Professor profile for Elnozahy

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Student reviews of Elnozahy

Review from a student who took CS372
Mootaz is the best professor you can ever have for Operating Systems. He is very accomodating. His projects are awesome. Workload is kind of excessive, but you learn a lot.
Review from a student who took CS 372
This class is rough. The workload is somewhat excessive. Our first project was incredibly long and difficult to understand at first. DO NOT blow off these projects until the last minute. Give yourself at least a week if not more to finish them. Projects are done in teams of two, and we spent about 45-50 hours on our first project, fyi. Lecture is ok and seems relevant while you're in it, but then when you get the homeworks, lecture doesn't seem to cover much material that's directly relevant to the questions. (He'll tell you to go read the man pages for mmap or something he never covered...he seems to love the mmap command for some reason). Futhermore, you better know this stuff before taking his tests. The tests had reasonable questions, he just fails to give ANY partial credit for questions. Most of the time I'd just have a line drawn through my answer and no points given for the problem. On every test I had I went back and explained what I was doing and I got points back on EVERY one of them. I received a significant amount of points back on the last two tests especially. I don't think he thoroughly reads the answers. This was the main thing that really bothered me about him. He doesn't seem to smile much, though he will try to make a joke here and there. I found his attitude to be demeaning sometimes (he seemed to suggest that our class was the most incompetent bunch of students he had ever taught on several occasions) and I hated his partial credit (or lack thereof). This class was tons of work, but I learned alot, and still managed an 'A' in the class. He just needs to work on his attitude and grading policies. The class was ok but not my favorite.
Review from a student who took CS 372
Elnozahy is an excellent professor. Anyone who takes his course will learn alot. The projects do a good job in helping to understand the material. The course is alot of work, and the tests are very difficult. Despite the difficulties, it is well worth taking his class.

Grades given in courses taught by Elnozahy

When teaching CS 372

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 40% 32% 18% 1% 2% 6%

  All professors who have taught CS 372

Rating Summary:

Personality: 4.33
Grading Fairness: 3.67
Lecture Quality: 4.67
Overall: 4.33

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