Professor profile for Qinghua Zhang

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Student reviews of Qinghua Zhang

Review from a student who took ECO 304K
Don't let the stats fool you, it is not easy to get an A in that class unless you're naturally smart in econ and can decipher her tests, or if the whole class does so horribly that she curves like crazy. Lectures straight from the textbook's site. Doesn't really teach. Pointless project which can be a grade booster if you do it to her liking whatever that may be. If you make an A on final, then you get an A for the semester; however, the final is hard! Just don't take her class and save your GPA.
Review from a student who took econ 304k
This class was extremely easy. All she does is read off ppts that you can download from her site. She gives homework and quizzes that are NOT graded, with 2 midterms and a comprehensive final. I have only taken one other eco course (macroeco) and found this class to be extremely easy. The main drawback for this class is her english, but if you don't go, that's no problem -.-
Review from a student who took eco 304k
Dr. Zhang is a nice person, but a horrible teacher. She seems like she had her heart set on being some sort of researcher but that didn't work out so she became a teacher. You will not learn anything from her lectures. She has quizzes every week, 2 midterms, a final, and an assinine project you have to do. Take someone else.
Review from a student who took eco 304k
this teacher is not a good lecturer at all. i had to go to tutoring to actually learn the material bc she doesnt explain anything very well. all she does is read off slides on the internet, and you dont even need to go to class bc you can print them out online. the pop quizzes are easy but the midterm questions are hard and are made by the TA's that are never even in class. my advice is to take it with someone else who will actually explain the material and not get frustrated when you ask questions.
Review from a student who took ECO304K
This has got to be the easiest class I've taken. Granted you won't learn anything, all you do is read the powerpoint presentations and look through the book. You don't even have to go to class at all.
Review from a student who took ECO 304K
Do not take this professor unless you can study EXTREMELY well on your own! if not you'll get a C or worse, a D or F. NOT an easy A!
Review from a student who took eco
Professor Zhang is nice but she just isn't cut out for teaching. I honestly beleive that I could learn more while sleeping. I seriously do not know why anyone would waste there time going to class except for the quizzes and tests. Her "lectures" consist of reading the powerpoint presentaions from the book website, and answering students questions. The thing is someone will ask her "What is the difference between supply and demand?" and her responce will be something like "yes, we will have a quiz tomorrow." Now maybe I am being a little harsh, granted she seems like a nice person, but unless you want to teach yourself economics take another professor.
Review from a student who took eco 304k
zhang is a really nice professor. she speaks english, but not as well as most of us which probably is the reason why she doesn't seem enthusiastic. read her powerpoint notes, read the chapters and take notes, and frequently visit her website to find out when quizzes and stuff are and you shouldn't have a problem understanding the material.

Grades given in courses taught by Qinghua Zhang

Rating Summary:

Personality: 2.62
Grading Fairness: 3.50
Lecture Quality: 1.25
Overall: 2.12

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