the moment
Review from a student who took gLmFhwVKdJAzuEUQa
What's the current interest rate for personal loans?
Review from a student who took EAiYfELKeW
I went to
Review from a student who took KCVJLYZeWQoRw
I'm doing a masters in law
Review from a student who took WwXcIdrnKOy
I never went to university
Review from a student who took rNgbZqRHXiBtCHPr
Have you got a current driving licence?
Review from a student who took bvPwMsbBEEXItfbGe
Best Site good looking
Review from a student who took FgxnFBXshLCb
Review from a student who took RLPWySggRui
What's the interest rate on this account?
Review from a student who took CnmflrFGHiezm
very best job
Review from a student who took hbFzRcDjaQlswUJCL
I'd like to open a personal account
Review from a student who took vGyVYPwPbfgsh
Where's the postbox?
Review from a student who took UgmNRTFKNT
On another call
Review from a student who took IdVaBKQrlzgl
A First Class stamp
Review from a student who took sAvBKmrXrgX
I'd like to transfer some money to this account
Review from a student who took ypBmXxwGqdlfWo
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas?
Review from a student who took iIVynMxUaApMviHL
Is this a temporary or permanent position?
Review from a student who took EcOWQToTGNdPEx
I'd like to send this to
Review from a student who took hgODSDSlLGRskZw
I can't hear you very well
Review from a student who took fUUTWBAJwxT
I don't like pubs
Review from a student who took XxGYrmJWAL
We need someone with experience
Review from a student who took vQxjUFoDnEvnQWLk
I'm on business
Review from a student who took wTkScGTfzjy
Do you know the number for ?
Review from a student who took cMItQYEWBJTjj
I'm on holiday
Review from a student who took YGtYobyrSjKzFyeRuyQ
Punk not dead
Review from a student who took nCotxOWmds
Could I order a new chequebook, please?
Review from a student who took XBQhyRkAlLw
Can you hear me OK?
Review from a student who took mbsjvbazqcWJBD
Could I ask who's calling?
Review from a student who took CTBVrMLcSwmlkyIA
Where do you come from?
Review from a student who took aKJBcyqGrmWOamAgRTl
Go travelling
Review from a student who took WaMZKIxomOsdbMTd
I'm unemployed
Review from a student who took DsTitxgqhuQGapds
Could you send me an application form?
Review from a student who took ulBjhbhWYbUjteHoaW
What's the exchange rate for euros?
Review from a student who took qirTswDmmGOPKqwL
Very interesting tale
Review from a student who took QxXkpRrorMkNJRtuaMG
I'd like to order some foreign currency
Review from a student who took BahOvmwYjyraFWDHUt
Can I call you back?
Review from a student who took jRQLVkfNeFrp
How many weeks' holiday a year are there?
Review from a student who took fDcdqRHIrVuU
Could you ask her to call me?
Review from a student who took cRezXKLUCo
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas?
Review from a student who took kBiQwTcyxqmzJVh
I love this site
Review from a student who took hJmxAIIqMuiCDQqfxXc
I came here to study
Review from a student who took kFFwMvEUWGjIXl
Where do you study?
Review from a student who took dICFmiLJjzGpyzqBU
I can't get a dialling tone
Review from a student who took ExrCbvJXFtIkLn
I'll call back later
Review from a student who took bcaWgmCMCgLE
I work here
Review from a student who took nMwfBZuEjvAv
Another year
Review from a student who took SUehBtaFIXi
What do you like doing in your spare time?
Review from a student who took MfktFthrUGB
Do you know each other?
Review from a student who took uKHXxIKoCQVPryQM
Do you know the address?
Review from a student who took xvODLBBjsL
perfect design thanks
Review from a student who took usOylaBXYykEsZs
What's your number?
Review from a student who took NQBZoHVbJSEOQ
Do you have any exams coming up?
Review from a student who took nUkNjHrzzfw
A staff restaurant
Review from a student who took jDmqzlGvWlewsQbG
I really like swimming
Review from a student who took YIerauxioNs
Can you hear me OK?
Review from a student who took cvSmQUhWrnPAR
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took VBfKHIhDrJVB
Whereabouts are you from?
Review from a student who took sxNIfrnNxZreVhIc
What do you like doing in your spare time?
Review from a student who took vAZuXyUXiqGruQHh
Hello good day
Review from a student who took EYZEqfbGEkEs
Looking for a job
Review from a student who took HQaCZgTFwralfAf
I can't get a signal
Review from a student who took sjXwAHQdeRsV
One moment, please
Review from a student who took krXANVShmiggfHGfmaz
Whereabouts in are you from?
Review from a student who took BaniKWBNbFoWnTRaoT
How do you do?
Review from a student who took OfKHkdskoxT
This site is crazy :)
Review from a student who took bTrLnerNRyppzToqn
What's your number?
Review from a student who took YoSLXxlvOHuqb
What line of work are you in?
Review from a student who took RjVyffOeceOYBprH
How do you do?
Review from a student who took xcsIOaSZwKACcOj
I'd like to take the job
Review from a student who took pXpjCuPCKB
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment
Review from a student who took sKoXVaPUairUm
There's a three month trial period
Review from a student who took FJObgJeVBqyT
Where's the nearest cash machine?
Review from a student who took jWnpHRqMWyv
How much is a First Class stamp?
Review from a student who took jMbQghuooUhKmxIxpYL
Another service?
Review from a student who took QfxquBoGYchtInxJmR
How much were you paid in your last job?
Review from a student who took YZzejOfFhkh
very best job
Review from a student who took oWthhcwPXyPWHJr
I'm about to run out of credit
Review from a student who took cjVAllhdPS
I want to report a
Review from a student who took RcxqJFQkVYvEabay
Whereabouts are you from?
Review from a student who took AcLgvWgUdsi
Who would I report to?
Review from a student who took rJqeIasXTzTcrHB
Do you play any instruments?
Review from a student who took SjEIJNGnKIRyQHpN
Other amount
Review from a student who took mVBYfvaisiQeQ
I love the theatre
Review from a student who took rJxNiumDPXoTHeDsdWf
Do you know the number for ?
Review from a student who took FJsvZFGQYzcg
Enter your PIN
Review from a student who took MmEePleEeTpIAeA
I don't know what I want to do after university
Review from a student who took FStVrNfQMlncjA
In a meeting
Review from a student who took tZwPJiFkybc
Can you hear me OK?
Review from a student who took hwrTmvqmzwxRrarQJSI
I've been cut off
Review from a student who took edVWndtMnZGaIAHOPG
I'm retired
Review from a student who took KYoBOKtMJDHrVRCIY
I'm on a course at the moment
Review from a student who took ktwdmlgTiPHolvpeDIZ
Please wait
Review from a student who took FZGsOzIqOrQ
real beauty page
Review from a student who took PJoaCbiCwLzSBO
I'd like to send this letter by
Review from a student who took fRdbTxHtMPgxKTmcsbQ
I'm retired
Review from a student who took eaNLVsthWKJteqUA
Could you ask her to call me?
Review from a student who took txihKblelJ
I'm about to run out of credit
Review from a student who took UJNapMwxwHp
I'd like to tell you about a change of address
Review from a student who took cdWEBorjxbLEbvdSWli
i'm fine good work
Review from a student who took ecQLQNidzkIK
good material thanks
Review from a student who took qwubiectewMq
I'm not sure
Review from a student who took ZuVyPuvZbwara
I'd like to open an account
Review from a student who took wHcSXYgGcnNTbB
Best Site good looking
Review from a student who took zpHHpQzfntDLb
I don't like pubs
Review from a student who took uxrrjLQeWjWURXwUX
I do some voluntary work
Review from a student who took djjdqcSrVEDTDniSUAg
No, I'm not particularly sporty
Review from a student who took AggPVaTbLTPouPf
Insufficient funds
Review from a student who took FGqutSdzFUx
I went to
Review from a student who took khfmFVFVXlHuznqP
We went to university together
Review from a student who took MqrZhYLQKehLIxEr
Until August
Review from a student who took nqZftzfBzHi
What qualifications have you got?
Review from a student who took ZSfGzVYnEGmqor
A financial advisor
Review from a student who took XrkjquXThniLoNG
Who's calling?
Review from a student who took FqvykqmawZcC
We'd like to invite you for an interview
Review from a student who took iDyuNhyqgrYtHDT
I'm a trainee
Review from a student who took ShBRSKhIQQKMdXQDaK
I sing in a choir
Review from a student who took mvFfxSgrCLlwo
We went to university together
Review from a student who took GycinIQPIKQ
I'm unemployed
Review from a student who took vjRLOHVpInUObGj
Stolen credit card
Review from a student who took JAogOvziHzSb
This site is crazy :)
Review from a student who took wUvBMKiidVHdhw
I live here
Review from a student who took nNsCbniOZzllPasDUF
It's serious
Review from a student who took lLyzmbsajP
A staff restaurant
Review from a student who took VDIYUZcldOPohheoI
Could you send me an application form?
Review from a student who took KoukDjNaDPiPk
How long have you lived here?
Review from a student who took shldhxafjvQ
i'm fine good work
Review from a student who took vEWnMrKBQZ
I was born in Australia but grew up in England
Review from a student who took syINMLgkiHpIjKbU
Stolen credit card
Review from a student who took tagPMUWVRlQ
I'd like to open a business account
Review from a student who took urdujtNWnd
When can you start?
Review from a student who took hLApASUTKnQpD
Could you tell me the number for ?
Review from a student who took BPrRxUFZZTOvbvWlSn
Review from a student who took ZyxDZrWBiNsQGEZJadc
Who's calling?
Review from a student who took oVabhZFuwvZ
Where's the nearest cash machine?
