Professor profile for James Deitrick

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Student reviews of James Deitrick

Review from a student who took ACC 380K.2
Dr. Deitrick's lectures are very thorough, and he often reviews old material. He's also willing to answer questions during office hours. The course workload was not too bad. There were three (very long) exams, each one building on the old material. The homework is optional, and I thought the book was not very helpful. Get to know his course packet well, and it will take you far. Good luck!
Review from a student who took ACC 380K.2
I agree with the previous reviewer for Dr. Deitrick's advanced accounting class: he's very helpful, the exams are long, and his lectures are thorough. However, I never opened the book; the course packet is enough to do very well in the class.

Grades given in courses taught by James Deitrick

When teaching ACC 380K

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 48% 47% 3% 0% 0% 2%

  All professors who have taught ACC 380K