Professor profile for Jason Williamson

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Student reviews of Jason Williamson

Review from a student who took GER507
jason is badass! very nice guy. his classes' grades aren't high because he is too lenient, but rather he is a great instructor and you learn alot from him. my previous instructor was nice and all, but the quality of instruction just wasn't there and i did not learn much. in fact, i was expecting to bomb 507 because, obviously, one would need a foundation in the previous class (506) to succeed in the next. i actually learned alot in 507, though, and am having fun speaking the language. HIGHLY recommended.

Grades given in courses taught by Jason Williamson

When teaching GER 506

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 76% 12% 3% 0% 6% 3%

  All professors who have taught GER 506

Rating Summary:

Personality: 5.00
Grading Fairness: 5.00
Lecture Quality: 5.00
Overall: 5.00

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