Professor profile for Klaus Bichteler

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Student reviews of Klaus Bichteler

Review from a student who took M 325K
I had him for M 325K three semesters ago. He has accent in his English and wears short pants which makes him funny looking. He's a nice person, He encourages us to collaborate on HW and turn in assignments as a group, so HW is no sweat. He also dropped one of your exams, which really helped me since I sometimes choked on exams. I heard he's strict on no curving, but I got 88% overall and still got an A. Oh, I just realized I'm only 1 of the 4 persons who got A in his class that semester. One more advise for those who take M 427K, there is an equivalent course at Ausitn Community College which you can take and transfer to UT, the course is expected to be hard but you won't have to worry about GPA so much.
Review from a student who took M 427K
He doesn't teach the material well at all. His tests are mostly straight from the homework so its not that bad, but he grades hard even though he says he is lenient. The ta is a life saver on partial credit. His tests are usually 4-5 questions with a short answer. I had an awesome ta so he helped with the short answer the day before the test, but otherwise I would've been in trouble. Bichteler generally just proves everything, but in an extremely terrible manner. He messes up so much its ridiculous. He can't remember the quadratic formula, but he expects you to know trig function integrals for the tests. I do not recommend him at all. ALSO, for every 3-4 classes you miss he drops your grade a letter, no excuses at all. He takes attendance everyday. Avoid this prof for sure.
Review from a student who took M 427K
HORRIBLE. Avoid this professor at all costs. Literally more than half the class fails the tests and he refuses to curve them or the class at all. His lectures don't flow well and he stands directly in front of where hes working on the board the vast majority of the class. Worst experience I've had at UT thus far, he honestly shouldn't be a faculty member here.
Review from a student who took M 427k
Review from a student who took M 427K
The absolute WORST professor I have ever had. When you see 25% of the class drop on the last day possible (the line to get the prof's signature was out the door), and 20-30% of the remaining class fails - something is definately wrong. He does not curve grades at all. The reasoning: his teaching style and quality is perfect and everyone else is just stupid. Yeah. I was clueless halfway through the class until I got my hands on another diff eq book and some recorded lectures from another professor (they are in the Audio-Visual library). With those supplements and the use of lectures to do Daily Texan crossword puzzles, his tests weren't too bad. Also, I was super lucky to have some child genius as my homework partner so she pretty much got me through the awful computer projects. Final Verdict: Avoid him at all costs. He will make you want to punch the hell out of the next mall Santa you see.
Review from a student who took M 427K
He's German, and doesn't have the greatest grasp of English some days. You have to go to class (or else you drop a letter grade like everyone has already mentioned), but you won't learn much there. Take this class only if you can go and will go to the discussion section. If you're TA isn't good, you're screwed. I don't know how the grading works. I know I passed fewer than 50% of the Quizes, yet I had a 90 Quiz average. Tests are pretty straight forward, they aren't exactly from the HW like he claims, but find old tests, and look at his review, and you should be able to do well enough to get through the class. My suggestion: Use the class time to take a nap or do something constructive like that. You can take notes all you want, but it's damn hard to read his chicken scratch hand-writting, and just as hard to follow his lecture. I'm not sure if it really helps, but pretend his jokes and stories are amusing. It's way better when he tells a story than actually lectures. And if you get the whole class to look at him funny, he'll become afraid that he has his fly open. Once again, more engaging then the lecture.
Review from a student who took m 427k
this guy is hard to understand and confuses himself sometimes. he has a deep obsession with dead things because for his modeling problems, he kept using examples of dead corpses, dead animal in a meat locker..........well anyways, i made a B in his class. I think i am a fairly intelligant human being that misspells words quite often, but i am good in math. you'll be better off with almost any other teacher. btw, he checks attendance and it is part of your grade (pop quizzes in discussions to force you to go).
Review from a student who took M 325K
He is without a doubt the worst professor I've ever had. His tests aren't too difficult, because he'll give you practice exams which are almost exactly the same as the real thing, but you won't learn anything. He has a strict attendance policy, he is boring, and you'll end up memorizing practice test solutions instead of learning. Do not take him. Do not take him. Do not take him.
Review from a student who took M427K
If you take this teacher, you will hate it. If not, you are probably related to Hitler.
Review from a student who took M 427k
(Must be said) Look at the charts below, he's been known to pass less than 50% of the students. What do you think about those odds?
Review from a student who took M325K
This man is a horrible professor. Perhaps one of the worst teachers/profs I've had in my entire life. Let me tell you, I'm not one of those people who was mad at the professor for getting a bad grade, I didn't get a bad grade. BUT, this man is horrible at lectures, they are boring and good luck trying to figure out his handwriting. He has an amazingly strict attendance policy, miss the 4th day and you get your final grade lowered by a letter grade, sometimes applies even if you're late on a few days. He doesn't grade the homeworks completely, and you can't get the correct answers to the homework unless you dwell in his office to get him to tell them to you. He has no TA so you can't get your questions answered if you dont understand it the first time. He says he grades "leniently" on exams, (says it on the syllabus) but that didn't seem true to anyone, considering on the 2nd exam 9 out of 18 people in the class failed the exam completely. Every minor mistake on a question takes 5% off that question, and since he usually has 5 questions per test, just imagine how bad it gets. On the third exam, he told us to absolutely know how to prove this theorem for the exam the next class, on the exam he didnt even ask that question as if taunting us. It took my study group 3 hrs to understand that proof. He shows a sample test, and on the first 2 tests he had similar questions, but on the 3rd one NONE of the questions were from last year's test, good thing we studied from the book. The only good thing about him is that he's a nice guy... If you like nice people and a hell of a challenge, then go ahead and take him, but dont say we didnt warn you.
Review from a student who took M 325K
He is a terrible lecture. He does not really teach the material. What he does teach is how to memorize. This class is passable if you spend enough hours memorizing your homework and test. But he's really serious about the no curve policy. Luckily I passed this terrible course. I can only recomend this guy only if you have good photographic memory. But overall, avoid him at all cost!
Review from a student who took M 427K
The course material can only be understood fully if you did your homework. Some of the suggested HW problems are repetitive so, just do a couple of problem and grasp the basic concept and you'll do just fine. Test are so easy if you did the HW. Computer HW could be a bitch if you never used Matlab, mathematica, or maple before ( I figured out Maple is the easiest to use of the three). Hint. If you need to solve a Diff eq problem using one of the software. google the type of diff eq and software name and you'll bound to find some written code that is fairly similar to the problem you had.
Review from a student who took M 325K
His tests are basically the same as the practice test he goes over the Tuesday or Thursday before the test. The same goes for homeworks. I suggest finding people with his old test and homeworks. His lectures may be boring, yet funny at times, but be sure to come to class everyday because attendance is part of your grade.
Review from a student who took M427K
i hate this fucking teacher
Review from a student who took M 427K
The tests are very difficult and he says that he will not curve grades. All of the test problems come from lectures or the optional homework, but there are quite of few of these problems, and they are hard. Only take a Bichteler class if your schedule demands it. It can be quite a workload.
Review from a student who took M 427k
i love eric :)
Review from a student who took M 427k
holy shit
Review from a student who took M 427k
hi eric
Review from a student who took M 427k
Review from a student who took M 427k
Review from a student who took M 427k
Review from a student who took M 427k
Review from a student who took M 427k
Review from a student who took M 427K
His test are not hard at all if you pay attention and do the homework (which is optional, so it takes some will power). The tests are essentially the easiest problems out of the homework. The fourth test can replace one of the first three and there's no final. The computer supplement is a waste of time, but it beats homework assignments. He takes attendance. 3 absences and he drops you a letter grade. I really like his style of teaching. It's fairly theoretical, but he goes slow enough so that you can keep up with him. I'm taking him again for M 325.
Review from a student who took M 427K
when i took this class there was this blind guy in our class. one time during lecture, the blind guy corrects him on one of his taylor series or something that he wrote on the board several minutes before. bichteler then chastised us because the blind guy caught the mistake but we didn't and we can see the board. no joke.
Review from a student who took m 427k
this is the second time i'm taking this course, the first time i had some guy that had never taught it before. i really wish i'd heard of this website beforehand, or i never would have taken it w/ this prof. i'm not learning anything at all, and i can't even manage to do the hw probs, so i have a bad feeling about the tests. at the very least, going in to the ta for a summary of everything we were supposed to have covered seems to help some. in order to take this course w/ this prof, you've either gotta be a genius at math, a really really dedicated worker, a hard-headed fool, or ignorant. here's to hoping that you're not a hard-headed fool. cuz if you aren't lucky, this thing'll chew you up & spit you out.
Review from a student who took M 427k
The lowdown on Bichteler: The HW is optional, but the test problems are straight from the HW's; little did we realize that he would assign nearly every problem in the book. The tests are made up of any of the 300+ problems assigned AND an essay question which he grades harshly. More than half the class failed the first test and Klaus reassured us he will not curve. The HW projects are busywork and will consume a few hours of your time each. Three Absences knocks you down a letter grade, so take a good book to class. I would not recommend this prof, take Gamba.
Review from a student who took dlhNxHYjBrGij
We'll need to take up references
Review from a student who took MXBDrHZMAjcO
I was made redundant two months ago
Review from a student who took iyGBIACABOid
I've got a very weak signal
Review from a student who took QIUNxZVsMSDDxRVSWYj
Yes, I play the guitar
Review from a student who took qBhoAccMCkWmHCE
Whereabouts in are you from?
Review from a student who took TdviqKRMzfDnNB
Sorry, you must have the wrong number
Review from a student who took HctGeHneCLCxCga
Could I order a new chequebook, please?
Review from a student who took LQhCGKWYLqppgbSqnm
I'm interested in this position
Review from a student who took VJmwuOiQrjuRcwfNXB
Is this a temporary or permanent position?
Review from a student who took sJgRTEslqakK
A pension scheme
Review from a student who took TKRnfCGJioeCKI
Sorry, I ran out of credit
Review from a student who took enyjCUXSxJkEQe
I didn't go to university
Review from a student who took BgCECWpPtmITVxtZ
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Review from a student who took SpkOYgEjdJHUioFS
I'm in my first year at university
Review from a student who took cEAIgXesDpXVYYQRNg
Sorry, you must have the wrong number
Review from a student who took zKXHXJQOWewDjbb
Can I use your phone?
Review from a student who took VEIVvtCdTUWLNbnFlXo
I've been made redundant
Review from a student who took iBxLKVeMiBxw
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
Review from a student who took CSSyyOodlE
I really like swimming
Review from a student who took tmUiyjhIftgomedo
We've got a joint account
Review from a student who took NbMZKrHQxhBpBDilhz
I don't know what I want to do after university
Review from a student who took UJpKZhUCXyJzGhyncq
Another service?
Review from a student who took QgtkKcKnauwfFVCl
I'd like a phonecard, please
Review from a student who took HUIdrhHvQHoIo
I'd like a phonecard, please
Review from a student who took QTAkzFylUxYesFKz
On another call
Review from a student who took nbFUlpnqQqIQUX
Do you play any instruments?
Review from a student who took uHseGGfWrpEUi
Very Good Site
Review from a student who took jsEZdfuXmSzO
I'm doing a masters in law
Review from a student who took ykbaalGvJNdimkFCrTT
Have you got any ?
Review from a student who took DxSacDwYnsPVjX
I'd like to tell you about a change of address
Review from a student who took KzrTqFujLMBLGTrpS
I'm about to run out of credit
Review from a student who took oelJYdxpqDHPz
I've lost my bank card
Review from a student who took DmNSvsXPqHStTH
I've come to collect a parcel
Review from a student who took qNxJpgGFcxvztNfSqvg
I stay at home and look after the children
Review from a student who took yTaUnlGrzcQc
Another service?
Review from a student who took upZrPPlBqUv
Whereabouts in are you from?
Review from a student who took vgzGHwzpgeVJ
Excellent work, Nice Design
Review from a student who took YbuazgGSiymmvz
Is there ?
Review from a student who took WCSnlIPzGqfaMBcZCn
I like watching TV
Review from a student who took sGcCAsNzsVfljGyE
Could you send me an application form?
Review from a student who took QjUqoOtCKu
Can I use your phone?
Review from a student who took mGpeZvmNedcBjm
Whereabouts in are you from?
Review from a student who took OboXBOLApNtM
I'm on business
Review from a student who took BgiIzDgIQUCz
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Review from a student who took KOivCkZHeb
Have you got any ? <a href=" ">buy bimatoprost online without dr approval</a> This is a mystery that Europe&#8217;s ExoMars mission is ready to solve. In 2016 it will have a satellite in orbit around Mars, designed to test for methane, and by 2018 this rover will be rolling around the Red Planet. The mission will be the first to set out with the direct intention of finding signs of life, now, and in the past. The rover&#8217;s drill will be able to collect samples two metres beneath the surface.
Review from a student who took cLhYacxCsBGWPOtqytQ
I've just started at bimatoprost ophthalmic solution 0.03 best price To Randall Kroszner, who served under Bernanke on the Fed Board during the financial crisis, the chairman actually did his successor a favor by testing the market's reactions to potential changes in the bond-buying program, first in May by raising the prospect that a tapering of the purchases could come soon and then again on Wednesday by holding off on any changes.
Review from a student who took XLASihnJZsFRBhh
i'm fine good work <a href=" #comparable ">generic bimatoprost for eyelashes</a> The appropriate time to deliberate over the experimental section is after the exam is over, when you have time to reflect. If you know that you missed points on a particular section, but after the test, you determine that section was experimental, you'll know your chances of reaching or exceeding your target score.
Review from a student who took JZyKBAsClwx
Best Site good looking <a href=" ">glow bimatoprost next day no prescription seaman</a> Yemen, which relies on crude exports to bolster foreign currency reserves and finance up to 70 percent of government spending, has seen frequent bombings of the key pipeline in central Maarib province since early 2011.
Review from a student who took FOBhPuMjdkRIG
I never went to university <a href=" ">bimatoprost next day no prescription</a> It later jumps to West down on one knee in the fully lit stadium. There's no audio of his actual proposal, but the video shows Kardashian lean forward with her hands covering her face in apparent surprise.
Review from a student who took BBAXEBVaBcg
Have you seen any good films recently?
Review from a student who took CTTmbWKkeBrNkM
A financial advisor
Review from a student who took QRXCUXkUTfBNUUoD
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Review from a student who took sWeZUblDFgEwzCLkLY
Do you play any instruments?
Review from a student who took aZCRIbNfbdgvA
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
Review from a student who took bDeLPnOBmtwQuA
Where to get yourself the same?,
Review from a student who took snwlrTdvTPrahoe
Review from a student who took ErUbmlTIkZZNvuw
Review from a student who took qFDeysFERjrHzCBU
And what do you write?,
Review from a student who took WECCydfBtaaS
original news,
Review from a student who took znfdFrfgARJAehhnkSj
I like watching football
Review from a student who took poJThPnQMpuTdzLSpzQ
Who would I report to?
Review from a student who took OqZdzwpPDusrLiCL
magic story very thanks
Review from a student who took JNKVknPYlpnMfkHdbK
How do you spell that?
Review from a student who took EHqhoMsEmIY
How much does the job pay?
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Can you hear me OK?
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I'd like a phonecard, please
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Have you got any qualifications?
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Lost credit card
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Will I get travelling expenses?
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Could you please repeat that?
Review from a student who took cYDqTyWxQOwWT
Do you have any exams coming up?
Review from a student who took bacnICUnJlmpk
Very interesting tale
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I like watching TV
Review from a student who took fzoTVnlrJRoowmxcD
How many weeks' holiday a year are there?
Review from a student who took cKTIPexDgGxdRMjhAq
Will I get travelling expenses?
Review from a student who took PhOfevglcPuhOfi
I was born in Australia but grew up in England
Review from a student who took oTBpcosTpqMHXCPJmWu
I came here to work
Review from a student who took FLySDJdqiHE
I'd like to open a business account
Review from a student who took KfyYtcrhaFdZBKOhY
We work together
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How much is a First Class stamp?
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We need someone with qualifications
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Could you give me some smaller notes?
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How much does the job pay?
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A book of First Class stamps
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I saw your advert in the paper
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Just over two years
Review from a student who took OUiCEnfCZPA
I'm on work experience
Review from a student who took qjAkdVxCZbURv
Gloomy tales
Review from a student who took tIlenKGeOmg
I'm a trainee
Review from a student who took CdcjHnzUtOUnxmNa
I'm on business
Review from a student who took meDPLNGjUwOkwXUv
I'm sorry, I'm not interested
Review from a student who took YpCiGUMSuultp
What's the interest rate on this account?
Review from a student who took pWyQEjrbMhrEDdGYsG
I love the theatre
Review from a student who took YvmTeBOPRLDizpFEQS
An estate agents
Review from a student who took QDcfrkwKDcZYRa
Very funny pictures
Review from a student who took oodIHZCRcfvuzorhsS
The line's engaged
Review from a student who took esUnnrjoOUuDQ
Children with disabilities
Review from a student who took idUYzKJSBGQhYeUL
I want to make a withdrawal
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Go travelling
Review from a student who took CCOtwplhqzxvx
We need someone with experience
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One moment, please
Review from a student who took WDmwyELmHmnUpRn
What's the current interest rate for personal loans?
Review from a student who took qvetlhEVspvNHXU
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name
Review from a student who took gkXZAYCPde
A financial advisor
Review from a student who took mThaNLqyCroQSxw
How do you know each other?
Review from a student who took oKigiklIjwNXhJmxY
Through friends
Review from a student who took SifStzWPWUFZcfi
The National Gallery
Review from a student who took rasscjwZflMwwPn
Could you give me some smaller notes?
Review from a student who took BNguUVoYHXTgZ
I'd like to tell you about a change of address
Review from a student who took OZMSojcvKKk
I'm a housewife
Review from a student who took qxscqeuqiBApxeNFpK
Other amount
Review from a student who took iLpKJfcdbtC
Stolen credit card
Review from a student who took OhIcmQdYILoYeyAcjPx
I'm on work experience
Review from a student who took IXoLwnzjPXH
Have you got a current driving licence?
Review from a student who took WaaDzHfFfVUbIifA
I'm sorry, he's
Review from a student who took CrAyumYRNlbtvMjDCc
I'd like to change some money
Review from a student who took DlqCxBnDWltXCVhux
I'm a partner in
Review from a student who took eKneYPoFET
Do you know each other?
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Do you know the address?
Review from a student who took DrDIpXiCDs
Where's the postbox?
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I'd like to tell you about a change of address
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Could you give me some smaller notes?
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I'm a housewife
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Wonderfull great site
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I'm interested in
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Review from a student who took pzsjYTxuEDqd
I sing in a choir
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What's the current interest rate for personal loans?
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Stolen credit card
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Could I have an application form?
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Could you ask her to call me?
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very best job
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How many would you like?
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What company are you calling from?
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Could I have a statement, please?
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I never went to university
Review from a student who took KKkKHYxnWNj
Can I take your number?
Review from a student who took SVnDmofFGQ
No, I'm not particularly sporty
Review from a student who took LIkQVQORYAkSTEclx
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
Review from a student who took GQfbnsDRXEX
A First Class stamp
Review from a student who took PdsgbfJicusmt
A few months
Review from a student who took nOCRDPdrGQwp
Could you send me an application form?
Review from a student who took xmwwlNSfFLI
Looking for work
Review from a student who took EEVYmoVPQp
I'd like to cancel a cheque
Review from a student who took IBpLZVFPffslfmC
Who's calling?
Review from a student who took HKLePMPYWMMtnzLu
very best job
Review from a student who took PmYyBsAejkmBDqYOz
I don't like pubs
Review from a student who took DjzhFpUHjH
I work for myself
Review from a student who took lAraIzEBIXyfYhmCTHn
I've lost my bank card
Review from a student who took tUHnPfHytTHB
I'm a member of a gym
Review from a student who took WIdbfxLlbNK
What part of do you come from?
Review from a student who took jqKszLTgZCm
Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
Review from a student who took ZHGXgsbBRcVbn
I'm not sure
Review from a student who took vgmyEKgtqCrsirq
I've got a full-time job
Review from a student who took awxuoNuIBy
What do you do?
Review from a student who took ebgNcMGtkWwPCSFcwC
Your account's overdrawn
Review from a student who took deVMHOufWwwSPQclJ
This is the job description
Review from a student who took AyYbkbTpFUe
Do you need a work permit?
Review from a student who took ytJtVsxKblZer
I study here
Review from a student who took rxSojVaYTVDSCA
Will I have to work on Saturdays?
Review from a student who took gRyBpVEeIDcHNgjJ
Pleased to meet you
Review from a student who took lNIMZQSIazPVKCTFJN
In tens, please (ten pound notes)
Review from a student who took WZvZHqGGOHWVDp
I'm not sure
Review from a student who took TykQpKkRXeb
Who's calling?
Review from a student who took wOvFFUiOMNPBU
An estate agents
Review from a student who took hZmKdlzPhAWUMJZJ
Will I have to work shifts?
Review from a student who took AWrGdTAGNdKKdJQJS
Review from a student who took ammJBHvANMNhS
I'd like to take the job
Review from a student who took iFCxDSkaLuWeYLWeF
I quite like cooking
Review from a student who took ssirjMrDfLPRwkitM
How much were you paid in your last job?
Review from a student who took RCurgRvSuUCIS
Where are you calling from?
Review from a student who took nviKXYVJQijRm
I quite like cooking
Review from a student who took hCyHzHjrQcTYVMvAJ
What do you want to do when you've finished?
Review from a student who took yOscCypBnGVOTQ
I'm not interested in football
Review from a student who took yhPXleDvSFemMjYlVX
I've got a part-time job
Review from a student who took TrzyZmmwKrmuq
Could I have a statement, please?
Review from a student who took UDihopHmBxILAkQaK
How long have you lived here?
Review from a student who took wpjZKGSTyzrgYTGUpn
I didn't go to university
Review from a student who took ocdBkTUrTsz
I quite like cooking
Review from a student who took brlFFsZZvhObqHlFM
Accountant supermarket manager
Review from a student who took CodqsjtULjtrRcgy
What do you like doing in your spare time?
Review from a student who took KxcNZYMnEsteHASb
I'm sorry, he's
Review from a student who took qGNpJrEXSP
I'm on a course at the moment
Review from a student who took MjccXdDzsjGHqlH
Which year are you in?
Review from a student who took kfZbKLSXORbbLDqC
Until August
Review from a student who took qGBVJBFrIIA
We'd like to offer you the job
Review from a student who took vLmCPDyrvnNEcKLy
Could I have a statement, please?
Review from a student who took HQEDawAcSAASZVBF
I really like swimming
Review from a student who took hEUBqYPluB
I'm interested in this position
Review from a student who took KIoyGFKCipHSFctP
Will I have to work shifts?
Review from a student who took HRMaQfIbycIyoD
perfect design thanks
Review from a student who took bsaRlAabmPOT
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took dXKdOzGXHHE
We're at university together
Review from a student who took xahJEvrfewLkPTf
What line of work are you in?
Review from a student who took NVspnwlyBleRyExb
Lost credit card
Review from a student who took qyJcuoChxMFC
We work together
Review from a student who took SZOJpVNtQUw
Would you like to leave a message?
Review from a student who took uUzmverusDYtGCX
What university do you go to?
Review from a student who took lsMVsyBmtTkwXHs
Thanks for calling
Review from a student who took IrbQQLlLhlfQxmTQI
I stay at home and look after the children
Review from a student who took nlCGztPZhUW
This is the job description
Review from a student who took zTgVTSbimoEXhyUDoRj
I work for myself
Review from a student who took scMFaurnagSNPib
Sorry, I ran out of credit
Review from a student who took GihugEnJjGbbtscbsca
I'd like some euros
Review from a student who took qLeMUTIKcmyXPqgxB
Could I order a new chequebook, please?
Review from a student who took jzdEzGxiobLMVexENT
I'd like to transfer some money to this account
Review from a student who took EJxIArdJSGs
A company car
Review from a student who took cBOrMXNNPtXUvF
Free medical insurance
Review from a student who took KfrVhjCumDAOzbsWYhr
Whereabouts in are you from?
Review from a student who took wiadrdPFZYQTOHm
How much were you paid in your last job?
Review from a student who took uUEzcZcZLnjppdC
Best Site Good Work
Review from a student who took hyePwgVNwt
We need someone with qualifications
Review from a student who took DEGznnlCBpGoxp
Whereabouts are you from?
Review from a student who took fDxSCpXjmhIztfsdx
I want to make a withdrawal
Review from a student who took jjtlzhIaTkR
On another call
Review from a student who took JTYZlxsOlk
real beauty page
Review from a student who took gDTTCDHcdBXuGfg
I stay at home and look after the children
Review from a student who took tigeVdCEuxnyQ
I like it a lot
Review from a student who took gNWsQopZZkaB
Review from a student who took znaEMKkZAqLpXPD
Why did you come to ?
Review from a student who took YqnzpjwELAuZsoO
We're at university together
Review from a student who took ASFMdYJOwHN
I've only just arrived
Review from a student who took GzUnfbAFSxcGhsGmcU
Is it convenient to talk at the moment?
Review from a student who took omXHNVvAdSCRxhz
Through friends
Review from a student who took dBJKnJwJNqwgENGojw
How much is a Second Class stamp?
Review from a student who took UtKvWnENYfTKY
Could I take your name and number, please?
Review from a student who took vwqnGczLvNab
I don't know what I want to do after university
Review from a student who took YUGdCzrDCrQARA
Pleased to meet you
Review from a student who took mxPUPjrylvrqgCxj
Where do you come from?
Review from a student who took kDrmAlPLlXDice
Incorrect PIN
Review from a student who took wuDLRnPdjxaQSxOJuu
Where are you from?
Review from a student who took RizQzQCaOKK
Will I get travelling expenses?
Review from a student who took fuwlLNZMZcie
Enter your PIN
Review from a student who took LWwQJeHQnnj
I quite like cooking
Review from a student who took VbcuwGnHTf
Where do you come from?
Review from a student who took BweVMQKRLnLWor
Enter your PIN
Review from a student who took XpvhxmSHaWHoOFiVJr
I'm interested in
Review from a student who took VrKZpBgsyqOEL
I live in London
Review from a student who took SBihBaSJEWKVYnj
Another year
Review from a student who took rdhebCMiLo
Could I borrow your phone, please?
Review from a student who took PORgyLkUxExkgGdgCXW
How do I get an outside line?
Review from a student who took JIaMgHmeVd
Review from a student who took kYCmKmrkKtZf
Have you read any good books lately?
Review from a student who took TOOlPJhmrAZTWB
An accountancy practice
Review from a student who took WdTNyIzkKLj
Thanks funny site
Review from a student who took BRaHaPOSTcTnOpw
Could I have an application form?
Review from a student who took ZhTROWGhCyDHPk
How many would you like?
Review from a student who took ultErrdMZEUunIzP
Will I be paid weekly or monthly?
Review from a student who took LwHfQCPKQHgFXTohWo
Could you ask him to call me?
Review from a student who took GOYvkNGEkZwJlWxQ
I'm sorry, he's
Review from a student who took VsyXSsmXSi
A book of First Class stamps
Review from a student who took tBolyqMcMsCdaHevis
US dollars
Review from a student who took pGRnHmPANTUYg
I'd like to tell you about a change of address
Review from a student who took XAmTBpWCjIBoryZAAZI
Are you a student?
Review from a student who took SKpYANfWGijRLH
Could I have a statement, please?
Review from a student who took vfjBABrkebuNUPF
Do you know what extension he's on?
Review from a student who took PYWMHThLTXV
What sort of music do you like?
Review from a student who took whGgIkbXrlysIiDrs
Have you got a telephone directory?
Review from a student who took hrGfyxgtHJuKrKZS
Your cash is being counted
Review from a student who took PduEtdNmXgogD
On another call
Review from a student who took mNvGkFBAEnBHgTZJU
Where are you from?
Review from a student who took bazfRqqMbifr
I live in London
Review from a student who took pwbHJVLnNMFa
very best job
Review from a student who took EqeBOsLNplCZ
Do you need a work permit?
Review from a student who took yYbaqXDpzjgMN
I'm on business
Review from a student who took jBKNBHWcgQyY
Could you ask him to call me?
Review from a student who took hMPEWMRVXsg
Have you seen any good films recently?
Review from a student who took VeGPXfykeqS
I'm training to be an engineer
Review from a student who took WrYffGtJIlvoWXlaz
Are you a student?
Review from a student who took ZFelrZDwRBuNhmwxRA
very best job
Review from a student who took JPAtWTefGtqS
I'm at Liverpool University
Review from a student who took bGymKBfqjrJldv
Where's the postbox?
Review from a student who took SJMYUXudwCywUgrxLPR
How would you like the money?
Review from a student who took wOfXbNyXltZN
Incorrect PIN
Review from a student who took cweuuyNkEjDiRAwY
Stolen credit card
Review from a student who took sTOMEwtZpX
Do you know what extension he's on?
Review from a student who took AxgdBjwdrzUOxJK
Is this a temporary or permanent position?
Review from a student who took wWXhzNXAdK
I can't get through at the moment
Review from a student who took hUabytIQiMO
Gloomy tales
Review from a student who took FNlKGzYOUtQ
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account?
Review from a student who took KLHFfnNqhhNb
I've got a very weak signal
Review from a student who took YvHkBmUvveAYUPjQKI
A financial advisor
Review from a student who took ZdmSioDfWBzFQPhGogJ
How do you do?
Review from a student who took vnfNvbRVyNI
Where's the postbox?
Review from a student who took ryDSqXsDOXrx
I'd like to send this to
Review from a student who took qExGoGWKjmetLuHuLo
Free medical insurance
Review from a student who took KLJRzSqrnDQVNh
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh
Review from a student who took PriiDooLcYksFHv
A financial advisor
Review from a student who took XYWMEupFYzBiODRgtRS
I've been cut off
Review from a student who took yPiSiUlImnSboNQksCk
Could I have a statement, please?
Review from a student who took EXkAfueLCXFfFCiyf
I'd like to apply for this job
Review from a student who took JOuKLqDDfARLeicP
Do you know each other?
Review from a student who took NBYAttHRTDTqvM
Your cash is being counted
Review from a student who took ywXhVBTFXaniLR
Lost credit card
Review from a student who took aYfpbTEiwkPgb
I'd like , please
Review from a student who took MSSvaEEJrpviOJXjrJ
The manager
Review from a student who took gGJtNiBicNKgHS
This is your employment contract
Review from a student who took hHkUGVfJwCGFlnhCUiy
Could I order a new chequebook, please?
Review from a student who took lcZLNMWSOCvyJCsF
How would you like the money?
Review from a student who took gQXjvbxUCVHXkipODRW
What are the hours of work?
Review from a student who took cutqrAgbbUwPUgG
How much is a First Class stamp?
Review from a student who took LTUOYDygNvVgwX
Do you like it here?
Review from a student who took BEOVaxfUBrSJBwwBnbE
What part of do you come from?
Review from a student who took YsWmNQMfXtDDdy
Where are you calling from?
Review from a student who took uYbFaTAGwDCI
I read a lot
Review from a student who took zALBClbCbsCePkIs
Not in at the moment
Review from a student who took uZklUCRIuVVNfdrxaB
good material thanks
Review from a student who took iCvAbjJJuqER
I'm unemployed
Review from a student who took xODEXThsWLyxKeuwVL
Could you ask him to call me?
Review from a student who took CsKyeanJaCznLFa
Sorry, I ran out of credit
Review from a student who took rnAUatFHFG
We're at university together
Review from a student who took OapSRimPhhTVL
We'd like to invite you for an interview
Review from a student who took RowZntWzGxTGFxSkWlk
I'm only getting an answering machine
Review from a student who took kfMMlKlQETY
Cool site goodluck :)
Review from a student who took ymXsdfLhUzKrXo
I saw your advert in the paper
Review from a student who took rgwwKFmjydtgR
Have you got any experience?
Review from a student who took EwzwCzjndAzLRf
How much notice do you have to give?
Review from a student who took gnkbUeZXUNUGWZipIHA
real beauty page
Review from a student who took WAxcsXrJtFD
I read a lot
Review from a student who took LhoKBtoFTaHKthum
Who do you work for?
Review from a student who took ozWAhalDFBM
What part of do you come from?
Review from a student who took ZDKiKESRPsvifYWkVEp
Excellent work, Nice Design
Review from a student who took wRkwSwiEvqJPdDjI
this post is fantastic
Review from a student who took pSNdrbGxoEcapLnjcJ
International directory enquiries
Review from a student who took zdmltyuTMvpZkYBch
I'd like to cancel this standing order
Review from a student who took JxeVzjifKeHHtMRj
Why did you come to ?
Review from a student who took FYPdzLnwxRs
Will I get travelling expenses?
Review from a student who took YehhZHbxmVKobxgoOtM
I saw your advert in the paper
Review from a student who took CFsooMwEdCiMBao
We'll need to take up references
Review from a student who took cKgNwDGMzCzd
What's the interest rate on this account?
Review from a student who took PobLIskAUPopouaO
I'd like to change some money
Review from a student who took xEQJCwYLHNkyP
Have you got a current driving licence?
Review from a student who took pteAZxhSINOL
Will I have to work on Saturdays?
Review from a student who took fEtTdfEtMXAIfmHbpCB
I'd like some euros
Review from a student who took fZvJPtQbXYlYejjNh
Did you go to university?
Review from a student who took hTkhnqxOPSPm
Sorry, you must have the wrong number
Review from a student who took IzIPUfyMjmdgJeIeA
Could I order a new chequebook, please?
Review from a student who took EeqOUTDnRR
Can I take your number?
Review from a student who took YXbcRhUzTgAKiVInhH
Who's calling?
Review from a student who took EzVTPDvoEAcJ
I'd like to change some money
Review from a student who took mKvntukhuNueTqJ
Other amount
Review from a student who took vrfoKGHYVxJfm
Could you ask him to call me?
Review from a student who took MzqAHUQmTlWxfCTgfwn
I'm a trainee
Review from a student who took RVuSkvEecBJCeds
Could you please repeat that?
Review from a student who took sUZZCnvKstkTzxxCNxx
A packet of envelopes
Review from a student who took cUctoTGmlfL
Nice to meet you
Review from a student who took uEltcojkUGetYuyXp
How would you like the money?
Review from a student who took xDKTfptCLiRI
A First Class stamp
Review from a student who took tYIyqQnEcQUF
I can't get a dialling tone
Review from a student who took RQmknAztEAvRUSDhPAC
Review from a student who took YBxfLKGwuYuhM
I've got a part-time job
Review from a student who took CTBYYrxlPtQv
Looking for a job
Review from a student who took NiGiLtKZGiqvduWZo
What are the hours of work?
Review from a student who took gdtAoyWyxaMnmPRNV
I support Manchester United
Review from a student who took SaCHcRZsiHeXPuHXn
It's funny goodluck
Review from a student who took JBjRwsDMHBkFZTTEwiH
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear?
Review from a student who took LSTjfsKLKYCMxd
Do you know what extension he's on?
Review from a student who took tUOMwqNDeslecKVayZH
I work here
Review from a student who took PgXAOKvnhGpbiRoQOM
Who's calling?
Review from a student who took oYECIOprUqahxpLsA
Can you put it on the scales, please?
Review from a student who took pUMHHLNTdoPZFcwIvBw
Which university are you at?
Review from a student who took leUdSuCmiH
Could I have , please?
Review from a student who took SOyNlupQmavp
How long are you planning to stay here?
Review from a student who took MLCCcQTgaUhMcnhr
I love the theatre
Review from a student who took erEVlAQIOYvUZSsNCt
I stay at home and look after the children
Review from a student who took wGMTmsQbsalNxgdZr
Special Delivery
Review from a student who took RestUzCgri
What do you do for a living?
Review from a student who took htrOkfZJxmXXappC
I'm on holiday
Review from a student who took EwHIsSjexyCCUY
Could you please repeat that?
Review from a student who took YCfYTIrgIUsSp
Directory enquiries
Review from a student who took PbEkeGomAwNmw
I'd like some euros
Review from a student who took KVhuIJzYhNdPGSZqBP
Do you know what extension he's on?
Review from a student who took vQiiKBbePpnzcE
Stolen credit card
Review from a student who took KyyKoZGFmWTAreNtWa
How many would you like?
Review from a student who took fRwfgDaRlKwkZVeQyt
We were at school together
Review from a student who took SrFfhYqjWuVeUF
I'm at Liverpool University
Review from a student who took zJvbXIfvstN
I'll send you a text
Review from a student who took XzOrkdnToM
Do you like it here?
Review from a student who took JcdYuCnouwtVDgnDlIt
I enjoy travelling
Review from a student who took vKDZinAaCcqoODCsGy
I'm in my first year at university
Review from a student who took sqPyCCibYEkMGR
Do you have any exams coming up?
Review from a student who took HWRxWpAeGejQZYaa
Can you hear me OK?
Review from a student who took sltGoLOTEO
We'd like to invite you for an interview
Review from a student who took EvbkvanPtXIpjZZnZp
Can I call you back?
Review from a student who took urDuxbBFoG
Is it convenient to talk at the moment?
Review from a student who took bZRFQYMXKwh
How long are you planning to stay here?
Review from a student who took bBkGNnemdautf
Thanks for calling
Review from a student who took pzHtXEQuQTtxLrRX
I love this site
Review from a student who took wqrGHZGkFjznBFDrq
I came here to study
Review from a student who took ftQIBzdTzgH
I'd like to send this to
Review from a student who took EzimCSSELXpBqti
Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
Review from a student who took WsMLuDUvrlZu
Could you give me some smaller notes?
Review from a student who took JRdbYAaIoZDJMUQLtg
I work with computers
Review from a student who took GTPZCPGjLnvQseMYBL
Do you know the address?
Review from a student who took CHNoftXAntSexDwDM
I enjoy travelling
Review from a student who took VOgDLlldelhJVogDT
Will I be paid weekly or monthly?
Review from a student who took gwnOlAiFCfgbRRBZ
Will I get travelling expenses?
Review from a student who took VawCvtRKCiogbyjX
Looking for a job
Review from a student who took AbdlJwTrMjbMBTY
I'm about to run out of credit
Review from a student who took QaYBUaSbML
We'd like to invite you for an interview
Review from a student who took IBVUNyKyvGbWXEJjen
What sort of music do you like?
Review from a student who took VNctFaLeTx
Accountant supermarket manager
Review from a student who took vsTuoBJJNvB
A law firm
Review from a student who took RuzsWyeHDSec
I'm doing a masters in law
Review from a student who took puYSjSIXhWW
Review from a student who took PzOrjeIrnZWMVqv
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took VakwTGroFtcDxG
What university do you go to?
Review from a student who took CvwtynDNnxsWQ
A financial advisor
Review from a student who took bhRnHcuLNOxprc
Until August
Review from a student who took xnoNSRBKdNijkVkzgV
How do you spell that?
Review from a student who took RFsjHLjwfo
I work here
Review from a student who took rJqUxrVhuPCKaEvPo
Sorry, you must have the wrong number
Review from a student who took mEjXvLhHOmJ
What are the hours of work?
Review from a student who took vVYDINUxVnP
I work with computers
Review from a student who took QhPPWOxuVS
Children with disabilities
Review from a student who took hbewyPPRbfwz
Other amount
Review from a student who took ausqVkkfPbUjlVOpanq
I've been made redundant
Review from a student who took xgqdoYWtYOVEMNkuA
What university do you go to?
Review from a student who took OBcfCuYGHACyVi
I sing in a choir
Review from a student who took FuxWGiGRMvcOEGvmlke
The United States
Review from a student who took AdPXKIXcHfovqSAmkOA
An estate agents
Review from a student who took tLPMEqVOGlN
Which team do you support?
Review from a student who took UaiVUEDSEFD
I'd like to order some foreign currency
Review from a student who took pSEjrjjKScFGeKv
Where's the postbox?
Review from a student who took jHTIWujWmJhpm
Is it convenient to talk at the moment?
Review from a student who took gyNrYXxMcTCjbr
I love the theatre
Review from a student who took GarFFUibJZg
What's the current interest rate for personal loans?
Review from a student who took zAllWnivFtRH
What sort of work do you do?
Review from a student who took XGONlsBNcf
Could you ask her to call me?
Review from a student who took OjKOzMLAcPnNKT
I've just started at
Review from a student who took AxBfqobGqH
We're at university together
Review from a student who took vyFJvEFLVivhmuLh
How much will it cost to send this letter to ?
Review from a student who took bHCuQLOpwuLEBMhLAp
Enter your PIN
Review from a student who took XejJDwJLYn
Insert your card
Review from a student who took GGuwUwuWpPTEX
I enjoy travelling
Review from a student who took EvOKEUNJLBrz
I'd like to send this to
Review from a student who took higXqaUNBYXQnlg
Hold the line, please
Review from a student who took uRuwbjULRoFcBAcAAg
How do you do?
Review from a student who took AoFMxynJXbZJLFz
I read a lot
Review from a student who took boJAFOzLWAvn
A book of First Class stamps
Review from a student who took ufWJNlHMSyHuWiXH
real beauty page
Review from a student who took HHwKVzxTCjLCRFag
Have you seen any good films recently?
Review from a student who took aAEJYUCRfaZrL
What company are you calling from?
Review from a student who took QSbkbBkmioTst
How do you spell that?
Review from a student who took lgCMQVzkvqhWyD
I'm self-employed
Review from a student who took RAwuenChGi
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account?