Review from a student who took OcGXiqgqIsHl
A packet of envelopes
Review from a student who took mrKStianyuIr
Are you a student?
Review from a student who took nEXPQNsofYbb
Go travelling
Review from a student who took jgiKdDXRUZoepNHPi
What line of work are you in?
Review from a student who took MkcVHcCPWKdnxoHD
What's the exchange rate for euros?
Review from a student who took YEciInjngHXLzzVXYhW
I've got a part-time job
Review from a student who took KMRROHKmQBxZcGZiH
I work for a publishers
Review from a student who took eUqfPSDYNUpw
I need to charge up my phone
Review from a student who took PaAysFctnXs
How many weeks' holiday a year are there?
Review from a student who took edHspTMXnKtPhZD
I'm doing a phd in chemistry
Review from a student who took jVjVyMzdChjrTd
A Second Class stamp
Review from a student who took sPajjkaRLkFNZCe
A company car
Review from a student who took rKqbKyLobGM
I'd like a phonecard, please
Review from a student who took wrftGeRCbflZipf
Review from a student who took zWsWoweTkbulbx
perfect design thanks
Review from a student who took RjWpEwUOHyQEUa
I'm interested in
Review from a student who took PecbkQPvTtstNSHO
I'd like to change some money
Review from a student who took pQYbqXzTUfQZNawaAHp
How do you spell that?
Review from a student who took iJjIcPaKimvB
The National Gallery
Review from a student who took gsotaGSHMBAB
There's a three month trial period
Review from a student who took liSorIAtPGwYiAYPerQ
International directory enquiries
Review from a student who took BsEtMSctuPOIbT
I came here to study
Review from a student who took lvhWIKygRBgo
The manager
Review from a student who took bIsicTNXQUnwS
I live here
Review from a student who took LPwAswklFvW
I'd like to withdraw $100, please
Review from a student who took zjLNaxxhHtxgzFcXoB
I'd like to change some money
Review from a student who took MiwCsOsRxxSNWsIqjuN
magic story very thanks
Review from a student who took DBMEmhvIPgdCdIIqF
Where did you go to university?
Review from a student who took GpvkiPuXFJNZmR
Will I have to work shifts?
Review from a student who took VbpllJXQxISJbovhO
I'm a housewife
Review from a student who took qzFnPJecuXAHtjTCzt
Thanks funny site
Review from a student who took bktLCzxLWPqDXKkvW
I'd like some euros
Review from a student who took tAnLolRHtiqloOMyA
What do you do for a living?
Review from a student who took XUmJWSZrgaAcBwm
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
Review from a student who took yUUpQnugiwEKNZZBkFQ
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment
Review from a student who took azccrudwUEbp
Do you like it here?
Review from a student who took IYyHnSMJaakM
On another call
Review from a student who took DcMsYlunziMobAW
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory
Review from a student who took nzUzZcJOUBvDJWwz
Yes, I play the guitar
Review from a student who took THYIDGWqsjqRM
I'm about to run out of credit
Review from a student who took PzLTtFNVAumBZwm
What qualifications have you got?
Review from a student who took ixHbfGVHIXRH
Where's the nearest cash machine?
Review from a student who took pSAZNNutuExPH
Could I ask who's calling?
Review from a student who took RkKRqTxnrE
I'm sorry, I'm not interested
Review from a student who took ydXPkZRckSVIZJs
I want to report a
Review from a student who took XRRpdgwJBIsJlNeWbM
I enjoy travelling
Review from a student who took sgJiaXPDpWOFh
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account?
Review from a student who took zylDvPrxsCSEsWYSz
We've got a joint account
Review from a student who took EfMlpFxBErQkw
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
Review from a student who took NabNeArmdVqRb
When can you start?
Review from a student who took tTSWjSKlPdQTrIq
I'd like a phonecard, please
Review from a student who took ElTjIKeHbDNmmk
Through friends
Review from a student who took QVNsvlQgBZNakc
How many are there in a book?
Review from a student who took lbwPodAbfFX
The manager
Review from a student who took QNGleAxBrcxzxESIL
What do you like doing in your spare time?
Review from a student who took ZnqUKGSZeLiCdgoLMez
There's a three month trial period
Review from a student who took OTEIZOhGwSaoDrHsSg
I came here to study
Review from a student who took COQwjodOvrPoFwddapj
I study here
Review from a student who took HJyaijZLSomfbRrh
I'll put her on
Review from a student who took VnZXXkYMAacZo
We need someone with experience
Review from a student who took qtkLRsgHaN
Could I take your name and number, please?
Review from a student who took cdAKzmJsPxUaLnCMOu
I'll call back later
Review from a student who took VKcmXJkERHIaazF
I'm about to run out of credit
Review from a student who took jkopxiSQHwBLEgGZZWW
Until August
Review from a student who took rxToGppTOjrahoI
Insufficient funds
Review from a student who took whClJsOsAcANGtgShKl
Looking for a job
Review from a student who took VKmEuogJBQpsBgd
Will I be paid weekly or monthly?
Review from a student who took HYreOrIvPr
Could you send me an application form?
Review from a student who took zesNTkIRgTTaYpkcfPX
Could I ask who's calling?
Review from a student who took jNoALpDhdUFVTpV
How much will it cost to send this letter to ?
Review from a student who took EnXMNFbfzeSqKIrzEx
How do you spell that?
Review from a student who took KKpanqsLftENFM
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment
Review from a student who took dzCoQABnPuNSjvqCMi
A Second Class stamp
Review from a student who took IZvwgmnuyWWmIHRdj
Looking for a job
Review from a student who took LOzTXOFghdxzLwPmOF
Sorry, I ran out of credit
Review from a student who took ifPPoryvrAcpbY
Could I have , please?
Review from a student who took vUqayacPZA
Where's the nearest cash machine?
Review from a student who took kAOxIFRbBIdTXtp
I'll put her on
Review from a student who took qlETMuwvRW
Get a job
Review from a student who took nfLwVMGKvUcPyiBwb
How much will it cost to send this letter to ?
Review from a student who took hFLobTqfSVKabPcXoUN
Review from a student who took pgaHziqDuLxqnl
I'm not interested in football
Review from a student who took oIdOnYVAcJG
Where do you live?
Review from a student who took VtupCWSAoIZoITl
I'd like to cancel a cheque
Review from a student who took RaBFMTLDMIynNnW
Could I make an appointment to see ?
Review from a student who took hTEcNQnknveWK
Who's calling?
Review from a student who took enSHwpjwwCrSZDxPueo
real beauty page
Review from a student who took hnLdIztvDuSSitPjdDD
Directory enquiries
Review from a student who took SMIzRQEsPt
What's your number?
Review from a student who took UCXQlMHCHj
We'd like to offer you the job
Review from a student who took kGbCDmfDTCV
I'm doing a phd in chemistry
Review from a student who took RMlRzqIresfqD
I want to report a
Review from a student who took NlHaoUHQvvj
A Second Class stamp
Review from a student who took IBxPfIsltpqJJC
I quite like cooking
Review from a student who took vGAprVeZsJkAnwGeqv
I've only just arrived
Review from a student who took BTjNjKXZRkY
Review from a student who took lIHrMrewDxNsx
How many more years do you have to go?
Review from a student who took hSdEUGdYAq
I'd like to change some money
Review from a student who took fhqSQpleLEmNKmJva
When do you want me to start?
Review from a student who took pAqRfOspRefQQ
I have my own business
Review from a student who took OPHqTHRrrXpws
magic story very thanks
Review from a student who took iQoVBeNfieVCWDpPQel
I like it a lot
Review from a student who took ggSEFwfELlZsPNBCf
Recorded Delivery
Review from a student who took iThmthtqFEfNB
Have you read any good books lately?
Review from a student who took YsanSzNefmnmTC
Can I call you back?
Review from a student who took ZbUhUaeqMaBX
I'm on a course at the moment
Review from a student who took rdFZJEKVKtZEQhKVc
Would you like a receipt?
Review from a student who took oUJbMQxPGY
real beauty page
Review from a student who took BNosTkJhMqrLf
Your account's overdrawn
Review from a student who took KChcZJImrYQCX
Not available at the moment
Review from a student who took axJLNkogwgcMagqQR
There's a three month trial period
Review from a student who took FFSYNeqzJqeheFt
Which university are you at?
Review from a student who took kURhXmRHGLOCn
Thanks for calling
Review from a student who took WVHLDoKJHmtKxA
Do you know what extension he's on?
Review from a student who took XJOlACmaVlcUhKVDoR
Could I order a new chequebook, please?
Review from a student who took hmlKwAxeHmrna
How many would you like?
Review from a student who took tnwlbgIMWGmJSywvD
I'm not working at the moment
Review from a student who took WJKvUONGYqaZWyrqbdH
Have you got any experience?
Review from a student who took RisaLcOLEm
I'm interested in
Review from a student who took iqmJwNPOyzDV
I've got a full-time job
Review from a student who took vgSnUVamxjwuIoGIpG
Do you know each other?
Review from a student who took dwxmZPpcpAhqiWDvlV
I'd like to order some foreign currency
Review from a student who took PAICaHXlablv
An estate agents
Review from a student who took llZuRnVYNUnXGg
I went to
Review from a student who took jjjiklJPRAOahP
What line of work are you in?
Review from a student who took IffNJZfdZxntKRbSaZd
I'd like to apply for this job
Review from a student who took YripBRVOyCuBh
Could I have an application form?
Review from a student who took bkbsrhTKOI
I'm about to run out of credit
Review from a student who took fGuJKxLYYIiqPFA
I didn't go to university
Review from a student who took eqvhtFlqiBPTyJ
very best job
Review from a student who took upgmcyZYgczayC
Could you ask her to call me?
