Professor profile for Dong-ha Min

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Student reviews of Dong-ha Min

Review from a student who took MNS30
He's very passionate in what he teaches and it shows through but the course is hard and confusing like you will barely survive and your GPA will take a hit because the exams are very hard and the quizzes are a pain. He goes a little long during his lectures but this is definitely not an easy A. You're gonna have to put in a lot of work and just studying isn't going to cut it. The class average was very low as well.
Review from a student who took MNS 307
He has poor grammar making his tests difficult to understand. His tests are very difficult and his reviews are not helpful at all. If you don't know the book front and back you will not get an a talks really fast and gives unclear instructions would not take again

Grades given in courses taught by Dong-ha Min

When teaching MNS 191

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught MNS 191

Rating Summary:

Personality: 3.50
Grading Fairness: 1.50
Lecture Quality: 1.00
Overall: 2.00

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