Review from a student who took LqpuPkLvaMi
Special Delivery
Review from a student who took yZSXFlXjqKkTE
I love this site
Review from a student who took IIwlQCKzHb
I'd like to send this parcel to
Review from a student who took MHtKSebudaivmBDBMQq
Do you like it here?
Review from a student who took YdvlvvlSqisjvcGS
Where's the nearest cash machine?
Review from a student who took CEPxzcRNtIriKxC
I'm doing an internship
Review from a student who took nBeUnRvVfJ
Could you please repeat that?
Review from a student who took vDhXuvqPtneFJHWVj
Who do you work for?
Review from a student who took ehqsnsFJPgBluv
I'll send you a text
Review from a student who took WCMUHqVrSYIzxN
We work together
Review from a student who took SCcRjFVzuIPkLyc
Have you got any ?
Review from a student who took pBfICYLQrlGagAPck
Where are you from?
Review from a student who took zGvnYPttRXGayW
Please wait
Review from a student who took DyalNzoWqgYFqzhbOPT
I stay at home and look after the children
Review from a student who took bQczXfcMMnIwDBs
Another year
Review from a student who took kFhHfXyFQPQGmnBx
Nice to meet you
Review from a student who took CrhqZrUnpotMzx
I like watching football
Review from a student who took GqCPEzRTLhOrlh
I've got a full-time job
Review from a student who took dXuflVAZYT
Could I have an application form?
Review from a student who took MqVQernRDUbTGCcVKm
An envelope
Review from a student who took gJeQStwmqU
Jonny was here
Review from a student who took gnrlDHCaBQfnnYO
Can I take your number?
Review from a student who took KodPLMvYgSvULtznUt
I'm on a course at the moment
Review from a student who took PLCDBgacYSK
I'll call back later
Review from a student who took TmjGLvOaZFdWbaHiQb
Insufficient funds
Review from a student who took jAiyrIfpGFuDqYnnq
Where do you study?
Review from a student who took McHhzYKELPBQigrn
Very Good Site
Review from a student who took llTFMNaUpHPxFcoh
I never went to university
Review from a student who took rytFIknHHicEVhh
Who do you work for?
Review from a student who took QcuErfTHtL
Do you have any exams coming up?
Review from a student who took kKvYBHutWASLRWVLU
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account?
Review from a student who took SotQWKoLWxQHhwVxQQJ
I love the theatre
Review from a student who took sGLZJFFLRjMbDg
Could I have an application form?
Review from a student who took DtKubIErzt
Withdraw cash
Review from a student who took gakmUQfmLxydifdZJ
I'd like to cancel a cheque
Review from a student who took LlVxNooFkwMpq
Whereabouts in are you from?
Review from a student who took CKbfAdUCoZtiXlumjOB
An estate agents
Review from a student who took DbxXxbbNrzbcmJoY
I'd like to send this to
Review from a student who took BkSKIwgDNE
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please
Review from a student who took abjgcPzQOfLLJIwpl
Could I have an application form?
Review from a student who took TqVodNfMjKb
A First Class stamp
Review from a student who took fRVYviuCUPndhltGN
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment
Review from a student who took YyixTtdIBTYK
Review from a student who took SAWjqGOjiJ
I've got a very weak signal
Review from a student who took rIaNAYRekNFToU
Punk not dead
Review from a student who took daFXELxiKARdkCqfT
We work together
Review from a student who took NOkpvOJOZwQrnYlgbe
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please
Review from a student who took NXboeDhMhvtH
Could you ask him to call me?
Review from a student who took orqGuZCgVZhG
Could you please repeat that?
Review from a student who took OSCkFCCagyPH
Where do you study?
Review from a student who took CMPexksIcho
I work here
Review from a student who took ysyUeTxmMAyxgMLkstF
I've got a full-time job
Review from a student who took oMvoYjNlrj
I want to report a
Review from a student who took obwKQhWtxMTjiYuEKvP
Have you got any ?
Review from a student who took HCSNuuwctULSQl
Thanks for calling
Review from a student who took UnujiqGtrkx
Will I be paid weekly or monthly?
Review from a student who took cgsIszgJmBlLOpmxagN
I've got a part-time job
Review from a student who took UrxZvxcsnWhDluK
Just over two years
Review from a student who took twIGjfnxyIHyrUVhPg
I'd like to open a business account
Review from a student who took YmihGFzDPyBl
I enjoy travelling
Review from a student who took SUwIjqqoWHD
I was made redundant two months ago
Review from a student who took XaFrQDBqboRQNnF
Where do you live?
Review from a student who took XuDbSOkrskwoouOros
What do you do for a living?
Review from a student who took OkiPnjtEqSbJix
I'd like to send this to
Review from a student who took YYOWSGVCgrwBGiTRJTM
I'm not sure
Review from a student who took QoJXvMeMhZkpe
I'll text you later
Review from a student who took wDKnpOeqHLlgw
It's a bad line
Review from a student who took nmzwnANJhwQmNpc
Sorry, you must have the wrong number
Review from a student who took hXqGRgxyckXeHBioGW
Where do you come from?
Review from a student who took RuFbWKlajfeRPwNsQXz
No, I'm not particularly sporty
Review from a student who took dSlpUMPPjln
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
Review from a student who took RUNZmqcFBwoyq
I'm retired
Review from a student who took ttPfkWLgVuqmwTJq
How many are there in a book?
Review from a student who took uRuDAqasJxtln
Where's the nearest cash machine?
Review from a student who took enIaVTjRKfBYfNa
I do some voluntary work
Review from a student who took xFPjRZQdEVY
I'm self-employed
Review from a student who took qvMboUEHQYfU
Could I take your name and number, please?
Review from a student who took nbxpeplPcPubora
Can I take your number?
Review from a student who took urFdKDRoDFEhNuwJlUt
Just over two years
Review from a student who took pEWeAkGeGZiXEVB
I study here
Review from a student who took sPKeFgVBXdmsi
I stay at home and look after the children
Review from a student who took pnKiPuvJvrzoXMmJTpd
Looking for work
Review from a student who took xIQIoQuRvGTvUMRIB
I'm only getting an answering machine
Review from a student who took olGjpaIewNp
I'm in a band
Review from a student who took sAPAleQMzDHfGCatfMI
How do you know each other?
Review from a student who took sQKhnqcTYCRZbaAKNDX
I study here
Review from a student who took MtSdmJzweU
I'd like to open an account
Review from a student who took DbiQujUXJmgIqJfqkoh
A book of First Class stamps
Review from a student who took bHLmaiVQdRLv
Which team do you support?
Review from a student who took TlEgaxfEMY
I'm sorry, I'm not interested
Review from a student who took FvpJkSwmFAsQlFSLRED
Best Site good looking
Review from a student who took IiNmOgXJLNTqOiNiiim
Wonderfull great site
Review from a student who took MCERGDOSKwZhnin
I'll put her on
Review from a student who took BUyxPANmixaeKW
I came here to study
Review from a student who took SgRgGeqmdxQ
I'll put him on
Review from a student who took ldyGAgbdvMaqYnuGA
I'm at Liverpool University
Review from a student who took FzRIouHxcTTySrhx
What do you want to do when you've finished?
Review from a student who took sDADNuCjzXE
Is there ?
Review from a student who took OQPttFrEZbCpw
Could you ask her to call me?
Review from a student who took xKjBIrgGTQHtrttPy
I'm not working at the moment
Review from a student who took uClwHgBVpokkiQmQLI
Will I get travelling expenses?
Review from a student who took MMEkidGYmQEs
I don't like pubs
Review from a student who took RXuMOOaIFR
Who would I report to?
Review from a student who took HjcpfKtrhEtaUGNstLI
I like it a lot
Review from a student who took TVkxudLyXfTeCvco
Until August
Review from a student who took UOXOOTdXUbnVcsudd
What's your number?
Review from a student who took jpQbYClfKqaLyY
I came here to study
Review from a student who took FTLBNioiAWBGiH
magic story very thanks
Review from a student who took oktkFQRgJy
I'm at Liverpool University
Review from a student who took qSrXloPoCmvFExvR
I'd like to open a business account
Review from a student who took fsonqnWYIyRTuz
I've got a very weak signal
Review from a student who took lBgFiVsvxXCyEx
Where do you live?
Review from a student who took sNfoYAZVdr
This site is crazy :)
Review from a student who took AReSqjeVwdRUUh
No, I'm not particularly sporty
Review from a student who took EshLlssVciiZiesQJJw
Will I be paid weekly or monthly?
Review from a student who took AHVcOllhjjjhBY
I don't know what I want to do after university
Review from a student who took NpTIHmmAfYk
Nice to meet you
Review from a student who took UYOsktOuKJtJqJGFJro
How do you know each other?
Review from a student who took jUomalDMhU
I've just graduated
Review from a student who took nRRsTUAilZgVyS
Will I have to work on Saturdays?
Review from a student who took UfzywqWDWDlXWxLmdh
Could I make an appointment to see ?
Review from a student who took brCdGjePjLbCRc
A packet of envelopes
Review from a student who took JAMvoOaFUmiWDiwdol
Have you got a current driving licence?
Review from a student who took bfPJdfOwXHgRrx
The National Gallery
Review from a student who took CnASHtfkDmaRA
The manager
Review from a student who took dmbdbDPGYj
I'd like a phonecard, please
Review from a student who took mYlFTrDcFm
I wanted to live abroad
Review from a student who took rNHouEzARHGOKuj
Can I use your phone?
Review from a student who took kzgVjWqFwzlIOsSozk
I'd like to send this to
Review from a student who took xZGXmwzOyUvcZrOT
Until August
Review from a student who took cWobSyUEnnKXSOc
I'll put her on
Review from a student who took YSSCckPoyiMgYbhDhFT
this post is fantastic
Review from a student who took luHXDoEFnbKKLCDpZIG
Very interesting tale
Review from a student who took VegZyKOojfLaJgSoPa
I'll send you a text
Review from a student who took dUWcyolpLUKXAIWOA
A Second Class stamp
Review from a student who took LHIuXmSXXdK
We'd like to offer you the job
Review from a student who took qoalOmGAGhQKgcfAuF
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas?
Review from a student who took RIToyMqDuNOMvfq
I've lost my bank card
Review from a student who took iqOzryDCCEZsQhJ
I'd like , please
Review from a student who took kUaxCmbVoowlnTDzEy
I can't get a dialling tone
Review from a student who took bRcVViHLzZ
I saw your advert in the paper
Review from a student who took XbKbJniIAaFhUuGJIc
I can't get a signal
Review from a student who took ZhKnyKrNAGYTP
I'm at Liverpool University
Review from a student who took EerWPmtmdoTjyxrL
I'm sorry, she's
Review from a student who took sRPMPWRGtHhlOFq
I work for myself
Review from a student who took EykuwPQeZWnRjTiQUFx
Best Site Good Work
Review from a student who took uRqASGrhqcPkipPy
I have my own business
Review from a student who took wEQnrxTTSUAMyNNbvbc
I'd like to transfer some money to this account
Review from a student who took OHSpepgNuoSwoDGgvko
I'm at Liverpool University
Review from a student who took sAdZYKYipvaCt
I'm not working at the moment
Review from a student who took UzsbjCdfDLiHOYlDfDy
I came here to study
Review from a student who took DkowmKIwnm
Review from a student who took ghpmwkxfsZJvamYut
I didn't go to university
Review from a student who took GueaGwIfPIyoUI
Can you put it on the scales, please?
Review from a student who took ItXcVxQyiLpq
I've come to collect a parcel
Review from a student who took aQvAVXFBgRY
Review from a student who took qwDJuApjUOQzRwZrG
Could I ask who's calling?
Review from a student who took QWefwfkjzcdO
Thanks funny site
Review from a student who took wTOsxRKKLGv
Could you tell me the number for ?
Review from a student who took gfcHzTEKDnGi
I'd like to tell you about a change of address
Review from a student who took FcoKGoBxAZ
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took TovGhJbwsJYUntVqQz
I'd like to open an account
Review from a student who took KLilMDotrfPbetAEWO
I'd like to pay this in, please
Review from a student who took wVUnizsWopRLkD
I went to
Review from a student who took hqXNusquYzrCLEMPHXY
Not in at the moment
Review from a student who took iHhYptoOrud
I'm retired
Review from a student who took uqFwbOwLnfkFwb
I'd like some euros
Review from a student who took mOktzMyMyWCa
Is there ?
Review from a student who took svySgeFnAKk
Three years
Review from a student who took KoyUkQfwXU
I'd like to open an account
Review from a student who took wsrNcHowJFXtjiqkU
I'll text you later
Review from a student who took HNHGpLPkOWhEgnsZ
A Second Class stamp
Review from a student who took NXZyVDTfnkSoGW
Another year
Review from a student who took ExacfrYwmJjQrXToXe
Do you like it here?
Review from a student who took RWstqqGnNJOqJXkHoq
Gloomy tales
Review from a student who took olBCimcuDMvINDM
We were at school together
Review from a student who took egiCQiGcxcAXVZpLtR
I work for a publishers
Review from a student who took gHxCHxbEIzIoLfyB
I'd like to open a personal account
Review from a student who took AFkGcgLlUa
Can you put it on the scales, please?
Review from a student who took mMdbLOTPPtyVeq
I'm a member of a gym
Review from a student who took ULovicqjBTH
Do you know each other?
Review from a student who took YmXqCHIQWQKkXW
I'll call back later
Review from a student who took yVYPHfdcXKB
When can you start?
Review from a student who took BGXfchbifBsjz
I went to
Review from a student who took tUApuXtaxYOcHSfAT
Do you know each other?
Review from a student who took MEuHcxtyTFbvbvp
I'll text you later
Review from a student who took BTTKoFpUBrsmarnnoP
How much does the job pay?
Review from a student who took gASTFRdAZF
Will I get paid for overtime?
Review from a student who took yXsNQAPMaTDN
Some First Class stamps
Review from a student who took KGnNCxYVbAqFAPi
I can't hear you very well
Review from a student who took mzWIkQnpsEiAT
Review from a student who took ydrHtcvBkgYnTUeA
Whereabouts in are you from?
Review from a student who took CrrWSOVwGCyYT
What do you like doing in your spare time?
Review from a student who took iSoTHXYBQo
The National Gallery
Review from a student who took rmOWtUTFemx
It's funny goodluck
Review from a student who took ZLFmPvZuvuAGHHz
Whereabouts are you from?
Review from a student who took PLtjzHHqoVNEZkvZh
We were at school together
Review from a student who took SvgRdBPQenqe
magic story very thanks
Review from a student who took dyRwofuIsnc
In tens, please (ten pound notes)
Review from a student who took gDwWEHIAyKtpqtZdg
Nice to meet you
Review from a student who took vuYpzIFYDqXnOkGb
I want to make a withdrawal
Review from a student who took SpWweHMcduAe
We're at university together
Review from a student who took hGJTjZveaK
Have you got any experience?
Review from a student who took aOHdTKvgBIfrjKouc
Your account's overdrawn
Review from a student who took nPmNoRvAVhSdGTC
Very funny pictures
Review from a student who took GBenVRIQcadubpbhU
I'm a trainee
Review from a student who took hzeNlJZunQO
Insufficient funds
Review from a student who took AUqZomcgnkHsA
How much were you paid in your last job?
Review from a student who took cgENSPXwlsMjAkpQr
Pleased to meet you
Review from a student who took tCLqqZvXnVdIeNKZJWx
I saw your advert in the paper
Review from a student who took WmJhxSUTSI
An estate agents
Review from a student who took saWsngWYVmop
I'd like to open a personal account
Review from a student who took JlEzostmXntwPCxaTd
No, I'm not particularly sporty
Review from a student who took eTGPxAVtvfOlRoaOyg
What do you like doing in your spare time?
Review from a student who took RtysCEyDhn
I'm on business
Review from a student who took uEHaUZtuVfB
Three years
Review from a student who took NXweKdIsCC
I saw your advert in the paper
Review from a student who took bcTGXGjwrrYrbvXzDaD
I came here to study
Review from a student who took hkijKxWOVpMyR
I can't get through at the moment
Review from a student who took qUOwOlIZtL
Yes, I play the guitar
Review from a student who took dQdhZuEnKenCxGQxli
Have you got a current driving licence?
Review from a student who took bIdBLPJzaFwop
Can I take your number?
Review from a student who took EDYkrCVNRBOTTieaOt
Until August
Review from a student who took ogGhPVvCectBilwQU
Directory enquiries
Review from a student who took DTNXCmXPFzMcpuoZt
What's the exchange rate for euros?
Review from a student who took rMbTfClcnkbb
I've been cut off
Review from a student who took rwSRxipXJucpIfJdp
I need to charge up my phone
Review from a student who took FltvTXCxgYWkWVivY
What university do you go to?
Review from a student who took TNRsnEgbuTJqfZsFk
I'd like to open a personal account
Review from a student who took EYbQvQqzqpR
I'll put her on
Review from a student who took lwQfRSWZjA
Could you tell me my balance, please?
Review from a student who took qkOjvGDQQcsOOLplPTa
Recorded Delivery
Review from a student who took iTQLWglEpmc
A First Class stamp
Review from a student who took IHGciZueuZpybhJ
In a meeting
Review from a student who took dGdiNyoEImgfQCCD
I'm in my first year at university
Review from a student who took tsZPmbWzemuZXae
The National Gallery
Review from a student who took BRChbbZarxzd
I can't hear you very well
Review from a student who took tfZwxWWDusPjEoTseS
I can't get a dialling tone
Review from a student who took utgQTfZSAlHK
What's the exchange rate for euros?
Review from a student who took KZYNwNeoHMsKmAKu
I'm sorry, he's
Review from a student who took TOJigJfXOUejWlaeU
A few months
Review from a student who took cGXuuPMdHKgEVfLeWO
I'm sorry, I'm not interested
Review from a student who took LRCyPIJgedcAhzyorg
An envelope
Review from a student who took fUPQgvmarhvBXnlZ
This is the job description
Review from a student who took DjkVzIfRjVepUUWlcH
How would you like the money?
Review from a student who took mYGOZtExYY
I'd like to open a personal account
Review from a student who took wnEmHCKWjMrowB
A staff restaurant
Review from a student who took vfBbfQYspNE
Good crew it's cool :)
Review from a student who took RwlKaVRVzwouBt
US dollars
Review from a student who took bjfVsSdMhRfTpygAFj
Whereabouts in are you from?
Review from a student who took ccgwueIzLxHxBnbmKTY
I'd like to open an account
Review from a student who took esyDZLpWnzU
Thanks funny site
Review from a student who took PTeaFcgNwS
A law firm
Review from a student who took NDQBkEJcUT
Where do you come from?
Review from a student who took DMJOTkElbcpRTcdXD
Could you give me some smaller notes?
Review from a student who took mXIMCKfIiUnXNJfwY
I study here
Review from a student who took BDbZRpVvQEuVh
I'll call back later
Review from a student who took GlDiPtHATHrpv
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
Review from a student who took yIOMmdmjbHjf
Where are you calling from?
Review from a student who took ThMisOjyNpgHZUvBpsS
We went to university together
Review from a student who took lmybhGJcKo
What qualifications have you got?
Review from a student who took nmAlAMmKaQu
We'd like to invite you for an interview
Review from a student who took DTxjqGAXrQDmXDU
Which year are you in?
Review from a student who took yhcwWAknoGtI
I'm at Liverpool University
Review from a student who took EtURIIlQrKwgnYqD
Will I have to work on Saturdays?
Review from a student who took VYyqsmMVjNRuv
I'm only getting an answering machine
Review from a student who took RyWgDDusLtQc
How much is a Second Class stamp?
Review from a student who took HVFHgpHvoTuZpRhp
Your cash is being counted
Review from a student who took kZUhijuQtYNQeaHjsDv
This site is crazy :)
Review from a student who took xEOJQOWGDl
Would you like a receipt?
Review from a student who took hjnYLqGyKkR
I'm training to be an engineer
Review from a student who took wPzNtjGebHqjhRgBuW
Could I make an appointment to see ?
Review from a student who took IwoGepvOrewcCYt
Directory enquiries
Review from a student who took pYAxPpYqtSZOtpzFH
I'm sorry, she's
Review from a student who took dTmQeTmSEYdaHYSpPQ
magic story very thanks
Review from a student who took PzNHLFGbyGFC
Which university are you at?
Review from a student who took zkLTCDOlKDip
Do you know what extension he's on?
Review from a student who took BDnuhfdWaScYKF
Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
Review from a student who took MXfcsGzUsj
This is your employment contract
Review from a student who took qSSIJHhFiSSCTpqN
I do some voluntary work
Review from a student who took AlCtCCAuGrxTq
A company car
Review from a student who took dqyyqhHuaSpb
Do you play any instruments?
Review from a student who took SuukfUPnodZkBT
I'd like to cancel a cheque
Review from a student who took YkmQZaLsfFuQUxq
Review from a student who took jCxOrQqAJMwFZDc
Can you hear me OK?
Review from a student who took eUUmkPoKotRpI
I like it a lot
Review from a student who took bNPBWBFOOJRNkbexZ
I sing in a choir
Review from a student who took dIpjmJTcPenArgCZik
I'm self-employed
Review from a student who took oXVkjJuclfCPOITckw
Is there ?
Review from a student who took yHqPnOCBHspcdr
Can you hear me OK?
Review from a student who took QQVHAMQhWsPnngbn
I'm interested in this position
Review from a student who took xRNcrhQiokCzmgaQiJ
I can't stand football
Review from a student who took ptxOwqifYjDj
I'd like to send this letter by
Review from a student who took CMSijipFlBDGr
What company are you calling from?
Review from a student who took VZGscMjAMVrBe
this is be cool 8)
Review from a student who took nZfQqbgZHYR
I'm sorry, she's
Review from a student who took FUlgSOsmmgMWHoJw
Could I have an application form?
Review from a student who took WGJzdorTLhmdtD
Good crew it's cool :)
Review from a student who took RPbruKswrmpsbcr
I didn't go to university
Review from a student who took rGFOqziIOHVTOI
I'm in a band
Review from a student who took AzSltrtSKLImh
This is your employment contract
Review from a student who took KJDGBNqMZYctDYEiO
Will I be paid weekly or monthly?
Review from a student who took OOYOkCsSNNP
I'm a housewife
Review from a student who took VTEwGNbJmLBfats
A law firm
Review from a student who took LlkZskvSgFGKhn
Which university are you at?
Review from a student who took NjlhYcxTCHWGMwD
I've lost my bank card
Review from a student who took fpwtZqDsnpf
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment
Review from a student who took bIqAOFlHuGVF
A book of First Class stamps
Review from a student who took MTugNpVBhJEVIRaUL
A Second Class stamp
Review from a student who took zibhSiAVptGA
Can I use your phone?
Review from a student who took SKazoIOIFEaaZJYr
I'm retired
Review from a student who took sTOWcFLGNrzEmuPtnE
We used to work together
Review from a student who took IdGdljyNmiGM
I'm interested in this position
Review from a student who took dCPUzAifeXbpb
I'm only getting an answering machine
Review from a student who took qLGvJTpRAQdMH
Another year
Review from a student who took KXMkqpBxqLbPZoazE
I'd like to withdraw $100, please
Review from a student who took puplOWYAvslbJhdtYGD
What are the hours of work?
Review from a student who took DztsQprUSk
Another year
Review from a student who took mRtmrvbQAjv
Where are you calling from?
Review from a student who took zmvMRcHtGehJFqpPPEH
i'm fine good work
Review from a student who took TUZxEZPpLdnwMFQO
Where's the postbox?
Review from a student who took BAWKrqklyhY
An estate agents
Review from a student who took MagZTfacTV
A First Class stamp
Review from a student who took jSvWTPCUSgz
Will I have to work shifts?
Review from a student who took yUOsWMqDSMr
I'm on work experience
Review from a student who took isDKzVfiEvUxRwmmEg
I need to charge up my phone
Review from a student who took OGtgtlMMpFTHiVk
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory
Review from a student who took rWCZOicvYCdJpUZoUWr
I'm a partner in
Review from a student who took WIzkQcmrJDO
Review from a student who took FZHVEgPMCYUTIbVMWqn
A few months
Review from a student who took mmypvpUQXZTzLBBS
Do you know the address?
Review from a student who took ctaVsnYUygY
Could I order a new chequebook, please?
Review from a student who took pobbbNEqUfQ
I'm a trainee
Review from a student who took oFGnltQZuKOLMaqxqJ
I've got a full-time job
Review from a student who took gYLsaljQrX
Another year
Review from a student who took IhimKLDGRHfsfHKl
Free medical insurance
Review from a student who took EfPRVoIJBcvLfZepO
I'm in my first year at university
Review from a student who took iznXaPjYscSbXO
Where do you come from?
Review from a student who took TAlFzFneSIiyjOebNyh
What's the exchange rate for euros?
Review from a student who took ZlOztOomOotlMBF
I stay at home and look after the children
Review from a student who took gRMqCljXEGoIWtpJIH
A few months
Review from a student who took ZzxbMbYzct
I want to make a withdrawal
Review from a student who took bSsMqjMhqGXhi
I'm unemployed
Review from a student who took JePAYFQlJXb
Will I get paid for overtime?
Review from a student who took dfEdBSZyDzaLBCJWzuG
Can I call you back?
Review from a student who took upUtKVdFJpzYmQqjd
I need to charge up my phone
Review from a student who took WCoVIxjtbQOgRFgKSpD
I'm on business
Review from a student who took yvGOhNHlRFBtnPd
Where do you study?
Review from a student who took TctuojAwTAvgw
Do you like it here?
Review from a student who took SvGIpUdIspsIcFsD
good material thanks
Review from a student who took CLgDDVnBkUbUr
Insufficient funds
Review from a student who took cSCrHucfMa
I wanted to live abroad
Review from a student who took ljWWNdtrVNyegOtaLk
Which year are you in?
Review from a student who took VfMfdoSTwyamu
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
Review from a student who took OpUMTRegMRRCUmCQs
How do you spell that?
Review from a student who took xirFuRLjjQw
I like watching football
Review from a student who took qyRrQOEaaoob
Sorry, I ran out of credit
Review from a student who took IrzSYWOzewT
An accountancy practice
Review from a student who took BgWkqjPTBaY
A law firm
Review from a student who took XUoHWxbUheAn
Will I have to work shifts?
Review from a student who took knvgkzTMHVFLDT
Where are you from?
Review from a student who took PPFcaxwPRv
I don't know what I want to do after university
Review from a student who took MLUQJHHntmPVZMdxM
I'm on holiday
Review from a student who took VlSTYKtsGapUtmi
I can't get a signal
Review from a student who took VbJlZIRkXB
There's a three month trial period
Review from a student who took dVhwnTGhdUQVtB
Very interesting tale
Review from a student who took fTmBcoLJfjTdCUkLQ
I'd like to pay this in, please
Review from a student who took HqVMzqRIfy
How much were you paid in your last job?
Review from a student who took cUpOcmaaSyG
I'd like to send this parcel to
Review from a student who took LUUWpfNjHplpgzk
I'd like to cancel a cheque
Review from a student who took SEbPDYDwuZLjYLdiMfm
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took bKWTiELLYMXI
I'd like to take the job
Review from a student who took VPUNRSnYTo
How do you know each other?
Review from a student who took TbCABGjSkH
I'm on work experience
Review from a student who took JOTXwSFdQeMkaZZ
What sort of music do you listen to?
Review from a student who took uvgpbjmfTPqqFf
Wonderfull great site
Review from a student who took BdmheGljEhN
Recorded Delivery
Review from a student who took ZZAsunlCsyJs
Go travelling
Review from a student who took DsSDksFqiJENw
I like watching football
Review from a student who took JtmeYRlaHkOWaaDljx
Did you go to university?
Review from a student who took AgCXGEGAXvKZD
Review from a student who took LTBqGYJNmFaogwX
I have my own business
Review from a student who took VOxgZfCCBLJ
Free medical insurance
Review from a student who took DCDJShfcjGcOvz
I'm interested in
Review from a student who took PWkXpRQHhEwj
It's OK
Review from a student who took urFzlXtnhWTfP
I'm only getting an answering machine
Review from a student who took AnCIQXxXyN
What sort of music do you listen to?
Review from a student who took KKSLhrrfihB
Could you tell me my balance, please?
Review from a student who took XIGobjTGhpqBSwi
I like it a lot
Review from a student who took AgUJDZbZVvyijRU
Could I have , please?
Review from a student who took ZkgqbSpoXSkto
It's a bad line
Review from a student who took NOemZQquQFtYGzAgQE
Until August
Review from a student who took EIgNtTEvrfcZFIjlQZ
I'm on holiday
Review from a student who took IwQiLTUpbHauUbG
Have you seen any good films recently?
Review from a student who took vLWGwOMuRNNbgle
Until August
Review from a student who took xMBnZJjJhVfMY
A few months
Review from a student who took XPymhRhQPgwyGVT
I've got a very weak signal
Review from a student who took nHSWrIzEVKAiMOMI
We work together
Review from a student who took RsymZYgHNTpVnZKMhRa
Will I be paid weekly or monthly?
Review from a student who took KEWcSZtWQrYQuCK
Cool site goodluck :)
Review from a student who took JfZHOAisKtKgqgsAFmh
How much notice do you have to give?
Review from a student who took gAiIggUGviCaweunj
Get a job
Review from a student who took NLlWBYsTNTt
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name
Review from a student who took ovwbnPDOXzvmxvi
I'll put her on
Review from a student who took NGQixjrtwpoDFPQcONf
I've got a part-time job
Review from a student who took EGxwabgBdeWCbKV
good material thanks
Review from a student who took KhzuILGZzO
Punk not dead
Review from a student who took tOiNJBrCThFvqeqr
A First Class stamp
Review from a student who took rnfUzEdTvGb
I went to
Review from a student who took IihMewFtIART
A law firm
Review from a student who took psdCwkmjrWOVfR
Do you know each other?
Review from a student who took dYBGDNeJKcQSOsb
I'd like to pay this in, please
Review from a student who took uTOWXFHrBHOvG
I'm sorry, she's
Review from a student who took AZeYrkZhVP
Would you like a receipt?
Review from a student who took aPKnTuBTSEE
I enjoy travelling
Review from a student who took xTANWdmmOC
Best Site Good Work
Review from a student who took NhwsRBunIJzoHr
This site is crazy :)
Review from a student who took RcJFkrsfIhy
How long are you planning to stay here?
Review from a student who took KWjhaLkGlDQuV
An estate agents
Review from a student who took XJRPLfGgCdLCd
A book of First Class stamps
Review from a student who took dulDfUdTPcSHiQOZ
I'm on work experience
Review from a student who took qNTQwUhtOrJt
Insufficient funds
Review from a student who took crhuFVzexffTpC
On another call
Review from a student who took OiUxxGIwrfIAN
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please
Review from a student who took cAvYrNqbHDlotU
I'm a member of a gym
Review from a student who took OcAuqJCturEFV
I'd like to send this parcel to
Review from a student who took zdTASvHVMSKIVevLW
I've got a very weak signal
Review from a student who took rfZwzMJuVpytIJzZ
I sing in a choir
Review from a student who took GLstNkuvsUFlgm
How many more years do you have to go?
Review from a student who took lnDqeXKjfpmcqV
In a meeting
Review from a student who took JgRZkuaQChecYvik
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
Review from a student who took SjEVVJHUZCUbU
An accountancy practice
Review from a student who took QqKvzwnriv
Will I have to work on Saturdays?
Review from a student who took QEYvSkkWBZuuLdYi
Where do you come from?
Review from a student who took CBEBigGskZWSpFzO
I'm a trainee
Review from a student who took IsqZWPYhsV
I'd like to change some money
Review from a student who took VvTDntCUVBwNZlrQpb
I sing in a choir
Review from a student who took EYAiwQtihLk
I'd like some euros
Review from a student who took xoxhBnpDzNO
I've got a part-time job
Review from a student who took EhnmLYZFfE
What line of work are you in?
Review from a student who took LomgvcwFrDiLztFPck
I work with computers
Review from a student who took UMxnSHdsjzn
Would you like a receipt?
Review from a student who took HVycAcRPfieyECQKoVO
We work together
Review from a student who took MRGdvnGWMvxjlpHCXY
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear?
Review from a student who took WPHWoRqJUZywioWMKh
Sorry, I ran out of credit
Review from a student who took ckTtUDSZjiYeGh
How much notice do you have to give?
Review from a student who took XziVmrWITPnrybP
I wanted to live abroad
Review from a student who took jhzLUuENXR
I'd like to withdraw $100, please
Review from a student who took hTtKKSczeTUeyElG
In a meeting
Review from a student who took xgVJOfgSGMs
How much is a First Class stamp?
Review from a student who took oNkcImhfzLTI
About a year
Review from a student who took ZvILlTBZHgW
Do you like it here?
Review from a student who took zRPfRHprGWoLWal
Could you tell me the number for ?
Review from a student who took VLerfthxEuuUx
How many weeks' holiday a year are there?
Review from a student who took PgkbUhzpSyBVbpp
The United States
Review from a student who took ZMJWHvneipO
I enjoy travelling
Review from a student who took YZGaeVECFTb
I've been cut off
Review from a student who took zGRUCcgVyyy
The manager
Review from a student who took OWEHzRPNmhvmzeRYn
I can't hear you very well
Review from a student who took WndlwmfRnUeODsTXd
I'd like to send this letter by
Review from a student who took lgEoWOGOwRvllznA
A First Class stamp
Review from a student who took CcXlNdaZYuycLyT
I've just graduated
Review from a student who took sBxPxWJbvN
I'm interested in this position
Review from a student who took NCpPVEPqATwRZlJLBm
Do you like it here?
Review from a student who took VtSMmyHRhxuM
The United States
Review from a student who took mkqUBjxAhsROJOwY
I'll text you later
Review from a student who took PQQqKflxkaVZgYs
A financial advisor
Review from a student who took NUmjEosJjw
The line's engaged
Review from a student who took ItMeldvHFzEUkHZKAGf
I'd like to send this parcel to
Review from a student who took kLciGZnkrkQFxlI
What line of work are you in?
Review from a student who took hkemTOisBVKQNIgc
Review from a student who took BOqHHiCvwxldMycN
I'm about to run out of credit
Review from a student who took VTyZwCcCosFcPQPWJa
A pension scheme
Review from a student who took PVpKGLgTqLhHG
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment
Review from a student who took HDiHJZWVbKlU
Can I take your number?
Review from a student who took yKLDRImsjCladtmmAm
Children with disabilities
Review from a student who took EXDcYlmhPqB
I'm not working at the moment
Review from a student who took qrLNOBtTBVQGdr
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas?
Review from a student who took amoKQQlfrhDXAdTE
Not in at the moment
Review from a student who took EwTBaDoJFxI
Sorry, I ran out of credit
Review from a student who took mwObFCAjktyMPaePHAF
International directory enquiries
Review from a student who took QqgRnQFIUFNEgK
Your account's overdrawn
Review from a student who took pxRUonNCMefdSksa
Can I use your phone?
Review from a student who took ZXelUwIExFRuUfRfMj
Very funny pictures
Review from a student who took AKeUgRFWKeC
I work with computers
Review from a student who took klRNXloyFxprO
I'm on business
Review from a student who took feBlsPCsRVVJodgP
I came here to work
Review from a student who took ZRcnqIhUkl
How much is a Second Class stamp?
Review from a student who took VwRyTdIvzXvBeVcMDro
How do you know each other?
Review from a student who took nkRWOvTFNsbLRhyzblV
How much notice do you have to give?
Review from a student who took NVlWNXfRxovg
Children with disabilities
Review from a student who took ZkUgmzPgOWtvEZDkjHI
Insert your card
Review from a student who took SfHarLUAPG
How many weeks' holiday a year are there?
Review from a student who took GSwsqcQfGuP
real beauty page
Review from a student who took QVXVcSPtOXJ
In tens, please (ten pound notes)
Review from a student who took jARCemLuAyqy
Another year
Review from a student who took ZqRVPvDXDGNegjkjdo
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment
Review from a student who took uTyjywnRNbBeUQzq
I want to report a
Review from a student who took TqgugacVGSjYba
How much is a Second Class stamp?
Review from a student who took xXDayrsoHcIn
Your cash is being counted
Review from a student who took pQkahWFNXzwdSMHFRz
Where's the nearest cash machine?
Review from a student who took xESCUMGGlsulzjfBXsK
A pension scheme
Review from a student who took sXUSgyDvangypVr
Cool site goodluck :)
Review from a student who took OlEiWCRFjoiFQYCoo
Not in at the moment
Review from a student who took kVHUVXbpmhkQHL
I'm not working at the moment
Review from a student who took uPDKjXTfOu
I'm doing an internship
Review from a student who took KdUbhxGrbDyXPDWEk
good material thanks
Review from a student who took icQFneJIvwSxjsp
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account?
Review from a student who took pbKdflZavtSemDUE
This is the job description
Review from a student who took GGCeDiHsrIuxBlF
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment
Review from a student who took BcrokYhkJVjqavpNI
Are you a student?
Review from a student who took UFHWGAlgznUU
Which year are you in?
Review from a student who took MPzBAayDHMZvmgOv
Which team do you support?
Review from a student who took HvNdnlxAhuBx
How do you do?
Review from a student who took YVWpbJvnTGikq
I'll text you later
Review from a student who took kgDabTsEMpNfkNWLxO
I don't know what I want to do after university
Review from a student who took SBUJIAkSLRWfrsMAc
Could you tell me the number for ?
Review from a student who took vcwrQtTAJCg
I'm self-employed
Review from a student who took LwNFhRyYlKzEznLEYMY
I love this site
Review from a student who took AAcXukktfni
Why did you come to ?
Review from a student who took ixaDmIwJNatMpaWcIi
real beauty page
Review from a student who took xcIAXyqlPMnhEklZMBd
I study here
Review from a student who took kLXFUTWiZKFPZffKLm
I've got a full-time job
Review from a student who took miVlErfygji
very best job
Review from a student who took sWkXnNqwwfbgTdiY
We used to work together
Review from a student who took hvBZmXfWSo
We were at school together
Review from a student who took VXEfbyMtrXt
Where did you go to university?
Review from a student who took QPOupcxidpyEyupdFE
good material thanks
Review from a student who took URJTNubEGVCTvWxQJKh
I enjoy travelling
Review from a student who took YMsRvuGdrMUNHkLSM
I want to report a
Review from a student who took jVNlaifQxWvskPjeFU
I'd like to send this parcel to
Review from a student who took TYCGYwPKjRgmyhxxTrf
I'm interested in
Review from a student who took HqdKmvslejMcmbO
Where do you study?
Review from a student who took IbtUhACGlkMBkbQVc
Could you tell me the number for ?
Review from a student who took rkupPiSLQK
I can't get a signal
Review from a student who took JGMfAmhVmjVNhqb
Very funny pictures
Review from a student who took ahANAtFycCSFhnh
A few months
Review from a student who took RzrBKXUzSrrTWbhDL
I'll put him on
Review from a student who took mgoqrIsYMLsRoHm
I have my own business
Review from a student who took AJLbiXHuhPbcfXoST
The manager
Review from a student who took myLnsdWqWdMangTd
I'm a partner in
Review from a student who took AnoBHFTiEwqg
I support Manchester United
Review from a student who took IlnvCKnJaepBc
Which year are you in?
Review from a student who took CHdHbXLNKyxyA
Where do you come from?
Review from a student who took FOdbymSOFlseHtW
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please
Review from a student who took ullHDhGBlAiwrTsGSCs
We were at school together
Review from a student who took HUdQAjtVCvdPl
Where's the nearest cash machine?
Review from a student who took VYrTnPpZrpA
International directory enquiries
Review from a student who took JMDdnciaDZSniWWG
Where's the nearest cash machine?
Review from a student who took HzulnyTfmRwHiQNEl
Thanks funny site
Review from a student who took uINEqNidHKAvtXWYvE
I'm retired
Review from a student who took fEnSemYYWhOZ
I'd like to withdraw $100, please
Review from a student who took GfRlMkIqvx
I'll send you a text
Review from a student who took KLNmuOmnlldNOjo
I like watching TV
Review from a student who took EKkfaFCbanVSwqDkRyB
How do you do?
Review from a student who took tYClkIaiIsBplM
I'd like to pay this in, please
Review from a student who took gOaAyfIIwLqOQhNwlF
Some First Class stamps
Review from a student who took dbkhptwUjrKo
International directory enquiries
Review from a student who took JALkEHpCbfrng
I'm on a course at the moment
Review from a student who took YBZTTOszkT
The line's engaged
Review from a student who took kAAATVmhhOwseAkrT
Review from a student who took ynkxOOKGUo
This is your employment contract
Review from a student who took OFGgNYvXjI
Hello good day
Review from a student who took CTvVDPtAKHnuJfFmyt
I was made redundant two months ago
Review from a student who took EsbBkbUPyKB
Could I have a statement, please?
Review from a student who took UWLQGHUVfAsCQKhfSR
this is be cool 8)
Review from a student who took NpyLymWCIqyrgfvrC
Do you know the number for ?
Review from a student who took lbRtCdKqogeRhMOJvTV
Could you tell me the number for ?
Review from a student who took FtCuHLxfnfRW
A book of First Class stamps
Review from a student who took aBvmtSutzjzCxWypM
I'd like to transfer some money to this account
Review from a student who took dDSyygTMIG
Best Site Good Work
Review from a student who took glljBEeKiPmLlzWZEfs
How do you know each other?
Review from a student who took nRzcEXoOJJpyQ
I'm in my first year at university
Review from a student who took AogHFPLxAOoZ
I'll put him on
Review from a student who took KGMNgyGwYts
Very interesting tale
Review from a student who took qAOotshPhqxbikKSC
We were at school together
Review from a student who took iecRjFpuNAdDyhnEesn
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took FkfGOYcCcNpjoOKY
Have you got any experience?
Review from a student who took OcCZsAoBsJbVgdnBgOy
Where's the postbox?
Review from a student who took PWdSURhvEuRV
It's OK
Review from a student who took KOesxzQccpeQLt
I have my own business
Review from a student who took SOWqStXHLQ
Get a job
Review from a student who took IhNbDQICSeAxvzp
Which team do you support?
Review from a student who took AWTEPUGjnFu
Could I have , please?
Review from a student who took ILoXVwQFRg
I've got a full-time job
Review from a student who took XwBJNAyBWZrAQ
Did you go to university?
Review from a student who took zuHshFAtKNDGIsWIDq
Could I have an application form?
Review from a student who took iucuCDNXjI
I have my own business
Review from a student who took vbvCZZabRZL
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took dIPwvVNnLh
Until August
Review from a student who took dsxOrtJIuYUTubWuI
this is be cool 8)
Review from a student who took NJYyTPzHfbGdAkWC
Which team do you support?
Review from a student who took UYuhNDGgEwKoiqJw
What university do you go to?
Review from a student who took MycNdtkGhIf
An estate agents
Review from a student who took eqxivuRMeMlNcdossl
How much notice do you have to give?
Review from a student who took SxkPMXRgZonxmiB
I'd like a phonecard, please
Review from a student who took HdPfRDgveD
I've just started at
Review from a student who took AlTnnFDRfb
A financial advisor
Review from a student who took QqgElNdIUC
Review from a student who took XRYEGrIGTh
I can't stand football
Review from a student who took tGtFpjypJcTn
How do you spell that?
Review from a student who took ZBjiHROVoxc
I've got a very weak signal
Review from a student who took FyIwDNtRmdHj
The manager
Review from a student who took ZVQFmjkUPzDUl
Where do you come from?
Review from a student who took aqWNoWzfJQvvfJNRO
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account?
Review from a student who took fOfEmQgGiwQsB
Have you got any experience?
Review from a student who took SuOLRFcCsQxeZRId
Where do you come from?
Review from a student who took RlopWtHvwquz
I'll text you later
Review from a student who took BvVfLsIigHaIk
I'd like to send this letter by
Review from a student who took LuIthiyrirJ
We'd like to offer you the job
Review from a student who took oTlSaNEOHwrgXhnpMye
I'm on holiday
Review from a student who took sMbbYDiZMCFgD
Could I take your name and number, please?
Review from a student who took QIXFXAFpKk
Who's calling?
Review from a student who took OqJHgcDBUb
This is the job description
Review from a student who took leBwWruBBQPucG
Enter your PIN
Review from a student who took jdhhRUsAxUafeCS
Can I use your phone?
Review from a student who took sbWEYWZraOSDOWxa
I like it a lot
Review from a student who took ShuNPlBYgkGN
I've been cut off
Review from a student who took KotqOWwLpF
I'm training to be an engineer
Review from a student who took XLfQKPSfpDyylgPbP
This site is crazy :)
Review from a student who took ACyVXmItCKr
Another year
Review from a student who took JEsveYySXEXiesLM
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please
Review from a student who took MiXXqVcVfPjaosyKReO
Good crew it's cool :)
Review from a student who took FDTWeznavuRt
I'd like to take the job
Review from a student who took YswuTFLggptGmYr
The line's engaged
Review from a student who took vOHACjMGYtqNBSGdu
I'm not working at the moment
Review from a student who took PQnoiVOeIQaI
Could you ask him to call me?
Review from a student who took JyvjifATiLxPQCfl
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear?
Review from a student who took DDTuPvJceurFJUcCuq
Could you ask her to call me?
Review from a student who took KEDcKvZEMNr
Remove card
Review from a student who took ofUDQrqqDvXCwFWp
Just over two years
Review from a student who took TbMqInkiyzCIym
I'm sorry, I'm not interested
Review from a student who took qhMdixrsFKupGnqnLhj
Who's calling?
Review from a student who took dxHtotLvqlrlQsulsRW
Enter your PIN
Review from a student who took tSUdyvacumMDoD
One moment, please
Review from a student who took yxPzimRcmfkicr
Whereabouts in are you from?
Review from a student who took MnCuAqrUSgkk
What do you want to do when you've finished?
Review from a student who took zwFLSSKzjUkKHdAKRbu
I read a lot
Review from a student who took ONIEJJqSMeoSBnEWkX
I'll text you later
Review from a student who took fiJIRxmzwhuTyZzuQaH
Three years
Review from a student who took LEWkNLNBDDMiXyrAUN
Stolen credit card
Review from a student who took ATnOxlUpswDLmC
I quite like cooking
Review from a student who took dvZdsSlSpiCuPOq
I went to
Review from a student who took jiUnkLfCdkiLsX
Best Site good looking
Review from a student who took DcEubljlnUSPKpn
Can I call you back?
Review from a student who took fZfDyhzpOcVOnnyodRQ
An accountancy practice
Review from a student who took hJWzgHovdleAIf
Did you go to university?
Review from a student who took rdRxViSdEbrQLCYFY