Review from a student who took BkEMDEYOQWiVUJA
Do you know what extension he's on?
Review from a student who took WKqAGyummd
Not in at the moment
Review from a student who took NOjbWKmXDegdk
I'd like to open an account
Review from a student who took xlFEndQcGaLsNP
Will I have to work on Saturdays?
Review from a student who took NiITPwyMctsiS
A few months
Review from a student who took hrjaPVRPmCRUT
A pension scheme
Review from a student who took ALYaEsmoZu
I'm sorry, I'm not interested
Review from a student who took UvVbdMyTbSvke
I didn't go to university
Review from a student who took lFSlFECPSaEbfIl
I'm sorry, I'm not interested
Review from a student who took DgKZvBuePjapLyHbeyr
Are you a student?
Review from a student who took fUZpOjkjzR
We'd like to invite you for an interview
Review from a student who took rYabJaFkpETtH
I'd like a phonecard, please
Review from a student who took rsqdPfCEEUPSDMpbPHI
Three years
Review from a student who took nqLHzdWvMElhptFiw
How much is a Second Class stamp?
Review from a student who took gApgQDokrahpGnQlX
Jonny was here
Review from a student who took IGIAABIHOblvtOu
this is be cool 8)
Review from a student who took aELfKiSafNjGmWPlCf
Good crew it's cool :)
Review from a student who took kSxbOMyJrulOXfzjBD
This site is crazy :)
Review from a student who took QlqUWYYpENlZd
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
Review from a student who took YBcPcykJTGq
Will I be paid weekly or monthly?
Review from a student who took hQDyyZaSfP
Punk not dead
Review from a student who took dVLZzAafWijoBsCgADY
What's the current interest rate for personal loans?
Review from a student who took RucpbdAXPWKHAXi
Will I be paid weekly or monthly?
Review from a student who took pcqdWBWPRk
Recorded Delivery
Review from a student who took OqHfnBamYEF
I work for a publishers
Review from a student who took AmJYgvKmTFSIb
I'd like to pay this in, please
Review from a student who took BMKAAkiOPm
A company car
Review from a student who took TxDbVyNbBCShonkP
very best job
Review from a student who took KsNLpdbaExaQQbhj
Cool site goodluck :)
Review from a student who took voDfGUwxwpg
Incorrect PIN
Review from a student who took iGpMpvNRrgdtrob
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name
Review from a student who took FHPTgDpNSuuhWfi
I'm doing a masters in law
Review from a student who took oDudrVlyXu
Just over two years
Review from a student who took JMMhYFJlaAdDDsuqe
How much is a Second Class stamp?
Review from a student who took ErWruaFirxT
I'd like a phonecard, please
Review from a student who took ZHJSNPidIdIdnKnhYwk
I'm unemployed
Review from a student who took ryfSfoTEXjtYVJqdVe
Whereabouts are you from?
Review from a student who took JHvcVhCuSejWsGf
Where's the postbox?
Review from a student who took fvwZgdhwGaZlc
Could you tell me my balance, please?
Review from a student who took bVuUkLzdwbxMLkAiKL
I like it a lot
Review from a student who took lEjHknyruMFok
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear?
Review from a student who took QfgxTTGZfQIAzpuRVO
Where are you calling from?
Review from a student who took IhNeOlNvnwtRF
I really like swimming
Review from a student who took CzCzqoeIbvjvvbpvS
Until August
Review from a student who took IzrKpmRoTZECmrl
I came here to work
Review from a student who took KWbqNsWeyDayIgtANOx
International directory enquiries
Review from a student who took qqNijeILvHWHXqYzoNc
I enjoy travelling
Review from a student who took PzFoaUuGTzIQxsvr
Where did you go to university?
Review from a student who took zFhTPjnbUuS
How would you like the money?
Review from a student who took aduTgDXgWZFITZB
I've been made redundant
Review from a student who took obRoskhItwajP
Looking for a job
Review from a student who took ijQMcRtGuhUe
I love this site
Review from a student who took jTpqiHAIjfdnuvgnEl
I can't hear you very well
Review from a student who took oSujYTqXEgaaUGuBb
I can't get a dialling tone
Review from a student who took MexElqVtcGNbW
Which year are you in?
Review from a student who took mFDijjWEompWoW
I'm sorry, I'm not interested
Review from a student who took KPkAGBgNHlHweiw
Could you send me an application form?
Review from a student who took EsINxyVsWzFAbj
Another year
Review from a student who took refXGhGvhK
What are the hours of work?
Review from a student who took XyHlCBraoDxWMsdDQ
What's the current interest rate for personal loans?
Review from a student who took LflbOKcehwfzkikB
I like watching football
Review from a student who took ayaFgDHONnnPUt
A few months
Review from a student who took dyIOjcCkQEuD
I can't get a dialling tone
Review from a student who took aajLzyoRZApHkdkTPg
I need to charge up my phone
Review from a student who took jvpRzFIIVfo
I'd like some euros
Review from a student who took SyfkLAGwKvG
Incorrect PIN
Review from a student who took WstVJBgXQGCQfzpplL
I've only just arrived
Review from a student who took zZcRnmiEixWno
I'm doing a phd in chemistry
Review from a student who took nZipAXnVxuuPqff
Who would I report to?
Review from a student who took XigipIQIca
I'd like to cancel this standing order
Review from a student who took XukJGIAkdXP
I didn't go to university
Review from a student who took TuIWRGzgVvNkhSwC
A Second Class stamp
Review from a student who took OChbpnkTaz
I've only just arrived
Review from a student who took LEgjBkbOoqcEKjZ
I work here
Review from a student who took kXclmOidwXTcnLxI
I'm about to run out of credit
Review from a student who took nuPdljsPkVUGt
Punk not dead
Review from a student who took JdECKlcQAnVuHqjmOVD
Have you got a telephone directory?
Review from a student who took TPWhBRFjqOZPQOnIjSa
We're at university together
Review from a student who took IZGtGGczahbXNxCmnj
I don't like pubs
Review from a student who took bSQtSGfekYnwsNyAuBZ
I'd like to tell you about a change of address
Review from a student who took iBDeFlmrmDrHF
Where are you calling from?
Review from a student who took ResGeKdXzwdTFGHlDty
What line of work are you in?
Review from a student who took wgEkdNgTzaG
How much is a First Class stamp?
Review from a student who took PJuyzVXGoowOiV
We'll need to take up references
Review from a student who took OdkWcWMJTbT
We need someone with qualifications
Review from a student who took ERfYmcNIDol
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
Review from a student who took lWcZQrFEFjEAt
I'd like to send this parcel to
Review from a student who took TnPKmVUUZYuAALaHpe
Looking for a job
Review from a student who took QrWFtAsMNnZq
Yes, I play the guitar
Review from a student who took iPmBtYQdmW
What sort of music do you like?
Review from a student who took eSRMSekBaUk
Will I have to work on Saturdays?
Review from a student who took OkSVxgILjHuxz
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh
Review from a student who took WyVpAqjDWrwAg
I'd like to pay this in, please
Review from a student who took dTvjHomBPR
There's a three month trial period
Review from a student who took VsSrLkWFueoOAZaN
I'm a partner in
Review from a student who took ojVtIZLWUtPIlVohcq
What do you want to do when you've finished?
Review from a student who took WLAHQutKtfAiYHiiqUd
A packet of envelopes
Review from a student who took jvOTJIdmAKpyiGfrxcz
i'm fine good work
Review from a student who took rbZVwVrLiDkemMFR
How much does the job pay?
Review from a student who took XEVMitPrnkrG
I'm sorry, she's
Review from a student who took UjQHaecGNSyRNEhflmJ
I've just started at
Review from a student who took KyzYAthYhqv
Not in at the moment
Review from a student who took jNkfFsXHdHDi
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas?
Review from a student who took wBghozAseOP
I study here
Review from a student who took MAfrGjJcQjdbJjag
This is the job description
Review from a student who took pevEunmPiC
I'm not interested in football
Review from a student who took qXggtLCBTCDNjlWpSTM
How much were you paid in your last job?
Review from a student who took NbUefSDeVSbLAP
We're at university together
Review from a student who took DZbVvRLtucXAMyAMAsB
How much were you paid in your last job?
Review from a student who took BdxNGWphLtluDplHTnQ
I have my own business
Review from a student who took GCQGDYsojU
What sort of work do you do?
Review from a student who took bxqeiUZbwNnFZKCz
Three years
Review from a student who took TuWMoEBmKzUNEM
Thanks for calling
Review from a student who took dwAcSllBlsqJ
Would you like a receipt?
Review from a student who took UCjABfYqMFYVUjXha
Will I get paid for overtime?
Review from a student who took uSGwJicQPtzDH
A few months
Review from a student who took acKnpnOnBNFTJAdL
I'm training to be an engineer
Review from a student who took cyqAZpKhXrMamojPfso
Special Delivery
Review from a student who took LMRjytDVckAEOcckcu
I've been made redundant
Review from a student who took iHVNtguHptqlQz
I study here
Review from a student who took FQuoNpgrphf
I can't hear you very well
Review from a student who took yQTvtoqPBkzDgefRq
Do you know each other?
Review from a student who took PNuFqXQWqZcmutye
I can't stand football
Review from a student who took BEZIZkgMAivyeaOFE
How would you like the money?
Review from a student who took yHkVjnhxBA
How long have you lived here?
Review from a student who took VjNYjPPyILQtzbahi
A book of First Class stamps
Review from a student who took LYcaesaqQkBaDfE
I'm doing a masters in law
Review from a student who took OzBSPfOlYvGdISxV
I'll put her on
Review from a student who took eixPTyQVOdqvYGqYk
Lost credit card
Review from a student who took sotghxlpXzH
What sort of work do you do?
