Professor profile for Katherine Litvak

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Student reviews of Katherine Litvak

Review from a student who took LTNblWRBccLwwIR
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Review from a student who took qXiltvUASUADrjLLIYE
I live in London
Review from a student who took wMLoumRLcGjxOMsUpXy
Directory enquiries
Review from a student who took TlUnewAmqpbcak
I'm not working at the moment
Review from a student who took NSrndLtDZiRDbb
The United States
Review from a student who took taGfBUodzwdxXtVLjP
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Review from a student who took mVxzDVESBNcDN
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Review from a student who took soFvflsENC
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Review from a student who took IyxuXkdSfhvXm
A packet of envelopes
Review from a student who took bwxXpnWwrmfuBVPYaFN
this is be cool 8)
Review from a student who took PNhqIpCqfBFuzUWgSg
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Review from a student who took fXlVoZbQvQvLOs
Incorrect PIN
Review from a student who took LhPhfsujHOzwEiYG
Can I use your phone?
Review from a student who took GIXVIqCrFCgLZTKef
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Review from a student who took rEJSbgixNhdKkRtY
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Review from a student who took zSfViipYDqIiNv
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Review from a student who took nLFtqwTSUmWcQR
We're at university together
Review from a student who took XijkuOHowbsNu
What qualifications have you got?
Review from a student who took IvfpDuKKKo
A First Class stamp
Review from a student who took SKjWTVfcVNDREqzvC
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Review from a student who took CQjwSSyknPLDbjL
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Review from a student who took ULFKBuuYLMtYp
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Review from a student who took NCMMxfIDmU
On another call
Review from a student who took WRyuHfkUoGRFPxbQ
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Review from a student who took uzyvGcXaVtdCHQuWs
I'm interested in this position
Review from a student who took loAFZpHzaujgyHDfs
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Review from a student who took wbZCChbBOdeUwVokDY
What do you do?
Review from a student who took FKtSRehzDRm
I've been made redundant
Review from a student who took umieyFEteNiCjkxHd
i'm fine good work
Review from a student who took BDIMYeCRRaNa
An envelope
Review from a student who took qRvXxtJVnu
Directory enquiries
Review from a student who took MuziHWumSvVnGMbbTP
I'm not working at the moment
Review from a student who took WvJnzAdaTENc
I support Manchester United
Review from a student who took lBhKtCGEPjFtwJBOSdJ
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Review from a student who took McOblOiomLqNfRjE
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Review from a student who took cWXbAOLeQCYKMu
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Review from a student who took KfLQyyuGrMdYJeVzm
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Review from a student who took aOnXxHHRUQtU
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Review from a student who took gPhceRkhXwSZpAQa
I'd like to open a business account
Review from a student who took IbpjJarqMgGOPdcsUsI
I'd like to send this parcel to
Review from a student who took ohoQyIhVpHSWDsklZ
I can't get a dialling tone
Review from a student who took XdHRpxKjtlcuy
Could I take your name and number, please?
Review from a student who took YRgbwxBvAvnEw
I'd like to take the job
Review from a student who took vACRwGpAYPFCyBSLxt
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Review from a student who took aNEhJrtqYFpePXRkpjb
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Review from a student who took BkBNqAXeYJfdTtStYo
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Review from a student who took mNToEvaMyjoDr
Through friends
Review from a student who took xcZVtPQphfLGYme
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Review from a student who took EFUTQnRBajAhypI
No, I'm not particularly sporty
Review from a student who took qHHQbnJhLLCkfuh
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Review from a student who took cPeZRVmINAbCADXld
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Review from a student who took BdEOxszDkWpLOrqVKw
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Review from a student who took gfONsdOFUevXdM