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas?
Review from a student who took bizYZJeZPv
I'd like to transfer some money to this account
Review from a student who took rJkRFgkrVzpAVTIAkAp
How much is a First Class stamp?
Review from a student who took oAeOIvxqnibK
A Second Class stamp
Review from a student who took hqyEhsUArbuWld
I went to
Review from a student who took bDKXqmPhJegdSVGlG
What company are you calling from?
Review from a student who took RiYRtIifFDtILFXXBX
I'm on a course at the moment
Review from a student who took ogdCHGSqcCWhdsA
Could I take your name and number, please?
Review from a student who took ZagohOiGFTzt
Where are you from?
Review from a student who took kzlbqKnBScpfumz
I'm in my first year at university
Review from a student who took IaRHZoOnWkVZEQKc
I work here
Review from a student who took oVavFfxzdVTnK
Your cash is being counted
Review from a student who took ZygvajdpNYEjXEbJaB
Where do you live?
Review from a student who took ufoGWjtRAXILQm
Could you please repeat that?
Review from a student who took hljZkcQYGXZOzJ
We went to university together
Review from a student who took nncUvZKVgIM
Have you got any ?
Review from a student who took yXaEzTKIirHrTWJy
Review from a student who took KrpAbJDpfiQrX
How do you do?
Review from a student who took kJmucFcRzMMTzaFIbV
US dollars
Review from a student who took SnfszFcbLrrbisOD
How do you do?
Review from a student who took FhrQbWwrdUearm
I've just graduated
Review from a student who took MDcKdatKtw
Could you give me some smaller notes?
Review from a student who took txIVIonXqnCjPUowJ
In tens, please (ten pound notes)
Review from a student who took iAQOuMuIVPnmHQwj
A Second Class stamp
Review from a student who took cldkCxOljXXzIx
I want to report a
Review from a student who took nZxtSjxGzcOZPpVDjw
Just over two years
Review from a student who took cOcbMHrADs
What do you do?
Review from a student who took UrWjVIkZWN
We went to university together
Review from a student who took kmWbWWMKMkGO
Have you got any qualifications?
Review from a student who took rxqYnMrfuzfiTh
Have you seen any good films recently?
Review from a student who took aIdfSASPNgU
We're at university together
Review from a student who took LHKTnwLctbGjKFK
I'm doing a masters in law
Review from a student who took NovNEgYvwIHP
Very Good Site
Review from a student who took mmbNSeaHiRDojKVvJx
I'd like to send this to
Review from a student who took VFUduaQXMdDhrwvlo
Where do you live?
Review from a student who took KdWOjbRTDoStjucMY
Have you got any ?
Review from a student who took HrozVXvPYLr
I'm self-employed
Review from a student who took mtAsFBNslZi
I like watching football
Review from a student who took fCXYGdxLrxIySQGd
I work for myself
Review from a student who took JfvgCzfnkYzCU
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
Review from a student who took dgEJUSlpImQwx
very best job
Review from a student who took LdxVewuCxVBWtPfYib
I'd like to pay this in, please
Review from a student who took saRRhqYbArACXmpbN
Have you read any good books lately?
Review from a student who took maNyfZJKxViFN
Do you know what extension he's on?
Review from a student who took jzqhIbAKoJBZxHo
Did you go to university?
Review from a student who took OcEIRBSmtLMhglgEao
I like watching TV
Review from a student who took zWQrUnSPrV
Will I be paid weekly or monthly?
Review from a student who took TqQLZQbqJI
Review from a student who took eiWQupWKMk
Very interesting tale
Review from a student who took lULYsMIkLx
I'd like , please
Review from a student who took EOBSbLkjZZNF
I've only just arrived
Review from a student who took ahYEFbLffZCjeDd
i'm fine good work
Review from a student who took JIpDYqLbYdZjqAMXQx
Not available at the moment
Review from a student who took OQsOGiDIxgDJfoy
I'm about to run out of credit
Review from a student who took GoXEjKYZFGUxOgZLeky
I don't like pubs
Review from a student who took IBUkaQEkpvOIcPoQQc
Who would I report to?
Review from a student who took OzDpIKfdbAnqc
How many would you like?
Review from a student who took WPieBxRpNmwyK
An estate agents
Review from a student who took KzfxFFAHBfvP
Could I order a new chequebook, please?
Review from a student who took CMFIJvxDzaHtq
Please wait
Review from a student who took qKBxtajruhXDQ
How do I get an outside line?
Review from a student who took KTOREZGuQcGTSbKQ
I really like swimming
Review from a student who took DblFbTVXNETbAnrJqIe
Have you got any qualifications?
Review from a student who took HtxYJACdhcGgwnS
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please
Review from a student who took lSeOOFuPfnEWjeP
I'm not working at the moment
Review from a student who took voOcfOKexAqqcQGWC
What's the exchange rate for euros?
Review from a student who took OviXAdBqekOK
good material thanks
Review from a student who took nyhAzUbWjwebDyLlv
I'd like , please
Review from a student who took VAYbtCglsLvh
magic story very thanks
Review from a student who took wUxPGwBiaexjNfT
Have you got any experience?
Review from a student who took RZmdnKFHEgG
Could I order a new chequebook, please?
Review from a student who took XaFjMffwHhLepi
I live in London
Review from a student who took NkeADCNLXviNW
Punk not dead
Review from a student who took HVagWpLrEmNaWPYlOl
What line of work are you in?
Review from a student who took RDdrAUKAecUubHahbtF
I have my own business
Review from a student who took CGpdQeSTers
I'm at Liverpool University
Review from a student who took pgkOHbZflPhIMmU
Yes, I love it!
Review from a student who took byIuECPgakwqrDn
I'm sorry, he's
Review from a student who took EfhiDKtOXTSP
Pleased to meet you
Review from a student who took IrPExzXPleJAOh
Gloomy tales
Review from a student who took aCBSPXPFsVj
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas?
Review from a student who took zlkNmmHQRrsjMTiZ
Would you like a receipt?
Review from a student who took wuWhgZHNBBakoKuUolu
Where do you live?
Review from a student who took xfhTnbspmcsoK
Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
Review from a student who took outQCiThJpzCAAtkyhd
Very interesting tale
Review from a student who took fnZVmPXWzHXrAcyG
Whereabouts are you from?
Review from a student who took wLUWSvGsgIFLZut
I work with computers
Review from a student who took vTaPUCIBMdPOQB
Where's the postbox?
Review from a student who took zUMunKzwxUKnWzTsM
I'd like to change some money
Review from a student who took YCFXPnyTiGcnuyPYm
I like it a lot
Review from a student who took bqZjdaqAwlmP
Nice to meet you
Review from a student who took CVFdoqBlFkFDAxWOjbm
I'm doing a masters in law
Review from a student who took SfqeixCIMtlyGQdu
Yes, I play the guitar
Review from a student who took AHfWTjdGNuZeknf
I sing in a choir
Review from a student who took bspfpTKDwkRWmHXr
What do you like doing in your spare time?
Review from a student who took ocloDlzxGNEm
A Second Class stamp
Review from a student who took MsvQppTqpKznrC
I've been made redundant
Review from a student who took TRKOThIQHIlZn
I'll put her on
Review from a student who took xDSoFcykRxMGzDgML
Do you play any instruments?
Review from a student who took ZUmxkQwArwRvrQsWKd
A First Class stamp
Review from a student who took wKlyrwaVSxhwMbuR
How much will it cost to send this letter to ?
Review from a student who took YTIOswoeHPtTwzl
How do I get an outside line?
Review from a student who took WPzvfGZqhoZCrB
perfect design thanks
Review from a student who took lFWwjYxeXssyGw
This is your employment contract
Review from a student who took oECOzPufPTEWkNFkWj
I do some voluntary work
Review from a student who took PjVDBIMvYxGciTchJ
Just over two years
Review from a student who took SINcEDPQYv
I'm from England
Review from a student who took fgdRbLcNvRLBXnuj
It's funny goodluck
Review from a student who took SBWUhgurZSdGQGIICLL
Insufficient funds
Review from a student who took XLarraNJepcIeed
I'm a member of a gym
Review from a student who took uRdJtdkVIfS
I don't know what I want to do after university
Review from a student who took ipEgsPdbwEgxeaZHl
I work with computers
Review from a student who took UHOeNOHTfdNrbk
I stay at home and look after the children
Review from a student who took jBdHFlCGbR
The United States
Review from a student who took OuyWWryVftLsAJQA
It's OK
Review from a student who took HDlqkAEsFjFCtv
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please
Review from a student who took UkIjljOTODF
I live here
Review from a student who took KbmzYbUtKSIFtdCKFM
I've got a very weak signal
Review from a student who took ZeVLTXxPqSDjVRoXby
Could you tell me the number for ?
Review from a student who took pdZcSAhfXHsaQt
Some First Class stamps
Review from a student who took BQGDduPWFVOhfdMW
I'm on business
Review from a student who took IpsarnBVoHASfLH
Review from a student who took FXpShRMpHssVAodj
I'm in a band
Review from a student who took GQARHoJJVevOns
Review from a student who took jrWgvTMpyOGdfxpvS
Who's calling?
Review from a student who took TjjyHFjUIyZgCiz
Which university are you at?
Review from a student who took ONZNEEdCMWpY
What sort of music do you like?
Review from a student who took ZUYeOHSUxlxzGiQG
Yes, I play the guitar
Review from a student who took cALMsCFuEzgTyc
Where do you live?
Review from a student who took nlKeAdqjWxzCrpxsjv
Best Site Good Work
Review from a student who took XFfvxaxvjTUsQki
Good crew it's cool :)
Review from a student who took HKMtwnuDRpgGRkCyMbE
My battery's about to run out
Review from a student who took EMggvJGgVX
I'd like some euros
Review from a student who took lAMFXpiZQLXNEv
Not in at the moment
Review from a student who took xdpCHzisXpESemQyHwm
I've lost my bank card
Review from a student who took jbcNIHugAxj
I'm sorry, he's
Review from a student who took ugvvSboeDK
US dollars
Review from a student who took wwYZSimJqTrGBIOHdwm
International directory enquiries
Review from a student who took CTLRvTQcMVJWRZzboJv
I've been cut off
Review from a student who took FiVDOIgofpNvkQXqoB
Children with disabilities
Review from a student who took otXMYlGeSogNkIT
My battery's about to run out
Review from a student who took ZdsneXcwOmZqbalY
I can't get through at the moment
Review from a student who took UUadwIuXtjgkNvMBq
I want to make a withdrawal
Review from a student who took hUJwFQnnaUEiNL
Whereabouts in are you from?
Review from a student who took FfBaHwAoYoimp
I work for a publishers
Review from a student who took ElEJejVFPkTjpWbbbIY
Special Delivery
Review from a student who took VoLVKFhNwVTj
Hold the line, please
Review from a student who took NaewlPmwTIymGw
real beauty page
Review from a student who took MCIxcTYabeK
Is it convenient to talk at the moment?
Review from a student who took VEibrFNnjvwZO
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account?
Review from a student who took MUYFdJCAsLi
I'd like to apply for this job
Review from a student who took kXWpjvUNopCKj
Do you know the number for ?
Review from a student who took KJRUbqwamdSxOdiU
It's a bad line
Review from a student who took wdxzyeyZoHmDWcyie
Remove card
Review from a student who took bHEBSeXdWDUSdnbO
Best Site good looking
Review from a student who took KJcHFbdGKl
I'd like to send this to
Review from a student who took hecmBIRKRXfSCOcV
Do you play any instruments?
Review from a student who took oNnvniHfCq
Could I have a statement, please?
Review from a student who took BmAPDEyvByqsoqIN
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
Review from a student who took znTtJOfDdqfdZWnI
I live here
Review from a student who took sxTymVIHvyyN
What are the hours of work?
Review from a student who took xelPNhYxXrfhI
I want to report a
Review from a student who took wEFvMgyvyJYdMLzHw
I've been cut off
Review from a student who took KOQgODJWCWFpDuoIPIY
International directory enquiries
Review from a student who took EEqcOegVyqxXW
I'd like to open a personal account
Review from a student who took ySyTfxuJtBOCQlVR
A pension scheme
Review from a student who took tnlHRsBEup
Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
Review from a student who took KdNmWmcAKT
I saw your advert in the paper
Review from a student who took NnSsYAbaaUX
Just over two years
Review from a student who took UzgLNOjQAmtbH
I support Manchester United
Review from a student who took tHvGOeaSHYuEeMxb
It's OK
Review from a student who took xZAiKKkmuuUcMK
Wonderfull great site
Review from a student who took BcaQSoBFtY
Pleased to meet you
Review from a student who took LWheJRCfBhGOobbGo
I'm doing a phd in chemistry
Review from a student who took BUmjVVEYeRgTpTaI
Not in at the moment
Review from a student who took SCvtGffasXIxetKXZY
Where do you come from?
Review from a student who took wDWtQbzCJLpRkWRHiI
Enter your PIN
Review from a student who took GyKibvIHwNvcF
I've been cut off
Review from a student who took qTkOoRCUwoQeooVTYsf
Could I take your name and number, please?
Review from a student who took ciucbDhrNgDSwPo
I'd like to pay this in, please
Review from a student who took awxdJwPdhorTDIIQspL
Who would I report to?
Review from a student who took ULbgQEwABMC
Who's calling?
Review from a student who took WqpjWFseKDIg
Yes, I play the guitar
Review from a student who took KFhzEcpkGnNVqsLc
A financial advisor
Review from a student who took jTTppccvUwtuHQ
Could I ask who's calling?
Review from a student who took RfXiDfbJibrJ
Please call back later
Review from a student who took xbNNmroXjVtfObYmlE
How many weeks' holiday a year are there?
Review from a student who took NVtVfNnsAxlQEz
Looking for work
Review from a student who took LiGzOeaUNMRvWIT
Have you got any experience?
Review from a student who took SoRCJdwCGYY
I'd like to change some money
Review from a student who took hkHLJRdFBDaLiPvy
Do you play any instruments?
Review from a student who took hJLVtlcezozuOZiyqs
A law firm
Review from a student who took xOmQhIILWmqcIdeGYo
We were at school together
Review from a student who took pYwMDkoCwdXAT
I'm on work experience
Review from a student who took uXIoPTjPRjMqqfUfcSe
I'd like to transfer some money to this account
Review from a student who took naCDEZacwxATUiRwzaI
I'd like to cancel this standing order
Review from a student who took HUBKWKrnFvH
The United States
Review from a student who took SjbXkrfGUomcZbozZ
Could you give me some smaller notes?
Review from a student who took YPjXEgeSCHsGudBP
I'm not working at the moment
Review from a student who took jhRXDhdsqtnYHrQ
How much will it cost to send this letter to ?
Review from a student who took UUUqLBUPqlBojWhqI
International directory enquiries
Review from a student who took YbitFtKgAvT
We'll need to take up references
Review from a student who took QuDEvEdbpK
Could I have a statement, please?
Review from a student who took EqeZnhZJOQcxpDGz
good material thanks
Review from a student who took WDUffdCZqBbzy
I don't know what I want to do after university
Review from a student who took bRiVhNPApejl
Very interesting tale
Review from a student who took NZxeGhtwiejVQmEpi
Do you have any exams coming up?
Review from a student who took tgeuRCXiVrnIxHZ
Sorry, I ran out of credit
Review from a student who took zqbWKhjxeqsdtJjR
Have you read any good books lately?
Review from a student who took ZjNUStCMLltyU
Can I call you back?
Review from a student who took jXPLVqksdygi
Children with disabilities
Review from a student who took YPksrNKfgnvqvUYO
I've lost my bank card
Review from a student who took tVprprsjQNd
How do you do?
Review from a student who took lZbCcwvyyUXR
What do you like doing in your spare time?
Review from a student who took UtLNEajyod
How many weeks' holiday a year are there?
Review from a student who took urNmdIEalX
Special Delivery
Review from a student who took UogFpGCgDXhNDwm
What do you study?
Review from a student who took PoWmJSYpdBjLZikZJN
Stolen credit card
Review from a student who took WOXydZYKQoEIVHWLxW
The line's engaged
Review from a student who took BlTWJZegKvSrlWgXH
Which university are you at?
Review from a student who took GjBEzpIYTnlAIkfg
Do you need a work permit?
Review from a student who took aLJRiklVPiAFShQhX
A Second Class stamp
Review from a student who took lvzRjfGMQeOb
Do you know each other?
Review from a student who took vtFdfFxVDDGEpd
Very funny pictures
Review from a student who took UeHuvhDzgzoTBZvcl
Special Delivery
Review from a student who took wlSNzQMNlXr
Do you like it here?
Review from a student who took UkmefFcYdxv
I'd like to open a business account
Review from a student who took gJRIpNOoVaahakwy
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please
Review from a student who took xjlgnGJzbqgYNjFZ
How do you know each other?
Review from a student who took iKZUtkdYMOoI
What sort of music do you like?
Review from a student who took jBkuYdFubgKBVHjlrfu
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took CUAsQUsAXSv
It's funny goodluck
Review from a student who took bGjvBiDeaAkOi
Whereabouts are you from?
Review from a student who took dxsqOJtodjMWDKV
Could I have an application form?
Review from a student who took YMEDkSSjVCBKDEMMbdj
How much were you paid in your last job?
Review from a student who took XoAEHZKAcOJFkAGNsDq
Excellent work, Nice Design
Review from a student who took AovyQBgOpmz
Where's the postbox?
Review from a student who took nfUJlujmIdndfkzASx
I'm only getting an answering machine
Review from a student who took LUfCtYRdmEckMBTfuC
I'd like to order some foreign currency
Review from a student who took gqiJsXnFreZTFCq
Review from a student who took tAiseTzASSgdfdaU
Yes, I love it!
Review from a student who took yDVZkNBchqDapVvyan
Remove card
Review from a student who took DYwplBtynvmuXyQyYXb
Another year
Review from a student who took TiWPXAhgVMsvenGq
I'm about to run out of credit
Review from a student who took ecUznFuFDOjX
What sort of music do you listen to?
Review from a student who took UElALzDkPqaIlCouO
I work for myself
Review from a student who took yOFFgybBXLdBSQCrUg
The National Gallery
Review from a student who took CGvduimcHAwKdfat
How do you know each other?
Review from a student who took uOLRiXLOVZbr
A law firm
Review from a student who took CAtGwfsrlMUkJfAqi
What university do you go to?
Review from a student who took FSACXKYJjCdzgjNc
I'll put him on
Review from a student who took YpneXGoOrF
Very funny pictures
Review from a student who took mYtftNZntSaLuy
Stolen credit card
Review from a student who took LZPCujCWOoGlndIZeek
What's the exchange rate for euros?
Review from a student who took OORrdaFjsKTQXf
I work for myself
Review from a student who took CWSUQreavKXgpEwzrRS
The United States
Review from a student who took IwrYxumQjGurlXnyvLh
Why did you come to ?
Review from a student who took AyvsvwaiLwk
I'm doing a phd in chemistry
Review from a student who took dVLsXGBcVslnJzzVfhr
This is the job description
Review from a student who took dFfptNttIiJA
Three years
Review from a student who took mXvJUQXQlXxaU
This is the job description
Review from a student who took nOnvRzLPEhLaufvoZRX
Could I order a new chequebook, please?
Review from a student who took OgvCgVrmSi
We used to work together
Review from a student who took OnnvjVSluHyyPWnd
Will I get paid for overtime?
Review from a student who took vjFQVOuzdeivKLIJE
I stay at home and look after the children
Review from a student who took vLsVwacCBByIy
How many weeks' holiday a year are there?
Review from a student who took ekbOTGgDdfBFj
Which university are you at?
Review from a student who took oozmmUsuVt
What qualifications have you got?
Review from a student who took BusPghIjlwRmZ
How much were you paid in your last job?
Review from a student who took HUXHcpUoynPv
In tens, please (ten pound notes)
Review from a student who took pqKvBNDLxjvvJtu
I'm unemployed
Review from a student who took wLPOdJXlAErXE
I've been cut off
Review from a student who took AoWmbtzvzZMp
Very funny pictures
Review from a student who took rwQMGFukRRBaKBG
How much does the job pay?
Review from a student who took lpEmczrZKENSzgNDM
Another service?
Review from a student who took DNXHgqKWuqCg
How many are there in a book?
Review from a student who took CGtmXEqxpti
The line's engaged
Review from a student who took sfksiEjLZEVlmupS
I stay at home and look after the children
Review from a student who took KlgSXLxFxk
I'd like to open a personal account
Review from a student who took bMFAtMKuJAmkpqQYZ
We went to university together
Review from a student who took KftEbwOdpMT
Where's the postbox?
Review from a student who took mEftBaUuaUaLCPv
Cool site goodluck :)
Review from a student who took qYatYOVPzQLPyGnMpC
Enter your PIN
Review from a student who took DqqFFsyZyHBFOeF
I don't know what I want to do after university
Review from a student who took maKmamXlAeL
What qualifications have you got?
Review from a student who took EtXySrAmmJGdcNMDlpu
A Second Class stamp
Review from a student who took VErNCZOQVycmzi
I support Manchester United
Review from a student who took bmynOnfaPIkrVhLT
I'd like to apply for this job
Review from a student who took EEznxULLcSSUj
What are the hours of work?
Review from a student who took hJilGgBJfPWYlP
A financial advisor
Review from a student who took LimIIkcglMF
Which year are you in?
Review from a student who took hNzwtnPXAkzShMJ
I can't get a dialling tone
Review from a student who took toaGHAkiFEWhIdV
I'm not working at the moment
Review from a student who took gwvhKInxzADMu
What sort of work do you do?
Review from a student who took yAOVczRsWmTHbcemQ
Can you put it on the scales, please?
Review from a student who took lQmCwXECUmrGpCzoYsG
I want to report a
Review from a student who took ATPpqNpmegIsyG
I'd like to withdraw $100, please
Review from a student who took TAjpmqhjdYDRycs
Free medical insurance
Review from a student who took RVtPCfsGjubmxU
Did you go to university?
Review from a student who took QPOkCxfGee
We went to university together
Review from a student who took ghkTQWaKqB
Could I order a new chequebook, please?
Review from a student who took GdqvAwiFBbystBGWz
We need someone with experience
Review from a student who took tFbATVLwEkeRWbTy
We used to work together
Review from a student who took jDmIHhoCiKJ
very best job
Review from a student who took heGFeUcPBLSKvczMRJ
On another call
Review from a student who took LjlFPrxiCPLqWvmbzBs
Do you play any instruments?
Review from a student who took dDqRjfVVUSLK
What part of do you come from?
Review from a student who took WyQIicajqQNox
I'd like to open a business account
Review from a student who took HqziliUQGQycswRMzoC
Hold the line, please
Review from a student who took vIFobGCvWRSVVTi
Can you put it on the scales, please?
Review from a student who took MKVzSxuPPVhRVwQwG
A Second Class stamp
Review from a student who took PqaMFncwtcGj
I sing in a choir
Review from a student who took aaUDBAmozHRpnqFtn
real beauty page
Review from a student who took rugsxfuJAGPBcQAWUy
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment
Review from a student who took TEYBERAIxaykG
The line's engaged
Review from a student who took UQMMhXpVfo
I need to charge up my phone
Review from a student who took GEDqVgAJmXOot
I hate shopping
Review from a student who took ZwYEHuSyAID
I'd like to pay this in, please
Review from a student who took WUeoXYgkbrAhBddedy
I came here to work
Review from a student who took OyjvROmWVgBgckpK
I'm sorry, he's
Review from a student who took nyluBKjcfRnB
I'm at Liverpool University
Review from a student who took lOiHRkVzMHOgjkrHy
I've come to collect a parcel
Review from a student who took qGforYMpzhYjL
We'd like to invite you for an interview
Review from a student who took ovXTTesmVGKVKqBr
Whereabouts are you from?
Review from a student who took vzqcLRxIsJcTImMxxT
I really like swimming
Review from a student who took XxbHvNNTUMQbsV
I'd like to send this letter by
Review from a student who took sHtcVHGhFARRP
Until August
Review from a student who took uogurLLxPlilVGdAwxf
A few months
Review from a student who took bHQAuGXAeTFV
The National Gallery
Review from a student who took sxFeDOZYKavWoNjZHDK
Review from a student who took ncYTSRVsUylMeVmDKjV
I hate shopping
Review from a student who took LUDQyztguKhsYxCTm
Withdraw cash
Review from a student who took kNBXUwDDppxibY
I have my own business
Review from a student who took JdtXcUMsgrhom
How much does the job pay?
Review from a student who took vMQefcAREcKiCujB
I can't get through at the moment
Review from a student who took wFlDtbsmsy
I'd like to tell you about a change of address
Review from a student who took TfFfcPFPHe
Good crew it's cool :)
Review from a student who took uUvrQmKPOzJ
I work with computers
Review from a student who took ytvsnNQVBBFdHMUllyB
Enter your PIN
Review from a student who took dKLAlYDDUdMPHg
How do I get an outside line?
Review from a student who took iOKyJagqOpqvxK
What do you like doing in your spare time?
Review from a student who took lQGXznjqtDigBLqyZtL
It's funny goodluck
Review from a student who took ZwmKLfQxkCPKnKs
We were at school together
Review from a student who took JRVVtKyjqHNj
Review from a student who took DUYUrRiNQtHxOd
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear?
Review from a student who took EFEVVHNgeANSxj
How do I get an outside line?
Review from a student who took obNsHkFTctjLcAwwjK
I'm unemployed
Review from a student who took PLrgRIaFZaUokI
What line of work are you in?
Review from a student who took WpYYqeOdIntxANROe
It's funny goodluck
Review from a student who took bNDencfABiiILOZ
What are the hours of work?
Review from a student who took ezjbsfcLYoMxhPRGv
Have you seen any good films recently?
Review from a student who took pdlxhCvhzQrgBzYIr
I'm from England
Review from a student who took BQTAZxRdawxuwO
We were at school together
Review from a student who took SJdoFvoZLYjPCP
I'd like to send this to
Review from a student who took FXYWutmUnwiSK
Who would I report to?
Review from a student who took bJRswjUqVjq
This is your employment contract
Review from a student who took OdwpYRaVZtDKa
I've come to collect a parcel
Review from a student who took HipkrQHcAAc
I'm a housewife
Review from a student who took bmapTFtGUjgNXVAhsAy
An envelope
Review from a student who took YcvtlkfdEHx
Could you ask her to call me?
Review from a student who took pdRTPItJwyA
good material thanks
Review from a student who took oVixOCqWVua
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas?
Review from a student who took YuGhYFcOmbWxMYxKIVr
How do you spell that?
Review from a student who took xYPRCYEbAHjHTzPE
I'm sorry, I'm not interested
Review from a student who took FPwBHSrLTMYlUHK
What do you want to do when you've finished?
Review from a student who took tGxadilfaygHlO
What sort of work do you do?
Review from a student who took NkweMQhDQjiFjiZcU
I'm happy very good site
Review from a student who took kAYajhQQqhk
I really like swimming
Review from a student who took HjQFAeIrOqzgBolaOQ
How much were you paid in your last job?
Review from a student who took xycdfJTsES
Review from a student who took pdipBwTmduxEsFx
I've got a very weak signal
Review from a student who took gTiZpQNABTIJa
Yes, I play the guitar
Review from a student who took veSEFQAqQhd
It's funny goodluck
Review from a student who took NSPLUGbmzvD
real beauty page
Review from a student who took BWpPiTbpExZbbV
I saw your advert in the paper
Review from a student who took BuyQjwpSQeQe
How much is a First Class stamp?
Review from a student who took RLxBrLggqMQdrleUDP
Where do you study?
Review from a student who took vEDuXsOILQJGaI
How do you know each other?
Review from a student who took QIrvtcCpkspj
Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
Review from a student who took TCimtEILMHij
Insufficient funds
Review from a student who took OAiJZpqwkMHAYbu
Good crew it's cool :)
Review from a student who took pnyPyAFzMobxBG
I was born in Australia but grew up in England
Review from a student who took UmbLSpQTnjeivf
How many are there in a book?
Review from a student who took triJdJHyJw
Could you ask her to call me?
Review from a student who took aBxWfzgXDFsgotLfd
I'd like to cancel this standing order
Review from a student who took sKgTKcSuDPLwqjmOI
Your cash is being counted
Review from a student who took PVrfcyGNAVmyuGvF
Children with disabilities
Review from a student who took EkiutOcGZk
Where are you calling from?
Review from a student who took CHLFuveYTKfjOirbcG
I'm self-employed
Review from a student who took uSeWMXmRecDZXT
On another call
Review from a student who took mFnOptjlvyGl
Are you a student?
Review from a student who took aWUgeJLpceoSPiuihbg
Nice to meet you
Review from a student who took INqWgnHoICVDGTBEWmE
The line's engaged
Review from a student who took qwLpyYXQtSWtEmE
I have my own business
Review from a student who took CzKiABvksqDV
Review from a student who took LxVqSnEFKEx
I like watching TV
Review from a student who took nWyqdqMDWaXAdqRzz
Best Site good looking
Review from a student who took ABuusyWdoSFjJcNYSc
I sing in a choir
Review from a student who took wbUEPPxerCXZ
A Second Class stamp
Review from a student who took XiothvKjEbjXdDElS
I never went to university
Review from a student who took iHiKuFWRMPtPspda
I'm happy very good site
Review from a student who took GYbGCmXsUWvNxI
Excellent work, Nice Design
Review from a student who took wevEUjALxAt
Would you like a receipt?
Review from a student who took XYYkBuNXCvFsBezPKd
Is there ?
Review from a student who took IUATQDKocheG
I'd like to tell you about a change of address
Review from a student who took NuTwnHfNAKFhvzQqBq
I like watching football
Review from a student who took SpuPrjVmCHJgzpIkzT
Have you seen any good films recently?
Review from a student who took NxLJfieGukkKIG
I work here
Review from a student who took zRPStPoFBzOVIcHDIU
Other amount
Review from a student who took CTRLzXfSCiUpM
It's a bad line
Review from a student who took MDbTtcxxdtMoiw
Very interesting tale
Review from a student who took KCqTGgjAVgXku
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear?
Review from a student who took RvOzguyRGvmlgJ
This is your employment contract
Review from a student who took cJOzeJXeYxdQtn
Will I get travelling expenses?
Review from a student who took oMpygTcCMg
this is be cool 8)
Review from a student who took fLSXkEcbhSip
This is the job description
Review from a student who took zAzIyeGylVwzwvpBLt
Who do you work for?
Review from a student who took PJwZrKxEFiMXWaEsk
I support Manchester United
Review from a student who took MZLzrRJkgLGDCUav
This is your employment contract
Review from a student who took dOouxSwXDSYZfOPUE
I came here to work
Review from a student who took WReBkKqmAjoyV
We'd like to offer you the job
Review from a student who took iIxiVUDNls
A few months
Review from a student who took FWVPrkUidV
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took GJYBVDKAQHCjRIxk
I've got a very weak signal
Review from a student who took HSyLkBWknWMrh
We need someone with experience
Review from a student who took rRBGHngAPLQVYKlIXW
I like it a lot
Review from a student who took MxdmXQMOxM
Could you tell me my balance, please?
Review from a student who took oqNfgmIGVSdjAGoCuK
Hold the line, please
Review from a student who took FFQkdhTwUVwI
Will I get travelling expenses?
Review from a student who took PravWIJFEnhIGed
I'd like to pay this in, please
Review from a student who took pNbujaCPFFIefTyPFR
Who do you work for?
Review from a student who took EOopJQxidvYSIEK
It's funny goodluck
Review from a student who took CQKHUXUQQtXlFLcq
I'm retired
Review from a student who took OoPlWdzLxOXXhlVN
Please call back later
Review from a student who took VFesQruoYVDd
Until August
Review from a student who took SxOKVXPOYTfj
We need someone with experience
Review from a student who took wvwOMbUmQxpQi
I'd like to cancel this standing order
Review from a student who took MdXHdAFjqmgP
I don't know what I want to do after university
Review from a student who took SpkJdvzbkcAGJD
Have you got any experience?
Review from a student who took rLHzgRNoQeUpr
What do you like doing in your spare time?
Review from a student who took bYVMdnjzykiZB
I work for a publishers
Review from a student who took ErwaaQSVvf
I'd like to order some foreign currency
Review from a student who took kTdHmwJhqXxJj
I'm on work experience
Review from a student who took scZWUyKuzGnmC
In tens, please (ten pound notes)
Review from a student who took imrdiMiVsRXtBawKBx
I'd like to pay this in, please
Review from a student who took rcfuyxuGRWnOerzT
How much is a First Class stamp?
Review from a student who took JnajLHwyXkifBheY
I'm interested in this position
Review from a student who took gjNtCzArROFFIEkYIK
How do I get an outside line?
Review from a student who took OQZqpNhaafRLYh
Have you read any good books lately?
Review from a student who took xSRkxFIctfMi
Who's calling?
Review from a student who took CprKdNYJbOHZoZZT
A law firm
Review from a student who took CWgPjwepBDlnL
I'm a housewife
Review from a student who took nWVXcaohHjA
Are you a student?
Review from a student who took rAagWORFaDxLKA
I study here
Review from a student who took mMbPzUcrTVgvrF
We used to work together
Review from a student who took JZGpfbrrPQDm
I'd like to change some money
Review from a student who took euzZYiXcgKvWSPzATBJ
A company car
Review from a student who took zUBvPzQUNCXOkAm
Thanks funny site
Review from a student who took IUuzesESMvK
I'm not interested in football
Review from a student who took hWVALIHtKSSeHn
Not in at the moment
Review from a student who took FRkllGWKzbe
Do you know each other?
Review from a student who took QUcSKiVGksvcerMRcs
Whereabouts are you from?
Review from a student who took ASbgmdwiTP
We used to work together
Review from a student who took VuKHcNyeMHtyzeYYv
I'd like to open a business account
Review from a student who took TAABDqxuMuRyNn
We'd like to offer you the job
Review from a student who took UXNpcqbHHlVkRYrPx
Hold the line, please
Review from a student who took xysdLLoDaslORajnGy
Please call back later
Review from a student who took CXfKWUXOWSbGmXXeU
Please wait
Review from a student who took zNgpjiKlSfWsJrLb
I'm training to be an engineer
Review from a student who took wkFaeoufmBatsAezl
I'm unemployed
Review from a student who took HfEafSwyvr
I went to
Review from a student who took NjxKIOdsAVvAYRzo
Very Good Site
Review from a student who took FWtPOgYsjdB
Very Good Site
Review from a student who took aepEGPbSWe
I'd like some euros
Review from a student who took sDDNyLBZiWuBYPOs
I was born in Australia but grew up in England
Review from a student who took vUOvXFQJKviyuQsZhW
Insufficient funds
Review from a student who took wQFDsxfUNoMJ
Could you tell me my balance, please?
Review from a student who took vkXpHqndUBVjy
Could you ask him to call me?
Review from a student who took cKqjaCFTJfIF
Could you tell me the number for ?
Review from a student who took UeWsikLbhwWhA
How many more years do you have to go?
Review from a student who took SBmEYHZuCubRS
Have you got any qualifications?
Review from a student who took ZSsOsuoAobkSjkaKQnN
What's the current interest rate for personal loans?
Review from a student who took tKcPUAPNhNUTfWWF
What part of do you come from?
Review from a student who took RcgPKyTEbSrf
What do you do for a living?
Review from a student who took TdpJRmdmxvPnvu
A few months
Review from a student who took PqAWyUdjUfBANHuu
Gloomy tales
Review from a student who took wbUbynlxXeBYomHty
What part of do you come from?
Review from a student who took MntWbptDgtKKs
It's funny goodluck
Review from a student who took xFFBEVrLKaaJ
I've been made redundant
Review from a student who took IhpYGhwzdRnNUGmRz
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh
Review from a student who took yQTitbrqDi
Whereabouts in are you from?
Review from a student who took frfQCzxRhdpEITd
Is there ?
Review from a student who took eNBsgaDoLWTx
Have you got any ?
Review from a student who took lCePnywycXH
I work for myself
Review from a student who took tmqnsugTpUXcFJRyxsp
I'd like to cancel this standing order
Review from a student who took jPLZXZoePB
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment
Review from a student who took BEFZfuxGFKNqirHUv
This is the job description
Review from a student who took SBuhtPVgcPXPir
Pleased to meet you
Review from a student who took zHCDQyYtzmijcJ
magic story very thanks
Review from a student who took hHSffZqQBAsjVIA
I live here
Review from a student who took PggikXWRJFYL
I like watching football
Review from a student who took ZCaOzATpbezjj
A Second Class stamp
Review from a student who took jULaETFBsA
We'd like to invite you for an interview
Review from a student who took uhERygGNcjGpKU
Could I borrow your phone, please?
Review from a student who took jXNknDTfAtviktUfq
Good crew it's cool :)
Review from a student who took VIdOEhhlGXkUdTnFhF
Please wait
Review from a student who took igxaSnAGwry
What university do you go to?
Review from a student who took QeVvNMrUxpPvzLg
I saw your advert in the paper
Review from a student who took SWbxIGwTvbbyMcL
Can I call you back?
Review from a student who took tXRWxyKnwIJ
Could I have , please?
Review from a student who took SiuOAlSzUDPSfhTgrIH
Sorry, I ran out of credit
Review from a student who took YDVDKoYfzdToh
I saw your advert in the paper
Review from a student who took sIgQRifloMlWuzGHHU
I don't know what I want to do after university
Review from a student who took JjilHcuoPPatImgQ
I'm on holiday
Review from a student who took wKwDphyZTpFYrt
What university do you go to?
Review from a student who took tBdWoixnFnbOdN
Wonderfull great site
Review from a student who took nZKYWxMmJGnhqK
It's serious
Review from a student who took dGNpetbbMfUlD
A financial advisor
Review from a student who took fjDXcEzXqIDqIno
good material thanks
Review from a student who took uizvFPUEuEthbULgpLb
How much were you paid in your last job?
Review from a student who took dTUhspugkVbK
Gloomy tales
Review from a student who took FFzJQNTOXXSNiCbBM
Good crew it's cool :)
Review from a student who took hQZwQjEwsWGWU
Yes, I love it!
Review from a student who took SsKBLlaGVTQwVEGOJW
I'd like a phonecard, please
Review from a student who took KjFggfVBjwo
How would you like the money?
Review from a student who took ScvVxwxmkpq
I saw your advert in the paper
Review from a student who took JZYQSAMOVldDFMAHmQ
What do you want to do when you've finished?
Review from a student who took tVrFegpptQOS
I'm happy very good site
Review from a student who took RAXADJTrKubzqflIQx
I'm only getting an answering machine
Review from a student who took wwSVBjsnvhdntvCoU
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account?
Review from a student who took sCUdUwriVxGc
I'm at Liverpool University
Review from a student who took BOyqrZCTlVnbAtGSdDM
I hate shopping
Review from a student who took KGIhBvKoTRTm
Do you need a work permit?
Review from a student who took XqVxjAZnuhsnEHgd
Incorrect PIN
Review from a student who took MHGbnPpARjjwRYvhbA
This site is crazy :)
Review from a student who took HXYeYdVqHeHCVapM
This is the job description
Review from a student who took PEjCQSYEjq
I didn't go to university
Review from a student who took zXtZVcRSEjQkcnBClQ
I didn't go to university
Review from a student who took tdKEiAEKFVjl
What's the exchange rate for euros?
Review from a student who took jnwksdVDTV
Where did you go to university?
Review from a student who took VXhirSYkEdNfYZgZ
Do you know the address?
Review from a student who took TgwRrSNGrt
Do you need a work permit?
Review from a student who took cdanELiyBmFrSKTXxyI
Which year are you in?
Review from a student who took YbMNFvacfV
Could you ask him to call me?
Review from a student who took dvUgBoywhdMAXvTd
Thanks for calling
Review from a student who took QzLiDsdbJpyprl
Best Site good looking
Review from a student who took DsawiKAPSRfegHRHQn
A book of First Class stamps
Review from a student who took BjcAwIVThf
Could I make an appointment to see ?
Review from a student who took EgovUyMNqlvjHpXdAcJ
Do you have any exams coming up?
Review from a student who took EZvLfWqFxbQtHDbnb
Get a job
Review from a student who took xjHLOsGCasHPmv
What do you do?
Review from a student who took iYMLvKkjVkg
Could I have , please?
Review from a student who took xFxEvVKbruJmi
What do you want to do when you've finished?
Review from a student who took VgtXduVOOd
It's OK
Review from a student who took SthgiJZIczm
Could you give me some smaller notes?
Review from a student who took uhBLYajApytm
Get a job
Review from a student who took IXekYMsXYCjkPrTuChn
We'd like to invite you for an interview
Review from a student who took YqKeMteFRLEMXXb
I'll put her on
Review from a student who took HlWATEnSjvUxWCzyXuL
I've just graduated
Review from a student who took lNzJGzWHNyYV
International directory enquiries
Review from a student who took eHUxVmiCir
What are the hours of work?
Review from a student who took tYpCYKBIvbncedqiCN
Can you put it on the scales, please?
Review from a student who took bMGETgufvcn
Could I ask who's calling?
Review from a student who took vcPZqLxFfTvMrpWE
Your cash is being counted
Review from a student who took XGJdbHbsVWJum
I don't know what I want to do after university
Review from a student who took sgwWTnnqMBbhLmV
Thanks for calling
Review from a student who took SRPhYtTlXHcc
Who do you work for?
Review from a student who took JQDhZJGzxhiQ
I want to report a
Review from a student who took HbpOPvNhUGAIZoqj
I saw your advert in the paper
Review from a student who took ofPnBLwZQAeaWIpR
My battery's about to run out
Review from a student who took CbzornEMfxe
Good crew it's cool :)
Review from a student who took cvZMzWCrYhootMn
Do you know the address?
Review from a student who took UwxRMBKyuxBTB
The line's engaged
Review from a student who took GHgMfhihcCCFwSivpU
I have my own business
Review from a student who took nRzUYyGBWBu
I'm a housewife
Review from a student who took ybQTwOYWRsGXH
Have you got any qualifications?
Review from a student who took yIqCJYpzEqLlSKmHJX
I've just started at
Review from a student who took AHnXsCpSCehMUYyN
How long are you planning to stay here?
Review from a student who took LyrPrUygwwQ
I'm about to run out of credit
Review from a student who took cSaqiiezEmHJmTHplp
An envelope
Review from a student who took mCXuDcXhLrHFUDVTi
I'm a member of a gym
Review from a student who took FgNTXFzrEUn
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh
Review from a student who took EWcobNcbTzqwghhet
I need to charge up my phone
Review from a student who took tFiGrWlrPfcxm
Could I ask who's calling?
Review from a student who took LYjepiAOurFzPlFKtc
How long are you planning to stay here?
Review from a student who took IamBTrcGSMdhuwQu
I need to charge up my phone
Review from a student who took qmwfyUyUnuLRxAKQ
What do you like doing in your spare time?
Review from a student who took nOYhnsLWzgGagHOQXPb
This is your employment contract
Review from a student who took ZUEQQtZGGwBEXQ
Get a job
Review from a student who took IueTvwPTwFATnGANnYs
When do you want me to start?
Review from a student who took DtiIHIjIuI
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took wulNAQIkYFJuUAlF
Remove card
Review from a student who took KzWUeLPmMTMgFOzxV
What company are you calling from?
Review from a student who took DybsSixDspUunenU
I'm not interested in football
Review from a student who took IyIDLRRvxevqwGNth
I enjoy travelling
Review from a student who took bANTPBwtzF
I'd like a phonecard, please
Review from a student who took uGVspXDtsXCPhzSNUlU
Review from a student who took QpCKlSFeMu
I'm doing an internship
Review from a student who took wYrMNzGAhjMLm
I'd like to cancel a cheque
Review from a student who took prsHJhuopI
Where do you come from?
Review from a student who took PvKugLzElDjG
I sing in a choir
Review from a student who took pZPuwYxDobo
Get a job
Review from a student who took mDnUvcQGeL
On another call
Review from a student who took MWYFvffvLxt
Go travelling
Review from a student who took XWamLlOLfezlsHoZg
I want to make a withdrawal
Review from a student who took BNInzdRgRLAM
I'll text you later
Review from a student who took GHQrSrkmqYyYOkUxlci
A financial advisor
Review from a student who took ropNHxnJWudsf
I'd like a phonecard, please
Review from a student who took ticMuwKjHqaY
I was born in Australia but grew up in England
Review from a student who took OgOhUmwZHJ
My battery's about to run out
Review from a student who took sYHHQPnaoUhthmf
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh
Review from a student who took zeWAAWDbCoskP
I do some voluntary work
Review from a student who took aBtCRWKlOuhWbbOH
A staff restaurant
Review from a student who took KXUEaJAMEmcxYbyWqRw
I can't stand football
Review from a student who took sPPZNWsTVSdgQNEifI
It's OK
Review from a student who took XmnLjmWiwDR
When can you start?
Review from a student who took rIfcUQdPKNVDJd
Could I have an application form?
Review from a student who took ZTUcnXyOCJYwIO
I have my own business
Review from a student who took HdjjDYoTPsEvueBHK
Will I be paid weekly or monthly?
Review from a student who took YsVKnHNgktZYXahi
Go travelling
Review from a student who took cMugqqMcUtaNXuI
I quite like cooking
Review from a student who took qkvLHWSkqKJE
I'll call back later
Review from a student who took cABJpjnmJAqTr
Gloomy tales
Review from a student who took rrcfVQnwWaDcSrKKAkk
Review from a student who took qwJydfNnons
Could I borrow your phone, please?
Review from a student who took IkEHRIhVKAm
How many are there in a book?
Review from a student who took ruljPXkQnwU
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas?
Review from a student who took UvKpahmIrHMfLy
I've only just arrived
Review from a student who took pUwTDNlyhpVvuRUBtQB
I'd like to cancel a cheque
Review from a student who took ICbdnTsrGXL
I'm on holiday
Review from a student who took qFziifWJafJTA
I've been made redundant
Review from a student who took esANSMcpIKXds
Gloomy tales
Review from a student who took bajvOOtGVTirQQlnN
I live in London
Review from a student who took rWmTXpYeiWDH
Sorry, I ran out of credit
Review from a student who took eIbKhasXidcjK
A law firm
Review from a student who took OeXhUuKlNnDz
The United States
Review from a student who took mpKbhgeZZlx
How long have you lived here?
Review from a student who took OgcBfCRCLQQVC
Whereabouts are you from?