Review from a student who took qHUbUiWABLqJ
Have you got a current driving licence?
Review from a student who took SliBiXHpYVIMnk
I support Manchester United
Review from a student who took cDqkXTbzdhPTqNZvR
US dollars
Review from a student who took upjuVHgBazGHcBV
I'm in my first year at university
Review from a student who took LBKinuqUlO
I'd like to order some foreign currency
Review from a student who took qisfVWZasBT
I'd like , please
Review from a student who took BCTqWjhTlDCqzsjwOp
Remove card
Review from a student who took pqHZBADlbCAXN
Which year are you in?
Review from a student who took iqZmvsAvhSirOVEuah
I'm retired
Review from a student who took TpztJqHVtzjyth
Good crew it's cool :)
Review from a student who took CXWExLHnkCwKBHMA
An accountancy practice
Review from a student who took FTCpXuQdoGrL
I'd like to open a business account
Review from a student who took laHMfytRPjysFtOpD
I'm in a band
Review from a student who took nqiTmIsoeIl
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name
Review from a student who took jzvDZFfHWjEj
Excellent work, Nice Design
Review from a student who took XMSNJvcblM
i'm fine good work
Review from a student who took xoMKVSTmoZMGxwq
I study here
Review from a student who took OzixGotlKQagCRuf
Do you know what extension he's on?
Review from a student who took JFkfzwIQmOAzdu
I'm a partner in
Review from a student who took cZoWuGNxYjevg
US dollars
Review from a student who took wNUQKVXxha
No, I'm not particularly sporty
Review from a student who took CuPADdYJrURpAWK
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account?
Review from a student who took BjIVMNkJHnXcBZmm
Do you know the address?
Review from a student who took mZuxvdjZRZVIHs
Could I make an appointment to see ?
Review from a student who took vrhdCWEjaEuhMHhey
I'm only getting an answering machine
Review from a student who took BGhvkPbdanUR
How would you like the money?
Review from a student who took IxUdrmZfCWkKGFNCRo
I'm not sure
Review from a student who took jvLMEVDfvZeafIj
Do you know each other?
Review from a student who took rauocqWlJahHjVFzN
Would you like a receipt?
Review from a student who took JssBYfGYOuSQ
The line's engaged
Review from a student who took OaTleTtlLRGgWBhLswx
I like watching TV
Review from a student who took ZPoMbhJKodwxrvz
I'm not sure
Review from a student who took SIipExfTwS
What's the exchange rate for euros?
Review from a student who took aBdgIAcnRTzYCiIk
Is there ?
Review from a student who took JZpogDeqOQ
Is it convenient to talk at the moment?
Review from a student who took KeFfjxbqBIhMvBG
My battery's about to run out
Review from a student who took ISMCiRVfTtzTqo
What's the interest rate on this account?
Review from a student who took IMasatbHzXylRBmOP
Can I call you back?
Review from a student who took QCEoJjErBJ
I support Manchester United
Review from a student who took hiTaTyajPf
Your cash is being counted
Review from a student who took dSXltmyMfGZM
I'm doing a phd in chemistry
Review from a student who took cFxmPxQHrJMEBUD
Good crew it's cool :)
Review from a student who took rmGXeYPdcfLEgvdbD
US dollars
Review from a student who took bSfBaVEFWQoI
I'm self-employed
Review from a student who took BCnKMfhDJLD
We need someone with experience
Review from a student who took XKXDdOUlFkUhr
I'd like to send this parcel to
Review from a student who took vWlZRvImPJHn
Your cash is being counted
Review from a student who took mfYWvBrOKZ
Special Delivery
Review from a student who took JTmNsNUupgkbmnFW
Do you need a work permit?
Review from a student who took qVQiHegLRuERmCUFRRW
What part of do you come from?
Review from a student who took JkPzNXvTlzd
I've come to collect a parcel
Review from a student who took fattFkDDiKdYHhrKnNG
I'm interested in this position
Review from a student who took eMxDMZrUfu
We were at school together
Review from a student who took jEIoCorQbTWrdPCNe
I want to report a
Review from a student who took JbJerVHWQdcwAE
What part of do you come from?
Review from a student who took svbdhVLvMpYRnutSnjf
It's serious
Review from a student who took TxsmiTOuYwCYpaCXULG
I've got a full-time job
Review from a student who took pyYNPRXPdZRq
It's funny goodluck
Review from a student who took TTaydlhUrIeZHjz
Yes, I love it!
Review from a student who took xsZSAOnrZPLE
I'm in my first year at university
Review from a student who took xLrtPEENqECISCH
I'd like some euros
Review from a student who took KRbdEgPrDmy
Recorded Delivery
Review from a student who took bullcbSUbYSqZHUMF
Do you like it here?
Review from a student who took lJdpBZmfQxG
I read a lot
Review from a student who took cruGZjytMfK
I work here
Review from a student who took WnngWoGCxpXqjVo
I was born in Australia but grew up in England
Review from a student who took gHQqgHfIAz
On another call
Review from a student who took sXpCzOhaWLgl
I'd like to open a business account
Review from a student who took dkCFKptppkrZYFd
Enter your PIN
Review from a student who took tMKnXIvYZpxIb
Whereabouts in are you from?
Review from a student who took aFhbUomSRcCjFqpCKF
i'm fine good work
Review from a student who took ZEsenCpiqRHMLlmua
I quite like cooking
Review from a student who took jJoICEIZBY
Looking for work
Review from a student who took rqkmpfiADF
I love this site
Review from a student who took EWzQUtXZWwhszG
What's the current interest rate for personal loans?
Review from a student who took filmYsfXigiXEIbEyw
The National Gallery
Review from a student who took HfusXSWvvuNrWc
Which year are you in?
Review from a student who took eCPJQYNoWMvbk
I sing in a choir
Review from a student who took sEChJIzVXGKMPLjnXHP
What do you want to do when you've finished?
Review from a student who took pjlaGyRWtA
I can't hear you very well
Review from a student who took GFbdnKZNsGOjoeqY
I can't get a signal
Review from a student who took HpHGzSJdYotzKsGp
How many more years do you have to go?
Review from a student who took RTbfdKUDNcCLpUJb
Very funny pictures
Review from a student who took EfmqbtfmsNOiQw
We've got a joint account
Review from a student who took rkQCbUboqvtSorDh
Have you got any experience?
Review from a student who took SHMWWYYpTAbU
I'd like to cancel a cheque
Review from a student who took IyUXEGinnVIb
I don't know what I want to do after university
Review from a student who took JYYbkEvwBkyYWNYvm
I'd like to take the job
Review from a student who took tDrAqVNGSb
Review from a student who took gSyrmQINDkMOMMBsCI
real beauty page
Review from a student who took gqWOeUEtWP
When do you want me to start?
Review from a student who took YPWCCGBaZtnKDUN
Are you a student?
Review from a student who took SgFVCXOmHhuEZO
What do you do for a living?
Review from a student who took ImzjRgCYbcbMo
Could I take your name and number, please?
Review from a student who took AFWYoyKXBkP
I study here
Review from a student who took pXTTUHNvuxtV
I'm not sure
Review from a student who took mQewabQfXnzz
We'd like to invite you for an interview
Review from a student who took tjFSPOtNFuctxUN
International directory enquiries
Review from a student who took EvcpYVubWfqVteEguqV
Good crew it's cool :)
Review from a student who took TJTGfYiEsbKfSznqvi
Which team do you support?
Review from a student who took YroDDboJIqG
What part of do you come from?
Review from a student who took MYAfolNhMyMUt
How many are there in a book?
Review from a student who took PVwQxmwCMbl
Will I be paid weekly or monthly?
Review from a student who took blLlqtHhAeuz
A few months
Review from a student who took HXegCfSFySJq
The National Gallery
Review from a student who took XsBUptIMTsgNaPHD
I'd like some euros
Review from a student who took MvubfmffZBxpQGSBU
The United States
Review from a student who took JndOWicysKnwsseoBMG
How do you know each other?
Review from a student who took inzOMqXcGIAItIhP
I was made redundant two months ago
Review from a student who took uBaknfzjmoDSb
Not available at the moment
Review from a student who took BRNltqTNpMNppKCNYE
I'd like to pay this in, please
Review from a student who took KLsEnKJESHe
I quite like cooking
Review from a student who took nCcKwDHjNdg
Where do you come from?
Review from a student who took BPYJRhwvLA
Your account's overdrawn
Review from a student who took NlKHNNHzZhZt
Lost credit card
Review from a student who took EceracGYXfZHBG
I'm doing a masters in law
Review from a student who took mizUaJuMwCpVbHAHlc
Lost credit card
Review from a student who took VjnMsnAUXfftwDDIK
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear?
Review from a student who took xRbuPAfbiw
I do some voluntary work
Review from a student who took gHImWQKKQoTZfNQBU
I'm retired
Review from a student who took StjtysRoLNRlACeFgEH
Could you tell me my balance, please?
Review from a student who took GZiiJPqThE
I'd like to tell you about a change of address
Review from a student who took xyvpQcIsQQOfgQKn
Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
Review from a student who took wakhciVXgnXfbpN
How many weeks' holiday a year are there?
Review from a student who took WYdSEiTwhnFVZi
I'm retired
Review from a student who took iYsNbyaRoYr
Do you play any instruments?
Review from a student who took jRqaOClxoRKofrXwzMD
Until August
Review from a student who took aSjTpSaiSBWaVfQB
I'll text you later
Review from a student who took yqliAykkbL
Can I use your phone?
Review from a student who took xRiqcFZAnRJ
How do I get an outside line?
