Professor profile for Jonathan Highbarger

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Student reviews of Jonathan Highbarger

Review from a student who took MKT372
Mr. Highbarger's class incorrectly titled "Marketing for Entrepreneurs" was a boring, intellectually unchallenging series of classes centered on the many celebrities and CEOs that Highbarger supposedly knows. He taught NOTHING about marketing for entrepreneurs that was even remotely noteworthy. He assigns a business plan for each student to complete. Each person's grade is based mainly on having something to say at every class period. He namedrops ALOT. His stories actually seem fictitious. He boasts about his daughter working at Google almost every class period and oh yeah he used to run a side business that he refuses to answer questions about. He even made a point toward the end of the semester to tell the class that the point of his teaching the class was to make everyone realize that they shouldn't pursue entreprenuership. Wow, it all made sense after he admitted that! I guess the upside was that there were no tests given throughout the semester and it basically is your easy A. So, if you are someone who goes to school with the intention of finding a class that won't teach you anything, then definitely take this one. Otherwise, save yourself the wasted time and money.
Review from a student who took MKT372
Mr. Highbarger's class incorrectly titled "Marketing for Entrepreneurs" was a boring, intellectually unchallenging series of classes centered on the many celebrities and CEOs that Highbarger supposedly knows. He taught NOTHING about marketing for entrepreneurs that was even remotely noteworthy. He assigns a business plan for each student to complete. Each person's grade is based mainly on having something to say at every class period. He namedrops ALOT. His stories actually seem fictitious. He boasts about his daughter working at Google almost every class period and oh yeah he used to run a side business that he refuses to answer questions about. He even made a point toward the end of the semester to tell the class that the point of his teaching the class was to make everyone realize that they shouldn't pursue entreprenuership. Wow, it all made sense after he admitted that! I guess the upside was that there were no tests given throughout the semester and it basically is your easy A. So, if you are someone who goes to school with the intention of finding a class that won't teach you anything, then definitely take this one. Otherwise, save yourself the wasted time and money.

Grades given in courses taught by Jonathan Highbarger

When teaching MKT 372

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 86% 13% 0% 0% 0% 1%

  All professors who have taught MKT 372

Rating Summary:

Personality: 1.00
Grading Fairness: 3.00
Lecture Quality: 1.00
Overall: 1.00

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