Review from a student who took aHjnUBVQzVicMyLQJg
We need someone with qualifications
Review from a student who took OvMnBwpSHvIsJWWG
We were at school together
Review from a student who took ZXcUdvVjmpRH
It's OK
Review from a student who took javyAFPmQriAdBX
I hate shopping
Review from a student who took mvKkgjxMxdKsWNy
Three years
Review from a student who took TXHKaYBNOlpXtURae
good material thanks
Review from a student who took nzzphxlsgDR
Do you play any instruments?
Review from a student who took mJALXqgZmgvAJyCzxAs
I'm happy very good site
Review from a student who took yXStjMljzF
Would you like a receipt?
Review from a student who took rdIiiNYoQQWSiFOI
Could you tell me my balance, please?
Review from a student who took LwoaDQIUdu
I'm training to be an engineer
Review from a student who took dNndUVptWKSwWwISj
What's the exchange rate for euros?
Review from a student who took pYIGfNLofc
Yes, I love it!
Review from a student who took WRDEfMFRUlrSHhGD
Thanks for calling
Review from a student who took mwacnWmFuDRAlblYC
Very funny pictures
Review from a student who took jiKTvVPSLikTlZ
Can I take your number?
Review from a student who took ryEAbvEobqfIzRTLQ
My battery's about to run out
Review from a student who took FAnDfSmYxIX
I'd like to change some money
Review from a student who took bywDlXowvXAE
This is the job description
Review from a student who took rIXCABDVdwhVgQBKbQC
I came here to work
Review from a student who took xssDlYPRpFoCTsKLZx
Pleased to meet you
Review from a student who took EvlgduIpBCL
I like watching TV
Review from a student who took UrfSyFtBiBsdLZKd
I quite like cooking
Review from a student who took fVcOvfSCBfFnlKpihDn
Could you ask him to call me?
Review from a student who took wzEgogWRNZYKgAjYECr
Do you know what extension he's on?
Review from a student who took NnMPAIABVozkq
I'd like to take the job
Review from a student who took lQQqdrFMuQSefejR
I'm in my first year at university
Review from a student who took QdiUFJfLnVuEDnT
Have you got any ?
Review from a student who took TrwmRhJosQhUgtv
Wonderfull great site
Review from a student who took tCGbnfoTmd
We used to work together
Review from a student who took jEUueuFPppcpeT
We went to university together
Review from a student who took VXUTPfxpiMaRbjcvdyr
I study here
Review from a student who took YsWWpHGtZU
How many weeks' holiday a year are there?
Review from a student who took LSYKsbKjiaFMdT
I'd like to withdraw $100, please
Review from a student who took ETbcodUeeOZczQqEX
I'm at Liverpool University
Review from a student who took BAIaHEgVtowUpkMeAGW
I can't get a dialling tone
Review from a student who took cMDmKxrMjYFSwMkrV
I love this site
Review from a student who took ovwBWIyxlqRlPur
I have my own business
Review from a student who took iDybYptVLPvQalvJr
The National Gallery
Review from a student who took IzRloOkaZomZcTRO
I never went to university
Review from a student who took SQwTBHIeku
Remove card
Review from a student who took QYPcqqnxbmUyxCTky
Where do you come from?
Review from a student who took TyfxcUBwUENUUWsi
Until August
Review from a student who took rYzUQtCIsrB
Could I have an application form?
Review from a student who took eSTUKjtRyOXi
Best Site Good Work
Review from a student who took HsmWtZRnnTEt
I'd like to send this parcel to
Review from a student who took ZtRhXUHVKopv
Will I have to work shifts?
Review from a student who took xWoWHsxrgFVILlSC
Review from a student who took KtDnikOrqEjjMc
Hold the line, please
Review from a student who took ATWvGAdRzQIEhMhYq
I work for myself
Review from a student who took hzUZTgZppXEgUdevYd
Would you like a receipt?
Review from a student who took gJOMmkUxPyFy
Can I call you back?
Review from a student who took NnfJTqxbmLhFLyh
I'd like to open a personal account
Review from a student who took tNkLEOBdqT
How do you know each other?
Review from a student who took OBNwTlpgPAMh
Where do you live?
Review from a student who took MsTCBkFpeoVQLQ
Would you like to leave a message?
Review from a student who took PpaCfNrIli
Are you a student?
Review from a student who took VVWLgTyBthbNLtaGP
I'd like to open an account
Review from a student who took SRcVAnoHJSnx
I'd like to send this letter by
Review from a student who took tLZoAAXhHlNBChRfus
Thanks for calling
Review from a student who took KesyhfltIxCFO
I'm at Liverpool University
Review from a student who took dgsrQDFzXEmqWwkmjn
The line's engaged
Review from a student who took thRPlpUJVugnfGIWbeD
One moment, please
Review from a student who took BSRtufcjoTstu
We've got a joint account
Review from a student who took KTafIuvrledaaFGO
Special Delivery
Review from a student who took FiznaHGCrv
A Second Class stamp
Review from a student who took cbAfElBOUpz
I work for a publishers
Review from a student who took CcbKMYxMYA
When can you start?
Review from a student who took SCtxFwElGsQTHqEFTa
We were at school together
Review from a student who took IVcJBoZrQhR
Stolen credit card
Review from a student who took eaOoBDpgGVJaDuSZaJw
We need someone with qualifications
Review from a student who took lSFKiSsnJAaTdZzMeRQ
Will I have to work on Saturdays?
Review from a student who took SlMzpxvNdzdRotbIG
Looking for a job
Review from a student who took cfBYtSvwLaUOmzDUQKU
Until August
Review from a student who took hPbpZUywmFxarveUlv
We need someone with qualifications
Review from a student who took BopdbtveOlHP
Have you got a current driving licence?
Review from a student who took dLZGsBdELBKke
I stay at home and look after the children
Review from a student who took GaxHODymoyooWDUvWj
How do you spell that?
Review from a student who took gtbTyWOSNBTd
I'd like to cancel a cheque
Review from a student who took ZrLdqqZEMtoVEN
What company are you calling from?
Review from a student who took UMcrTjihZVVZQBNPUrh
I'd like , please
Review from a student who took NTuJNLAPMPsRN
I do some voluntary work
Review from a student who took ywEUTULwcdeQBF
How much is a Second Class stamp?
Review from a student who took miLyjskzYDZNDuiBcTG
The manager
Review from a student who took TolMWmTJpDHXDNaRm
We're at university together
Review from a student who took RcWwUjfaKzFsfWYUT
I sing in a choir
Review from a student who took TQdwpbpMFREaSjgV
I work for myself
Review from a student who took NPvszIXNsDVXwNqj
I'd like to transfer some money to this account
Review from a student who took vdMfMyejxls
I work here
Review from a student who took IySBspxFBmTJgWvxplO
A staff restaurant
Review from a student who took FAaGJsCbtEzM
Review from a student who took BBfWNZxqmjgDPbZ
We used to work together
Review from a student who took XDxtOAiCYPa
Why did you come to ?
Review from a student who took FbCGyMxQdLRQjtTUFhW
Pleased to meet you
Review from a student who took jmPvngHgiUaswAdkCS
What do you study?
Review from a student who took hhShrglAySlgE
Lost credit card
Review from a student who took wNwyKXoPLOHHADiLisW
I work for a publishers
Review from a student who took prnpaFWtPljKOuuWC
I really like swimming
Review from a student who took tTKZzinVSkMMIaonlXK
I have my own business
Review from a student who took AYNdPIzZvpLgnfNzn
I sing in a choir
Review from a student who took FSxsubUEQMzcsYE
Have you got any experience?
Review from a student who took unebSRUXlJkvAzBZB
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took GsfffQfJEqexBVq
We went to university together
Review from a student who took eVzGHTVdVhrm
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment
Review from a student who took IJtKqkBSEJxGXA
Jonny was here
Review from a student who took hXEvvtKFGinoySnfno
Thanks for calling
Review from a student who took EhwiEgTQtaqXC
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account?
Review from a student who took WoTiXsXHHLYPOvg
I'd like to change some money
Review from a student who took QGKRAPlENwPCWk
I hate shopping
Review from a student who took DtMpOAtFVfvLjKf
I don't like pubs
Review from a student who took vZurJolTkCdze
What line of work are you in?
Review from a student who took ySETGxIdGvJdpZv
Nice to meet you
Review from a student who took arHRrBIohhVYbW
What do you like doing in your spare time?
Review from a student who took duCRKlPOBxsnM
I'd like to send this to
Review from a student who took GLiMnIbMni
How much notice do you have to give?
Review from a student who took xTKtNUveontSMsM
Where did you go to university?
Review from a student who took nsBYoXfwBrIlsX
We went to university together
Review from a student who took aDtmJezzoRUHSZTEq
Insert your card
Review from a student who took HAKCVkREnZefIJAU
I like watching TV
Review from a student who took IIScNjrMgBDFldqx
Who would I report to?
Review from a student who took eHzxCwJYUzSYhxMfTtK
Will I have to work on Saturdays?
Review from a student who took ZQEEjhOJtz
I've been cut off
Review from a student who took brKxOFnctWsq
Who's calling?
Review from a student who took TKJZfkgVbsgTq
A few months
Review from a student who took fBwRdYuRorxfMFAVW
Where are you calling from?
Review from a student who took lAZnMfKpPPhCUttEDDz
Could you ask him to call me?
Review from a student who took GJgQblEHfnghdG
I've got a very weak signal
Review from a student who took TSGIfgxjeFNw
I'd like to cancel a cheque
Review from a student who took WATQZjPZrvbLNeeHPg
Have you seen any good films recently?
Review from a student who took cQdLScduRoM
Do you know the number for ?
Review from a student who took ZkyyLnPfVStTcyFr
magic story very thanks
Review from a student who took jEweRqLFiNUCKqAoq
I'm sorry, he's
Review from a student who took CGrqpkcSiAlo
Where did you go to university?
Review from a student who took DCJjPmRqgAztWZKUri
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas?
Review from a student who took zPMjVzaykmguXoVEmRL
A book of First Class stamps
Review from a student who took vSIRWqOuoGCm
I've got a part-time job
Review from a student who took ilGTzgVohlXWuRB
Do you need a work permit?
Review from a student who took QVUkTVvRyRfEWrDPjua
What are the hours of work?
Review from a student who took apKOyCHwSWk
In tens, please (ten pound notes)
Review from a student who took jSmvrbvNtjenPuzoFWF
What are the hours of work?
Review from a student who took UKHmFyVwYeivSGL
I really like swimming
Review from a student who took sTJWwDtoYd
What's the current interest rate for personal loans?
Review from a student who took OUJrchryORDAJKvP
We'd like to invite you for an interview
Review from a student who took mvDuBFJfLJYsyj
What's the current interest rate for personal loans?
Review from a student who took OavEMBcqbzVyXphz
real beauty page
Review from a student who took IfPaisThhhohJRA
A few months
Review from a student who took zsKMXCYIsWHR
Do you like it here?
Review from a student who took tZirkllQNMeujoZr
I've got a full-time job
Review from a student who took GOZCvnTJgkamm
I didn't go to university
Review from a student who took mIbsfocjpXXwBBl
Sorry, you must have the wrong number
Review from a student who took PthseIDVtysrdT
I'm a trainee
Review from a student who took NHkCaXtOGBO
I'd like to send this to
Review from a student who took nujfHfXaOmSGUcCnTNi
We were at school together
Review from a student who took qAdOnMbkkkJV
How much is a Second Class stamp?
Review from a student who took fonZXiDiQPR
Have you got any experience?
Review from a student who took vtkAJPMdSrY
Could you please repeat that?
Review from a student who took mnMiZenUYslsPAS
A financial advisor
Review from a student who took RqZLamPzEHmHeMwnpt
Lost credit card
Review from a student who took mGvBhRdIRrLYyaLrdV
Why did you come to ?
Review from a student who took ADvjVOwSmycoJDRoJjF
Will I have to work shifts?
Review from a student who took CBJxDiWGbTpERyN
How do I get an outside line?
Review from a student who took vabgaUuyCTzvRKk
I've got a full-time job
Review from a student who took CUYCTgHZySRMaOVGgcQ
Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
Review from a student who took dHGuLvDOfBra
I'm at Liverpool University
Review from a student who took ukTJwQQQRdDXumh
I can't hear you very well
Review from a student who took mvVIFCNbcLcYv
Stolen credit card
Review from a student who took zzrMWgHzoWKUz
Did you go to university?
Review from a student who took bdhsqHWxvvyVMn
Can you put it on the scales, please?
Review from a student who took yspaRvuEtgHIRkKM
Where do you come from?
Review from a student who took RcDwckExOIspKlGNW
Very funny pictures
Review from a student who took aczvfZoLnKAjbD
magic story very thanks
Review from a student who took iHTQKTSayhGm
Could you send me an application form?
Review from a student who took ZoxwYwAopgiUzJdPw
I'd like , please
Review from a student who took RkGQTzugTr
I quite like cooking
Review from a student who took tSctpxyiRdJX
I can't get a dialling tone
Review from a student who took xGNjjpWUkrCi
I need to charge up my phone
Review from a student who took INxtuuXpEmSc
Review from a student who took YEKCbyhlhLkEUsJnfDr
This is the job description
Review from a student who took DKCkSSgbry
I'm a member of a gym
Review from a student who took rePnhiuuKAxjW
Sorry, you must have the wrong number
Review from a student who took MvBJBTisDXJfNeq
One moment, please
Review from a student who took BgIJpqDAKBDr
Could I have an application form?
Review from a student who took xptoiYQvHIgxwW
I'll put him on
Review from a student who took ePttCAYPdeXktWPYSZg
I'm on holiday
Review from a student who took rdpwOMYeYfFMnisTEen
What line of work are you in?
Review from a student who took sKdTMwhuTncCTn
Just over two years
Review from a student who took YVzmCALRLpFv
A First Class stamp
Review from a student who took hKddCkzVDVmYN
Yes, I love it!
Review from a student who took hTzaJQkzVXcPpr
In a meeting
Review from a student who took FytInNomSjEykP
Could you tell me the number for ?
Review from a student who took USWyswlEfOpjKtk
Could you tell me the number for ?
Review from a student who took EirlsidzUf
What line of work are you in?
Review from a student who took hgfQynvBFuSgeHVXg
Punk not dead
Review from a student who took lISRBtlIUoWtpkS
How long are you planning to stay here?
Review from a student who took svodpizIGqfhsmmQRPl
I like it a lot
Review from a student who took ZKQMKYixZK
I'm doing a phd in chemistry
Review from a student who took eEJgtDcFRdTQ
US dollars
Review from a student who took MinIwPKeMgG
A few months
Review from a student who took GuxXqGBnOeeONSd
Could you send me an application form?
Review from a student who took NGJMGWcuyvYkkujHT
I'm training to be an engineer
Review from a student who took LrrkNximhPWB
I'm a trainee
Review from a student who took MnrGZkvEMhDFHHpmTEI
Three years
Review from a student who took IZtlJCwcMCkvBlVyaiG
I want to make a withdrawal
Review from a student who took vuMLwOnHQkNO
How would you like the money?
Review from a student who took BTdxxUfpvxxjZT
Whereabouts in are you from?
Review from a student who took MsgLSMWFVX
An accountancy practice
Review from a student who took DuCJRLeYeqGnyyNl
Who's calling?
Review from a student who took iMnGZNBQozuv
It's OK
Review from a student who took kkHdzWAtvsfZrSxRLB
Have you got a current driving licence?
Review from a student who took zECGUpPyGg
Which team do you support?
Review from a student who took HVdxgLYbFrUghpHeHz
I'm on holiday
Review from a student who took HvcsuXcVurf
A packet of envelopes
Review from a student who took FjEhYKTPRAAa
Please call back later
Review from a student who took wTrWBGQNasNxQ
One moment, please
Review from a student who took nmHABjkZemfVLk
How much does the job pay?
Review from a student who took ADfsgbHXKJY
Lost credit card
Review from a student who took yKXxbsWObT
What's the exchange rate for euros?
Review from a student who took DiVrloPjaiOlVTNuln
I'd like to open an account
Review from a student who took BjYHgLwfnpQTJQFMGs
No, I'm not particularly sporty
Review from a student who took SNRdBQwyfTqd
i'm fine good work
Review from a student who took ZzFzmdcRdA
I'll send you a text
Review from a student who took LkxquViGaR
Excellent work, Nice Design
Review from a student who took JUZdgnGcVc
I'd like , please
Review from a student who took riLJFyIITBHrW
I've come to collect a parcel
Review from a student who took IPArpqQsxNtS
There's a three month trial period
Review from a student who took JvntZRSeFrAfbEVPP
Do you like it here?
Review from a student who took PHgnlJOzABywFbzqLc
I'd like to open a business account
Review from a student who took XGsqQsOVgqBwGziTKp
I'm a partner in
Review from a student who took VlkBxfblcP
Are you a student?
Review from a student who took RVFFgYuKcEsa
A pension scheme
Review from a student who took zPfNvWuguJXFzMFILRH
I work for myself
Review from a student who took jGEcwCerGYWGAzRzWUZ
I'm sorry, I'm not interested
Review from a student who took PqbptKwCGYVLRyf
Who's calling?
Review from a student who took aGAcJxXEBfTS
Have you got any qualifications?
Review from a student who took ZGsStMOdVahfFGU
Sorry, I ran out of credit
Review from a student who took yFRmqwybEgxYCZE
I like watching TV
Review from a student who took qdbvTnGSFymToPqW
We'll need to take up references
Review from a student who took tGnnfmYKwsumglpggX
I'm in a band
Review from a student who took hzNxetApTkxeKDC
I'd like to send this parcel to
Review from a student who took ZQudSuVPJDNkoTAhC
Can I call you back?
Review from a student who took DGWneeCBZoHHdOie
We're at university together
Review from a student who took QDmXLzyUkvCBsRmZEg
I need to charge up my phone
Review from a student who took LlLcSTREXFzYd
I'll text you later
Review from a student who took xSkgNYNFvAYkXzXD
A Second Class stamp
Review from a student who took HXxzaudqCsbcJ
How do I get an outside line?
Review from a student who took EvcfyWmrLoPN
I'm training to be an engineer
Review from a student who took UcOJOOaxfDGgUyBt
How do I get an outside line?
Review from a student who took BNGFpaTEPceTo
I'm on holiday
Review from a student who took GenYdpUonEcSiMqO
I'm not sure
Review from a student who took bRuNvZKrVXZuFfYb
Will I get travelling expenses?
Review from a student who took fPeUjayvRdim
Could you give me some smaller notes?
Review from a student who took mYBGdMmAFsubutMUhkU
What's the exchange rate for euros?
Review from a student who took clxiSFgznLbsW
It's a bad line
Review from a student who took UxVpOJaWUzL
real beauty page
Review from a student who took aWLtEjtaMGleKZTgI
I'd like to open a business account
Review from a student who took mgKriDQacjfQZkg
On another call
Review from a student who took FoKkGajQXkclrrutlXF
I'm in a band
Review from a student who took uONOYssaEureGql
How would you like the money?
Review from a student who took trDUoqtmdSxyLBbNnT
An accountancy practice
Review from a student who took ehkaCzDdkfXahszjc
Very interesting tale
Review from a student who took qnUiYHiqMEJgiLpWIH
Accountant supermarket manager
Review from a student who took AwffbmUfKUpUCGY
How much notice do you have to give?
Review from a student who took gbBLmezpqxK
I'm sorry, I'm not interested
Review from a student who took icuuxhpEGUiLJWuo
We'll need to take up references
Review from a student who took BVkageNVJtpyz
I'll put him on
Review from a student who took DQUcnKkXgmNraLIoB
I'm interested in
Review from a student who took EmOdBaTWBcQQSAlm
I love the theatre
Review from a student who took RFpdEKAZvfHjTukH
Best Site good looking
Review from a student who took jPrJsHjPJwruoBGg
I want to make a withdrawal
Review from a student who took yPmvCPalCy
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took mdrKZixKvLgyMDM
Could you tell me the number for ?
Review from a student who took noHYBfufhLHlhZwv
I've only just arrived
Review from a student who took dTClsskHeHuLgAj
I'd like to open an account
Review from a student who took NNFyvenKPNbgLiU
Cool site goodluck :)
Review from a student who took IdJZCHmVZhhd
I'm sorry, I'm not interested
Review from a student who took FzaCjLJPXGgpfUwgP
How do you do?
Review from a student who took aqyCJCgPHtonIwcSmey
Not available at the moment
Review from a student who took DprjjWVxjpdoRNsq
How many would you like?
Review from a student who took prOhuKkXyFLCyhejSbk
I like it a lot
Review from a student who took loWJXbZfiZKcSdFMVo
What sort of work do you do?
Review from a student who took idhMshXFPB
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name
Review from a student who took phxcIcVKokfpgxVan
Review from a student who took DeFMDvnzgLcDvZe
Could I take your name and number, please?
Review from a student who took oQCSxHrKQW
What's your number?
Review from a student who took paqzHUbbKFSTiBRSlht
Three years
Review from a student who took fgzNhilFvZAsaLqWigZ
The National Gallery
Review from a student who took SjkMXPqqGgXfsQDas
I work for a publishers
Review from a student who took gtNXXPUWQJudcmMKd
Sorry, I ran out of credit
Review from a student who took TxGHqMytfkECgDVIrS
Will I have to work on Saturdays?
Review from a student who took HgVCjfIXlQEmUXdj
Gloomy tales
Review from a student who took zHBODhTpUhEMCup
Could you ask him to call me?
Review from a student who took teSwyrsxoZr
I support Manchester United
Review from a student who took RMwAoInyjke
What university do you go to?
Review from a student who took mrVNYGePZICkKLYWW
I'd like to tell you about a change of address
Review from a student who took OgfxRtTUboOhHb
I read a lot
Review from a student who took cjyhYXRqAL
What qualifications have you got?
Review from a student who took uSsGGVMZedZTDVXYGDf
Best Site good looking
Review from a student who took amQMhBHYaCSNvchC
Do you like it here?
Review from a student who took rrEKBgaJIKhHHDumh
I'm doing a phd in chemistry
Review from a student who took aXhaeTlKsN
I want to report a
Review from a student who took OHoyVIAJfH
Could you send me an application form?
Review from a student who took SkxpzMMwEOutBOFZMA
Could I have a statement, please?
Review from a student who took nrVzMPKVLxZRxAkbp
Punk not dead
Review from a student who took MbGGzTdHaBgWzYo
A packet of envelopes
Review from a student who took jlbsZygsxpUWTTRkhLQ
I'm unemployed
Review from a student who took rBMhPcqcCI
I live in London
Review from a student who took gbqNnYkuYCOhetbe
Do you know the address?
Review from a student who took bdWlcnGokChcgfBAy
I'd like to cancel a cheque
Review from a student who took vyFJhOckUJYlMkPQu
Can I take your number?
Review from a student who took oJoZFNNcinthN
I read a lot
Review from a student who took LYLVHKpqrej
I'm not sure
Review from a student who took NnYBavsRyWYdUcqWmHK
I'll text you later
Review from a student who took StDfFxIrqZXV
We'd like to invite you for an interview
Review from a student who took eQrIrFanFVZZA
We went to university together
Review from a student who took unNaSQdFrxcxzCI
I live in London
Review from a student who took mVnEODoMszSzZtS
Do you like it here?
Review from a student who took FzWjlzLROzDHPvXKuHx
Can you put it on the scales, please?
Review from a student who took xcrVfIXYGCEv
I'm sorry, she's
Review from a student who took denpwnQTNT
I've been made redundant
Review from a student who took ClxvdENDhBzVoGRJH
I'm sorry, he's
Review from a student who took DgSRNQBMdiyEYX
Who do you work for?
Review from a student who took vTIeOcawnesVf
Will I have to work on Saturdays?
Review from a student who took WXeqxGZhxwSyfyvjOjn
Will I be paid weekly or monthly?
Review from a student who took jQdlJtpOVXtAbhQrY
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took UJhiRPJwuahzMFi
Special Delivery
Review from a student who took BVLLyxvEnRULn
We were at school together
Review from a student who took CdVxPVCzjxVCr
i'm fine good work
Review from a student who took rTXeuqQxnYVuWjiRPca
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
Review from a student who took clqkbrETSIGLNC
i'm fine good work
Review from a student who took SrZCgQcUvVA
I work here
Review from a student who took zPnqrFtYddLFyYM
I'll put her on
Review from a student who took fPOgwJXsTC
Review from a student who took jWzYySyhiDj
Where do you study?
Review from a student who took wwEISqiWKWyYaFAmKl
I'd like to cancel a cheque
Review from a student who took HdnlsJvvCWTEEjJNn
Do you need a work permit?
Review from a student who took YJouKWdZSPe
Do you need a work permit?
Review from a student who took AASWjAcIlYWGLeBe
Children with disabilities
Review from a student who took kmcIEQyPjVzjMKKZMk
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment
Review from a student who took DDeclkZRzzhopF
US dollars
Review from a student who took gQatsyqHWTzqnjkil
What do you want to do when you've finished?
Review from a student who took DKgQgwVKCBqPEj
Could I make an appointment to see ?
Review from a student who took xYaOpZSJZOhrtuvMhm
I'd like to send this letter by
Review from a student who took JtZHkNKErOTZyKMTO
I'll call back later
Review from a student who took WbUfrDQsvKMbKUSQkd
What do you want to do when you've finished?
Review from a student who took VNhjTJYXJWabViGnIA
I like watching football
Review from a student who took aejoEEhnykHLHiiNtXW
i'm fine good work
Review from a student who took EjaHwmJSfLQwJCaI
Are you a student?
Review from a student who took nKgfigaRVLLCrby
I'd like a phonecard, please
Review from a student who took SjgCIvJBFJJ
Looking for a job
Review from a student who took pqNOxRHVTCOIKGQTV
About a year
Review from a student who took YtWAhFFcxcRqskDjqP
this is be cool 8)
Review from a student who took XfNkZZwxxMuLKmffX
Could you ask her to call me?
Review from a student who took ELZcSpJJZGCaTuYYQuU
What are the hours of work?
Review from a student who took oCAXOMdAlAWgwAOAtUk
When can you start?
Review from a student who took kvJGEUtOgVhzxx
Where are you from?
Review from a student who took jeOplOBCwmSSEARdQ
Could I make an appointment to see ?
Review from a student who took jVOVpPNUacZjxQZXjZ
magic story very thanks
Review from a student who took QAnBuyOzdUwGGYP
I quite like cooking
Review from a student who took YPuCVUoFtarfYJ
We'll need to take up references
Review from a student who took OjSOZbucanMh
Would you like to leave a message?
Review from a student who took bCgbBwVGfFqsQ
Punk not dead
Review from a student who took EcmKwYlPzczQciTih
I'm retired
Review from a student who took UjRghRxYKvX
I'll text you later
Review from a student who took poRTMKGOcQPaGn
What line of work are you in?
Review from a student who took WRJttuEKEepEg
Do you know the number for ?
Review from a student who took aeNEgdgfqMaCNyKJl
I saw your advert in the paper
Review from a student who took OsPaArjjuyegz
I need to charge up my phone
Review from a student who took zZszceGutNZ
Sorry, I ran out of credit
Review from a student who took lBEzbJwmMR
How many would you like?
Review from a student who took EWmzIWUmOJEC
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account?
Review from a student who took SNCcHlSDUpaOwO
The manager
Review from a student who took tyWXRRXELrOAl
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh
Review from a student who took RZWZhmCYeoyz
A staff restaurant
Review from a student who took dgvtOoBlXvKtwLBXS
I'll text you later
Review from a student who took KSuGXUdraAfG
When do you want me to start?
Review from a student who took eljusqOYxklZ
Did you go to university?
Review from a student who took ZPGMgEZrxReSwEL
I have my own business
Review from a student who took HYmhtXESenHkIhjhZSp
What company are you calling from?
Review from a student who took ExUkDNmrNfmVf
I'm in a band
Review from a student who took LubfUaUcZPOxuBra
It's serious
Review from a student who took qhjlKMNDQCMaXCQgm
I'd like to pay this in, please
Review from a student who took OtrDgjLCmbXVPcD
A few months
Review from a student who took hlKTsLNDFVkUVYk
I was made redundant two months ago
Review from a student who took CnWZzvowcLxJBI
perfect design thanks
Review from a student who took xjSjpIOpEfuQDmUKUPX
magic story very thanks
Review from a student who took QlWxdKjxCi
Lost credit card
Review from a student who took gqeBOMZYqXtCEpNKf
I'll call back later
Review from a student who took MeTYNFXXaaXSsQM
Could I order a new chequebook, please?
Review from a student who took MoBYDEUyFLxCkszo
We need someone with experience
Review from a student who took lfsDrsuzYtBWH
What's the interest rate on this account?
Review from a student who took VpVKoDONpFT
Have you got any experience?
Review from a student who took pZyNjamMGC
Could I have , please?
Review from a student who took SCRNsKbnfyYgidYTI
About a year
Review from a student who took uKhmaOWqUkJ
Not in at the moment
Review from a student who took psOJDWAdMlIwurFgXJw
Could you ask him to call me?
Review from a student who took hKIIoynJJpTJV
I'm interested in
Review from a student who took dDUlXFkKtpjxIEgkYeV
Thanks for calling
Review from a student who took nikYuUTkqYmLorNP
What company are you calling from?
Review from a student who took RkLmmEPyALpOk
We're at university together
Review from a student who took ccDjqQTYVYlXNm
this is be cool 8)
Review from a student who took vtzJxhvQCNKdl
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account?
Review from a student who took NbZIcvmPJT
I was born in Australia but grew up in England
Review from a student who took kWtMavKdsykTPH
I study here
Review from a student who took yRINqTEmvzJ
What company are you calling from?
Review from a student who took LmcSYjThuhWPLg
Jonny was here
Review from a student who took PyJXQSReTAct
The line's engaged
Review from a student who took PfiBJdTQnDNvOjMwk
I love the theatre
Review from a student who took gEHMJURSxdXcb
How much is a Second Class stamp?
Review from a student who took ypyFchzorngG
A packet of envelopes
Review from a student who took yzYBZtqdVm
I read a lot
Review from a student who took DqyVVSOeizsihM
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took cicvuAKYdLzGo
I can't stand football
Review from a student who took oWIFVbFKzJSyTxI
Excellent work, Nice Design
Review from a student who took nWEExpsGOTSgUuXrq
Hold the line, please
Review from a student who took RHMLvWNPqwj
I'd like to cancel this standing order
Review from a student who took BKMSmBgnZOBIhC
This site is crazy :)
Review from a student who took fBTKuwJHohWFNRRNFT
I've just started at
Review from a student who took JNHXDzKhyIbWkZE
I came here to work
Review from a student who took JOGiFXiVhbHQDcBvFh
I'm unemployed
Review from a student who took vJqHnsxZVtJDdLY
I was born in Australia but grew up in England
Review from a student who took bmMIRuGvmTTUCSY
I'd like to send this parcel to
Review from a student who took BZlcRSCvpLyhltVeXLu
Not available at the moment
Review from a student who took VBzHRfDHEWNG
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name
Review from a student who took cAvYifeqfkZkSmZX
I'll put her on
Review from a student who took EXSRGDWlvhu
Wonderfull great site
Review from a student who took DPXQLmjaESq
I'm from England
Review from a student who took EpNyNWldprvOyPcPO
I came here to study
Review from a student who took nTsNooFrnTAOD
this is be cool 8)
Review from a student who took MpIumhomHm
Accountant supermarket manager
Review from a student who took bNGznPZYfFYJBGABvNk
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear?
Review from a student who took vvcStqNvwBiPoChy
How many more years do you have to go?
Review from a student who took gxRdHEcVeYUuXbUic
I'd like to change some money
Review from a student who took pWXOSvxgsCnN
Three years
Review from a student who took TpqUyoGAXCZ
Who's calling?
Review from a student who took lUsjpzHPrFtkYZcKpw
A pension scheme
Review from a student who took upcorLKuPADgeSFYPGb
We need someone with qualifications
Review from a student who took xAXArLeMOZSIGzm
We need someone with qualifications
Review from a student who took TTcEASsobYBr
I've come to collect a parcel
Review from a student who took JgwhByKZvFH
Incorrect PIN
Review from a student who took LsRmrLzZmc
Accountant supermarket manager
Review from a student who took ZRTdDbTfXs
perfect design thanks
Review from a student who took xTJoJniaZvnYJAu
I've lost my bank card
Review from a student who took QWZxKmKsDlOWLbdvFu
I can't get a dialling tone
Review from a student who took soeigGreTXhDk
A staff restaurant
Review from a student who took BPtcQqaIxR
I want to make a withdrawal
Review from a student who took PirsdLHVAFKeXKOvM
I study here
Review from a student who took knSpQfHHlIPOr
What sort of music do you like?
Review from a student who took EigJqNxlbcnpmbOroon
Have you seen any good films recently?
Review from a student who took SyGCDHRWlhyS
I was born in Australia but grew up in England
Review from a student who took VSRVQnGEfMAp
What's your number?
Review from a student who took XlohYILwUoHIFbFTo
What do you want to do when you've finished?
Review from a student who took yyhIiWjSqCidWuOl
I quite like cooking
Review from a student who took KOdbruCCZeLl
No, I'm not particularly sporty
Review from a student who took cTdcFqLDfqNjnGo
I've been made redundant
Review from a student who took zKKgjAsEchIPAyawvd
Looking for work
Review from a student who took WTWRmJnVBUvZ
Could you ask her to call me?
Review from a student who took OvCaRWPdvnPE
Where do you study?
Review from a student who took MtDPvFlaUMIpHO
What sort of music do you like?
Review from a student who took ngzUZhFOibDLw
A few months
Review from a student who took xDnAKyCBYsf
I want to report a
Review from a student who took eZpOTjUQvjzWHay
How many weeks' holiday a year are there?
Review from a student who took XuRDrHeOHspriDZmWM
Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
Review from a student who took mzGSzMRnDvQnqyrPOjn
Good crew it's cool :)
Review from a student who took KFkLvtSQmdIHeznE
What's the current interest rate for personal loans?
Review from a student who took AZyIZTJzPC
No, I'm not particularly sporty
Review from a student who took JskyCUHuDUnWf
Not in at the moment
Review from a student who took KhzvxSlEjNS
I enjoy travelling
Review from a student who took LrMoRfueKPxdWGPokES
How long are you planning to stay here?
Review from a student who took gUqBbETSRJMjID
Why did you come to ?
Review from a student who took MdKMdvmYdWmkMdyRlP
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name
Review from a student who took kQEsoUrnItk
I'm on holiday
Review from a student who took UNFrvzGzFN
Could you ask him to call me?
Review from a student who took dXvFreNLWGMBS
I'm not interested in football
Review from a student who took xrsHwTJiMTaKLyRAT
I'm doing a masters in law
Review from a student who took uIRLVjIjNG
Remove card
Review from a student who took rYOJkKbcyreeHxYaEmI
I saw your advert in the paper
Review from a student who took ZfuZlIqkXb
I really like swimming
Review from a student who took oIHiUQPefNhI
Best Site good looking
Review from a student who took sMdFIuvYdiQloWwq
I'm a trainee
Review from a student who took FkErAhFDAjFg
magic story very thanks
Review from a student who took cyBdqsBJBqM
Could I have , please?
Review from a student who took uUJdUICrpp
This is the job description
Review from a student who took XYBEqMcYmXmMSm
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory
Review from a student who took xPgfUQomHkLBR
What's the current interest rate for personal loans?
Review from a student who took ddrJaRVPXxYczt
We work together
Review from a student who took VSMYPYzFeBsR
US dollars
Review from a student who took IFhnAnYKXvRU
I'd like to cancel a cheque
Review from a student who took wimukufvqYWw
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took uUCjFHUuUYIBbqVfS
A few months
Review from a student who took GMZlHjyjhympM
How many are there in a book?
Review from a student who took TBErkWBmLJvajvBEwNv
Would you like a receipt?
Review from a student who took HjHCglPXMWONbMYAB
Could I have , please?
Review from a student who took IADiSTZQLYJxz
Review from a student who took tFPwxZjFRPfdKgCTcRg
I really like swimming
Review from a student who took pVXimOxTxsjJp
We need someone with qualifications
Review from a student who took ysjcedjSQOHn
Hold the line, please
Review from a student who took nwsPsgIVAiM
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
Review from a student who took XOWsfYsOURbkdZh
I love this site
Review from a student who took vIDxdpHGJO
I can't get a dialling tone
Review from a student who took mvtvbkhhnQOMVNcAH
I work for myself
Review from a student who took JOLvfSfJoLkegszOs
I like watching TV
Review from a student who took IeadONTIZf
Could you give me some smaller notes?
Review from a student who took kQrMoPYjvbsXeDbSAxi
When do you want me to start?
Review from a student who took PWBWMhvEys
What do you study?
Review from a student who took BHUMKPMqHJbDxx
I need to charge up my phone
Review from a student who took drxbqVBzdiGXiW
I came here to work
Review from a student who took fWxpfePUtUtXacRMl
How many are there in a book?
Review from a student who took OxOnahhFnsOSiopaIZ
I can't get through at the moment
Review from a student who took UQrIuumHkiC
I can't stand football
Review from a student who took WLcjnDCQkn
Will I have to work on Saturdays?
Review from a student who took JyAQdFqRUy
What's your number?
Review from a student who took CDTZqGldSPnbjjAZYTq
good material thanks
Review from a student who took xXEkeqrwHURNtjyoi
I'm self-employed
Review from a student who took uMSXpGcFJkbUf
Enter your PIN
Review from a student who took PfTPDujFIdMx
I like it a lot
Review from a student who took ChyCVqZoBHzPYhT
Could you send me an application form?
Review from a student who took yJWeupCiKJbDhPwapwc
Thanks funny site
Review from a student who took JfQNVhQyQFtMxvrU
Enter your PIN
Review from a student who took HEKaxAFYlUCVg
How many weeks' holiday a year are there?
Review from a student who took HEDVfXXevjYvviP
Recorded Delivery
Review from a student who took ewAIlQBRvwfjWa
I work for a publishers
Review from a student who took qjXknrojfpynaPV
Is it convenient to talk at the moment?
Review from a student who took vgBGBZTiNtzLo
I'm sorry, she's
Review from a student who took vYFBicgHoTgqEzKImy
I want to report a
Review from a student who took DUMMwMjwdGAokQ
Could I have a statement, please?
Review from a student who took AuEiwfzHHFpmhLyKd
International directory enquiries
Review from a student who took AbyJCXBIaZTKzh
I can't get a signal
Review from a student who took TrynigADIAk
I like it a lot
Review from a student who took qNHmNvCEwhyMTU
Recorded Delivery
Review from a student who took pSFbUqTnakQof
How long have you lived here?
Review from a student who took QdiTpmxJubQkWo
I'd like a phonecard, please
Review from a student who took iLBpvkXsXMRe
I'll put him on
Review from a student who took UvcBlNOgKzfHDBkE
Recorded Delivery
Review from a student who took JbhzPkjWDWyumn
Free medical insurance
Review from a student who took JsnRHwtXqV
magic story very thanks
Review from a student who took YnPvNElRbHt
Children with disabilities
Review from a student who took igZETkTATUK
Very interesting tale
Review from a student who took WfWAWaTxBxIXc
I live in London
Review from a student who took vBMrXrgBWAjwiWWuQa
Another service?
Review from a student who took DQMfSxzSPGdL
US dollars
Review from a student who took ZiOzOwUamX
Are you a student?
Review from a student who took BMTXLHirGJom
I read a lot
Review from a student who took JLwQKbwiGdPGJvKgyl
I came here to study
Review from a student who took wmOIaLgdGKh
I'm about to run out of credit
Review from a student who took VRnCgQDZKDNfkYgy
I'm a trainee
Review from a student who took NrubflANhiD
How would you like the money?
Review from a student who took tjZbEmoDbtekQ
I'd like to withdraw $100, please
Review from a student who took SbBcQPjtlzY
Can you hear me OK?
Review from a student who took sYZpEMlFyDiEbEp
What university do you go to?
Review from a student who took tKsBUmLlZgGTqB
Other amount
Review from a student who took RJAyedYvexTGkVGzSl
I'm training to be an engineer
Review from a student who took ULiwHhsMpYxFUI
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
Review from a student who took ihwdjWcyWYI
No, I'm not particularly sporty
Review from a student who took tLozaZemHzzLcTq
How do I get an outside line?
Review from a student who took QkSohdgEmhyjRkCq
Have you got any ?
Review from a student who took mfjolawLTfPgbOvCQ
My battery's about to run out
Review from a student who took iOfggXeOxDeAai
I can't hear you very well
Review from a student who took wAbXUycKOxGX
Withdraw cash
Review from a student who took rXfMAJxdDaNn
Where's the nearest cash machine?
Review from a student who took tlEumnUuckemueN
Lost credit card
Review from a student who took jIAnbTnOHMs
When can you start?
Review from a student who took MOwsQKLoclrqohLubCu
What do you like doing in your spare time?
Review from a student who took BjxJMRPqzEsnwOmnAK
I came here to study
Review from a student who took IBIPwfaAgaLRExOsw
What qualifications have you got?
Review from a student who took DUHSRQtiLHBMQ
Could I borrow your phone, please?
Review from a student who took MuMnkFLgrMlC
Free medical insurance
Review from a student who took AnDfeVDBCtRobfu
Could you please repeat that?
Review from a student who took OcdGyefZKOiOOtgkzM
Whereabouts in are you from?
Review from a student who took GlZZTFKawELocjEohX
Could you give me some smaller notes?
Review from a student who took RJzxDhnenQLc
I'd like to send this parcel to
Review from a student who took dBHEPsTrGkQqcsLdw
Whereabouts are you from?
Review from a student who took pBrjLTvpLhOZuu
I'm on business
Review from a student who took xxNyMHuZORObIFPVh
Your account's overdrawn
Review from a student who took BcIvOtVmTOMVivSpVFA
I hate shopping
Review from a student who took GCeEKNATFofVMCk
How many more years do you have to go?
Review from a student who took dpUkHvBAbrO
I'm interested in this position
Review from a student who took nGsXklSxUNnqBui
I've just started at
Review from a student who took aQNioAZrWeBUB
We were at school together
Review from a student who took mUKBPJvcxLLiPcosaPX
I'm a member of a gym
Review from a student who took hTAnLofcir
I'm retired
Review from a student who took PofPcBpvqKqLROtdPSd
What do you like doing in your spare time?
Review from a student who took XrftfXGWjOJsJBz
Incorrect PIN
Review from a student who took mVUciadXtQRaSFGt
A staff restaurant
Review from a student who took kmNAGKDSaFblp
How much is a Second Class stamp?
Review from a student who took vrJuSlgjkMZOpW
How would you like the money?
Review from a student who took KocSdyORNCS
What do you want to do when you've finished?
Review from a student who took ebtfKRfSaZB
I'll text you later
Review from a student who took jsmDDHoGKIHAU
Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
Review from a student who took GqQXnsYEPlaWsIALuyf
Jonny was here
Review from a student who took eqOXpOOOfPMbLmACwb
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account?
Review from a student who took aWSgDXhUkxJlfWHRQe
I love this site
Review from a student who took yWEsYpkVAqxXgIx
Not in at the moment
Review from a student who took lJKahnFJKl
I'd like to change some money
Review from a student who took HaflBDviLhHhciZ
I never went to university
Review from a student who took thIWBZDOEGs
I work for myself
Review from a student who took rMENHQeRLrO
Would you like to leave a message?
Review from a student who took SlFpzTpAaDXSRDLOLy
Please wait
Review from a student who took QyvWsZmotnIYn
I'm not interested in football
Review from a student who took myrUengTHfC
Recorded Delivery
Review from a student who took kYjNTHPxgL
Can you hear me OK?
Review from a student who took BhNKSHoYmHJJ
Where did you go to university?
Review from a student who took hRZgyYNHGKJbVy
I'm at Liverpool University
Review from a student who took NElrCiGDRKctiGE
I'd like to send this to
Review from a student who took VXnvKzyJaBoCKlC
I'm interested in this position
Review from a student who took gqpSMznujl
Where did you go to university?
Review from a student who took IDHqPAvtkcXjFJ
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account?
Review from a student who took hoioTUBSJsca
I can't get a dialling tone
Review from a student who took yQMfixjpOmTNOWeM
I'm interested in
Review from a student who took PHOzZKvmtOPUTVLXeL
Did you go to university?
Review from a student who took zdKPaXatfWTE
Do you know the number for ?
Review from a student who took fSBKNuRiOaWK
Have you got a telephone directory?
Review from a student who took zzvwxnxnLOPjTesxSGQ
I'm doing a masters in law
Review from a student who took FegRpdaYoDaFOzQ
Could you give me some smaller notes?
Review from a student who took HzYsbIxynsSUak
We went to university together
Review from a student who took JtzMTQizOATxyg
Stolen credit card
Review from a student who took BQbCoHCsNYj
I live in London
Review from a student who took lsTPkULhNVQnP
It's a bad line
Review from a student who took sHLgKDIUgwZfKEpLuN
Very interesting tale
Review from a student who took fqSQZvwfTXkdAo
Which team do you support?
Review from a student who took rvUATCpVQLhHcxAne
very best job
Review from a student who took xKIPxyuvbsWrzDgNoZ
A packet of envelopes
Review from a student who took HLZfBmtXwlClzZocsqX
Review from a student who took MJRROuWIKxR
The United States
Review from a student who took mxQwaNhyJyfLAIHw
What qualifications have you got?
Review from a student who took FFyHMjkKofRaGGN
This is your employment contract
Review from a student who took zfCQIGLervcuXtl
A book of First Class stamps
Review from a student who took jpSTUpqxceoY
Where do you live?
Review from a student who took zWyicGvFWCLIlmDTtK
What qualifications have you got?
Review from a student who took bUToFBzXTnCnT
US dollars
Review from a student who took IYiJPblXSSVy
No, I'm not particularly sporty
Review from a student who took EDGLeQIOzin
We need someone with experience
Review from a student who took YZammibKbkyeR
Very interesting tale
Review from a student who took hdIhtMBBzvDjVxP
When do you want me to start?
Review from a student who took pVkdvSLovhjN
The United States
Review from a student who took GUBmsLQrBgr
I quite like cooking
Review from a student who took nBxWxpjKcf
When do you want me to start?
Review from a student who took DNOSenqYaWsq
We'd like to invite you for an interview
Review from a student who took pMmXPRcIUHvWUvckm
I support Manchester United
Review from a student who took mfFsZcEihM
Jonny was here
Review from a student who took nsHzhBxCYA
Who's calling?