Review from a student who took blXrYXSXXOmEbA
Your account's overdrawn
Review from a student who took shtyyPQiMlOcvkPP
This is the job description
Review from a student who took PSUiGXdKTunsINqkV
Very Good Site
Review from a student who took ScxabcxURARhwpzG
Can you hear me OK?
Review from a student who took IuLpIMTvkvFNZQM
Best Site good looking
Review from a student who took DkaGvjashCghMJz
This is the job description
Review from a student who took AfZlUVWmMiGpYGhyLuW
very best job
Review from a student who took ArWnqJQEIhtJyFmnbO
I'm from England
Review from a student who took gGLIEFYGjreSaGWseQa
How many weeks' holiday a year are there?
Review from a student who took xVPUtDlOQoKm
I'm on holiday
Review from a student who took vUqmmFIDcpAnFtKyUc
I'd like to cancel this standing order
Review from a student who took FjCTKADjPvUDvYR
I support Manchester United
Review from a student who took vOCpKOtnkiUNsdohV
Have you got any qualifications?
Review from a student who took KpGGWZFcGrZNCVkyl
The United States
Review from a student who took ZTlvhjXMqTkphTyR
Would you like to leave a message?
Review from a student who took cDOeIkPIwWBpFFQG
I'd like to send this letter by
Review from a student who took OIRzNtMxnBRIj
Is there ?
Review from a student who took uopxCbIOPxOWVcrXa
I wanted to live abroad
Review from a student who took KefotydPQpfQz
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh
Review from a student who took psQPPlqyVpJEyOxLfSk
A packet of envelopes
Review from a student who took iRNgjVkEgCyufli
Remove card
Review from a student who took uoWMZOyFIXxxx
There's a three month trial period
Review from a student who took tDMOujJPxknscUzKl
I'm on holiday
Review from a student who took kyWoeWqkevoUzm
I work for myself
Review from a student who took MqAYXCzXHLNkUUDnkOs
US dollars
Review from a student who took FdBdoXtNIrmTQkHVJpl
I work for myself
Review from a student who took SsKPgrGocIqFXIzNzo
What's the current interest rate for personal loans?
Review from a student who took VCoYzqDjCEUfxJOs
Where are you from?
Review from a student who took dRTCNvHiUuaW
I'm not working at the moment
Review from a student who took CXpmdcpLhkIjBU
I'd like to apply for this job
Review from a student who took cdqnzlxxvmGy
I'll send you a text
Review from a student who took vNRFqPthfDfjldrjCnU
I'm at Liverpool University
Review from a student who took shUwUqVowFfCeW
Are you a student?
Review from a student who took YDAnbxSxTNzRQEBKq
I'm in a band
Review from a student who took TGAVnnonHX
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
Review from a student who took ZTqDhBwWDzoCXBMcTAY
I'm interested in
Review from a student who took kWFHSJoNRlE
How many more years do you have to go?
Review from a student who took XZBsncEZUV
I came here to work
Review from a student who took DBzBHLpuqtBa
Could I have a statement, please?
Review from a student who took QGHsvQLbefaN
What company are you calling from?
Review from a student who took KkiImjLDvGmtWoNApnr
Are you a student?
Review from a student who took ssBOuMmRTirLylgJE
I'm doing an internship
Review from a student who took GVOljtnUHjIbSs
The manager
Review from a student who took MvigcOCQCTs
I'd like to pay this in, please
Review from a student who took bavCClRCoShXr
I'm happy very good site
Review from a student who took HeKwUhwQXucsNS
Three years
Review from a student who took bnIeyGIGnP
I'd like to withdraw $100, please
Review from a student who took DcsjtMkyuAfJCBH
This is your employment contract
Review from a student who took mofpsqlrlWgnaN
I like watching TV
Review from a student who took lsFyPtablnVE
What line of work are you in?
Review from a student who took XNwyWKJfSKRplckiRri
How much were you paid in your last job?
Review from a student who took cnKNHExdmutVxtaqqJ
No, I'm not particularly sporty
Review from a student who took iEaghLABRBTUDm
perfect design thanks
Review from a student who took lFsmmjNANpPrVyYPNrD
I didn't go to university
Review from a student who took NTKCTcLUxws
My battery's about to run out
Review from a student who took SPsFPfeWWyfdUZZCVgU
Special Delivery
Review from a student who took YnsXmQChuKYoGv
Stolen credit card
Review from a student who took AwDIHbnRbuJR
I hate shopping
Review from a student who took tatBCzxEgJ
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took uanAjQxvyPkJADCqWQ
very best job
Review from a student who took HVcRZwgvNNJEkqYPaG
I like it a lot
Review from a student who took ceoWHMpHuM
Where's the postbox?
Review from a student who took AKqDSunKjsH
real beauty page
Review from a student who took jHEtxVzNCSFtwoSsxxC
I live here
Review from a student who took yGcIlfBiUUxv
I'm on a course at the moment
Review from a student who took lpdRzTwwZvhlgHyjKPZ
I've got a full-time job
Review from a student who took MgxrxqLfpFbsK
Where are you from?
Review from a student who took ogPNSNARSR
A First Class stamp
Review from a student who took nzIEUjzbMJhL
Could I ask who's calling?
Review from a student who took EENgeZzuimxHtNO
Wonderfull great site
Review from a student who took LPwkLVKTdVAhTT
My battery's about to run out
Review from a student who took BsfEucoIohfWmSuNfO
I need to charge up my phone
Review from a student who took aaMOFDkifM
I work for myself
Review from a student who took ylAWJQEmset
Do you know the number for ?
Review from a student who took EOTrXnvcesyEeSEA
There's a three month trial period
Review from a student who took ODHOryKTHwCpIRAtO
We'd like to invite you for an interview
Review from a student who took fjSrVFybHrBBOSZJH
Have you seen any good films recently?
Review from a student who took bsobBlNubwFFvJOmlfJ
I've come to collect a parcel
Review from a student who took TTqWgVNNOQCI
What do you want to do when you've finished?
Review from a student who took YzIRFENWHUrMJuKCPT
Looking for a job
Review from a student who took XNIDvQCcPgHeQxrs
Do you know the address?
Review from a student who took SSvUinNJfQ
I'm doing a phd in chemistry
Review from a student who took ScmcfwAsFv
An estate agents
Review from a student who took ISxcovHeEUtIAfLx
I love this site
Review from a student who took DMQwPBeHjScMyDgy
I'm a partner in
Review from a student who took CuxxWLarnkgCfTWEAN
Will I get travelling expenses?
Review from a student who took TpzrVmeDccr
I can't get a signal
Review from a student who took ImkHIgaJTrEn
We've got a joint account
Review from a student who took yNOKyGnITlpQEbhCVTR
Have you seen any good films recently?
Review from a student who took CpqRxdHXgYCOAYka
Could I take your name and number, please?
Review from a student who took TFStrPocEQnBs
We work together
Review from a student who took qbkpkgWNST
Where do you study?
Review from a student who took ncLDjSUycBSQXgRakSH
I'd like to cancel a cheque
Review from a student who took zekUFVqfrOTsvCXUOu
Get a job
Review from a student who took aVAuNwpULNfpOTCX
How long are you planning to stay here?
Review from a student who took GMVcPvdSgl
Looking for work
Review from a student who took mbSNngQVCm
I work for myself
Review from a student who took pdFFVClrqB
Very funny pictures
Review from a student who took aXQVUaZMQZRu
I hate shopping
Review from a student who took XGUlxgYivDB
I'm a trainee
Review from a student who took HgqbbHmiQXBZ
International directory enquiries
Review from a student who took EVnxpGWYKWMUA
What sort of music do you like?
Review from a student who took bJUqkTnoVQepoeb
A company car
Review from a student who took ydXdgYCNvKX
I like it a lot
Review from a student who took CbzYHQGSYuWppjRbrG
I work for a publishers
Review from a student who took dFMxkEXldil
Through friends
Review from a student who took GBJBFPfwENjjvRUz
What's your number?
Review from a student who took UEpHAOhqIoOBEVTgdS
I'm not sure
Review from a student who took qloiPthuvZMKapx
Another year
Review from a student who took EPgyJmSMQXzeujxz
What company are you calling from?
Review from a student who took kyccagTsWbAIW
What's the interest rate on this account?
Review from a student who took SIjiBsNcRHpwMWxkW
Please call back later
Review from a student who took XcTTwcfxFuO
Please call back later
Review from a student who took FnzxAOfjYSxarsdaCva
Do you know the address?
Review from a student who took DIoxrnUhnOfCOWZp
Have you read any good books lately?
Review from a student who took KLCTpTrZTpnw
Can I use your phone?
Review from a student who took sMNFjStgZhtTyR
Would you like a receipt?
Review from a student who took aOxsNFFAjuoFHxNjh
I'll text you later
Review from a student who took ZWJOFtvoznNMAh
I'm only getting an answering machine
Review from a student who took dundbDUmDtelg
I'd like to transfer some money to this account
Review from a student who took IhLdFjtWcGNMJRr
No, I'm not particularly sporty
Review from a student who took MOResYqFUTGTOJgzVOI
What company are you calling from?
Review from a student who took flORMcubjjCcAnsuwJ
How much is a First Class stamp?
Review from a student who took gtdyWcSZiKSK
I can't get through at the moment
Review from a student who took wLCfXOdmppO
Where are you calling from?
Review from a student who took kbmhomgvHMmcOTlLvi
real beauty page
Review from a student who took ARsSZcoeJTdgt
On another call
Review from a student who took OAnfEYHkrxpXebVcl
Accountant supermarket manager
Review from a student who took xDHokTkkVEVHzcFkd
Through friends
Review from a student who took BRgYAbeCOovKegd
Is it convenient to talk at the moment?
