Professor profile for Kamas

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Student reviews of Kamas

Review from a student who took ACC 380K.7
The way Mr. Kamas handles financial statement analysis, the course pretty much a light review of intermediate accounting sprinkled with financial ratios and real-world applications. Because I had not taken intermediate accounting since a year and a half ago, this refresher helped a little. His lectures are okay, and his slides have a few random spelling errors in them. Prior to lectures on days when homework assignments are due (all of which are completed by your group), one team per homework problem will present its solution to the class. These presentation are no big deal: perhaps five minutes on average per problem, and not everyone on your five-person team has to speak. You don't even need to make PowerPoint slides; just an easy-to-read Excel spreadsheet of your solution is enough. On top of the group homework assignments, Mr. Kamas has all the teams prepare an analysis of a company's financial statements. The firm he chooses differs from semester to semester. This project took about twenty hours to complete. There is one mid-term and one final exam, which are both closed notes and book. The mid-term heavily tests you over how well you have financial ratios in the back of the book memorized and whether you can apply them. However, on the final exam, he provides you with a list of the ratios, but you still need to know how to use them. Other problems will be more conceptual in nature (e.g., short answer questions). I took this internship schedule class while taking a full load of long-semester courses, so the frequent homework assignments really taxed my energy. But if you plan to take the half-semester version with advanced audit only, it should not be bad at all.
Review from a student who took ACC 301
I didn't even have this prof as my "assigned" professor, but I still went to his lectures because he is awesome at teaching. He always makes the subject entertaining and funny in some way. Definitely take him over Prof Single for ACC 301 and ANY accounting classes because Single.
Review from a student who took ojKYGJlJHyyv
cn5nBK Im thankful for the blog.Really thank you! Keep writing.
Review from a student who took edRSCpkPRTrraJHbO
N3pLV5 You ave made some good points there. I checked on the net to find out more about the issue and found most individuals will go along with your views on this web site.

Grades given in courses taught by Kamas

When teaching ACC 327

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 42% 44% 8% 3% 0% 2%

  All professors who have taught ACC 327

When teaching ACC 380K

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 70% 28% 1% 0% 0% 1%

  All professors who have taught ACC 380K

Rating Summary:

Personality: 3.75
Grading Fairness: 4.00
Lecture Quality: 3.50
Overall: 3.75

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