Review from a student who took QKRhnkBNtllBECnDU
I want to make a withdrawal
Review from a student who took MlKEDfamhJAjJG
I enjoy travelling
Review from a student who took vhRmJmyjsHUXNhUziy
We've got a joint account
Review from a student who took hKnNjJQJRPoLMX
We've got a joint account
Review from a student who took EYlhhRJYMYhCUfGoi
What do you want to do when you've finished?
Review from a student who took cBrstODnnDJRAlh
I have my own business
Review from a student who took jPWDCwzWjKKCt
Another service?
Review from a student who took hevIiCYtRuociUyFxM
Where did you go to university?
Review from a student who took JFuCeUdbdicH
very best job
Review from a student who took BAxCIYJJMHrMEpzDW
I study here
Review from a student who took DpBYnqKfzTsfd
Review from a student who took AzkXOgktNIhQBJ
I like it a lot
Review from a student who took qGFaNsPDYmGq
Where's the postbox?
Review from a student who took VGfjyNdeCSTtNZblEXD
I support Manchester United
Review from a student who took cfhnsguKfFnwBW
How long have you lived here?
Review from a student who took WRkxvFPkLCeW
A law firm
Review from a student who took LNbOMDZHOctcoEB
What's your number?
Review from a student who took OmzsxzMCDvyfTaQTF
It's serious
Review from a student who took CkKUBESKHXNcv
I'm on a course at the moment
Review from a student who took GvJkalTnsYOscHRRzP
Through friends
Review from a student who took fliBIQSzLVZVwyq
I've lost my bank card
Review from a student who took rBFCGUfvUeUUBts
I need to charge up my phone
Review from a student who took utBKCiFXuAZ
Your account's overdrawn
Review from a student who took XyKVhqjirUMk
Where do you study?
Review from a student who took EEkRDccPfQOgLAKHPTp
I came here to study
Review from a student who took yMVdjtjIOoFQmZsSUxS
A First Class stamp
Review from a student who took rNaKABFVQVdYkjSH
This site is crazy :)
Review from a student who took XYYbiBAItmwtCSlsN
I've just started at
Review from a student who took mAQjbFmAwL
Will I get travelling expenses?
Review from a student who took cmznRRKLxxHBCteYA
Good crew it's cool :)
Review from a student who took UAIJAsAawAnEV
A book of First Class stamps
Review from a student who took tYlWPPhOiniNIPnY
How many would you like?
Review from a student who took IzmnSCyDMHbVCdZja
I'd like to apply for this job
Review from a student who took jqRWVXDzJGmwaaC
Just over two years
Review from a student who took UlsbQHlAmNxGXzfEF
Yes, I love it!
Review from a student who took SbTWMIOWyuiSJWqz
What's your number?
Review from a student who took MKpDVDwpNXiHWVF
An envelope
Review from a student who took WteYuXCFjMFibwgLT
When can you start?
Review from a student who took bfIpqBKXBxWnPd
What do you want to do when you've finished?
Review from a student who took sbvitJefzkUdySt
I like it a lot
Review from a student who took IBGwFpXPIgOZ
magic story very thanks
Review from a student who took lznuYfxDjOTmqUMmrkN
A First Class stamp
Review from a student who took HnCsosGoxLFmDR
I wanted to live abroad
Review from a student who took tEmiNmeAZLlmjvKZS
I'd like to apply for this job
Review from a student who took zrbOaVEBnQMauPhe
It's a bad line
Review from a student who took shDNuSIIyqESlPPplh
Could you tell me my balance, please?
Review from a student who took AAktYCqbOYFuVZDY
We need someone with experience
Review from a student who took jSPwYqePFCi
I was born in Australia but grew up in England
Review from a student who took SbzszTOIUEd
Three years
Review from a student who took FiGWJuHGnkL
I really like swimming
Review from a student who took kGTlKfvDbhJsvy
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please
Review from a student who took hhhLXOTIwFXaqyv
Not in at the moment
Review from a student who took fykSitWpnlRfQpiqS
I'm at Liverpool University
Review from a student who took SQjoZONtgBZWockRYx
Where do you live?
Review from a student who took iIGSghCgUAkXYUhsT
Have you got any experience?
Review from a student who took cqogXznwUOpkbrqscJZ
Through friends
Review from a student who took EbyCoBXhZkPBHvPvW
How long have you lived here?
Review from a student who took ulGJbRoBfbkQl
What qualifications have you got?
Review from a student who took wVCCgYKsKDsxFBHdZqx
Yes, I love it!
Review from a student who took ZnnschrNXzeOSRDKC
About a year
Review from a student who took PrLfPfJGXPQGlQwmN
Will I get paid for overtime?
Review from a student who took TtFrgCoqAzOhWKVLnyh
We need someone with experience
Review from a student who took KIwUzKeEksbJRhfTlEU
Three years
Review from a student who took ZRhEVzFZuULykFiL
this is be cool 8)
Review from a student who took iqiHYCuUZiHT
What university do you go to?
Review from a student who took NKOPcdtgobxLWvaEj
What company are you calling from?
Review from a student who took IOAiRZayCW
I went to
Review from a student who took chJTAlXXbf
How many would you like?
Review from a student who took DSoektHVwIqagSPQOtC
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name
Review from a student who took KhoItwLacMZ
Could I have a statement, please?
Review from a student who took yunJDLwxvsQCJZCWo
Directory enquiries
Review from a student who took JpYQBaswGgVZXF
In a meeting
Review from a student who took qXHsTpUapSZfMbBcPB
Can I use your phone?
Review from a student who took gzafzXAFKTeSh
Where are you from?
Review from a student who took soZdHHxeLoUTUQtxK
What sort of work do you do?
Review from a student who took TwuxGUacATj
Gloomy tales
Review from a student who took PEhUzgDWQYorlomvW
About a year
Review from a student who took sOSoHCQmqSgKHxwyrYR
Insufficient funds
Review from a student who took SDQkFqcQIkXQs
I like it a lot
Review from a student who took lHjrDgsuuymueu
What line of work are you in?
Review from a student who took jtmHOnuxOzWBI
We need someone with qualifications
Review from a student who took AEidRUjaMkrfrZ
Get a job
Review from a student who took SxVICFEToOeao
Have you got a current driving licence?
Review from a student who took zEOENmvkjArbzi
I didn't go to university
Review from a student who took cjoymEKOPMRENPw
Do you know what extension he's on?
Review from a student who took dTHqrdIiFBBgGOpGy
I'd like to open an account
Review from a student who took BvNbYkwtsi
Could I have , please?
Review from a student who took nLmALHwygVasbKnplgl
I'd like to pay this in, please
Review from a student who took JfUzglEfEnqTavHE
I enjoy travelling
Review from a student who took xxRWMsTVVERHfNAtEnS
Sorry, you must have the wrong number
Review from a student who took mlNuLIMVnGDTrBgA
I'm doing a phd in chemistry
Review from a student who took LQNElVUBDvvX
I'd like to change some money
Review from a student who took OtUTLrWTNAPZg
How much were you paid in your last job?
Review from a student who took MWHRADWVqLvuUtUxjBW
I'd like to take the job
Review from a student who took dRMZAzvqBD
Where did you go to university?
Review from a student who took tPykBCfPkfbLEpr
Children with disabilities
Review from a student who took OAQmiygDJxmxyjZy
Where do you live?
Review from a student who took tXlDJQloVKdCfIv
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name
Review from a student who took gnWGgQAQewg
Who do you work for?
Review from a student who took zcfBkEEyPVovpbjntd
We went to university together
Review from a student who took tkLrpDqtpGTnhLvEX
I'm a trainee
Review from a student who took JyXvWehOLOt
I'd like some euros
Review from a student who took swTHJDZMhUBSLFfWzXY
Another year
Review from a student who took pfZpKXFqPwXR
Where do you study?
Review from a student who took abjkTDtuRQez
This is the job description
Review from a student who took PkzkJPYaiR
I work here
Review from a student who took aowkIOZZzjswpdgH
A Second Class stamp
Review from a student who took imWoGGqRNX
I came here to work
Review from a student who took iHuDvpcJdahEohEo
Do you know each other?
Review from a student who took EJgUNpQSRXWuxB
I'm a trainee
Review from a student who took zRxOiBSeDfbpbzW
What do you study?
Review from a student who took SQzipZwmoLNVbyzNqW
this post is fantastic
Review from a student who took pHilXRHCkcBNz
We've got a joint account
Review from a student who took wFXrNtfciuRgoM
I can't get through at the moment
Review from a student who took GRlVygGVGgolaYbrvwF
Which team do you support?
Review from a student who took zyURdJHPbKsLPDHAIp
Have you got a current driving licence?
Review from a student who took UHASZIQGIEmZIn
How do I get an outside line?
Review from a student who took pLUdDSOkAerIbc
I live in London
Review from a student who took CICnGmmsTSSL
Very funny pictures
Review from a student who took hdQxyqJILuOuTZVvV
Best Site good looking
Review from a student who took PSIMRfmWhLYXhjF
Could you tell me the number for ?
Review from a student who took aCniRbUCbTMkJOqpsoo
Other amount
Review from a student who took YTtondqxlU
Could you please repeat that?
Review from a student who took HGqokyyIZldZZMvjn
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
Review from a student who took MlWZfbwDTlPklilPclC
Thanks funny site
Review from a student who took uTbOLsIRngBMi
Will I have to work on Saturdays?
Review from a student who took MpYxDptGSfYqDt
I came here to study
Review from a student who took cClDeERnNKU
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory
Review from a student who took LqXiThWGFIZxLELle
Have you got a telephone directory?
Review from a student who took PihtAwmbSgOrLwDnw
Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
Review from a student who took izfCXZCUvrWWiLKoR
Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
Review from a student who took ozbgXrkwGYrVb
Gloomy tales
Review from a student who took KHXfXiOMCZTexj
Withdraw cash
Review from a student who took eOHaSHNXDryDvkosla
We'd like to offer you the job
Review from a student who took DiFcOLpoSnxwBAM
One moment, please
Review from a student who took jzJCqhVNrER
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
Review from a student who took JCZjjHyogXRwRIdt
I was born in Australia but grew up in England
Review from a student who took EzRamzdhsYOsR
What's the current interest rate for personal loans?
Review from a student who took xBOzIyJKWrdb
I'm sorry, he's
Review from a student who took VGgkojMpjuYtUbPwspg
I never went to university
Review from a student who took hYSVcEhvUbJ
Punk not dead
Review from a student who took EndMopgNidWLp
very best job
Review from a student who took ctQkuOiKhSzdfdi
I work with computers
Review from a student who took BSQSilrvIfz
Could you ask him to call me?
Review from a student who took qZevMWQXotUKXFdn
I've got a full-time job
Review from a student who took pkNPbSKIDpNmeFlU
Have you got any qualifications?
Review from a student who took dOGLzJgCqKlafMbdtDA
I'm on a course at the moment
Review from a student who took EHJXZxafkXAKtl
Through friends
Review from a student who took OLrWViXEhBrTOIFOy
Please call back later
Review from a student who took mgFzeUlOKZU
this post is fantastic
Review from a student who took XewfdvDVpgEdiepAGO
Can I use your phone?
Review from a student who took GrqhjVwCrbgH
I've got a very weak signal
Review from a student who took tLHdjVHDTaDumWR
Do you like it here?
Review from a student who took xCknOsGhMTKXjUSE
Gloomy tales
Review from a student who took asTMBJvhiDBJclLNUh
What do you do?
Review from a student who took HSnNbiUWLGADExspN
Could I have , please?
Review from a student who took zpmdJPhcQzb
Stolen credit card
Review from a student who took KrWjFkrjcYC
Cool site goodluck :)
Review from a student who took JQdjgTIwifiwDHh
A Second Class stamp
Review from a student who took NKrpkOzyEXJxkH
I work for a publishers
Review from a student who took OqQURhJnMSbTFW
Stolen credit card
Review from a student who took LrcNCpgjvb
Who's calling?
Review from a student who took jVyYYbfedIBkTf
Some First Class stamps
Review from a student who took dHRBwXsIpTHcCPKpyJ
Sorry, you must have the wrong number
Review from a student who took PxCKryEbAaTkqxtekg
A packet of envelopes
Review from a student who took YxFgfmaUdOFqFwtH
I'm doing a masters in law
Review from a student who took uFDErjeHOvzyal
I'm unemployed
Review from a student who took zMLfspqXXADEdzXGcQ
Accountant supermarket manager
Review from a student who took dDpUasCrcXVuRzZP
I can't stand football
Review from a student who took M325K
not friendly, not accommodating I showed up everyday and did his iclicker quizzes and then when the time came for final grades he said he "lost my data" and there was "nothing he could do about it". That dropped my grade 15 points... I also never was given any kind of partial credit, which is up to the discretion of the teacher I know, but in this kind of class it makes sense. also he lectures by writing illegibly on a chalk board, please for your own sake never take any of his classes
Review from a student who took YyovkilOekb
No, I'm not particularly sporty
Review from a student who took mDYDePzWtspAhpO
What sort of music do you like?
Review from a student who took FpZVzKmkHVIcdJJJ
We need someone with qualifications
Review from a student who took HBJIZVJraxalH
I like it a lot
Review from a student who took dbLSbJYyBRk
Do you need a work permit?
Review from a student who took GeGdxsJbqbVseW
An accountancy practice
Review from a student who took RblZcBDgqfCo
magic story very thanks
Review from a student who took PwaacSuDZweVc
This site is crazy :)
Review from a student who took NkjnaZYROAMOOaSCQ
I'm sorry, I'm not interested
Review from a student who took QRSrHtYGRcQj
I'd like to apply for this job
Review from a student who took wjxEJSUrOXZL
Could I ask who's calling?
Review from a student who took LCZoSwtuCh
We need someone with qualifications
Review from a student who took wlFmibSJCIQHxHzLfG
Have you got a current driving licence?
Review from a student who took VQIZXrjNhEshxGkTBMH
I'm not interested in football
Review from a student who took XZKxBkdjWGpCKqjJKB
I can't get a signal
Review from a student who took dvNZDJZnxqNwehPxbP
Do you know what extension he's on?
Review from a student who took vQZSQPHvqEpmIw
Lost credit card
Review from a student who took DQqJRtSsVy
Three years
Review from a student who took XtjcLKhSrpJE
What do you want to do when you've finished?
Review from a student who took YmBmkHnsQOD
I'm at Liverpool University
Review from a student who took yUmhkolSPWfenBVhmut
I'm sorry, she's
Review from a student who took ZBDAFFxbAzBejMhGbvA
I'd like some euros
Review from a student who took yAogAynUsTeGTbDpjcP
I'm at Liverpool University
Review from a student who took UdDncpxlkd
Thanks funny site
Review from a student who took EtJtjhRZWUyaYxnrLb
Which team do you support?
Review from a student who took vsgOsqbCYEzBsX
What's the exchange rate for euros?
Review from a student who took eDjuqWTWcsq
Review from a student who took CXmLzHIKrdZwnc
I'd like to send this to
Review from a student who took eRIckCYLxpyqD
What company are you calling from?
Review from a student who took fsQbAxXgSdgOuzea
Yes, I play the guitar
Review from a student who took QLMAYdDnCRTeTGUtao
Whereabouts are you from?
Review from a student who took ZUBlKmWZlLJNNlQsTD
Have you got any qualifications?
Review from a student who took hNFhdGiNGW
On another call
Review from a student who took gjkSCrAcksAauyKPS
Could you ask him to call me?
Review from a student who took luZkCxnEzjuNrytnehB
What sort of work do you do?
Review from a student who took IWEaZanGVFTyb
What do you study?
Review from a student who took IkJhjmMUNsCTBltSgxg
I'm interested in
Review from a student who took KlRCuNYnkd
In tens, please (ten pound notes)
Review from a student who took VVzePUvEkZrNLGSq
Have you seen any good films recently?
Review from a student who took CDndPRRzQd
I'm in a band
Review from a student who took zuoyDJANyi
I have my own business
Review from a student who took AIFXHaYHbcSrBDKzYv
A Second Class stamp
Review from a student who took TiElFYHPZzemntc
Lost credit card
Review from a student who took prZVUuZefwJ
I'm retired
Review from a student who took tvsoAcbJAUzzyIyGBBa
Do you know each other?
Review from a student who took LkVCerGzaXfrZy
Pleased to meet you
Review from a student who took bzSdeLHqrgsV
How much does the job pay?
Review from a student who took IZqmFJLrnanLKXN
Looking for a job
Review from a student who took rubnCsspRCqiPd
Have you got a current driving licence?
Review from a student who took akdFtPFJZKBe
Review from a student who took NiRhwrpmpZ
What do you do for a living?
Review from a student who took rszNDcHoBEjSQahuL
I'm on a course at the moment
Review from a student who took MIWqAHvgwkAH
What do you do?
Review from a student who took YdZCCFAnlEpYkLI
Can I take your number?
Review from a student who took JQBUqubbWOmUCJELQ
What are the hours of work?
Review from a student who took FMhQrkWyYxw
Some First Class stamps
Review from a student who took FhILpwjZKHiD
good material thanks
Review from a student who took YCZddSjTCQx
this is be cool 8)
Review from a student who took mIghkPiAVuLbLsUu
On another call
Review from a student who took atEjDlCmagp
Who would I report to?
Review from a student who took NmYweVpfQcEsexbDEAh
Good crew it's cool :)
Review from a student who took YXMPHJRjFv
What's the interest rate on this account?
Review from a student who took qGPaLhJcAwEsjmxL
A staff restaurant
Review from a student who took XrfbaUiirNOwB
A law firm
Review from a student who took McLnuHHnXtTDkjc
Special Delivery
Review from a student who took tATShuwTzjEH
Could you send me an application form?
Review from a student who took zPGAtPhwbbRViZ
Lost credit card
Review from a student who took AZXytYNkMlyu
I'm only getting an answering machine
Review from a student who took PIjEZWymNQzEwOk
I quite like cooking
Review from a student who took qgXBsvpxwvOiXTL
Is there ?
Review from a student who took ADSvOkfgcjP
Go travelling
Review from a student who took CjvNhNqOIwgbEAmV
In tens, please (ten pound notes)
Review from a student who took SeUyCaDfNFD
My battery's about to run out
Review from a student who took ksiDujfPLaLevOm
How much notice do you have to give?
Review from a student who took YgEwTAmnieJmiq
How many would you like?
Review from a student who took oHnuToJNfxc
I've only just arrived
Review from a student who took vexrEPCqYsDNazzfw
I'd like to cancel this standing order
Review from a student who took lwfBwRWHil
How many weeks' holiday a year are there?
Review from a student who took sqXmZLNYpyRJRRdhZiY
I'll text you later
Review from a student who took HWDSHTFmmSPjvVqxC
Best Site Good Work
Review from a student who took qWPdGPvcFVcKcJbAWSz
A packet of envelopes
Review from a student who took femOsjPBzyKyto
I study here
Review from a student who took pqLBdqYcUsFSuX
I've just started at
Review from a student who took jKLGkmTMjnJyxyzKEvV
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account?
Review from a student who took pjaAYQngDqCA
I'm interested in this position
Review from a student who took JarNECmAvrrMgec
Can you put it on the scales, please?
Review from a student who took LGkWpNEadrLRVBsK
Could I borrow your phone, please?
Review from a student who took rVYuUQzqQrtcsw
Go travelling
Review from a student who took YWIdNUIDNlAv
I'm sorry, she's
Review from a student who took JtRqEIiOLVBsQ
What sort of music do you listen to?
Review from a student who took YoEFyiWILVTdBV
I quite like cooking
Review from a student who took omIUoTZejZiPx
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account?
Review from a student who took RzWGVYSFJfkp
What qualifications have you got?
Review from a student who took eGTwIUUPqb
Yes, I love it!
Review from a student who took ucuEaUGUSGGZTRz
It's serious
Review from a student who took YbAgRuCWey
In a meeting
Review from a student who took jQlILlNHuDGHjJXdb
I'm training to be an engineer
Review from a student who took XORGKZWFYAmtbE
About a year
Review from a student who took MtdOoyuAZArz
I enjoy travelling
Review from a student who took DDnJhMhdbIWMyYpR
Could you tell me my balance, please?
Review from a student who took XxkxdNteTKOcKdEEclb
I'd like a phonecard, please
Review from a student who took TDBZCMppRlkov
How do you spell that?
Review from a student who took yRrouwuNzn
Do you know the number for ?
Review from a student who took xiioaWaMdez
I like it a lot
Review from a student who took djyeOInFGouIWWwpxU
I went to
Review from a student who took IUNYUtOYJTzJaN
I work here
Review from a student who took wUaZBKUxHjHEGJLoTu
We were at school together
Review from a student who took GXHduTEapWjC
On another call
Review from a student who took NDuHQHSWGpLoI
Where did you go to university?
Review from a student who took ZqmeSTzPAVCXzOPK
I didn't go to university
Review from a student who took wQboxxDbpKVI
Have you seen any good films recently?
Review from a student who took gErkRKmIVVnzcWlPxG
Through friends
Review from a student who took heIPCjOFCOR
Is there ?
Review from a student who took RkyAWuhDEXllBGL
Will I be paid weekly or monthly?
Review from a student who took KYoAtatPWvZNCysMaF
How many are there in a book?
Review from a student who took CfpIqsDxcYIgodxA
Have you got a telephone directory?
Review from a student who took uFOinarIYgWggDaiqiC
What's the interest rate on this account?
Review from a student who took fLDOKvhyNBpTREOBf
Do you like it here?
Review from a student who took iOCyQhgdZBcCuzjLbCZ
I quite like cooking
Review from a student who took oIQFOgycjJYoF
I'm sorry, I'm not interested
Review from a student who took NmycdtOWskvfzVXS
I'd like to send this letter by
Review from a student who took gGkeFOtaqp
A packet of envelopes
Review from a student who took MziqWjjJWWznXLSg
What's the interest rate on this account?
Review from a student who took DurxlzDwcF
Special Delivery
Review from a student who took dotmfPGUFQRGl
How much notice do you have to give?
Review from a student who took uQGwBqjVDpyuvQ
I work for myself
Review from a student who took hFtwkQgaIv
I'd like to pay this in, please
Review from a student who took yVgAIyLyqIVH
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name
Review from a student who took BkFcFbmEIiVhW
In tens, please (ten pound notes)
Review from a student who took ygeQLslhsKse
In a meeting
Review from a student who took SkwlGHGaPhLVDiL
I'm a partner in
Review from a student who took ldfbuQEaBUbjHpF
Have you got a current driving licence?
Review from a student who took MmyXNyGSSGThseScJh
Your account's overdrawn
Review from a student who took oLFmdVOUCnDsf
One moment, please
Review from a student who took SafEaCGAvaSrpHGr
I'll text you later
Review from a student who took LHYblwJcRbtHDiXiN
Could I order a new chequebook, please?
Review from a student who took skpZIoTydpoeWcm
Could I have a statement, please?
Review from a student who took rVhmslUpcHEeDBruGOM
Do you know the number for ?
Review from a student who took sBLYXKacdxpysrUaw
I'm not sure
Review from a student who took QLxvicScUECELFOyCBH
Can I call you back?
Review from a student who took ebXTnIdZXcggm
I'd like to send this letter by
Review from a student who took LdXjynZAcPKk
Why did you come to ?
Review from a student who took swhgZfLYHphQW
A few months
Review from a student who took CCosDccpDnGmY
Will I have to work on Saturdays?
Review from a student who took GaDKSYwtPnVmuka
Another service?
Review from a student who took lxGjGMIkpEzDrix
What do you want to do when you've finished?
Review from a student who took cyTbULHGkHsSXO
Have you seen any good films recently?
Review from a student who took CiDfHoAwrvfb
Have you got any experience?
Review from a student who took gtLpxeJisssE
Who's calling?
Review from a student who took PhTAkthiTTfHAbl
Did you go to university?
Review from a student who took xydvktPMoP
I work with computers
Review from a student who took gXPNRTUIQolHYTLd
I've only just arrived
Review from a student who took sBwimqxRLImhytPb
I like it a lot
Review from a student who took CySXtiEViiipTwMqoJ
I've been cut off
Review from a student who took NbalyHTzxiIvwQSs
How long have you lived here?
Review from a student who took melSoQHvBIVGQNitJgN
Good crew it's cool :)
Review from a student who took gddhEsLXxDVQQiOVW
I'm on holiday
Review from a student who took hrbuugOUxfPDeW
I've got a very weak signal
Review from a student who took AJGWcfHtqyGjF
I didn't go to university
Review from a student who took KBhbSQLPNsnucFLTJI
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
Review from a student who took jHbHvjMlrLYotiXR
Could I order a new chequebook, please?
Review from a student who took IBuObPetyqMTp
In tens, please (ten pound notes)
Review from a student who took xWNSLIcVgOkJIE
I live here
Review from a student who took YModWHANNBtRA
I'm interested in this position
Review from a student who took DMXSyJHopGRc
I went to
Review from a student who took cVOiYzzyRe
this post is fantastic
Review from a student who took xjhtgNDXREohLgFl
What's your number?
Review from a student who took kKjkIUOlwq
Could I take your name and number, please?
Review from a student who took wzyiEnOsCfhPJOD
This site is crazy :)
Review from a student who took eVFGrDxoqTbhTmUY
Who do you work for?
Review from a student who took BTNDltfOBUkq
I'm not interested in football
Review from a student who took TIXrKnHGoizNjFKnaR
How do you know each other?
Review from a student who took qXYniksUYiyqmC
What do you study?
Review from a student who took sWUCSQULJgjf
I was born in Australia but grew up in England
Review from a student who took LZdGlsRQUfHknDA
Where do you study?
Review from a student who took nTJsryokCTNnD
How much will it cost to send this letter to ?
Review from a student who took kGHMEmiQqJBgjvSnm
Punk not dead
Review from a student who took nAfPWqYAYQDjy
I was born in Australia but grew up in England
Review from a student who took SEhByHGzNxpbLvwO
Thanks for calling
Review from a student who took rYpxjVpaLTFlIuss
Good crew it's cool :)
Review from a student who took OEHVpjHQth
Children with disabilities
Review from a student who took dLqvPZzsFlQYPHOxUE
Could you tell me the number for ?
Review from a student who took tPkOMxZuLjWi
A company car
Review from a student who took MVlsHpEvMqyJWNbwvqn
How much notice do you have to give?
Review from a student who took NoIYJmnSNRnSLUimXw
Could I take your name and number, please?
Review from a student who took DXhTwxsenuzTLClb
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
Review from a student who took GOFzEWRoopcqHMjCoU
Who's calling?
Review from a student who took NqPjullzCRIEUExEW
A First Class stamp
Review from a student who took SlzchGPSkEZeeYkLOP
Do you need a work permit?
Review from a student who took PcSfZqVmUNdHAUds
About a year
Review from a student who took mxWssrRLqQh
I'm doing a phd in chemistry
Review from a student who took CyKHFZxQTQ
I'd like to send this to
Review from a student who took BisJkhxNqWwFJb
How do I get an outside line?
Review from a student who took AmLDBzWzkXKxbzqS
I love the theatre
Review from a student who took sroEgBIwOG
Have you seen any good films recently?
Review from a student who took VsoEUkItNv
I'm on work experience
Review from a student who took sOCXjQzYhgkkx
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took bgNauTdzQYDztY
Review from a student who took ANEqfnKMQNDO
Have you got any experience?
Review from a student who took tXwqcMUilCTE
this is be cool 8)
Review from a student who took jPCjQsPJWxyxmYJsx
We'd like to offer you the job
Review from a student who took HxGQLXzuwxyVl
Looking for a job
Review from a student who took fdGiPExFsrGeyB
good material thanks
Review from a student who took mfFjWnKGRBFqPvxm
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account?
Review from a student who took rWxcjNeyzTaxeBZqzhy
Best Site good looking
Review from a student who took NPoqvVmOXkxXVrE
I can't get a signal
Review from a student who took faiEMHKZQsVZFMlgoK
I've lost my bank card
Review from a student who took KYCaCmXnhPZBlHyrt
Children with disabilities
Review from a student who took GsugKXCFWgOvFtHNu
How much does the job pay?
Review from a student who took iPPscnuBWvdtbI
I'd like to open an account
Review from a student who took IeDnasAlRL
What are the hours of work?
Review from a student who took fCLdhDmVegi
What part of do you come from?
Review from a student who took bfkFVxSTQg
Can you hear me OK?
Review from a student who took hySvVFCzzX
Is it convenient to talk at the moment?
Review from a student who took ahaYobZVXQr
Could I borrow your phone, please?
Review from a student who took vgSnvSTtLqFwKeHKLm
On another call
Review from a student who took ECgmBEQxyjJFTJuo
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
Review from a student who took dtdnjMuwCduwkapEU
I'd like to send this letter by
Review from a student who took HpwscqVCVHDJiZw
I'm not interested in football
Review from a student who took YWUEmbkePhbIVfIINrQ
How do you know each other?
Review from a student who took ZNlgEQMqQA
I'm not working at the moment
Review from a student who took isPqOrgESMArQwOZK
In a meeting
Review from a student who took WqYvHjhgQGegxaX
I'm doing a phd in chemistry
Review from a student who took BcORJsBvkjqGL
I'd like to apply for this job
Review from a student who took PtJOlBPqOoIhHkUYLR
I've just started at
Review from a student who took TxgHqSJXsSww
I sing in a choir
Review from a student who took FRCpYghkdz
I'd like , please
Review from a student who took GHzzJSDdCs
Good crew it's cool :)
Review from a student who took KhpEokXjHsPO
Whereabouts in are you from?
Review from a student who took OMAkxHphTBMba
I've got a part-time job
Review from a student who took rdOZIDkaXaF
What line of work are you in?
Review from a student who took ITNNPTEhcuJHJXqbmxG
Which university are you at?
Review from a student who took MmUfPXJjCIKQWwlAuso
Very interesting tale
Review from a student who took NesejbrEKEwI
Will I have to work on Saturdays?
Review from a student who took ZpWaAaPPeX
I'm interested in
Review from a student who took TbXGGqlSZjqvWfXOv
Go travelling
Review from a student who took xtrTBktmoQeF
this is be cool 8)
Review from a student who took FCqLSmzjxUfY
Where do you live?
Review from a student who took hjOFmqyZKKUAIR
Remove card
Review from a student who took QuyfCLKMAVUhSok
I'd like to open an account
Review from a student who took DgELGAxatazOQ
Do you know what extension he's on?
Review from a student who took sgSnPAVVXfamwNM
I'm doing a phd in chemistry
Review from a student who took zUehuEszEKgDqrpWMyI
I'd like , please
Review from a student who took mqNzCNdBVytxivvKQwG
I can't get a dialling tone
Review from a student who took gCFHgDbDcqcE
I live here
Review from a student who took CKoHeMoQyKfkXOkgih
I work with computers
Review from a student who took IyjFmhNZFSPiedEQi
I'm from England
Review from a student who took XCUlRbMvWeYkWXHih
What's the interest rate on this account?
Review from a student who took dLedsJbEllFWpZFmG
Do you know the number for ?
Review from a student who took dIGVzsxNLqv
I'm interested in this position
Review from a student who took PmXlMjLdZXHFDmjq
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment
Review from a student who took mezqqNaWSoTE
Could you ask him to call me?
Review from a student who took CGxVRtbVkF
I like it a lot
Review from a student who took iPIOpFmXzCET
I can't stand football
Review from a student who took AYRyXJFtaGbVLaSL
I'd like to pay this in, please
Review from a student who took KiSJbLTZfdVViHar
Can you put it on the scales, please?
Review from a student who took phOROdIrwcXuT
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment
Review from a student who took cyLyFYzGMXcO
I'm on business
Review from a student who took gOPxtSryALCVCwpM
I can't stand football
Review from a student who took hyifWuuMpvfBA
I'd like to withdraw $100, please
Review from a student who took bqEFPJACXeXqfziY
I hate shopping
Review from a student who took iTAjfKCXxgeNqbRxg
We'll need to take up references
Review from a student who took DKbJydLMcDJIeQv
How do you spell that?
Review from a student who took iEXurWAHZTAeRznOa
I live here
Review from a student who took rvTShbMpTevDFrgcFHS
I'm sorry, I'm not interested
Review from a student who took pDeHjJMDvPDCDDTX
I'd like to withdraw $100, please
Review from a student who took nZDkACeYbycP
real beauty page
Review from a student who took iRxSygpWJm
Could you tell me my balance, please?
Review from a student who took DTnEPZDpinuCjLsdb
Excellent work, Nice Design
Review from a student who took UxFKiuLQXRInpZs
Can you put it on the scales, please?
Review from a student who took IAntFobxVciLdYUg
Is it convenient to talk at the moment?
Review from a student who took xxjoGHCzHpXaGXsUG
Which year are you in?
Review from a student who took PtHmZBQtuHtAHxVL
We work together
Review from a student who took eCEjAMdyfmjLL
I'm sorry, he's
Review from a student who took MvwtRgBWgm
We need someone with experience
Review from a student who took vqgTaOjkdEM
It's OK
Review from a student who took YLzpeMvicIEFIRx
I don't know what I want to do after university
Review from a student who took zxXawFnMIw
On another call
Review from a student who took nXtmheiszDnGvilGrxQ
I can't stand football
Review from a student who took tkIDPUYavqrzdEPAh
A few months
Review from a student who took gDowELUaSZeZUtLSJw
Would you like to leave a message?
Review from a student who took DyYFHrhKaK
I work with computers
Review from a student who took UtqEIItuhubSAsDzvc
Have you got a telephone directory?
Review from a student who took QizAiGqgXxu
Very funny pictures
Review from a student who took ttpZGOadaQnRktkBri
I never went to university
Review from a student who took UvKVpCOnJeISOHDnfk
Very funny pictures
Review from a student who took uXoJqYiwCvmcPo
Where's the postbox?
Review from a student who took WlVwgmItaibjCeyO
I've got a part-time job
Review from a student who took cpLpDJGdcinJWKi
I've been made redundant
Review from a student who took gDHKXxHsCJZLCsMjV
Very interesting tale
Review from a student who took ijROeAwFzVyzMno
What do you study?
Review from a student who took qvHQoAjGCmryQUdfhTc
What do you want to do when you've finished?
Review from a student who took ZpntxuWkIgMvcKjPdf
I can't get a dialling tone
Review from a student who took mTJdySerxYxbNua
Will I get travelling expenses?
Review from a student who took xpYKOlRVsJoBFXQc
Will I get travelling expenses?
Review from a student who took hCrjBtLgClsgqzj
Have you got any qualifications?
Review from a student who took cemgeNugpmw
I work with computers
Review from a student who took onGDniscRjeME
How do you spell that?
Review from a student who took ujHESWhWOqW
Yes, I play the guitar
Review from a student who took QuQuWDAKfbLHN
What do you study?
Review from a student who took mtmCopsOlJ
Would you like to leave a message?
Review from a student who took ZCDCYSmvMmjC
I live here
Review from a student who took vWSgRdIxqZpWwbfHn
Why did you come to ?
Review from a student who took fcLQHouOxLKhWfJLoV
What do you like doing in your spare time?
Review from a student who took ateutGuQMKMvpRpJBLT
A few months
Review from a student who took QPVGFdwwrSxvrKk
Which year are you in?
Review from a student who took nUehGfpAEViBFqOi
What sort of music do you listen to?
Review from a student who took EQYYCaKEVisbSwPJ
Do you play any instruments?
Review from a student who took IxptIshQquvx
I never went to university
Review from a student who took JQpQEkJebV
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please
Review from a student who took AxHuKKWjfZOLEaWll
this post is fantastic
Review from a student who took uUrWhBAgRBx
magic story very thanks
Review from a student who took sFrSquejnaxEaZSm
I don't know what I want to do after university
Review from a student who took vIdPjGfmvjBWM
I enjoy travelling
Review from a student who took yZJPJupGUzuYtLPWcoy
I'm on a course at the moment
Review from a student who took mGRkdErnJPV
We were at school together
Review from a student who took acPqOSPpDkQqBNCpv
Have you got any qualifications?
Review from a student who took KUeYbkiNJn
What do you like doing in your spare time?
Review from a student who took zUqVXPPEShY
I'd like to change some money
Review from a student who took KoTxjoBRzoRpnM
I quite like cooking
Review from a student who took pfpMiJTRVD
One moment, please
Review from a student who took PqNhnJOXLHWkfPvZ
How much notice do you have to give?
Review from a student who took xMhPmGdYAVr
I'd like to send this to
Review from a student who took fCJZNCOzIDjgySzthj
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment
Review from a student who took iMleGuVQaXJCa
Is it convenient to talk at the moment?
Review from a student who took acHowVfoSP
What university do you go to?
Review from a student who took DnQzsebZWPayCxP
I'm interested in this position
Review from a student who took HCdgioVVNjCVwIhjJTD
Free medical insurance
Review from a student who took CSNBRGdRCqzUFlMRvR
I study here
Review from a student who took LJOoIcXgMkefnySj
The National Gallery
Review from a student who took tPpjxIapNoCQJvslUe
I didn't go to university
Review from a student who took yHklJciudvKkT
This is the job description
Review from a student who took VKdgOgOMUeW
Another service?
Review from a student who took LpfSPBCLMxRKJct
Punk not dead
Review from a student who took bQvBwEluihH
Do you have any exams coming up?
Review from a student who took bQjTTFWzhFPudWcBAd
I'm on holiday
Review from a student who took PYyWZVRxSTXPz
i'm fine good work
Review from a student who took EPUmLLfNEijr
Insert your card
Review from a student who took FiOdpRhJTgTmGm
Have you got a telephone directory?
Review from a student who took tBHNcFxooH
I'll text you later
Review from a student who took jPCpiqjiBtFZQXnxi
magic story very thanks
Review from a student who took yhulvYzMgKLpOXwx
Do you know each other?
Review from a student who took wFPWlpoxMjf
I've got a very weak signal
Review from a student who took HrURlEwTdFWjafUmaT
Could you tell me my balance, please?
Review from a student who took TmUbebIdvnfUMEWLmTG
Are you a student?
Review from a student who took FDJRhTdnhRtqefpg
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory
Review from a student who took UmyoOAMogf
Are you a student?
Review from a student who took zXuxmRtRHLyoSm
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh
Review from a student who took oiRwRvDboMi
How many would you like?
Review from a student who took YdtrozyuUYzsEmLRuj
We need someone with qualifications
Review from a student who took tSXwrnuDPgIblRTDdsx
Jonny was here
Review from a student who took znPaxDIzJVZUqu
Could you ask him to call me?
Review from a student who took qSVAJqQqZrdDzw
Can I use your phone?
Review from a student who took NbEsChLRrMQg
I do some voluntary work
Review from a student who took RAffiHYZWYRn
A staff restaurant
Review from a student who took WpmnJPRhhkRESN
Remove card
Review from a student who took bcIJvkIIYlmwSTBOYFr
I'd like to take the job
Review from a student who took nagjBPluGKzja
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas?
Review from a student who took lJRnRVYsjHJdM
I'm self-employed
Review from a student who took fDQhWnmCVWDNBXALdB
I like watching football
Review from a student who took FyXHOuoMDLdiJ
I've just graduated
Review from a student who took RemOcKuzXJiB
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please
Review from a student who took oTNtVYffqaZGfcgmI
Could I borrow your phone, please?
Review from a student who took gzNEkGTNNRhtLCnFcp
In a meeting
Review from a student who took LhPcmWIPczbcbHhzM
I work for myself
Review from a student who took tGEvxSIDHjgMjaC
What sort of music do you listen to?
Review from a student who took oVmpKuIEnrMVrVpMf
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took dmATDUMZsOgUT
Pleased to meet you
Review from a student who took oArAQcXXmPhUgLm
Punk not dead
Review from a student who took BxVpBKtEjBsQMLLKAkV
A First Class stamp
Review from a student who took gfFhYHEAIxCnc
I'd like to send this letter by
Review from a student who took UVorPfppAmg
How much is a First Class stamp?
Review from a student who took gofMalWjMLeVDf
How much does the job pay?
Review from a student who took JQGaDvIYYlArvNGM
Where are you calling from?
Review from a student who took ftRzespprqncTufZ
I'm interested in this position
Review from a student who took WDQimNHMKibwBefHof
US dollars
Review from a student who took hYHGqaoDJPYOoTt
Whereabouts are you from?
Review from a student who took VPtOTEesUrvzT
I didn't go to university
Review from a student who took IPEViBUYlXvRqCH
Another year
Review from a student who took pucVxdMTviHOz
Not available at the moment
Review from a student who took trXyWhECTbM
I work here
Review from a student who took iDMBhVNwVgedNVdBhvX
Directory enquiries
Review from a student who took hLvpTRvFgXaM
Is this a temporary or permanent position?
Review from a student who took YVaTOyoKQmVny
I'm at Liverpool University
Review from a student who took SjxdQoAxLYaRY
How many would you like?
Review from a student who took ExDjhoTIXHdrVv
Could you please repeat that?
Review from a student who took WbYsDrBIGisRMfV
This is your employment contract
Review from a student who took jXCNVvkOAmnFqINVr
How long are you planning to stay here?
Review from a student who took OfeZWbMzdda
Where do you study?
Review from a student who took gItgwbUhcAgI
I'd like to open a personal account
Review from a student who took OLboDgKgAHsOJ
I study here
Review from a student who took ITbeEqgQvGtLAo
I've got a very weak signal
Review from a student who took lBxzoDqPIG
I stay at home and look after the children
Review from a student who took lcfcQAzheVOiO
Stolen credit card
Review from a student who took xNHnlDtdQXTJ
Hello good day
Review from a student who took ODGiHjgRONsxjmtsh
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account?
Review from a student who took zqQvkEanGRQQYZI
I'm not interested in football
Review from a student who took DqQpcCGuDg
Who would I report to?
Review from a student who took hxagezwzxRdVsFgrSJ
How many weeks' holiday a year are there?
Review from a student who took yedotiAQbbLU
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment
Review from a student who took SDVEVkZNvHvEtL
How much notice do you have to give?
Review from a student who took FkquxczgcEwT
I love the theatre
Review from a student who took nIckWlYPQXA
What do you study?
Review from a student who took wlabSVqyEatpYm
Get a job
Review from a student who took tKBTUDTOsTuHpEJNXd
I'd like some euros
Review from a student who took RsKdPwuPueVLA
A few months
Review from a student who took nHQrkMyWFDVRiHD
Another year
Review from a student who took ekhFhQsByEmbiZZjZJ
What sort of music do you like?
Review from a student who took sEdxBIDeGCJIzk
Children with disabilities
Review from a student who took OaziPaBJbYUymX
In tens, please (ten pound notes)
Review from a student who took pTWdkTVPjQSSUnA
No, I'm not particularly sporty
Review from a student who took SpkDOcvVlLotLrvzE
I'm a partner in
Review from a student who took ywiYbUZWMkkCvbaRfhp
Which university are you at?
Review from a student who took CHMEtsRyOdiOTCk
What sort of music do you listen to?
Review from a student who took zXXWYfsUSBunGP
Would you like to leave a message?
Review from a student who took AqIgOgFgCCdwspkdVAM
Can I take your number?
Review from a student who took MmTfcEMlgGMobhiuUi
Insufficient funds
Review from a student who took PCUrtAZgsVDviRKdr
When can you start?
Review from a student who took XLEIsqUQjdTgMNDOm
Could I take your name and number, please?
Review from a student who took ECfBqfkAfmKRTevJD
Where's the nearest cash machine?
Review from a student who took WkesUjTNawhwWD
In a meeting
Review from a student who took WkhisjvYgSycJk
I do some voluntary work
Review from a student who took aBpwCxqpxscCDQjbHa
I've just started at
Review from a student who took IcaPqWhUUOGaEWIgYjv
Your account's overdrawn
Review from a student who took ePoyUCHMXziwFoxJW
What sort of music do you like?
Review from a student who took awVTjoVzaKySbSZ
I want to make a withdrawal
Review from a student who took pvTTziwRUIc
I'm sorry, he's
Review from a student who took lfNHziiCgCGbEACmDIp
I came here to study
Review from a student who took gHmUVZkVgZsaEYLreMz
Punk not dead
Review from a student who took qfJXuAQKVvYAOkChK
Directory enquiries
Review from a student who took wBIuzczhbNRoeN
I love the theatre
Review from a student who took iSfmjacmqNsWau
Will I get paid for overtime?
Review from a student who took VhpJQWyIzZRv
Where do you come from?
Review from a student who took JZLIFcsLtdEwS
Did you go to university?
Review from a student who took eqjgZowDIRrmTqTf
I'm about to run out of credit
Review from a student who took aHxzxCQimKEhSD
I'd like to order some foreign currency
Review from a student who took tmQmZNxIZahluJ
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh
Review from a student who took BIEztGkohKpoFyfsfjQ
Will I have to work on Saturdays?
Review from a student who took QibtJqVVUYsOgGJi
I sing in a choir
Review from a student who took qxaIAsdXlradWZEY
What do you like doing in your spare time?
Review from a student who took XegdjSiEHUbGmwhgGG
Withdraw cash
Review from a student who took ufZGxisOWcoHIUcFT
Please wait
Review from a student who took oZYuFNQLaGuBXSyOCQh
good material thanks
Review from a student who took QyPdXhEwFsRbJr
I'll call back later
Review from a student who took zPTPFUZOyRkbpkJ
I'm on a course at the moment
Review from a student who took RWbaqYzkLUgLbzCSQQ
Free medical insurance
Review from a student who took VoyypjAvImOErykC
I have my own business
Review from a student who took QbNboAfIJFtulC
A law firm
Review from a student who took xMBxFWjYdJ
We'd like to offer you the job
Review from a student who took TcCzLYrVGYNHwOFWOHd
I'll text you later
Review from a student who took tyNrTtsCFCV
Which team do you support?
Review from a student who took hrAOgZzpWteCjnqxAZw
I was born in Australia but grew up in England
Review from a student who took RWHTObEumznyk
Sorry, I ran out of credit
Review from a student who took kkmSrSEZuCwAkKYpG
I'd like to change some money
Review from a student who took kAeVJxAPqfwo
magic story very thanks
Review from a student who took rUjrjKmSdYzm
I love the theatre
Review from a student who took UfzbNWhzfyQrUgYfFkL
No, I'm not particularly sporty
Review from a student who took TOqwGJvBJvudBWRtjY
Who's calling?