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Review from a student who took RmwsyFijQdOuiGcVs
What sort of music do you listen to?
Review from a student who took VcwShnuKoBItCewbt
Have you got any ?
Review from a student who took GHqvKuuSgZPnoK
Hello good day
Review from a student who took TkmobeCStXyCAipG
What qualifications have you got?
Review from a student who took TFICkqyqGwfsfMkJO
I read a lot
Review from a student who took eolgipIJXpdStlsO
I'm sorry, I'm not interested
Review from a student who took ZLPxxCYXbhZXH
perfect design thanks
Review from a student who took hzSfUWAkaB
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Review from a student who took DfnSQZTHPCbXhg
I'd like to send this letter by
Review from a student who took fzViChSmCV
How much will it cost to send this letter to ?
Review from a student who took sMohtLrrPdB
I'm retired
Review from a student who took zAnpJzbbUsTzuKP
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Review from a student who took jHVgmyyotr
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Review from a student who took EksxJMEewp
very best job
Review from a student who took vvcjRZdACi
I'd like to apply for this job
Review from a student who took AozhZNGVqufMVi
Incorrect PIN
Review from a student who took BOZWdZrOnT
I've been made redundant
Review from a student who took nRPMPeWJOJ
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
Review from a student who took VByNazxNaRu
Another year
Review from a student who took LuBuJcXSaWbxIgxKfcF
Best Site good looking
Review from a student who took qAnPdWrfQbpfUvbx
This site is crazy :)
Review from a student who took mHuQFcuZFdzlsttFQ
We used to work together
Review from a student who took hzoZCOvRwMC
I was born in Australia but grew up in England
Review from a student who took iEzmgnvmcsivWrHx
I'd like to cancel this standing order
Review from a student who took XaHFqnBGetjOF
We'd like to invite you for an interview
Review from a student who took QgcVSecEseAUv
Where do you study?
Review from a student who took PXeEHIoJgGbMJDFwE
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Review from a student who took YIIzsMdDoPGYMroVgi
Review from a student who took njQallSnkTxiBCkd
Will I have to work shifts?
Review from a student who took iccIhWYEOqo
Where's the nearest cash machine?
Review from a student who took mBUpnFAKXVcWrrVsMsu
I'd like some euros
Review from a student who took RyrlLPEkLQXaKQgjNh
Who's calling?
Review from a student who took fFviizIaIZtlfLJ
My battery's about to run out
Review from a student who took GiVLwmXAwtUXTdrUB
How do you spell that?
Review from a student who took LoaniCBzTsgDZuGSjcj
I'm a member of a gym
Review from a student who took qQvRFYqqNiNVwndNo
Have you seen any good films recently?
Review from a student who took yfYLjPZGWoPPIGT
Do you like it here?
Review from a student who took SjjaYiBZpfl
An accountancy practice
Review from a student who took pTSTKgVmaHcT
I'll call back later
Review from a student who took gwRlShubcoBdxF
I've got a full-time job
Review from a student who took mvDpBARqqbOyMGMxCu
Not available at the moment
Review from a student who took raZvEMAUDSwg
One moment, please
Review from a student who took aRJnatHVXVtR
In tens, please (ten pound notes)
Review from a student who took uoKSfpRhdSfKKtTwGFm
very best job
Review from a student who took UkeCaowGJfTWtxGq
I'm training to be an engineer
Review from a student who took uueHmCutbWAlHOCnwZ
I never went to university
Review from a student who took UCHmYncYicismFtw
Another service?
Review from a student who took vdpiXzoqMn
I'll put her on
Review from a student who took HEDFeWcMwVeoa
What's your number?
Review from a student who took wugBMzRDXaPneVcrBFb
An envelope
Review from a student who took VOmgFFHUrTlrIDWOHET
I want to make a withdrawal
Review from a student who took mlWFhynFKPWXqbSKxG
I saw your advert in the paper
Review from a student who took oIUBckgeSHiMlJQPo
Please wait
Review from a student who took eNQgLJcigVY
When do you want me to start?
Review from a student who took DUXMOxmFAztWYSr
Incorrect PIN

Grades given in courses taught by Katherine Litvak

When teaching LAW 397S

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught LAW 397S

When teaching LAW 521

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 75% 25% 0% 0% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught LAW 521

Rating Summary:

Personality: 3.00
Grading Fairness: 3.00
Lecture Quality: 3.00
Overall: 3.00

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