Professor profile for Robert Causey

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Student reviews of Robert Causey

Review from a student who took PHL 313K
when people tell you PHL313K is boring... theyre only talkin about Causey's lectures. They really are that bad, but he really just goes over the readings in the book. So if you manage to read his horrible text beforehand, the lectures are just that much worse. To his credit though he does have some really weird tangents he goes on which made time go a little bit faster... The key to this class is definitely talking/getting to know your TA. Without my TA i would not have learned half the stuff in this class. Causey curves a lot too. Sad thing is that you really need it. Cool course material, just the wrong presentation of it by prof Causey.
Review from a student who took PHL 313K
Probably not the best professor in the world, but there is really only so much that can be done with course material which many find uninteresting at best. Reading the book completely and carefully is critical to understanding, as is attending TA sessions, which will likely be your best opportunity to learn the material. I discern that Causey's 313K is much harder than other professors - he wrote the book so he is pretty serious about the subject and about you understanding it down to the finest details like he does. Tests are extremely difficult, you must know the material backwards and forwards to hope to finish somewhat correctly. The averages are about a 50 and > 75% is an A. Don't give up and stay above the curve and you will be ok...
Review from a student who took PHL 313K
You really have to struggle to get an A in this class. The homework is insanely difficult, but the tests are slightly easier. Proving some solutions successfully definitely deserves celebration. The material is just not interesting half the time, and completely obscure the rest. Reading his textbook is torture, but if you manage to walk away with some knowledge of the subject, you might be able to apply it a few times in your lifetime. Your only hope is that your classmates are considerably dumber than you, because the curves are crucial to surviving the class.
Review from a student who took phl 313k
horrible teacher
Review from a student who took phl 313k
Causey's lectures are incredibly boring, as is the subject matter of 313k (in my opinion). Basically he just stands in front of the class reciting the book from memory because he wrote it. The course consists of 2 tests and about 7 homework assignments. Everything is curved because, frankly, everyone needs it. The homework assignments can be very difficult, but you will be given ample opportunities to review before both of the tests. Causey distributes a comprehensive review sheet before each one and both of my class' TA's held review sessions. There is no final (the 2nd test is on the last class day). To sum up, the subject matter of 313k is tedious, uninteresting, and difficult. Causey is not a particularly bad professor, but you will have a hard time staying interested in his lectures and I suspect that you will gain nothing from him that you could not learn from simply reading through the book. Good luck.

Grades given in courses taught by Robert Causey

When teaching PHL 313K

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 11% 23% 30% 8% 8% 20%

  All professors who have taught PHL 313K

When teaching PHL 323K

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 30% 28% 11% 4% 6% 21%

  All professors who have taught PHL 323K

When teaching PHL 321K

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 21% 34% 38% 0% 0% 7%

  All professors who have taught PHL 321K

When teaching PHL 384K

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 84% 16% 0% 0% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught PHL 384K

When teaching PHL 324C

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 40% 27% 27% 0% 0% 7%

  All professors who have taught PHL 324C

When teaching PHL 383

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught PHL 383

Rating Summary:

Personality: 2.40
Grading Fairness: 3.20
Lecture Quality: 1.40
Overall: 2.00

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