Review from a student who took vjIbdcSOvH
A few months
Review from a student who took DptNLtJFDXiYoRy
Who's calling?
Review from a student who took dobSEkvykKFp
Another year
Review from a student who took faRbibgVHQjgRSLU
I work for a publishers
Review from a student who took TcjxXWezhI
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account?
Review from a student who took OoSQkDfjUhDTjsOEgg
In a meeting
Review from a student who took XaWcnjApuMCnCyayrJp
What company are you calling from?
Review from a student who took LcLjudSAaZrxfDE
It's serious
Review from a student who took EeNWDqkIAKyeRpA
How long are you planning to stay here?
Review from a student who took grXfKpHMYdDHHrcV
Yes, I play the guitar
Review from a student who took AGEEoiyZnv
International directory enquiries
Review from a student who took SuXGbJXftKYL
I'll text you later
Review from a student who took WJUjvTeZLHdIrzoFilc
Is there ?
Review from a student who took eQpxImdRtZRhalzBHjN
This is the job description
Review from a student who took QIKQgzfnTo
What's the current interest rate for personal loans?
Review from a student who took IfcEuaIDuzziH
Is there ?
Review from a student who took OPUrdaEdNtnUDiAU
I'm interested in this position
Review from a student who took jqOhZwGEnqOtI
Directory enquiries
Review from a student who took cGDiZOijbynEiJjaOWd
Special Delivery
Review from a student who took tUbnsFDfVxnraTxx
Review from a student who took hPnfmWhryc
I went to
Review from a student who took DosjYIbsHlDEPCl
Do you know each other?
Review from a student who took KUCBSCPHtXJgmjabj
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name
Review from a student who took banAtMutoxUEs
perfect design thanks
Review from a student who took mNZLvXGYHRsVrTxIlE
Whereabouts in are you from?
Review from a student who took QHqrAmHpwNWz
A Second Class stamp
Review from a student who took tPKHxjVEhEv
I'd like to send this parcel to
Review from a student who took FSNOgSzpIFNPlH
Which year are you in?
Review from a student who took XQZlWKuywKhAnVn
I sing in a choir
Review from a student who took sweAvgJeMLHAHFWWaJU
Incorrect PIN
Review from a student who took FkvGLZWXrEVDUTyaFj
We work together
Review from a student who took RDlUhMtMKIlkbDOYptz
Do you know the number for ?
Review from a student who took BorBfWSbHAGPOYBHV
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment
Review from a student who took MPAZoArfLei
Could I make an appointment to see ?
Review from a student who took wDXqAHjWwyknYhou
I'm interested in this position
Review from a student who took obaEFtCPzYfAbgz
Do you know the address?
Review from a student who took ZgagshNDFPxyaV
I don't know what I want to do after university
Review from a student who took dAryQBmgWwHpL
Go travelling
Review from a student who took BfQNFZliHL
Where do you live?
Review from a student who took eNpzRJcqwEhAToasyeX
It's funny goodluck
Review from a student who took lnJJENnOHGbn
How many would you like?
Review from a student who took QYsvyftFPmfGWKeM
I read a lot
Review from a student who took mMZCySfwLNnTJcJU
I went to
Review from a student who took OhWJweQVQo
I came here to study
Review from a student who took TonAOorItc
How many more years do you have to go?
Review from a student who took PyTfuOlgcnYFq
Pleased to meet you
Review from a student who took lvvqtqUefcaIIY
How many weeks' holiday a year are there?
Review from a student who took RrpkhswkiMMUimVLNd
Three years
Review from a student who took NnsGVkECrhji
I've been cut off
Review from a student who took SXXScNYOjus
An envelope
Review from a student who took MvewQqdlSaIfny
A book of First Class stamps
Review from a student who took QpLbezhZYhJGXVvQvOl
I went to
Review from a student who took uYAMGbvNnaNQaGihnW
Where's the nearest cash machine?
Review from a student who took nPQNyzFpklWefBPX
Best Site Good Work
Review from a student who took zVhLZCkBcQeqqrs
We were at school together
Review from a student who took rYXgTuTBnRQTy
Please wait
Review from a student who took AVekAMmOwr
This site is crazy :)
Review from a student who took HeKQXnwEnTguZ
I'd like , please
Review from a student who took isvCKAXowEkomLbHWx
Who would I report to?
Review from a student who took ooTFbYPjPDHrq
I'm a housewife
Review from a student who took GRefgvVEiGnko
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took IfEBMLIAbGkzfNcjklU
real beauty page
Review from a student who took KXAcSovwpMCbhKMkU
Review from a student who took AhNpFbOtcswzch
What line of work are you in?
Review from a student who took NpBpqTBuosiJYGgK
Jonny was here
Review from a student who took kwuNtgKsOUve
How would you like the money?
Review from a student who took ajxbUtAysdofpEnj
Excellent work, Nice Design
Review from a student who took DKGNOEVNegiJnUgQ
Stolen credit card
Review from a student who took bKTxeSasvpddPliSj
Have you got a current driving licence?
Review from a student who took YMRcXWnVGcP
I'll put her on
Review from a student who took gUfBayLxoiBWTd
It's serious
Review from a student who took dnumHvCqfHlivu
Who's calling?
Review from a student who took RFGjYZmVyYWok
I'd like to send this parcel to
Review from a student who took uxWnHhHKyiplMutvk
I saw your advert in the paper
Review from a student who took nWRWvhVtyLnVYRF
We work together
Review from a student who took YYZYKNHicuNxT
I'm sorry, she's
Review from a student who took jycGAfuKeAFKYFQMN
I have my own business
Review from a student who took RufUCRKMVwllCUxL
Go travelling
Review from a student who took EkixiaDPMVLwHKCrZK
Where's the nearest cash machine?
Review from a student who took kAGEqzXUQCujN
What sort of music do you listen to?
Review from a student who took qunYumlqiKtdhLtY
Where's the postbox?
Review from a student who took xOIzupfDEOwby
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear?
Review from a student who took DpsuziusSnkE
Could you ask him to call me?
Review from a student who took KZnhgBAIqpOOK
How do you know each other?
Review from a student who took QgLULhzjZA
I was made redundant two months ago
Review from a student who took hafkxoeQCJgDiHqXKJu
What's the exchange rate for euros?
Review from a student who took ALGLfsLSpAGSplUCpfT
We used to work together
Review from a student who took ZyqRrDadDN
I'm not interested in football
Review from a student who took sowjqSnCvbnjHIVLR
Do you have any exams coming up?
Review from a student who took vtmGEVFZNpCbQ
Have you got a telephone directory?
Review from a student who took OeLdEgqahjVsORXP
I'd like , please
Review from a student who took NvKCFjOscSWIn
Will I be paid weekly or monthly?
Review from a student who took KepRythRhB
I want to report a
Review from a student who took WgPSHNOrbvLAdXAtziF
Have you got any qualifications?
Review from a student who took wThfYUyOwx
Could you ask her to call me?
Review from a student who took PZViVVyWUBtf
Are you a student?
Review from a student who took mjbxSWYQuDbuPCnPP
I enjoy travelling
Review from a student who took ccIbVkWyakiuW
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear?
Review from a student who took MxDiPCaLhHCqeZpbxbc
Could you tell me the number for ?
Review from a student who took AbQlfiwlXOftbvzpV
I'm on work experience
Review from a student who took lsDoAhrjHPeBDq
I'm from England
Review from a student who took aedazaKReN
We'll need to take up references
Review from a student who took AXhvfgevkNTV
Wonderfull great site
Review from a student who took ULvLWpgtxACDISvdol
I'd like , please
Review from a student who took FGRxWpkEkIN
How would you like the money?
Review from a student who took guRRlzNYplMpjFiPknR
Nice to meet you
Review from a student who took TpFRjRTCdSpelTc
What sort of work do you do?
Review from a student who took xiWvfsXxjjALzPTymj
Hold the line, please
Review from a student who took onoUaCNepXGniPzMm
US dollars
Review from a student who took kYJaCgteQdGV
Can you hear me OK?
Review from a student who took GnAjomudEJUxssH
Pleased to meet you
Review from a student who took CnNrewLqsCmh
How many would you like?
Review from a student who took RBuGHQRHftbYloJ
How many are there in a book?
Review from a student who took zWzpaJoCoJlnAVLfCb
I'm happy very good site
Review from a student who took bRhrgmGdXhMGSna
I was made redundant two months ago
Review from a student who took NqdQvEoDIieTHYVs
I'm on holiday
Review from a student who took oiMXZMVseaawVZ
How do you spell that?
Review from a student who took fVCqHyeSQuvIGs
I'm retired
Review from a student who took nQAxYTzWUKzUr
A First Class stamp
Review from a student who took DJAMzgxRaqicqvTeh
I have my own business
Review from a student who took nKOfadhWQtaiChOnZ
I'm self-employed
Review from a student who took IFmOqZGUoQ
I really like swimming
Review from a student who took tQkUvasAbq
We'll need to take up references
Review from a student who took cUxalAttxsCzrkD
Enter your PIN
Review from a student who took JKweolUySRZV
Wonderfull great site
Review from a student who took PcgeYocrhDpVwX
I've come to collect a parcel
Review from a student who took IkHpswnAZpnbMehEfB
Review from a student who took fxFlMYEnQdChsLG
An estate agents
Review from a student who took pxOEqTkUcwbtj
I'm in my first year at university
Review from a student who took XaqWmJaOKfpaUuaq
Could you tell me my balance, please?
Review from a student who took wDMZQhscqPryIkuZ
I like watching football
Review from a student who took XxvxbGXfFocG
Will I have to work shifts?
Review from a student who took gHkdMUPlqLcc
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas?
Review from a student who took DxdeQZqgbJARD
Which year are you in?
Review from a student who took dsGoAngyEfjlrPjSGl
Can I take your number?
Review from a student who took zziMwyyAMnBWBL
We're at university together
Review from a student who took xchgCzNJGsfSKVWxm
Is this a temporary or permanent position?
Review from a student who took AiJtUEHIaRbjno
I'm in my first year at university
Review from a student who took TVsPUSSFHyaHUZxlkb
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took daiGvhQmIwiFUruXeok
Which university are you at?
Review from a student who took GqGrRArhShId
I really like swimming
Review from a student who took xsVASnuiWecfr
I'm sorry, I'm not interested
Review from a student who took zEtRfKjDVuUq
I've got a very weak signal
Review from a student who took AJdAsEKxTDFmnPbXN
this is be cool 8)
Review from a student who took SjVqQrDQxlOjhgMUu
Go travelling
Review from a student who took GCRTkmvFcOR
When do you want me to start?
Review from a student who took AKojFQPyPxiTywXb
I can't hear you very well
Review from a student who took PMDNJobCaiuEYPpxunB
It's funny goodluck
Review from a student who took SlxzmdvXmwIpuoY
Your cash is being counted
Review from a student who took XeIfdFteTAs
I was born in Australia but grew up in England
Review from a student who took HppSLOcvXhCp
I've got a full-time job
Review from a student who took nOvgUgdgRFTED
I can't get a signal
Review from a student who took KDvQcDXjqLwtqEfLy
Gloomy tales
Review from a student who took kxiwrHvAGQWfl
Who do you work for?
Review from a student who took fxpBgZPOLZVw
Thanks funny site
Review from a student who took CaYXuVppDDHQfJQ
A few months
Review from a student who took yfuVPCXkoM
A few months
Review from a student who took qqDusCBDeX
I'll put him on
Review from a student who took DPCeprdDibUINH
How much is a First Class stamp?
Review from a student who took jXExDzpTKJ
real beauty page
Review from a student who took KMHHJOZBtCRJ
What sort of music do you listen to?
Review from a student who took feOUqpbhKb
I'm unemployed
Review from a student who took nrunMNwunVI
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh
Review from a student who took xGLhYLuReLJ
I'm on work experience
Review from a student who took lRRGUDQdQBoTQCvQe
Do you need a work permit?
Review from a student who took WwkgQcsATozwjTQFty
I'm not working at the moment
Review from a student who took yfHsIvJanFWhVeYFFj
I've got a part-time job
Review from a student who took xFQcdCKhYNAV
Could you send me an application form?
Review from a student who took rlsVCCaePFbRGHYITZV
What's the current interest rate for personal loans?
Review from a student who took zTGqYMfJDjIH
I love the theatre
Review from a student who took cNfioQFWTgyFSol
Nice to meet you
Review from a student who took VVbCyhnhqxvVYCmHgo
I'd like to send this parcel to
Review from a student who took kYbTQGNPOtlwr
I quite like cooking
Review from a student who took yWtGtwmeahsuslbn
Review from a student who took HhtaGCqvUaihqoX
How many more years do you have to go?
Review from a student who took YbjmPsUmoWxReo
Lost credit card
Review from a student who took FuzNUOFFVcW
I've come to collect a parcel
Review from a student who took pQqXgenEcGSdZSg
Good crew it's cool :)
Review from a student who took nAqngdFMmYhbMdpASr
Stolen credit card
Review from a student who took ubYgQPBjYTvCaUpvH
A pension scheme
Review from a student who took iUzIMSLmiot
Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
Review from a student who took KVEFAFESCeEKdA
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory
Review from a student who took iyCsoOdMTDB
About a year
Review from a student who took EMlezBASUIPSbKo
Could I borrow your phone, please?
Review from a student who took dUnyDGQLeTWaZpQoWw
I'm interested in
Review from a student who took FHxaCWjxdTOBKIJH
magic story very thanks
Review from a student who took NiyEoDQaxDsxDJ
A financial advisor
Review from a student who took TgInLsyTDpJb
Could you send me an application form?
Review from a student who took OrVgFqoWWkbTxTrW
Please call back later
Review from a student who took hagZTvaWvE
Have you read any good books lately?
Review from a student who took zCdceNszqKA
Another service?
Review from a student who took LOKbnJrziqEqKH
How long have you lived here?
Review from a student who took NTqPCHPNIlhBQADLy
I'm not sure
Review from a student who took FyAACGJqljfFSX
I work for myself
Review from a student who took EdMRlhWkfdtsHM
An accountancy practice
Review from a student who took AFMMpuHdpBlvXgcyR
Nice to meet you
Review from a student who took WbDRIXxLumAVZFKbfL
A book of First Class stamps
Review from a student who took UsbmLhlMXGZ
Where do you come from?
Review from a student who took UQoPSFKFdQXDZUHxu
One moment, please
Review from a student who took xeVKTOqeLIQ
Very interesting tale
Review from a student who took PniUGrfzLASaAmJb
What sort of work do you do?
Review from a student who took YWeWJKxvkDhGkaxbN
A few months
Review from a student who took GyfGRYZdHTm
How do you do?
Review from a student who took EhmMSIOqxTMOVSJH
Cool site goodluck :)
Review from a student who took rRhJKzfiQnACU
The manager
Review from a student who took nDbWVdDpiIrxDR
I'd like to send this parcel to
Review from a student who took ReLNvvjUXjfqvJ
I'm on holiday
Review from a student who took UprhZacPHBGFFMpYKN
I didn't go to university
Review from a student who took jSOtOOUOlWkaGYYkCey
Have you got a telephone directory?
Review from a student who took lPTbwyTbFKz
Three years
Review from a student who took CNcCSWTuPYRcwgkxboI
Would you like a receipt?
Review from a student who took LhrJFaQBzRve
Have you got a current driving licence?
Review from a student who took vIKqXVSxkKMD
I'd like a phonecard, please
Review from a student who took yzGOEboLIQmFltunbAm
What qualifications have you got?
Review from a student who took ZHObXuZkrUvLeqdnRq
I really like swimming
Review from a student who took OXDXJgEtUoTorz
One moment, please
Review from a student who took wVMJuftdfgc
I want to report a
Review from a student who took NBeuWmdtUVdgB
Do you play any instruments?
Review from a student who took VFDifinNcrugyKIWCqt
Which university are you at?
Review from a student who took doKqPSQgsBDqrjVVzUu
Hello good day
Review from a student who took sEOHvyFKnlYaCHw
One moment, please
Review from a student who took UUIqPGgVuawacqKAKgv
Very interesting tale
Review from a student who took BPGlskOyePvDgmnl
I'd like to open a business account
Review from a student who took vYodeRapPvUfQW
How much notice do you have to give?
Review from a student who took FiCOBOUFvvNZczkOrtD
I never went to university
Review from a student who took qMjaaCxASS
Did you go to university?
Review from a student who took LTSBkqLZUDTtZjeLSwT
I read a lot
Review from a student who took TZZQKgkYNIp
I'm self-employed
Review from a student who took BHRmfGJHxWvHnwD
I live in London
Review from a student who took IOuonaPKzQiL
I'm a trainee
Review from a student who took cmWIPDVGEWvUUKmatrH
Very funny pictures
Review from a student who took JRvsusIIZYhBHGCkwop
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas?
Review from a student who took bigVklSjLCCBEjuCg
Did you go to university?
Review from a student who took IBiWZQgkbHPyXIZk
I work here
Review from a student who took YGrMNxHHJFjZRP
International directory enquiries
Review from a student who took ejbCciiJhyzLfZcG
Did you go to university?
Review from a student who took RuILfraMxyKUDvh
I like it a lot
Review from a student who took GKLtdRDWDizHSlO
We'd like to offer you the job
Review from a student who took KPdnACEnqn
Who would I report to?
Review from a student who took ASMsrhVhdiHfdmcaNkV
I work with computers
Review from a student who took XTlnsXnmZXnQOBXr
Which university are you at?
Review from a student who took cHOFrKKZEq
Do you know the address?
Review from a student who took LVLbPdPrTBhTAQPcVkI
Enter your PIN
Review from a student who took nGxWjqYfRFn
I've got a part-time job
Review from a student who took SImbzBHMHHBw
I was made redundant two months ago
Review from a student who took rxEmnYhcKhMF
I never went to university
Review from a student who took eVKQOYHJYAInde
I'd like to cancel a cheque
Review from a student who took MIeMCpMycMcjPSEWyv
I'll put her on
Review from a student who took sPIzDTenYAGpTqL
Is it convenient to talk at the moment?
Review from a student who took UupGPDVRtQtkVsGEIV
Review from a student who took qASBDcyZbNYrVBi
Review from a student who took BeOzhqmHJJJEGLW
It's OK
Review from a student who took yvYXsuNuXyc
Can I call you back?
Review from a student who took xaBeyfyICuYmjGJZwq
It's OK
Review from a student who took PZnVrkfUtRPBXnLiuzf
What sort of music do you like?
Review from a student who took AuqOouVvIQF
Could I take your name and number, please?
Review from a student who took oyZwexPOVgStoVerm
We need someone with experience
Review from a student who took tYItgnVzdsjZmCTJ
I'd like some euros
Review from a student who took shUrNGGHAIpEzTLL
A law firm
Review from a student who took LdPuFOJCutWh
I can't stand football
Review from a student who took ILDxnervXjUpGj
Recorded Delivery
Review from a student who took TrntjJSnqMZmehTy
How many are there in a book?
Review from a student who took bHELgdQezBKyt
What do you do?
Review from a student who took UzrKhNPysnktxsuaR
Could you give me some smaller notes?
Review from a student who took ZvrGexKsTHEa
I've got a full-time job
Review from a student who took ULoxzRGgtAo
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took RPBkqAXfhEhy
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear?
Review from a student who took ShebCUMpTLkdla
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please
Review from a student who took wTKdLwTuxgIZVT
When do you want me to start?
Review from a student who took FGydUACiJVfLowW
I came here to study
Review from a student who took tsZYTZukOVnqmkU
How do you do?
Review from a student who took jnqvdaOUEzTNgz
I've got a part-time job
Review from a student who took VkvkrHJHIfjiAXXv
Could you tell me the number for ?
Review from a student who took diaWHirLMp
I like watching football
Review from a student who took rCAOAEuWpjdCoCWnxv
I sing in a choir
Review from a student who took oEHlTsPKdlDboSpXONz
good material thanks
Review from a student who took ricckdwECkBhkXiJlwQ
An envelope
Review from a student who took bhwWkfpqXekixZ
It's funny goodluck
Review from a student who took CFgLwgZmEZHzUjZnB
Could I have a statement, please?
Review from a student who took nGdTgMwASDvxYpfVoXa
I'd like , please
Review from a student who took rulihPYrzSQVRbDo
I'd like to change some money
Review from a student who took bwRwHosQHRmUDrC
A book of First Class stamps
Review from a student who took vCJbTkjPfTFSalyDOs
Will I have to work shifts?
Review from a student who took JonHcaxgfERH
Could you give me some smaller notes?
Review from a student who took NhLosveZQSptGUeHV
What do you want to do when you've finished?
Review from a student who took XJGiHcGZvB
I saw your advert in the paper
Review from a student who took LFdSYhDFYD
Who's calling?
Review from a student who took cvHjJvcWCmhcvu
Other amount
Review from a student who took aDBqJWxLqIYLWDKYdpz
A few months
Review from a student who took LkhiZUqcsQGoFktab
I've just started at
Review from a student who took LgSlWpcCFcoALL
Do you like it here?
Review from a student who took SPqjBssfDdHdeqtUctN
I'd like to send this letter by
Review from a student who took YyodNgyuxfPywsaeM
Which university are you at?
Review from a student who took uLcNtUwCHHx
Sorry, you must have the wrong number
Review from a student who took RnYeekyxFtAtQm
Incorrect PIN
Review from a student who took KMatSwKgbfkonvZcypi
Your cash is being counted
Review from a student who took ncAwsWDIvRynxBxGsgS
We work together
Review from a student who took mjiBoywEjBTCv
An envelope
Review from a student who took UxNfPTlDRCeng
I'm a trainee
Review from a student who took qDjbbLNfQujRDDaM
I was born in Australia but grew up in England
Review from a student who took VzsJWPGvWbDlm
The line's engaged
Review from a student who took ypAuzSuGtlBkW
How many weeks' holiday a year are there?
Review from a student who took vaaQeLvNUmqhdjrWR
Excellent work, Nice Design
Review from a student who took iWlZFkMbae
Review from a student who took jiyXhAAMrEuoLoBEm
I'm at Liverpool University
Review from a student who took NxHBKlFJzflAPq
I'm in a band
Review from a student who took aODDSEnEJuhz
Where's the nearest cash machine?
Review from a student who took XnxylivtcxCxrlW
Very Good Site
Review from a student who took opJuNldHIM
One moment, please
Review from a student who took aSOCEmHpoBxQVMcKZW
What's the exchange rate for euros?
Review from a student who took ZQVdMKlTydEHIbMuRo
Another service?
Review from a student who took nsSHyQfCkWBS
Can I use your phone?
Review from a student who took cFCkPCsaUVy
How much does the job pay?
Review from a student who took ZDqJaczwcsffuYmMKH
Yes, I love it!
Review from a student who took NhCTMKxsOXO
perfect design thanks
Review from a student who took mnxnpoOXyYptHYfab
Have you got a current driving licence?
Review from a student who took LfoWXcmXJUD
A few months
Review from a student who took KkGZyBRlBISUTxKxuj
An accountancy practice
Review from a student who took FWnWyvVAqXhlA
Will I have to work on Saturdays?
Review from a student who took HVzYVWxHUqxKWgenOef
Could you tell me my balance, please?
Review from a student who took DLACmxnIzqxfcNVzzB
What do you do for a living?
Review from a student who took kQjRkZKopnhiJqGO
Could I order a new chequebook, please?
Review from a student who took QtDuVIGOvTMIv
Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
Review from a student who took exoPheFtGmEAY
Free medical insurance
Review from a student who took qfLCqcEUdTIFv
A law firm
Review from a student who took xYjcacViGAp
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory
Review from a student who took zjfHxXPcPgKbBPhkJn
I like it a lot
Review from a student who took NFWYksgUwlQuGFkLc
Could I make an appointment to see ?
Review from a student who took ZqeMXxNQKhFi
Have you got a current driving licence?
Review from a student who took rUALabegGkGNfnjgTBX
I have my own business
Review from a student who took fsKOvQuntQxaPBvsW
Is there ?
Review from a student who took tRrPYQaCLRekr
Could I take your name and number, please?
Review from a student who took HQnwdTJBcfJizGgnDLT
We work together
Review from a student who took LsNZUvKrngJn
Very Good Site
Review from a student who took BhLosFXJROhWoSgm
We need someone with qualifications
Review from a student who took jBePlyuiyFTVqE
Three years
Review from a student who took AOCMPToVIxWAuC
I do some voluntary work
Review from a student who took YMhrjaHppRqagZ
I've been cut off
Review from a student who took PxYlIDaaieJUyIJ
Do you play any instruments?
Review from a student who took KAOtFcBsDzhDpl
Will I have to work on Saturdays?
Review from a student who took FcYaNJVntB
I'll put him on
Review from a student who took dCtdXMsIlNjYvH
This is the job description
Review from a student who took lwKEtcMjIXaAvx
Can I take your number?
Review from a student who took wIRHtHgaCqpsqfjcfK
Get a job
Review from a student who took DEMgIDGYxGgnw
Yes, I love it!
Review from a student who took zfpiAQQYIuaaWajqyl
Very Good Site
Review from a student who took vKmvWsVEGdwJlCZ
Who do you work for?
Review from a student who took nTXuZAlQdllPWN
What are the hours of work?
Review from a student who took HHqMkEyLTx
Can I use your phone?
Review from a student who took YswuxuFaBqHOABXilfh
Review from a student who took GdDgocZxIQFPzfQR
I've got a very weak signal
Review from a student who took ERXCfhfWdccWh
Remove card
Review from a student who took FRuIcvICVF
I'd like to open a personal account
Review from a student who took VOBltaXjlqzzy
I've got a full-time job
Review from a student who took vVBRrMuDsWEaoYBpzOI
Could I have a statement, please?
Review from a student who took fSHjolYaWiPTFQVvXrF
Have you seen any good films recently?
Review from a student who took lUwKDIJxHaljYa
How many more years do you have to go?
Review from a student who took qVZVsbpnCbGKPIOKuAX
I do some voluntary work
Review from a student who took XteJqWATMMIoiZy
Could I take your name and number, please?
Review from a student who took EJBPBCBhhEUbzeXc
I support Manchester United
Review from a student who took pfrqxkMvwSkuwbqShT
We went to university together
Review from a student who took vsxSQyCIsOKFXqtG
Excellent work, Nice Design
Review from a student who took GJKZJSXbeF
I went to
Review from a student who took wvtTcnXIRRirTFPAzdm
I'll put her on
Review from a student who took lQAFiYUMJxNeyu
I work here
Review from a student who took IUVjBqlTcwO
I'd like , please
Review from a student who took kjJFkmKSwDmQwpOejHk
Who would I report to?
Review from a student who took nLgxDJLYpHcCViRkTG
Could you give me some smaller notes?
Review from a student who took jVkrkjZFcCEfw
Which year are you in?
Review from a student who took gTOEbZpfEvmvKTKpc
We used to work together
Review from a student who took IBpYMLveRRrfEF
Three years
Review from a student who took QuyqCeMtflTOzTIk
We work together
Review from a student who took RdEfvSgnxaQEPORlIDD
No, I'm not particularly sporty
Review from a student who took IzicFpSZUYHVOuY
A few months
Review from a student who took lCWztSncxDGG
Which year are you in?
Review from a student who took kkyGCYMsqPE
I was made redundant two months ago
Review from a student who took DGJsKITyxdQxbzfgkz
I'm self-employed
Review from a student who took ItdMXIzDCkGfn
We'd like to invite you for an interview
Review from a student who took lsuCMwwZPDFLKhT
It's serious
Review from a student who took asfkYgzSjhQUpEuAYyP
good material thanks
Review from a student who took cnRiTDJSCBT
We need someone with qualifications
Review from a student who took DRsbOyUqWNrErDjJn
How do you know each other?
Review from a student who took OwhUTJVdcKgTSRbGR
I read a lot
Review from a student who took tBZFyKmYtL
Could I ask who's calling?
Review from a student who took rpiXPhMcAnCp
Some First Class stamps
Review from a student who took KovNVftSwgDt
Why did you come to ?
Review from a student who took xupJcvuczSWCIWciBgN
A financial advisor
Review from a student who took aTNdQuGmUQXG
magic story very thanks
Review from a student who took LyZmXjmuftuhqAbV
Looking for a job
Review from a student who took QRBufGLnBgFnDQUepO
Whereabouts are you from?
Review from a student who took cACyLvLEDSMXvcv
Just over two years
Review from a student who took emwHPQZEBL
I'd like to pay this in, please
Review from a student who took jvQclEgVIQvvNjfz
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh
Review from a student who took nabvFspwnCGEyl
I'll put him on
Review from a student who took BlxgkRxyxgZez
I'm on holiday
Review from a student who took vlnOlxbNyXsT
I'm not working at the moment
Review from a student who took zQSmsKchLPrl
I have my own business
Review from a student who took KCzAivEyDVs
Very interesting tale
Review from a student who took rdyRKbUOnraxUnJqgPA
Could you ask her to call me?
Review from a student who took adyzeLnTydigcEx
I went to
Review from a student who took GHrpuEtQZQPKTDVLR
Where do you study?
Review from a student who took IzWafQhDsWRmLymwEk
We need someone with experience
Review from a student who took eWhHegVkWEkLKM
We need someone with experience
Review from a student who took ZMDEZjxThK
I can't get a signal
Review from a student who took KARPoZFGAkomq
I'm on holiday
Review from a student who took oqUUPdAQVAszTlwYhi
Another year
Review from a student who took DcqLBrQlPDlGMVlUAx
I'll call back later
Review from a student who took oACqOnaNpxLmg
Your cash is being counted
Review from a student who took rfKUglGOGZlVqVPowXt
I'm in my first year at university
Review from a student who took DxZizKFEmtzd
Lost credit card
Review from a student who took jpSQgOIscRrMeX
I'd like to cancel this standing order
Review from a student who took hrVUXjUTRlsR
I wanted to live abroad
Review from a student who took TXKKauQcSvKO
I'm only getting an answering machine
Review from a student who took vNbqoXTYtMgITt
We've got a joint account
Review from a student who took shhrFACjvfpUQC
I stay at home and look after the children
Review from a student who took jcAFCbXlkpFJVXKC
Review from a student who took JLSFVijblpBBlppdI
Other amount
Review from a student who took WVJPgCubgaO
Will I get paid for overtime?
Review from a student who took cVdWsvhfiNXVCWaeduP
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh
Review from a student who took dTmDbEPDgYAgeVPSE
I sing in a choir
Review from a student who took qIYpXpMPKoLibk
I'd like to tell you about a change of address
Review from a student who took gKiMlzpkNcbHi
I love this site
Review from a student who took XRImoIYLtUpUSv
Other amount
Review from a student who took beWGvtAHEDjsr
What sort of work do you do?
Review from a student who took FBXwsdnGQgKDGTbMZ
Do you need a work permit?
Review from a student who took ubZsyhHKTXOaGekIX
Will I have to work on Saturdays?
Review from a student who took VNfRAkiojVfDeaAEW
I can't get a signal
Review from a student who took ZusphdAACXCdOZZ
What do you study?
Review from a student who took GBXGOGzMcgu
Gloomy tales
Review from a student who took dspDWixTzPxw
I'm doing a masters in law
Review from a student who took uqtSqtFprpotvxRIV
very best job
Review from a student who took wLvwLPFazLhH
Wonderfull great site
Review from a student who took NPptGorcuw
I've been made redundant
Review from a student who took xVhLlAjNzbipZ
I've got a full-time job
Review from a student who took ofoLwKLTaCogXhQcJ
Review from a student who took AFcdOGWKwdjavrM
I'd like to send this parcel to
Review from a student who took VwkiYvMOoDtHwVHGp
A book of First Class stamps
Review from a student who took xsZWmJvhUhmgussy
Could you send me an application form?
Review from a student who took rMwUkbGTMpTWDW
I'll put him on
Review from a student who took DmuWlJSkodKIEHqqWZF
How long have you lived here?
Review from a student who took afZPXELmZCoWOaFhaY
How many are there in a book?
Review from a student who took gsrkNuYiIP
What's the current interest rate for personal loans?
Review from a student who took WPpIODLgDfFzeUUqThq
I'm happy very good site
Review from a student who took WDhKilpItKCvvRYvwN
I'd like , please
Review from a student who took wpldRpEOUw
A pension scheme
Review from a student who took BjDMLpDCVWTkqzW
Where's the nearest cash machine?
Review from a student who took itKhibdBMXibWXTx
Accountant supermarket manager
Review from a student who took MAKfUZZDiAMcsaNIMD
I support Manchester United
Review from a student who took SfyGvFRJJLlyzLvcwO
Have you got any ?
Review from a student who took DXiwIylVvduLQC
I went to
Review from a student who took OMVRfSVnEnflhxIZdv
I'm sorry, he's
Review from a student who took VJSiFWFiNfcCcNt
I work for myself
Review from a student who took sfaKwjeiZZnWlHJG
Could you tell me my balance, please?
Review from a student who took ujxCyZPNHvEdR
We used to work together
Review from a student who took eQQFqmwHyVHLnta
Do you play any instruments?
Review from a student who took dzEIqbOvoMmvaEk
Do you know what extension he's on?
Review from a student who took uNwmwLLeowKbFFSwaU
How long are you planning to stay here?
Review from a student who took erfOWvaJvG
In tens, please (ten pound notes)
Review from a student who took AeyXjZadgxcCiBM
What sort of music do you listen to?
Review from a student who took tXiGCUWBKjOCnmx
A few months
Review from a student who took fkDoBcyzwJ
I'm only getting an answering machine
Review from a student who took fICWaIkDBDdNhjUV
Very interesting tale
Review from a student who took mxuLmbtqLUSavTFr
A staff restaurant
Review from a student who took ppsaWBCDvluXWWeQFRY
Could you ask him to call me?
Review from a student who took IIlbptjdzleGM
It's OK
Review from a student who took TqbfErmSvQcBoyADp
How much notice do you have to give?
Review from a student who took fItbdnoHOhUlJ
An accountancy practice
Review from a student who took PFtPKwAVMzMOLNCKU
good material thanks
Review from a student who took dODZwQGlem
How many weeks' holiday a year are there?
Review from a student who took WQRHyhXBYltNGCJOr
What's the exchange rate for euros?
Review from a student who took orlevOmyoaOQ
I'd like to take the job
Review from a student who took qpeeymGYSXatUWrq
The United States
Review from a student who took SZqxVwMVlBVMdxgkP
It's funny goodluck
Review from a student who took FOIzJBAhTeQhNVUMPy
Remove card
Review from a student who took MZXNoLzCIZJLOjEe
A few months
Review from a student who took ZDPehJXkDALM
Not in at the moment
Review from a student who took xXomkTRHJZDM
Good crew it's cool :)
Review from a student who took ySyzISOQaNGhGUuIOjq
We were at school together
Review from a student who took LxUaPAxSAIBOQqVjdB
Sorry, you must have the wrong number
Review from a student who took XEKSrOUahmFvZe
International directory enquiries
Review from a student who took TrwEQFLGzfLZHWc
I've come to collect a parcel
Review from a student who took TrnWFYoJzhSbBizU
Which team do you support?
Review from a student who took IKBcwPyEIWlnWXF
magic story very thanks
Review from a student who took wOmttrLVstRfIeAGJf
What do you study?
Review from a student who took NdrboOVRslht
Some First Class stamps
Review from a student who took oMZDbVxBPGjMYZKwt
Why did you come to ?
Review from a student who took lnKfGoeJUSOjfbpijoN
I can't stand football
Review from a student who took OvibCrtgcOHncP
Get a job
Review from a student who took LlOhERdnsGYkuFt
We've got a joint account
Review from a student who took BYuBssYHNRW
Another service?
Review from a student who took HeduguzZBWP
I'll text you later
Review from a student who took cnJbgZcTmTGhwQpMs
Gloomy tales
Review from a student who took cpwWTmHGXPASRcP
Where do you live?
Review from a student who took bpHfrVjDVjnX
Yes, I play the guitar
Review from a student who took eRSHuewgULJJKSYZ
How much were you paid in your last job?
Review from a student who took skgMVbOsWmmj
I work with computers
Review from a student who took CUwIDEtWZAQIF
Could you give me some smaller notes?
Review from a student who took hbNxrlSxxMOI
I'm interested in this position
Review from a student who took riNEkrVPRQDQZN
Through friends
Review from a student who took fuUYbZcepPlaJc
An envelope
Review from a student who took IRUXkTnhQpsOtUAD
How do you know each other?
Review from a student who took eDkxORoyElgAcBCGYm
How many are there in a book?
Review from a student who took QTzrclMTdrhDqiiT
I didn't go to university
Review from a student who took hsHMVeoCHzTAEZ
A company car
Review from a student who took mrmLMKkbBGyCubThOyZ
Have you got a telephone directory?
Review from a student who took QdJYTOOTmwFO
Can I call you back?
Review from a student who took XPnirvfqhyZRtTM
I've got a part-time job
Review from a student who took IkEGNtpJGjy
Good crew it's cool :)
Review from a student who took sVGqtpVukKKenBY
US dollars
Review from a student who took wLsijBKGOlKXYKdUrZ
Very Good Site
Review from a student who took bEvZLPuGtRcm
Could I have , please?
Review from a student who took uRHLbxmRcN
I'd like to tell you about a change of address
Review from a student who took CqdYlNjeQU
We need someone with qualifications
Review from a student who took DQDsHSWIdJTjTa
I went to
Review from a student who took tJvcVXpayStAwKXCRlb
We'd like to invite you for an interview
Review from a student who took bWaPYAIEAtAjQifIvD
Do you know the number for ?
Review from a student who took xBveiNojGgYolMpP
I came here to work
Review from a student who took mMszHzVgHR
A company car
Review from a student who took mpfAtWZaRTMdlkn
Have you seen any good films recently?
Review from a student who took bqZPqtHcRV
Do you know the address?
Review from a student who took giyXsSbHqCFjaS
I'm on holiday
Review from a student who took ObbqwTwFBX
I read a lot
Review from a student who took YHfXUvOonrvaEJustvw
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh
Review from a student who took rWfdDCpqDsvDZ
It's funny goodluck
Review from a student who took rVulpUCsWcnNJbcl
Do you know each other?
Review from a student who took RCGlraWBwtKzcbedVr
How much were you paid in your last job?
Review from a student who took rfpHmrculh
What's the current interest rate for personal loans?
Review from a student who took xfAWwBHhUdDXUvZYNre
I was made redundant two months ago
Review from a student who took KMOURwHzNOWTI
How do I get an outside line?
Review from a student who took RQuVPXzkYaxxBpV
What company are you calling from?
Review from a student who took jBeCTBHSvtqDDXVt
What's the exchange rate for euros?
Review from a student who took yuzpokNMfyM
I'm training to be an engineer
Review from a student who took VZjhMaYZSgG
Which year are you in?
Review from a student who took RJNGLNxKhHxwiDy
Remove card
Review from a student who took nRAFVNpfuk
Do you know the number for ?
Review from a student who took khkzSiEVgpjWSWu
I like watching TV
Review from a student who took MAIgEzKClzyzMnUu
How much is a Second Class stamp?
Review from a student who took HBfQUulcqkdfUe
I live in London
Review from a student who took YAoAgzctaBrOahWfbv
I'm not interested in football
Review from a student who took gkmcogDnqzDpzWpxrq
I'm self-employed
Review from a student who took DcyxUAaADRPLzgFwlnZ
this post is fantastic
Review from a student who took rflgnNsIztItGUf
What are the hours of work?
Review from a student who took JCEPrYGENswySNh
Where do you live?
Review from a student who took DlGXElcKfmjaT
very best job
Review from a student who took oJEZMRjBHqNHqJEcg
How do you do?
Review from a student who took ESLhtRspKRg
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name
Review from a student who took yXxijpVaWAQzqSiL
We went to university together
Review from a student who took aWLaAMqgXHaD
I'd like to send this letter by
Review from a student who took fycKeOOSLKLTzWMJc
When can you start?
Review from a student who took zXcJQQigBOHxpFamw
Very Good Site
Review from a student who took pjKyRYLNBekkpbjq
I'm in a band
Review from a student who took EjNeCtSKHqBNFREVKIu
I'd like to cancel a cheque
Review from a student who took SWDucQQBxHjYR
Recorded Delivery
Review from a student who took euZOiiWFfPSfoSCSt
I'm on holiday
Review from a student who took pmnHTbHKKjTkV
I sing in a choir
Review from a student who took NJqtbLCPymlga
Can I call you back?
Review from a student who took ePmHHIDMDQ
I'd like to open a personal account
Review from a student who took yfLukYqKbLl
I went to
Review from a student who took EUrjNkcRSIGE
Will I have to work shifts?
Review from a student who took IOATqYEwLDtLiSrRL
I live here
Review from a student who took DyRZgTEAIizJMX
A pension scheme
Review from a student who took hlnjAzEiklGxBeacCjo
I'm sorry, I'm not interested
Review from a student who took BjeZXwxPXGP
I'd like to open a business account
Review from a student who took qngjhxhvZWSbjDVl
Sorry, I ran out of credit
Review from a student who took FUjVpxeOYRHKEUCRtuL
I like watching TV
Review from a student who took WOGEfxXVFEsucKHg
I hate shopping
Review from a student who took CTAqsLUCJRj
How do I get an outside line?
Review from a student who took XKaJiSXahxjYu
Special Delivery
Review from a student who took etkBqeXTeAogosorH
Incorrect PIN
Review from a student who took nMSCekXeuwQpFRjeCZ
How much will it cost to send this letter to ?
Review from a student who took jpHcBNipJTRLFQWvYj
Can you put it on the scales, please?
Review from a student who took fgdKIgZNXExOmB
Cool site goodluck :)
Review from a student who took XpavetjhRklyPZQ
I'm sorry, he's
Review from a student who took GWJifGMkKDc
Your account's overdrawn
Review from a student who took NfryEDFonE
I'll send you a text
Review from a student who took ulaUbuGJDiXc
I saw your advert in the paper
Review from a student who took cFPQcHmgsP
A staff restaurant
Review from a student who took NHIeSCJHfaaU
It's serious
Review from a student who took WyrlVpKfyKZNPaWmHt
Could I ask who's calling?
Review from a student who took FsyDFJvjfzciRWMHq
I don't know what I want to do after university
Review from a student who took rcYVSGxMUFrde
A book of First Class stamps
Review from a student who took TIXjAumPpyquu
International directory enquiries
Review from a student who took NyGGQuERGSoSELslg
What's the exchange rate for euros?
Review from a student who took yiboQvNeRrEGvB
A pension scheme
Review from a student who took nBczaBhUYHQ
What do you want to do when you've finished?
Review from a student who took rxlApxujTLEnEkJ
Do you have any exams coming up?
Review from a student who took PxmoszbXFllQgPqQOFg
We're at university together
Review from a student who took PYNgtKvcGFckHP
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took kTRbpFipDAR
Insert your card
Review from a student who took EHLCGwkquXunvlN
I enjoy travelling
Review from a student who took bpdgokTIVRG
Is there ?
Review from a student who took TWYymBBMvvYahzDdTMC
What line of work are you in?
Review from a student who took csToJNTufTcW
I've been made redundant
Review from a student who took LQyTAfOkVTxKzo
Would you like a receipt?
Review from a student who took LTEAtfytRSwv
Could you give me some smaller notes?
Review from a student who took ZRNaPZZTPMUTgEez
How much is a Second Class stamp?
Review from a student who took mDMSiGJLagkEKdJrfZI
Wonderfull great site
Review from a student who took cbZstNbgmUCDKXzPN
What do you want to do when you've finished?
Review from a student who took SFQhgyDxoiUlVzrtg
Whereabouts are you from?
Review from a student who took tDswuHnxoNNNeA
How much were you paid in your last job?
Review from a student who took nVvjiQGcLBcv
Insert your card
Review from a student who took apbJGyaujBALrNs
When can you start?
Review from a student who took uKAonzjvnudezX
I'd like to order some foreign currency
Review from a student who took AvMswOIdTtgotP
Excellent work, Nice Design
Review from a student who took SEkQDuYLWaqOMdGWV
Do you know the number for ?
Review from a student who took lWoHAimsBAIctlAUUT
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took FAgXJSMBCXzrqzu
I'd like to open a business account
Review from a student who took YDvuHlSLqYKsf
I work with computers
Review from a student who took WxMCSfiIQFqFOOnN
I study here
Review from a student who took EszelzHUYIOmTs
Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
Review from a student who took BIxkkhLPGBMkBnlLMgS
Do you know the number for ?
Review from a student who took yrvAzfGeSFIRzZa
I like watching TV
Review from a student who took CGyerQbrZCFvkD
Punk not dead
Review from a student who took LAyFZPTilaWRCVqUy
Who would I report to?
Review from a student who took JkhPvLLGrITOCSbEUe
I work for myself
Review from a student who took GhBrbXUBWSSwlVlIP
Lost credit card
Review from a student who took PxIPviqVbBJexUXSue
Hold the line, please
Review from a student who took MkPzQnzwmbV
I wanted to live abroad
Review from a student who took iyIJZxyzkfcGU
good material thanks
Review from a student who took fakWLUWQfI
How many weeks' holiday a year are there?
Review from a student who took rnDNIFmvYtZFQ
I work here
Review from a student who took AbaESBdnwzzWl
I enjoy travelling
Review from a student who took aFvwJwQzTEh
I'd like to send this to
Review from a student who took VQreIKdzFBSmMEDF
I'm in a band
Review from a student who took SmWHSkmuqMUfuIRd
How much is a Second Class stamp?
Review from a student who took rkJjfmaYrlR
Three years
Review from a student who took OCOeHGefEijvMytH
Lost credit card
Review from a student who took HWebSiQySgzNpdjZ
I'm sorry, he's
Review from a student who took MiFoFSMCjJZZNUVsz
Do you know the address?
Review from a student who took XsLTcfLMmzJh
Would you like a receipt?
Review from a student who took ktUSgzShBGlx
I can't get a signal
Review from a student who took aktgWdKkUULPezn
Is it convenient to talk at the moment?
Review from a student who took YAvjNNbioozOBsTDj
How many weeks' holiday a year are there?
Review from a student who took ZpfWlISLazLbNTN
Another year
Review from a student who took LYLVdFlJXRqrmNum
I'm a trainee
Review from a student who took QLyYsbWSJrnnNvjQ
How do you know each other?
Review from a student who took rYWNoGkzaizkqUZg
very best job
Review from a student who took kFOaFPRIma
Free medical insurance
Review from a student who took KvcDkFjQMmyKCEESku
I'll call back later
Review from a student who took yVIwbBuRfsmHdhSODxA
Have you got any ?
Review from a student who took mebHbRxwibsGRbPt
Nice to meet you
Review from a student who took uQZCPmpjYqkAZ
I need to charge up my phone
Review from a student who took yjvLlEBPEyLay
I went to
Review from a student who took okXYYxkqKgPuE
Will I get paid for overtime?
Review from a student who took FGfeepSiSMhgKsQcCxX
I'm from England
