Professor profile for Peter Trubowitz

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Student reviews of Peter Trubowitz

Review from a student who took 312
Trubowitz is an amazing professor. His lectures are very well structured and informative, and his tests are moderately difficult, but very simple if you put forth the effort. Unfortunately, that effort requires 400+ pages of reading per exam. His class is also very history-intensive. So if you just came out of HIS 315L and hated it, look for another GOV 312 class like Texas Political History or Supreme Court Cases. Otherwise, have a blast. This guy is great. Oh yeah, he doesn't help you with outlines. That matters to some people. If you know your history well enough though, you really don't need to write down everything he says. His main textbook will tell you everything you need in that case.
Review from a student who took GOV 312
In my opinion: At first, the professor's verbose style seems appealing, until one realizes the complete lack of content or stucture. Taking notes in his class is extremely difficult. Trubowitz's outlines are meaningless as he jumps haphazardly around. And yet it still sounds as though he is giving a speech he has given a million times. Suggestion: go to the co-op, read a page of his book with a haughty voice and excessive gestures and pauses. Now prepare for a semester of this. If you are already in the class, lectures are pretty meaningless, I say read the book extremely well and you should do fine.
Review from a student who took GOV 312L
Trubowitz's 312L class had plenty of highs and lows. Gladly, there were several videos that broke up the week and he gives you a choice of two essays (one early in the semester and one later) to turn in. His reading list was excessive and he asks questions about them on the test, but I was successful just skimming and getting the overall idea. Initially, I enjoyed his lectures, but they began to ramble and got extremely boring. The multiple choice tests were tricky (A and B, all of the above, etc.) but if the class complains enough he'll ease off. Overall, the class wasn't too bad. I recommend his class if you're an engineer that can't write essays (like me). Otherwise, avoid the excessive readings.
Review from a student who took GOV 312l
First up, if you are looking for a class that doesn't take a lot of reading, then stop reading and go look at another professor. This one has around 1400 pages (at least it did for us, I hear it varies by semester). There are 3 tests, 1 paper (choice 1 of 2 topics), and no final. Each one is a quarter of your grade, the tests are multiple choice and matching. If you PAY ATTENTION to the lectures, then they take 20-30 minutes, as he spells out what will be on the test. If you don't, good luck passing. His lecture style is entertaining, and decently informative. He sometimes expects a bit more comprehension of the material then is typical of a survey class, but between the lectures and the reading (most of which is well selected). The tests are very doable.
Review from a student who took gov 312l
If you are thinking about this class, here's a little note: There are over 1200 pages of reading to do. I find his lectures amusing because he's so animated. However, that doesn't say much about their quality. Most of the time, the lectures aren't very different from the readings. There are 3 tests, an essay, but no final. The tests are multiple choice and matching, but be warned...that doesn't make them easy! However, if you take a survey at the beginning of the class, that's worth 4 points added to your final grade. So...take this class at your own risk.
Review from a student who took 312L
Trubowitz is a really nice guy and his lectures are at least entertaining. There is a tremendous amount of reading and much of the time it is unclear what you are really expected to know from the reading. On top of that, the tests are not hard, but incredibly tricky. There are many answer choices: a&b, all of the above, etc. If you truly want to learn, take this class. If you truly want an A, take something else.
Review from a student who took GOV 360N
I really enjoyed this class. It was a class that I didn't want to miss. Trubowitz is a very entertaining lecturer and you learn so much about American foreign policy. It also gives you a greater understanding of current politics. There was a lot of reading, but you can do it at your own pace. There are no pop quizzes or anything, so the only deadline is by the test. The test are all multiple choice. Some people may think they are tricky, but if you go to class and do the reading you will get an A.

Grades given in courses taught by Peter Trubowitz

When teaching GOV 312L

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 16% 39% 31% 6% 4% 4%

  All professors who have taught GOV 312L

When teaching FS 301

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 48% 44% 7% 0% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught FS 301

When teaching GOV 388L

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 76% 24% 0% 0% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught GOV 388L

When teaching GOV 360N

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 25% 34% 28% 3% 3% 6%

  All professors who have taught GOV 360N

When teaching GOV 310L

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 18% 29% 30% 11% 7% 5%

  All professors who have taught GOV 310L

When teaching GOV 379S

grade: a b c d f drops
percentage: 73% 27% 0% 0% 0% 0%

  All professors who have taught GOV 379S