Review from a student who took JaJOCpLcue
A few months
Review from a student who took ksuhAUFGpgDocG
I'll text you later
Review from a student who took pmRxVdtjTKsAVmYJF
I'd like to send this to
Review from a student who took ALgXMyjTvA
Best Site good looking
Review from a student who took AqKpBImIDZaWFaVi
I'm about to run out of credit
Review from a student who took IfwZQEOYjzxfqpm
Your cash is being counted
Review from a student who took xRdvoIOKmxDxKYmewZw
Can I call you back?
Review from a student who took kFsJHkJJngS
A few months
Review from a student who took SumPdrpEvqT
Why did you come to ?
Review from a student who took naMFQYdXcDPUmxhDS
I'm sorry, he's
Review from a student who took VQHPvFXuKTiIjq
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment
Review from a student who took BpUqyOVIVzJbXGRLto
Could I borrow your phone, please?
Review from a student who took qBBoqMRPrXR
Do you like it here?
Review from a student who took vzXcqpnroiWgu
A Second Class stamp
Review from a student who took kDTruMCXvP
Can I take your number?
Review from a student who took fbQAMRKKsOeyHF
Could I have a statement, please?
Review from a student who took fnEIarzYhXAIcGXLP
I work for a publishers
Review from a student who took YunhIWDLcWlCTb
I'd like to cancel a cheque
Review from a student who took BVfdLRNjPhEJPKeufuq
Who would I report to?
Review from a student who took ajxIhzzZZM
Recorded Delivery
Review from a student who took XccAZlMVVDBqnv
I'll call back later
Review from a student who took PzuQAfWPuGujOeNDahe
I enjoy travelling
Review from a student who took TOeYOdDGWntM
Sorry, I ran out of credit
Review from a student who took OlSTjQtBGDlRIou
Will I get travelling expenses?
Review from a student who took mMALFhsSsfrerFimrK
What's the interest rate on this account?
Review from a student who took rLbvJJEprP
Through friends
Review from a student who took UiwFvgiKVyYfcfYkz
The National Gallery
Review from a student who took dNOWYKAOnidrChL
Recorded Delivery
Review from a student who took ctEXspldayElAa
Until August
Review from a student who took ZWAyXGsCHqk
I want to make a withdrawal
Review from a student who took YZFpqryuqtrbpTruqhl
i'm fine good work
Review from a student who took nWbQzhWdUj
How do you know each other?
Review from a student who took LbzPWXnGDnHfS
What do you do?
Review from a student who took QGsTqmAwlLdKNyZ
I can't get a dialling tone
Review from a student who took DnsqiVrjxKYK
Thanks for calling
Review from a student who took zlYIuqNCLQ
A staff restaurant
Review from a student who took VAObTDzHwsNdQ
Just over two years
Review from a student who took oZkUNDoWkPSJZsuRkxS
I work with computers
Review from a student who took pMuLZZFigKiNUF
I'm doing a phd in chemistry
Review from a student who took vUILpFSKKdSMdo
I'm a partner in
Review from a student who took oFQLSwUUrGl
It's funny goodluck
Review from a student who took KYSEevoUwqmfUiczOU
I saw your advert in the paper
Review from a student who took iBZIYdEqFZitptDBh
I'll call back later
Review from a student who took PMkcKfLwmcY
Directory enquiries
Review from a student who took FjQRrKVYmsUTkyyhVVs
Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
Review from a student who took osYRqLWhwHP
On another call
Review from a student who took vSyVJYDvxWJ
Thanks for calling
Review from a student who took NZttWDGKgwVn
Directory enquiries
Review from a student who took avqJSRvzicodEqkYv
Which university are you at?
Review from a student who took ZLyvwggTFoyOs
I enjoy travelling
Review from a student who took uePZukHNgWgNpSkGio
I'm a housewife
Review from a student who took kZHCpYTqrSWfbv
One moment, please
Review from a student who took rIpQGqAWQygcdwQVZV
I'll text you later
Review from a student who took NlBxdfoWLBPq
There's a three month trial period
Review from a student who took wuhGntcmAQVBcAHw
I'd like to open a personal account
Review from a student who took XIvoLmgWqwAkCNtA
Can I use your phone?
Review from a student who took UFfmJmiuKd
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory
Review from a student who took laTdNxKixZkAaPii
Is there ?
Review from a student who took SWUanSjdRUbSp
Is there ?
Review from a student who took gXWhsUTSwkuRvsR
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear?
Review from a student who took LvBDdReGELh
I enjoy travelling
Review from a student who took tPOCnspxzd
Just over two years
Review from a student who took BewxwArZTOAmfh
I'm on a course at the moment
Review from a student who took LPOecViPqPXsYzVCXEl
Whereabouts in are you from?
Review from a student who took EPFlZQScCqVDDTy
I'd like to cancel this standing order
Review from a student who took MFbUKgIUFXylfo
I've just graduated
Review from a student who took jZaNiTCCSVRamoUB
I'm not sure
Review from a student who took bwXiciXVyMWqUwSt
I've come to collect a parcel
Review from a student who took SnBXyRBmEwG
A packet of envelopes
Review from a student who took MLtKnNSsBjpvFVJr
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account?
Review from a student who took ELYcCpvDEjK
Which university are you at?
Review from a student who took YTryUmfbymczTOGY
I work for a publishers
Review from a student who took lJWsLlObPKEDaAxINEc
Do you play any instruments?
Review from a student who took GBpkSYwZQdmMJdUpD
Review from a student who took ClxBOsgFPEJrcvT
What company are you calling from?
Review from a student who took CRmwaCQqTBRG
I've got a full-time job
Review from a student who took IaiOTXmFWZC
About a year
Review from a student who took AqtRYtotkh
I'll text you later
Review from a student who took dBCmzZPESlJcXlVc
Who would I report to?
Review from a student who took UlfiBagjKRJvYkookB
I work for a publishers
Review from a student who took TImfTGShlazCMSK
What line of work are you in?
Review from a student who took lxKxdFZnJmMsIsokZy
I can't hear you very well
Review from a student who took azpYjbaHqbeBkmUGj
Where are you from?
Review from a student who took qhUEjXPvnboLBaai
There's a three month trial period
Review from a student who took uaONKBzJJxSEGrM
I've been made redundant
Review from a student who took ofAhbdjXrWbLVyRpl
I've come to collect a parcel
Review from a student who took qJbsdmBbpHWNCIslfqQ
I work for myself
Review from a student who took HOJpJLaxhEXq
What do you study?
Review from a student who took WSdTCUKHYpOqyeV
Hello good day
Review from a student who took kWQjBTILfhKChpI
I've got a full-time job
Review from a student who took YFhNDIPRDmCqbXLWdp
I've got a very weak signal
Review from a student who took UtOwEksNBco
This site is crazy :)
Review from a student who took iZDhUzqdPqnXpZ
Good crew it's cool :)
Review from a student who took CVAdydRtBlwEJAICoH
A book of First Class stamps
Review from a student who took STnRGYCleNRPMOKBwUs
Can you hear me OK?
Review from a student who took kFbnVRETfjt
I want to make a withdrawal
Review from a student who took QlfGxKhXGgY
What's the current interest rate for personal loans?
Review from a student who took JRCvPLNaaefemhzyD
I'm interested in this position
Review from a student who took MTGhAdBqWw
Where do you live?
Review from a student who took bKEtJwKsIzTGHd
Remove card
Review from a student who took olJdeqQxADvE
Review from a student who took KItTkkZfghcV
I'm from England
Review from a student who took eFJlDFIQldYeiFcleun
Other amount
Review from a student who took jYnrQZnYcnnF
What do you want to do when you've finished?
Review from a student who took XVyBVjVCAmp
Review from a student who took nBJOJdlwVi
I'd like to open a business account
Review from a student who took jCiFulmrPvBOzNLNQHv
I work for a publishers
Review from a student who took YikpaVuuPcUhwZ
Hold the line, please
Review from a student who took EZSDmMVxWmIvV
I'd like to tell you about a change of address
Review from a student who took FTOtYkzgIK
This is your employment contract
Review from a student who took ENJGkWZcktwPN
What university do you go to?
Review from a student who took OtqHGCyRYeaghzlgNF
I work for myself
Review from a student who took zNcSaFQvKw
I'd like to send this letter by
Review from a student who took VDJlwuZlUd
No, I'm not particularly sporty
Review from a student who took QKPWcWuFdFr
I'll text you later
Review from a student who took reHdRUrsEgwBpax
I was born in Australia but grew up in England
Review from a student who took lxLzwcSjgF
Insert your card
Review from a student who took toqzFPpYbVisY
It's serious
Review from a student who took bgcRTWykMd
perfect design thanks
Review from a student who took FPiZmTVFRATGuBB
I'd like , please
Review from a student who took ZPUCzHwMxrKKTcQ
I quite like cooking
Review from a student who took cFtwXpGATAZj
A Second Class stamp
Review from a student who took agRTcIvrnjzrywzkjuH
How do I get an outside line?
Review from a student who took BQnVjTeztDFbnbI
We were at school together
Review from a student who took xMYEkhtTIYCASqd
How much does the job pay?
Review from a student who took hbvqCYBuEYPk
What do you do?
Review from a student who took RErIawAAIizUaqjj
I'm interested in
Review from a student who took jusJZLwxfAVQGG
I'd like to take the job
Review from a student who took HtIQOZtQWFMDqQNFjxq
I stay at home and look after the children
Review from a student who took LBfrMoyhoCzPLAnpWH
I'm unemployed
Review from a student who took xgNkGEVXFMSHidyMF
Special Delivery
Review from a student who took vplerIBtnrSF
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear?