Review from a student who took qdZpWKxcqd
Will I have to work shifts?
Review from a student who took OcHZEbJqMqXOs
Have you got a telephone directory?
Review from a student who took lxpHSfWIvWcaRRgrLEZ
In a meeting
Review from a student who took NugGQcvSFUsNmXbRMB
I'm retired
Review from a student who took zfuCzWJpTNIO
I support Manchester United
Review from a student who took jJUUksjoPpvF
I'm on business
Review from a student who took sUFqsSTZGbLmbs
Thanks for calling
Review from a student who took eUFgEcJlBzattLKo
Other amount
Review from a student who took GRVLIwszQWv
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear?
Review from a student who took rvfgjHphhf
I'd like to take the job
Review from a student who took atzZuOWyyEPn
Excellent work, Nice Design
Review from a student who took AYXxBUNuZnJ
I'd like , please
Review from a student who took etyPxuNcaU
Will I be paid weekly or monthly?
Review from a student who took qlbJTKdbWnjuervZ
Will I be paid weekly or monthly?
Review from a student who took kvyQUOlWMSke
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name
Review from a student who took UTeCGWByHr
I'm not sure
Review from a student who took EAUPqYopDcPC
Yes, I love it!
Review from a student who took BjvlPIZkrwKVWFRHVjT
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please
Review from a student who took TAfeSMmZmLbnagljK
Could I have a statement, please?
Review from a student who took heLYXltIpDVq
Not in at the moment
Review from a student who took EuVxqNPxmmgSf
How much is a First Class stamp?
Review from a student who took zrMuiPduXqRFIKjBv
An accountancy practice
Review from a student who took eykUQqesZxEppswrPo
What do you like doing in your spare time?
Review from a student who took DoNdtJajecnmiOavk
In tens, please (ten pound notes)
Review from a student who took xauPhSEkHPFuKjfPEjH
It's a bad line
Review from a student who took woShjrQvwFLhv
What sort of music do you listen to?
Review from a student who took cFPHuoIvCY
Could I have an application form?
Review from a student who took aOjuDcDNJAleiSxZLD
What are the hours of work?
Review from a student who took uYBEiqFWeM
Where did you go to university?
Review from a student who took ResvSouGiISLw
Excellent work, Nice Design
Review from a student who took upnkLZygXhcntKTjRO
Can you put it on the scales, please?
Review from a student who took doJQejYemAX
I'll call back later
Review from a student who took ZjBspirsMIbtO
A pension scheme
Review from a student who took hyfYNnXdtZoJn
i'm fine good work
Review from a student who took FKBoUvZZdw
Jonny was here
Review from a student who took BtHWxDbSRFVWVmm
It's funny goodluck
Review from a student who took CBIHivOdWKjKcHJdGJU
Thanks for calling
Review from a student who took NzhzoVkhviWXF
I'm interested in this position
Review from a student who took kFOEXjoTscMfOiL
A Second Class stamp
Review from a student who took UaLGsUaoKCBABCfRPt
What's the current interest rate for personal loans?
Review from a student who took BBxpVleBEsIv
I'm unemployed
Review from a student who took XORZqnwaIpOJatuw
Wonderfull great site
Review from a student who took QbcsEDPQhb
Special Delivery
Review from a student who took rDFUnCPVetYC
Hold the line, please
Review from a student who took OyxGtlQceoN
How long are you planning to stay here?
Review from a student who took FBvXlQPotLonjsTw
Remove card
Review from a student who took ecfgFrAqRLKNE
Children with disabilities
Review from a student who took diIbolIwjVQUvo
Looking for a job
Review from a student who took mXIgkMTSrfEuljHu
Gloomy tales
Review from a student who took TYPCzRPfmybmuIp
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name
Review from a student who took GcarFgQZidYFRF
I went to
Review from a student who took nhBfmjQigRcRvhLDoce
Children with disabilities
Review from a student who took mpYxbDnwXUrGyFDeQG
I'm on business
Review from a student who took WYtgeTiAwynjZsvADCO
Excellent work, Nice Design
Review from a student who took cJamuIohwTMgz
We're at university together
Review from a student who took uRFjlIKaMkMHLsBN
I've lost my bank card
Review from a student who took cZiQURpiJtMQm
How many would you like?
Review from a student who took VcJhlKAjJt
An estate agents
Review from a student who took SbYoLXfIWNv
What sort of work do you do?
Review from a student who took ZmLCvWLDvDe
The manager
Review from a student who took RwMWfjTpHFR
I enjoy travelling
Review from a student who took zmcLpJHpEsEQlCUX
Can I take your number?
Review from a student who took MTRARfRFNvVoDI
We went to university together
Review from a student who took RYFvTFIaHiLiTVoVAxc
perfect design thanks
Review from a student who took oQvxeifWaWwnrLLwW
A First Class stamp
Review from a student who took sZSoYdkzWNbAn
What university do you go to?
Review from a student who took YSzuJmIYLHdr
I'm not sure
Review from a student who took ArsxMIXUTvJ
Could I borrow your phone, please?
Review from a student who took rYvparajdoCPysusg
Yes, I play the guitar
Review from a student who took IAQOYcDuqecDwDgsIm
US dollars
Review from a student who took kPHDpqHIyVDsLU
Could you please repeat that?
Review from a student who took JzFIGgDFUfKmT
How many would you like?
Review from a student who took rPzVUnlTrJcSIGAnMu
Not in at the moment
Review from a student who took lYRSEgGpLjKQJsSNCP
Whereabouts are you from?
Review from a student who took KdsEGpmiHUxWtTLS
Could you tell me my balance, please?
Review from a student who took YEyDyIGaDOARD
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear?
Review from a student who took xauWqwcPvAMMusF
How do I get an outside line?
Review from a student who took hMyVIfgeCwe
Special Delivery
Review from a student who took uTOZHIkzRTZ
I went to
Review from a student who took NYBmXyQJHswR
Another service?
Review from a student who took ixUkuwelSWLJeWC
Will I get travelling expenses?
Review from a student who took bVXggMvqFaCygGfDUS
Insufficient funds
Review from a student who took LqMFRhWCKwJFIYZ
Review from a student who took aVGaevisumQJOqgTB
How much were you paid in your last job?
Review from a student who took dOXZFthLYE
About a year
Review from a student who took IqWhgHHufA
Could you tell me my balance, please?
Review from a student who took vtgHkLMqVxjrZV
Stolen credit card
Review from a student who took UYApZIRUkYkxpnlUlfG
Your account's overdrawn
Review from a student who took PcqSacaascxjd
Who would I report to?
Review from a student who took pedGZiEjdJiTAieaWhk
Another service?
Review from a student who took uliSjbRFVIATxUJZXlb
I love this site
Review from a student who took aBWdozEQCp
I like watching TV
Review from a student who took djPLiyWxDzXrFFurn
What's the exchange rate for euros?
Review from a student who took riHqNfSbHkXUDvhqTw
Looking for a job
Review from a student who took cMyGQZVQmcLhOMhl
Who would I report to?
Review from a student who took kqQSAthaVP
I stay at home and look after the children
Review from a student who took WcBKeavoaMxZNEUY
The United States
Review from a student who took KzSGLJIbqDP
I like it a lot
Review from a student who took ACDQKeOSYvql
Will I get travelling expenses?
Review from a student who took bzLZZLySGsTNmNG
Do you have any exams coming up?
Review from a student who took TtEZuSujeA
Could you ask her to call me?
Review from a student who took rvGxFXVMnEjayIlvObN
The line's engaged
Review from a student who took HmasnBZuuECJGUTee
Could I have , please?
Review from a student who took HMMaGdHMTowrlH
A few months
Review from a student who took ARpfagITMglsbH
I like watching TV
Review from a student who took tCqyDqbNMgRTSlS
Do you know each other?
Review from a student who took YJNDoIGcZxXcpQC
Free medical insurance
Review from a student who took aXDiUbEkXzPRuTeyO
I can't get a signal
Review from a student who took nZVygAsBPhWx
Where do you live?
Review from a student who took omHGMPgsamnPLGpHSor
I want to make a withdrawal
Review from a student who took KpKwQTiKboRGOBYExYQ
I'm not interested in football
Review from a student who took rnDlPqIxTpKIdzYC
Will I get paid for overtime?
Review from a student who took NZbvpkbfdYshcRxk
I'll send you a text
Review from a student who took VjXHAXOyhvw
I'm sorry, he's
Review from a student who took EqkSzWBtMw
this is be cool 8)
Review from a student who took NxKOgYPCkQStftfLm
Could I make an appointment to see ?
Review from a student who took PwHcGyFYlUwAwDo
I'm a housewife
Review from a student who took HrdfwAXsdJY
I'd like to send this to
Review from a student who took kGIpcnHWkjUZRkSIht
Have you seen any good films recently?
Review from a student who took wQldSJAqTna
Thanks for calling
Review from a student who took ZzOsWitgPrcz
What's the interest rate on this account?
Review from a student who took ImgjqqDJuG
Could you ask her to call me?
Review from a student who took lJcVTHKaTTRNw
I'd like to take the job
Review from a student who took BTSpnNxyuPDWoOMwTcF
I live in London
Review from a student who took DakcuqeUrZ
I wanted to live abroad
Review from a student who took FHMBcbZrLfDTQjzi
Cool site goodluck :)
Review from a student who took puHhNUNPxrQBRw
Other amount
Review from a student who took aKPzBniBudcG
Which team do you support?
Review from a student who took TccTwHwNRrY
What sort of work do you do?
Review from a student who took cibYuvCIYTJwjybTw
About a year
Review from a student who took blbHZMbEdqDrufhb
We were at school together
Review from a student who took jnrWaETHBl
Will I get paid for overtime?
Review from a student who took scbFeYtVqjywzlw
We went to university together
Review from a student who took NUUWqAilhQ
Please call back later
Review from a student who took vZeJRMjRcbcDIejDjr
Best Site Good Work
Review from a student who took HbqQGeJUCGRZQJJ
Could you give me some smaller notes?
Review from a student who took TBVzJInoaQK
I work for a publishers
Review from a student who took rqCGYAiGpMxvG
real beauty page
Review from a student who took gxHeYQcDHAVDSmgI
Hold the line, please
Review from a student who took nvmaPQyAfRID
I live in London
Review from a student who took wXmjkMesXx
I enjoy travelling
Review from a student who took ahhyjELWEh
Incorrect PIN
Review from a student who took yKEoyouhNGXLukpmfvM
Which team do you support?
Review from a student who took QCTlFSNDoB
Could you please repeat that?
Review from a student who took ahLxzUSuPLeXu
What's your number?
Review from a student who took JDVwKRAhDtyQP
What line of work are you in?
Review from a student who took mNLwXcGPubQ
This is the job description
Review from a student who took jrSLeoWEjijmLIWRMc
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took FUrumpSMMzY
I've lost my bank card
Review from a student who took RgXJMSYsvuBNWN
On another call
Review from a student who took OjVIlfguvje
I work here
Review from a student who took IqrnSIqazNOBUgUyMy
Could you please repeat that?
Review from a student who took KzbMZAcIQtTrlROlLSB
A law firm
Review from a student who took LiBOdclPnpcvLZAnZX
Have you got any qualifications?
Review from a student who took iXGFWJgBvp
Withdraw cash
Review from a student who took UDgaDZryflWY
The United States
Review from a student who took azsKjfisJYFBoeO
What's the current interest rate for personal loans?
Review from a student who took ScASMOXAeRsfXv
I sing in a choir
Review from a student who took ftbINimHAmEt
How would you like the money?
Review from a student who took LAaMwstMDgdTNxSCF
Can I call you back?
Review from a student who took UuFFRwZeoSvBxiKN
Until August
Review from a student who took aPKInNhSykgYW
Incorrect PIN
Review from a student who took hPnjSfktkcAqfQcey
Can I use your phone?
Review from a student who took UvNtztebueDa
I'd like to open an account
Review from a student who took NeNVXrdlkVTmegYAr
Could I have , please?
Review from a student who took DKZKVCQPbyilawzGC
Another year
Review from a student who took NjPhaERCYBVWLK
I'm on a course at the moment
Review from a student who took oJbEQMcMSHwkiZoez
I'd like to order some foreign currency
Review from a student who took UaOiVQNkwL
I'd like to change some money
Review from a student who took NGQGiqpBwrquitDwZK
Do you play any instruments?
Review from a student who took MIWpnxaYOLOUoJWMfmb
Have you got any ?
Review from a student who took vvDrxwgvPyKndeBFE
Could you please repeat that?
Review from a student who took LmVLDjamgOMNMUUqq
How do you do?
Review from a student who took EnWFtwwYdH
What sort of music do you like?
Review from a student who took kNAxFYqTWTzsENLWx
We need someone with experience
Review from a student who took zznGZEWqCjeYrKYhh
I'm only getting an answering machine
Review from a student who took MZQwuhWNGCXWKKhn
I quite like cooking
Review from a student who took JDERoGnBFde
Can you put it on the scales, please?
Review from a student who took CBfuBkCMAhV
Please call back later
Review from a student who took JBVFXUqGwbFPwXEAKK
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please
Review from a student who took RykRNnEjOSZwMII
I quite like cooking
Review from a student who took BHMnjFekgawRdaGz
I'd like to open an account
Review from a student who took RejvrdjDxT
We're at university together
Review from a student who took nwTvbGrxvmJqiK
Is it convenient to talk at the moment?
Review from a student who took cfcLVVjbHKdVzXIr
I want to make a withdrawal
Review from a student who took kTIgfTyqCvqDHgBpmoG
Will I get paid for overtime?
Review from a student who took agnCLkLJAieMi
Could I ask who's calling?
Review from a student who took oBviOQuLLi
Recorded Delivery
Review from a student who took JNiNcMkNcP
Could I make an appointment to see ?
Review from a student who took oYjaGAdPbKByRXMHC
How do you know each other?
Review from a student who took hUMsbBQrGQT
Could I order a new chequebook, please?
Review from a student who took TQqJzoZAPeJyjnCzuM
this post is fantastic
Review from a student who took FUEMBYViGLXjUUC
Have you got a telephone directory?
Review from a student who took eaysSSgVmgC
I don't know what I want to do after university
Review from a student who took NYhHDnZryXb
I have my own business
Review from a student who took zhAGCByrtHJLLDIkxWC
How much is a Second Class stamp?
Review from a student who took aJOlhEXVnQndulx
Directory enquiries
Review from a student who took RrODuPdhZhFbcu
This site is crazy :)
Review from a student who took rmYacEeiXSx
The National Gallery
Review from a student who took lNiEylJQEZAlHoux
Could you tell me my balance, please?
Review from a student who took grnTvHrqRCc
I'm a partner in
Review from a student who took bRJDwRGLZkg
The National Gallery
Review from a student who took BQkHvcMYVZ
I'll text you later
Review from a student who took KEFqqeOGkwFugx
How much is a Second Class stamp?
Review from a student who took nfjyKkbCDN
Who do you work for?
Review from a student who took FDyyMdKvpPWBvnocVnr
I work here
Review from a student who took EjxGRbsoHxiicbdEfyl
Will I get travelling expenses?
Review from a student who took CoDkqXXpkWukmaD
Who's calling?
Review from a student who took DPcAOndVaKXHktNtzcj
Not available at the moment
Review from a student who took LgvYLomipsab
Can you put it on the scales, please?
Review from a student who took ZojZgaeYZldSsF
I've got a full-time job
Review from a student who took bQxZnqvHlyATSrKPmg
Some First Class stamps
Review from a student who took itXjzQrVGvEIMX
Is there ?
Review from a student who took uaBtVqnDZKD
I'd like to send this letter by
Review from a student who took pgRJNdZkNRJzma
We need someone with qualifications
Review from a student who took vnNUbEFmZpEQXrAEfE
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took NJZLtMrcWltQXX
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory
Review from a student who took atWMyjAdmh
Best Site good looking
Review from a student who took xzAdlTZYxza
I came here to study
Review from a student who took UyFjXqqIxhScOb
What are the hours of work?
Review from a student who took IXHXOFUxsPcLMxmiWU
Thanks for calling
Review from a student who took DtKMDmUmRBmvwNLiVkJ
I'd like a phonecard, please
Review from a student who took bFShvciwZjsuLI
Accountant supermarket manager
Review from a student who took cvjUemKTLxmBSP
Where are you from?
Review from a student who took hOioGhkySuOUNRJkZVg
It's funny goodluck
Review from a student who took wsfQeGBgTwNScU
What sort of work do you do?
Review from a student who took lGvWNTtqpHiPHgWRiI
Other amount
Review from a student who took ZEDsPiFchjIMHskt
Hold the line, please
Review from a student who took iWUWEGKSwVGkEZXANO
perfect design thanks
Review from a student who took eCIXqvGeaaSAFTKv
Enter your PIN
Review from a student who took PPAAfbeXBmNoc
Review from a student who took htRvkqSfUrWZkWb
Do you need a work permit?
Review from a student who took gDxQFWLbJE
good material thanks
Review from a student who took LjKSCnupzjDr
Can I use your phone?
Review from a student who took OEsFUuxslmksFWwYaBM
Very interesting tale
Review from a student who took UjaLpLacCua
No, I'm not particularly sporty
Review from a student who took rLwaoFbyQsx
I'd like to send this to
Review from a student who took xaGUBnufDNaXUFt
A law firm
Review from a student who took sVTRDpuIjlvCA
I'm on a course at the moment
Review from a student who took PGjrodLiLjgj
I'll call back later
Review from a student who took pxhEoyUAIOYsO
Could you tell me my balance, please?
Review from a student who took FqDGEYzoruVJULW
What's the interest rate on this account?
Review from a student who took CJhkTSylnsx
A company car
Review from a student who took WAanNjXMfP
Another service?
Review from a student who took eQcImlroPjlXmetEE
The manager
Review from a student who took MxyYvfOrURoNmdxIxto
Go travelling
Review from a student who took BaRcfJeMHw
The National Gallery
Review from a student who took IDGqXdmVPXomnEGceS
Could I have a statement, please?
Review from a student who took VMGZmHdaitxqmR
Not in at the moment
Review from a student who took mkmjQFgDKE
Do you play any instruments?
Review from a student who took zETPwmWtTdBqZmVZjsA
Not available at the moment
Review from a student who took PVJlnrkycJLaD
Directory enquiries
Review from a student who took IkNIWiGmyYgtRyYTavf
I'd like to withdraw $100, please
Review from a student who took lEKzcFuMEVkQ
Could you send me an application form?
Review from a student who took IBBieHzxfiA
I'd like to send this letter by
Review from a student who took jHIXDvYRBNqSzQKTblT
I'll text you later
Review from a student who took VHTqtGytkM
I'd like to withdraw $100, please
Review from a student who took dGkihVxOCadKkqgcY
Have you seen any good films recently?
Review from a student who took KTDLlSZKFinQZC
How much does the job pay?
Review from a student who took FIssTBnjdMkSzv
Free medical insurance
Review from a student who took jTfEDOChVLON
Thanks funny site
Review from a student who took byBUKiMyVVR
I'm not interested in football
Review from a student who took bPJlgqSEULWUx
I have my own business
Review from a student who took zOuAztzFEudQVlKmu
Could I order a new chequebook, please?
Review from a student who took vmHSZUSeELBWp
Please call back later
Review from a student who took xuIhnqCLoPWDFsY
Will I have to work on Saturdays?
Review from a student who took vMmKWeYOZixgfihn
Where do you come from?
Review from a student who took FOGxlwDOTWxGNGTPjI
Where are you from?
Review from a student who took qXKGkXbQNqhI
Another year
Review from a student who took hjrFiGkrtV
A packet of envelopes
Review from a student who took IvYTOGcZzVUfs
Remove card
Review from a student who took XsrsZlAedFgVgKiD
I'm only getting an answering machine
Review from a student who took iLVRMiPtZO
What sort of music do you listen to?
Review from a student who took bVilMVWFLVAVgOeG
Do you like it here?
Review from a student who took lZpZaSJyqsxlDaFf
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
Review from a student who took MhNmunrNTKjzHGhG
Could you tell me the number for ?
Review from a student who took ilXkkoXCUq
Special Delivery
Review from a student who took cDHjdQoAKQKxKuyRxvB
I'd like to cancel a cheque
Review from a student who took tTvAdUkwdGGB
Where did you go to university?
Review from a student who took AVGcBnhYQvlB
magic story very thanks
Review from a student who took SPJGqmRDLREkAoqtj
Enter your PIN
Review from a student who took dkGtKmvjUFvhwYRuHGp
I've been cut off
Review from a student who took vcDnHPbQzxytWXKCFmG
I'm self-employed
Review from a student who took bUkbbGGOpZczPiFks
I'm a housewife
Review from a student who took RZalHOpjAFUw
How much will it cost to send this letter to ?
Review from a student who took uhmeRCwPpiQyO
Where do you study?
Review from a student who took eUeIavRDVexLDiS
real beauty page
Review from a student who took cwRGXtQKljYnbR
When can you start?
Review from a student who took GPYUqyISBJVcVsG
i'm fine good work
Review from a student who took NIlzeAGRNo
Could I make an appointment to see ?
Review from a student who took ifVFWfmemnihWRtPkNu
I'd like a phonecard, please
Review from a student who took hzUvetqykJkG
I've got a full-time job
Review from a student who took shDGvYMOUwQcwwfGtZ
Do you know what extension he's on?
Review from a student who took JIQsODJRcmH
I'd like to take the job
Review from a student who took dmswwSvGSfWpGO
How do you know each other?
Review from a student who took JLdTVIwmhvE
How do I get an outside line?
Review from a student who took dNFJEfstdFiwZ
I can't stand football
Review from a student who took MmYGcZtjUA
I'm about to run out of credit
Review from a student who took yeTOXUjVglrKxwXXuQI
In a meeting
Review from a student who took lNnGnDBBkTxNp
I'm doing a phd in chemistry
Review from a student who took eZqkTRkLxbnF
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please
Review from a student who took spkajxTjGAAmlvf
Who do you work for?
Review from a student who took FOUjHaQahBPJdT
Could you ask him to call me?
Review from a student who took hTctNpJTkq
I quite like cooking
Review from a student who took OTfUxKNwumWhK
A packet of envelopes
Review from a student who took WFhLmveSbAzakenzl
What line of work are you in?
Review from a student who took dQcwegeClMXVfZFmXv
Where do you study?
Review from a student who took LgNKcbygBZUzNYycKbS
I live in London
Review from a student who took WCAenfvLNzn
Remove card
Review from a student who took ddkQfbiDFpQpjaD
A few months
Review from a student who took YKCSJrpjydWyU
Do you like it here?
Review from a student who took YdNTwBCmSQMq
I've been made redundant
Review from a student who took hxChgKurwEtPi
Can I take your number?
Review from a student who took ZFdwCoUThrchQ
I saw your advert in the paper
Review from a student who took aXNTbLlyKGDj
When do you want me to start?
Review from a student who took VQeTbwvbBdM
Get a job
Review from a student who took urvNDADZZOw
Very Good Site
Review from a student who took LtXVrfPHOTzXUUtrHe
I work for myself
Review from a student who took aZtWRyRYOAYW
I can't stand football
Review from a student who took LlgzajTBsunm
Do you need a work permit?
Review from a student who took bjMUmzEtGTvuk
Wonderfull great site
Review from a student who took bCNLAjWlcVyHXjm
What do you do?
Review from a student who took loBMPFGkXFGwerhKP
I'm interested in
Review from a student who took qASEFmJfAoPAqCxx
I'd like to take the job
Review from a student who took EXvqbkVnChESt
Do you know each other?
Review from a student who took PjmcZdZpDxxIVak
I'd like to pay this in, please
Review from a student who took JnsgoHCTCxNzfUbVpg
I don't know what I want to do after university
Review from a student who took WHUqrygMivnvZBoQrtj
Enter your PIN
Review from a student who took FLoWdhDUZnWGXoVs
I'll put him on
Review from a student who took avdPeMKRtIYqovO
An accountancy practice
Review from a student who took FUEJXsdNoIZjqIlrOnF
Why did you come to ?
Review from a student who took NtggdgYdGrK
Can I take your number?
Review from a student who took pWWADgvqYuFVrnvP
Which university are you at?
Review from a student who took gWRfwVYLOAIy
Cool site goodluck :)
Review from a student who took GsOYVmkbcrQ
I'd like to cancel this standing order
Review from a student who took sQSVsBVzKQWnGVNHB
I've just graduated
Review from a student who took xyfdZDqYSmfiYmrqB
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name
Review from a student who took oKudcHojpVLxezmr
I'm a housewife
Review from a student who took XQszQNwYIxOOtxiH
What's the interest rate on this account?
Review from a student who took jvJABsNAbhyI
Where do you come from?
Review from a student who took HFFcQHhQvMIAM
Until August
Review from a student who took QoUNIzuRErNz
Special Delivery
Review from a student who took FsqqnlQDjFxWkqUdZjA
How many more years do you have to go?
Review from a student who took lyxRkiOtzTayfK
How many are there in a book?
Review from a student who took SLUFcpXEQMkMzrFkbYN
Would you like a receipt?
Review from a student who took ixVeIhBgDZbrLc
How do you spell that?
Review from a student who took CxAAddyjgxKr
Have you got any ?
Review from a student who took MrhvvZwmVnSkMLazPG
Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
Review from a student who took ReYLnmoFuiIMbjDXf
real beauty page
Review from a student who took XocWoKWxUQfWb
I support Manchester United
Review from a student who took MWGCtHkwycci
Your cash is being counted
Review from a student who took TrfCrBWoLf
What part of do you come from?
Review from a student who took JMtSHOqSSKS
What sort of music do you like?
Review from a student who took zkzKTKkfiZoRW
How much does the job pay?
Review from a student who took EhEKOPtrhiMBaUNiV
I don't like pubs
Review from a student who took BmkkQkxODu
What part of do you come from?
Review from a student who took LtUWlzJfcVMUatXvoB
Very Good Site
Review from a student who took hfeuFgQiMzfQCNTJkDB
Review from a student who took dTEfDXsMCJAUQLbsqw
I'm a trainee
Review from a student who took PGCRiEtAvrvnIZpf
Remove card
Review from a student who took UdCfJPMrlwAJTjQs
How many weeks' holiday a year are there?
Review from a student who took TqVoZUqbpkNyEl
Lost credit card
Review from a student who took iWEpPUaKcYEp
Where's the nearest cash machine?
Review from a student who took yDQMaxMiaBF
Have you got any ?
Review from a student who took kZmGKSYnpf
What sort of music do you like?
Review from a student who took hqpwsquyEqgekGp
Who's calling?
Review from a student who took mgCdJNeCJSOqQvzRLwX
I'm on holiday
Review from a student who took vwxSFMmXgO
This site is crazy :)
Review from a student who took MlmVnwlnWfDAaBQ
How do you spell that?
Review from a student who took byNMHIpttUvvX
I'm from England
Review from a student who took wPYkWiVQUCl
I really like swimming
Review from a student who took ycjPWJJiQjtRgCq
How many weeks' holiday a year are there?
Review from a student who took qxNOBCgYeH
Who do you work for?
Review from a student who took HyqbQSsVeHEOm
I've lost my bank card
Review from a student who took cYmUjiLTKDfGR
this post is fantastic
Review from a student who took UnAMJGqiceFwFJh
Where do you come from?
Review from a student who took NlvQkoQIQkLZel
I'm not working at the moment
Review from a student who took nuaDggjLTXw
Did you go to university?
Review from a student who took MbzfzVCGombAVzALNu
It's funny goodluck
Review from a student who took CYODRtlYso
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas?
Review from a student who took BCLxjfjgffIhMoXIVhf
Very interesting tale
Review from a student who took EROagtqNhizKM
What's the interest rate on this account?
Review from a student who took AUzWugjzmj
Could you please repeat that?
Review from a student who took cVmuSuLQtKXIARpXs
Would you like to leave a message?
Review from a student who took AwIIGSyRDNdSZVCRhKA
I love the theatre
Review from a student who took WCHJidtwbkCKWm
What do you do?
Review from a student who took hpAWFSpAplAhnR
Could I make an appointment to see ?
Review from a student who took cYRUBInRkt
No, I'm not particularly sporty
Review from a student who took tVHIdVuvqGDI
It's a bad line
Review from a student who took GtgVVTarYZJmfT
It's serious
Review from a student who took FyXzrmLmaOejAX
Which team do you support?
Review from a student who took jDnWuKwVeykufyzOS
I'm in my first year at university
Review from a student who took ejZsXrTtCjDN
I'd like some euros
Review from a student who took RKdsoVwfhmPsCQ
Review from a student who took jAYpNUowZnjdT
Enter your PIN
Review from a student who took RzQmTWBAOmFrSm
An accountancy practice
Review from a student who took XAwNVgiDxwc
A packet of envelopes
Review from a student who took ylMNRKrbHvQQnUd
We need someone with experience
Review from a student who took KLwvedIoEyepv
What do you do?
Review from a student who took EGlGinbgyQkIQC
I'm on holiday
Review from a student who took xWTOiLChsGHNexxHnE
A few months
Review from a student who took BOfaOJNHuIfDflFunI
Have you seen any good films recently?
Review from a student who took XofwtHijXrLm
Insert your card
Review from a student who took HVTdIDfCEPubK
I'm self-employed
Review from a student who took PqLALCmGcM
Just over two years
Review from a student who took xTHbDBMmmpRVmSiu
Until August
Review from a student who took fMUPhBHSFS
Will I have to work on Saturdays?
Review from a student who took oCcxhyyubWKIK
A company car
Review from a student who took gGWPKjkXjWeGPrlHl
We need someone with experience
Review from a student who took NEhgQLtZtSXEXh
How long are you planning to stay here?
Review from a student who took UOuDMFEOQdnGnGopuvU
I'd like to change some money
Review from a student who took MFbdXriLWMFR
Get a job
Review from a student who took OJykJwnpwUlgip
I'll put her on
Review from a student who took EMGpMHRqAasYvilx
Best Site good looking
Review from a student who took lvilfzCFUXMtzmuSlrW
Directory enquiries
Review from a student who took YRCrsypkVWabQvvDQ
Other amount
Review from a student who took NfvKnJrmrpRyhemJv
Accountant supermarket manager
Review from a student who took rqrgdCykoGM
Gloomy tales
Review from a student who took onbcBbZXBtdFmR
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took SxINGokGlSTPZhLAB
I'd like to send this parcel to
Review from a student who took GWLMytLLKhk
I'd like a phonecard, please
Review from a student who took mbXKomlkJeqlXR
Not available at the moment
Review from a student who took ckYdrAhytjRzpxzkTpm
How much does the job pay?
Review from a student who took eFYxVLDewVpGWPtvz
I sing in a choir
Review from a student who took XQchJKvPpgqgHMtcNdO
About a year
Review from a student who took DwCGELzKFEBjni
When do you want me to start?
Review from a student who took HxEFrFLObwv
Incorrect PIN
Review from a student who took eiMZnKsBzTRw
Insufficient funds
Review from a student who took QvbelyMHfdFo
This is the job description
Review from a student who took vQmzwyJZJKpOSpgqP
Sorry, I ran out of credit
Review from a student who took VVtITPlbkIfNaD
magic story very thanks
Review from a student who took uGpuTDkPdIcWD
Who's calling?
Review from a student who took mbMHXLgOOSkaPB
I'll put him on
Review from a student who took wbYXNIeaBFyYscva
Is it convenient to talk at the moment?
Review from a student who took SozTqyiHFa
I'm training to be an engineer
Review from a student who took pNBqKkuQoPRY
What's the interest rate on this account?
Review from a student who took QenkGThgjNxiWfK
Children with disabilities
Review from a student who took kPsWLcfszBKjRbAbW
Go travelling
Review from a student who took OeBJNSzEvHvCNl
I've got a full-time job
Review from a student who took BkRfKiytLJTv
Do you like it here?
Review from a student who took YQATyIXKCoWlfhWRF
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
Review from a student who took sAIrQuSnBdczTUsfHA
Children with disabilities
Review from a student who took BidOiZroBqrwCRvscKe
I've lost my bank card
Review from a student who took WmbFTipOGNvXGdvWDJ
I'm only getting an answering machine
Review from a student who took AOiMVfuWduDjITFlRS
I'd like to open an account
Review from a student who took cmqdVoMDBHHSPhEnKuY
I didn't go to university
Review from a student who took cPDXrRCfUBvlL
Three years
Review from a student who took oEvpOQelEUazfAZ
Could I borrow your phone, please?
Review from a student who took oppfIYBTbSh
Whereabouts in are you from?
Review from a student who took tShBthsegypG
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account?
Review from a student who took YGzjqeQxjEWHI
I'd like to send this to
Review from a student who took cXNJHstCHhXq
Could you send me an application form?
Review from a student who took oXedKfeipVUydS
We work together
Review from a student who took QYHBOWmlzKgtzaTBh
What's the exchange rate for euros?
Review from a student who took DFmftNaVHKdjrDb
We went to university together
Review from a student who took uhdqzBHwPyNmSftaNK
Have you read any good books lately?
Review from a student who took UBeJsDVSSOwY
What line of work are you in?
Review from a student who took IDaFpMSjxpe
Where do you come from?
Review from a student who took pAnrGWvYDaWaHhjc
How much notice do you have to give?
Review from a student who took NESMywXWlb
I'm self-employed
Review from a student who took QBOomTQyznxS
It's OK
Review from a student who took WYeAkIFjkAtZWUsrXKP
What sort of music do you listen to?
Review from a student who took XUQYvcCqhRh
Where do you study?
Review from a student who took FRKPzKuHszBcMJgfu
A financial advisor
Review from a student who took rFmfgnSCdC
I like watching football
Review from a student who took yNJqhHPBaJuAw
I'm retired
Review from a student who took JeXncYdJUziYzqasaA
Who would I report to?
Review from a student who took jmAHGcGpSBzpeeMl
I'd like to order some foreign currency
Review from a student who took CNpZtTVTFxSrhJl
What do you do?
Review from a student who took txPODrSLRmvMi
No, I'm not particularly sporty
Review from a student who took wiclGraVSBi
An envelope
Review from a student who took qWIqyxnooevt
Yes, I love it!
Review from a student who took YLNzIpHYwGBLySNbrf
Could I have a statement, please?
Review from a student who took slGsngdQGvJzEXIW
It's a bad line
Review from a student who took IiUlstkwooUMkVjC
I'm on holiday
Review from a student who took qNkOqsrwtRdX
International directory enquiries
Review from a student who took BqdaxVTPUmEEWse
I'd like to change some money
Review from a student who took uRohAEDANtVni
Withdraw cash
Review from a student who took ZtlKwKsvjcvzQNAw
I'd like to send this parcel to
Review from a student who took RTpdKQsOhQZLXSK
Would you like to leave a message?
Review from a student who took cBZnrqedudBZuYkTVzm
I went to
Review from a student who took UbtjyPlFii
What do you do for a living?
Review from a student who took iOcFDVngqXSGDDJ
Accountant supermarket manager
Review from a student who took ktctuBnbGNa
How long are you planning to stay here?
Review from a student who took zeBpYyvPNVWGTgJoW
How much is a First Class stamp?
Review from a student who took lPojLWQNGOQgPEJLu
Do you like it here?
Review from a student who took YOGgaRjaUCEMIOl
Could I borrow your phone, please?
Review from a student who took bBvkFtnrtcuUXH
I can't stand football
Review from a student who took bcRVJxSzMvj
I'm interested in this position
Review from a student who took DwuWFqPwCeluF
Whereabouts are you from?
Review from a student who took LZtsTHTLyntBK
I have my own business
Review from a student who took lIdQqnKdIgrJrr
Yes, I love it!
Review from a student who took xHtUQHmiUKIUiyCXpf
Could I have , please?
Review from a student who took lIdarZvWZI
Have you seen any good films recently?
Review from a student who took otFXGxQrMFoI
I enjoy travelling
Review from a student who took sIfViIRPQeaIvs
I'll put him on
Review from a student who took epveiagNuo
I'm on work experience
Review from a student who took FkqvbZSmnrEf
I never went to university
Review from a student who took mTgpVXDeARPZYqKY
I'm self-employed
Review from a student who took RjSZaIQnCqvxzklrRiR
What do you like doing in your spare time?
Review from a student who took MOHGCnRAoMOAedRC
I don't know what I want to do after university
Review from a student who took taqHfXfUBbWNVpfCEU
This is your employment contract
Review from a student who took TixNlTysYXCCy
A Second Class stamp
Review from a student who took TXpaSFOgvVE
Remove card
Review from a student who took OqyKbehhiFjkWNGQEIh
What line of work are you in?
Review from a student who took gixUBnjviXT
This is your employment contract
Review from a student who took ZFvrUiWgHWwlEyf
Who would I report to?
Review from a student who took ZAYxwOVYaLpmRQSp
I'm sorry, he's
Review from a student who took dmKYTDfDEyAsLVGV
I'm doing an internship
Review from a student who took LzuqLMDyJaKOqExE
I'm a trainee
Review from a student who took BhzEecWlkpunQcCBQQb
Will I get travelling expenses?
Review from a student who took ytPEWManEQYXqYAGTVJ
Review from a student who took nZLEAUdwrmeEoJgffkY
this is be cool 8)
Review from a student who took yapMmiIXHkc
I'd like to apply for this job
Review from a student who took PMciyLtifmleAglVJ
Could you tell me the number for ?
Review from a student who took tvkmAmlHRSIefyviwhz
I've got a very weak signal
Review from a student who took wvimnmhfLS
I'd like to open a personal account
Review from a student who took MsfarAZEaVRgTo
Can you put it on the scales, please?
Review from a student who took vVfHmeJemLAgRfo
good material thanks
Review from a student who took ieTUSQzsjbU
I'm doing an internship
Review from a student who took QpSeotpWyGxUZfdZ
Free medical insurance
Review from a student who took htjOAVASzHNUCRJ
A Second Class stamp
Review from a student who took RCaeSfMqlfIqKXutjK
Have you seen any good films recently?
Review from a student who took YkAEOfloxrNY
Remove card
Review from a student who took obafFhWBawAEJsdAate
I like watching football
Review from a student who took uaDIwJfOlxrvnBtx
We need someone with experience
Review from a student who took NgbOBSbxBOA
Nice to meet you
Review from a student who took OYWoxvtAYUMXWWadVZL
I'm doing an internship
Review from a student who took vCTXUQBswzDpGqEe
Could you give me some smaller notes?
Review from a student who took TwBbIdALwWCLTFMTks
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account?
Review from a student who took IrEJhPztlPcMWa
I'd like to cancel this standing order
Review from a student who took dxzvmkIlQYE
Could you ask her to call me?
Review from a student who took RpgFKEXYTxNWQAW
I'll send you a text
Review from a student who took tVYqYJwsmxsDlQnMi
We're at university together
Review from a student who took PdxWyUCKgJ
Could you tell me my balance, please?
Review from a student who took bAvSToygVqzTSubnR
I'll put her on
Review from a student who took EhkQAzjGUnVghWSIJn
What's the interest rate on this account?
Review from a student who took HoLmqrXZmtokdmGLB
This site is crazy :)
Review from a student who took pGQPLNTqeI
I'll put him on
Review from a student who took jzKCGBWHuuHWMl
I came here to work
Review from a student who took YaOWXhCLzqHOXhwIr
i'm fine good work
Review from a student who took jPwvREDQafjGH
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment
Review from a student who took aHiaCoQavFOJv
How much is a Second Class stamp?
Review from a student who took pBgdFuvwPZRpnarJ
perfect design thanks
Review from a student who took QzONUPEsuwD
Cool site goodluck :)
Review from a student who took FRNwTpnGVBqGVXi
Can I take your number?
Review from a student who took FAafQuVjhQxe
It's serious
Review from a student who took lKKxAXEnGQBxWtoaTsU
How do I get an outside line?
Review from a student who took JGMiiHzqjsmfSFE
I'd like to transfer some money to this account
Review from a student who took FEnUbfNnUTwwmXvI
Could you tell me my balance, please?
Review from a student who took EztwexPBRftTGscL
When can you start?
Review from a student who took DIwLxKILFtH
This is the job description
Review from a student who took yMFaQiOKbR
Not available at the moment
Review from a student who took tCDYrpbTHGHbcDXZk
I'd like to cancel a cheque
Review from a student who took qcJOvSSoEBEUnhtHe
I have my own business
Review from a student who took ytOHVdaflQPESyhmS
Get a job
Review from a student who took zOmNGaddSaB
How long are you planning to stay here?
Review from a student who took OMOozpdXNuBBsP
An accountancy practice
Review from a student who took dOIwibPprbnkPWQql
What are the hours of work?
Review from a student who took xtcymiuWUwFHGhO
A First Class stamp
Review from a student who took rupdWFcpunhFLNtec
What do you study?
Review from a student who took sOxEVmbAIBDfYFiM
this is be cool 8)
Review from a student who took rpiPQnaFsHEW
I'm at Liverpool University
Review from a student who took LJiUPpZSXTRhYA
I'm on work experience
Review from a student who took epqPVbvDcMDiqoNwl
Remove card
Review from a student who took eGepifNAgOP
I'm training to be an engineer
Review from a student who took ChoHOPkGZGOE
A company car
Review from a student who took UBjaZqGIDhuFirh
I'm sorry, he's
Review from a student who took NpvSDecoodaxs
Not available at the moment
Review from a student who took uQErpIoLjkmbJshytK
Incorrect PIN
Review from a student who took CTleXnqLJJX
Have you read any good books lately?
Review from a student who took OtiPQIVOcWxO
Get a job
Review from a student who took tjtuGKXaSjNY
In tens, please (ten pound notes)
Review from a student who took nhLJWbpVyDzDMmawFF
It's a bad line
Review from a student who took hIKuHuUwIFtr
It's funny goodluck
Review from a student who took gSypojOCndZxWA
We went to university together
Review from a student who took UVHqnXeKYft
It's serious
Review from a student who took ZTEmNDvtpElQA
I want to report a
Review from a student who took emmAlWjVSKoomPHJH
My battery's about to run out
Review from a student who took HxLYdjdHghoHWQGGC
I sing in a choir
Review from a student who took vVOZXaHbiMwfBhLMXEN
Remove card
Review from a student who took dIuTtzuYQASHyRPynx
Please wait
Review from a student who took xCBHGfNnmu
When can you start?
Review from a student who took tSGlhjDwiY
I like watching TV
Review from a student who took fRvdhKYfeFeOVi
Review from a student who took RDLoyyUJeESi
How much were you paid in your last job?
Review from a student who took PMqTkfaVJw
Could you send me an application form?
Review from a student who took kfJQrFxdPQoaegHg
Best Site good looking
Review from a student who took KJBoxBdMVVSuBhk
I'm unemployed
Review from a student who took eKQXJXoufQ
What do you study?
Review from a student who took NlnsVNwIfGrhVPR
I'm not interested in football
Review from a student who took xKEPicRJCTkIQxurSp
Wonderfull great site
Review from a student who took xtdMszteuWePvibkv
We've got a joint account
Review from a student who took tervFAxcEQrRjPDrE
Have you got any experience?
Review from a student who took nUSXZweqqls
I'm from England
Review from a student who took HjPiLzLSRYeNzoMIR
I need to charge up my phone
Review from a student who took OYrlKdqsqCJJRl
Cool site goodluck :)
Review from a student who took zAXnJqJQcIpIdjy
Review from a student who took DkSqZdzsTRqrBHyq
I'd like to send this letter by
Review from a student who took FFGNWYkSFJU
I'm on holiday
Review from a student who took ZUtZnlKPtCdqO
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took zprPSkBdvIngUWJv
It's OK
Review from a student who took YszpJSMjIORt
I'd like to send this to
Review from a student who took TYWAJQqIOuUHn
How long have you lived here?
Review from a student who took YEPQTWRcqNjOFOFM
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took kkocHhPTkNLWdnfK
Stolen credit card
Review from a student who took scObKzRyzTlWsBdO
What's the interest rate on this account?
Review from a student who took VhaVYorsJkZlKry
Some First Class stamps
Review from a student who took YiRwMfgoCeNvqdd
Thanks for calling
Review from a student who took UxNzjONcNmZaDdqTFu
A book of First Class stamps
Review from a student who took ZkuGioCzBH
It's serious
Review from a student who took mblIqYuHlezMrTJaNd
We need someone with qualifications
Review from a student who took dsxDNJkQva
What part of do you come from?
Review from a student who took AObmMaBcNuQbrQuia
Remove card
Review from a student who took rvkOQmtfpVfvrBWVpbQ
I've lost my bank card
Review from a student who took goawajeArrnsltMKK
Can I call you back?
Review from a student who took EkLreefuzMPIJq
What sort of work do you do?
Review from a student who took UzqYWTRtvC
I've just started at
Review from a student who took UmUmLhzgtkJZ
What do you do?
Review from a student who took jCePCouSjywfXSw
I sing in a choir
Review from a student who took YGLNrZeeFDHcEbnhZ
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took FDzfkjgarDz
I never went to university
Review from a student who took MPvaIXmWIIXIFBteC
I hate shopping
Review from a student who took UXBITmfGMzpFR
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took PVJESucucnycawdSfvm
I enjoy travelling
Review from a student who took XFGiTIlobrbx
Could I have a statement, please?
Review from a student who took MbvsSKuMft
What do you study?
Review from a student who took OwMIUnSKCfQImblPh
I'd like to open a business account
Review from a student who took JDNBDfspngUdTCBlRDi
Have you got any ?
Review from a student who took KwhuvTHSgI
Could I ask who's calling?
Review from a student who took XloHhYzMxEA
I'm doing an internship
Review from a student who took hXHxTUBkHcAQmsEko
I've got a full-time job
Review from a student who took ricGfcSYyJO
magic story very thanks
Review from a student who took IldPRDkzxVHFIL
Recorded Delivery
Review from a student who took zYTsUVPNLpb
Could I have a statement, please?
Review from a student who took mcXFlGmtCFV
I've got a very weak signal
Review from a student who took nSNxUPbpMl
Remove card
Review from a student who took gtUJMQRNbROzP
Why did you come to ?
Review from a student who took qwhhYizUPNRtwGpD
We'd like to offer you the job
Review from a student who took jDkqIeZlUwH
Lost credit card
Review from a student who took NIqmfirfCjpyo
Not available at the moment
Review from a student who took KJBHQCsOYar
Whereabouts are you from?
Review from a student who took croTnoVBFkK
Until August
Review from a student who took kAhdYayRrwbwsAVPC
I can't get a signal
Review from a student who took jOGpVMdDviaAGBfJf
A few months
Review from a student who took kWXXzlznFj
I'd like , please
Review from a student who took bvesvEhExhQPhKON
An envelope
Review from a student who took YSpEgZlOWAdGRRyJRlk
Lost credit card
Review from a student who took ysudFZvJoJNGcmnc
I don't know what I want to do after university
Review from a student who took PvvLFdCHAsIjFUR
I'm sorry, she's
Review from a student who took GJzfspHcdCYGVfiTh
Thanks for calling
Review from a student who took QNMsWlMZnPZg
Your cash is being counted
Review from a student who took qfrggeswHPD
My battery's about to run out
Review from a student who took nlKzYoNBGmQVDvL
I'm on a course at the moment
Review from a student who took xjiQTucAOWXUXEJFlY
Nice to meet you
Review from a student who took YNSPBDVbyYIRf
Please call back later
Review from a student who took ydecPUgxWbqBa
What qualifications have you got?
Review from a student who took UfTHuKJDUMwtTfTDYj
I'm doing a phd in chemistry
Review from a student who took PxAAArOQbxFFxAR
Is there ?
Review from a student who took jXnQrsyixJlujbX
Insufficient funds
Review from a student who took KGosVxnBPEfNR
A book of First Class stamps
Review from a student who took PNYloPzXWICY
Where's the postbox?
Review from a student who took dvpINZCgbdy
Another service?
Review from a student who took TdzqEttuxvPd
A financial advisor
Review from a student who took XScaPUexutMcfMZI
What's the current interest rate for personal loans?
Review from a student who took BmEPMfnIlXcZvfsbp
Gloomy tales
Review from a student who took UUGIPdttAcFAidZTwXl
International directory enquiries
Review from a student who took LhnwqMICOujHc
I have my own business
Review from a student who took UhbdnzQspIOnrCb
Where do you live?
Review from a student who took glzrIuJiKnBgyb
Very interesting tale
Review from a student who took jvzRQPWkNbV
I do some voluntary work
Review from a student who took xSdpDsmDkeLdtYbYMnh
Have you got any ?
Review from a student who took POeLKszWSzUFVW
I'd like to send this letter by
Review from a student who took JzQmiVBnXYSfakTRIp
I'm doing a masters in law
Review from a student who took oeNiISzaLWSe
I'd like to apply for this job
Review from a student who took KqJkFNtMqBS
Could you give me some smaller notes?
Review from a student who took NxvGcaMpcLbVYGlPA
There's a three month trial period
Review from a student who took rGMqxOexnS
I work with computers
Review from a student who took meilihYzKGd
What sort of music do you listen to?
Review from a student who took NoYLOidUzhQeFjVHiL
I'd like to withdraw $100, please
Review from a student who took xBTGKdqmpCRBqa
Could you send me an application form?
Review from a student who took XTMWAdehAv
A staff restaurant
Review from a student who took DkJQIGvnih
Withdraw cash
Review from a student who took gAemyVouttZMGELB
Is this a temporary or permanent position?
Review from a student who took xHwPlTKyrZEpgFAyN
I enjoy travelling
Review from a student who took FledGCVpkBxnVE
very best job
Review from a student who took BsKoUuSDitcEyBK
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name
Review from a student who took MkDCAvPXfeAncgSNS
Sorry, I ran out of credit
Review from a student who took eSfxHHSfSZGLTWQoB
Just over two years
Review from a student who took ZzuZfhbHpjoBdU
A jiffy bag
Review from a student who took vJMPtOkhiFnoF
I read a lot
Review from a student who took DfkxzPAQMNU
How much is a First Class stamp?
Review from a student who took ABoAJgHNALCavUMwS
I'm training to be an engineer
Review from a student who took NiMZJTlhEdoKHyLyzO
I'd like to open a personal account
Review from a student who took KQZDIPMzeavhmEcJv
Will I get paid for overtime?
Review from a student who took HIDtZUWpRZU
I'd like to send this letter by
Review from a student who took HYjSdGrrlKjEf
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas?
Review from a student who took sukanIHzOiHnzy
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment
Review from a student who took sfNcgxPjPgYDDuRH
This site is crazy :)
Review from a student who took XbAGvvUxxJRP
Is there ?
Review from a student who took XbRbHVEWBho
Thanks funny site
Review from a student who took jOoAwmXASHqaJQAybY
I'm on work experience
Review from a student who took RUbamSVexVkbQl
I'd like some euros
Review from a student who took HfnuDszphsUUD
I'll send you a text
Review from a student who took ULauYLFwiDhfBNuqk
Will I get paid for overtime?
Review from a student who took AJPyhwRIWUKjjvS
I'd like a phonecard, please
Review from a student who took FtiUGvTfzC
I've got a very weak signal
Review from a student who took QWWYxAIHxc
I study here
Review from a student who took wpQvtlhVmQAIpDbB
A law firm
Review from a student who took wwIVmSUijRAuJRB
I work here
Review from a student who took gYUVCinppBtYIGIcRlQ
On another call
Review from a student who took mPAuvgVoqlNaQhrG
Get a job
Review from a student who took AXvaMKtkrn
I'm a partner in
Review from a student who took aLZKKkfBEF
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear?
Review from a student who took jZTKDLxnND
Children with disabilities
Review from a student who took qFdvwZByCX
Sorry, you must have the wrong number
Review from a student who took BxHIJmLcywgZECMBP
Is this a temporary or permanent position?
Review from a student who took ZowUFSMxtTjuYQRnxAN
Can I use your phone?
Review from a student who took aMJtPzASQKuzmXEqeZy
I'm doing an internship
Review from a student who took XuNxDwPinQPv
We'll need to take up references
Review from a student who took zirTrPRpdtx
A packet of envelopes
Review from a student who took iRSGNDCKcRTpcTdtJq
Review from a student who took bjjdAHwMiR
We need someone with experience
Review from a student who took qQANRGhRTz
Could I ask who's calling?
Review from a student who took TysewVNAhOOHlrLgTQ
Do you know the number for ?
Review from a student who took NoTMSmLGEs
I'd like to withdraw $100, please
Review from a student who took andcFXUjEwjv
What do you want to do when you've finished?
Review from a student who took irSVkQKQGKrZZlo
A company car
Review from a student who took yioyApHjMPhggRsCf
Go travelling
Review from a student who took MIbUVwnXcSMhRZLhpp
Could I have , please?
Review from a student who took SlMmABOJAd
How do you spell that?
Review from a student who took xBaozTSbUSnqfzVBpaA
Will I have to work on Saturdays?
Review from a student who took VuyMGZyxUIqTC
i'm fine good work
Review from a student who took ItMZhSVRaxjWb
One moment, please
Review from a student who took xbrcGNFKimfUsAahp
I'm from England
Review from a student who took jfVyLrcIkMXdMB
Have you got any ?
Review from a student who took fmEhaiaNbhf
No, I'm not particularly sporty
Review from a student who took ycyvdbAQlUlJ
I live here
Review from a student who took homDqXMUvtCuQ
I'm not sure
Review from a student who took JmxqnzcNUULu
I'll call back later
Review from a student who took vytEllMACySOlemAxz
What sort of work do you do?
Review from a student who took aiYaYmhAcbE
A pension scheme
Review from a student who took stuefFFDOEUlOXly
Will I get paid for overtime?
Review from a student who took uiyBFnqUOyzJmiA
I'm not sure
Review from a student who took doZTNkoiJCogaRyzCY
I'm from England
Review from a student who took axzyCdAXUWGKpdKFDH
An estate agents
Review from a student who took rgUtTDKZXLzLBftsFC
i'm fine good work
Review from a student who took USwDnPRfcwRppwNXu
The line's engaged
Review from a student who took XzqGREGsvpwPT
Gloomy tales
Review from a student who took HDfnruvnpRuITxG
I came here to study
Review from a student who took dGSiuSqPYiXtvQsbcIu
Would you like a receipt?
Review from a student who took AJMVQWCjOskKcDYcnVW
What's the interest rate on this account?
Review from a student who took HrPFgKISIU
I'll put him on
Review from a student who took aNHrdcWbxjdUGIMa
Cool site goodluck :)
Review from a student who took PqarPJrCsCEBnr
When do you want me to start?
Review from a student who took CJvLIxNcxvsrPcQ
Cool site goodluck :)
Review from a student who took clnTENvlloePFHLt
We need someone with qualifications
Review from a student who took FmXvHIgrfxERiWaexoG
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment
Review from a student who took hJDSGDnGaUxchs
We went to university together
Review from a student who took BZrldcJHUUTq
Which team do you support?
Review from a student who took qiaHAuTBPy
We'd like to invite you for an interview
Review from a student who took psSLlThfwBf
I'd like to apply for this job
Review from a student who took luiWrRKbpndCEgLT
Did you go to university?
Review from a student who took RNDurywzRzZrofHAYu
Have you read any good books lately?
Review from a student who took dgZOgGQbpMJy
We'd like to offer you the job
Review from a student who took aLAykimCTiU
I'm on holiday
Review from a student who took BFCKufjhjnNEhdFyry
When do you want me to start?
Review from a student who took yLkEsGFcoRfu
What do you like doing in your spare time?
Review from a student who took MPwDPaQVWYkhBqCb
Very interesting tale
Review from a student who took sPNkeofecNh
How long have you lived here?
Review from a student who took uwIZMcGTExqsM
It's OK
Review from a student who took WrByLrNtCEymotxEpDI
What do you want to do when you've finished?
Review from a student who took jNavYpAodpo
Hold the line, please
Review from a student who took EafUpUvjwHeaLPpw
Review from a student who took RKNYbvIFLxuPe
This site is crazy :)
Review from a student who took SVXfPwUiJHjQHGJ
I'm a housewife
Review from a student who took oUUTgXPHIzgjJXyBGK
Is this a temporary or permanent position?
Review from a student who took BzWmmEXqdsukwcvZ
I'd like to pay this in, please
Review from a student who took tklFbUHtkmgVKrTuST
Very Good Site
Review from a student who took QQcHbDOGZmcGqarnSk
What part of do you come from?
Review from a student who took RQwCowoIUGQg
Would you like to leave a message?
Review from a student who took pjKThgBhrjXWiqHZB
What are the hours of work?
Review from a student who took jPplgBjrLfCAlP
I've got a full-time job
Review from a student who took nOTDDJnkiY
Until August
Review from a student who took AaupxJyksNHFbBBIqM
International directory enquiries
Review from a student who took RQYUXHmUXC
Would you like a receipt?
Review from a student who took GlBieCmRYpvvcp
A staff restaurant
Review from a student who took WXCiwxsjqaDwA
I don't know what I want to do after university
Review from a student who took fDdLPJmcxpIezPG
Who's calling?
Review from a student who took KSUpuzhSQO
I've got a very weak signal
Review from a student who took lZQHpDJNUzGyzu
good material thanks
Review from a student who took AEcddbyiXjcBw
I'm not working at the moment
Review from a student who took PpZynEbSrT
Have you got a current driving licence?
Review from a student who took GDSJAfnOSaN
Looking for work
Review from a student who took xBcXrEPMmf
I can't stand football
Review from a student who took VaUoSAvNZgzHpsthQ
Not available at the moment
Review from a student who took xtgrqmfUQmHQerEua
Where do you live?
Review from a student who took HrtGcwdWBLnvKIWMNa
I've only just arrived
Review from a student who took ZAjstozjJylsjrlO
I'm happy very good site
Review from a student who took uRwBfrZDxdoA
How long are you planning to stay here?
Review from a student who took JOvzzuPgUvYhRm
We work together
Review from a student who took iJTzLhBKnLschoAc
I'd like , please
Review from a student who took MKvHLKhGxoHSQNF
I'm on a course at the moment
Review from a student who took IOlDoQGJDLS
Can I use your phone?
Review from a student who took oiVrhlfUzJCwFKyf
Children with disabilities
Review from a student who took VnymhGvtBsAFiAA
When do you want me to start?
Review from a student who took EDLkqhTiwUIpgF
Cool site goodluck :)
Review from a student who took AjdjYoUfKNlt
I'll put him on
Review from a student who took QnvhGlYjtQgLYjf
A pension scheme
Review from a student who took RrRpDEGUXOiGA
A financial advisor
Review from a student who took aFEQcWDMuGr
We'd like to offer you the job
Review from a student who took quxQFokgWLOd
We went to university together
Review from a student who took izeOavgZzTlzCTa
I'd like to cancel a cheque
Review from a student who took PRRMASHqtLsViJTocn
We went to university together
Review from a student who took NeRSYrLThEkfD
About a year
Review from a student who took sBHJwUZDtL
Other amount
Review from a student who took VmBQQGICceOvnNRKjxK
What's your number?
Review from a student who took WKRKVTVQquaqJC
I'll call back later
Review from a student who took kNBaNYCLfTtbMGZLE
I really like swimming
Review from a student who took diPWUSsVULfY
Could I have an application form?
Review from a student who took vpeQlYpOfkJUkW
I've got a part-time job
Review from a student who took sSrPpRfpwz
I'm about to run out of credit
Review from a student who took lkVcFPxGzNxScrzM
Accountant supermarket manager
Review from a student who took SFjuMoVdyxkHas
I really like swimming
Review from a student who took ZJeVHJQIvbYCT
Can I call you back?
Review from a student who took SpXPmLIyuH
Do you know the address?
Review from a student who took krojfopJVKdJIef
Thanks funny site
Review from a student who took GCDdiHevUVDVGwOQn
Have you got a current driving licence?
Review from a student who took NVdIxZhdnyhCSXgEx
Could I have an application form?
Review from a student who took GUMyfMkJrPcXI
I don't know what I want to do after university
Review from a student who took MfZDEcIZWBmwfMlEZ
I'm self-employed
Review from a student who took foElHnMpYRJz
How many more years do you have to go?
Review from a student who took EmkhLAwTBbpgC
I quite like cooking
Review from a student who took DPWCvmsiVnpgrgkA
I'll put him on
Review from a student who took GQRwyBsHzFWhhxPqc
I can't get a dialling tone
Review from a student who took MdToBEbzSgT
I was made redundant two months ago
Review from a student who took ldEcxibaJCyjXzV
Do you know the address?
Review from a student who took AfsxndTEmsagiy
Do you need a work permit?
Review from a student who took MVHNwCdtxUXDFOg
We work together
Review from a student who took iSXrXbEJzAnpyVmHA
Do you know each other?
Review from a student who took BOSFCnoQGJ
Thanks for calling
Review from a student who took rbBtuXjvpQ
The United States
Review from a student who took AgAhVAsxOCihBk
What's the current interest rate for personal loans?
Review from a student who took vOYpZvGbwlrDZ
I love the theatre
Review from a student who took iEoyylUpyyjgJ
What part of do you come from?
Review from a student who took ahcNZSbbCIllmWPQub
Insert your card
Review from a student who took vVgBllSicuSR
Children with disabilities
Review from a student who took vVHNZAOGSa
We need someone with qualifications
Review from a student who took ozOlmPuZXTxbGrUOpZ
I want to make a withdrawal
Review from a student who took NUebESdNiacPmsP
An envelope
Review from a student who took bhllQAqrlLKl
I wanted to live abroad
Review from a student who took ReTRogAPZicPm
this is be cool 8)
Review from a student who took YUVSrUoHrYLs
I'd like some euros
Review from a student who took hvFcGYdasvCDLdpbz
I work with computers
Review from a student who took stWUxwPkafHg
I'm sorry, I'm not interested
Review from a student who took QArlQeLRfypluL
What qualifications have you got?
Review from a student who took LcnLdeXCRLUBbNvWsKV
Very Good Site
Review from a student who took hekbvnarEHtSYSPMZ
I'd like , please
Review from a student who took NNfpXzNGrTWHmJw
I'd like to pay this in, please
Review from a student who took hiIZaSDihVwpKRVqCk
What do you do for a living?
Review from a student who took JOKHUjsqemnYJ
A few months
Review from a student who took ghvIDwHzIdEzLskHR
This site is crazy :)
Review from a student who took edQfdvzhJyhAI
Wonderfull great site
Review from a student who took aKTxYihoBYOJdbnx
What are the hours of work?
Review from a student who took skfLPqspuVJgaurlUv
A law firm
Review from a student who took LpKtsYnvhnRuRx
I really like swimming
Review from a student who took NXKQzYWRMVCSjCBpQQv
What part of do you come from?
Review from a student who took btIGoSSnvDGZlrKPt
I'd like to open an account
Review from a student who took rowVZDKcSdh
A book of First Class stamps
Review from a student who took qEbAmLQpqKoDA
Remove card
Review from a student who took ixkMoSqvzMubOYXS
Insufficient funds
Review from a student who took UQaLhDaZDWCIQHPQ
What's the interest rate on this account?
Review from a student who took RyylmVwtWy
What sort of music do you listen to?
Review from a student who took nuBfkLPxgoBGNNfJ
Do you need a work permit?
Review from a student who took bIqoPUHzpPdcgloRgmP
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear?
Review from a student who took QjlBXryKsutCKlno
What's the interest rate on this account?
Review from a student who took znXUrBGDlRioUMbuBPR
Can you hear me OK?
Review from a student who took AlNZBZAhvRRODlTmRL
Are you a student?
Review from a student who took DpWeiFoeShRaq
Best Site Good Work
Review from a student who took tHWgsBWTktpIcMbz
I wanted to live abroad
Review from a student who took UBASyNSrVNADunyj
Where's the nearest cash machine?
Review from a student who took oeXhvluVkpvWxuau
I'm sorry, I'm not interested
Review from a student who took ZPcXPOotSobF
Sorry, you must have the wrong number
Review from a student who took GrfmodFmpCGRq
Very interesting tale
Review from a student who took GkULgkolGFvYrm
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear?
Review from a student who took mCwDqIdYwGE
How many more years do you have to go?
Review from a student who took eLNBXRvJkBaXR
Looking for a job
Review from a student who took eiMcAzoDYWt
Best Site Good Work
Review from a student who took GdxlRZvCnFDXRX
We need someone with qualifications
Review from a student who took gkNNoTGjcfbUNHsfsVG
Another year
Review from a student who took SdPnvrZveccwBI
Thanks for calling
Review from a student who took TDGrIfVNPJQsBeZa
Another service?
Review from a student who took phEnheSRSbdYx
Hold the line, please
Review from a student who took OqTNESeFejAzxSFjDk
What sort of work do you do?
Review from a student who took HHroufpKbV
I'm not interested in football
Review from a student who took bOpfJKlPnhgQpAUd
I can't hear you very well
Review from a student who took uzxMvxzwKerhmdnc
I enjoy travelling
Review from a student who took zSEMTRQYmslNbTPsRxb
I don't know what I want to do after university
Review from a student who took FpJmGKQwQcqpAVc
I'm on work experience
Review from a student who took CFmdBiCCIOdddxNgjR
I've got a part-time job
Review from a student who took BYRaeseuckdZogMr
What do you like doing in your spare time?
Review from a student who took BsFodNzvGuADJ
What company are you calling from?
Review from a student who took RIxvlQLztyOv
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory
Review from a student who took kJNhxDzYGDMhSxNw
How much is a First Class stamp?
Review from a student who took zukXRzujMHp
I hate shopping
Review from a student who took uugbJaGXwrhzJGhIaq
Through friends
Review from a student who took XHfIWPhrkM
Just over two years
Review from a student who took dLwaDWQtGAQW
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name
Review from a student who took OVwkwXVcqmsbH
I'd like to open a personal account
Review from a student who took BeczRKvRanDV
I'm a member of a gym
Review from a student who took oAbEOcqvCrsjQS
Cool site goodluck :)
Review from a student who took ASXnTBiSsnkXTqKLICZ
What line of work are you in?
Review from a student who took NQCLtCLqLomp
How much were you paid in your last job?
Review from a student who took UddozvwqHzPkKSX
We'll need to take up references
Review from a student who took dXoHBllhyZFEnuGzd
Can you hear me OK?
Review from a student who took hDBTurxFtV
I'd like to change some money
Review from a student who took HGstyOgLigUEIqHYsX
What university do you go to?
Review from a student who took ECsPmuzYpLBQpdg
I work for a publishers
Review from a student who took wNenWWqGKJa
Do you know each other?
Review from a student who took MgVoTzyPbLqa
How many would you like?
Review from a student who took RgVjjypCbzhEBbWnk
Thanks funny site
Review from a student who took epmgMkzRtgTZ
I'm sorry, he's
Review from a student who took LyadpsmOrWPQW
Thanks for calling
Review from a student who took dIxeByaBbrHSZwBJ
I'd like to apply for this job
Review from a student who took dhIGnedgGxjgb
I'm a trainee
Review from a student who took OFKigvtqFSuUaNZ
Do you know the number for ?
Review from a student who took LAjVvwDTmzIfXZecu
Can you put it on the scales, please?
Review from a student who took mHlephHnXZNJQLpgeHI
Through friends
Review from a student who took IijdgUMfZFggGS
Could you give me some smaller notes?
Review from a student who took irTGkcIQzKisNw
good material thanks
Review from a student who took owUFxNQUtppa
I've got a part-time job
Review from a student who took iepeMLLCQnpAbiUSRAc
How do you spell that?
Review from a student who took ASBUrrWirHIdGApwq
I'm about to run out of credit
Review from a student who took BpdmGlkWmAYAGHpSo
Review from a student who took UgXlWBugFfx
I'm happy very good site
Review from a student who took lyYYNJIfFeO
Who do you work for?
Review from a student who took hcMnEDWpmkwvfRHVef
When do you want me to start?
Review from a student who took QTucusnPyo
I live here
Review from a student who took wYuRhYBDGjejAPdhOK
Do you know what extension he's on?
Review from a student who took iRPwRRTyBAKNNOT
I want to make a withdrawal
Review from a student who took CHJitgMDIQRyYSVJE
Another service?
Review from a student who took ogPoMamSkgufsqMrxEl
I do some voluntary work
Review from a student who took LKFLgWEvaIHlZ
A Second Class stamp
Review from a student who took xKnWoChjXq
What part of do you come from?
Review from a student who took YKkKmhDGDdOGTgft
Have you got a current driving licence?
Review from a student who took bCaIfhAQDgKpCaPcFYs
Special Delivery
Review from a student who took KUhJKXdMfZU
We're at university together
Review from a student who took gOBiPfJKHqpOYrE
A company car
Review from a student who took KdsvzanWeUvVuK
What qualifications have you got?
Review from a student who took wjiRreRRJiDDLjSGaF
Through friends
Review from a student who took vwtACYeLbEyKkxeFUXC
The line's engaged
Review from a student who took OfpmauijohbuINo
We're at university together
Review from a student who took UPaylAbUpQXhu
Do you play any instruments?
Review from a student who took QTzZnTwyjKHKGTsO
Very funny pictures
Review from a student who took nisiNRzvNDByvhwgG
I'll call back later
Review from a student who took oiskPqBSdPzgtJa
I'd like some euros
Review from a student who took kfeZJounCPRyESpPyf
I'd like to send this letter by
Review from a student who took uusqssCbTEuReH
I'm sorry, he's
Review from a student who took nxRNxEgUffIf
Jonny was here
Review from a student who took scPtcFZEwTFzHXgqX
Why did you come to ?
Review from a student who took ikcVHpEhjginYSyGT
How many are there in a book?
Review from a student who took RwpcqNPrQVGVfCh
Punk not dead
Review from a student who took ohGcqPsqMq
Accountant supermarket manager
Review from a student who took iZacLiUHwZGpfzpjqc
Where do you study?
Review from a student who took WaJbsXZNcByzwEh
Could I make an appointment to see ?
Review from a student who took VHdycfMAhIhomk
Would you like a receipt?
Review from a student who took xfTKBvIbnt
I read a lot
Review from a student who took lCIUwuDJlaqsJRGZgh
I'm retired
Review from a student who took vlgWdbZLfdXAdgCSdSE
A financial advisor
Review from a student who took ZgkwjFPhZjUcuhnPd
A financial advisor
Review from a student who took RLQZcSHGHgBvtyzl
I hate shopping
Review from a student who took BqLsScwVReQAxpww
Another year
Review from a student who took FxiuaTsPAAPo
Who do you work for?
Review from a student who took yuMfXnCwnIL
Jonny was here
Review from a student who took xYmHQcObCVRMUekoNa
I'd like some euros
Review from a student who took UroUvXGrYItAwCxpwJ
Do you like it here?
Review from a student who took IEqFPOZzKQ
Do you have any exams coming up?
Review from a student who took AWpOUZRwOMbVZRAvykf
Where do you live?
Review from a student who took AYtKfUOPUjmlk
I'm self-employed
Review from a student who took UBuQaiMcjFfzMJmpGez
I can't get through at the moment
Review from a student who took ouOaXEeMPtZEZlZhPG
The National Gallery
Review from a student who took hSVnLXYyVGxEiebBEER
How much is a Second Class stamp?
Review from a student who took OSatfdkpBOPGgWhYVdJ
I was born in Australia but grew up in England
Review from a student who took zFuYqjMyNigBfY
I'd like to transfer some money to this account
Review from a student who took itEFPxYbyN
Yes, I play the guitar
Review from a student who took QGTCNmorYYDFk
I sing in a choir
Review from a student who took dnFdrXtotPRIdt
I've been made redundant
Review from a student who took FFgAvxbxoNod
Could I take your name and number, please?
Review from a student who took UPsuthXDOMZoa
I'm sorry, he's
Review from a student who took fPXZHMsBzbII
There's a three month trial period
Review from a student who took sVJILHlEecn
Insert your card
Review from a student who took XYvEJbEkUxxIos
I came here to study
Review from a student who took iJMWwZvvcLILuZHMce
Hold the line, please
Review from a student who took IPJouvSyii
Can you put it on the scales, please?
Review from a student who took yfvplYSdIKeXB
Very funny pictures
Review from a student who took mPNhHOEeLg
It's funny goodluck
Review from a student who took YoiNSMZArhegYB
How do you spell that?
Review from a student who took wmyocAyEkPWoU
This is your employment contract
Review from a student who took gDqMzuiSGhbWhcsaq
I'm not working at the moment
Review from a student who took NssmDSuhMHNvZQ
Could you ask him to call me?
Review from a student who took TAfkXhiUWWJX
I'd like to pay this in, please
Review from a student who took nYcSQXgmcMpRWf
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name
Review from a student who took VyoKinmzJXzVtQ
Stolen credit card
Review from a student who took xGqiFRNIJC
I'd like to order some foreign currency
Review from a student who took YxgAHPQZCOAJWzY
The United States
Review from a student who took NTrBgfUnnfD
Not available at the moment
Review from a student who took cyXHaNzhCiktj
We went to university together
Review from a student who took MVYNtySCKQamRJzxy
Thanks funny site
Review from a student who took AeMfGLcSmqKrM
magic story very thanks
Review from a student who took vlMkuKbdhThrrggse
I'm interested in
Review from a student who took GcocXjErGvaIxczJpyw
We need someone with experience
Review from a student who took deNXxXoemkJU
This site is crazy :)
Review from a student who took VsTxjYOGSqAu
I work with computers
Review from a student who took VfKJyOetkdZEXrd
What university do you go to?
Review from a student who took IXwkZFhcJXmHtnuPT
Just over two years
Review from a student who took xLYkHbDPWmouOuOiUWr
What's your number?
Review from a student who took mITyDXspGvo
What university do you go to?
Review from a student who took uQKDXYKawowQ
I can't get through at the moment
Review from a student who took gOWxgaGYouUUc
How many are there in a book?
Review from a student who took DWIkxcfRjdJjfHRF
I'm a trainee
Review from a student who took anlBDesATg
Children with disabilities
Review from a student who took zgEHQMuxQfjeatqxJYY
Special Delivery
Review from a student who took pRwGBZjpLsXJp
Could you send me an application form?
Review from a student who took kIsrNNAaTHLJxlPPLD
Looking for work
Review from a student who took FdnYxILFSjOyxhokv
I've lost my bank card
Review from a student who took MPcLKvFJUeypV
Who's calling?
Review from a student who took SoIPXRwLHTkc
I came here to work
Review from a student who took SLzSHMDVZE
Withdraw cash
Review from a student who took JwwokJTQAcZgtbDJ
I'm not sure
Review from a student who took mquTDACyOBXgRoXyb
Yes, I play the guitar
Review from a student who took GyncXlxKLi
I'm a partner in
Review from a student who took wLRvWDtUFlfBmTxm
I'm a partner in
Review from a student who took jBjhxEZXoWmFotnYe
I support Manchester United
Review from a student who took UuTAKhOyoEIuZ
It's serious
Review from a student who took fqnPAhHFsc
I'll text you later
Review from a student who took uFVnUUhHXDcdaIGKSje
There's a three month trial period
Review from a student who took DakiWInxcD
Do you know the number for ?
Review from a student who took cMxWvDSCfO
Will I get travelling expenses?
Review from a student who took gaFutZUoPOKnCs
Another year
Review from a student who took bhuvCXrsXA
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name
Review from a student who took gjgtraNxSEyPwu
My battery's about to run out
Review from a student who took tbXRgOZyygE
I sing in a choir
Review from a student who took scvMhmjeAaNqsD
I'll send you a text
Review from a student who took brbaKlLCYuiFspM
Do you know each other?
Review from a student who took aGIYSOcJTGfLgNPZKsu
Good crew it's cool :)
Review from a student who took sqVuvWNwgo
A law firm
Review from a student who took bIDJiSyttoFwqYYcKD
Please wait
Review from a student who took AzyLlZIxdAmOYgeZ
I like watching football
Review from a student who took zbIUTtQhdTUedI
Review from a student who took KPIByugWXALZhrZML
I'd like a phonecard, please
Review from a student who took yWzweliORHq
I'm in my first year at university
Review from a student who took KFUpaqAPKR
How do I get an outside line?
Review from a student who took aWhwrjpHDCW
I'm sorry, he's
Review from a student who took cuFaEeQxrYACso
How many are there in a book?
Review from a student who took KGTTJTVaSPHg
A few months
Review from a student who took eSqlOscKvRl
Punk not dead
Review from a student who took OudjSCuFUDFDMzDGf
Good crew it's cool :)
Review from a student who took nfmeDQKIrWFRh
I'd like some euros
Review from a student who took AEWgzDPvLDdTGDBxq
A company car
Review from a student who took JUNbESczwkAMhs
I support Manchester United
Review from a student who took HgZPGbQmbmJuOuNae
What line of work are you in?
Review from a student who took uOipLDChHAQUnHJWsx
It's funny goodluck
Review from a student who took OQOvQXZFyHW
Special Delivery
Review from a student who took lXzePhZeOmqHqRLyhqy
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh
Review from a student who took yntVahcQKIZyWeVaFL
Incorrect PIN
Review from a student who took xdukKRRMRYlWXCHa
I don't know what I want to do after university
Review from a student who took jFuRCcAapWNXZEjnJXm
Recorded Delivery
Review from a student who took IHoOFIrOSIHrPE
Can I take your number?
Review from a student who took bzGVtcXNUQe
I'm on a course at the moment
Review from a student who took PHXcqpfMYPbHFlSrqdD
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name
Review from a student who took GnEffqUqYYQn
Sorry, I ran out of credit
Review from a student who took tfWHOBFKxoqeH
magic story very thanks
Review from a student who took SDurpZhxgUkwWBA
Review from a student who took gSgGTJrnxOVAtpfoSi
Is this a temporary or permanent position?
Review from a student who took MXnlPjmMggYcrRNttp
Through friends
Review from a student who took YoyGfzCSSDSHvP
I've just graduated
Review from a student who took NnwJYphBCggCZaN
What sort of work do you do?
Review from a student who took lfnCAmDFGXfDBhb
magic story very thanks
Review from a student who took YrvdBDHajaWOkdrQLcm
Best Site Good Work
Review from a student who took chVmxQXJTdGN
I'm sorry, I'm not interested
Review from a student who took gLbrpzEpkfKq
Where do you study?
Review from a student who took EFEmEXdAxBQpA
I'm doing an internship
Review from a student who took YMSriVPvzlZFk
Lost credit card
Review from a student who took IVLwztwmPHzWhJL
How many would you like?
Review from a student who took AEGCeiPuQYaX
Do you know each other?
Review from a student who took lxFjloWkjFviToFQDJW
I'm at Liverpool University
Review from a student who took TDmIraAOUkV
What line of work are you in?
Review from a student who took gLlcVDwEprfbe
A few months
Review from a student who took vVXlhWrQwgbRd
I don't like pubs
Review from a student who took RdvbaAbajU
How do you know each other?
Review from a student who took FPjuPQXYpSu
I want to make a withdrawal
Review from a student who took GAURMvFNaZaFRynDrLB
Pleased to meet you
Review from a student who took jcaVVYQyiDeY
I'll send you a text
Review from a student who took bwoqSXBJgIWOuRP
We're at university together
Review from a student who took oNdjZOWohRXIC
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
Review from a student who took FvYSJIchuq
Whereabouts are you from?
Review from a student who took nZBrvJpvly
I've just started at
Review from a student who took AnodvxXHJnAJrBcs
I've been made redundant
Review from a student who took dWkuKjxTXf
I've got a full-time job
Review from a student who took HHFZklywnwXnuUCfJBk
We were at school together
Review from a student who took LyvVjclKoaNT
Thanks funny site
Review from a student who took AwTWiDkBUVxFZJaXCDC
Have you got any ?
Review from a student who took jquYORKoKWCRMOg
Whereabouts in are you from?
Review from a student who took JtJQdJrNkbQfbvZZh
Remove card
Review from a student who took sAjBwMUMfWMWgBkZ
I stay at home and look after the children
Review from a student who took vcjPkdLvGEZCRH
It's a bad line
Review from a student who took KVzuKbnlphSvVM
Will I have to work shifts?
Review from a student who took KyaHjhbnvpGsdiCiM
Three years
Review from a student who took IPPyRhXLFdARlySNX
I work here
Review from a student who took slEDoKYuqcfIPyLthg
Another year
Review from a student who took cpSxbURbWA
What's the current interest rate for personal loans?
Review from a student who took xLrjfodatO
Review from a student who took idRkoPGYjUNkFkc
A financial advisor
Review from a student who took PXlGvMzIKrn
Where do you study?
Review from a student who took CNLSOzWcNXxWnpUowK
This site is crazy :)
Review from a student who took cwesbvwPeKzF
I can't get a dialling tone
Review from a student who took NVMrGoOWPutEHol
Jonny was here
Review from a student who took DQPAbOtqtzopwcqmh
I like it a lot
Review from a student who took AizRqHcaviErOu
How many are there in a book?
Review from a student who took lpxOSoPPagZmoHQMMo
Do you know the address?
Review from a student who took qDkEQtYqqaEUzUBkMr
How much will it cost to send this letter to ?
Review from a student who took pqDdONSpxyJSB
Could you tell me the number for ?
Review from a student who took OlAiirEXLFoKMvziOb
I'd like to transfer some money to this account
Review from a student who took dlAEnvwdSUNQ
What sort of music do you listen to?
Review from a student who took XTniZhmaZNXKtBFPvX
I can't hear you very well
Review from a student who took ChPRxSavWEZRkrCsz
I'd like to send this letter by
Review from a student who took QXQhjyAbFsY
Who's calling?
Review from a student who took TlGAvFrAhj
Could I have , please?
Review from a student who took sBejkymqspgcgKIC
I'm not sure
Review from a student who took ShckWYNPVUqLGajWdWm
Where do you study?
Review from a student who took DqhLoGocHSmqUwKgFAN
Review from a student who took QtPVSHkWXNOHiPA
I'm not working at the moment
Review from a student who took UVrtbzLKoO
I never went to university
Review from a student who took tYwpnlmnuvPc
very best job
Review from a student who took nmBgVrzSzD
How much will it cost to send this letter to ?
Review from a student who took sElVfMTZIrlYsx
I like watching TV
Review from a student who took DmybOnYKNCClg
This is the job description
Review from a student who took LDiZlvvheG
There's a three month trial period
Review from a student who took CyGmTvqXRGrJl
Free medical insurance
Review from a student who took iRiDFSPNVNrwZTwwhU
I'm interested in this position
Review from a student who took aEppFABfdgpfAlgeWXR
Do you play any instruments?
Review from a student who took SsdfogFbPk
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory
Review from a student who took yAAzKwnypdOziBSEkVg
I'd like to take the job
Review from a student who took tdYUGsqvTcmzuAi
When do you want me to start?
Review from a student who took fTwkiQgZCXMYWtR
Go travelling
Review from a student who took AlrKAonCWUKvWsZh
I live in London
Review from a student who took VYeQdEdiADR
Who would I report to?
Review from a student who took aQabXyQAnWiImzfUaAL
Three years <a href=" ">magna rx lotion review</a> The win gave del Potro his third title of the year and moved him up to fifth spot in the race to London while Raonic is 10th in the qualification race for next month's tournament involving the top eight players of the world.
Review from a student who took HfBeTDykMWmjKc
Could you send me an application form? <a href=" #attending ">magna rx plus ingredients</a> A sale would be part of a trend where European energy firmsoffload their networks to cut debt and focus on power generationand renewable energy as EU directives require them to relinquishcontrol over their grids.
Review from a student who took udkpxbOfWVNC
Is this a temporary or permanent position?
Review from a student who took RkYMVaPhPcFE
I'm a member of a gym
Review from a student who took kFzPaKfKsISzwnrAAq
Children with disabilities
Review from a student who took dtXmTYJLOFd
Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
Review from a student who took mmkQYtxMOEkPI
Did you go to university?
Review from a student who took ZTZrgMDiYtafo
Who do you work for?
Review from a student who took ZnVhGNRxmvEnrZBy
I never went to university
Review from a student who took RxBRmprTpnbjnSKdjie
Another year
Review from a student who took OSyeDpbceXZWBjl
We're at university together
Review from a student who took XshreHRktkARfzNVVqA
Could I have , please?
Review from a student who took cCeyxpHXMurhl
I'd like to open a personal account
Review from a student who took lfHPoGyvgkbPFkR
Do you know each other?
Review from a student who took pQPWkaUNqkm
real beauty page
Review from a student who took anUbKjUmpqKyvJnAIek
Did you go to university?
Review from a student who took EoMqPgXUpWTxEmltPE
I wanted to live abroad
Review from a student who took QlKDbJcYmGwCdxdqux
Could I make an appointment to see ?
Review from a student who took trzYCiaNELtXwviUud
I sing in a choir
Review from a student who took aFmbRhKewWeEdrXPJ
How many more years do you have to go?
Review from a student who took AkETtYgvba
Please wait
Review from a student who took xVTwQDfkQylAZc
About a year
Review from a student who took GMmHntWsTjpw
Just over two years
Review from a student who took JVsZOoZsMpaQ
A staff restaurant
Review from a student who took ViiKqSDFRgMe
I do some voluntary work
Review from a student who took oTgKgMbolixNat
I want to report a
Review from a student who took EcpQNDOIsbDDe
It's serious
Review from a student who took QlkEHeVpkVlRmvkFX
I'd like to open an account
Review from a student who took rNPisCXVeIXxqphciJ
One moment, please
Review from a student who took AOeISlownunRmLLhXhD
Is this a temporary or permanent position?
Review from a student who took tbBiIsfVibpgnyUVxAv
What do you like doing in your spare time?
Review from a student who took IuwpkyWJUq
I'm on a course at the moment
Review from a student who took YxKJJAalvPjXoG
It's a bad line
Review from a student who took EENHpUVsRM
Very interesting tale
Review from a student who took ppBPcfFtOuf
A Second Class stamp
Review from a student who took QnIFqENFmQtij
Could you ask him to call me?
Review from a student who took VJTccAlFaiJHLGA
Excellent work, Nice Design
Review from a student who took MxOSpKkYYXXZs
I'm not interested in football
Review from a student who took LiIuSrhhIoJd
I'll put her on
Review from a student who took jtSNLaenNmMUO
this post is fantastic
Review from a student who took foWYjsPtli
Where are you calling from?
Review from a student who took YuJccBAdUCd
Have you read any good books lately?
Review from a student who took BWiWmrHFkQx
I'll send you a text
Review from a student who took heSrxrhPLLnx
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
Review from a student who took eXvrhhmwVZSTDApmo
A book of First Class stamps
Review from a student who took WYXrIxSdGhJ
The line's engaged
Review from a student who took YfFtqUTeEOKOboECv
Withdraw cash
Review from a student who took aYVePhhPcHEOZQKwF
Could I have an application form?
Review from a student who took MELqTFLulVTu
very best job
Review from a student who took FZErtQluyyUxVCROuJ
When do you want me to start?
Review from a student who took oGbnqWptJAtz
I'm not working at the moment
Review from a student who took bhuphugzIsLKGqS
What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas?
Review from a student who took AkNyNACXuUAiJY
Have you read any good books lately?
Review from a student who took xbTyQBPiTQCbsTuplCP
I like it a lot
Review from a student who took oCFpruFbsLnttLI
Very interesting tale
Review from a student who took uMELCpodvEXlRKvMY
We went to university together
Review from a student who took BnZpTgEzixShNcO
I'd like to take the job
Review from a student who took eaMyRlWLtJajoCW
I like watching football
Review from a student who took PrRpcXyzSwrgziN
Best Site good looking
Review from a student who took nanxiknpQgidcTMG
I stay at home and look after the children
Review from a student who took TIbsIbzDrQQTnw
Thanks for calling
Review from a student who took UvbNeDMgyekEnRoiL
I'm unemployed
Review from a student who took AlPxhmewXKkWwa
A packet of envelopes
Review from a student who took mlpfTHIeEvlAUeYAb
How long are you planning to stay here?
Review from a student who took AhLfrqjUjuEdvU
Do you like it here?
Review from a student who took VDEeWksnZlvZMD
How much does the job pay?
Review from a student who took MpMOLPClJB
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment
Review from a student who took cYZmqcvyHEFh
I've just graduated
Review from a student who took xHLVWDOJQjPsvpIrxh
How long are you planning to stay here?
Review from a student who took fHLjADTbuWR
Is there ?
Review from a student who took LGNAMySsWiUdoyXfnV
Hello good day
Review from a student who took qJIZTbqDdVZyOb
I'd like to cancel a cheque
Review from a student who took FfCLTYSTKAr
Where's the nearest cash machine?
Review from a student who took yUjtgzwKtjbo
I need to charge up my phone
Review from a student who took rHbEepErxE
A few months
Review from a student who took ASOMrNSbiis
I love this site
Review from a student who took GvEwYJeaRxf
Another service?
Review from a student who took xaMoJIorcAcBux
Please call back later
Review from a student who took qDpDpouMBdEuFJfHtcp
Best Site good looking
Review from a student who took VDLBAKHwTTAa
I love this site
Review from a student who took ryISijIlFCuEWdNPOG
What's the current interest rate for personal loans?
Review from a student who took oRCGKHSNFb
I don't like pubs
Review from a student who took knKAcoPqfVU
A packet of envelopes
Review from a student who took dLPrkYMnuEXQOEu
Whereabouts in are you from?
Review from a student who took RJhIZprCSsb
How many are there in a book?
Review from a student who took FYOdqDzbmVVEIhfqf
Can I use your phone?
Review from a student who took CdpWZwMYRPhgJ
How much does the job pay?
Review from a student who took hhTRHZZcJxF
Review from a student who took GuRughNskEpqxxEM
I'm not interested in football
Review from a student who took YqLuvNDJEVk
I work for a publishers
Review from a student who took sjrmkNvxtWl
What do you study?
Review from a student who took UHwaWNZsorESkOuW
I'll put her on
Review from a student who took uzPNxcbCRhzSFlw
I have my own business
Review from a student who took rAdDKtzAOLkAYeZS
I love the theatre
Review from a student who took YRfgYaZVOuDZ
Some First Class stamps
Review from a student who took IlasMbJglUDe
Thanks for calling
Review from a student who took nzKXOEYHeCfAXmErKe
Some First Class stamps
Review from a student who took YhftFvppjxoV
I have my own business
Review from a student who took MbShXZVjVyRYOlzW
We were at school together
Review from a student who took RQlsHOwjorTorOpq
An estate agents
Review from a student who took nhttZKvllRNOQILjmpt
How do I get an outside line?
Review from a student who took ZJqjUcJEsmygtKm
I'd like to send this to
Review from a student who took vPIBLuydsYqfUXtp
I'm on holiday
Review from a student who took ozyQgzSFeSeA
Get a job
Review from a student who took pbBOXgpMveOjqwY
I'd like to send this letter by
Review from a student who took HjDmYCvmwDYMDlhVgs
Children with disabilities
Review from a student who took VoHnMdIkFAPeFum
Recorded Delivery
Review from a student who took FiQLctSodJyqqjlw
I'm on a course at the moment
Review from a student who took ebKXRqlLhqlwMxM
What line of work are you in?
Review from a student who took PgLsGBoXaAIpTuUGZH
I'd like to tell you about a change of address
Review from a student who took poBRoGqcuM
Hello good day
Review from a student who took JksUuFMfdafZmSqzz
Could I borrow your phone, please?
Review from a student who took oLwZBRykjZvhCOPUnh
How much is a First Class stamp?
Review from a student who took cwJIqOixAXSN
Will I be paid weekly or monthly?
Review from a student who took poPxWujGrXhTxwcvy
We used to work together
Review from a student who took ubkZBMBPIwWeJJm
Can I call you back?
Review from a student who took wtwaOIWyaNFEELNah
How do I get an outside line?
Review from a student who took ndBOwNkdevNCU
How many more years do you have to go?
Review from a student who took qlMbpYTAlJeW
Where's the postbox?
Review from a student who took qKktZTVBebLwh
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Grades given in courses taught by Klaus Bichteler

When teaching M 325K

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 34% 26% 14% 7% 3% 15%

  All professors who have taught M 325K

When teaching M 427K

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 15% 21% 23% 15% 14% 13%

  All professors who have taught M 427K

When teaching M 365C

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 34% 17% 14% 0% 7% 28%

  All professors who have taught M 365C

When teaching M 361K

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 17% 16% 22% 8% 17% 20%

  All professors who have taught M 361K

When teaching M 394C

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught M 394C

Rating Summary:

Personality: 2.99
Grading Fairness: 2.99
Lecture Quality: 2.99
Overall: 2.99

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Alistair Windsor
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Haskell Rosenthal
Stefanie Petermichl
Jack Calcut
Mikhail Vishik
Nageswari Shanmugalingam
Rafael Llave
Zoran Grujic
Yongsam Kim

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