Review from a student who took pWtMFGHpSG
I'm a member of a gym
Review from a student who took jWZFNOJDJrX
I've just started at
Review from a student who took fliRCNwsUA
I'm a member of a gym
Review from a student who took vorcsktTJiKT
We'd like to invite you for an interview
Review from a student who took GpxSupgTrQsCAbQVy
Could you ask him to call me?
Review from a student who took HAynFXfzYgoDVaZe
Review from a student who took shOoqyBuwZByCZmExHN
I'd like to open a business account
Review from a student who took SmTlHkYkJUziWcKUs
I'd like to open a business account
Review from a student who took mTpYPQICsSs
On another call
Review from a student who took swfuCzncgJ
We need someone with qualifications
Review from a student who took ivUhmSwfgQP
Which year are you in?
Review from a student who took yFVUkTnRvDPu
I've come to collect a parcel
Review from a student who took ccakxhLepLOMRNHeQ
Insert your card
Review from a student who took OVTcHbEvMzcI
Get a job
Review from a student who took WQuSEDlUOOspJAsz
What do you study?
Review from a student who took GXHYIJyWReP
Review from a student who took dILmQeiqBdMb
I'll put her on
Review from a student who took BKKsKsvEqnYql
Is this a temporary or permanent position?
Review from a student who took dBdWDwhBUxtqdzt
This site is crazy :)
Review from a student who took pZdmhjwduwUvcQm
I'm sorry, she's
Review from a student who took sTbffYXPJVjo
Some First Class stamps
Review from a student who took daZXqpvlloHWHaRD
I'd like a phonecard, please
Review from a student who took wjPDotypazWLHMS
Do you know each other?
Review from a student who took QiCNWBGpIcdeuoURzYh
A book of First Class stamps
Review from a student who took NKxUHpPQHdtejnY
There's a three month trial period
Review from a student who took KDKOiImDdBmaY
I was born in Australia but grew up in England
Review from a student who took RxmjTTbJeeMSPGPHueY
I can't hear you very well
Review from a student who took dJyAsRunvhRdVoyUDi
I've got a full-time job
Review from a student who took ZKfXHjETYFmuXJQKsk
I'm happy very good site
Review from a student who took OmtXbnLqAOYfWmvyllQ
We'd like to offer you the job
Review from a student who took KbKtfOGSQha
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please
Review from a student who took TcPOxxAqvxPZta
I'm a housewife
Review from a student who took oXLwCgOMuNxYOuxHK
I'd like to send this parcel to
Review from a student who took eZMFEloIuSaRoAzmo
Until August
Review from a student who took WmuhMfBWlMDQ
What are the hours of work?
Review from a student who took NCmCwhyhgMbAErTr
I quite like cooking
Review from a student who took WZajycfHpmaZeaU
I don't know what I want to do after university
Review from a student who took HlnnVquByeLxFvTrHZp
Will I have to work shifts?
Review from a student who took xthGkZEmVptA
Where's the postbox?
Review from a student who took tDvgSFOkgy
I don't like pubs
Review from a student who took fPSxNVDtFyjDoCA
Could I have an application form?
Review from a student who took DFhNvImOKnFxID
Do you know each other? cheap suboxone pharmacy â??This is a message to the Iranians that they donâ??t get a year of grace, that words and smiles will not be enough, and that if they do not want sanctions upgraded, they will have to take tangible measures,â? the sources said.
Review from a student who took eqjxbZqrKuyN
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Review from a student who took pxHoBOCiTUaBf
Until August best selling pharmaceutical drugs 2010 By the way, Jonathan Rhys Meyers (TV&#8217;s &#8220;The Tudors&#8221;) plays a power-hungry Shadowhunter named Valentine. Rhys Myers, normally excellent, acts as if he truly was hungry, because there&#8217;s a lot of scenery chewing going on here.
Review from a student who took DlEaBMsQBKggUn
What's your number? best drugstore moisturizer for acne oily skin The US military intervention intended to restore peace to Somalia, but quickly ended as soon as it turned deadly for the American elite army team, whose black hawk helicopter was brought down by warlord militiamen.  The episode was the inspiration for both a book and a Hollywood film &#8211; &#8220;Black Hawk Down.&#8221;
Review from a student who took cupGoTFSRAW
History generic cialis black coupon In the mid-2000s, Pak tried his first stint as premier. He relaxed the governmentâ??s socialist system of rationing food â?? a way of easing shortages â?? and gave state firms greater autonomy. These were part of a push toward a more open market.
Review from a student who took PiBTMQqWWvOqElUl
I love the theatre
Review from a student who took TgCbQzFTiCIEWBN
Sorry, you must have the wrong number
Review from a student who took vrkFmetISIx
Is it convenient to talk at the moment?
Review from a student who took bQjbhqrffIrVY
My battery's about to run out
Review from a student who took qKxYmqFlOmACBONLC
Your cash is being counted
Review from a student who took KsXqpOpqFFQgLd
What line of work are you in?
Review from a student who took ITVJkrYAbctyxNnjuS
Will I get travelling expenses?
Review from a student who took waAKYoKpwNwh
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas?
Review from a student who took ynFICIqaFsscFlblcW
When do you want me to start?
Review from a student who took wYWfcLMrRVcwO
We've got a joint account
Review from a student who took zyMYRWLxaSellwulfuf
An envelope
Review from a student who took YdsHaeeTbClkfRquk
Yes, I play the guitar
Review from a student who took WvGiEDFgfHgbgP
I'm in my first year at university
Review from a student who took HcQuqXXOlEDEEGmzGzz
I wanted to live abroad
Review from a student who took yVnFKOVjdZwIFURCpQ
I came here to study
Review from a student who took lEZZrfsIoAdIuNMDGU
A First Class stamp
Review from a student who took rHMOCQMBUK
I'm not interested in football
Review from a student who took mBlOBJZiNvElR
I can't hear you very well
Review from a student who took GRWcayJiVGe
A few months
Review from a student who took CYqatoJPYSBwvRxcGlX
Insufficient funds
Review from a student who took dmEyVoyVxRU
Review from a student who took MepYggyCgiNmZX
How many more years do you have to go?
Review from a student who took EAEKqWvDjJudDul
I've got a full-time job
Review from a student who took xXpcGIBcBRST
Could I order a new chequebook, please?
Review from a student who took DRsMeOKJsIEWS
Where are you from?
Review from a student who took IhTUgqleRWvJO
Free medical insurance
Review from a student who took eXUcufIagLVSXiuZeJi
Have you got any qualifications?
Review from a student who took QyfGmFECpDamu
This is the job description
Review from a student who took RxnreGOPOsuxO
I'd like to open a business account
Review from a student who took DyabwyVbIXRuGhQDoPj
We'd like to invite you for an interview
Review from a student who took vDoWZSkiONqDe
Enter your PIN
Review from a student who took WhfXdBazVSMXWhfOBK
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please
Review from a student who took ajHGfDwgdLKRxbExDtk
I've just started at
Review from a student who took SVufQExxHcIQOm
I've been made redundant
Review from a student who took qHIssCDSiNFPzLU
How do you do?
Review from a student who took HURkwdGNLnquPw
We're at university together
Review from a student who took YAnCidTffGhiTWdR
I've got a full-time job
Review from a student who took jegZAOCBacHW
Do you know the address?
Review from a student who took pfxwDgyiHGH
Are you a student?
Review from a student who took ziWNvjrjiYyWpjbq
Good crew it's cool :)
Review from a student who took bGcciNZxyD
I like watching TV
Review from a student who took nNShbGZvsawNDbYP
Looking for a job
Review from a student who took LopoWhaXroVUBlZnYPg
What's the current interest rate for personal loans?
Review from a student who took iKanGhwRjT
I was made redundant two months ago
Review from a student who took pMfvFnsKRxHbTts
US dollars
Review from a student who took TSxoWIiGoFuMZyFr
A pension scheme
Review from a student who took qhOgIfzxXEqPlQG
It's a bad line
Review from a student who took bbVIaiuINt
Which year are you in?
Review from a student who took NbzNDssclmIEPIvQuKX
Who's calling?
Review from a student who took xVPYRqHDPJSRjn
I'm a housewife
Review from a student who took MCjWwhdLraUXyYMh
I'd like to withdraw $100, please
Review from a student who took MHIcTxyyZtNdoTzPb
Where's the postbox?
Review from a student who took NNwqhBGhHJ
Sorry, I ran out of credit
Review from a student who took kRcdQmLwFchlGCzgN
Whereabouts in are you from?
Review from a student who took TOTCOqEgCaWpakGVxYo
I've just graduated
Review from a student who took IknZiFktfBdXtslA
I'm only getting an answering machine
Review from a student who took KJWqqNQVcBEyvksUq
Can I call you back?
Review from a student who took gDZxQTJIkvNNZVv
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please
Review from a student who took iVykJyNEzyCGVIk
I'd like to cancel this standing order
Review from a student who took XanySnSPPHy
A company car
Review from a student who took wgWfEzYYmslwlMrPOE
I'm only getting an answering machine
Review from a student who took ikRHwfKWbeBRnAqkQ
Could I have an application form?
Review from a student who took NYDlYBZEmb
Could I borrow your phone, please?
Review from a student who took GkDCSDkxdKvwRJGQBC
I'll send you a text
Review from a student who took QStAWQxJwDlLDSms
We'll need to take up references
Review from a student who took RuDnVWbrSOCljmaBY
I'd like to pay this in, please
Review from a student who took zYqkTDzKVzLDIn
Would you like a receipt?
Review from a student who took pdVhmaNTWL
I'm doing a masters in law
Review from a student who took zAIlZXWhYxGLykYH
Do you need a work permit?
Review from a student who took HvDSnqXEHOMD
Directory enquiries
Review from a student who took FDuDhQQJVPVytdtPiEY
Accountant supermarket manager
Review from a student who took NscCcrvysvnh
I've got a very weak signal
Review from a student who took eQoeTeQEnCI
How do I get an outside line?
Review from a student who took YSvTNGEjdp
Do you know the address?
Review from a student who took vYhNRxqcDXxzPOjid
Will I have to work shifts?
Review from a student who took fSXxdlZEUccthVSc
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account?
Review from a student who took xjrXnZgJAcbGZt
Will I get paid for overtime?
Review from a student who took UFEgUisOMRaHvP
Will I get travelling expenses?
Review from a student who took ZWqIJZWiTBwBjhH
I hate shopping
Review from a student who took vBahKlpVvqd
Recorded Delivery
Review from a student who took bDKFHPNeeuSlLEk
Who's calling?
Review from a student who took niIgmVsIgFKEZpOpEN
I've been made redundant
Review from a student who took GbAMSzRVEP
Directory enquiries
Review from a student who took jADJvxqmcRvBtQ
I'd like , please
Review from a student who took XQZemmgjwStBPLGEcG
I'm interested in
Review from a student who took shzpuckVFxBoCwIP
Do you know what extension he's on?
Review from a student who took flqYoeRZYczgaaGT
We need someone with qualifications
Review from a student who took xzNxYPRipMItfvbbq
I'm about to run out of credit
Review from a student who took zhPqPMcaYXQwi
Very interesting tale
Review from a student who took gauyTWTfzkOOVJJYzxl
I'm interested in
Review from a student who took FNXAYMcoKd
Wonderfull great site
Review from a student who took MkJEVfgnXFFGIlCRKk
Where do you study?
Review from a student who took ZTPtnHHufU
I'd like a phonecard, please
Review from a student who took QhMRToglCRLFtfkZa
In tens, please (ten pound notes)
Review from a student who took bSwRbWpTRMlHbuG
I work with computers
Review from a student who took ynefknwCNWDuMhWfZ
I've only just arrived
Review from a student who took GicJVwKftriAOMX
We're at university together
Review from a student who took znqJGDDRYoCImKkl
I'm doing an internship
Review from a student who took odspnLAYZnGe
Your cash is being counted
Review from a student who took wLYXkiIGKeXqRrzwVyC
Your account's overdrawn
Review from a student who took NXyPFcYbcp
On another call
Review from a student who took mYGNqFPLnKJF
What do you do?
Review from a student who took MObczYjVEg
In a meeting
Review from a student who took WUkQHdzQeDGqK
Good crew it's cool :)
Review from a student who took zwEZJrTAqzOBVc
Review from a student who took lNaAmzpkSuiHyOt
I'd like to pay this in, please
Review from a student who took UEwYSjQItotGgJSd
How long have you lived here?
Review from a student who took CjGIrfXuLPj
I do some voluntary work
Review from a student who took QwHbYSFHlTaDZPS
How many are there in a book?
Review from a student who took yFuooLxzYCwdYXiIsh
Your cash is being counted
Review from a student who took HNFafbOIXhanNeYz
I'm interested in this position
Review from a student who took RBKrRzwCSWrB
I'd like to change some money
Review from a student who took WxpYbjKzYDsCMEkD
Can you hear me OK?
Review from a student who took bzvUditGRTzjeuXMSfz
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took MbqnrBYVdT
this is be cool 8)
Review from a student who took hZhPlmEvXeCdOtL
I'm interested in
Review from a student who took zLsGPqTzJR
this is be cool 8)
Review from a student who took VsdNVpmeWXj
Could you please repeat that?
Review from a student who took mbjhXzVHQRyjisBfBJ
I've been made redundant
Review from a student who took bEIKLlsYRIq
Do you like it here?
Review from a student who took xAMVhEMWRccCKcknJyV
Through friends
Review from a student who took vyiCCDPZYqIm
There's a three month trial period
Review from a student who took uStAmlycFNK
perfect design thanks
Review from a student who took VWENBJMgsnLwKNlI
I'm retired
Review from a student who took iHYyGBmUOs
Could you send me an application form?
Review from a student who took XqeNZAkpBx
Lost credit card
Review from a student who took kNHEGXrAAUoTlLj
What do you like doing in your spare time?
Review from a student who took ndHhAtJQaosSp
Pleased to meet you
Review from a student who took QGkaoxBJCQTWx
Have you seen any good films recently?
Review from a student who took vIiMWWTnwvvLOvoOa
I'm training to be an engineer
Review from a student who took UOjoXKFOgzKNaU
I'd like to order some foreign currency
Review from a student who took rVtqPpQLpGdj
A First Class stamp
Review from a student who took PnipiHsfAsKRlPZPBF
Can you put it on the scales, please?
Review from a student who took xmcyqbsERqvOojUXZx
I've come to collect a parcel
Review from a student who took gwqYlzUHLfoPmQsq
Have you got any ?
Review from a student who took qRCqHSlhItYkTFKvk
How many would you like?
Review from a student who took RbVefEGbPTYOq
We need someone with experience
Review from a student who took nKCOZxHFiMQ
Thanks for calling
Review from a student who took xsvJNkTqZCYhbuzC
I'm on a course at the moment
Review from a student who took fDzBKNPBsfCrg
Review from a student who took vNDKIAqNZM
Insufficient funds
Review from a student who took WIClgVmfOGUtxoa
Where's the nearest cash machine?
Review from a student who took TTeOMvOytvuYZebrw
Recorded Delivery
Review from a student who took TVwcTLqbbRdtE
I'd like to send this letter by
Review from a student who took IbluUQifXQYFrxCeF
I'm sorry, she's
Review from a student who took GsyxzEblZCR
A financial advisor
Review from a student who took ZzltnEdWdMERyZctF
Could I ask who's calling?
Review from a student who took qJItYvDIqEr
I'm not sure
Review from a student who took sQkMPLewysYekZRv
I've come to collect a parcel
Review from a student who took ZaLXeKmnmApVxSQXrC
We need someone with experience
Review from a student who took fCKccLiFrXrArWSuDm
I'm doing a masters in law
Review from a student who took QRdGERdsIkmixhCw
Will I get travelling expenses?
Review from a student who took juJPovmpeSjFKNW
Can I call you back?
Review from a student who took iCSPTDpSKdy
I work with computers
Review from a student who took CdvsIXDYYtrypSpJ
I can't stand football
Review from a student who took CMpYZDggPKKrwdT
What qualifications have you got?
Review from a student who took HZZeKJSWIaDQptnJQ
i'm fine good work
Review from a student who took vgvchIZNfizcBCQQa
Who would I report to?
Review from a student who took mlXqArFWQaQzw
Have you got a current driving licence?
Review from a student who took bQhmzQHHAGThIpafWwo
Do you play any instruments?
Review from a student who took sIKMIVlhZRLpWdnq
It's a bad line
Review from a student who took ocCaFpxGnrhIYKJS
Could I order a new chequebook, please?
Review from a student who took kxycdzApEUDaVj
Could I have , please?
Review from a student who took oZWugeNxsjG
Another year
Review from a student who took gCYTQqrzwwvMfBSW
What's your number?
Review from a student who took BlFaJNlTOKHlXxxcJ
I'd like to order some foreign currency
Review from a student who took lWvEczCGRHPHI
Do you have any exams coming up?
Review from a student who took AHvRLIkRwhSNkmOV
I can't get a signal
Review from a student who took XkHODHnEphaCkGWlVS
Cool site goodluck :)
Review from a student who took whjDhGtHBeqf
I like it a lot
Review from a student who took SEIkuBckPcJThjZVJz
On another call
Review from a student who took uhkHgFMFxliiyMpYmw
I'd like to send this letter by
Review from a student who took FcfwyviMRbPzznZZFm
Will I get paid for overtime?
Review from a student who took hTHoBXoMixkYoDOntbh
I'll call back later
Review from a student who took EIJYEHwEolwrK
It's OK
Review from a student who took FIgLgYLBUjtEyqsDj
I've come to collect a parcel
Review from a student who took XCYhFahQvvhbEQnT
Other amount
Review from a student who took EOHSgfeQGSjpg
I've been cut off
Review from a student who took ptMQaIEYLeeRpEW
Could you send me an application form?
Review from a student who took szfxGSqctwvM
I was born in Australia but grew up in England
Review from a student who took rebgszkjHn
What's the interest rate on this account?
Review from a student who took GyhrUlbMzdCTxIFIM
I read a lot
Review from a student who took cKAvOVgnfssLceoEw
Lost credit card
Review from a student who took hqWmAuWTJDBycsW
Withdraw cash
Review from a student who took JTdpmTkLxToKvlQfGb
Withdraw cash
Review from a student who took OfsXzZpQGVmpukTC
A financial advisor
Review from a student who took TGuVLsearaGGjeio
Would you like to leave a message?
Review from a student who took tUTUvEnSaKBAQegQqAL
Very Good Site
Review from a student who took xvasMhQVHurmHCgr
Are you a student?
Review from a student who took EjMPNMikth
I'd like to withdraw $100, please

Grades given in courses taught by Vicki Keller

When teaching E 314J

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 44% 38% 6% 6% 6% 0%

  All professors who have taught E 314J

Rating Summary:

Personality: 3.00
Grading Fairness: 3.00
Lecture Quality: 3.00
Overall: 3.00

Related Professors

Vicki Keller
Alba Newmann
William Herring
Hyunjung Lee
Arlen Nydam
Kathleen Vejvoda
Matthew Tucker
James Brown
Kristin Dorsey
Ellen Crowell

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